HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-22, Page 20n"•.. �•° A,. .d NA. �'�' ry�,e r , 4,� "�'. n61 .v:s ;�•. .+k .. _N w ..., H, ... ... .. - ,., r " ff?. I 1 a 0 Tt3F, 4,t#4'1* 22, 7 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale I -i Propert% for Sate 24 Cara of Thanks "; Ili Menl-orianl 28 [)eatlls 28. Deaths 28 Deaths We would, like fo., thank our BA13lii5: to loving menitary of Hein,lauck Funeral. Heanie, John .Hay and• Thoruas Hayof , HiRh Street, Seaforth- j C 1? c t Vice Cit mittal Service wars held .: family, re atyes. friends and a•dear uncle QerryarryrfiotraifQrd, on Prtdag, Ju y ro>xiarcy r;Kl Fa soy .. Sri ��... r. neighbours. ►t•ho h6lpt d us to > passed uw'ay July 40. 19'3`. Interment was,' in :A.vctndat� was held ill Johannesburg on gat St, ;lames Ronan Cethalie = 5 744 ► celekrate our, ,.., h weildinS kiowever lt3n ctur livor .nr?xy Cemetery. F:xpr.essi.ons def ''W'.edt►esdav,. July iS, ,198i, Cemetery. Sea#a=ch'sli l l WORKMAN SE.... Iw<Ti3 4k�11!G' _ . lI svm, ,a:thy may tic madex 211 15 a:srt, lllrsday July 22Jadteriloiat 27iD�l45 anntiYersty, Chaik, 'au f: ,; ' last. ' 28 f5 1d tit �1 li . dt ria"%Q.ds to•. tlt9 } S#7.f,. u i i a tfts.4n wh � eiierr lend w• :mew,, T, 4$ �,� he>lze4 t €ix,o.1N�&, � �>; 9`, aw7r"1: : • M :.. a fat art 1Ji rice As etc• QRE Ei9 twilit Sr" w atyd befit �tisites. WI13tcv9F lug! , br: tipf .tiw , .tri f.: •.. f1 k ( fta, nrs & 1; i0'R SO'Rl REAL ESTATE LTD.Swvb li( W—my 34.ra Zll7 Tiley were gr :alit' alxPxeelpt=. c.irrs, atf aih ntally Re Frank J., 0`Rpurkc of R.R, 4 FritJM WI 4M. r ed o1 tli'c {} tnrto Heats Seafuith,: tiassed away. du Y Francis (Frank} Q 11611y, E TOi� 4 CE, 482 dS5 ed.. $peeial•;;thanks rte those•• We will alwaYS, think of Your to d: 1 8 at 5i. Michael'$ _,_. �. , ,.. . , M whoarran ed'evetvvthing,4nd. Loved anti reinembercd by Foundation. 20, 9 .1. at S!ietpria Hospital passed away . . $ TO on'Sunday mom..,... n EA O Oi 1~iCE $27�Oi30:' ,1►GW E 3 lledroom Home on S,pu„lipg Street4 all those who ht'(ped in Any nieces and nephews. 25-,15 1 JOSEPH MCJRI?H'y in' Lando in his 7atdi. year. Hospital � - and economical as heat- LL-�T Frank O'Rourke, beloved July 1.9th., 198.1. Brother of Mf On Ctitirch Street, this 3 bedroom with' aluminum siding 8 . way. •'•- Laurence •& Mariorie• „ Vi -L, Y _ At StratfordGeneral Hospi• husband of Lucy Latulippe Helen. Mrs. Paul Borg, is well insulatedttiew,gas furnAce and much 537;900..00 Ryan- 24-15-1 tai on Wednesday. Jul 15, more for only $28,90Q<00 5877. $49,500.00 - I Floor Duplex, Aluminum sided, both 2(a Personal Y and dear father of Mrs. Maty Margaret, Mrs. Ed. Martin. 1981, Joseph Murphy. Eg- Frances Whisnant of and Jim. Rested at R. S. Bort 78 JOHN STREET, 1'/2 Storey Frame House, 4 sides rented. 5752 I wish to thank my relatives mondville, beloved husband Michigan and °Robert of Funeral tfoin 4? High bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, pantry storage area, new HE;ffAGE HUM • very elaborate 'home on and friends who remembered Mr . and Mrs Garnet Mc Commit - built -in cupboards 5818. Sparling Street, completely restored to original with of Ellen Connell, in his 41 st me with cards, treats and Ctinchey are pleased to an. Windsor. Dear brother of Street, Seaforth. A Commu- p, ilt-in cupboards, R CEDAR Siding home, Excellent many modem conveniences. PLUS extra lot, visits while 1 was a patient in nounce the marriage of their near. Also survivins are his Anna Donnelly, Andrew and tal Service was held at St. man .calves on many 0,00 5541. hospital and since returning granddaughter Elizabeth father' John A. Murphy of Joseph, ail of Michigan. James Roman Catholic Cem- 'condition, 3 bedrooms, many, Y Seaforth and a brother Wil Goderich Street. 