HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-15, Page 15d
25 In Memoriam
pOWEL'L:Augusta Louisa
Powell who passed away July
17, 1978.
The depths of sorrow we
cannot tell.
T7 Births
.BROOMS: David and Trudy
Broome are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of their
daughter, Rachel Anne. 8
lbs. 13 ozs.. op Friday July
its vour weeK U .0 1 T Uzi1 14000Y 9 W
Next week is Ladies' Gold 3rd Annual Ladies Invitation.
Week. a salute to women which will .take place on
golfers everywhere. Locally Wednesday July 22. Our
the week is capped by .our defending champion Jean
131.,kids take
piny about 4076' of the total can enjoy Of so 'Muth "M
On the greens rounds played. Many golf come along after supper or
r clubs have hired women on summer mornings. It's
teaching pros and head pro. great to see ti -,e women on
by C a ro l o n n e Doig fessionals. Golf equipment the course enjoying the game
and clothing manufacturers that Mary Queen of Scots
hav also realized the poten- made so popular centuries
tial of the women's golfing ago. This year ive even have
ion., market.. Women s elubs� ankle bitters out ,here which
Of the loss of one we loved so 10, 1981. 27-14x 1
�.�^ Qbalts, and galftn fashion Y hats girt to be' great fgr the
wgtl t s toxin a ittt rt t art gfthe future of.wramcn's golf.
And while she sleeps a golf industry. , 11 T fight t night'. so' ;+
R: .lefft i an s•M?en s i ;'.
peaceful sleep HU.hTH' Py s ' '.
o a i e the - .. �, d a p •'
K evi an -lads atoxic ,the attic Qui ancf.' of all the
Het meF�l4rY.ewe, shall always Pleased t #intim t
lttrlh of his +dee l}rrther . ; Int jltown ;f sly try
>tcep, r .. ltv sins i ilttauv $ c f ., ; i�Af t tfrt tt.
y i , ' , rY.
^ i
n tv
ti v '. .ax d fluethet lSocrt ,..: l& g g a
Lovingly iemhmbersd, Y . K(i. iii, l the leads r#od'. i a t'week s
g.y of,Stttittwrd.utll tae it'ere .sp 1,)s,G. fort a Ca a-
_ � . , - .�dok ,". .. , �... -•last, )teat` iVe:-.)Aad 1>ltno �• r�•+�k..nt's., n
981. est hip ,32011 :• "
Noreen, n, 1•tlltatt� :. litre0. vl . 8 ..g •.. in c , n the -et ta1'itr d' a?x + `.
+Ares„ Th n r .a ", ctrtkdten retic i:rausko f. left l+Aedd• a Sito�tttu3ic it tree wt�n
s i :i . e<, n . mbe , f P .. fit p... !� eratrtes and foAk arwar#;to. a fan women- calx .follow itis w n t s X .. u., , . ,.. d . k. ?;
her andci>il.dte4 a. d .g gat. g, at Feel. enFtar a4 e rt v were ar lltuatriie aitd•ltirh-
!( e. otle{l its tlir. first sessioxisaf Kamp fin aitrtarin, h .r to a rp+ site ill h>lve'soitte•" lull housi this year. pride lite. rakers .of. such ty
a ht d n �5 i4-1 ifoS .itatli Btstmptott, Oiuttlria. a
r, t! lessons at the „ 8 ire sap, . ,J.ulte 1l9rar►: snff eo[tt et(taom as. there are L Gies alt [p,Seafbrth^lids women 'pros as Sandra Post it Cald'w ll with, net leatlwt ,
r Protea, paterAts Bela . stiv taming e t rti !l a g . P
�, and •Dave:. iGrandparenU .art
Lions Pool has tncrea5ed. by W;lyne• ltegele, Michael some excellent golfers cont- really mushroomcd in the and Cathy Sherk. Both doing total of 63, ;'11 1? Wi BS'i'T:R d8tlphter
U,; Pt'1'501, cher oil` t4' according to Lion Lloyd- Cronin. Tammy Cronin. Lori ing from throughout South- last year. Our�ladies member well on the tour. There, are a Tomorrow the juniors are bf Mr. and Mr,. `.grant Il • "
h Murray and•Mary Hue
Brussels and Angelo and Hoggar th. Bruxer, Steve Cook. Mark western Ontario.' Shirley ship ,has increased tremen- number, of young Canadian invited to come out at .10 fora Wester of Varna, received ti
of Seato and In 1:980, l 17 children were Smale and Jason Wheatley. Lark, an 8• ha0dicapper front dousiy, particularly with the girls trying for their tour fun, competition. Last weeks degree of Bachelor of Educa-
Mr. William Fraiser of Eg- anotRoseher PhillipsLafayette Louisianna, will be increased interest in ladies cards, a good sign for women winners in the two ball tion in French and School
