The Huron Expositor, 1981-07-08, Page 11New Column. by Herb Shoveller mug with any other networks. It asn 't long atter the C TN, decision made the news that the company reals.zed it had on its hands a public relations bungle of the worst kind. Saying it had determined that Terry Fox's qualified as a State funeral; the network relented and opened the feeds, Well., it'suice they were willing to change the :decision. but tirpaiatiltdathtar 1144 been done. At ult4t point are we wh.ete priatnise, • pia; tS sir 4,:eseoloont hetwiien 9agsg000k,paitios': oati, be ,foresalmn Jor, the' ' 900lipgs f,e0On that the ,sanCtity.ol it.ohert.Son's ,(TV .,ornille,olusr, be maintainctil, Think 40)4par. ti!ot.i. Were . atietWinittepdeig.„ koid yaikhati r the oppOrtionty to hay ea .,.figiltkrsOclearlyidetitilled with it114, perlOttiong on Another network, wool that not be au c•xecite tit chaeke- to illustrate the prestige-of your operration?,.oSurc4 . Then there is the family''. Fin' the past year. the last year . of their son's life.thephave generously: proudly. shared him with a nation._.They had every 'reasons to insist this • last special time be private, but because they realized the inspirational impact their son had had on the people of Canada, they consented to share one final time., with only one simple request. COMMENTARY Perhaps the most telling commentary on this toolish game came in the editorial pages of thy Globe and Mail Friday. It said: "CTV was particularly anxious that its arch-rival, the Global television network, should not share in the proceedings. and for a time it seemed quite willing to carry this vulgar brawl right up to the church steps." Vulgar indeed, but it's dog cat dog. and as it picks up speed it Iasi doesn t seem to matter whose fire hydrant uu violate ,*e*** In light of the proposed new routes near us for Hydro's new transmission from Bruce. and in case you may have missed it. a highly placed official for the utility recently made a visit to Florida for a rather interesting purpose HOW TO DEAL Dane MacCarthy.vice-president of corporate relation's with Hydro. was participating in a course to instruct North American twig), exectittves on how' to'deal with protest . , ereld[ts. T4 course was given by.,lrying Oaltiaber, and some of the theories tic !kg espoused at the gatherhig ,ineluded•OP' belief OAS ActporAtFators can be deterretrivitli ' a schim axon ,.4nct V)51traOtig ef vo,upA cOntelltiPO,t1 Nly.,-Oeldalmth4 VxmitivO, $fIt'Pktr?48egt to '''assuage and destroy the OppOsitiott‘t' "pcenfriing to 1tepOrts frent the Globe. and Mother Jones niagaiine• Why is it so critical that opposition be so effectively dismaetledI What is wrong with the kacts f they eat 't be relied upon to disarm the critics? How hopeful is the farmer. anxious to protect as much of his property as possible. of conipeting with a graduate of the SW course (Hydro paid the fee and expenses) giving instruction• on such "negotiating techniques?" In the end, Mr. MacCarthy told the Globe. he expects Hydro will continue to co-operate with tqe opposition. So' why the program? It's all just a little bothersome. especially considering that the report of the course came originally from the Mother Jones reporter who attended the program under a false identity. Otherwise. those concerned about the proposed new routes would know nothing of what they're up against. But one really needs to wonder why Hydo went to the trouble. Huron mgy replace its Pioneer Museum DRIVE-IN THEATRE 169 Booth St., Clinton 4E2-7030 BOX OFFICE OPENS 0;30 PM NOW PLAYING 'TM THURSDAY, JULY 9 TAKE THIS .1108 DIRTY -‘1 AND-SHOVE IT "I' TRICKS t ,,, ss CHECK MOONLIGHT MADNESS FOR SPECIAL ADMISSION THURSDAY. JULY 9 'FRIDAY, SATURDAY SUNDAY - JULY 10.11-12 20 SECONDS' 0000°1 s You Explode. SiSaMittAIERS tio orgE41440isio TUESDAY, JULY 1470 FRIDAY, JULY 17 • 'WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS —nut— s4 HERBIE GOES BANANAS" SPECIAL ADMISSION FOR DISNEY SHOWS: ^Pro-Schoolors Nem Children umigir 12 - 5IP 527-0180 Sea forth itisteptiO vilstatt t .• iVi 'Ju !y 12 00 p.m. 4222 saaatatsasttas 416611 ro 0 • 0 N St Si 527-0180 Introductory Special Thur. to Thur. July 9 to July 16 foot Long Hot dog $1.10 EAT IN OR TAKE OUT HOURS Sun. - Thurs. 11 a.m. - 12 midnight Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. 