HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-15, Page 3THE CLOCKWINDER — Tom Wilbee has been winding the clock above the post office for 33 years, but now the inside will be replaced with electric works. The clockroom has been visited by many people over the years, and this is Shown by names written on the walls. The names include Mr. Dickson, the first postmaster, 1912; Bessie Phillips, Dec. 5, 1928; Theo Bullard Nov. 23, 1918; Harry Scott, June 2, 1941 and Torn Wilbee, Jan. 7, 1949. (Photo by Rirgmer) t pipes are not plugged. The works superintendent also wondered what a person would be paid for the part time- work. He said it was hard to find someone if you couldn't guarantee at least' two days work. He said the sewage plant only takes about IQ minu tes to check, if nothing goes wrong, but the person would have to be on call all weekend...,,,,, .... Mr. PepOer said he did not want another. full-time job, but was willing to learn what 'needed to be done and -be on call if he is available. Reeve Neilands suggested council members and Towton try to see if anyone would be iwnoterrke.sted in the part time He suggested a retired person could handle the sew- age'plant duties and suggest- ed a name. Coucnillor Minnie Noakes protested the suggestion. saying the man was deaf. "The sewage won't be talking to him though," Reeve Neilands replied. Building ;inspector Her- man Van Wieren reported the value of bu ilding permits issued in June totaled more a DETOUR (*.MARKET ST. Thit -detbursign may be seen' in the Market St. area for a while, since there will be construction going on there Street ,"frOffi NUM Ord' St:, will be rebuilt this•- Summer to meet standards set by the Ministry of Transportation, (Photo by Rimmer) until• the middle of August. Three blocks of the ' MARKET ST. RECONSTRUCTION — There will be major repair dorieto three blocks of Market St., from Main to Ord St., this summer. The gerl eral contractor working for the town is Levis. Some storm sewage work' will be done in addition, to the major repairs. The mirk is scheduled to be done by August 21. (Photo by Rimmer) -1 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 15, 1901 A3 e mat strike g v ad news Hensall son could be hired now for part time work and i kept on for the winter. Mr. Towton agreed and said he had other work; such as on catch basins that he' could use' help with. He suggested council should hire someone who could he trained to drive the truck. The, problem right now,. though, to have someone able to be on call weekends to check the so age plant. Mr. Towton s id a person could be traine in two or three morning to read. ,the 'gauges and chec t water flow . at the plant to make sure the " may hire partmtim • these days to complain about the mail strike and the inconvenience it means for us all. But being temper- mentally inclined to look on the bright side of thingsAjum ask my long sufferittti bus' -"K.-Aeeat4e t OttgFttiv4k0 0,Sty, trek' to the Office., or` 110. as its " -" trims egt now Or carry it no 4ol4tid in • talsjeg bags of pap- ers to "this; .• . . ' ' • • • , • .1411:1natt4 cab weeps off frnM iti,,e'ggilt that - mere sk.ilted ,at map melding.. Ing ittotat)till!,.' Of.,m4"484.' . irt--A'viOdy ViS* is enough 10 piles up about the letters '1'& direction' asking Aid finding. Area 9°V '6t1W94' 144° rn" I"Lgisillswi4,111b-t- st'n bush. • put flyers in the wasieb.as.ket aod, pick up lecal bills, And I owe Aunt Griseldl in Erg, short cuts on nacic .rOads. '' have to lock at esPandhlg• day "'"`'""'11.7. ''''''''"' • ' land and Nancy in Nova Some Woliderful . fried it'll Once he is fin iShed emotion i ard-ciOatinwthat big but I have' a mental list that hit- he a saw off I,-know as to '' ' 'don't waste a lot energy andcoMpeting in ' the Ontario. SCotia. DOn .t. know about you ships are being renewed. baby bonus cheque from the . jumps up to haunt me someone omnaen ..v, chi ft) t sou know aksnvo ,,,,c a ll e d will which one of us starts build- Senior competition in feds or long awaited. letter whenever I sit down for a be visitinga ' •ing when the local PO insists Ottawa. the Seaforth native will be flown to Thunder Bay . nearby city or, it has no more room for peaceful moment, The part town with a request that they out-of-town Expositor mail bags. , to compete in the Canada from Mary Jane in Jamaica And I don't miss by twice year old letters" is easily cousin Toni or- Aunt Mabel? geonomy