5862. CE 17RE STREETr I'h Storey Frame Rome on a home. Special thanks to Dr. Ann, daughter of the late Predeceased by sisters etery. Seaforth 9 Wednes- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for a small investment trice shady lot $33,000.00, or offers. Sales, Dr. Wilson and the Betty D. Scott to David item of: R.R. 4. Seaforth, Agnes, Florence, Mary and day. Juiy'22nd, 1981 at 11:30 EGMONDVILLE 3 Lots with 2 bedroom Name and nurses on the fourth floor of Rested at the Whitney Ribey one brother, Albert. Also a.m. 28-15-f this thriving hair styling shop is now available with small baric, fiver frontage under $40,000.00- Michael Richardson son of Funeral Home. 8? Goderich survived by 13 grandchildren an the equipment. g St. Josephs Hospital London. Mr. Carl Richardson of R.R. 1i00 �� �. BUNGALOW with large fa roily•room, .1'h STOREY Aluminum sided, very modern. Thanks to Rev . Swan for his Street West, Seaforth after 2 , and 10 great grandchildren. 1, Brucefield and Mrs. Karen m_ Friday. Funeral mass Friends may call at the fireplace, woad stove, 3 bedrooms. no basement, finished family room and 2 bathrooms, 5865. visits. Everyone's thoughtful Richardson of Queen St. P Y 2-1 Births $49,900.00 TWO STOREY EXECUTIVE Tastefully decorated ness is much appreciated. — Hensall. The wedding will was held at St. James Roman Whitney Ribey Funeral JARM STREET. Built on 3 lots this 3 bedroom split and landscaped, wood and oil furnace, fireplace, Stewart Humphries 24.15x1 Catholic Church, Saturday Home, 87 Goderich,,S W., McGRATH:Larry and Dianne Y double garage, a very impressive 4 year old home. take place at the First Presl+. at 10:30 a.m. with Reverend Seaforth, until Friday, at has 24' x 40' workshop, attached garage and man 000.00 We wish to express aur byterian Church, Seaforth J C. Caruana officiating. (nee Butt) are pleased to more extras 595,000.00 or offers. 5?8, August IS at ?:00 m. g 11:30 a.m. when Requiem EGMONDVMLE - 3 YEAR OLD BRICK and DUBLIN Nice 3 bedroom home on Main Street, full y thanks to all our relatives, g p' interment St. James Cemet Mass will be held at St. announce the safe arrival of Aluminum Split, fireplace. heat pump central renovated and garage, 534,800.00 with 103/4% friends and neighbours for followed by an open recep• cry. Rosary Prayers,were at Culurnban Church. Inter- their daughter Laura Dianne tion at the Seaforth Legion at merit St. Co{umban Y vacuum and many mote extras $69.500.00. mortgage. making our. wedding day, the funeral home, Friday at Jul 21st at Seaforth Com g July 11. 1981, such a memor 9.00 P.M. 26-15x1 g:30p.m- 28-15.1 Cemetery. Father P.A. munity Hospital weighing 8 �D NEW - BRICK 3 BEDROOM with garage, 172 JAR IS STREET` 3 bedroom Bungalow, finished lbs. 13 ozs. A sister for full basement and economical gas heat, located on rec, room with bar and franklin fireplace, Excellent able occasion. For all the Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Ver- Oostveen officiating, Rosary iarvis Street $55.000.00 condition 550,000. 