mondville is pleased to an, another great grandchild, for in the fart set of swimming Blue., Jessica Mennen. Mon -
the forthcoming Mrs. Edna McDonald, lessons at the pool compared ica Van Reenen. Michelle one golfer to contend with. night on Mondays. Each golfers everywhere, foursome were Jerry Wright Librarianship at the Spring
Brussels. 27-98-1 with 131 children this sum.- Barry, CheFyl Ann Storey. This is the highlight of the Monday our women golfers Golf is a game that women and Jennifer Watt. with Convocation of the Univer- 1
marriage of his sister Muriel mer. Clare Devereaux. pool Cheryle Rede, Anita Looby, local ladies golf season but come out. for .some fun golf can enjoy just fof fun or for Geoff Lyon and Deb Core sity of Western Ontario on
Jeannette Workman of God- 28 Deaths supervisor, said they were Lori Henderson, Brian Hen- by no means is this day for and friendly competition. keen competition. For many coming in second. Don't June 12th. Linda graduated
erich, daughter of the late pleased with the number. derson, Jennifer Horan. competition only. There will The increased number of women golf provides a forget the bus trip to Glen on the Dean's Honour List.
Mr. and Mrs, Grant Fraiser DANIEL JOHN NASH Miss Devereaux also an Jason Dietz and Tracey Be be lots of fun and laughs and ladies who are actively an chance to get out of the Abbey on Tuesday July 28. Linda, a graduate of`
of Seaforth to Mr. William S. since there ;Ore flites for both volved in golf is not just a , house and into the great Finally. just a reminder C•H.S.S. Huron College. and
Blaney of Goderich son of As the result of a motor pounced there will be no Gard. I g.
Mr. and Mts. William C.y vehicle accident in Tucker- public or family swimming Greene Janice Carter, Brad g and 18 hole players, as well local trend. Women are tak• outdoors.. Golf can be a very -that the tee is closed on Althouse College. has acce¢-
Blaney of Meneset, Goder smith Township. Saturday, on the evening of July .22. A Carter, Sandy Rose,• Grant as gross and net' pr"is, ing up golf all over North social pastime with many Wednesday July 22 until 4 ted a French teaching posi
Bch. The wedding, will take July- 11. 1981, Daniel Sohn s%Gint meet between Se 4forth Ross, Lori Heatherington, everyone is assured of a good America in a big way. Over women playing on a regular ' p.m. but there are no tour- tion with the Perth County
place at Knox Presbyterian Nash of Seaforth, beloved and Stratford is scheduled Paul Henderson, and David time. The supper' is super „Ane quarter of all golfers are basis with a certain group of naments this weekend so Board of Education at Listo-
son of James and Jeannette I for this time. The meet will Vantyghem. and you don't have to win it. women and they manage to friends. The whole family come on out and play around. wet Central Public School.
Church !n 6:00ich on Aug begin at 6 m. and everyone Grey i& white) Mark Pinder.
ust 29th at b:00 p.m. Open Nash of R.R. S. Seaforth, in 8 P
reception following in Sea- his 22nd year. Dear grand- is welcome to watch. Glen Rose, Anne Wilson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Elie FIRST SESSION Mary Hunt and. Anne Marie McNichol wires 1
forth. The couple will be Bur of E mondville. Dear Yellow: Julie Medd. Jennifer Maloney.
residing in Hinton, Alberta. y g Har reaves, Aaron Peters. Mo and Tots: Mary Mar -
brother of Mrs. David(Mar g
26-14x1 aret and Brandon Nash,
lone) Devries, Seaforth, Mrs. Dean Murray. Julie Carter, g
Mrs. Marjory Montgomery, Larry IMary Theresa) Flann Allan Hopper, Andy Malon Judy and Amy Harron. ���� ScottsI
Seaforth is pleased to igan, R, R. S. Seaforth: John ey. Kim Maloney, Karen Van Della. Christa and Lisa Ben 1
announce the f "licoming Mark Nash of Seaforth.
