HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-08, Page 20J
.. -T _ Y - 1 ty
?ll Au tlelow
n Sates ' l 1'rneirr 1 .ntr l ' + l yeti ,►t I'h:ulk, Births
:it Auction dales F
f; %Ian+ thank, it, aii our MASON: Glenn and• Patricia
' i1Ggt rwartl , 'ssvralas Hul'lett neighbours. triend, and ret,: ince Hubert) are pleased to
f noes who remembered u, announce the sale arn,al of
4 +%ith .Ards tlo% er% and gifts their da u liter Dianne t
Tow ship n .+ur _'nth Wedding anni% Callaway uric
horn on _ AUCTION SALE -
: en'Jrx - Sincrrelx Don apt June I5, 198{ tvcighing h Ib
rs Waited
Ten Thelma. Bode 24 1. • 1 4 oz $hN ws born tri
-' Str rat H•ospit
h 1 n attar; Geste as,:
For suppta(:t(?, Ind $ . W \i t itidcaut
III PQ; ,SES A,Q QN. 1 one 1 <crira Proud ratt:d urcetts are IJr.
aPPt'r+a• J tU ):;Js of xs t ,d' t• to. o T' ik lira $, , !•
t' se ted ar to to ,•. u,l lite sa. has and Mme. 'ltokseet #Jutterrhtnd
V!le tlav€ l eett t0staktictd by he• RU p ► r, el also about
' )t, a4 t , ,t r f ti: V' t Ia' IytJs:
sell,la Pttb ile .+uctiott ti3t'airttr (lv.okitt )4nfi trtptal' y. o hoti<lde it u au .I r t. frwtr.. and Mc tams .,
„y:_, , lfkc►t, ds.•
frit ods for 't k4.xx fx efts..t, r
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u hie t rld'tnstettt4t -Qt4 tf. ,. . M4lit
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a tial a tt, i r
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c t r go-, h
l'1. D •
., .-Jul`l ., , ' 1 t ' . ,t+ at Vrana . c. . 2 mi a .sit .t , , . . , . ..,.. G ri d O . ;1t .IgIvH 5 ,i l th l•# h• 1kjE ;.Gt. •(711AC
.tit,} s.. k ... ,411 it- .. - s{xtletI{?n d1i T.awnshi#t pf 1,T14l ,t gFgl l' l R ' a , a l ,. 9
•r ,b. ptvcraav b c., i,.r ¢!t Inky to C RNQ ..: errnt tit
tji ettnttsR ` It
signs ,, ! ti th rate .f ,0lJ0 Ft. .. H 1 1, xd( est. .Uri ort t e lU;tl`' ,tat Q ai eco some m nt ftrr pi lcln gold
la a f1 r Kuj e..$t .. - 5?. i. those w hu hOpcd t~t. it, u =icho[ OlI r► C.hte., G 1 rB, Wad .. ; 11 1 Y ytQio ?i l?uEh 13en metal _.th , # ,, uq 4 . ids. qtr nwre {ter 8 p Dorothy Carno ita,n Verttx,it, n. t tit n i he`afternooh and• ovdn'ihduial rillto$(tik,enew), Forte hcav► 24-13x1 t ' performers Bt th:Q; tittst '. t'c)11hA etT. sl 9 d, .. i 9
itigdel Yrl...+t d Q dA,,.Work to 'be done
'in B:C' Palos 3, t9ffi a soot Swore ,
doty 24' ,power hack savq, fttll), hyd. 10 ton press:, Aug. atpd Sept. 19$1. Blu rays , Festi.Va, on : atuf a. Others { 10tiD by llllih.it9)
I %%ould !ifte to thank my Alexander brpthe.r for Treva. y
`'Hyd. 3='8" shear, I h.p. 3000 ib. ttyd. pump. lx&AB 6ntact Rd. Supt. for fanttl, relati►es and telco;, eleventh g.eandchlid for Mr. included Bruce aunty, and flev. Ken and his,
^ lag 31wetder c,'w wire.feed attachments.. ESA'B iender forms and must be • who ..rated me and sent and Mrs, Tom Mulholland, '
A10 -160K welder c/w wire feed att.. Poitras 24' received 'bv Rd. Supt. flowers and treats, while 1 Mitchell, sixth great grand: "
radial arm saw (new), Leeson '/. h.p, paint sprayer containing a certi*ied x%a% a panent in Seaforth and child for Mr. and Mrs James
(new), Makita power cut off saw. Bench model drill cheque of 1007. of en -
press, bench grinder, electrical paint sprayer, OX q Stratford hospitals. Special C'arnochan. I{uromiew
P.dosed bid by 5 p.m. July thank +ou to Rex Van slyke. 2-.13 I ts report
AC gauges and hose, spray guns, 3/8 drill, 2ll 1981 Lowest or any Dr L'ndemood and the nun• Boa'r acce
assortment of wood and metal' hand tools. tender not necessarily ing staff in Seaforth Hospital OVENS:Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
INVENTORY: Quantity of flat, angi'e, round. square accepted and must be
pipe and metal, -5- x S' x 20' lbjFam; $" x 20' thick also to m} kited neighbours at Ovens. R.R. 2 Mitchell on