5895. beautiful wedding gifts, an Berne are leased to an MRS. HAZEL WATSON prayers at the funeral home Andrea. Proud grandparents FRAME BUNGALOWr New aluminum siding, new P ar and�I M1ch el VILLAGE OF WALTON, 1'h Storey- house, 3 the wonderful thoughts and nounce the forthcoming . Mrs. Hazel Watson;(.�r`rtee�x,_._'I�turaday__e_vsnuag-_-at.-•8:.30-.----�-- Dorothy ' windows, 3 bedrooms, oil heating. breakfast bar and bedrooms, lot size 66' x 100', house in good wishes will always ire re- marriage of 'their daughter, Hazel Hay daughter of Mr. p.m. 28-15-1 McGrath and Mrs new cupboards in Kitchen N8827. condition inside. $15,000.00 N8907. membered. Special thanks to Rita to Pat Flanagan, son of and Mrs. Duncan Hay of Butt all of Egmondville. WALTON, 1'/r STOREY FRAME, new siding, Rev. James Broadfoot and • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Flana- :KiPPen) ' in Johannesburg. MRS. JOE iMILREj SiLLS 2? 15xi house has been completely remodelled, large cedar COUNTRY PROPERTIES Mrs. Broadfoot, Mrs. Miller garr. The wedding will 'take South Afric a on Saturday Passed away at St. Joseph's USE deck, new roof, N8807. 6 ACRES 11A STOREY VINYL SIDED HOUSE has and her girls for the wonder- place on July 25th, St. Cal- July 11. 1981. Wife of Mr. Hospital Baltimore, Md., on V LAM COMICIAL BUILDING ON Main many renovations. Must be seen. 58857. ful dinner and to the two umban Church at 2 p.m. Jaynes Watson of Johannes- Friday July 17th, 1981, Mrs. ^b Street, with good income. 5►h Are 8 Room Bricfc Veneer Bungalow, couples from Goderich Town- 26.15 1 burg. Sister of Mrs. Violet Joe iMilre) Sills of Balti- EXPOSITOR 89 HIGH STREET, 1'/s Storey Brick good condition, excellent condition, barn for 50 Sows,. 28' x 96' on shipThankyou. — Wayne and CampPredof Kingston, Ont- more, ' Maryland. Dear ship for the lovely Punch. Cam bell Front and rear porch, 3 bedrooms, Small Barn nice paved road, 3 mile's frolhi Seaforth FS840. Julie you. y2e an R . 4 Seaforth 'Are,. eris Agnes ceased by 2 silt- Mother of.Joseph. Jr. by .,I yard, S36,S00 00 S898 WQVTHROP Beautiful 2 store brick, 3 bedroom Thomson of Kip= Baltimore, also survived is A�T I�QJ 103 MARKET STREET, 3 bedroom, Brick and bine on a treed 'h acre lot, 10'/.% mortgage to announce the forthcoming pen and Mary' McDonald of two grandsons. Rested at R. Aluminum Bungalow, Built in 1979, lots of attractive .,available. 554,400.00 or offers. My sincere thanks to the marriage of their daughter Stratford and two brothers S. Box Funeral Home, 47 Phone 527-Q24Q cupboards . s49,S00.00 9871. HARPURi EY 5 Years Old, Two storey brick neighbours and friends for Lynn to Mr. Tom Burke son 48 EAST WILLIAM STREET, 1 Floor Home with featuring 4 bedgooms, main floor family room, the lovely cards, visits and of Mrs. Rose Burke. The runny renovations. Small barn, 535,000.00 - S904' fireplace, double garage and much more $90,000.00 phone calls to inquire about wedding ceremony will take " ` ^ OPEN TO OFFERS -Two Storey Home on Large lot, or reasonable offer. me. Also thanks for. the calls place Aug. 1, 1981 at 3:00 p. x `` Egmondville, 4 bedrooms, family room 11',& 13'. COUNTRY PROPERTY 10 Acres, 1'/2 Storey Stone to the house that people m. at St. Columban R, ,C. ' GODERICH STREET 1'/a Storey Aluminum sided, execllenf condition. A MUST TQ' SEE` made. Sincere thanks to a Church. 