HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-15, Page 20• * Manufacturing Pelleted and -Crumbled Feeds in Bulk * Contracting Laying Hens * Buying Ontario Wheat, Dry Corn, Feed Barley, Mixed Grain * Drying wet Corn for Storage, Sale, or "Out" Elevation 1 NEW THIS YEAR... * Our hopper wagon dump capacity has been doubled * Barley storage contracts available FLEMING FEED MILL LTD. "Serving Huron County since 1967" IRWIN ST., CLINTON (JUST OFF HWY. NO. 4 SOUTH) 482-3438 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4204 NEW SILO—This sealed cement silo, belonglit to Charles Higenell, was built by Schooperwoerd Brothers.. .a few weeks ago. USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS' Phone 527-0210 Fannish Friend.... S. V I N1,111'.11 , (11 /1 4,1 ( 114111 r MtAllt/1111 MAIN t{ 114111 I SW= IMMATO2041 LYNN-HOY" Enterprises • • II*. 86 just east 'of Wingham Phone. 357-3435 grornart" Stk. FERTILIZER: Nitrogen fertilizers 28% solution. Anhydrous Ammonia. Ammonium Nitrate. Urea. Easy flowing dry fertilizer for all crops, bulk or bagged. .custom blended to suit soil needs..:when you want them, Rental equipment—foro,dry bulk spreadin, ' • solution, and Anhydrous Ammonia application. PESTICIDES: A complete range of herbicide- insecticides.and-fungicides for most crops. Soil testing to help you raise yields and lowei costs per unit of yield. ' SEEDS: NK corn and forage seeds. Stewarts Mingo barley and Oxford oats. King Grains Perth barley. Also other varieties and standard mixes. Delivery and custom application services. Brussels Agromairt GENERAL SUPPLIES: Plastic sheets, Ltd. t' 887-6016 twine, Provimi feed. minerals. Agromart , Helping things grow .1f tir . d,44 mg 71i " ,r411 lI 1 4 -" • .44 • _ ,•i i .1 • 14;$..q • Read RURAL VOICE The magazine for the • whole farm family AT IVICGAVIN'S $1114874365 or 527-020 *13alers* 1587A 273 NH w/thrower 1500A 270 NH Baler 1331A 270 NH Baler 5070A 269 NH Baler . 1580A 273 NH Baler 1581A 273 NH Baler 1447A 67 NH Baler • 1508A 230 Case Baler 18348 Int-Round Baler 1139A 67 NH Baler 1328A 67 NH Baler 1202A 37 Int: Baler * Forage Boxes 1716A Gehl Box w/roof 1038A Fox Box w 'roof 1423A #7 NH Box w / roof 1555A, Kaster Box w,'roof 1398A Turnco Box w; wagon 1349A Dion Box • 1759A Homemade Box w/roof and wagoO, 7,894A Kasten. Box '538A Gehl Box , 2541A Dion Box .v 'roof 1284A Gove Box $1000 51500 51495 $1250 51200 $1000 $ 600 $ 850 $ 950 900 $ 850 4500i $ 18951 S 18951 $ 2540 $ 4495 S 4495 $ 1200 S 1665 $ 4900 $ 800 $ 1200 $ 1200 • * HaybineS and Mowers* 1479A Case Trail $ 225 $ 1657A Massey Mower $ 400 35 1681A 990 Int Haybine 00 1315A Case Haybine x $ 1995 • 1591A 460 NH Haybine ', $ 1995 e.444-- 1557A .260 NI Mowd it loner $ 2850 1795A 461 Haybine .-T• • $ 1900: Jot Choppers 1103A Brady Chopper 1102A 12'Stock Chopper 1184A Gehl Chopper 1770A 38 NH Chopper * Elevators* "49A 48' G Bersol 1: 36A ' 16' Smoker 15 11 12' Snioker 1456A 32' Smoker 17e+ A 16' Elevator 1499. Case Combination I $1200 $2500 $ 79.5 $3200 $1750 $1200 $ 750 $ 695' $ 600 $ 500 * Tractors * 50288 1116A 1493A 1628A 1460A . 1381A 1183A 15 30A 1798A * Harvesters * S700 NH 88 NH Harvester 718 NH 720 Irrit w/ PI../ and corn head 5717 NJ S717 NH w /corn head 5717 NH wi corn head 8717 NH w/741xtorn head 890 E N2 Snapper Head • SPECIAL ° $1700 $4975 $5600 S0400. $3180 $4300 $1595 $2500: $4500 175 Int. Swather $2795 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM * Corn Pickers * 11567A 325-327 NI Picker $4550 11558A 310 NI Picker ,. slaw 11744A 310 Corn Picker • • • • S 950 * * * * * * * ASK FOR' 1108 OR NEIL McGAV1N Farm Equipment Ltd. WALTON • olitaiSo men io Eponsi+New HoLLAND 4165 wicab 384 Leyland w 'cab 184 Leyland w 'cab 2705 Massey 255 Leyland 384 Leyland w; cab and turbo 4165 Nuffield S 3800 S 5500 $ 5500 $ 31000 $ 7900 $ 7800 5 4760 $ 77.00. S 6895 S 6000 S 9495 600 1111A 1112A 1107A .1 rOA 1059A 1060A 1017A 270 Leyland y4,'cab 1048A 384 l lanii• 6" 1101A 255 Leyland • 1010A 2100 Leyland w/cab 1115A Minn Mobile • • 0 0 .