are booming. Ma Yes some sections of the - Summer Games. Johnny has done or Barb in Bermuda. that says "answer those fi ve deliver an urgent message to a month wrestling and jugg1., shrugged off as long as the Had a good chat while you exceedingly well in two field in g sessions with credit card strike lasts. Perversely. I'm asked about that. didn't sam , fine as long stories are Bell of course is doing just and other out of town bills. dictated over long distance events , shotput and discUs, liable to feel the urgent need See. I told you this strike has for the last few years. Last when they're not going any- do it and then feel guilty closing lines of communicat- replace letters. Letters. year , he accepted a scholar- ship at the University of Who's going to pay them - to Writeene of them, actually its benefits...opening. not lines and calls to friends payments aren't coming in to the letter. It hasnl happened . grandchildren 30 years from Michigan and competed in where? (On the other hand about not being able to send ion. we'll likely be telling our 'businesses and that is a bit of our business like other small , „yet. , . , geration to say this postal now • were funny little pieces of paper' on which you wrote the NCAA meet earlier this year. It might be a slight exag- a drag.) your innermost thoughts and John will compete in the Lots of people are develop- strike has us all pulling But this is about nice and talents they didn't knOw time or other periods of then paid to have them discus and shotput events at the Summer Games. The ing interesting new hobbies, together, as people do in war things.And what's nicer than they have, like the ability to ' .streS% But. there certainly is delivered to your nearest and discus event will present the -things , you invitations t to devices. They are much' in when a reporter goes off on My enjoyment of the post- ' John. There are good toughest competition said not getting to build homemade mail sorting , something like that going on dearest.) newspapers to deliver en route, paper. camera and bags of the boob tube the other night .. long however, I learned from competitor's from B.0 and Quebec who will offer a assignment armed with pen, al interruptions may not last newspaper offices is,. also .. Co-operation among local our bills, whether we receive that we're all obliged to pay . statements or no t. Except in..., shotput," said John. His toughest competitor in tough challenge. 'I'm setting my goal for r be full of wader, Mr. Pepper shotp,ut• will be from Tenth& " and I've beat him. outstanding. "Well I live in Quebec, whic_h mustile. a said. He suggested the 'top Bayfield....aneldSattirdays we Iiighty-fine place to live right • filled in as cheaply as poss- ible. certainly woulde't be an.v eventually 1 gueseym going . before." be removed and the 'cistern.. .go to the dump in Varna. It now, Sel galling as it is, He said li was hard to tellhow far under village and private property the tank extends. Mrs. Oke said others in the village had already been filled in. Councillor Dick Packham . suggested remaining tanks in the village be located and filled in before some gets hurt. if the cisterns collapse. "Anything is cheaper than a child's ilife.''Mrs. Noakes added. Mr. Packham said he had received further complaints about dogs running loose in the village. Reeve Neilands asked who would be available to catch these dogs. -,, Mr. Towton pointed out he couldn't . be everywhere in the village at once, and sug- gested this' would be a good job for the part time worker. Mr. Van Wieren comment- ed that it would be best fOr someone to go out late one night with a .22 rifle. . Co uncillorS agreed but 'lamented the fact that shoot- ing was not allowed in , the village. . In other business council: Pasa'ed-a bylaw to issue tax certificates. Mrs. Oke said lawyers demand the certicifi- cates when houses are sold to list any taxes ' due on the properties. . Increased fees for peddlers and hawkers to $200 per year. , Heard from Dick Packham that the-businessmen's com- mittee would he meeting further to discuss setting up a chamber of commerce. The CNR railway has also been contacted about improving the appearance Of the rail yard area. . Mrs. Noakes reported the Ausable-Bayfi eld conservat- ion authority had held a very informative arid - interesting 'tour of the areas for the new authority. representatives. than all of last year's per- mits. Building