Steelandt, David Sc arrow, nett. Lori and Angie Cronin,
marriage of her daughter James, Gary, Bobby, Audrey Morgan Murray, Michelle Adam and J.D. Nolan and
Margaret Annis to William and Tammy at home. Also Murray. Robin Scarrow, Jill Sandra Murray. Action in ladies 30 saw McNichol taketlJune Emms Scotts optimist Park tending tinha -
Joseph Weber son of Mr. survived by an uncle, Thom- Horan,' Jenny Caron, David
score of 8-8. Gait Price hit a
rR.R. Nash of R. R. S', Seaforth. McKay, Lisa McKay, Christ
26-4. Batting with a double triple for Emms.�" r"
R n •x:
Weber. 'e _
and Mrs. Lloyd a L Barb Watt and Kar P
2, Brussels. The wedding Rested at the Whitney-Ribev ire Dale, Tammy Staples Seoforth. Qrt11. to tale McLean- -with • triples and - In the late game-ComnterM i- — - — "''
will take place - Saturday; Funeral Home,- 87 Goderich - -Karen,;Coleman, Rick Ryan: ria! and Scotts kept the
{ Karen Glanville with a -home P r k
August l at Northside United Street West, Seaforth. Fun Brad Moore, Jolene Cronin, score -keepers busy with the.
Church, Seaforth. at 6:30 eral service at St. James .Mark MacDonald, Carrie art in run.
Church. Seaforth was held McLlwain, Michael ila'mon, The early game at the Commercial corning out a- _
p. M. �.1: z head 24-16. M'ar Sills hit
Tuesday at 10 :30 a.m. with Michael Coyne, Carrie Me. SnOrtSf est Optimist Park saw a tie at 10 g
C between Ken Smith and two doubles, Penny Lansink _
Rev. J.C.Caruana officiat- Milian, John Moylan, two doubles and Joan Stin-. �a
27 Births Michael Moylan and Mike Commercial,
buck a triple and a home run �• n M �Y '
ing. Interment St. James' August . , 8, 9 -will be big ..
Devereaux. g g The'late game this week P
JORDAN Phil and Susan Cemetery. Rosary prayers Orange- Susan Rowcliff. days in Owen Sound. saw Browns, lose their first for the Commercial Scotts
(nee Deighton) are --pleased were said at the funeral Kevin Dick. Brian Racho, Pat During this weekend, sev- ame to Duncan Emm 12-11. had a good game with Deb- ,
to announce. the arrival of home on Monday at 8:30 hie Gridxak hitting a double,
Nigh, Tammy Janmatt. Vicki era) thousand participants Brenda Cowper hit a double g • - ;; ,,- .._,
I. -
their daughter Kris it Lynne: p.m. 28.94-1 Rose Bisback a double, Terry Yr
Lansink. Kurt Lindamann, and spectators are expected fpr Emm, but Browns put up
July 2nd -in Calgary, Alberta. Craig Murray, Lori Nigh. as the Lake Huron Zone a good fight with Barb Scott 16.
Dale two doubles and Winnie �- :,
Proud grandparents are Mr. ANNE MARIE LOUDAL S ortsfest will be' hosted b Linton a double. Winnie and
Angie Reid Cheri Coleman, p Y and Patti Hutchinson hitting ..*:
and Mrs. Wm. Jordon, Anne Marie Loudal, the 8 y doubles and Ann Bosman hit Terry also made a double
._-I,._ Chris Maloney, Sherri Ma- the scenic cit on the shores LOCAL WINNER -- Brent Robinson, of R.R. 4,.,Walton is shown at left '
Perth, Ontario and Mr. and former Anne Marie McMill- - loney. Sandra Mclnnally. of Georgian Bay. a triple. play'
Mrs. Don Deighton. 27-14x1 an,.passed away in Common Bobbi -Ann Scarrow, Stephen There's a total of lb events On July 7 Browns took Ken STANDINGS ARE: hers with his grand champion junior barrow at #tae recent Pork Congress
weakh Doctor's Hospital, for Browns 17 in Stratford, With him is Don. McLean of Quality Swine, Shedden, th
Krauskopf, Jason Scarrow, taking place during, this Smith 34-13. Batting e,
VAN DE WALLE: Mr, and Fairfax, Virginia on Sunday.