•-•4••••••,0? ••• • • , e ',••' • 37 ''--7 7."!;;77:- " • THE` FORAGE 1 ti#P4.04.‘" Etrt, '198 E FoRAGE tuPetemetio; JULY 401 fn. 027, increased on farm. Management of alfalfa in- volves much more than just harvesting and fertilizing the crop. Currently 100 per cent of corn growers fertilize their crop! while only 50 per cent of hay growers fertilize their forage crops and only 15 per cent fertilize their pastures. This practice, adequate fertilization of pastures, Would greatly increase alfalfa production and maintain a much more productive stand for longer periods of esta- blishment. ESTABLISHMENT The present thought is that alfalfa releases a water solu- ble ' chemical that inhibits alfalfa establishment and growth. Therefore, select a field which was not in alfalfa the preceding year. In the past we have thought that for every tow of dry matter production, alfal- fa removes approximately 12 pounds. of P205 and 60 pounds of K20.' Recent fin- dings in Pennsylvania have shown over a three year period, using the top 20 pet cent of the hay producers studied, an average of 14 pounds of P205 and 66 pounds K20 was removed in each ton. Dr. Donald Myers of Ohio State University ad- vises growers in his area that 14 pounds P205 and 60 pounds K20 be applied an- nually for each ton of alfalfa removed. Ile recommends split applications. We must maintain the P (phosphorous) and K (potash) tests in our soils at around 70 (Bray I) and 400 (C.E.C. capacity) respective- ly. Therefore, one must in- crease the amount of fertili- zer that is annually applied according to the total atpount removed. Work done during June, July and August of 1980 at the Glenn Hayter Farm. Zur- ich and the Stuart Steckle Farm at Blake. substantiates the importance of high soil values. At the Hayter Farm. start- ing with P and K soil values of 44 and 210, 22 pounds of P205 and 101 pounds of K20 were applied June 10, after the first cut. After 31 days, a second cut was taken and tissue samples were ga- thered. Tissue phosphorous levels were just over mini- mum, and potassium levels were low to deficient.. After the second cut was removed. 38 pounds P205 and 108 pounds K20 were applied and 45 days later the third cut was taken and tissue samples were gathered. Tis- sue phosphorous levels were better this time, and potas- sium levels were improving. It was apparent the alfalfa had removed most of the available K in the , soil and was using up the applied K as fast as it was becoming available. Also, the high soil calcium was slowing down magnesium uptake on this high Ph soil. The use of a magnesium bearing potash was going to be necessary to keep the whole plant system, as well as the soil, in balance, as well 'as give economical and efficient uses from the applied fertilizer. Yield of the three ads Was calculated as average bale weight x No. of bales. First cut was 4.5 ton per etre, second cut 1.5 ton per acre and third cut 1.25 ton/ac. Whole plant samples of the second cut were sent to the University of Guelph for protein analysis. On an "as fed" ' dry matter basis (89.4% dry matter) the protein content was 27.21 per cent. High 'fertility will provide the root reserves for rapid uniform regrowth. As one harvests alfalfa at a younger stage of growth. bud to prebloom, the percentage of K removed in the forage is higher. Written by Mery Erb , Agrieis, Brucefield BY JOANNE11IMMER When Charles Higenell, R.R. 5 Mitchell. bought his new silo recently, he didn't realize the differnt uses he would have for it. When his neighbours lost their new dog. his son used the silo as,a