wall pipe, metal bench with vise; 2 metal work bibles approved by M.T.C. 50 Market St. — Janet .lune 29, a son, Mark Elliott. BY ELAINE TOWNSHEND masters' Council in Febru tion. Cannabis should be tion of curriculum and pre -
GEORGE HOGGART 2-• 13x I Perth County board of arY• 1980 and included in removed from the Narcotics paratton of students for lite
on casters; 10' roller;' assortment of nails and McArthur. 24-13x! Viewpoint. a public affairs Control Act and placed under world of work.
screws; C shape' counter: wood cupboard; oil Rd. Supt. _ __ education approved an later newsletter issued by the the Food and Drug -Act. it A preliminary Discussion
furnace. 6' alum. step ladder: 2 h.p. lawn mower; 2 LondesboroOnt. ; 111 Muniorlani MARTIN: Staci is oleased to mediate Language Arts Pro- Insurance Bureau of Canada would thus remain under the Paper containing 101 recom-
-8' wood work beflches; mighty mike 34 cc 12" chain NOM 2H0 ram at its meeting on June
announce the arrix al of her g g in June. 1980. control of the Federal Gov- - mendations has been re -
saw; ',: h.p. motor; partial picnic tables; hard 21.13-2 SIEMON: In loving memor% sister Sara Elizabeth born 16., The 500 -page document The report reads, in art: ernment. leased for public scrutiny.
woods; plywood; scaffolding with casters; 24" is the culmination of several p p
of a dear husband and father, June 30th at St. Joseph's ears work by a large num "The position of the Ontario Simple possession must Responses and comments
exhaust fans;'plus many more small items related to Albert Sienton who pa%sed London. Proud parents are Y g Secondary Schools Headma- remain an offence. The court will be considered before the
wood and metal business. away Julv 11,. 1980. Bill and Nancy. 2'- bee of contributors.
' _ 13 1 Bill Miller, Language ate-rs' Council regarding must be able to detettmine project is finalized. _
TRUCKS 1971 Dodge Fargo window van as is. 22 Legal lotices A cluster of precious marijuana, hashish and other whether or not the person Trustee Dr. Kell felt more
For further information please contact: memories Arts Consultant. edited. a j
RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES JOHNSTONt Rex and Mary- dapted and processed the cannabis products is that the charged is a repeat offender. emphasis should be placed
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sprayed w ith a million tear, Ann are ver ha x' to an- se of these products is a The penalties for possession on physical fitness because it
527-14S8 Wishing God had s aced you Y pp• material. which superinten :4
In the estate of g p notice the safe atrrival of their dent of program. Keith very real threat to the health, :haul; be a clear demonstra- is an integral part rd life. He
20-13-1 Bessie Ann Davidson if only a few more years.
first child, Michaele Andrew . Thompson, feels will become welfare and safety of young tion that the smoking of suggested the Board make a
All persons having claims No one heard the footsteps "alt invaluable teachine aid"- people in the country today... marijuana is not condoned by submission at SERF asking
P g Ib. 8 oz. born on June 25 at that participation in physical
Vj Jj e /L•G • i against the Estate of Bessie Of the angels drawing near Alexandra Marine and Gen- The document is authorized Any legislative changes society." w p P P Y
Ann Davidson, late of the Y 3o took from earth 'ta era! Hospital, Godericfi. for use in September, 1481. which would tend to encour- Trustees asked Secondary education be 're-evaluated,
AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATQRS., APPRAISERS Town of Seaforth in the heaven Proud grandparents are Rose and will be made a%ailabic to age marijuana usage a School Principals' represent and perhaps made compu!
