HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-10, Page 2• aid trete '"CSOEiREAt SIE s' a i' 1lrcwest at or. CALI,.Y. toadattgam, e.1„ Til e cutario mead; L.ika EStt, erftiz• C4,1„14.„,,,,,-, 4 vid.(: is be.. tllouth's Qurnpsnion). beg ft'rtnt:d by the lanai e¢rlir}ditt4 who, The s+ullpiyiiig of oxygen is not the crx tr,rzis t1.1, (y{ .e.sueitl itt'.'o Lake Super.. only funetior, although it i$ am u o;,t fox Ctwi,r+r .y . diroct and vital one, of proper breathing. ..................!.........1.7.......,......00.,..,i Thoron;;11 expansion of the chest insures s idle proper filings of the lungs with stir, 1 a;il'ttcs all the minute trig cells, especially ! those at the summit of lungs, where motion is least, awl where the seeds of CATE1IS consumption are usually first planted, syr„tilz� ATI - and increases the circulation of the blood theoughout all parts of these organs. 'Still anon er effect of properbrcatliing is a beautifying one, The chest is broadened the shoulders are thrown l .>acl the i�r;t:r is crect, Lula th.e carriage r uce:Cul,. Perfect breathius is sial natural to most men tend women of sedentary ee- .i atiou rind; indoor lifer. Lite ell good •s, it must be worlcd far; and tht, I -los:;, :_a ,r snared Fry' hese wor The; ere rel;: ve Distress f e -a Dyspepsia, TindigesVent an Too IIeerty Bating. A per.. feet reinee.y zaz 17iz izress, Nao^ea, Drowsi- ness, 1at.,_ a ter:; the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LWVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. $ aha PEIL .Octad E ose& troad;Pa o,. Sl.t,:` L.. 4 A ilio fraud. of the day., See you get Carter's, Ask for Cart •Insist and d Carter's Litt and Liver Pills. .tlme tsa t into the blood, tnkenr titude of pais : t:.nd aces Women are come ng to understand hat the Backaches, eadaehes, Tired eelings and Weak pells from which hey suffer are due o wrong action of e kidneys. The poisons that ght to be carried are sent back ith them a mut: DOANL drive away pales and ac healthy and hi Mrs. C. H. C iespie, 2 St. John, N.B., says: " Some time ago I ha of La Grippe. From t trouble arose, for whie a number of the best John, but received Litt Doan's Kidney Pills h began their use and in them to be a perfect e these pills I suffered could not turn over in awe. Doan's Kidne me from this terrible removed every' pain a ley Pees es, make women to enjoy life. Britain Street, a violent attack s, severe kidney I doctored with hysicians in St. relief. Hearing hly spoken of, I short time found o. Before taking eh torture that I ed without assist - Pills have rescued edition, and have d ache. Work while you si'eep without a gripe or pain, euring Dyspr nsia, b`iekHeadache and Constipation and snake you feel better in the moiaing, Price.25e. S! OTHERIN s A Kingston Lady's Milburn's Heart , in Relieving this dition. SATION. perienee with nd Nerve Pills stressing Con - "I have suffered for . me years with a smothering sensation used by heart disease. The severity o the pains in my heart caused me mueh Tiering. I was also very nervous and •', whole system. was run down and debili ted. "Hearing that Milbu ..'s Heart and Nerve Pills were a sp c c for these troubles, I thought I won try them, and got a box at McLood's Dr Store. They afforded me great relief, wing toiled up lay system and removed he distressing symptoms from whieh I .; lf"iered, I eau heartily recommend these `fonderfal pills to all sufferers from heart' -rouble. (Signed) MRS. A. Kingston` Ont. Lax Liven rmts ell Biliousness, Constipation and l;,oit.. Ecea =ha. s , • i"in `YSAfS'' •'� .3 .r tNCie RADE; MARK* �.A Dr.SIGNS COPYI't ours &a. itnotvrre SenAlna , nkeceh dnd description may tt7�Iekk1Y ascertain our ol,inton free h eteer an Invention 1ti rrnr,nhl7 rtat „tolyl„ Communted, moos att c't, r,a•Ml• er,tl:c,. laflt 1 c CrPotentd pent free. Lorient n, (arty for ►,rnrinit,at lente. Pot,,nat taker& thr,ugh Yawn::'CO. 1104Iie *viol metes, rrhhout emerge, 'nibs f ' fl4 Rall ISaft• r.N ust be persevered iu tui:il full esp. ttiou bas become a habit. 