HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-15, Page 19BALL-MACAULAY care
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40 Wellington
151 Richmond St. S. 112 High St.
262-2418, 5274910
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When many of the corn-
panieS involved in the agri-
culture industry as well as
Statistics Canada start com-
ing out with foreboding pre-
dictions such as one half the
farmers presently operating
will be out of business by the
end of the decade, it is time
for growers .to realize the
importance of staying in step
with technology to maximize
every single dollar spent.
One of the most important
and controversial develop-
meets in fertilizer technology
to come along in the last few
years involves the increasing
use of sulphur in„combina-
tion with the usual' nitrogen.
phosphorous and potash
blends. The question is
simple: Do we need sulphur
and if so. why?
For many years it has been
known that plants need ap-
proximately 16 nutrients to
grow. The yield and quality
of any crop can be only as
good as the most limiting
nutrient. If a plant has
enough of all but one netri-
em to produce six tons of
good ha> .. and only, enotigh„ef,
that one nutrient to produce
four tons of poor ha>. it will
be four tons of poor ha> you
As Ontarians, we are for-
tunate in that our soils are
still quite young and able to
supply most of the nutrients
a top quality crop needs. In
the past we hays only needed
to rbplace, nitrogen.' phos-
phorous and potash through
. crops have been mining our
reserves of calcium. magries-
iom. sulphur, zinc, boron.
etcetera. For several' reasons
however. the situation is
changing with respect to
sulphur. In many eases. crop
yields and quality are now
being held back by a lack of
sufficient sulphur.
So why do we need sulphur
now, and why didn't Dad
need it? There are several
reasons. First. Dad was ap-
plying quite a bit of sulphur
to his crops though he didn't
know it. Fertilizers them-
selves used to contain a lot of
what were always considered
impurities. one of which was
sulphur. For example. single
super phosphate was used,
-almost exclusively in blends
as a phosphorous source, and
it brought along with it 12
per cent sulphur. Now the
"purer" triple super phos-
phates, mono and diammon-
ium phosphates with virtual-
ly no sulphur are'used almost
Fiirthermore. acreages
used to be smaller and better
use was made of sulphur rich
_manure. Now it is often
economically unfeasible to
spread manure over vast
acreages. (In the -case of
legume forage land, it is not
a good practice to spread
' trtifitTiF as the nitrogen will
encourage grass growth.)
Pesticides in the past were
for the most part. sulphur
based. Again• sulphur was
unintentionally supplied.
In spite of all that is said
about the sulphur in acid
rain.' ten or more years ago
prior to environmental legis-
lation. and back when a great
deal of coal was burned. rain
was richer in sulphur (and
more acid). Rain remains a
source. though much less of
one than in the past (supply-
ing perhaps 15 lb. over a
Along with less being sup-
plied. with increasing yields
and striving for higher pro-
teins. the demand for sul-
phur by a crop has increased.
And so, sulphur is being
stretched from both ends. so
to speak. Needs have in-
creased while at the same
time. inputs have been great-
ly reduced.
Different crops tend to
vary in the amounts of sul-
phur they need. Because
sulphur's principal role in
the plant is in the building of
protein, the' high protein
crops have greater sulphur
needs. Thus the legume for-
ages (alfalfa. cloLer., birds-
foot. trefoil) and beans need
30 to 50 lb. , of sulphur per
acre for optitnuni yield and
protein levels.
This is where the greatest
responses to sulphur can- be
expected and are seen.
As a rule of thumb, in
plant proteins for every, 12
nitrogen units present. there
must be one sutpnur. How-
ever. because of the ineffi-
ciency of roots in picking up '
sulphur. to get this level into.
plants. for every five pounds
of nitrogen the plant-gets, it
must receive one pound of
sulphur. So. in the ease of
alfalfa which produces its
own nitrogen, a 300 pound
per acre nitrogen need must
be met with about 60 pounds
of sulphur. If at The most 30
are supplied. from rain and
soil reserves, ,the rest nu, .,t
a be applied in fertilizer.
In the soil sulphur behaves
much the same way as
nitrogen. It can by very.
got it cleaned up in Harri-
ston." explains Vent, "and
the fellow there said I'm the
only person in-Ontario foolish
`enough to try to grow alfalfa
seed. And we had such poor
luck, we decided to throw in
the, sponge."
If one is intent on growing
forage for seed, an alterna-
tive to alfalfa which is often
put down is' red clover. The
Alderices had considered. it,
and are considering it now,
Kit they had reasons • for
trying alfalfa first.
For one thing, says Vern.
you can bet a higher price for
alfalfa, but beyond that
alfalfa is much better for the
soil because it has a • better
root system. Another reason
is alfalfa stays down for five
years while red clover needs
to be seeded every year.
Still, the Alderices now
realize red clover is a safer,
. though less profitable, for-
age seed crop.
Laurence Taylor. 'a cash
crop farmer at R.R. I Lon-
deshoro has incorporated red
clover seed production into
his crop rotatitin- systern. For
him, it has proved a profit-
able venture, both in terms
of real dollars and lin ways
difficult to figure financially,
He estimates his - seed
production, now in its third
experimental year, provides
a gross return of. about $120
an acre.
The conclusion I've come
to about a forage crop."
remarks Mr. Taylor, "is if it
returns between 5100 and
SISO, it justifies the produc-
tion costs."
Without considering the
indirect benefits, red clever.
according to the standards
Mr. Taylor sets, already
meets his requirements.
But there's more. In the
two years after he replaces
the red clover with corn, he
estimates his per acre yield
jumps by at least 35 bushels
or roughly $120. Another
residual benefit to the corn
crop from the red clover is a
deposit pf about 140 lbs of
In addition.'the red clover
affords him erosion and
weed control, cuts down on
the amount.of corn rootworm
chemicals he needs and the
structure of the soil benefits
And the red claer a
pacifist of a plant compared
to alfalfa. is, more suited to
the area. "The flov.er is
completely different (from
that. cif alfalfa). so the insects
can collect pollen from the
red clover." explains Mr.