County of Huron, deceased. The one' w•e loved so dear. and Angelo Phillips, of Sea- mongst young people or lead ative, E.D: Alderson, if sory•and included in official
77 MAIN ST 5EAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1W0 g p One objective of the ,pap '
who died on the 4th day of But he really hasn't left us forth and Irene and Ford them to the conclusipn that drugs were a major .problem credits.
June. 1981, are hereby noti• Nor has he travelled far jeer is to reduce the adjust
l 5 t 91 327- t ase• Just entered God's beautiful Johnston of Varna. 2'r-13-1 Ment students must make the use of cannabis was a in rural schools. He replied Trustee Oppenhausec felt ,
feed to send'in full particulars socially acceptable pattern they were not a major pro it would be unfair to have
of their claims to the ander- garden when graduating from the must be avoided." blem, but may find their way Physical Education affecting ,
signed on or before the 23rd And left the gate ajar. 7-8 level to the 9-10 level. In Responding to a request to the schools. Trustee Reed a student's academic stand -
day of July, 1981, after which Lovingly remembered by answer to trustees' questions from Perth County secondary suggested that copies of the ing. A student might have
date the assets will a whit - wife. Lucy and family. Mr. Miller said it is possible re ort be made available to academically high standards; '
that in a year the board will principals, the board en p but not be athletically in- i
25-13-1 Y parents.
buted having regard only to Somebody dorsed recommendations in P
Auction Sale be asked to consider the dined.
claims then received. the report with respect to The Secondary Education ,
1O PE'fSUndi efim nation of exams for y "Physical fitness .'an be .
CLEARING AUCTION SALE Dated at Seaforth, this 29th Wants What contemplated legislative Review Project (SERP) was
..: + • sta es.9..and •f•0:...- ... -, P g honed," he added. "but
day of June. 1981. changes regarding mari- established in April 1980 by
for the estate of the late. Mrs. Dan Burns, 59 East p you Don't Need! A report, from the Interme Juana hash sh and other Ontario's Minister of Educa- should not affect academic
Williams St., Seaforth, Ontario, on Saturday, July
McConnell, Steuart & Mr. and Mrs. Joes h van
Devereaux, Dooren are leased to an- g ate Division Science Pro standing."
SATURDAY JULY 18, BEGINNlING P - gram Committee was en- cannabis products. tion, Dr. Bette Stephenson. Trustee Ward countered i
AT 10'CLOCH Seaforth, Ontario nounce the forthcoming mar- Recommendations to conduct a one-year study
SELLdorsed by the executive com Fed sal nY that participation could be
L-ESTATEr Pro Solicitors for the executors ria a of their dau hter Diane r - . of the prpYince's high sch l .
REA Property consists of lot W x u0'. . mittee and distributed•to the made mandatory but :healer
-- 22 12=3 , Lee to Thomas James ernment should undertake an system The mandate was to
Situated on the lot is a one storey frame house with 3 __....._..._ P Y full board for its information. include evaluation of each
Peckitt. The weddi g will Through extensive campaign to eau- examine almost every aspect
bedrooms and full basement. It has sewage NOTICE TO CREDITORS take lace on Jul Mat St. One of the curriculum individual and should not be ;
- t public d' the of secondary, schools focus -
hookup, new wiring, new forced -air gas furnace, James Cfiurch, Seaforth. projects identified by the exp p is r ring a counted on credits.
the u egg s rY .
new roof and it has been newly painted last year. In the Estate of H2tron' „expanding base of research ing especially on the credit Trustee Herman said she
• 2S -12x2 Program Advisory •Commit;-• •- - ,
The first floor is -carpeted 9[itd has a new bathroom. ELIZABETH ANN on the 'effects of marijuana system, standards and disci -
tee for action f 1981. was lines content and or aniza- Please turn to page 21
Property to be sold at 3 o`clocit STOREY Expositor development of a county on health, safety and motiva- p ' g P g
'PERMS: Being offered subject to a modest reserved All persons having claims Mrs, Grace Munro is oleased outline for science teachers L
bid 10% down, balance in full in 30 days. against the Estate of to announce the forthcoming Ckcssified at the intermediate division Yw0 Year pad
HOUSE'HO EFF'EC'1S:. Dining room suite, marriage of her grandd'augh- level.
