The Wingham Times, 1899-11-10, Page 5Good ;IN n and
New and Novel Dress Goods in plaids and checks, Black
Goods a specialty. Mantles and Mantle Cloths up -to date.
Fur Jackets, Capes, Ruffs, Collarettes, Muffs, Gauntlets,
ete , etc,, all new this season, and an elegant variety. Call
and inspect:
Our New Fall Stock of the Best English Worsteds and
Overcoatings is now complete, and before ordering your fall
suits and overcoats it will pay you to inspect our stock
which is second to none in town for being natty and
Our Ready -Made Clothing Dept
Is now upstairs and this extra room gives new life and
beauty to the Largest Stock of Clothing in Wingham. We
have put in this tall over $2000 of new clothing and can
give you good up-to-date suits from $4 to $15, and Over-
coats, Insters, Pea Jackets &c, at reasonable prices,
jno. $ g
• in the store
(next C. N. Griffin's Grocery
and is prepared to make your
Fall Suits or Overcoats in the
most approued• and up-to-date
Special attention given also
to 'Ladies' Jackets with New
York latest styles.
Oct, 27, 1899.
Rev. Mr. Kelly preached his farewell.
sermon in the. Congregational church
ou Sunday evening, Oct. 29, previous to
his departure for his now field of labor
iu Simcoe county.
On the eve of his departure from town,
after laboring for seven years as pastor
Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find. or the church of the United Brethren in
ns in the CORNER STORE; desirous of securing l?y fair`dealing and bon -
Rev. J. F, Dirkee was presented
est values a share of the patronage. The present stock will be offered at with a purse of twenty-six dollars by his
fellow citizens and the members of the
Mr. Alex. Baird carries his right term
GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. , in a sling these days. He was threshing
in Wallace recently and had the misfor-
tune to have a thistle penetrate his right
hand, resulting in blood poisoning, and
which necessitates careful attention for
a few days.
Miss Draper has sold her residence and
acre of land ou Mill street to Mr. D. D.
Dipple, who has recently disposed of his
farin; aid is retiring, the price being in
the neighborhood of $1,100. Mr. J. J.
Purcell has sold his house andlot on the
Having had large experience in cities, we excel in corner of Bay and Victoria streets to
• Mr. Samuel Kay for $1,100. .
After au illness of some months, Mr.
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam • Heating, William van, brother of Messrs.
Joseph and Fred- Vandal*, of Van -
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel 4 driek Bros., died in that place on Nov.
• 1, in his 42nd year. Ile had .undergone
•Siding; Rowing dud Metas Gell g.`� olier'aiaon a few dlays'previous, as the
• • only chance of recovery, but was too far
••'y reduced by his lengthened illuess'to de -
Call on ns, We shall be pleased to make your acquaintancefeeling rive the benefit hoped for.
sure we shall gain your confidenee.
.Honsefurnisltings, Cutlery, Graniteware4 Stoves, Tinware and Coal 011
always in stock. Special attention will be given to cur
"Tare viriFixpierr
ID �rrm_
The Ins to 1,Vbie1R Women are Ikir Canoe
Abels .inhering --The Experience of e�
Lady who 3 s4s ground a Speedy Cure.
Mfrs. Mase T. Comeau, who resides at
88!.e, Arago street, St. Reade, Quebec, is
a teacher of French, English and music.
For u'any years Mrs, demean has su1 Br-
od greatly from internal troubles,peculiar
to her sox, •and also front continuous
weakness the result of headaches, neu-
ralgia and nervous prostration. Her
trouble became se bacl that .she was
forced to give up teaching and go to an
hospital, but the treatment there did not
Materially benefit her and ultimately
she loft the hospital still a groat sufferer.
Meantime her latobar d leaving heard of
the great value of .Dr. Williams' Piuk
Pills for Pale People, purchased a few
boxes and prevailed upon his wife to try
them. When interviewed as to the
merits of .the pills Mrs. Comeau gave her
story to the reporter about es follows: --
"My trouble came on after the birth
of my child, and up to the time I began
to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I d
find nothing to cure me. I end
much agony, was very weak
eut severe headaches, an
appetite, It was of lo
the use of the pis
tAir,NT4C00. C.:10/44
Take notice that the Wingham, Cider
111/4 Q I A IV O N D and Jelly Mill has oommenoed'.-,aper-
ations and will run
Every Wednesday and Thursday
Opposite Post Office, Says:
Fresh Beef and Pork.
