HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-15, Page 24A TWINE
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We'll give you $8,306 off the list price of a new International
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SIAFORM 5214120
"FIAGE SuPPiAMENT, Jay 154 1981,
. , :" • ‘)' .
Tr f SUPPMMENt )01,Y ft 1
needs careful attention Eric Anderson finds )they increase yield
I •
Some dairymen have over-
come-the problems of pas-
ture feeding by switching te
year round stored feeding
programs. However, if you
are using pasture for the
milking herd it will require
careful attention to the entire
feeding program to support
good production.
Early pasture growth is
high in quality. but declines
rapidly. Within a-month. the
dry matter of spring grasiet
can drop iron, 08% TDN and
Farming today do lands
efficienc% This cdnti
wveerk more acres per hour
and obtaining higher yields
per acre. Farmers today are
:sing more and more
automation to reduce labour
.osts, buying inputs wisely to
maximize return on invest-
ments and using new
management techniques to
help efficiency... One method
for increased efficiency for
forage production would' be
the use of custom applied
15% protein, to 50% TDN
and 7% protein. In addition,
pas•ure quality can change
drastically from one field to
another depending on the
type and amount of grasses
from one field to an. tiler
depending on the type and
amount of grasses and le•
slimes present. and the
maturity of the stand. It is
this variability which creates
most of the difficulties of
pasture feeding programs.
Dairymen must react to
fluid fertilizer.
A good forage crop
removes a considerable
amount of nutrients from the
soil. With forage crops, only
the roots remain in the field:
unlike a cash grain crop
where much of the plant is
returned to the soil. Because
of the high nutrient removal,
a well balanced fertility
program .is essential. Soil
analysis and type of forage
crop help determine the
crop's requirements..
changes in pasture quality
before production. slumps
occur. Even short-term, in-
adequate feeding practices
have a major long term effect
on the productior at individ-
ual' cows:
The grain mix which com-
plements your pasture feed-
ing program, will depend on
the quality of pasture avail • -
able. In May and June. a mix
containing ,• 14% protein
should be" adequate. but
'during surnmiir and fall a
A • proper fertilizer
oroxtram on forage crops can
considerably affect the yield
and quality. Not only can
yields be increased
-"Significantly, but even more
law-tent, the amount of,
total digestible nutrients and
crude protein can be
increased dramatically. With
soybean meal being quite
costly as a necessary protein
supplement. it is easy to see,
Where considerable savings
can be made by, the added
Early maturing type
variety that features_
strong vigorous growth
and resists lodging High
level of resistance to
bacterial wilt. Resists
leaf-hopper and common
leaf spot
grain mix of at least 16%
protein is required. If only
one grain mix is to be fed
throughout the pasture sea-
son. It is best to overfeed
protein in the early stages.
In view of the high cost of
protein supplements, many
dairymen could benefit by
gradually increasing the pro-
tein level 01 the grain mix
during. mid'-June.
Providing a commercial
1.:1 mineral and trace miner-
alized salt on' a free choice
basis will help assure that
mineral requirements are
met for low producing cows.
A common problem with
cows on lush pasture is the
change in appetit e. To con-
sume the dry matter of 30
lbs. (13.5 kb) of hay, a cow
rite), have to eat up to 200 lbs.
of 90 kg of lush pasture,
causing even high producing
cows to fill up, and so'refuse
grain. This problem can be
minimized by changing over
to pasture gradually, allow=
fertilizers can help today's
forage producers realiie
maximum potential from
their forage crops, resulting
in higher . net profits.
Written by Larry Shapton
Sales Manager,
Hensall Dist, Co-Op
lassified Ad., pay di'. idends
ing' only a few hours of
grazing in the early part of
the year. The cows will fill up
in a short time, but will
digest this, and be ready for
grain and other dry feeds at
milking time.
Because of the low fibre,
content, lush pasture often
causes a severe drop in
butterfat test. To avoid this,
make dry hay available in a
free choice hay feeder. If
each cow does not consume
at least 5 lbs of hay per day,
it may be necessary to keep.
them in the barn longer for
hay feeding.
During the summer and
fall, the quality and quantity
of pasture available is often
inadequate to support nor-
mal leves of milk production.
When- pastures decline, be
prepared to supplement
them from stored feed with
hay, haylage pr corn silage
and adjust the grain mix to
balance With- these feeds.
Ontario trials %kith pastured
beef cattle have shown year
after year, that average
daily gain decreases drasti-
cally after mid-August.' 1st
most cases, use of some
supplementary stored feeds
is critical in the fall if
production slumps are to be
Dennis Martin, Associate
AgLicyltural Representative.
is in
Micronutrients in soil are
new in fertilizers. Until the
tase15 years fertilizers were
mixtures of three basic ele-
ments: nitrogen,
rous and posassium (potash).
