HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-15, Page 544 ,sh,s Awe; WEDDING CAKES & TOPS FAVOURS CAR DECORS Invitations Ingredients & Pans ,Cake Wraps Decorating Supplies 824411 Zzecl foci 123 Wortley Rd , London Correspohdent MR. DON MacRAE 345-2842 Dublinfest organized by Lion president Ernie Fleming was an outstanding success with a pancake and sausage breakfast catered by the Dublin Leo Club headed by Leo president Richard Ruston. Ball games were enjoyed in the afternoon. Supper was a pork barbecue with all the trimmings. The day was rounded opt with a dance. DUBLIN MANVVINS Finally after buying and selling Provincial Lottery tickets since they were in- vented I finally clicked - one More number - a four instead of a seven and there I would have been holding 550,000. I was beginning to think there were no big winners - ,the other theory is three at a time - so I am looking forward to the next two surprises. The annual MacRae re- union was held, in London on Saturday, July 11 on the invitation from Mr: and Mrs: Jade and Marg MacRae and family and Jenny. Fun and •-games were held around their lovely in-ground pool in Oakridges Apes -* lacking was our favorite Scottish piper,. Mr_ Nelson Howe because of a problem with his 'pipes. " Next year plans are for a Dublin location. Attending were guests Mr. St. Columban People visit north " Correspondent MRS. CECILIA RYAN 345-2028 Mrs. Jim Cronin, Lori. Julie and Michelle spent a few days upnorth last week. They visited Santa's Village. Bracebridge andthe Martyr's Shrine in Midland: Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. David Reg- ier and family from Kitchen- er visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Cronin on the weekend. Gordon Moylan from Highgate visited on the weekend with Mrs. Mary Wylan: Mts. Theresa Mal- oney and Mr. and Mrs. James Maloney and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Doyle. London on Friday evening. Mr. •and Mrs. Francis Mal- oney and family from Strat- ford visited with Mrs. Ther- esa Maloney on Sunday. Miss Joapne Murray and Mark 'Murray returned home Saturday after spending the past three weeks on a tour of England, Ireland and Scot- land. Mr. ntd Mrs. Clarence Ryan atUi Mark visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ryan and Matthew in Melbourne. \ Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mur- ray spent ten days on a cruise through the Trent River Sy- stem. Some of the places they visited were Peterbor- ough. Verielon Falls. Lake- /I'M and Bobeaygeon. Ont. The weather was perfect and the trip very relaxing. Beuerman clan at Brodhagen reunion The 25th reunion of the late Henry Beuermann Clan. was held at the Brodhagen Community centre Sunday. and many attended the wor- ship service at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. A dinner followed at the community centre, catered by Laura 'Rock, Velma Pruet- er and Dorothy Elligsen. The afternoon was spent in sports and reminiscing-. Guests attended from Tor- onto, Milton, Kitchener, Preston. Cambridge. Sea- forth and the surrounding area. Many !heal people attend- ed the FilltIlers' Jamboree in Mitchell Sunday.. Dr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and Martha .gichnieier Mitchell, Dr. and Mrs. Roger Eickmeier ofR.R. 5, Mitchell. attended the funeral of Law- rence C. Rock of Formington Hills,' Mich. Saturday. Mr. Rock was a native of Brod- hagen, and was brother of Martha Eickmeier. The families of • Mrs. Freida Bennewies gathered •• a. at the cottage of Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey Bennewies. in Bellwood Sunday. It was a perfect day for swimming and boating enjoyed by the young and older ones. The flowers on the altar and in the chancel of St.' Peter's Lutheran Church. Broadhagen Sunday were from the Miller-Siemon wedding which ton place Saturday. The basket 'of flowers in the chancel was in memory of Albert Siemon who died one year ago. ••• V and Mrs F. .1. Nation (Anne MacRae). their son Allan and Jeau rlatton and family from Montreal. daughter Mary Jane of Toronto. Mrs. Rita Gooding, London anti family. John and friend; Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Jansen and family: Shawana and Meaghen all of LoticlOn, Mr. and Mrs. Mike MacRae and family, Kart, Marcy. Denise and Joey of John Street. Dublin and Mrs. Bruce (Nora-Anne) Hallman of London. Mr. and Mrs. Love and family of Barrie and Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacRae and family of Silver Springs. Maryland were unable to attend. . Winthrop people at reception Correspondent MARG HULLEY 527.1856 A large crowd of friends, and neighbours attended the wedding reception held for Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pryce, at Holmesville, Saturday evening and for Mr, and Wks. Steve Cook, the former Debbie. Dale, held .at the Community Centre in Blyth, Saturday, evening. ADAM AND THE ANTS KINGS OF THE WAD FRONTIBI Antmusic 'Dog Eat Deg Kings 01 TheWildFrontler Dan t Be Square (Be Thereinos Renchelas .4*".