. Mark Vogels, Jennifer weekend. There's batt hoc- Browns was Ann Bosman McNichol 13• buyers at $2.75 per pound. Winner3 Were selected 011 an accumulated
Mrs. Paul Van De Walle (nee July 12, 1981 . in her 43rd Southgate, Karen Murphy, key, cycling, darts, euchre, a with a home run. Nancy D. Emm 4 1 points' system ' based on 5b possible points for back fat and 50 for Ilve
Delaney) are pleased to an year. Dear wife of Rodney H. Kevin Murphy, Jeff Caron. fun run, girls' softball, kar- Huisser. a triple and Sandy Commercial
nounce the birth of their Loudal of 2108 Powhatan St.. Haynes a double and a triple. K. Smith 5 appraisal. Huron also Won 8t?COnd prize for county groups. The'team was
daughter Sarah Anne. born Falls Church. Virginia. Sur. Barbie Forest. Dwayne For- ' ate, ladies' softball, mens 2 Brent Robinson, Gary Godkin and Jeff MCGawin, all of" Walton.
July to weighing ? lbs. 3 Fallsvived h her parents Mary est Tracey Ryan. Theresa slow pitch, old timers' hoc McNichols and Duncan Scotts (Photo by O'Donnell)
ozs. Proudgrandparentsare and William McMillan. God- Campo McElwain.
ori Nott
key, shuffleboard, soccer, ✓
lilt. and Mrs. Maurice Van erich 'St. E., Seaforth. Also Kevin McJ3lwain. Lori "Nott swimming, t -bat{, table ten -
De Walle of. St. Marys, and survived by one sister. Nor- and K uinn Rau. pis and •tennis. Bilrthdays,
Mr. and , 'Vanas,ra
Mrs. Joseph eon (Mrs. •Eric Jensen) of 'Re�: Quinn Ross, Margaret- This weekend promises toclone d Dublip. 27-14x1 Olds. Alberta and one broth- Ann Ryan. Jason Schoon be a lot of fun. It offers low
D Y ern Sta les, ke tom etition in -these tri sderwoerd, J y p Y P er Daniel, R.R. 2. Belmont. at
Andrea Moore• Debra Cole- events and as well there will
BERTENS: Mr. and • Mrs. Ontario. Also survived by 3
man. Laura Pletsch. Thomas be a grand social event free
Henry •Bertens are very nieces and I nephew. Rest- Wheatley, Margaret Ann for all participants and spec- Correspondent erman's Cove and Port Elgin and pictures made with at the Vanastra Recreation 'SUKKER WEDDING
pleased to announce the safe ing at the R.S. Box Funeral Ryan, David Kennedy.', Doug 'tators. RHONDA BJERG this past week. macaroni and seeds. At Centre at 8 p.m. for the week The Salvation Army Citad-
arrival of their daughter Home. 47 High Street. Sea- Hopper, Tanya Vansteelandt For more information, con- 482.95% Dorothy Wilson had her, break time the children have of July 7th are as follows: el in Goderich- was .the
Kimberly Anne, on Wednes- forth after 2 p.m.. Thursday. Chris Vo elss ShellyLansink, tact the Seaforth recreation A TBTNG OF GOLD
day. July 1. 1981 at South Parish prayers will be held at Sandra Claessens, Lisa Hen- department or hone terry daughter and son-in-law and bean.-, Seting through alt- Fust share the wealth -Marg summer setting far the July
p p Y Love is a smile that granddaughter up for a few proximately seven dozen Bezzo of Clinton and Brenda' 10th wedding of Frank Arts
Huron Hospital, Elcter• the funeral home Thursday derson, Pam Nolan and Lumley• Sportsfest coordina- springs from quiet thought, days Anne 'and Bob Potter ,.cookies so please help out Laws of VanastraS64; second xt,d Sharon Elaine Goulding.
weighing 61b., 151A. oz, Proud evening at 8:30, p.m. Funeral Sandra O'Reilly. tor, Owen Sound City Hall, A silent voice the heart can g `
and dao hter Sandra. and donate cookies if you share the wealth Mrs Bill The,groom..ts-,<She_..sptt_.t>f__..-.--- -••
t _ di►rd ' -` �s;'-� Petronella Gonie of
grandparents are Mr. and service will be, held from St. Maroon: Andrew Kennedy, 1-519-3,6-1140; extension ���t�ti,- _,--._.-__ M " "'
Mrs Getry-Betzen: Rt}ssat..._. James R: -.G: £htireh; Sea-...__ ..-.._A.,n.