Elizabeth Am Stoney, late of ter Karen Teresa Steels to Want Ads
" consisting o extension table, 6 chairs, the Town of Seaforth, in the A committee was formed
china cabinet and buffet; corner table; studio couch; County of ,Huron, deceased. Kevin Thomas Young. on with representatives from el -
24" electric stove Moffatt; Gibson refrigerator; spin who died on the 5th day of Friday July' 17 at the North -
dryer washer twin tub; roll top kitchen cupboard clay, 1981, are' hereby side United Church at .00owns schools and administration.
chesterfield and chair; chrome. table and 6 chairs; notified to send in full P -m' 26-13x1 Its task was the standardiza- Boardif. eache
Singer vacuum cleaner; Singer sewing machine; old particulars of their claims to tion of a program at Grades 7
extension table: antique dishes: miscellaneous the undersigned on or before and 8 level to ensure stU ' A • new method of nego- agreements arrived at by gram which sets up prose
dishes; hall tree; 2 antique rockers; odd chair: end the 16th day of July 1981, dents. have essentially the bating and a novel procedure teachers and boards across dures whereby teachers'` `
tables: coffee tabic; pole lamp; a 'variety of lamps: after which date the assets same science skills and back- for setting salaries has resul- the province. could retire early thus help -
picture frame; telephone. table: humidifier: radio; ,will be distributed having ground when they enter se- ted in a two-year collective Essentially, both ,parties • Ing with the redundancy
foot stool: high chair: 2 ferry stands: crocks: wicker regard only to claims then condary school. agreement between the first agreed that area problem facing schools. The
stands; captain chair; coal oil lamp: 3 antique received. • The program emphasizes a Perth County Board of Edu- tdachers' salaries should re• board is currently seeking
bedroom suites consisting of beds, mattresses, Dated silt Seaforth. Ontario hands-on, experimental ap- cation and secondary school main at the current level or legal advice on this, however
dressers add wash stands; 2 large trunks:. wardrobe flus 19th da ._ of June, 1981. t preach: A survey by the . teachers in the._county. rank relative to those of to detcxrnine-it alegality.witlt-
............. .... _... __..-_.-...•_ _ _..._., _ _ s the province as a
-- -' committee in that The agreement gives teacher in a ro ince in the Education Act.
aTQset stag; a Targe quantity .ptltovrs:e3d;ng. and "` --7M ti;"" gt . R
quilts; miscellaneous pots and pans: laundry stand: Deveeeaaz • with the exception of com teachers a 1-0.25 per, cent whole. -The re -issuance of a re -
cheese boa; chrome table; sealers and fruit; picnjc Sedott76, Ontario pound microscopes, all ne increase in existing salaries For the' 1980-81 period, vised letter on pupil -teacher
table; fawn chairs; garden teals; garden hose. Solicitors for the tarioton. cessary equipment is availa- effective Sept. 1, 1981 to Perth teacher salaries ranked ratios indicating that as of
TERMS: CASH 22-11-3 or in the schools or can be Feb. 28, 1982. increments for 27th out of approximately 70 Sept. 30, 1981, the ratio shalt
Auctioneer: Larry Gardiner ordered on the annual regui- principals and vice -principals._ boards in the province. That be 17.06. The ratio will be
Estate or auctioneer not responsible for accident or NOTICE TO CRED%ORS sition. , The committee also .-.for the same period will of vice -principals ranked maintained at that level
losses- conducted 'a comprehensive amount to 9 per cent. 23rd and principals' were through to 1984.
20-13-1 In the Estate of evaluation of the four major For the followint? vear, ranked at 32nd. -in accordance with Bill 82,
GLADYS NOBLE. Science texts. however; 'increases will de- Increments for the second a Bill on special education,
THOMPSON 'Trustees were told a metal
• , All persons having claims , -°. pend on agreements arrived year of the two-year agree- now before the Ontario Legs,- ;
fabrication course will be at by other boards and Ment period will ,be automa- stature, the board and tea -
against the Estate of Gladys' „ implemented at St. Marys teachers across the ravince. g g
- Nobly Thompson, tate of the P tically arrived at through an chess have agreed ;to a
AAuct on, Sale District Collegiate and Voca- the Perth agreement was agreed-upon formula, Mrs. pupil -teacher ratio of 10.9 to'
uction Cown of Seaforth, in- --theF tional Institute in September. arrived at June' Ili and has Herman explained. 11.2 for special educatiotn :
at the Circle B Auction Centre County of Huron, Retired ; K r_' _ to broaden the technical ex- been subsequently ratified in March, 1982, she said, students. This -will amount to,
- " S miles east of Mitchell on School Teacher: deceaa%ed Mr. and Mrs. Jack Renne of R.R. 2, Staffa are perience of students in by District 22 of the Ontario the schedule will be revised an increase of 5.5 teachers in
MONDAY, JULY 13,1981,06 -IS P.M. who died on the 17th day. of pleased to annouce the forthcoming marriage of Grades 9 and .10. Secondary School Teachers according to a letter of the 1982-83 school year, Mrs.
