HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-08, Page 17and area news Mon'. Mori Si.... (Spit. Dross . • Kota SHIRTS 20% OFF M.w*WelkinitS,Wm SHORTS. DRESS' I- SprilMitmhirfliares . DRESSES. BLOUSES I SP5ORTSWEAR1 / OFF to PACKS / 2 PRICE: • HOURS: Mon.-Thum. II AM."' PM Friday.* AM.! PM Saturday P AM.5:30 PM lorlios* Short Si..,. ' 7 Sirrianor. SLOUSESAIRESSES;-- FABRICS:- JOGGING WEAR, 2091- ro, • SHORTS & TOPS OFF 25% on Asssnos PA NTi-HOSE. GIRDLES BATH. FACE & HAND & BRAS 90 % OFF TOWELS 2n% vir OFF BACHERT MEATS On the Farm 1 mile east of Walton Telephone - 887-9328 Our NEW SLAUGHTERING FACILITIES are NQW in operation We offer Government inspected Killing „putting Wrapping Freezing Sausage Making Curing Patty Making , Kill Day Tuesday Retail Cuts available Thursday - Saturday Beef prices are on the rise Al Fronts 1.25 lb. [this wk. only) cut with Blade & Prime RibSteaks for the barbecue Al Hinds $1.99 lb. Al skies $1.65 lb. Potties $1.79 lb. 0 lb, or more these prime include cumnatIvidg.vreppinn. ALL SUMMER MERCHANDISE 20 ,a50% OFF Ladies and Childrens Clothing LOIS'S FASHIONS Sunday School Enjoys Picnic THE HURON EXPOSITOR :JULY 8, FRATERNIZATION—While California Cidies leader Madame Hilda keeps ,a close eye on the score book, Hensall Legionaire pitcher Brian Campbell closes his eyes in embarrassment. The Cuties may have been a comedy team,, but they shut down the Legionaires by a score of 6 to 0. (Photo by Ellis) • • Correspondent BERTHA MACGREGOR The Annual Picnic at Hen- sail United Church was held June, 28 on the lawn of the church following morning service.. The picnic was pot luck 4.0 a splendid lunch was enjoyed • by all present.. fnlInWing the spnrts . arranged Anf :loan Alexander altdlier committee was held rung. pOnple and the PB At beartt and ,Winners. t',04 . walking PAP* plates, Matt "Trolley; Nv4r, • team iOnders 'Cathy •"Herhert and Mary Jane Parsons., (each teain won 'once); Sack race, Pam Gack- stetter; guessing the time on the boxed clock; Mark Tinney; Water balloon game, Mark and Matthew Tinney; Eating raisins, cotton balls on a straw and potato race. Pam Gackstetter's team and guessing the number of raisins in a jar, Linda Ger- stenkorn. - • The service was conducted by Rev. Stanley McDonald who spoke on "What does it mean to be a Christian?" There are three main aims; live a Christ-centred life, live a Christ-disciplined _ life and live a Christ-changed life. Mrs. Joyce Pepper' was at the piano and the service began with a Hymn Sing, The children'stalk w prey s.abodi .t not being d to Greetingt _front door wat flo Lnsla4vd oiowve,c,il 74 4° .tsitS0lia V:ca"i. 0 to tfa riots*: committees and helpers who looked after preparing, serv- ing and clearing up the meal. and to all who arranged and conducted the sports. Mrs. Carl McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coghill), Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cosh- 5°9tt and' Erica. Mr. and . Mrs. Chester:Earl and -.IWO 144" Mw:994 -;„ 114- and - Mrs. ,P44.0. And. Pebble' . and Mrs. Kim bell. Cheryl. David and Bobby of Hespeler Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Earl, Janice. Lauri-Ann and Sherri. Lynn of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Earl. Jeff. Sandra. Cathy and Becky of Listowel. and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Earl of Guelph were dinner, guests at the Manse with Rev,. 