HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-15, Page 6THE HURON EXPOSIT R, rote 15, 1981 • f.R94:41UNIOR .FARMgRS The ',H4r00 POnty Junior Oarrners reCentlY presented 'a, cheque...for .$633.2(,) ,Eturon'county fs• farnity arid :cbIldrerite 'Services irA.C§l.„:The money, which Was raised at , the Junior- 'Farmers' 0,00-11dial winter am. es in Eketer in 'February, beeSedlo• buy skates and skating }essons fora girl and a,biOycle for abey, both in the care Pres4 council calls for of FAGS. Left to riaht are Peggy River0, co,Ordinatdr, of velum* services at FA and and John, Penn, PACS director who accepted the cheque and .'Sharon.'ColOtotiO, 4flior Farmer_ president`, and Bob Witpon, Junior Farmer community betterment committee member. Who presented the cheque. (Phat° byJoanne Buchanan) common sense, taste Shelburne Free Press and Economist So tar this year. one more • daily. the North Bay Nugget, and another nine weeklies have becomc members -Uhe weeklies are Myth Standard. Brussels Post Exeter TinteS -- '' Advocate. la ierso, I limes. Kapuskasing Northern Times, Temiskaming Speak- ell—of-New Liskeard. Perth -CZ:juries. St. Marys Journal. Argus and the Huron Ex- positor of Seaforth. curl us cat USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527.0210 04TH Reckli.CheP Klortfocky Style Chicken cr2 Tucsda, Special Snail. Pak Dinner Bps tionavAtatic Piria 527-044a $03kte*o07-`7N- Dairimpl*, oNTARio LAND SURVlYOR 476 Main Street, South Box 449, Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO 235-2503 T.V. & STEREO DECORATI NG Graves Wallpaper ti Paint Featuring 11,(Ei,sfril Canadian At Imported Wa0CoVelrIngi 52740$S0 Stead), ERAL 14131Vi Whitn0pAib.164 CEi\efiRY 'MONUMENTS ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 67 Gaiiiircff St' , Seaforth Phone 07-1390 THE WINNE • n July 10, Agatha Vandeban won a ten speed bicycle in, the Gulf Lucky Draw WHERE? Tucked Away and out of Sight just to your Right after the stop light at \, GORD'S GULF Seaforth' 527-0333 MUFFLERS• CHAouRsPeENTRY --'\ Renovations • Additions • Siding • Any HomO — Improvement'S BOB REGELE 527-0715 C A R52127E -iNotToRy "- FUNERAL HOME-. Mufflers guaranteed as long as you mil the car SEAFORTH MOTORS LTD. HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING • HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone: 52" - 1620 • ' • 'Sealorth GORD'S GULF Licensed Mechanic Service to an makes or ears HOUSE CALLS AVAILABLE, R.S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Funeral Director K.J. Cardno 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 527-0885 If no answer Call • Brussels 887-8336 Collect • eAR CARE FLANAGAN CARPENTRY • Custom Built Houses, • Additions, • Renovat ions, • Aluminum Siding: • Sheds. Peter Flanagan 527-1399 • Sul veyor Christian R Kier Limited Ontario Land Surveylor 41 NA ot Street ( ioderk h. Ont Zcnith 1-2250 Iii,' Jim 0. I o ,Mmkt fl.u” .1 22 419 Carpentry 'Concrete Forming and Finishing *Framing 'Drywall *Roofing *Cabinet Making John Ryan 5/74520, • _\ c— ADVERTISING Boost your income BUY THIS SPACE TO—DAY 'Can 527-0240 ,5 )27-0333 r— T /CUSTOM BUILDERS CARPEN COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE .00 `‘ • 345-2405, Dublin- ANYTIME MITCHELL 348-9407 I OPTICIAN to-*ELECTRICAL --.. David Langstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main. St. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS AND OPHIMALMOLOGISTS SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. • 5:30 p.m. Wed. & Sat. Closed Proscription Pliod Promptly CALL or in Brodhagen Electric GARY DILL 3 4 5-244 2 JOHN ELLIGSEN 345-2447 INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL and FARM WIRING complete Line ZENITH TELE VISION AND STEREO Seaforth Electronics 1.7 Spar-ling St., 527.1150 Flowers 15 Main St. Seaforth Office 527.0555 'Res. 527-1784 mplete Floral Service with a persocud touch. FEED MILL FLEMING FEED MILL • Bulk Pelleted Feed, • fast unloading elevator • 2 pits open 24 hrs, a day CLINTON 482-3438 Sincere and courteous service • c— CARPENTRY —\ Ward Construction ROOFING & SIDING PAINTING EAVESTROUGHING FARM BUILDINGS CONCRETE WORK 7 Years" Experience Guaranteed Workman- ship Free Estimates Lyle Ward 527-1411 cLASSIFi iimAr4r IMPROVEMENTS MocLEAN - HOME IMPROVEMENTS Phone 527.003? Free Estimates For Sidinn Aluminum iand Vinyl Aluminum windows Doors Awnings SALES SERVICE Hildebrand FLORIST 7A j Railings . FARM SU RPLIES,,,s, PIANO coL-6.01);) Feed Seed Fertilizer Farm Siipplies Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils Seaforth Co-op 527-077Z • PIANO TUNING • Repcurs • Rebuilding • Keys Recovered • Dompp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell. 2 CtitRopoctoR, EWRTH CHIROPRACTIC TRE Thomas J. Devereaux 25 Goderich St. W. Seaforth, Ontario Phone Bus. 527-1242 