Lynch. • ,
In the cases 'of Mr., Ta,,lor
and the Alderices. the vii
tues of growing red clover tor
forage is significant.. Mr ,
- Taylor is already benefiting.
and for the Alderices. there
is a readily available awl-na-
tive worth of considerai ton.
Farmers must maximize every dollar spent
ALFALFA GROWERS • --- Vern Aiderice and son Garry thiespring gave
up their five-year attempt to grow alfalfa for seed, Vern- says bees in the
area are 'reluctant to' work -on the plants, which makes it ImpOssible. for .
pollinationlo take place. '(Photo by Shoveller),
Five years ago, Vern- Al-
derice and his son Garry
decided they would try to
make their crop rotation
program pay for itself and, at
the same time, perhaps
deliver a bit of a profit. It
The Alderices' plan was to
grow alfalfa for seed, and for
Ship your °Livestock
Art Heffron
United Co-operatives of Ontario
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Stockers & Feeders alp° available
By 8 a.m. Monday
Call Blyth
if you are 'thinking about, draiclOge, think of
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887-6428 34S-2933 ' 521-0989
K.M.M. Drainage is owned and operated by
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Please call in at Walton, or telephone and
we will be glad to visit yoit..
A real asset in increasing yotir return from
higher costs- of fertilizer, land investment
and tillage.
age for feed. "The cattle-
men," says Vern, "they
want to buy it for nothing, so
we looked for something we
could do ourselves for Profit.'
"We got a next to zero
yield," adds Garry. "We'd
have been better off not
starting the swather or the
According to Vern the
failed project was not for lack
of trying . but instead is
attributable to the fickle
honey bee.
"We couldn't get it polli-
nated," says Vern. "The
honey bees don't like to work
on it. The- stamen (the, pollen
producing part of the plant)
in the flower, it trips them. It
flips up and hits them, so
they don't like to- work on it.
The Alderices gave the
bees every opportunity to
perform. "I don't know how
many hives we put in the
field," calctilates Vern, but it
didn't matter. The bees,
evidently, took exception to
being pushed around by the
"That's a story in itself,"
says 7afTYUCI-1, a soil and
crops specialist with• the
Ministry of Agriculture and.
Food in Stratford, who a-
grees the agressive plants,
are no attraction to honey
bees. "There just aren't
enough natural pollinators."
That, mainly, is the reason
the majority of alfalfa seed is
produced in• Western Can-
ada. They have more hospit-
able pollinators known as the
leaf cutter bees, and Mr..
Lynch, along with the Alder-
ices, speculates that differ-
ent weather conditions are
another factor.
"In Western Canada,"
explains Vern, "they use the
leaf cutter bee. But you've
got to raise them, and feed
them because they donl
produce -honey. That'S a .
year-round job. You have to
be a large commercial. seed
company to make that pay. I
don't know of anyone here
(Ontario) who's doing that."
The only success, the
marginal success, the Alder-
iees had was in . a - natmw
band adjacent to a bush area,
in a strip of about ten feet,
• but that was hardly enough
to make the venture worth
A visit to the seed cleaner
provided the final proof. "I
leachable (and so. can wash
out of a soil and is best not
fall applied). As with nitro-
gen. a soil test can give only
a rough indication of sulphur.
levels as they can be up and
down deRetirling on the wea-
ther. The best ways available
to recognize a need are by
taking a leaf sample and
having it ahalysed: by using
it and thoroughly checking
yields and protein levels for a
response. a sulphur need can
be seen.
Unfortunately the similar-
ity between sulphur and
nitrogen goes. beyond their
behaviour in the soil. Visual
deficiencies are also very
similar (general yellowing
or paleness) and so what you
may know as a need for
nitrogen !nay in fact be
sulphur starvation. Again a
leaf test is the only Way to be
Finally. the need for sul-
phur has long been reeog--
nized in many Tarts of Eu-
rope and the USA. Deficien-
cies ate showing up in many
regions of Ontario, and a
thought to keep in mind is,
"how serious does a lack of
sulphur need to he for it to be
visually obvious?" Are many
of our fields, subject to hid-
den or unrecognized hunger.
We have
• Seed Grain
. • Pioneer Seed Corn
• 'Funks Seed 'Corn
• White Bean Seed
• ANHYDROUS AMMONIA EQUIPMENT to rent or we will apply
High flotation Terra-Gator equipment can get into fields ahead of tilling or
planting equipment:High-flotation tires gist, bouancy in , wet ground. won't rut
fields. 3-wheel design eliminates rear wheel tracking in path of front wheel —
for reduced soil eompaetion.
those five years tney tried to
make the rotated crop a
profit-Making venture, This
summer, they gave up the
attempt after, at best, only
marginal success.
"We wanted to give it a
fair chance," explains Vent,
a cash clop farmer at R.R. 2
aPPeit,labout his five-year
tilth.1 "Just to make sure
something wasn't affecting it
in one of the years.
"We were looking for
something we could grow for
crop motions, and make
some money at it. But We
just couldn't get enough for
They felt taking the seed
route would likely be ,more
profitable than growing for-
. & Sons td.
N.N. 2 Alonktou 3474636
For all your planting needs
and would we not be better cularly our forages do not run
off ensuring our crops, parti- short?.
527 0180
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„N\ , 14 ,t.
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'▪ 144. •
• _
After roiling in the hay,
roil in for a Pizza
Air Conditioned
Sun., - Thurs. 11 a.m. -12 midnight
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