0. utt tininn this objcet are Ot. bo reeertitch here; asci upon the principle Tile Met. tlriatnfi, k'iil hat they of removing permanently evoxy obstacle to the free entrance of air into the lungs. school children sitting at their desks, cl:;:.ks beveling o, er their ledgers, seam- stresses l't work with the needle or the it. wing inuchiue, typewriters, and all who must stoop as they earn their daily reread, should learn to stop from time to time, sit back in their chair, or rise, throwback the shoriders, and draw in ton or twelve dee holding the brea seconds each time These exercises, oral, should alwa mouth closed, fo; proper cl nunel f frow of the air. will interrupt th hour through the class to do this br be contributing realize' to the fut youthful. charges. The death. of the 5th con. of C Oct. 2Gth, remov who settled in the nothing but bush. most reached the being but two neon years of .age whe born in Argyleshire, nias Day, 1829, an with his parents in aunt and sister the The family afterwar township, Simeoe C to Culross in 1853 land which he aft the great land silo 1854 and on which time of his death. H to this, in 1849, bee tion of country lyin ton and Kincardine, until 1808 that he vi was married twice, Mary Carmichael, c Carmichael, then of in 1880, leaving a f, ren, seven of whom 1881 he married Mis daughter of David B1 who still survives h surviving Children, daughter live at the Mr. Donald Keith an live in Cuirass, The ters, Mrs. Win. Jo Gregor McKinnon, li Mr. KietliVitrat. adher byterian church and a ties. Hospitality was o and no person was e from his door hungry. who knew him for the 1 that in the olden days. were the only kind tlia Mr. Kieth and two o dead, were the four cor a house raising. Wh prioneers hack: their p Keith formed one of t Mr. Keith had not be some length of time, what suddenly, as he village on the Frida death. Thus one by are passing away and short time until there to tell the story of th of Culross. Teeswate , slow, inspirations, for three or four e lungs are fzlled. e breathing in gen- be. clone with the e nose is the only the passage to and school teacher who studies once every scion, and teach the thing exercise, will o than she can ever well-being of her CU LOSS. Malcolm Keith, of 0cs, on Thursday,. another of those wnship when it was Mr. Keith had al- lotted span of life, is short of seventy he (lied. He was cotlaud., on Christ- came to Toronto 1834. His father, there of cholera. s moved to Eldon Mr. Keith cause d squatted on the ards acquired at t Southampton in he lived until the had twiceprevious through that,seo- betweeu Walker - hough it was not ted Culross. He first wife being ghter of Donald ulross. She died y of Dight child- still living. In Catherine Black; , of N. Dakota, Of .the seven o sons and one. old home whilst s. Borden also her two daugh- ston and Mrs. in Manitoba. t of the Pres- former in poli- Inspector Ballard, of Tmiilton, re - of his virtues 1 ports that out of 7,0 _ public school pu- pils 418 are short-si ed. In a collision be een trains at the town of Thouars, F nee, two persons were killed and ten ers were injured. "((rasp all and Many people are so ing all" that they lose appetite, digestion, he however, these may b Hood's Sarsaparilla, a business roan on. the giving him good lliges and a clear brain, 1 thing for weak and jib towns.. AS 4eSU'S WOULD, PO IN' Ei J. Liin,datroera, a Swedish Tamer. has ecn diet d experiments with a view of litfiziug skiurllii1k as a food for Mille cows, say The Dairy of Englund. Ire recently gave an. interesting' account of Ws t:xeeriaaients and of the method of proceduxo followed la making the "skim. - milk food,” the uinhn: features of which are given below, The. milk is Ant pasteurized, or simply boiled, in order to hilt all bacteria, wiiieb it niay coiitaiu. It is then cooled to 80 degrees, and rennet is added. This rias is nixed in a tank or vat and left for two or three hours. The whey not absorbed. lay the straw is run off,and the whole -is left for 48 hours,. when. it will be fermented and rawly to feed. It is stated that enough of this food may be fed t" eorespolxl to four kilos (8;8 potnncis• of whole milk per head per day, uici this wil1repiaco about 0 -ca pounces of oral =try grain food. The method appears to be simple and easily worked, No dots -t other coarse food:?,. also ground oats, _tc.., eau be incorporat- ed with the curd li the manner desorib- ed. "Better do it tri=n wish it done." Bet- ter cure catarrji b taking .Hood's Sar- sapurilla than con lain because you suf- fer from