2 a.m. Air Cundit tuned • IN• to. R1 14 l it II if 411, S2111141 N N Tractor & Truck Pull Sunday, AT SEAFORTH FAIR GROUNDS Sa nctioned by W ()TPA 10 classes 5500 to 17000 7000 lb Truck SDec — 2 Antique Tractor Classes 25 years or older SPONSORED BY SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB For Further Informat!on PHONE MARLEN VINCENT 527-0373 527-0120 LOVE OR MONEY, by Carol Bolt "An old-fashioned ghost story" July 8, 9 at 2 Pm. 11, 13,8:30p.m• QUIET IN THE LAND by Anne Chislett "Love and drama in Amish country" July 9, 10, 14, 15, at 8:30 Pali• unless stated RUSH TICKETS ON SALE AT .'7 P.M. ' or reserve at 523-9300 or 523-9225 -11-111111---aid-11-11--T11-1 LIONS CLUB ANNUAL SATURDAY, JULY 11 DUBLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE PANCAKE BREAKFAST 8 a.m. DANCING— BASEBALL $3.00 PER WOMEN'S SLOW PITCH PORK BARBECUE S P.th•-aP•m. -- Adults 4.50 Children $2.30 9 . I to FREE SPIRIT PERSON TOURNAMENT 10 a.m. ..1110110MMIIMIMO EVERYONE WELCOME TO,THE 'TENTH ANNUAL FIDDLERS AND STEP-DANCERS JAMBOREE July 12,1981 MITCHELL COMMUNITY ARENA 7 (Storting time 1:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m Proceeds for the Stratford & District Association• for the Mentally Retarded ,Admission $2.00 each $5,00 family - Participants free Donations still appreciated - Receipts for all donations $5.00 and over on request ramarrarrillarra rimmarramr. TE SECOND Rio WEEK JULY STN-16TH NOTE SNOWTIMEc Fri. & Sat. 7 P.M. & 9:15 Syn.-Thurs. tl P:M. OPEN— !NIGHTS A WEEK. The three outlaws from Krypton descend to Earth fo confront the Man of Steel, in a cosmic baffle for World supremacy. ' 'OM 2nd WM COKING somi A/DE:43 pC7ERIENCE THE FANT4STIC • of the °ASH 1:407' M ark" PARK GOotfttcrt 10141C....--I.,1212C2C=1111113:2=- usrov-- MEIN ITTi I:I. AIM HWY 8 RODERICH Al A CONCESSION RD 4 • • PHONE 524 9981 ntflai, •• corms Stinikm. shourrrrei num Opt. Park Opt. Park Opt. Park Opt. Park Opt. Park pot, Park . • ppt.,Fiarts, LPilt1(- • Out,,P40.11 Qp.t., Park BY H. CLAUS Chief of Police The hot humid summer weather has finally arrived. It can be a cause of Jong sleepless nights for many of our citizens. It also means a time. of tired bodies and short tempers. People have a tendency to stay up late at I night and drink a little too much. We can become an irritant to our neighbours. The big cities have many human relations problems in the heat of summer; however I am positive that cooler heads will prevail in the Town of Seaforth. Please be tolerant of that radio next door or the neighbour who is on holi- days. sitting in the back yard ..with--sonic-friends and-the convirsation is a little loud. When you are on holidays please remember your neigh- bour may. have to work next day. Bicycles are still going missing; parents, please check your children's bicy- des and make sure they 'don't have some other per- son's bike. This past week the police force was called upon to THE HURON EXPOSITOR, 4ULY 1 All ers crabbers The pushers, to DATE EVENT Thurs., July 9 Mitchell vs Bantam Girls (Softball) Thurs., July 9 Walton vs Jr. Farmers Thurs., July 9 Beavers vs Eagles Fri., July 10 VVingham vs Bantam Boys (Baseball) Fri., July 10 Manley vs Eagles Sun., July 12 ' Kincardine vs Midget WO (8440411-) Sun., July 1.2 %rattan* ya Wirt Sun.; July • Teaph00.ve.:Firertret) $uft„' JO 12 Villagers v4 Mgt July d1 queen• v§. Travett9ra July 13 Turf club vii Malt) Street +ups., JulY: 14.' Agog & Parent Roller Skating Tues„ July 14 Reg.ular Roller Skating Tues., July 14 Goderich `B' vs Atom Boys (Soccer) Tues., July 14 Commercial vs McNichol Tues., July 14 Scotts vs Browns Tues., July 14 Ken Smith vs D.Emms Wed., July 15, Puppet Show Wed., July 15 Downie vs Pee Wee Boys (Softball) Wed., July 15 Roadrunners vs Swingers 's .app PLACE High School 0 TIIIVIE 7 p.rn. 7 p.m. 9p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9p.m• 1 p.m. We are all. occasionally, stunned by the audacity ot some people. Users, abusers. grabbers. takers. In ellet.t. however, we shouldn't be sweetsed that there am; those who choose to manoeuvre in that manner. We do. after all, live in a society where the sustaining force is supposed to be competition. and when there's competition there's going to be a winner and a loser. We all subscribe to that. at least implicitly, by simple virture of out being here. mehow, though. that "scrap it out, may the best man ' approach. like a rolling stone gaining-speed. moves only for itself and as it gains speed tens, attention ts,paitl to other derving interests.. ." "• Taketer e4111Ple- the-Piftre liOte Step taken hrt-'Y" task Week eeketeieg,e0Verage of