Lamb : Bologna
Pickled Pork Headcheese
Breakfast Bacon Sausage
Smoked Ham Pressed Beef
Side Pork • Tripe.
Corn Beef Pressed Tongue
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c.,
always on hand.
Onr prices are right. Orders
catled..for and meat delivered to any
part of the town.
Your patronage solicited.
until season is ended..,,
and have them made into Sweet Sprup
or Jelly. We intend boiPug down the
cider to apple butter, for which we will
charge only 1 cent•per gallon. If pr ter
exceeds 50 gallons, We will furnish cue.
timers with a free kettle.
Hastings & Ritchie.
We build our pumps to last for
years and have them in price from;
$2.50 up.
Brass Cylinders and Galvanized
Iron Piping:
We have a fall Stock of the above
Call and get prices when in need
of anything in our line.
Opp. Beattie's Livery
+iFasararHi�.as.1Maoas a,amas+H�no+��wa
As some are Today.
Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes ; tn:ake
our temper '
you nervous, irritable ; spoily p ,
your concentration.
Yon can't expect to go the even tenor of your
way in a shoe that cripples.
"Slater Shoes" are made; to it feet—to cover
every tender joint comfortably' --make you forget
you have a painy foot.,
They fit the first time they're worn, and ever
after, because the stretch and shrink has been for
ever taken out of therm while six days on the taste.
Twelve shapes, all sizes, six widths, all colors,
styles and Leath rs.
Goodyear tt lted, stamped on the soles with
name and pri • so tend
A..Frigbtfull Blnndee .
Will often ' cause ahorrible Buru,Scald,
Cut or Bruise. Buckleu's Arnica Salve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cities Old Sores,
Fever Sores, Ulcers,Boils,Felons, Corns,
all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile Cure on
earth. Only 25 c. a box. (jure guaran-
teed. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Drug-
You can get the the Trus and Weekly
Globe till January lst, 1001 for $1.35.•.
Miss Bela, Murdie has been engaged
by the trustees of S. S. No. 8 fee 1000 as
suco ssor to D. L. Strachan, who lea's_ re-
signer' to attend a collegiate with the
object of nnatrfciilating next July.
•Miss Lizzie Mo.Laughliu, of Grey, has
been engaged 8o teach . in S. S. No. 4,
comnineueing ou • Tuesday of tills week.
She will contplet'e the balance of Mr.
Tien term of this : year, and teach
Rev. W. J. Weal, M. A., maul 1-
• Wteerxrrdul horns after their wedding
trip on edneedey eveuiug of last week. _
They were mot at Wiugb'int station by .
Mr. George Maeelonalcl, onle Of the elders - •
of the church, who drove them to the
tllatlso, evllieh, to their earpiece was
taken possession of by the congregation,
who had gathered there to. welcome Mr. •
West and his bride, and to present th
with a set of parlor fur:Littire, . 10
address was read by Mr. R. N. Da :, on •
behalf of the congregation, expressiug
their appreciation of Mr. West's faithful
ministry and wishing him in his now re-
lations, joy and prosperity. Mr. West
thanked them for their thou ghtfulinees
and hoped that the tie between pastor
and people might be still more closely
drawn as the years went by. Refresh-
ments were afterwards served and a
pleasant timo was spent. The manse is
now heated with a barium° and has had
a new Hitchen fitted up• awl for a Country
villa o is a very comfortable home in -
irThe annual Guy Fawkes supper was
held b the village Orange Lodg ,p the
Roy�tel on Monday evening. Over
sixty dies and gentlemen sat down to
the good things prepared by the host,
Mr. William Maguire, and when that
part of the program was over adjourned
to the hall, where they wore joined by
about as more to listen to the
ail frequ- addresses. e speakers were :—Rev.
little or no W. Lowe, Dr. Tanilyn, Dr. Chisholm,
after 'began elr, A. H. Mcsgrove, principal of Wing -
it I found they ham public sauced, and Mr, E, C. Clarke,
much and after all of Wingham. Mr. George Hanna,
Opetetatl WOGS '
No. 1 at $3.20.
NQ, 2: at $8,40.