Sue -Meyer--hats- hit stsn r dY'tt iVen is CTiistng is at Kerr of Clinton 5b ;
Raabe Beuerman, Anne 54. Registration deo-dune is The warmth and texture of Richard home for holidays: church• share the wealth • - Mildred
Goderich and the bride is the
dale, and Mr. and Mrs. John forth on Friday. July 17 at 11 Marie Beuerman. Jason July 21. another's hand, Jeff and Linda Dixon had LIONESS Hartman of Goderich S66; daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Templeman, Staffai 27-14-1 a.m. Interment St. Columban Horan. Wayne Regele. Mary Guests from Tobermory to A treasured secret told, a g
Cemetery. Memorial donat visitors this weekend. Rita The Vanastra add District jackpot winner was Edna Clem Goulding of Vanastra.
SOMERVl1.LE: To Mr. and Ann Moylan, Archie Goosens as far south as the Seaforth moment caught. and Orville Kelland, Marie lioness Club ladies are re- Dip* of Kippen $200.. The.afternoon double -ring
ions to the Canadian Cancer and Johnathon Wheatle area and as far east as Love is a sense of shyness
Mrs. Bryan Somerville; R.R. Society would be appreciated y' Dixon and Randy and Elean- minded to bake their pies for RECREATION CEIy'TRE ceremony was officiated at
4 Walton. Ont July 13, a as expressions of sympathy. Survival: Jane Rowcliff. Mount Foresi are expected. brought to bold, er Badcock from Glencoe, the bake table on Saturday On July 18th, there will tie by Captain Will. Special
David Van Reenen., Jeff A setting of the heart within Ontario. July 18th at the Old Home a swim. meet at the Vanastra music was supplied by, a
daughttr. 2? -14x1 28-14-1
Dick. Michael Rocha. An its place, In Alexandra Marine and stead. in Bayfield. Recreation Centre starting at member of the church.
The safety of another soul's General Hospital in Gode- VANAST'RACHRISTIAN 8.30. Anyone interested The brides' two, sisters',
embrace, rich, Bill and Danielle White CHURCH. -should call 482-3544. Swim Kim. an_id Pam Goulding of
��/ ¢ A thing of beauty—Love--8 had a baby girl 'Gabrielle On Sunday, July 12th Rev. Team practises are Tuesday Vanastia were the maud_.of- • �•
Happy { rt h a Y a m a s e ry i,ce o u 1 s f d e thing of gold. Morgan 7 lbs., 8 oz., a sister Mantel spoke on "The Gifts and Thursdays 4,3075:30. hondur and Bridesmaid, The
Y 11 A Fitzgerald.. for Beam on Saturday, July of the Spirit." Evelyn Mantel The Tuckersmith Town- best man was Terry Cox of
�PpY Birthday Gary Happy_ birthday to Robby Correspondent Lisa Robinson: grocery relay- PERSONALGLIMPSES 4, 1981..Congratulationsl was the organist. ship Playground Program Exeter and usher 'Larry -Dat-
two years old, Jury Malone Darling, 18, BobbyThurs. MRS. MARY Correspondent
CHESL� Lorelie Robinson. Carol Si- Happy Birthday to Kevan Thank you all for your care Next ' Sunday. July 19th has had. three busy weeks ton of R.R. 4 Clinton.