26-15x1 Jimily room, extensively remodelled, front porch N8820, nurse at the clinic who - and new cement deck on side porch 544,500.00 5 ACRES- SEAFORTH - Implement Shed, Barn and assisted the. Special thanks 5889; house, full basement. S60,0W,00 N8856. to the Maloney family for the 28 Deaths a, 14.15-1 E lovely gift. Thanks to Dr. Malkus and the nurses for HAUGH 19 Notice 19 Notice • .+ • • • : + + • • • + • . • • • SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Fast Hensall efficient service. Write or R . V . ; call. Harvey Dale, Seaforth, Livestock Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Edward Dearing, late of the , Seaforth 527-0281. 19-12-tf Sales Township of Hibbert in the SALES EVERY _ THURSDAY 22nd day of February, 1981, AT IAO. P.M. Abattoir and Meat Market am of Rvestaefi AFCONSIGNMENTS ftwy. Moi/i miles east of VITEYOUR Exeter For reliable service at o before the 13th day of Greg Hargreaves 235-1123 262,2619, Hensall date the assets will be Doug Caruthers, Try us for 237-3734, Dashwood CUSTOM KILLING ST Victor°H*Waves and 482.7511, Clinton PROCESSING Barry Miller • *Kill days - Tuesdays*, 236-2717, Exeter Our specialty -Home cured and"" ' - and smoked meats 229x6205 Klrkon Processed exactly the way 19-12 tf you like it, 19 -12 -if Casa,%t Van, Bakel S Electrical, and Plumbing RESIDENTIAL AND .FARM R.R. 2, WORTH Phone 52-7- 1559 "` 14-12-tf TRITOWN. - BOOKKEEPING AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business ser vice, Sales Purchase and Disbursement Journals, Accounts Receiveable, Payable, 'Payroll, Finan- ,cial Statements. Also•time sharing and In-house terminals available. Also farm and individual ser- vice. LAW RENCE BEANE 52 Hrtrm St., Cilitton PHONE 482.3524 19-12-tf 20 Auction Sales - being so kind and thanks to MRS. MARY M. , At her residence on Sunday, 20 Auction Sales the very kind kitchen staff. y ..Mary Lupul_'._r24J15x1 July 19th. 19$!. Mrs.Mary ' X-�'6 , Margaret (McNaughton) "."` 'AUCTION SALE Thursday Evening July 30 at 6u3O p.m. for Mrs. Viola Taylor 52 Cromble St. Seaforth. Ontarlo SALE INCLUDES: Axes,adzes,picks, shovels, forks, hoes, rakes, wooden- planes, mallets, clamps, chisels, saws, hammers, all kinds of hand tools. ALSO: Homemade band saw and In"; grain cradled power lathe and muter, chain saw, corn shelter, snow blaiver, cook stove, wall telephone, cribbage table, chairs, tables, cupboards, picnic table, Efiason Motor toboggan and more. AUCTIONEER TOM PAPPLE m Seaforth 52`7-0514 527.0940 20.15-1 22 Legal Notices 20 Auction dales__ NOTICE TOCRlEDMRS We extend our sincere thanks_ to relatives, neigh- bours and friends for 'the many kindnesses. and cards sent to our mother, Mrs. Elsie Carlile during her recent illness. Elaine and Glen Weida, Bill and Bob Carlile. 24-15-1, I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to . the nurses and staff of Seaforth and Stratford Hospitals. Also to Doctors Malkus and Quin- lan and to all who visited me, sent cards, gifts and food and helped in anyway during my illness. — Doris Carnochan. 