HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-15, Page 2iittron Qx-positor
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_Publiened at SEAFQRTH, ONTARIO e!,er Tnursdar mot 'ling by
McLean Bros Pubilsners Liu
Ar",,,Vew Y McLean Puoidsner
Susan V'Vhoe Editor
A •
Member Canadian Corninc,r),tv Newspaper Assoc ,a1ioP Omar o k•teeeic ,
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• ' 'Some Beauttos..,
SEAFORill, ONTARM. ,JULY 15, 1981
Seaforth council is considering two alternatives in its attempt to have a
safe arena to use tills winter. Under consideration is replacing the arena
proper but keepint the entrance and upstairs hall or having the arena
trusses, ice surfac area, etc. repaired.
Council, reasoning that a lot of expensive repairs aren't such a hot idea
for a 40-year-old building, is leaning heavily toward the first option. For
the same reason, we suggest that council seriously consider a third
That wasuld be to tear the entire arena, hall, entrance and aildown and
start completely over with a brand new arena and community centre.
We know that the present fairly attractive entrance was only built in
1967 as the town's centennial project. And we know that the hall has just
recently been renovated into an attractive, up-to-date place for dances
and social functions.
But adding the present entrance and hall to a brand new arena which is
estimated to cost as much as $1 million could be a mistake. Just a few
years down the road Seaforth could find itself almost in the present
predicament, with the biggest half of the building in excellent shape, and
the older addition deteriorating. .
When you look around the area,communities which built entirely new
arenas a few years ago have handsome, low maintenance and very
popular community centres. Communities much, much smaller than
Seaforth ,raised the money to pay for them and have committed
themselves to providing operating funds. The BrUssels, Morris and Grey
arena TS perhaps a 'model for a handsome; useful facility ,and for the
dedication of volunteers who run a booming catering service; among
Other things, to keep. the building in operation.
We know, it seems wasteful to tear down a hall and entrance that has
recently had a lot of ,money spent on it. But that's what we thought a few
y,ears."ago when a fairly large sum (we're still paying off debentures on it)
went to repair the gone roof. The roof that has those deteriorating
trusses. •
In hindsight, that point might have been the time for council to say
"wh000aa, are we putting good money in after bad?" But we patChed up,
did what we thought we could afford and here-we are with an arena that's
unsafe and may be condemned. •
Whatever the decision on the arena, a huge amount of money will have
to be raised locally...that means by you and Ine. Its a tough decision;
but we think, with the sums involved, an entirely new structure could
very well turn out to be cheaper/ in the long run.
But council needs your opinion too. Write 'your thoughts on how far
Seaforth should go with a new,, arena in a letter to the Expositor.
Buttonhole members of council and give them your two cents worth.
A public meeting, with information on the costs Of each option and
some good technical advice on hand, might be an excellent' place for
those who will use the new arena and ultimately pay for it, to thrash the
whole thing out. Perhaps council will call one once it's learned whether or
not the building will be condemned.
But meanwhile think about our arena options, talk them over. There
are big bucks involved. And if the history of the present arena has
anything to teach us, the lesson could be: start over again and build from
scratch. • -
Another choice Cricket 014titiett in 1881
In the years agone
Ontario. The many friend of the doctor will
congratulate him on his preferment.
JULY 17, 1931
Mrs. R.Cameron and little Bobbie of
Hensall, spent a few days with relatives in
Varna last week.
Muriel and Loreen Looby of Dublin are
holidaying with friends.
In a recent fiddler's contest held.at Grand
Bend. William Hyde, who lives about half a
mile south of Hensall on the London Road,
won first prize in the fiddler's class of not
under 65 years. He was accompanied by
Effie Bell, of his home, on the guitar. the
prize being a fine silver cup.
On Wednesday morning during one the
most terrific electric storms ever to visit this
district the barn on the farm of Daniel'
Machan. 14th line MCKillop township ws
destroyed by fire at 7 o'clock that Morning.
The driving shed was also consumed. There
was conijderable new hay in the barn.
ur t s are great
/ •
In addition so-called "temporary uses tend
to become indefinite extension of use so that
50 years from now members of the LACAC
of the day may become sentimentally
lachrymose about the age of the structure
and its "simple. pristine., functional archi-
tectural design"and further attempt to
perpetuate its existence. '
It is an eyesore that should be got rid of as
soon as possible and 'preferably return the
site to a useful, locally and legally acceptable
Use. as well as returning its purchase price
to the town's revenue.