21 day, July 16. 482.9469• mons won the ladies' game. Mellveen on Monday, July and concern with Mike. His Vacation Bible School 'has it's now• The Vanastra Play Following the ceremony,a
The Varna and Goshen "Seeing is Remembering-, 13th. He went to the movie of condition is stable. He has a dosing program' during the' ground children recently sit down supper was served
church congregations wor-� There was a candy scramble t the Muppets. lot of pain slid a long road regular service. All parents completed their craft project at the Vanastra and District
to u rn Shipped in beautiful sur- for the tittle ones. 'the water ' Happy Birthday to Derek towards recovery ahead of and friends are invited to liar the last two weeks Lioness Club and Sue Mc
S e a f Q rt h i y roundings in the Stanley was good for swimming. Dixon on Monday, July 13th- him. We pray for full recov- come. creating some very impres- Fadden, at the Vanastra
township pavilion at the take Next Sunday's service is in He and 15 friends enjoyed a eryr but.also that the Lord will Tuesday. July 21st Heath- sive,Hallowe'en masks. Sim- Recreation Recreation Cen-
on Sunday. Members took Varna church, followed by • day of swimming at his work this.our for a blessing to- et Garden"s is going on a alar results -were seen at tre. Wayne McFadden,
part in a "love feast" form of the summer break while Rev. a Grandmother's in Clinton. Mike and us as a family. The picnic to Benmileir Park. Varna and Egmondvdle, The Mastet of Ceremonies, man- _I
on this weekend communion "similar to the W • Brown is on vacation. Stuart and Jean McLean Mantel's Sunday, July 26 at the Superstars . Competition at aged to create a relaxed
way the first century Christ- A farewell party is being from London spent the week- Clem and Myrtle church service with the pic- Vanastta on and skill Monday
how b }tad b paters. the
Y week were: >"latr�a na Bray Fauns eMeetat t the at
h p and with sports- Any ill at le receptningion
pe Visttng at
ians observed it- held for the Berne McKinley end at his parents Don and eve
One of the highlights of 8:30 p.m. - Exeter Carpet- Congregational singing family at Goshen Church Betty McLean's. option at
the Seaforth Men's •Retreat- baggers vs Seaforth Turf made up much of the service. starting at noon on Sunday. , On the, weekend of July Keats and daughters Can- first. all coippetitors. All of the the Vanbstra Recreation Cen-
ion Softball season is set for Club. and a ukulele group sang. NEW BLEACHERS 3rd and 4th Don and Betty dist and Nichole from Mon- From the SWIM team. child -ren at Egmondvtlle tie, They all danced the
this weekend with the lea 10.00 ptm. Zurich DJ's vs Following .. a delicious The new bleachers at the McLean took their grand treal, Myrtle's mother, Mrs. This week was dominated by Playground on Tuesday went music of "The Sound Trek
gue's andupl invitational Exeter Gord's Blue Crew. meal. games and contests ball park have been provided children Pa l and Marsha to Harriett Keats and Myrtle's V.B.S. The first week was to the Lake Huron Zone The happy couple are now
tournament. i SATURDAY, JULY 18TH were conducted by a commit- by the Stanley Steamers, Bracebridge to.. Santa's Vill- rdCce, Sherri -Lynn Smart completed. We've learned ,Recreation Association Play- making their home at 10
The 16 -team showdown 8:00 a.m. - Clinton Goderich tee from Goshen. The mit- usi the proceeds from their age and to St. Marie Among both of Glovertdwn, New. that it takes a lot of energy to day in Seaforth for the day Regina Street in Vadastra.
gets Underway at ?Friday Township vs Seaforth Hayters had the largest Earn- slo-1p.itch tournament of last the Hurons in Midland. foundland. Leach VX.S. The kids know and had a great time. Out of town guests r`vere
evening and winds up '• doh Queen's
HoGoderich Gor 7 ily present and George Wit- year to buy the lumber. Alateen Group Meeting Happy Birthday greetings how to tire us out and it takes Thursday, the children at Eldred and Betty Ktats and
the B championships Sun y o s son and, Allan Hayter had the Team members and their every Sunday evening at to Sandy and Susan Ryan on an hour or more to prepare Varna are having a superstar daughters Candise and Nich-
th 3:00 and the. A final at Sports vs Zurich Sunsets most change in their packets, friends stained and built Vanastra Christian Church, Saturday, July 18th. Hope the lesson. But we're happy- competition of their own, cle from Montreal; grand -
4:30. 11:00 a.m. - Clinton Blue them. The Steamers are Happy Birthday - tor Ryan r arty is greatl to see that more than 80 if you are reading this on 1*her of the bide Mrs.