I o. 0. at $0.78,
With all the latest :reprove.
Call on us for your fall
wants in Cow Ties, Lanterns,
Axes, &c. Lowest prices and
high grade goods.
We are sole agAut' for the •'
Genuine Lehigh Valli Coal..
Ccosts no .mare tben other
grades. Prompt .delivery.
yourself and Mrs. West is that the
Divine blessing may rest upon you al-
ways. May you long be able to continue
the good work which you have so earn-
estly begun and may the helpmate you •
have chosen be to you as your right
hand in the good work here and with.
renewed graee and strength from on
were helping mty high may you long remain our guide
taking them for a couple of months I also of Wingham, sang three or four and friend.,
was as well as ever I had been. My ap- sands, among them the extremely popu- Signed on behalf of the Bluevale con -
petite improved, the pains left me, and lar, "Soldiers of the Queen." Mr. Thos. gregation.
I gained considerably in flesh and am Stewart, master of Bluevale Orange Jane BURGESS,
again able to attend to the lessons of my lodge, who, it will be remembered, had Secretary of Committee.
pupils and superintend my household his leg amputated as a result of an acci- Bluevale, Nov. 1st, 1899.
work. Since usingthe pills myself I dent last June, was, this same evening, Robbed. the Grave.have recommended them to others and presented, ou behalf of the lodge and
have heard nothing but praise in their other friends, with a purse of over four A startling incident, of which Mr. John
favor wherever used." hundred dollars as au expression of their Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject,
No discovery of modern times has sympatliY• is narrated by him as follows: I was
ina most dreaclfttl couclitiou. My shin.
proved snob. a boon to women as Dr. Evangelist Moull is conducting revival was almost yellow, eyes snnlieu, tongue
Williams' Pink Pills fcr Pale People. meetings iu the Methodist church. coated, pain ooutinvn•ily to back and
Acting directly on the blood and nerves, Mr. Charles Robertson, of Boissevain, sides r appetite—gradually growing
weaker day e day. Three plxysieians
invigorating the body, regulating the Manitoba, is visiting his parents, Mr., had given me up. Fortunately, a friend
ftinnctioustheyrestorohealthaandstrength and Mrs. John Robertson: advised trying 'Electric Bitters;' and to
to exhausted 'women, and make them Mr. W. J. Duff was in Palmerston on my great joy and surprise, the first bot -
feel that life is again worth living. Tuesday. tie made adeoidedimprovement. weeks,
con -
Sold L all dealers in medicine or sent Mr. Will Stewart, who went to Dan- tinned their use for three they
Y am now a well man. I know they sav ed'
post paid at CO cents a -box or six boxes phiu last spring and afterwards to my life, and robbed the grave of another
for $2.50, by addiessiug the Dr. Williams' Boissevain, has rottuuocl to his home In victim." No one should fail to try them.
Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Refuse illage,
Only 50 cents a bottle, every bottle"
all suLstitutes.guaranteed, at Coli A. Campbells Drag .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mosgrodhhave Store,
returned from their all -summer trip
through the Northwest Territories.
Miss Alice Duff returned to 01
Collegiate Instituto on Saturday.
Mrs. (Dr.) Macdonald wind Miss Mar-
garet Macdonald, of Wingham, visited
in the village on Tuesday. •
Ali "A.t Home" will bo held in the
Foresters' hall. this (Friday) evening by
the Christian Endeavor society of the
Presbyterian church. Music, games,
conversation and refreshment.
(From Another Correspondent.)
The members and adherents of Blue -
vale Presbyterian church met at the
manse on the evening of November 1st
to welcome back their esteemed pastor
and his bride. .It was a complete sur-
prise to Mr. and Mrs. West for, as they
ch'ovo over from Wingham, they little
thought there would be so Malty warm
hearts to greet then at the manse. After
A fashionable though quiet marriage
was that of Miss • Henrietta, youngest
daughter of Henry Cargill, M. P., to
Wilson M. Southam, of the Citizen,
Ottawa, solemized at Hylehurst, Cargill,
the residence of the bride's father, Tues-
day morning. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. F. O. Nicholl. The
bride was attended by her sister, Miss
Maggie Cargill, and was given. away by
her father. R. J. Bentham, of Toronto,
was best man. The guests were the
inunediate relatives, only including Mr.
and Mrs. Southam and Miss Southam
and Willie Southeen. Many costly gifts
marked the bride's popularity, and her
frioucls' affections, among them being
a cabinet of silver. from the parents of
the groom, and an upright pianopresent-
ed. by the bride's mother. After a dainty
breakfast the young couple and party
left by special train on a bridal tour,
which will include the Eastern. States
and Southern cities. •
The Orangemen of B'elgrave always
celebrate Guy Fawkes day in some way.
