HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-15, Page 11LAST NIGHT JULY 16TH OPEN - SC.. Office 7 NIGHTS A OPENS ENS P.N. SHOWTIME DUSK STARTORIDAY, JULY 17M TO JULY 23pti ptu5 Faso gr.", DOM.OiLUISe qii750" ANNE INPJ4tItOrf • ROI cAkfin • cANDIttgazokitot PARK Goof OtICIi 11011CLI•1•21:11111Taili1.111=0111-7.1174x:1711"... P144)NE 524 7811 CQN01TION8 HWY 8 600ERICH AT CONCESSION RD 4 . II • PHONE 524 9981 #574410 '4 1 11.11.111iMMEMniii QUIET IN THE LAND by Anne Chislett "Love and drama in Amish country" July 15, 16, at ;p.m. 18, 20, 21, 8:30 p.m. LOVE OR MONEY, by Carol Bolt "An old-fashioned ghost story" July 16, 17, 22 at 6:30 p.ni. unless stated RUSH TICKETS ON SALE AT 7 P.M. or reserve at 523.9300 or 52319225 LoveorMoney entertain' BY HERB SHOVELLER The one certainty about Carol Bolt's Love Or Money is that the, Blyth Summer Festival has once again come up with a sound, entertaining npreditetien sure to please, its. audiences, friend and employee of Small's. is Inver antagonist to Theresa. played by Diana Davin. in his effort to establish his own love for Theresa. constantly Points out her husband's. frequent indiserotions„but is. filistr4- in,attempt by the 444tic. iffh4141,r900.9.0iht even admits; -she:$4,4407000,q14"*.#0,10. in common eaeapt.gtprIarti,. a0.":Ris'favv.,,then. grvs and 00. his lust • for . money. ivitich Mobil* is reltictaat to give to finance his em-., ployees plans for developing moving picture theatres. too, has her rea- sons. 'Up to that point in her career, her only claim to stage fame was an insignific- antpart on a chorus line. But Ambrose had promised her loiie of sorts, and a romance in Havana when the two' ran off together. Yet she was only. one of many, and the fine scheme never material- ized. Although professing her commitment to her husband, Theresa, in light of her husband's backstage man- „oeuvres,- also has motives, which are neatly covered in her spiritual cloak. The most intriguing char- acter :is the Small's maid. Mrs. • Pye, played with re- ma rkahle -effectiveness by Blyth veteran Anne Anglin. ' Her domestic skills are at best questionable, but her talents as a psychic accenuate -the tension. Layne Coleman is equally strong as detective AuStin Mitchell Of the Metro Tor- onto force'who is in charge of Seaforth shower for Montgomery A very enjoyable miscell- aneous •shoiver was held Jul 9. at the home of Lulu . Watson in honour of Margar- et Montgomery. bride-elect - for August .1st. The room was nicely de- corated in yellow and white. Mrs. Robert Montgomery read tlie-address:A-decorati• - eil basket was carried in by Bonnie, Cherie and LOA Mongomery filled with gifts. At the close of the evening. lunch „,was, served __by, the„ hostess. game first half Seaforth led 3.1 with Chris Hoegy scoring the lone St.' Columban goal. Then St. Columban put on some more pressure and Jamie Hilt scored making it 3-2 at end of first half. In the second half both teams scored. with Jamie Hill scoring again. However ' in the last 2 minutes of the game St. Columban's Brian Cook kicked the ball that rebounded off a player,into the Seaforth goal to tie the game 4-4. Nest Week: July 13;.• Squirts travel_ to Clinton. July 14; Atom A hosts Clint- on B.and July IS; Atom B travels to Clinton 'A. grOxrthhiR, case about the Aired in: • ntiCertaitifY4 and Olaf* jou. . *here the strength ' of..thiS, • study into the strange AO j41"010004." disappearance of Theatre ittitirsOario -Ant- .brose • play..