the Terry Fix funeral. With, . tbeeonsent of the km family. the nem ork wits pgruitted lo,cever the fdoeialiAt the ehtxreli witit the, ot4 sttpuNtioti. being that other networks bccollowed..awes, ,to tht;t0e..4, The network. Seemingly in agreeinent with the Conditiett. wt tilid use Only tine .Faniern, at the, service. The day hefOrethe event, however, (IV decided since their heavyweight Lloyd' Robertson was scheduled to 1,0 thebroadcaster it couldn't afford to share his authoritative BROWNIE Opt. Park 9 p.m. What's happening is a weekly column, space donated by The Huron Expositor. To list your event, call the Recreation Office at 527-0882, Keep cool for summer BY SHARON DIETZ Huron County Council decided at its June meeting last Thursday to apply for. a Wintario grant for-the build", ing program to replace die Huron County Pioneer Mu- seum. Ray Scotchmer, curator of the museum, said he would prefer a cement and steel structure to replace the pre- sent building and will be submitting a sketch with the Wintario application. A decision to replace the present building was made by the county's property committee when part of the roof collapsed at the museum last winter because of the heavy snow. ,The problem is not deterioration,rather poor deSign. AppliCations for capital grants are being received until September 30, 1981 so word of acceptance of Huron's application will probably not be "received until 1982. Scotchmer said the proper- ty committee considered several factors in making' their decision before decid- ing to replace the present structure. They considered that the county already owns the land where the present museum is located. The marine museum has recently been established in Goderich and will be operated in =junction with the Pioneer Museum. It-would be costly to move the locomotive in the museum to another loca- tion and Scotchmer is not in favour of establishing a village type museum because he feels the area , has several already. Scotchmer hopes the building program can be phased over several years to permit the museum to re- main open to the public during construction. He outlined several advan- Kids offered drama Beginning Monday, July 20th. a two-week workshop in Creative Drama will be offered at Huron Country Playhouse for children age 6.12. The 'workshop will be conducted by the Young Players under the supervi- sion of Dena Saxer, a quali- fied drama specialist. Dena• studied creative drama. at Michigan State University arid with Winnifred Ward, an taps to a new structure including environmental con- trol which will permit the museum to be open all • year sound. PresetW the Main exhibit area cannot be heated during the, winter months. Scotchmer observed that having the museum open during the winter would be advantageous for school children to tour the museum during the school year. He also anticipates the new structure will have dis-, play rooms and lecture rooms which the present museum lacks as well as vault space for archival materials. acknowledged leader in the field. The workshop will empha- size individual creativity and encourage the child's ability to make a unique contribut- ion. ,,,On Saturday, August 1st, parents will be entertained by the children with their main stage per- formance at Huron Country Playhouse. Schedule: Ages 6.8. Mon- day , Friday. 10:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. at $10.00 for 2 weeks. Ages 9-12, Monday - Friday, 1000 a:srr: = 2:30 paw.- '-at $15.00 for'2 weeks. Saturday, August 1st, all ages 11:00 - 12":05. A few especially interested children over the age of 12 will be accepted. Enrollment is limited to 50 participants. All participants must register in advance. For further information and registration forms, please contact Huron Count- ry Playhouse. Grand •Bend. Ontario. NOM`ITO. 238-8387: answer 41 occurrences. Last Saturday night there were two accidents in town: the first one on Goderich Street involving thteLvehicles. and the second one on Maui Street South involving two vehicles. FortunatelY, there were no injuries in either of these accidents but the sad part is that both could have been avoided with a little more care and. attention to the rules of the road. This past week hve people were charged with liquor offences., and rseiten charges were laid under the, Highway Traffic Act. Arena 7-8:30 p.m. Arena 8t30 - 10:30 p.m. High School 7 P.m. High School 7 p.m. Opt. Park 7 p.m. Opt. Park g p.m. Arena 7 p.m. Opt. Park 7 p.m.