HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-08, Page 5`y
Obituary ,earat.e
MARY MARGARET(MAEi She was predeceased by a '' BY WILMA OKE French responsibilities Patritit aul !,, bor`a iron ;erred as rc,#,+cut d and teen trustees
the dbsent Congress
the meeting
VINCENT sister, Evelyn Shade. two The Huron Perth County Roman C Athol � teacheEricr. with hunch ccs `t tit„nils ,,, ,.,si,,,r�., r son Education in
The death occvmd in Sea- brothers Allan and Elmer Separate School board set the salary an P trutn St Mit tint l Sthowl. Stratloid it, Si Calgary. Alberta. June 20. 21. 22 and 23
forth Community Hospital. Shade. by two children in benefits schedule for INlil •82 for speech James School. Seaforth Aloysius st hoot titratlurd and I d ( appcil, were Tim McDonnell of Gadshill. , Vincent
Wednesday _July & 1981 of infancy and one grandson. pathologist (non -teacher) in its system. At rim Carroll was h.tred. ,_v ,a„rnuui' tram St. Alo, siu, to Si Mi, iia; I s Young of Goderich and John O'Leary of
+ the board has ons one teacher, including prtnctpal's rt ht t au,t
May Margaret (Mae) Vin- Afunera�servicewasheld present iheboard ,+ctc•pttd the rc,igtnauon o1 antic Staffa. ,
cen Of Dublin the former from the R.S. Box Funeral The schedule is: Withminimum require special education. at St M%t> , ,,hooi Murray. mu,._ ica,her 'it per crit St W dhan Eckert. director. of education. gave
}y ment of Honours B.A the salary would Hesson.
fu'Y Margaret Shade. Home. Seaforth, Saturday. Joseph's ,, luaor,, tiny, i+„ iu►;u,i a detailed report on the seminar for'directors
A daughter of the late •July 4•at 2 p.m, conducted.by range from $1',6(}0 to $`20,.100 for maximum Marianne ' Fravne hired as , lass.r,ion, 11 1981 of education which he had been invited to.
W'iIRAi[tt>'t: Shia(e and Ade Rev.T.A.A, Duke.Joterawni of Hono.uts B.A . plus incr4ntenis of 3,2.'700 teacher tpripcipat s relief ,4t) Irak �, nt, .0 the trustcc, er,dor.cd u rcw,;t+r.rs,n trortr atwnd�in Banff to May. -Mr. Eckert -sa�id'the
With fill un uirement of M,A 40 `aaured Heart schoo . 1Ntrr Fl t#zt. oda, Irtaa ti r
lirae5patrhaglSfTtick rsmtth.- fQllrnw.eal in g> .r+ndvtlle i h m m 1 xs,q. t,.. ! L rine Lttart+tn'( ut9rrt • iitaman t .cit;;+U. S•,Irat r;rc Utght-da) ,�otarsc. t oat him fell,>> ►ktore
Nigh, was hired as a tvat'hcr alt t1as, br#t,aZAt. n
Site tKaB 76, Cetretery, Salary, would, run [rani. C>.IH,2f,0 to 52.2,25;1. Stlatarai k+ca.;t^d' tfs:t ung, Et+a' Ata.rsts:t . tt1 knowledgeable olid thtirefQir(s'-`sv�.w.xpv rat
(} - lets tnervii0vn.ts of $3, W. U �r ' f in. C Other than s are Sister. Atiov Atit:►.a ,t I”
She is sut�riued'by 00gh Pa .bt r4' 'We raid• P in r. $ Fd� cation , f th c g k 4 a x (:? hc curr�;:ttt
1e a ' ) + nca irt.rrtrw+v+n tYtt; 'irk rc t"'e as We t r* tCty}litkl;t
St. Mar srstjt .:LC,.ea etch. S" .rr . a rstn
Mrs.. $al. A ftur.Va t benefits ou:lYi ac:th�' s.tnat a9 t.ht'se aid to y oQ. d .) lit . M t! , r +' 'it , ,.� '.. o:}rias f i' 1e
#eFS Ve Y#t (. ,fot!crl fix, ncet)th J,ntm p t alit art .; a qtr b.r tc rc ,tti,Ufit+ ATM n l<►tcr ps b e o this sY R .0 He Aaa�:rr: p,', .