Yours truly
Ernest M. Williams
Please allow me to join my opinion with
the others which you have received regard-
ing the proposed use of the-site 'Of the
previous factory on the corner of High and
Market streets.
I agree with other writers that it would be
a serious mistake to convert it to "terhporary
use" as a Public Works garage. I believe
that this would not only perpetuate a I Ong
standing nuisance to ,the surrounding re-
sidential area but would also be a violation of
the town 's Zoning By-Law as it would
change a former legal "non conforming"
use into a different "non-conforming" use.
JULY 15,1881
William Grassie lost a valuable cow last
week. he was running at large on Thursday
nigh and some person struck her on the leg
with a stone.breaking it and injuring her se
that she had to be killed.
We notice that Alfred Brewer of Seaforth
and late of Lee's Mills. Varna has been
engaged at the Hensall grist mill.
There will be a cricket match played
here on Monday next, commencing at 3
o'clock between the New Hamburg and
Seaforth Clubs. The home team will be
composed of the following players: H.
Carn?ron, Geo. Baird. D. Baird. G. R.
Caldwell. J. S. Roberts, R. Adams. T.
Coleman, E. Coleman, R. J'. Girdlestone. D.
Charlesworth and T. E. Joslin,
Thos. McFadden of McKillop began
cutting his fall wheat on Tuesday last. He
says if is well filled and in all a splendid
' crop.
Jacob Smith of Egmondville got sun-,
struck on Tuesday while mowing hay; but
did not feel the effects, of it severely until
Wednesday. He is getting better.
JULY go, 1906
Mary Beattie. daughter of Mr."John
Beattie of Seaforth distinguished herself at
To the editor:
I take.up my pen,in hopes of enlightening
the middle and older generations of our
Every time you pick up a newspaper or
talk to the generations I've mentioned, they
seem to be always down on our teenagers
andthe young adults of our time. For the life
of me, I can't understand why they don't
turn back the clock to their adolescent
years. Some of those goody-goodies have no
better track record. Our young people are a
reflection of the generations before them.
Becatise of my handicap I need a certain
amount of help. The biggest hurdle is being
unable to get up steps. For years I relied on
my own age group, because I knew a lot of
them and we had some things in common.
But a few years ago I realized this age group
are all at the stage in life where they, have
some slight disability- bad feet, backs, knees
and heart, just to mention a few of their
by Jim Hagarty
the recent examinations at the Canada
Business college, Hamilton. She passed her
final examination in shorthand with honors,
winning a diploma and a gold medal.
Thos. Archibald of McKillop, recently sold
to Norman Kernathan, 'of Bemiller. a •two
year old filly for which he received the
handsome sum of $200. This colt was sired
by the well-known stock horse Bursan.
Joseph Hudson has (very much improved
the appearance of his residence on South
Richard street by having it nicely painted.
The flax harvest has commenced and Mr.
Geiger has his full force of pullers ready for
operations next week. Owing to the extent
of the crop and the scarcity of labor he had to
import about forty Indians from the Muncey-
town reserve near Sarnia and will use part of
them in Seaforth and part in the Hensall
Dr. F.J. Burrows of Seaforth. has been
appointed examiner of Clinical Medicine for
the College of Physicians and Surgeons of
group to help me, and to my amazement
they were only too glad to help. In several
cases they would ask if they could give me a
hand out when the meeting or social, was
over. In nearly all cases they would call me
Mr. Maloney.
I think what the problem with our middle
and older generation is they don't seem to
care to get to know our very fine young guys
and gals. People say it is a communications
I now feel from experience the older
generation are so damned wrapped up in
trying to keep up with or shrpass theJoneses
they are too tired to listen 'to the youth of
today. And when one youth gets into a scrap
with the powers-that-be, it seems so easy to
lump them all together as being no good. It's
sad would you not say?.
I too was young once and got into a fair bit
of devilment but nobody seems to realize we
have,wice as many youth, as the population
has doubled since my teenage years.
Weekend visitors in Walton included: Mr.
and Mrs. Armand Kernick, Mrs. John
:Harris, Leona McGavin and Jack McGavin,
Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sellers:
Melvin Lacombe and Hazel Drager, Detroit.'
with Mrs. C. Drager.
JULY 20, 1956
An enthusiastic meeting was held in
Walton Public School Monday evening with
the section well represented to make plans
for the Morris TownshipCentennial to be
held August 4, 5, and 6.
The largest crowd in Seaforth in many
years with the exception of the Civic holiday
crowd at the. Seaforth Old Boys last summer
celebrated the 266 anniversary of the'Battle
of the Boyne here Saturday. The attendance
Was estimated at more than 8,000.