it. ; Uses r'salt. ' Common salt ru ed. into the roots of the hair at night remove dandruff and prevent the hail from coining out. A poultice of salt oistcuell with yin- ' egar will. quickly ' eviate the pain caused by the sting o a wasp Cr bee. A cup of hot wet to which a tea- spoonful of salt has b 1 added, if taken regularly every day afore breakfast, will be foitu l to strew hen the,digestive powers. Bathing in strong s t awl water will bo found oornforting aching and blis- tered. listered feet. ' Fine table salt makes an excellent tooth powder. Bathing the eyes equently with salt and water will be fond very beneficial when they are we ` or tired.—Idome Notes. Worms cannot ren Pleasant worm syru to these parasitesa action promptly e harm the most d 25 cents. in when Dr. Low's s used. Itis death l by its Cathartic cels them; will,not icate child. Price ASrir ELM There died at his,, home on lot 0, ou the 10th concession of Ashfield, on Friday, Oct 27th, Mrs. Valentine Alton, in the 79th year of his age. Mr. Alton was one of the early pioneers of this section and had continually resided in that neighborhood for over 50 years. Al- though of a very quiet clispositiou, he was a man who was universally liked and respected by all who had the plea- sure of his acquaintance and the town- ship has lost au honorable citizen and the community a kind neighbor and friend. He had been ailing for some time past with kidney trouble and had suffered a great deal of pain, and on fall show day at Dungannon he met with a runaway accident, and being thrown out of the rig had his collar bone broken and from the effects of which he never fully recovered, Nees Notes. Brakemen Peter Srsuck, of Sarnia, was killed near Watford. Brakeman Thos. Bryce, of St. Thomas, was fatally injured at Hagersville. London, Ont., labor men hove nomin- ated a municipal ti et and published a platform. ✓ turned away James Reid, 145 years, said hen log houses were 'built, he, ers long since r men of many the Culross oto taken Mr. group. 'While at all well for ath came some - ad been in the preceding his o the pioneers will only be a be few living early settlement nows. USB All." The leading news] express the opinion interest in Samoa ain. pars of Germany khat the nation's be ceded to Brit - NEM. wl'I4.WI' xieS I ox:cco lJ 1: ItIt Ul.'r W0U .»' I3at •OF l;oiat.OW1NU me l'escatl'z.•+a. The Conservative. of Lincoln and Niagara have norm ted Mr. E. A. Lancaster, of St. C herinies, for the Commons. South Renfrew C servatives have nominated Mr. T. McGarry to op- pose Hou. Mr. Latchf el for the Legis- lative Assembly. The Hamilton Mast e Company has decided to reboil nd enlarge its furnaces, and about $50 wi1,1 be spent "grasp• en the work. treegth of nerves The new.l3ritish batt ship, , the Ven h. fortunately, orable, was successfully launched estored.uytaring day. 1r. Joseph Chamberlin elitist - ch has put many euecl the vessel, oad to sacoess by on, strong nerves Private Simon ])owner of the 42nd' does the same Infantry, United States Volunteers, was 1 women. fatally shot at Fort Niagara while at - HOOD'S PILLS cure air headache, in- tempting to eseape front the guard. digestion. s 1n. compliance with a request of the At the meeting of ane creditors of P. Premier of New Zealand, the Depart W. Watkins, of Hamilton, a statement inert of Marine and Fisheries will senrl was submitied showun; assets of $128,- to that colony a consignment of salmon 528, and liabilities of x$315,400. In ad- ova. dition to the ordinary;, assets there is The Canadian Clue held its first of a real estate worth 1,500 over the series of four dinners at the Royal hotel, mortgages. SA T ., . A Per Infanta ant Children. 1l'amilton, the theme of the oratory be- ing "Canadian newspapers and news- paper men." The first 'cargo steamier will pass through the neve Soulanges Canal on Titoaday next,. the Department of Bail- waye a�rynd1. VO ui havin.g granted the A1C'4ip,+M.'+.J W,w!4111111: _..'