look-out and "spotted it (the dog), right away said Mr. Higenell. "You can see everything from up there!" Besides this obvious at- traction, however, silos have other, more important uses, Mainly storage of feed. For this purpose. different silos are specially designed to accommodate a farmer's needs. The four types of silos common in this area are open eoncrete, sealed concrete. sealed steel and bunker silos. To a person unfamiliar with bunker silos. it seems odd these structures are called silos. The two cement walls which contain the feed give the structure an appear- ance similar to a building. Feed is piled in the silo, and removed 'by a front-end loader. Brian Miller. a beef farmer from R.R. 3 Exeter, vitas a bunker silo. He chose it because of the lower cost compared to upright silos. "They seem to have become more popular in the last 15 years." he said. "The bun- kers are about three or four times less (expensive) than uprights." He reported there is some loss, with bunkers. but "it's a trade-off with the initial cost." Cost is a major factor when a farmer is considering the type of site to choose, as it is in any major purchase. The upright silos are more expen- siVe. but they have other advantages, such as less spoilage. LEAST EXPENSI*E Open cement silos are the least expensive of the up- right models since they have top unloading facilites. Often a top is put on the open silos • to limit spoilage. but Bob Eckert. R.R. 2 Seaforth who has an open silo, says the top, is- not necessary. The Eckerts have opted. with three of their four silos, to go with sealed steel struct- ures by Harvestore. These structures are made of glass fused to steel. This material is similar to that used in water heatets. Frank Kittts, R.R. 1 Woodham, a turnip farmer. refers to Harvestores as the "cadillac of storage." A silo which is comparable to the sealed steel' structure is made of sealed cement. Tom Schoonderwoerd. R.R. 2 Dublin. built Mr. Higenell's , sealed cement silo. He said these silos have evolved aS-4 result of a trend toward sealed storage. There are clear advantages toward having .• sealed struc- ture either cement or steel. rather than an open silo. The sealed structures are closed at the top to minimize the amount of oxygen inside the silo. Jim Shaw. an advertis- ing administrator at Harve- store in Guelph explained that by removing the oxygen. the fermentation process of the feed is retained at a certain level and there is leSs breakdown of ' nutrients. "The result is a very palata- ble, high nutrient feed.,>". He explained that With an open 'top. there is "erosion by air" and a great percent- age of nutrients is lost. Another major advantage of sealed storage is bottom unloading. Mr. Schoonder- woerd explained , since the silo is filled through the Stop. the newest feed will be at the top. It is better 'for the animals to adjust gradually to the new feed, so the bottom unloader will mix the. already fermented feed with the newer so there- is a gradual change. With a top unloader, the • new feed will be fed to 'the animals• first without any fermentation and this will be too great a shock. said Mr. Schoonder- woerd. A major consideration be- tween sealed steel and con- crete is price. Many farmers tend to invest in concrete because of the lesser initial cost, according to. Mr. Shaw. "In initial price. there is a dramatic difference, but the difference lies in what value, you see in the future. We (Harvestorel have a 30 year track record; man) in the province have been in opera- tion for 20 plus years and they're almost as good as new WISCONSIN STUDY The concrete silos of com- parable size. for the same Led, cost considerably less according to Mr: Eckert. Mr. Schoonderwoerd quotes an article in "Forage Farming" Please turn to page 8 if — I