Res. 527-1942 3,9 Moir) St., S.' Seaforih .Horne .Business .Farm .Auto. .life . Sickness & Accident . Investments ACCOUNTANTS Th. ATKINSON, INN ES. LEACH & NEILL Chartered AccountantS Accounting. Auditing. Tax Planning and Tax Returns 20 6,-o unlock St P,,1.3;111SEAFORTH Ih4L,I.FIARGE - 413Vg*FISEI rill I' ,ItirOn Q'"xpositor THE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED 527-0240 • ,e- CHIITIEY SWEEP Chimney Need Cleaning? Coll VERN'S CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICE Seaforth 527-0674 DECORATING BARBER HARVIS BARBERSHOP 19 JOHN STREET OPEN ,tt DAYS A WEEK In 1980. the, Ontario Press Council formulated a set of principles it feels new spar,• ers ought to apply in handl- ing news, in publishing opin- ion. in serving society, and in dealing with entertainment chairman Davidson Dunton says his foreword to the Council's anual report for the year. The Council prepared the principles for its brief to the [loyal Commission on News. papers on the basis of its experience since 19-2 in handling complaints from the. pUblic about the press. said Mr. Dunton. The aim was to answer the question what are the responsibilities of new s- papers, one of a number of questions the commission said it was asked to report on, From its inception. the Council resisted any suggest-. ion that it prepare a written C`titie of conduct for the press. commissioner Borden Spears mentioned at a hearing to discuss' he Council Brief. He thought the set, of principles appeared to be close to such a axle. In handli ng news, the report noted, the Council called for good sense and .good taste, accuracy. initia- tive, absolute fairness, soundly-based interpretation and a wide variety of subject matter. On opinion. the Council held that a newspaper ought to publish lively opinions of its own, and a diversity of, opinions in opinion columns. and should 'offer fair and generous access to people Seeking to express their own opinions. • particularly any running counter to the news- paper's. Also, newspapers could serve society as a vehicle of service, by helping people to- tope with change, 'and by serving„. as a watchdog on government government agencies, business and other institutions. Moreover, a newspaper should - keel) .. in mind all it publishes arms a record for the future and it should act accordingly. The set of principles. on entertainment said a news- -. paper should aim .at publish- ing tasteful material design- ed to entertain, as well as to inform. readerS of all ages and background: s The report noted that qne in every three persons who had coffiplaitiett about the conduct of member news- . papers since the Council's beginning in 1972 received . either satisfaction from the newspaper. or an adjudicat- ion from the Council. The ratio fell to about one in four for people'. complaining about non-member newspapers - complaints the Council may deal with only if the news- paper agrees. Mr. Dunton remarked that normal distributicin of the report will be delayed by the postal strike. The Council has a mailing list of upwards of 1.000 people' who get each annual report automatically. Others may obtain a copy free on request to the Council office in Ottawa. 151 Slater St.. Suite 708, K IP 5H3: phone(613) 235-3841. In 1980 the Council, which has a principal purpose of considering complaints from the public about the conduct of the press, had nine daily newspaper members and five weeklies. They were: Dailies; Ottawa Citizen, Toronto Star. The Spectator of Hamilton. Brandfotd Expositor, Kitch- ener-Waterloo Record, Len& • on Free Prest, Windsor Star. Owen Sound Sun Times. and, the Sault Ste. Marie Star: and weeklies; Smithi Falls Record News. Stittsville Nertic, Alliston Herald. Orangeville Citi ten, and Editor's note: A Seaforth native, Gilch- rist Livingstone Coppin, who now lives in Arizona. had an interesting experience recently with her cat. TWirik: The story, as it appeared in the Tuscon. Arizona Citizen follows. Mrs. Coppin is "Mrs. Lady" 'and Twinkle Toes the cat is just Twink. Cat stories can be tricky That is one of the very first things they each the youngsters in journalism school. .:The -difftcu'lty is hardly ever with cats th mselves, ihnt rather with people who keep them. Most cats are easy to get along' with: "cat people"though, often are easily offended. . It takes but a wayward semi-colon or an ill-chosen adjective - however innocent - in a newspaper' story about cats to snap a cat-fancier's nose out of joint, and ai they say, hell bath no fury like a cat fanciei1 with , an out-of-joint nose. But this evening we. fling prudence to the wind and, tricky though it might be, tell about the amazing - welt, ttntival - thing Twinkle ToeS did the other day.. Twinkle Toes being a cat. Save for white paws, vest and bikini, she is a long-haired black cat.. distinctive in neither size nor geneaology. With' her lady (whem we'll call Mrs. 