TRAILER: 1971' 15 ft. Rocket with fridge, st,)ve, May, 1981, are hereby their daughter Mary Catherine to Mr, Floyd Principal of St. Marys D.C. Federation and by the board. understanding signed be. Herman said.
_ porta pot, sleeps siz, in good shape. notified to send in full Johnston. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnston, 35 and VA, Eldon Alderson, The increase brings the tween the board and the Speaking for the teachers.,
SNOWMOBILES: 1976 ET340 Yamaha red: 197.2 particulars of their claims to We st St.. Seaforth. The wedding will take place estimated that '5 Grade 9 average salary for area teachers which sets out the Mr. Robins said a significant,
140 Yamaha. 1 the undersigned on or before Friday. July 1', 1981 at ':00 p:m. at St. Patrick students and 80 Grade 10 teachers to 532,377 per method of determining in- part of the agreement is a'
LAWN AND GARDEN: 12 hp. Simplicity tractor, the 16th day of July 1981. Church. Dublin. Ontario. 26-13-1 students will benefit from annum. creases. revised teacher -funded leave
hydrostatic drive, four foot mower; M T D 7 hp. 21 after which date the assets Photo by Frank Phillips metal 'fabrication as part of For a beginning teacher The formula can be ap- plan.
in. cut snowblower with electric start. two stage. will be distributed having their shop program next the minimum salary is in plied once 80 per cent of Under the plan, teachers'
FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES: Admiral re- ,. regard only to claims• then year. creased from $14,973 to board teacher settlements would be paid four year's,
-fridgerator and tlect.oc stove gold tone; older received. t Equal emphasis will. be 516,509. For a teache'r"Wi'th' are in. wages' over a five year peri-;
Westinghouse upright freezer; counter top electric Dated at Seaforth, Ontari .K i)eaths
p To all those Good Years placed on sheet metal prat-. 11 years experience the mini- The negotiation process od. At the end of the four
stove and built in oven brown; 'Findley gas range; this 19th day of June, 1981. lice and welding. Bryan mum moves from $25,690 to and procedure for setting the years a teacher could then,
WeVtinghouse built in dishwasher gold; 12 in, McConnell, Stewart & ' Congratulations MARY M. fMAEI VINCENT Shaw, technical director 4t $28,323.- salaries, Mrs. Herman indi•- ^ take a year off: It is a method(
Black and White television; 19 in. portable.B & W Devereaus Mary Margaret (Mae). Pass. St. Marv% D.C. & V.I. main- The maximum annual sal- 'sated, means that the system of dealing with redundan-
television; floor model B & W television; console B Seaforth, Ontario to ed away in Seaforth Com= rained Students will have a ary for beginning teacher is has the assurance of a settle- cies, Mr. Robins indicated. '
& W television with record player and radia; Solicitors for the executors MR, & MRS. munity Hospital on Wednes= good basic• knowledge of increased from $17.971 -Act merit for two years. it also The plan is not new, ,butt
chesterfield and chair; chrome table and six chairs; 22.11-3 day, July 1st. 1981, Mary welding before they reach $19,816. And the maximum recognizes the role played by the former plan which was toi
antique dove seat; Electrohome 6,000 BTU air Ronald McOregor Margaret (Mae) 'Shade Vin. Grade 11. This will allow the Y
q ? + Card Of Thanks g for a teacher with 11 years other settlements in such be administered b OSS?P
conditioner; humidifier; beds; dressers; lamps, from Kippen on their cent. of Dublin, Ontario in Grade. i I course to be up, experience is increased from negotiations. was impractical because aft
other odd chairs and small tables; mirrors; dishes; 1 wish to thank everyone who xSTH`WEDDQVG her '''th vear. Dear mother graded. z
and arts; Electro honk component stere o, g S32.-O(j to $36,052. Under the agreement, certain state .tory r now
potsp p visited me and sent cards ANINIV RSARY of Evelyn (Mrs. Leo Jones) of At its June, 16 meeting, For school principals the there are no changes in the tions. The board has now
AM FM 8 track with two speakers and stand; plus and treats while I • was a Celebrated on July 11, Mactier, Ruth (Mrs. Pat Board'of Education also rati- minimum, salary goes from existing benefit plan. OHIP assumed administration of
more. patient in Stratford and Sea- Love Bm, Scott, PAW, McGrath) of Dublin. Eva fled the appointment of a S41.765 to $45.52; and the and other insurance policies the plan. '
MISCELLANEOUS— two incl eater pump -witli forth Hospitals. Special Nancy and Shirley (Mrs, Jim Brown) of Eg• second speech " pathologist maximum from $44,125 to in place will continue to be The decision to ratify the:
new 3 hp. Briggs and Stratton gas engine; 28 ft. thanks to Father Caruana. 26-13-1 mondville, Arthu r'of Brant- for county schools. Louise M.