.O.illI ., i The author of "In 1 -lis Steps," Rev. Charles Ilii Sheldon, writing on "Is Christianity Practical in Business Af- fairs?" iu the November Ladies' Homo Journal, contends that "the immediate result of applying Christ's teachings to every -day life would, without any ques- tion, be the actual loss of almost every- thing in the way of money, and social position, and political power for vast immbers of persons who are now rich,. or successful, or powerful through the exercise of selfish-; teat is, un-Christain —methods of life. ; have not the.slight- est doubt that if thtsenerohants of Phila- delphia, for examn should begin at once to do as Jesus the immediate xesi ruptoy for very m for the majority. then enormous los This fact would not p ity cannot be applied does not .square witl Christaiuity. That t men themselves frac statement so often mr en Rule cannot be business, is not a co ishness of the Golden selfishness of the bus uld do in business, would be bank - of them, perhaps not brnkruptcy, a would follow, ve that Christian - modern business the teachings of 's is so business y confess. The e, that the Gold- uado to work in ession of the fool- Rule, but of the less world." • littppiszeS Duty. Be happy. Be ha y ie spite of every thing, When a per v. is not happy he is a failure in life. be happy is to be normal, and the noraaia people are those who come out on t- in the long run, Nature and human i ;tura detest abnor- mal things, and un1u spy people are cer- tainly abnormal pec le, It is. said that nothing makes happiness like happiness, and from observation one seesthat it is true. Happiness is, two things—a good. habit and a spirit state. Many Wo men you think ar born unhappy. Is there any one such weakened creature that she cannot cult ate the good habit of being happy. The trouble with ie average woman who fancies herself appy is only an unwholesome fancy, She caresses and nourishes nnhappine . In other words, she hugs trouble. Sh luxuriatesiu being . melancholy in lookin ou the wrong side of things. If she on kuew how disa- greeable this made r in the •sight of men she would ver soon change her . tactics, for it has come to be a recognized fact in modern civilization that happiness : ' is a necessity of life. Poultry ointers. Generally the batt r the seratcheiethe better the hen. Feed milk and bra for growth, milk and meal to fatten. When you get rea y to fatten . fowls, do the work quickly. Game chickens, von a free range, are in danger of bein overfed. The most successf fanciers are those that kept one or two reeds. Hens cease to lay when improperly fed or when in a dise sed condition. Bens require a var ty of food. They get excessively tired one kind. Hens should be 1 ' d when they are three years old. Th lay fewer eggs' after that. . Grain is deficient in lime and mineral' matter, but bran is rich in nitrogen and carbon. - Scalding fowls before picking partial- ly cooks the delicate skin,rendering it dry and wrinkled. While linseed and ottonseed meals , are excellent foods, to much of them will cause a loss of fe, 1 ers. When your birds ,- e bowel (disease, change the food for ew days and at the same time change • e grit. A yellow leg or skin i oes not indicate quality. The best to a fowls, game, Doric: ugs, Houdans a Langshans do not have yellow legs. ' Orohar'd and If trees are to be pl the soil should first be condition. All small fruits sho enough apart to admit eultivator. No variety of pears on the trees as they w and ripenedin the liou Goodfeedin must at in trees and plants as Make the soil in the or In the prmtirig enco of new wood. Many because the now wood the old:. With the peach the be started with low limbs not more than t ground. Lice on trees may b ing a pound of po Water and applying on With a brush. arden. ited in the fall, repared in good be planted far f using the horse 11 ripen so finely when gathered nd rapid growth 11 as in animals. and rich. age the growth es and vines fail cut orf, leaving ung trees should eads, the lower o feet above the killed by disoly- in a gallon of he affected parts Mrs, Harvey Hine a resident for fifty years or more o the township of G • derioli, passed awa on Tuesday of 1a: , . eek at Toronto, ; ' hither she went to re. A about three ears ago. Mrs. hlincks o paraly s, having been i11 about t eeks, he leaves a large . family, thro A ins am sic daughters: William, of Sioux City, owe; Dr. John, of Manistee, Mioh.; Alb .rt, of Michi anl; Mrs. Sohn I nox, of c oderioh; Mrs. Booth, Mrs. Cooper, rs. Barton and the Misses Jane and Frances, all of Toronto, The fun A al took place last Thursday aftorno+ from the resi- donee of John Enter, ewgate street, Goderioh at 2.80 p. lna t Maitland eeniO- te>r`y. t of the St OM sailor avg. the p body • i:;.:^ "Tr' ,v s..ef!