This year it took the form of a box
social and entertainment, ..which was
held in the Foresters' hall on . Monday
evening last. • There was a veey large
ednesday of last week S. D. E.'turnout; the hall being' crowded t,i the
Henry, teacher in Barrie's school house
for'the past three years; loft for Brant
ford where he has secured a positiou in
one of the schools in that city. .
Henry is a good:teacher; holds a 1s -class spent in the lady a es , gentleman eating
certificate; took up .Contiuuatiou class the contents of the box, nftor tis hich a.
work in the school, and some of ns thinks splendid program was carried out. The
the Truitees made a mistake in not con- Brussels Fife and Drum Band was iu
suiting him before advertising for a new attendance. The program consisted of
teacher. •We wish Mr. Henry success. two dialogues by local talent; readings
On Monday Rev. .Dr. Torrance, of by S. Gracey, of Winghazm, and M. H.
Guelph, had been 54 years iu Canada, severalHou; songs by Harty ,McRae the and
Lon -
and on Tuesday 53 years a resident of selections of Music by the Lon-
don harpers. R. Leishman, W.• lei.,
Guelph.occupied the chair. At the close of the
entertainment the young people enjoyed
Some cough mixtures asocial hop •
smother the cough: But theTho opening services in connection
cvfth *loch
next breeze fans itinto lrf`e wthe new duos Presbyterian ill tako Z laceon Sunday, November
again. • loth. Itpv. •4V. J. Clark, of Loneou,
will I reach at 11 a. ul, reel 7 p. in., and
doors. The boxes were distributed to
he gentlemen about 8.15 and then it
was a hunt •for the, 'whose nannie
was inside the box. out an hour was
LIICxiN0 v.
Mr. Goo. Burgess has gone to Waled-.
stock, where he will work in the furni-
ture factory. Mrs. Burgess and family
will not leave the village till next spring'.
Mss. Benny died at the residence of
her son-in-law at Holyrood, on October
28th, iu the '77th year of her age. The
deceased lady and her husband were
among the early pioneers of the town-
ship, having settled there in 1854. She
was a lady widely known and greatly
respected by a very large circle of
The annual meeting of the Curling
Club was ' held recently and the foal -av-
inig officers were elected: Patron, R. E..
Truax, M. P. P., Walkerton; Patroness„
Mrs. R. E. Truax; Hon. President, Dr.
J. S. Tennant; President, M. Corrigan;
Vice President, J. B. Hunter; Secretary,
Mrs. West was introduced to the coin- • P. A Malcolunsou; Treasurer, G. A.
pany Mr. and Mrs. West `Vere called
forward and a very kindly address of
welcome, congratulations and appreci-
ation of pastoral work was read by Mr.
R. N. Duff, and Mrs. Wln. Messer and
Mrs. Wm. Maxwell presented a very
handsome parlor shit of furniture on
behalf of the congregation, Mr. WestG. Egerton Robb, Expert Optician,
made a brief reply, thanking the kfrtd' wri1T be at A. C. Lochead's drug store on
friends for their heerty, reception aid2i Thttrsduy, November 23rd.
expressing his appreciation of their kind -
Mr. and Mxs. John Jamieson, of Pele-
nsss in presenting himseltand Mrs. West tanguishene, spent a few days this week
with so valuable a gift and hoped that with Mrs. Jamiesont's brother, Rev. J.
the relations u0W existing between past- •MaoNabb. •
or and people might continue for many MIr. JIM) es Cameron, of Saskatchewan,
years to comp. After enjoyments of is spending a few weeks with his parents,,
various kinds, tea was served by the Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Ke Cameronof this
ladies and the evening's pleasures brought villager. '
to a close, all feeling pleased at the re-
turn of their pastor and his helpmate: A by-law to guarantee bonds of X20,000
following ug is the address:— for the Harristou, Ont'., Pork Packing
Company was carried there by a vote of
237 to 22.