'Lady) she lives on the eighth floor of a dose-in Tucson' high-rise apartment build- ing. . The thing about Twinkle Toes. says Mrs. Lady, is that she isn't at all twinkle-toed. In fact Twinkle Toesis_17_t_very.oki inrieeri as you' now if you are into cats) and all but in her dotage. "I've -had her since she was a kitten," said Mrs. Lady. "and she's never been very active." In her youth Twinkle Toes was not one to frisk, about and play with rubber balls and such, as most cats are fond of doing. "She's always been a• slow mover, but now that she's. so up in years 'she's even slower," ' said Mrs. Lady. What's more, she has not been enjoying' the -best of 'health of late'. Ills' that' come with age, mostly. "But she does seem to have her good spells, I'm happy to say." •Mrs. lady said. Obviously Twinkle Toes was having one of those , good spells the other day. _ It doesn't matter which day it was. except that is was the same day Mrs. Lady had mailed off her income tax payment. The apartment they share opens onto- a balcony. which is bounded by a fencelike barrier. There is about a 12-inch space between the balcony floor and the bottom of the fence. The day' was pleasant and the glass door between the bedroom and 'the balcony was open. Mrs. Lady tells us. "I' had just stepped into the bedroom when suddenly Twink - she must've been at the end 'of.the bed • flew up into the air and then shot out onto the balcony," Mrs. Lady said. It was almost as if the cat was jet-propelled. Had she been dreaming? Had she seen something out on -the balcony? "I was afraid to look!" Continued Mrs. Lady. "1 was sure there was going to be a dead ..cat on top of spme station wagon parked below. Iwink was going so fast I was afraid she wouldn't be able to stop. I knew she was going to go under that barrier and - well, keep going." ' Twink hadn't moved that fast in. ages. In a flash Mrs. Lady was on the balcony, expecting ... the worst. "But there was Twinkle Toes - she hadn't gone under the fence!" She was looking very smug. very proud of herself. "And there was something under her paw." said Mrs. Lady. "I went over to see what it was and - why, I couldn't believe it - it was a 520 bill!" A windfall_ Literally and figuratively_ ft had been lofted from goodness knows where and fluttered onto Mrs. Lady's balcony, where it was spotted by the cat. Twenties from heaven to salve the ,hurt of the income tax payment ? Hmmmmm. But what to do with thernoney? Twink is aged and ailing. Mrs. Lady thought with a realistic turn of mind, so before long there will' be the matter of "final expenses." - Bosh! Rightfully the found money belonged to .the cat, she realized, and should be 'used for happier needs. So our. Mrs. Lady hurried off to the market. "I bought Twink a can of honest-to-God people salmon!" she said "Red salmon,.at that' - S2.99. on sale." Which leaves $1 7.01 in Twink's account, "Not at all bad for a cat that never was a fast mover. ' r — Geo. A. Sills r SHARPENING —'1 All types of- saws, knives and scissors sharpened Specializing in Carbide saws and tools STAY SHARP SALES AND SERVICE Gordon Blanchard RR4, Walton 527-1806 • CARPENTRY MURRAY HENDERSON CARPENTRY Renovations, Additions, Sheds, Framing, Any Home Improvements FREE ESTIMATES 527-0731 ""s1.E CTRICAL _USE EXPOSITOR WANT-ADS Phone 527-0240 L K . MURRAY ELECTRIC 24 hour service Farm residential. industrial and commercial wiring 527-0984 Seaforth' • Mon Fri 8 2 IC OC Tues Thurs 9. ' 2 308')0 Wee. a , Sat 4 527-1610 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE'' APPLIANCE & REFRIGERATION & Sons, SERVICE MAJORAPPLIANCE SALES'& SERVICE 527-0636 Seafoith SEWING., SFWIN(; MACHINE SLPERMARKFI Over 100 machines or• Service to au makes ,Sates Whtte Etna Husgvarna lots of used machoves from S39 9s SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. 149 Ooyaite St. (2 doors south of Iludsons) Stratford, 271-9601) 15 Main St., Seaforth Authorized factory warranty Service and, repairs to KELVINATOR & INGLIS ' APPLIANCES Service and repairs to all. retakes HORNE'S J ‘s, ~r APPLIANCES_ Appliance - and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 Expert Interior & Exterior Decorators WaI lcovpearlinngtss Kern Window Shades. Armstrong Carpets ,HILDEBRAND ,PAIN,T AND PAPE Phone 527-1880 CONSTRUCTION ITO • Custom builders • Contracting • Complete building service • New homes • Renovations • Farm buildings w i FEENEY y-- ROOFING *1 LARRY McGRATH CONSTRUCTION 7 years of business in Mitchell & 7 years prior experience *Roofing of all kinds *Chimney & Masonary Repairs *Carpentry Work *Concrete Finishing *Exterior House Painting *Siding & Eavestroughing FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT tl . .11