wooden extension ladder,• two bench vices; wall unit $48,096. paid 80 per cent by the board two year agreement camel
gas furnace; Temkin 110,000 BTU oil furnace; bench Dr. Malkus. Dr. Hussey and ford. Jack of Ingersoll, Ken Roy of London is a ,1981 and 20 per cent by the 'last Thursday in a split votel
4 Hospital Staff. — Harold An Ex ositor Clas§iftcd of Seaforth, Ross of Dorion. graduate of the Communica• Vice principals' salaries in- b the board. Nine members
oder; machine That malas acetylene; Stihl 24 in. P P g crease from a minimum of teachers. Y
Y 4.13x1 will pay you dividends. Have 31 grandchildren, and 31 tive Disorders program at the Some of the other'it atters of the board voted in favote
alt chain saw; Craftsman mitre box with saw: Maloney.,y' p $36,640 to $39.938 and the
General Electric '/a h motor; Black and Decker you triedone? Dial 527.0240. great-grandchildren. Pre- [Jniversity of Western Ontar maximum moves from agreed to are •the board has and four voted against the
p• deceased b two children in in. She also holds a B.A. agreed to rovide fort ave of agreement. Tfie'f, was one'
electric hedge trimmer: two four foot flux urescent I would like to thank nes: Y 539.000 to 542,510. g p
friends, neighbours. eclat- infancy. and one grandson, from Laurentian llnivcr%ity. a Federation officer for the -abstention and one member
light fixtures; gardening tools; plus more. one sister Evelyn Shade and Perth County secondary At a press conference held 1981-82 period. The lagged was absent. ..
ives and family who sent
e'artla) list only. Y ` two ; brothers,Y Allan and principals Submitted to the Friday in Stratford. Board will pay for half the salary The June agreement is t1w
: 7 % sales tax in effect. cards, flowers and gifts, and Elmer. !tested at the R.S. board a coy of a report negotiator Barbara Herman
p, pand benefits of a teacher first time in at least 10 yeattaj
4 Circle B Auction Centre- prop. 348-9646 or 348.9771 came to visit `while 1 was a Boz Funeral Home, 47 High entitled "the Marijuana and teachers? negotiator who :vitt be available to both that teachers will enter the
patient at Seaforth Commun.Ken Robins attributed the Federation and the Board summer break with trig
baUGLASJACOB Streit. Seaforth, until 'Satur. Issue: The Headmaster's
AUL' noN&R try nk you tol. With a special. + ► i da where funeral service Perspective."
thank you to Dr. Malkus and Ythe early agreement to full• for improving relations be. knowledge that an agree
Open day of attic fol viewing. was held at 2 p.m, 'interment The report was originally day negotiating sessions and tween the two. Ment is in place for the!
R ro the nursing staff. it was all , E mondville Cemetery. published by the Ontario The drafting of an edrl following term, ne otistorel
20-13-1 greatly 'Appreciated. — g Y a method of,setting salaries B Y g g
VerifaCameron, 24.13x1 28.13.1 Secondary Schools Head- based directly .. on other retirement incentive pro- said. 1