• which ope9ed 7.. and was written • especially fOr Blyth„ takes that one incident, . Small's disappearance. then sets out to wind a speculative tale of mystery and intrigue about possible causes. ' • Only early in the product- ion is it fleetingly considered that the theatre magnate had made flight to another land on the same day. December 19,1919., that he sold his chain of houses for S1.7 million. His wife. Theresa, is the most firm subscriber to that explanation, adding her hd.sband has a habit of vanishing . unannomited oc- casionallyl. An actress, Clara Smith, played by Patricia Vanstone, who was one of Small's mistresses (one of supposed many encourage t''"' by his theatre ties) is also reluctant to admit .hir 'Ambie' may have been murdered. As the play progresses. however, each by omission gradually seems to concede the real possibility of murd- er,That belief is encouraged by Davin, played by Graham McPherson. Davin, a faMily EVERYONE LOVES THE' MIDWAY The annual Lions Carnival was, held at, the fairground this year InStead of atthe Lions 'Park. The traditional _midway, complete with rides and games of chance, was set up between the arena and the Curling" rink. (Photo by Ellis) the investigation. His per- formance as the rather un- emotional officer with unin- tentional wit helps set” up the successful blend pf humor atid terror in the play. Both' detective Mitchell and Mrs. Pye have the most humour ous lines in the play. The detective also hecOrnes invol- ved in the intrigue. His eye for 1 heresy complicates his interest in the murder as an Officer of. the law. and his • own designs serye to raise further questions about the explanation of the disappear- ance. A unique and imaginative production network :serves .44V tP-embellish the work of,,, the performers. Director. Keith /Often wraps the tine - set of Tony Abrams, the lighting of -.Louise Gointind and sound effects. of John Roby tightly atound BoitN plot. ON PARADE — Seaforth was the location of a host of activities over the weekend, beginning Thursday with merchants ,taking part in a Carnival Days sidewalk sale. Thursday evening, the SDHS Girls Trumpet Band took to Main Street to demonstrate. their award winning form. (Photo by Ellis) eo le Last week four Patrick brothers. Neil of Stouffville, Don offhoenix. Arizona, Bob of Seaforth and Jack of Stratford left on a three week trip to the West Cpast and Alaska. On -route' they, will visit Don's daughter Jackee in Anchorage, Alaska, Neil's daughter Lyn in Fort St. John. northern 13.C, and Bob's son Rob in CaIrdry. Mary Catherine McQuaid arrived from Edmonton, Alberta and visited her family on North Main St. She iS a student at Edmonton University. Former Seaforth residents. and long time Expositor readers Anne and Ben Hamilton of Whitby were in town on Friday, visiting old frieeds. The Hamiltons were spending a few days in Stratford. Martha Kellman of Vancouver B.C. spent the weekend with Andy, Susan and Gaby White. SEAT BELTS The Solicitor General ail- had tailed to convince the flounced that police have public that they should use been directed to step up seat belts. It was indicated in enforcement of the seat 'belt , the announcement,that about legislation. Citing a decline 300 lives have been saved, on in seat belt use, the Solicitnr average, each year since the General -indicated that- a-- legislation' was, passe& in program of public education 1976. St. Columban ties On Sunday, July .5 a bus load of St. Columban soccer players and their parents went to Toronto to watch the Blizzards win 3-0 against Jacksonville. Everyone had an enjoyable time. Tuesday July 7 the Atom A team travelled to Seaforth to play a close game. In the DATE EVENT