24-15-1 We would like to express our Haugh of R.R. I, Brucefield, in her 82nd year. Widow of the late Wallace Haugh (1957). Dear mother of Allan and Suane (Mrs. Barry Lin- den) both of Brucefield, Neil of R.R. 5. Clinton and Ann of Moline, Illinois. Dear sister of Jim, Seafgrth, Bob. Tor- onto. Webster, New Ham- burg, Ann (Mrs. Clarence Smillie) of Hensall and Tena McNaughton of Clinton. Also, survived by .three grandchildren, Cameron. Donna Lynn and Robert. Funeral services for the late Mrs. Haugh were held in Brucefield United Church on Wednesday. July 22 at 2:30 p.m. with Reverend Robert McMullen officiating. Inter- --- - thanks for all the help we merit in Baird's Cemetery. ,„ — P !!b a ers were Howard ' �1W ', t Richard Lobb Auctioneer AUCTION_ CALENDAR �C"alnton 482.78" SAT. AUG. 15 - Antique trtictors, old engines, etc. for Bob Brindley, R.R. 6, Goderich. WED., AUG. t99 6 P.M, Antique furnitu�r_,p�, at Lobb's Bain, far•*`e);1e� Willis Church Manse. 2f)-15-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Esta* tit John W. Hoalecher All persons having claims against the Estate of John W. Hoelscher fate of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 22nd day of April, 1981, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th"day of August, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only -to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario 22 Legal Notices in the Estale of Cba&s • .+ • • • : + + • • • + • . • • • Edward Dearli tg DD �'` All persons having 'claims R . V . ; against the estate.,of Charles • (` L . Edward Dearing, late of the , V e t h ke * Township of Hibbert in the GENERAL 0 'County of . Perth, farmer, deceased, who died on the + A17S'r1t►NFFR + • Serving -Perth and Huron : 22nd day of February, 1981, are hereby notified to send in • Counties with many years + full particulars of their claim's • • of experience. • to the undersigned on or For reliable service at o before the 13th day of • reasonable rates. • August, 1981, after which Call 347-2465 Collect • date the assets will be SAT., AUGUST 15 1+urni- • distributed having regard tune, household effects, only to claims then received. and contents of the stove • Dated at Seaforth, Ontario • lour. To be held 33/+ • this 14th day of July. 1981. miles south of Mitchell on : �O�w'+ STEWAIRT R • Highway 23 .for Len � DEVEREAUX Bridger. 20-15-1 • S"forth, Ontario + • + • • , + • • .. • • • + Selkltors for the Executors22- t Richard Lobb Auctioneer AUCTION_ CALENDAR �C"alnton 482.78" SAT. AUG. 15 - Antique trtictors, old engines, etc. for Bob Brindley, R.R. 6, Goderich. WED., AUG. t99 6 P.M, Antique furnitu�r_,p�, at Lobb's Bain, far•*`e);1e� Willis Church Manse. 2f)-15-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Esta* tit John W. Hoalecher All persons having claims against the Estate of John W. Hoelscher fate of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 22nd day of April, 1981, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th"day of August, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only -to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario 22 Legal Notices received in taking ,in our hay, Thanks to those who so a e r Allen, Bill Hess, David Me- • e r r ; �� ems.. ' 7 generously donated their g y Intosh, Roger Haugh, Roger M. _ _. ; ' time to cut, bale. and put it in Allen, and Bob McNaughton. g 71 ] r'!'Mi aiM*ilri tlli�:' '�l1� INS 15th day of July, 1981 the barn and also to those Donations to the charityof i r tlsr11i�11ritNktD McCONNFLL, STEWART R who brought their equip- our choice would be. a re Y PP - DEVEREAUXciated. merit. We will never forge t '* Setderih, Ontario the kindness of so many. — WILLIAM JAMES DENNIS So&ftzs for the Executor Matt Haney, Lloyd and William James Denni, 22-15-3 Gladys Haney. 