permits totaled about $165,000 last year. Permits issued in June total- -,ed $252,500. Mr. Van Wieren said a- bout 95 per cent of this was estimated' for roof repairs at the General Homes plant on Mill Street. The minutes of the Hensall park board reported that only about 32 children were part= icipating in the playground this year. A DECLINE Clerk Betty Oke said this was a decline from last year, but the children who are attending seem to be enjoy- ing it. Mr. Towton said his child- ren did not think there were enough interesting activities_. Someonesaid there were- n't enough children in the village, but Mr. Pepper re- minded the council a church- run Bible school had about 100 area children attending. He said playground super- visor Marilyn Pepper has Suggested children be allow- ed to register for a shorter time period' and that six weeks may be too long for the playground. Council approved the park board's acceptance of a quote for $710,by Ron 'Hey- wood to . apply zinc sulphate and paint the south interior , v. all of the arena. Mr. Pepper reported he had received a complaint that the top of an old, cement tank at the corner of Nelson and North Richmond Streets was badly cracked and appeared to be breaking up: Mts. Noakes said it was an kl fire cistern and said• she emember them being pdt in for increased fire protection when she was a child. The cistern is believed to bapd. 0.13 yearsi Eye. been tttc noticing quite a few nom special offer coupr teak- seeing ,p'ar'ts of the countrs nate-11140' rhute along Huron . at'Qut PreNgn t log the- tnotnentOtts tleeK10,0 ,datCt kttoo extkred Anil 'Perth CP".0.e.-: • 09stat iren3iPticnit: abOnteadr: throw the.eoylitto we're "preSsed kV:VOX C44.-"tti"04.' Wtkigi ,very fits, of, au. thaye at leapt IS mite added to my day' purse oath (tom:0.* to wn 0;4' csplici4Ux novvapos, **11 60r4iii n*1(24 koines. ufZ more than I ever wanted to ions., wade through envelopes of to • this office e • re all about mail routes arid 'Olter- then 4hrew ottt— ' pigithkg ,,o.rresistontlace in ,estntetniptate: 401.- And we've all ‘, bad twri ' that hatitlet ,We'r e torA rOtIttl: tor gro.. post offices en route", "a icard company (another little Colleague in an area paper bit for Bell), ask what I owe . told me-. - and come up with the cash. by Susan White . The whole episode of Out meanwhile, we are our a,ttendrAnd not getting junk demand now that each small course is sharpening °Ur own post office, and that mad? No longer do I have to business is us own post organizational skills. Isknow situation has a few consolat- stand at the post office and office • 1 know it s tashionable trouble to take your papers to to have to' call up the credit Something Co say . . getting Hensall council discussed hiring a part time wolcer to assist works superintendent Don Towton at the July meeting, Monday. Mr. ToWton said he " had gone away for the weekend and no one had looked at the sewage plant. He said he did not think it was fair to be on call seven days a week, but added that he did not mind , checking the 'plant if he was in town. 'Councillor - Cecil Pepper reminded council they would need a part time' worker to help with snow removal next winter.- He suggested a per- THE'AFTER 'EFFECT — This rear fender was left behind after Mike Kelly's, car swerved to avoid hitting another driven by, Dave Hartleib. Nobody was hurt in the accident and, no charges were laid. (Phota by Hook) BLAZING A TRAIL — If you had' been driving down ghway 12 on' Saturday night about 6:15 p.m. you would have seen this strange sight after a minor car accident. (Photo by Hook) Council briefs Councillors Robert Dins- more and Alf Ross haVe been appointed to the committee, investigating a future landfill site for the town. The transportation and environment committee re- commended. a tender for a 180 foot extension of William St. W. from McLlwain con- struction be accepted, and it was approved by council, The McLlwain tender of $3808 was lower than the other. from Frank Kling Ltd., of S4375. Upon the recommendation of the protection to persons and property committee. council gave police chief *Hal Claus authorization to pur- chase a four drawer filing system, at an estimated cost of $425, and a paper shred- der estimated at between $395 and $595. Classified papers ate currently sent to Goderich for shredding. , , g • 4 • ' . V . .'„IlLi , , .... 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