144.4.,41141d - owing !rpitt.g worship on Stuida11, 126 kids attend vacation bible school Water Weltl DRILLING' W.D. Hopper end Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil 52T-1131 Duni 527-08211 Jim 521-u775 Correspondent MARY CIFIESSELL 482.9969 Chuters meet in Varna Wilfred Chuter hosted a reunion of his family on Sunday, June 28, Of the original family of six girls and four boys, there were eight present. One of Wil- fred's sisters is deceased. and a brother is in hospital. With their decendants, there were 58 present. Guests were there from Owen -Sound. London. -Toronto. Sarnia and Brantford. as well as this area. Bill and Joyce Dowson, Bonnie and Mrs. Margaret Dowson attended Brenda's A tremendously successful Vacaton Bible School was held this past week in the United Church with one hundred and twenty-six stu- dents and teachers attending each morning. The theme for with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wightman. Mrs. Lois D'Angelo and , Miss Jill D'Angelo of Chi- cago. III. are holidaying with -Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dal- rymple, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rob Marshall and fam- ily at Collingwood last week. M r . 'and Mrs. d Boyce hate returned fro the mot- or t trip to Calgary,' Alberta. the school was "1 loVe Jesus. Jesus loves me." and each day the same scripture back- ground was used for all departments bringing con- tinuity to the study for the whole school. Gail Shaw was in charge Of the music, teaching the children many new songs relating to the theme and Joyce Pepper assisted her on the piano, On Friday morning, fol- lowing the sessions; the parents and friends were invited to view the children's work• which was followed by the children singing the songs they had learned as well as telling about their study for the week through drama, songs, and readings. The staff for the school this° A year were: nursery superin- tendent, Janis Bisback, with leaders Cathy Geiger. Ver- EMILY FAYE ROSS, Lytle Huston. Joan Corbett daughter o Mr. and Mrs. -; and Marilyn Bengough; kin- Alfred Ro s -of Hensall. dergarten , superintendent, graduated from the Univer- Joan Alexander, with leaders city of Ttititcl on June 19, Shirley McAllister, Susan with a B.A. in History. Faye ©der, Gail Shaw and Linda attended Seaforth District Towtan; primary superinten- High Schaal, and has worked ''dent, Barbara Gackstter, for the past 12 years in a law with leaders Evelyn Elder, firm in Toronto. She intends Cathy__Mann, Peggy Volland to pursue a certificate course and Deanna Brock; middler in French on a part-time superintendent, Shirley Lu- basis. ther with leaders Linda Iran- quair, Bev Moir, Darlene Varley and Glenn Slade and junior class, Joyce Pepper and Rev. McDonald. The Regittrars were Flor,, ence Slade and Sylvia Mettl- er and the babysitting help- ers were Laurie Pepper and Linda Gerstenkorn. Mrs. George McMillen of Toronto is. visiting with her son Rev. R. andMrs. McMil- len and family. Mr. and MO. Gordon Sey-. ffeit (nee Ruth' Anne McCul- ly). Tracy and Sheri of St. Much appreciation is ex- Marys and. Jeanne 'Comte of pressed to all leaders for a success. And also a thank you- to all the ladies who sent. cookies. Special thanks to all the leaders wtio stayed following the 'school to clean ,.up and leave the church so neat and tidy, VISITORS Charles Mickle, Hamilton spent a few days last week visiting with' his. mother,. Mrs. Laird Mickle. Brucefield Armstrong Flooring Paint and Wallpaper • f Acorn Cupboards Open Friday til 9 ( acorn kitchens limited For All Your Decorating Needs Seaforth Kitchen & Decorating Centr,, • Floor Fashion Centre *. Admiral Appliances Seaforthi Ontario. 527-1205 Evenings 271-3824 graduation at Fanshawe Col- lege. Eric and' Sharon Chutes, Tannis and Sherri attended Lynn Reder's wedding in Leamington on June 27 and stayed over Sunday to visit with relatives. Lynn is Shar- on's cousin. The annual church service at the lake, will be held this coming Sunday at Stanley Township park. A picnic dinner and races will follow. • The Chessells attended "Family Day" held by the .Rostock Athletic Association. on Sunday. Good country music was proviced by local musicians throughout the afternoon and early evening. and there were races for the children. duck races, clowns., etc.. and a, pork barbecue. It was .a very enjoyable