. +Ai. •: .... Q'R: ' to 1.,-B f..e ,h .a 2orxit
Bro0*0, T Muth,•, e. teachers. a,n staff. lnclu(lcd too, ars t ,p xlays etlly ., ort Qa �i caw tau :l' s ,ai c. "r , t kik; e s. lir° r •
Niactlrt,tt �.uthrw(l++lrs,! ,n +. t n .anuar.... itch ,.sir. a a atci+r rw ,rlteax, ,r. pad..., _ilia .,pw aluttg sr._l?
r rR. dH rRwt tt?, fi d:ttat er 1r h of s ck ,4 . k.e. Grace f e nta p SI., Pat `Vk y �sc`laual: 1)trtlt#s�. A ,
Eft. , Wor.ath) Dublin and. s^ itath...Frapk Vtncet i tint# /;h , . /may p ; t t bra i ttcaaras to pl,t,n 4}t ,roprt:,ttcl tlsc,rr . tte%,u alai het lratago flax tilt„ Jp,orr taWttri. gt ; 4
fM.. t. .Slat Q .1.\?� , Y .. a , Si' iP { i" •.h
'Nlu : ort 's' ;dt#t' w r �. t. j.!#e. Vtli The ; foticfw .rte. ane ^s2ulf t hila b all ar ala M rttatle �U t Mu h; l t b �. ; , �' , t cut
ova. t Ji!it 8mwnt� Eg g+ l !�., �. tx . e.., Ju e. u4 ", ,+, aztd scltt t . ,rrs,hrratr,aatiod .. 1, , t#tti � 1 secs ;
fi , : p, Z'1 frotn the ie*"gal'• , ef. crtivc .S t. l.. 181 i l~Ir.. J'.utia -ra e , Stratford. laatt l�.erined riata, tri", r: Jte t ,
tiioiidvOlp stn.d by :sott8 Alt- beatetrs wEr� greai �. ep "►. 4 •,4 y Y } T� 1 C tt Ishe€ftti et#r tsps. ills ttttni.Stcr`th•.>t rdae a.tk7i:u.rt Cit' .biattcd �+:itl.lYafd• its dPC xt slaet"fii� . july
secretary ptc►Rtam. Mary.- hir*0 ass 1L.i. der sten teacher. 50 cr cirri . 50 per ce it, at St..Patritk s. Xtinkora and �
-• hqr., Brantf brd: Jack:, I n jer. gma .chilorcn Donnie BiYawn, )} !1A P, I irtereases' i'n t r;+rita:hl is xpcu•ditui , vilmgh 3
soil: Ken, $eafpirth: an.� Ross dim Brown. ug Flugill.. Ann is presently employed at Holy Name of Matti 5cltoo St. Marys; teacher 50 per cent at S;. P,tnht+rsr :t l+uoi ha incraast ei at least tht ,ar„•t + to , al The nPeeti)t was ad'(ri,rne at 183 5(T P. tit.
by Warwick and Glenn, Bar- Sharon Cornmerford will c a classroom Stratford-. Linda Wa teat 5o ,'r .•ti -1 � � 4# � J d p
�DoriQnand by,3lgrandehild Kathy;Carteli, Tanya Brown gg Ie increase a, retlectid in the t 1' 1 it. that Blyth.
ren and 31 greatgranghildren and Car Vincent. risters and Sofid} ers in $len- teacher at Holy Name of Ary school with and special education re,t,ur n n, her it '+t ,ear
Careers, part 2•
-tCurngspondent bridge. Alberta. attending Bimini as a C I. T.
ern c p
Io •.- .r�.�... _ter ��war
q I MRS. JOHN-T€E=MPLEMAN the C anadian Seed Growers At time of writ ing Camey
'Staffa has grads
High School, Tom,obtained his Bachelor of
Science from the University of Western
Ontairo. Although the Chiropractic College
in Toronto will consider an applicant after
two years of university, Tom feels once you
have that many courses, it would be wise
to get a degree. so "you have something to
^” fall back on, if chiropractic isn't really what
"f ybu want." .