Testing and experimenting
by industry has resulted in
the development of fertilizers
that contain the trace ele-
ments essential for plants in
to use in their growth cycle.
Some of the- testing for
these additions to fertilizers
has been done in the Lond-
esboro area. Eric Anderson
was one of the farmers to
open his land to the testing
done by the firm Nutrite five
years ago. His neighbour
Don Buchanan who is the
agent for the firm, was on.
hand to watch the application
and see the results.
The first fields involved
white bean and for three
consecutive years both soil
and leaves of the crops were
The tests proved yield was
up and maintained. This
evidence was accepted by the
Ontario Ministry of Agricul-
ture and Food (OMAF) and is"
listed in the 1981 field crop
recommendations booklet
put out by OMAF
The land was carefully
plotted out with stakes. Re-
girls at
U of G
More than 200 4-H
Homemaking Club members
from ell over Ontario-spent
from June 23rd to June 26th
at the University of Guelph
attending Provincial Confer-
ence. Huron County was
fortunate to be allowed seven
members to attend.
Gwen Dickson, Belmore
Club; Connie Evans, Club 3
Club; Kathleen Foran, Don-
nyllrook Club; Anita Hamrn,
Blyth" 2 Club; Donna Prout,
Hurondale VI Club; Ruth
Ryan. Seaforth II Club; Rose
Van Loon, Seaforth II Club
were our delegates. They
have been involved at the
Conference whose theme
was "Dimensions '81 -. De-
stination....Life." There
were interest sessions,
speakers, ditcussion groups
and a banquet with guest
Speaker 'The Hon. LOepe.
Henderson, Minister of
Agriculture and Food..
The members attending
would no doubt broaden
experiences, by meeting with
club members from across
the province and we're glad
they were able to represent
Huron County.
Jane Muegge,
Home Economist.
the fertilizer without micro-
When Mr. Anderson
planted the beans along with
his own and the crop was
treated the same as the rest.
Al harvest representatives
again came to the Anderson
farm and from the marked pit
farm and from the marked
plot hand harvested the crop
taking plant and all for
testing of plant quality and to
accurately measure the yield.
According to Mr. Ander-
son the firm has taken both
leaf and soil samples, since
the .first testing five 'years
Leaf testing is taken in
Mid-July and soil testing on
the corn crop is left till the
end of October.
Mr. iknderson is notified
of the tatifigind copies of
the results arn-alsciont to
him from the company labs.,
The idea of adding trace
elements to the.soil began 10
or 12 years ago, according to
Mr.Buchanan , in Tobermory
by Jack Reed. Mr. Reed
worked with an .American
surviving drought condit-
Managanese is also invol-
ved with the iron and zinc in
the chlorophyll process as
well as respiration in the
For alfalfa. boron is impor-
tant,. It is needed 'for trans-
location of sugars and for
plant development during
flowering and fruiting stag-
es. Itia considered by biolog-
ists as essentialto the quality
of alfalfa, tree, fruits and
root crops.
Both copper and molyb-
denum are important to plant
growth too but not in as
great a quantity as the first
four elements.
Copper activates' enzymes
which aid in the formation of
proteins and vitamins. It is
often deficient in muck or
light sandy soils. Molybde-
num is used for nitrogen
metabolism in all plants and
for nitrogen fixation by le-
gumes. It also helps the
plants' ability to, breakdown
iron. It' too is often deficient
in muck soils.
Mr. Buchanan noted that
over two-thirds of his custo-'
mers are now using the
fertilizer with the addition of
the micronutrients. "There
is, a "90 to 95 percent differ-
ence that you-, can see in the
crop" said Mr. Buchanan.
Differences in crops also
include beans and corn being
two to three points drier in
some cases with an increased
Mr. Buchanan explained
in one instance a farmer had
the article that stalks can be
,ensiled if harvested immed-
iately after the corn is com-
bined. However, they must
contain enough moisture: to
ensure fernientation,
a poor crop in a front field
and tests proved the land
was rich but that th,e crops
were unable to get the food
from the soil.
Mr. Buchanan said that
after an application of the
fertilizer with the addition of
the. micro nutrients the crop
was remarkable.
"The trace minerals help
the plant get the food from
the soil." said Mr. Buchanan
Mr. Anderson has noted
' the difference in his crops.
As well as yields being up he
finds his crops are ripening
The additions to the ferti-
lizer are more costly but
according to Mr. Buchanan
the costs average out to
approximately 50 cents more
per acre.