Reeve Norman Scoins, Mrs. Scc ins and
family are spending holidays in Northern
Mrs. Stanley Rumble and children of
Toronto are spending their holidays with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murdock
of Brucefield.
Denny Harkness of Hensel'. visited a few
days with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cooper
and family of Toronto visited a day last week
at his parents' hoMe in Kippen.
Citizens with balconies etc. and with rent for
a person living alone with medium income:
I don't think the town needs any more
parks but it does needaccotpodation for
those of us who have given up their home or
would if they had some place to go.
Where the old public school is would make
another lovely building lot for apartments.
A concerned citizen.
TO the editor:
Re: High Street Property
Why would members of council consider
-keeping an old "eye sore" property when
there is a very great need for a nice
apartment building (not necessarily low-
rental)? It would be such a lovely location for
a building erected similar to the Senior
It's the hope' of both sponsors, and the award patron, the province's This attitude, that Americans have the
disabling physical or psychological handicaps to match or exceed their , Forced Japan to open its markets to U.S.
fellows, or being involved in some worthwhile community service . businessmen. It led to. the establishment of
Nominations are to come 'from the publiciand nomination forms and an condilions favourable to U.S. businesses. American businessmen,
Get rid of the buildhig
coast and numerous other border skirmish-
Some /People seem naturally rude. They
have an innate. sense of which insults best
suit which people and they know exactly
when to deliver their best sarcastic shot.
But, for others have met. the. art of being
ignorant and 'cutting is not something that
comes to them very easily. They have to
work at developing a nasty tongue and an
evil eye.
Either way. there's a whole army of rude
peOple out there. dOing their best daily to
bring a little misery to the lives of'the peopliti
about them.
At times, it might appear as if the world
would be better off without the dubious
contributions of offensive morons but. the
same God who created skunks also created
rude people and He must have had a
purpose in mind for both animals.
We have .all encountered the kind- of
person of which I speak and from time to
time. most of us have tried a tittle rudeness
ourselves, Out of admiration for that wonder.
ful breed who, at a moment's notice and
among total strangers. can throw back their
heads, open their mouths and let fly with a
volley of stinging slurs.
too. ion occasion, have tried a little
tongue-violence but I always emerge' from
mouth brawlsa battered and bruised loser.
It takes more wit and cunning than, possess
to effectively slice up others with a few
well-chosen phrases and perfectly-timed
In any case, the amateur insulter can
always be detected by how badly he or she
usually feels after ripping an opponent apart
and 'by the attempts that are eventually
for everything from vandalism to noise to plain rudeness. other blows to, their confidence, including now. The Americans are getting angry that One day at a time
CP Air. The search is on across the province' for outstanding' kids aged , become a serious threat to national ;ecuritY The naturally rude
Take time to look around our community for excellence and effort on Americans were the newfm ' n" people of weakness to •a nation used to bullying,
., "54.40 of Fight" dispute along the west foreigners?): his disregard for righting the
.." . ' 'Manifest destiny has been realized. They and misery for people of smaller countries To the editor: didn't have to change governments in and ultimately far Americans themselves •
made to set right the inplry.
To beeffective at rudeness, a person must
never give any indication that a conscience
exists beneath that tough veneer of hatred,
because the ability to be totally unaffected
by an angry exchange with anoth er is the
very thing that bothers the victim•the most.
"I don't believe it," one who has just been
pummelled by the'rude comments will often
say. "He had a broad .grin on his face 'the
whole time he was ripping me up and he
,actually Walked away from me whistling a
cherry tune.**
Nowadays, rudeness has taken on a
respectability it lacked in other generations
and what Gordie, Howe has been to the
hockey world, Don Rickles has become for
rude people everywhere. And rudeness has
been made easier for those who don't want
to work so hard at it through the rise of the
insulting tee-shirt industry.
But just as a cress would vanquish human
vampires, certain choice comments can
leave rude people speechless. if they're used
with sincerity. So we are not left totally
The best way to be completely beaten,Phy
one intent on hurting you with words is td` try
to exchange insult for insult because they
are muck better at it than you are. Say
something nice to them and they will slink
The other day, I encountered one of the
rudest women I ever met. After she finished
with me, I smiled and said to her, "Have a
nice day!" She turned red and walked away.
And after I left her store. I actually felt
sorry for her.