4 ,Following a year in Calgary. Tont went to
the Chiropractic college which is sponsored
by Canadian chiropractors and is the only
one in 'Canada. The college is "choosy"
about its students, since only a certain
number from each province will be accepted.
In a class of 150, Tom estimated that more
1` than 70 percent had degrees..
i " 8 His first year of chiropractic studies was
mainly academic. focusing on anatomy,
Seaforth native Tom Devereaux physiology and histology. They also had a
BY JOANNE RIINIId basic technique course, where they practised
. palpation.
A bump, a fall, or any kind of -accident In the second and third year of the course,
could cause a disorder in the nervous system -the focus shifted more towards adjusting and
and result ,in extreme pain, or discomfort, learning the art of manipulation. In the
but a chiropractor, like Tom Devereaux, can second half of third year, the students
restore health by practising a natural became junior interns, at the out-patient
approach to medicine, chiropractic. clinic adjacent to the college. Tom observed
A native of Seaforth, Tom -returned here one intern for this time, then in fourth year,
after finishing school to open the Seaforth he took over the intern's patients, plus any
Chiropractic Clinic on Goderich St. almost new ones that came into the i:linic. While
two years ago. For added convenience, and working with these patients, the .interns
to cut down overhead costs, Tom, his' wife were fully supervised by chiropractors.
Lynn, and daughter.. Kelly, live above his ,Following fourth year. Tom wrote a final
office. Tom recommends anyone starting a exam, a Canadian Board exjm (the, most
business combine home and office, because important, and most difficult) an. Ontario
"with today's interest, you can't afford high exam, •and an American exam-., It is-
overhead. -
s -
overhead," necessary to write an exam for.the area you
Tom returned to Seaforth after living -in wish to practise in, said Tom. He took the
London. Toronto, and Calgary, because "it' American exam, because "you might as well
really does have a lot. going for it." He said write all you can, just in case you move.
he needed time to see other places to When you first'gi t out of school, you're keen
appreciate what Seaforth has. "It's a family to write."
place, and it's close to the lake." Being a Tom describes his profession, chiropractic
farming community, Seaforth also appeals to as "a branch of the •healing arts that, takes a
Tom professionally, because unfortunately natural approach to correcting the spine."
there are occupational hazards involved with He explains, 'ithere, are 24 movable bones
farming. (vertebrae) and the nerves exit between
After graduating from Seaforth District these vertebrae,. so any disalignment of the
S� ,WerS . .
ScMilmrth We
A miscellaneous shower
was held last Monday even-
ing June 29th in the' base-
ment of St: Peter's Lutheran
Church Brodhagen, for rela-
tives, , friends, and neigh-
bours of Lynda Scherbarthea
bride of this month. The
basement was nicely decor- '
ated for the occasion.
Gaines were played, then
Lynda opened the gifts and
graciously thanked every one
Lunch concluded the even-
ingserved by the following
that planned the shower.
Diane Josling, Peggy Ellig-
sen, .Mary. Turner, Betty
Vock. Marjorie and Laura
The Scherbarth Reunion
was held, at the Brodhagen
community centre on Sunday
with , a pot luck dinner.
follbwed -bp games and re-
miniscing. Persons coming
from a distance were Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Scherbarth, Mi.
and Mrs. John Scherbarth,
and Mr. and 'Mrs. Ralph
Scherbarth all of Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scher-
barth of Richmond Hill also
Attended and reTained to
visit with Mr. And Mrs.
Edward Scherbarth for sev-
eral days. Little Jennifer r
Horst had been a patient in
St. Joseph Hospital London,
for several days and returned
home on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Leon-
hardt spent last Friday with
their daughter. Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Thompson and Kurt
R. R. 2, Thorndale,Miss Lisa
Lconhardtt Thamesford, Is
holidaying with her friend
Lori Scherbarth, - -
345.2346 „menton c wi con- on Vivian is a patient at
Congratulation s tt- Rend• finite on to the west coast for Stratford General Hospital,
groat. Susan Harburn, a ,hurt hulida, following the and Russell Parsons is a
bones will cause a decrease in range of Tom emphasized that to be a chiropract„r p3 comenuun. anent at Seaforth Common•
motion, and will cause irritation to the Kanth, Norris. Sharon Fell P
takes a lot of hard work, determination. and and Dean Elliott. w hu all • Barb Templeman is at the ity Hospital. We wish them
nerves.” A bump may cause one or more of "stick-to-it-iveness". Enjoying meeting United Church Cam at both a good recovery.