• LOVER BOY SAVE SAVE SAVE TED NUGENT INTENsims IN 10 OM!. including MY l ova Is Law A TOO Item land 01 A Thousand Dances I he TNT Overture Heads MORN] Jo•lboo • --, r' VIiii f let - __.1:__(„. i JUDAS PRIEST POINT OF ENTRY • mtludong Healthy Out To The Highway Trouble.hoOter On The Run DOn t GO Hdt Rom, • OZZYOSBOURNE BLIZZARD OF OZZ including; !Don I Know Crazy Traini Mt Crowley Suicide SoWlionf Goodbye TO Romance REO • Speedwagon Hi InFicirlity features the hit smote Keep On I. or•nq Yu, Thurs. - Fri. -Sat.- July 16-17-18 Eac $6.49 LP h $6.99 Cassette PLUS MANY OTHER IN STORE SPECIALS Spaforth Record Shoppe 5 Main Street • Hibbert council convened early July 6. on the site of the "Walker" Municipal Drain to examine a culvert which appeared to be deteriorating along its side walls. Council felt that it was still in a safe condition, but Would include it in the budget' for 1982 for replacement. with perhaps a multi-plate, From there Council pro- ceeded to examine the site of a proposed severance of a iurplus house. which the planning board had recom: mended for approval but With' a reduction in size of lot area. Later at council meet- ing. council recommended that the lot size for the severance be as the applica- tion submitted. Council re-convened at the Township Hall, where a dele- gation appeared with a-re- quest .that permission be given for the extension of a barn in an easterly direction away from the adjacent road. The type of .operation was changing. and would result in a smaller animal unit occupation,. Council agreed with the request. and direct- ed that a building permit be issued. Council presented to tyary Kemp, Grader. Operator of the , Township. his Diploma from the University of Guelph for the completion of two years of study for the "Mahony Road School." Council congratulated him, and hoped that his studies Would continue. Permission was given the South Hibbert Athletic Asso- ciation to hold their pork barbecue in the township shed, should the weather prove inclement. Speaking to the motion, the Deputy Reeve said the Association loSt money last year, because rain spdili the barbecue. which was held on the follow- ing Monday. If the Associa- tion had use of the shed, this could be avoided. The Clerk was directed to apply for further funds for use in the O.R.P. Pro- gram . By-laws were passed for $37,000 for Tile Drainage Debenture, for the creation of a Recreation Committee under the Ministry of Culture and Recreation Act, for ap- pointing Floyd Wassnian as Fire Chief for the Township of Hibbert With the M & D F. Area, The Mill Rate By-law was passed. • setting the budget for 1981: The increase on a $3000 assessment would a- mount to' $53.55. The new 1981 Mill' Rate for Public Water Weil DRILLING:. W,D.Hopper 1 -end Sons - 4 MODERN ROTARTI RIGS I Neil 527-031 I Owl 5274828 Jim 527-0175 School Supporter will be 161.39 mills (1980 143.54) or • an increase of , 12.435 per cent which is approximately the inflationary trend. The Clerk reported that the new vault was almost complete. there remained decorating to do inside. The Acting Road Superintendent reported that a new hole would be needed in the Landfill Site, and it was left to be arranged with Councillor Ron Christie and the Road. Superintendent to have a dragline moved in. The regular meeting. date for August was moved frOm the Monday to Tuesday Au- gust 4th, at 8 p.pi' The Township office would be closed from July 9th to July 28th for vacation. The meeting adjourned at 1 a.m. bort -taxes 114 Hi 10 oz Jar Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE 5.29 Kraft MIRACLE VV HIP 1 I Jar 1..79 Kraft CHEESE SLICES 2.25 (Individually Wrapped) 500 g 24 Slice Pkg Sunlight Laundry DETERGENT l Box 3.39 TDelisseysiBathEroom 2 Roll Pkg PFokr' 1 n 44 Purina (Assorted Varieties)- 500 g ox TENDER VITTLES 1.09 Old South Grapefruit JUICE 12.5 oz. lilt 1.15 QUALITY MEATS Superior Trimmed For Value Sirloin Tip ROAST lb. 2.49 Superioi Trimmed,-For Value STEAK ROAST Lb. 2.29 or Boneless Rump Round Steak or Bottom Rotind Mild Dutch Gouda CHEESE Lb.2.29 Store Sliced Cooked H Lb. 2.09 Fresh Medium GROUND BEEF Lb. 1 a 85 This Week's Freezer Buy SHORT HIP OrBEEF 4 man [Round Steak or -Roasts, Rump Roasts, Sirloin Tip Roasts, Stewing Beef or Ground Beet, Soup Bones Lb. s and Trimj PRODUCE Sunkist- Valencia- ORANGES Size 138 WATERMELONre Ontario Green ONIONS A Bats on or Bunch RADISHES at For • '00 Canada No. 1 Seedless Each s49 liperior '1/81011108141110411000 surrituARKEr Woes oftectivo until ctosing Saturday, July 18, 1981 Vie the CONVENIENCE of 010 rear serape's with FREE PARKING provided. YOUR LOCAL SUPERIOR MARKET OFFERS. WEEKLY SPECIALS SUPERMARKET' PRICES, SPEEDY CHECK OUT, FRIENDLY SERVICE FARM FRESH PRODUCE , PLUS THE ant MCAT MONEY CAN HUY . Wt eumatittt tr • • Each 2.39 vig HURON EXPOSITOR, ,JULY !Sr: 1 A 1 SEAFORT SUPERIOR MARKET "Serving You Better — Saving You More" SU PPLfE1 ANO,5Eftvitgp t.,L!iarr..:IvtAfq,(.. sii,T•gko MEN AT WORK — Somebody had to barbecue the pork chops for the Dublinfest dinner Saturday, and Jerry Fuhr and Jim Snowdon were elected. The chops smelled great, and nobody complained about the taste either, (Photo by Ellis) UBLIN Crowds enjoy and area news Dublinfest Mee CONSTRUCTION CREW — Jeff Brown, 7, and Jason Fleming, 6, both of Dublin, spent part of Saturday building what they called a house, while most of the other people in the immediate-area were busy enjoying different Dub!infest activities, (Photo by Ellis) is