Have YOUR say Write o utt er to
the editor
The generation gap High St. site for apartments
Behind the scenes
by Keith Roulston
The Ugly American is back
Perhapi a few of us had thought that we
were seeing a new attitude in the U.S. businesses.
following it s troubles in the last few years So last week When Prime. Minister but• it seems that under -the Reagan Trudeau went to Washinlba, he fid his I
and take over some of the U.S. large
the only two military excursions they have communist takeovers he so expressly fears, and his meddling in countries like El.
made against Cinada but in other ways their Salvador only seem to spell more heartache
Canada to have their businesses welcomed down the. road. One wonders at home too,
with open arms. Since the turn of the after seeing what austerity in social century, and particularly since the second 1 programs has brought in Britain the last few
World War, Canadians have been delitiously i,,- weeks if the U.S. will have to relive the
happy to invite Americans in, sometimes dreadful social turmoil of the ghetto „riots
almost twisting their ,arms. to develop our again thanks to the Resganfbelid that if you
resources. to buy up our companies, to help give business a free hand by • cutting taxes at
us live a livestyle we feel we can't afford. the expense of the poor you will make
In the last while things have changed. The , everything just great again. ,
Canadian government is actultIbt having the .:- , _ old . Reagan ,s gooa days were good for only nerve to say it feels Canadians should own
nation. IFor other nations. and the poor of his
a minority in the world's most powerfoi
the- companies that develop our oil and gas
resources. At the same time same large mini Iteagan's move backward is a step back
Canadian companies hay, tried to move In indeed:
..,Sincerely......—admiaistration's-drive-to-return-ti)-the-glory — - problems. Peter E. Maloney Jr.,aides were read a few lectures on what bad-i of the old days, it also means thereturn of
. At that time I started asking the teenaged
young people Americans, it seems, just don't want to as a surptilse to them because the grumbling ,
children they were being. It wouldn't -coke
are_eur greatest resource. They also get more than their share of blame
in Vietnam and continued through many and governmentdown in the 1).S. for weeks
the "Ugly American..."
As atetter to the editor on this page reminds us, our' has been strong coming from both business . learn anything from the troubles that began
A ,lot of the time the, blame, and lack of praise, is unfair. the Iranian crisis and the defeat of. Jimmy Canada should really wish to change the
That's why this newspaper is proud to support a program inaugurated Carter. Americans would rather just forget rules. Somehow our decid ing .that _
e a
this year by the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA) and those little things happened, and return as should controlar least 50 per cent (imagin
Ronald Reagan tells them they shall, to the whole SO per cent) of our oil companies has
pjory -days- of the 1950's and before" when
between six and eighteen who have made "outstanding achie'Vehienth or decisions in
could .decide who of the United States.' 'threats of retail talon
acts of courage and initiative". Winners will be named Ontario Junior formed a government in a small country half are being shouted, threats which ' are
Citizens of the Year. • a world away. _, instantly supposed to make us go back to,
being nice guys.
riitht to go anywhere in the world and do Mr. Trudeau, of course, went down to
lieutenant governor, the ,Queen's representative • in Ontario, that Washington because he , wanted to. get whatever is necessary to spread their
nominees will be individuals - or groups - who have "performed acts of business, goes /started on closing the gap between the rich
physical heroism;. perhaps endangering their own lives, overcoming ' baclito the last century' when the U.S. Flee and poor countries, and to-called North.
South Dialogue. Mr. Reagan apparently felt
little need Of doing somethingiike that. He
was more worried about looking after the
"banana republics" in central and South
interests of American and, of course, America which ' did little except set up '
explanatory brochure are available hereat the ExpoSitor. Award winners Millions have lived'in poverty and misery in Americans, it seems, have not matured
. will receive at next year's OCNA convention a framed citation,, a Junior he last half bentury because of this policy, after all. What seemed like a new
Citizen of the Year pin and 'a $200 savings bond. 'an outgrowth of .the "ma Best destiny" understanding and wisdom spoken by . •
thought process in the Seta ' a feeling that the Carter administration sounded as
the part of our' young people. It's our bet that just by the process of God who had the , right. may the duty, to everyone until it got its way, feeling at the looking for outstanding achievement by our junior citizens a whole lot of spread their way of life around the world. same time that what was done was only just.
people will be pleasantly surprised at how much the up-and-coming. Canada had ,several scrapi with the Reagan's stance against-Canada's justifiable
generation contributes. . . manifest destiny belief, from the attack of concern over foreign ownership (can you
the Americans before the revolution down imagine the U.S. reaction if more than SO per To have a winner from Seaforth and area as well would be super. there through the war of 1812 through the cent of their oil industry was, owned by
es. The Americans have been turned back in
very problems that bring about the