community day, with four generations of some families there. A bail game wound up the day. A similar program MRS. RENA, CALDWELL 262'.5935 Mrs. Vivian Cooper at- tended a reunion of her graduating class in nursing . at 'Sarnia last Saturday. U.C.W. of St. Andrews ...Church....hela-a-bakesale. Homestead last Saturday. Congratulations _.to Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kinsman who were married July 4th' in Hensall United Church. Lori and Lisa Saber are continuing their figure skat- ing lessons in London, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones of . Hillier called on Mr, and Mrs. Howard JOnes last week. Services in St. Andrews Church, Kippen. will corn-, mence at 11 o'clock in July through to August 2nd. might be a good idea for some communities in this area. Miss Evelyn Chessell of Mtchell is holidaying with her brother Bill and family: Things are pretty quiet around the village this week, with several children in church camp at Menesetung, and others spending their mornings at Brucefield Va- cation Bible School. Jerry Reid is now employ- ed'by Ron Moody of Gode- rich as captain of the fishing vessel Slo-Aloe. The Stanley Steamers went to the finals in the B series of the Winthrop Slo- pitch tournament on the weekend, then lost to the Staffa-Cromarty team. The 'Recreation Committee would like to express its ,appreciation for the load of gravel donated and delivered by. Gerald Horton to the township ball park. ICIPPEN GUN ...11JB The Kippen gun club met June 30 with the follow- ing scores. 25's Jack Bell, George Hamm. Jim Butcher. 24's •Wayne McBride, ._JohtuAnderson:Actm. Bob Caldwell 23's Jack Mills, Al Kyle. Mery Batkin, Brad Mann. Dan .Crerar. 22's John Van Loo. Murray Christie. Bert Mahaffy, Rick Schroder, John Hessels, Grant McGregor. 2I's Harrison. Schock. 20's Jamie Caldwell. • • 18 Lloyd Vernier 17 Gladys McGregor. 15 Linda Crerar. • Bertha MacGregor re- turned home after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke. in Oakville. Ernie Davis. who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, returned to his home. Chiselhurst and Hensall United Church held their service July 5 til a.m. with Rev. Stanley McDonald con- ducting and Agnes .Bray at the piano and organ. The sermon was on "the Deputy' a book and film depicting the part the then Pope played during the holocast. The book is not really about the Pope but about you and me and our attitude toward affairs. Do we prefer not to get involved or figure things are none of our business? The Christian atti- , tude is like that of the Good Samaritan. The children's message was about the storms of life and alittle boy•who could cry "Atte boy, God" in a storm.' A lovely solo was sung by Belva Fuss. Flowers on the Commun- ion table were from the wanedddingof Dwight F aye Kinsman. Whiting Flowers on either side of the Communion table were in loving memory of Alex ,Mou- steau placed there by 'his family. Ushers were Steve Corbett and Ross Veal and Florence Slade greeted everyone at the front door. For the next two Sundays there"will be no service at the United Church while the minister is away on holidays. The congregation will join ' --Wltrt-r Unitede-i)r Church rt:ns Ca i 10:15 each Sunday. Nursing reunion held in Kippen t• MADAME HILDA—The unconventional Cali- fornia Cuties fastball team stopped in Hensall Tuesday to take on the Hensall Legionaires. Madame Hilda, alias Trine Palacious, is the captain and main attraction of -the men's (or should that be ladies'?) team, which won the game 6-0. (Photo by Ellis) SCHOLL'S ASATTO1-0- and Freezer Meats CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING PROCESSING Monday - Beef •'Tuescloy - Pork CALL 262-2041 (After Hours' 262-2732) 'CHOICE LOCAL (Fully-processed-cut, wrapped. Frazer.) SIDES OF -BEEF $1 .65 lb. Regular BEEF PATTIES 10 lb. bag ••• MILL ST. HE NSALL,ONT. sax • zo4 4