Siddall; management committee, Presi-
dent, Vice Presideut, Skips and D. E.
I+ orster ;• representative members, John.
Murchison, J. G. Murdoch; ships, W.
Akin, J. G. Murdoch, Jas. Bryan, P. A.
Malcohnson. . .
Mrs. John McGarry attended the fluter -
al of her brother in Burlin last week.
To the Rev. W. J. West, M. A:,
Dear Sir,—Wc, the members and ad-
herents of the Bluevale congregation,.
take this opportunity of extending to
you awl Mrs. West our hearty congratu-
lations on the happy event recently con-
summated, and as a visible mark of our
good will and esteem, and a memento of
the happy relations existing between tis
in the gait, which wo hope will continue,
for many years to come, we ask yon
to accept this set of parlor furniture,
which eve he pe nnay prove useful to you
Better put tiie cough out,, Rov. Richard. Hobbs, of Wingham, will in the now telatioxnship 'which yott have
That is, better go deeper preach at '1.80 p. in. . ; pecial cullectiotis ea recently assumed. To Mrs. Vest,
in aid of the building fund will bo taken parallel., in the joys and sorrows of
�, tel et
and smother the fires of in-. your p 'J y
at these services on Mvuday overdue, this life, we extend our sincere coogm
flarnmation.. 'Troches can- 20th ii:st., a supper of •fowl, etc., will tttlations and our kindest wishes for hor
not do this. Neither can continence at 5 o'clock, followed by an welfare in the journey of life. We also
.l entertainment which rvi11 commence at foal that this is tui suitable tin to ex -
"Example i. Better
Than Precept."
Itis riottwhat we say, but
wheat Hood's Sarsapa*.�ta
does, , that tests the story.
Thousands of testirnonrals are
e,arnptes of what Hood's
has done for others, and
what it ;will do for you
byspepsla -• "I was Weak and hale
tainting spells. Dyspepsia and indigestion
in severe form troubled nee. Five bottle*
of Hood's Sarsaparilla made inc well and
plain cod-liver of .+ 8 o'clock. Adibvsse�s will bo delivt'tec1. press oxer appreciation of you Jabots strong,"
ero bY,Oelns' WILLIAM VAIVAtncr\nuato14
But Scott's Emulsion can. by Rev. W. J. CblkO, L.aidou; Ilov. 3 dtim4>.nl st tis. i:" our ontorgy nail Christian . 'Coed 1lrindlt site► - 't we have taken
The glycerine soothes and L, Mlttrtay, 73. D., Sind ctrtIiue; itov. W. ,.eel tall surely leave its msec in our : Hood's sarsaparfa in our faiailvi aaa a
1Vi A Ill 1 r � R' ` ii: 11 t b f ]ng dict d 1 1•I is ]Ills fcr
makes comfortable the hy-
pophosphites give power and
stability to the nerves; and
the oi`eeds and strengthens.
"t w
J. West, M. ,, nova t�, Rev, S. , . midst and will no soon e e r, etten. ern me ne an uses ice
� biliousness *.nd icund both aud:dlicttles vtrt�y
NVhalcy, B. A., St. Helens; 1Lov. 1,\ J. 'l. o do not and mullet attempt to offer _ 'effective. p'or impure blood wte know
i ti
li Sarsaparilla s
Oaten, Ph. 13., I?olgrav n, The Mimic von any reward llt'rtn. We know that SareYrotr, ublisher liab Atwood, Out:
the "votive of year servi^os has been fur Cly D •
the glary of your Master and an earnest -
dcsire to merry nut His will. The per -
invited til t1,."trad fu1'nnaanrc' of such ditty le ake for nso
will entertain. hnutatt reeree i ar rrOoegnitien. Over
sincere wish. tit otlini prairie
- • r•
will bo tall:lied by the Wine;slant. Pres-
byterian choir. A c tnissiolt to 'supper
and untertaiunneut. 2 rent:. The gen-
ned tissues. i oral public is cordial'
!or Sn�a Only. by :� ,htliTH & SO$.
.e4+, aft druggists. these eervicen, aupl
Menlo 4, xoronie, j t mut..
rib:, "� :'iii., uy,. P a'� )'C .! _