birds vs Seaforth Mainstreet Scavenger hunt winners P
hosting another tournament Snell on July 10, VACATION BIBLE SC1I�?OL children come. Though the Thursday. July 16th, there If'arriette Keats from Glavtra
12:30 p.m. - Loser of Game i were Darryn McAsh, Sa:ott Kirton, Lisa Robinson. this Saturday and Sunday. Birthday Wishes to Sharon It has been a beautiful large numbers put a strain on may still be room for the lawn, Newfoundland, and
Last year's winner, Gord's
Sports of Goderich. wilt be vs Laser of Game 2 ('111 Krista McAsh and Janine The first game starts at 9:00 Stone on July 17Th. week far Vacation Bible the teachers, we're thankful trip -of -the -ween to Goderich cousin of the bride Sherri -
back to defend its title. 2:00 p.m. - Winder of Game Hayter. Paul Consitt was a.m. with the Steamers play- A reminder here to my School to start this past week for each one of them. Museum and Tugboat Ride. Lynn Smart #mitt Glovectgwn
Zurich Dominion Tavern is I vs Winner of Game 2 ('A') closest to the number of ing Zurich Eagles. . readers: i have no news if July 6th. This has enabled Last Wednesday afternoon Call 482-3544 before noon. Newfoundland. 'Friends at-
to sty n regain the 3:30 p.m. Loser of Game 3 peppermints in the jar. Congratulations to Gerald you don't phone or come and the teachers to have their we had off for swimming at This trip leaves Friday, July lorded from Toronto, Brant-
calso rown back
at the din the vs Loser,of Game 4 ('B1) In the 7 years and under and Margaret Hayter. the Dell me what s happening in classes outside. On Wednes- Point 'Farms. It provided a 17th at 9:30 a.m. The neat ford, Stratford; Eteter, God-
tournait ment: 5:00 P.M. - Winner of Game, ha parents of a beautiful' our community,. Cclaclies day they had the highest welcome relief from the heat. trip -of -the -week will be to erich and Mitchell" British I
The four local teams in the 3 vs Winner of Game 4 ('A') race. winners were Krista PPY
McAsh, Susan Kirton and baby girl. could give gatne�� unit scores tittrlibe6r of ctiidlren yet - 85 to R was relaxing and refresh. die 20o at Grand Bend in the Columbia.
tournament, determined by a SUNDAY, Jay 19TH atiine Hayter; ?-i0 years- dso. be exact which breaks last ing to soak up the sun And morning and the beach in the Prior to Sharon's mate-
The Clinton News-Re6ord
league tournament in June, 9x06 a.m, • Loscr of Game 5arr n McAsh, Shelley HaY* Jim and Ethel Sallows year's record by, o r 20 swim around. Our tiredness afternoon Wednesday, July cage, she was given asur-
vs Loser of Game 6 ('B') y Y y held open, house on Friiiay. were he from Florida visit- children. The largestttoup jolt stemexi to scup out of us. 72nd. To register calls 482- prise bridal shower on June
arc Villagers. Turf Club, 10:30 a.m. - Winner of Game ter. Scott Kirton 10.12 years On display were 1930 papers.
Mainstreet, and Querns Lori Consist. Lisa ing withheir families at the ,is the ..Primary Class which We now look 'forward to 3544, The • trip -of -the -week 20th at the Vanautra Ilecreat-
5 vs Winner of Game 6 ('A') Robinson:, Peggy Gibb opened them at RShsatet'sMaddeauz from averages
2 Bchildrenar ach' anot�SattrrdakE�la treated time noticing well ahead cif ion ridCentre. Upon arrival the
Hotel, league tournament 12c00 noon - "B' SemiFFina! ' Tracy Hayter; crab walk- Lori the June, $ cgrrespondents' y Evelyn cot is the trip to Canada's bride and her mother were
champion!. 1:30 m. - 'A' Semi -Final tonsatt,tacY Hayter. Robyn, columns which t found fasci 1 Y
DanMill�'� bntatio spent th-. -the Nursery and 9eginti�� us to a special breakfast at Wonderland on Wednesday, presented with a carnation •
JULY 17, i8 & 19th, 1961 p• Norman; sfioc scramble• atin "the Y.P.U. had held � na August 26th. Places for this sorsa The btide was
3:00 P.M:. .. B Champion- n g• weekend +' with David , and classes at atottey tient each the parsonage. � - corsage.
(boys) Lee Norman, Jim a social. There were songs by of
FRIDAY, JULY 17TH ship Debbie SiMbWS, day. Various classes have 1BI�iGO trip ate being snapped up showehred with a variety
7:00 p.m. - Zurich Dominion 4:30 p.m. 'A' Champion- Alien, Brad Eckel; (girls)' boys and girls instructed by Ron atid Heather Pum. been doing paper mache, Winners of the regular already, '4o caul soon if you gifts from friends, neigh-
Tavern vs Seaforth ship. Villagers. p, Lori Consitt, Kim Hayter. Ruby Taylor,
steel had holidays at ,.t"ish- doodle art, mobiles, iron -ons Tuesday evening bingo held cart to joist in on the fun• hours at3d relatives