•aeV,i un 11;;;IIgiMW1114YNt111111 1101gn1111111,11N1 q • SEE THAT THE AVegetablePreparationforAs- tilt the Stomachs audDowes Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- A pezfeet Remedy for Constipa- tion, sour stemach,Diarrhoes, n.ss grid Loss OF SLEEP. Tue Simile Signature or NEW ;YORK. Is ON THE WRAPPER 01' EVERY BOTTLE OF Castoria is put np in ons-siso bottles only: it s not sold in bulk. Dotet sdker aeyono 4o sell yon anything else on tho oleo. or promise that it is "just as good" and "Will answer 'every par - p000," 44.1' 8ce that you gat 0414-Ze-n-LA. Cho tao• la on fiektaid EAK,NERVOUSADISEASED MEN Thousands of Young and 21fiddie Aged Men aro annually swept to a premature_grave through early indiscretion and. later exceeses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood, Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have yon any of the following S_ymptomtin• Nervous and Despondeat; Tired in Morning; No Ambi- tion,. Memory Poor; Easily Fatigned; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; Pimples on the Face,_• Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard. Looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifetess; Distrustful and Lack of Ener.ry and Strength. Our New Afetdod Treatment will build you up mentally, physically and sexually. Chn,,. Patterson. Read DRS KENNEDY 86 KERGAN "' What I Dane. " At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me, I became nervous and weak. My back troubled rne. I could stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull.. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elea- -1 trio Belts, Patent 'Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me .. no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. TheY Bent me one month's treatment and it cured me. could feel 'r-;..;" myself gaining every day. Y'heir Eew Method Treatment cures when 0,,rett One alt else fails." They have cured many oZ ray friends." • as 1/r. Moulton. Capt. Tnwnsend. 4 t11,111Z 11211AIT:U MEE Ittlin1). " Some 8 years ago / contracted a serious constitutional blood • isease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for eyphilis. Mercury almost illed me. After a while the Symptoms again appeared. Throat ecame sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, oss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A.modical friend adviratil Drs. ennedy Kergan's New Method Treatment. It cured me, and They° lad no symptoms for live years. I am mruTied rind happv. As a octor, I heartily recomend it to all who have this terrible disease— yphltie." It will eradicate the poison from the blood." 5 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150,000 CURED. • "I am 83 y.ters of age, and unrrietl. Whim young I led a gay life. Early indiscretions az.d later excesses made trouble for me. I became weatc and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's disease. Marriott. lif was nnsatis- „..1 factory and ray home unhappy. I tried everyliting—all failed till 1 took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their Isl.rw Method built- me up mentally, physically and Bestially. I feel and net like a man in every FeSpent. Try them.” alr Nanries Used Without Waiter Our New drains and losses systems and rest rtyulatlisi Weal& Pa save you years of r Question ConSent of Patient. eth od Treatmen4, never fails in curing Disease" of Mr. & It strengthens the bokty, stops all • urifies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual A s lost vitality to the body. America. They guarantee 'to cure or no paw. Their mon- Drs. Kennedy Keegan are the leading specialists of tation and fifteen. year* of business Are at stake. Yon them for an honest opinion, no matter who Molted you. Tt may ret and suffering. . Charges reasonable. Write for a 1st and Book Free. Consultation Free. 148 Shelby St. Detroit Mich. • you all about il'="e'Clci4 if not, write Li Co., and, they will ti:11. you. orcl to be Nvithout them, because they ay.': t Stub Proof STAMPED on, ; t Montreal. the 3. 11 You can't best See t each shoe. Tor he T. $1 00 imes9 from now till January 1st, 1901. ELIZ