Thurs., July 16 poop va Bantam Girls (Softball) thurs„ July 16 Brodhagen vs Sluggers Thurs., July 16Warriors v5 Eagles Thurs., July. 16 Goderich vs 14 it 09y4 (WW1 Fri.., July 17 Roller Skating Fri,, 410Y. 11 •11ZUrIch Tavern v$ Villagers, Fri., July 17 ;ilk iketef paritret tfags)rsYkUrf,t116" FiL, JON 17 ..1034rfoti 04'e vs exptPr.tasuisVieCrew Sat., July 18. #4 Clinton -OntieriOti: Twsp: vs; Queens Sat., JUly 18 #5 Gogerich GONES Sports vs Zurich Sunsets Sat. July 18 #6 Clinton Bluebirds vs Mainstreet #7 Loser #1 vs Loser #2 #8 Winner #1 vs Winner #2 Sat., July 18 #9 Loser #3 vs Loser #4 Sat., July 18 #10 Winners #3 vs Winner #4 Sun., July 19 #11 Loser #5 vs Loser #6 Sun., July 19 #12 Winner #5 vs , Winner #6 Sun., July 19 #13 'B' Semi-Final Sun., July 19 #14'A' Semi-Final Sun., July 19 #15 'B' Champion Sun., JUly 19 #16 'A' Championship Sun., July 19 Roller Skating Mon., July 20 • Goderich vs Squirt Boys (Soccer) Mon., July 20 Stratford vs Jr. • • Girls (Soccer) Tues., July 24• Scotts vs D.Emm Tues., July 21 McNichol vs Ken, Smith Tues., July 21 CommerciaLvs Browns Tues., July 21 Roller Skating Wed., July 22 Rostock vs Pee Wee Boys (Softball) Wed., July 22 Winthrop vs Swingers What's happening is a Weekly column, space donated by The Huron Expositor. To list your event, call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. Sat., July 18 Sat., July 18 PLACE High School Optimist Park `'Optimist Park High School Arena Optimist.Park OPtiiVist Perk Optimist par*. CiOtimiet Park Optimist Park Optimist Park TIME 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 9p.m. 7 p.m. 8:041imn. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. Optimist Park Optimist Park Optimist Park Optimist Park Optimist Park Optimist Park Optimist,Park Optimist Park Optimist Park OptImisit Park Arena Optimist Park High Sthool High School Optimist Park 12:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 9a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 4:30.p.m. 8- 10:30 p.m, 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. Optimist Park 9 p.m. Arena 8 -10:30 p.m. Optimist Park 7 p.m. Optimist Park 9 p.m. 527-1020 24 Main. St. , Seaforth JOIN US FOR THE GODERICH FESTIVAL OF ARTS CRAFTS IN COURT HOUSE PARK JULY 23, 24, 25 REGISTRATION: CONTACT LU LEGG 5244283 AREA ART . WORK. PHOTOGRAPHY, AND CREATIVE CRAFTS WILL BE AAVAILABLE FOR. SALE. MUSIC AND FUN ON THE SQUARE. Seaforth Restaurant and Steak House SEAFORTH RECREATION COMMITTEE presents 1981 Farmers' Markets at Victoria Park Sat., June 27 Sat; July 25 " Sat., August 15 Sat., September 12 9a.m. to 2 p.m. Free Admission! For people wanting a display table, please contact Seaforth Rec. Office 527-0882 at least one week prior to each date. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 15: 1941 All What's happening? GOOD MillINILNG! Why not have breakfast with us? BREAKFAST SPECIAL Friday, July 17 To Thursday, July 23 Adults: Children: $1.25 .99 2 EGGS WITH BACON, PANCAKES OR - SAUSAGE-OR HAM • FRENCH TOAST BREAKFAST SERVED FROM 7 A.M. 10.1 1 A. M. BRODHAGEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL. CHICKEN BARBECUE Wednesday,July 22, 5 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets; $5.00 each Children Under 1262.50 Dance to follow 1 Tickets $3.00 each Come out and enjoy our Barbecue, a Ball Game or a Card. Party USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 [:FIRST AID General Safety Information at the Brucefield Public School Tuesday, July 28, at 8 p.m. Everyone Welcome Come Et bring a friend Sponsored by the Huron County Junior Farmers' AssOciation 1 1