OMAF has recommended
that since fertilizers contain
ing the micronutrients are
more toxic than those e
'out maximum safe rates
should be reduced. Boron is
particularly toxic.
Mr. Anderson has not
decreased the amount of
application to his land with
the new enriched fertilizer.
His white beans, corn and
barley are all involved in the
program using the micro,
Mr. Buchanan noted that
Nutrite has developed a fert-
ilizer better suited to corn
and beans that involves less
phosphorous and more pot-
assium ('-14-28).
For the wary farmer tests
sent to Guelph and through
Nutrite and other firms' labs
should be able to help him
come to a better decision
about the quality of his soil
and what it needs.
Take care
Should you spray your new
alfalfa seeding? Some peopli..
have been very pleased
spraying with ' Embutox.
Others have had had exper-.
iences usually _because they
sprayed'at the wrong stage.
You hate to keep checking
the field and do the job When '
thelittle legumes .are in the
one to three trifoliate stage.
These stages are shown quite
clearly on page 31 of the 1981
Guide - to Chemical Weed
Control. It's a matter of
checking the field at least
every two days. At any one
time you will see plants at
various stages of leaf devel-
opment. It's time to spray
when the majority We two
trifoliate leaves.
lit Seaforth Farmers' Co!,0p.
Ride 'em in the dirt ... and to the dirt. Both
of these bikesare tough enough for rugged,
off-road riding. Completely street-legal,
too, for all-around transportation. Try
a Yamaha on for size today.
Come in and see us
about early booking
-Recommended pUblic varieties
are also available at your CID-OP.
Don't Be Disippointed!
High yielding COOP exclusive
FFR seed varieties
Medium maturing type
WeevIChek that is very winter hardy
'Alfalfa Features outstanding
persiatance, with excellent
high yields. Fine stemmed
and very leafy. High level
of resistance to bacterial
Hallmark • Early maturing type ,
forage that is a very high Orchard Grass yielder Strong t;rowth
throug lout thQ season.
resistant to drougnt Fast •
recovery Gocd
percentage of grass
minimizes risk of bloat.
protein obtained from a well'
fertilized forage crop.
The use of fluid fertilizer to
achieve an optimum forage
fertilizer program has
several advantages. A
prescription formulation can
be made to meet exactly the
nutrient requirements the
forage crop requires.
Perhaps the most
important advantage when
the fluid fertilizer is sprayed
on with a floater-type
applicator is the uniform
application obtained.
Because every drop of the
liquid is the same as it is
being sprayed on, every
squ'are foot of the field
,'receives the same fertilizer.
With spreading of dry
-fertilizer-there-is-separation •
due to partiple site and
density, resulting in ,uneven
spread patterns. This
uneven distribution of
nutrients can result in a
. substantial yield reduction
with parts of the field not'
receiving the proper
Micro nutrients, such as
• Boron -on -alfalfa. because -of
the' small quantities being
used, are,. often difficult to
get evenly distributed. Fluid
fertilizer can also solve this
ptoblem with •every drop of
fertilizer containing exactly
the same amount of
In conclusion, a good
forage ,fertilizer program
using custom applied fluid
Fluid fertilizer can help
Farmers seek efficienc
You can avoid careless acci-
dents on your farm! Alert workers
as to emergency procedures to
be taken. Safety first it pays!
1 mile west and
I mllootith of Houma
„DIAL 262:6142 utNsett mai
Your authedzediatnaha full %ertfee dealer.
The micronutrients or
trace elements are needed in
small amounts and in some
cases too much can burn out
presentatives from the firm orops. Leading the list is iron
applied the fertilizer to the which is essential for devel-
test plot allowing the rows to 'opment of chlorophyll. It
be 30 inches apart. activates the enzymes ,which
The rows included some enter into the plant develop-
without fertilizer, some with ment process.
micronutrients and some
with regular application of Zinc isVie:Ofthe elements
that will cause burning if too
much is applied. his needed
in early growth stages for the
formation of chlorophyll. It
also promotes, cellular
`growth and water absorption
capacity. Armed with this.
crops have a better chance of
According to the, Univer-
sity of Illinois, when forage
supplies• are low, or you wish
to dilute hay silage rations,"
you can safely feed corn
stalks to dairy animals. •
These corn stalks may be fed
to dry cows, low producers
and heifers more than a year
The feed value of the
matter varies. depending up-
on the relative proportion of
leaves, husks and stalks.
Typical. corn stalk'residue
contains 5.9% C.P (low in
digestibility) 58% TDN,
0:6% calcium and 0.09%
phosphorus, all, on a Dry
Matter basis.
It was also pointed out in
Corn stalks can
figure in dairy