24-15-1 died suddenly in Stratford —� General Hospital. July 15. 25 In Memoriam 1981, in his 4th year. Mr. r '" ° Dennis was a long-time Mc _ ' " BA RRYi in loving memory of Killop farmer who retired 15 a dear brother Gerry Barry years ago to Stratford to five who passed away Ji,ly 20, at 30 Gordon Street. Mr. TREE -TRIMMING -- As a feasible alternative to cutting down an old -1973. Dennis was active in the tree, Lloyd Rowat, Church St., had the tree on his front lawn trimmed of He had a kindly word for Seaforth community. and excess branches. (Photo by Rimmer) each. was a member of the Hospit- His charming ways and smil- at board. He was chairman of trig face the building committee for ! Holland Arc a pleasure to recall the new hospital. Surviving And died beloved byall,. t,him is his wfi, thefformer Kip people i.n Loved and remembered by Isobel Brown. daughters. Mrs. Keith Correspondent Mrs. Steve Pine and iaiild- Wroxeter visited relatives in Tom and Carol, Dorothy and (Mary) Tolton, R.R. 4 Strat. ten holidaying Brian. Don and Gayle, Dean- ren are McBridein with Mrs, the area. ria and Vince. Jim and Yvon- ford. and Mrs, Helmut 262.5935 Grace cl3riMr. and Mrs. Harold ne. 25-15-1 (Geraldine) Gaertner, Mr. and Mts. Adrian Caldwell entertained neigh- [ London. Also surviving is his Timmerm d are visiting re- Steve Pine attegde"d" the bours, friends and relatives stepson. Joe Brown. Kitch- tat{ves in Holland. funeral of Stewart Baird last to dinner on July 19 following BARRYi In loving memory of ever. and stepidaughters, Don Bell, Halifax N -S. week. the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. a dear son Gerry who died Mrs. W a y n e (fi e rn i c e) visited relatives in the area Mrs. Johanna Kaake, Jamie Caldwell, July 20, 1973. Schultz, Stratford, and Mrs. recently. Sadly missed along life's Rob Roy (Anna) Gray. Cal Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pine w ..� Vic sa,c tv _ way, , , ._....... .. _ _ ar me Three brothers, Elr 1st, 1981. Quietly remembered every and Lorne, both of $caforth, and family, Brampton visited with Mrs, Grace McBride The highest or any tender, day. and Cameron, North Bay, DAIRY ��` necessarily accepted. No longer in our lives to and two sisters, Mrs. Stanle last weekend. H SYSTKlVI LTD - not Y McCO))iIaTEII„ share, Congratulations to Mr. (Jessie) Hillen, and Miss and Mrs, Jamie Kyle Cald- Sales, Service 8 installation of S rEWART4r But in our hearts you are Ethel Dennis, Seaforth, also well who were married Sat. DEVEREAUX always there. survive him. He is also • Box 270 Always remembered and- survived " granddaughters July 18 in Egmondville pipehneS Church, Seafarth, Ontario sadly missed. Moth and Dad. Sherri"and Melanie, London, Mrs. 'divan Q per is I1�1�iC111� parlours 22-14-3 25-15.1 Four step -grandchildren and visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gary C"" three' great-grandchildren. Cooper attd family in Detroit. fie is predeceased by first Gary met with an ar cadent USE EXPOSITOR wife, Beatrice (Edgar), two while working and is hog. 887 �. � WALTON � WANT-ADS brothers and one sister. The pitalizcd. �• i funeral service was at the a. k Y