the vertebrae to shift, so they may inch a graduated from Upper P
P various people is also important as pts+ply- of Thames Elementary School
nerve: that will cause irritation 'andmayall ages and occupatiotyr, need c•hirupra,turs. '
cause disorder in the entire syTom also deals with various people on a
stem. The this year. St. Columban people go west
chiropractor "adjusts or manipulates the professional level. He has established a good Mr and Mn Calder Mc
spine to clear u . the misalignments," said Kaig. Mr. and Mr, font
P P g working relationship with arca thiruprac a
Tom. Scott. Mrs.; bParker. arkcr. Correspondent club along with their parents
tors, so if a patient wishes to be transferred: Mrs. Larry Gardiner. Otto MRS. CECILIA RYAN went to Toronto on Sunda to
Chiropractors may differ in the styles of it can be done quiekly Arid casil, . and lie „iIll y
analyzing the problem, because there are and Ken Walker, attended 345-2028 see the 'Toronto Blizzards
recommend a chiropractor, if ncce,sar, • the funeral of Miss Nettie Mrs. Theresa Malone, and vlav against a team from
different schools of techniques, but ad1'ust• often a her classmate..
merit is the same, said Torn, The technique Scott in Paisley on Wednes ,.. Mr. and ' Mrs. James Florida. The Toronto Biiz
q A gam hlet on chiropractic states "the day. July Ist. Miss Scutt was Malonec and family attended zards won the game.
he practises for analyzing is palpation,
doctor of c iropractic does not elect to utiliic the dao hter of •Ret . Peter
From his class, 16 girls graduated, and drugs or surgery in his' practice, how es ti, g the ,Aaloney family reunion Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swan
the had adapted and perfected techniques Scott, Minister of C'roma,rty held at the home of Mr. and. have returned home after
Y P P 9 there are times when he ,c ill recommend and Roy`s Churches from Mrs. Fergus Kelly. spending
two weeks in Aker
Which would overcome any size or strength that you consult another, practitioner if these 18,2,1401 g
problem they might encounter. Tom said methods of treatment are needed.'' There. Lane
and Mr,. Vincent visiteslwotHolland where they
that strength is not important, but a Mrs, K. Denton Tavlur and Lane and Mr. and Mrs. T.om visited with -their brothers
fore Tom must also be aqb able a ith other, - • Dr. Alexander McKay visited Kale. Seaforth left Sunday on and sisters and other rela-
Chiropractor must be dexterous. local .professionals, and be able to rrioni• recently with Mr. and Mr, .t
He describes chiropractic as a "fulfilling mend a physician if necessar., tip to the Western pro- lives.
profession." because he must be thinking at Tom Scott. vinces where they will' visit Sister Mary. Eckert from
P k Tom has found that people in this arca are Mrs. Jim Neilson and Jen- relatives. Windsor and Sister Margaret
all times. His day varies from office work to very "pro-chiropractic"and that make, his g
working with patients, and he en.o s being nifer and Ruth Templeman. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray, Rose Eckert from Essex visit -
P 1 y g occupation more enjoyable. Stratford. visited Sundae Michelle and Morgan visited ed with Mr. and Mrs. Al -
with Mr. and Mrs. .John • on Sunda. with Mr. and Mrs. phonse Cronin and Mr, and
Templeman. John Van Rooijen and Kristin Mrs. Clarence Ryan. They
Renewing aquaintances in Waterloo. also visited Mr. and Mrs.
and enjoy ing a picnic dinner Mrs, Mary Moylan spent a Jas. McQuaid in Seaforth
Fish f r i n Brodhagen together on Friday at 'River- few days in Mississauga with and Mr. and Mrs. Albert
yside park in Exeter -were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Janos Janossy. Cronin and Mrs. Theresa
and MTs. Ford Dermody, Mrs. Mary Flanagan from Maloney in St. Columban.
Correspondent. D'eichert of Zurich which was Cloverdale.' *ritisb Colum --Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ryan
MRS'. HERMAN held on Monday. June 29th. Darren, Mr. aitd Mrs. Carl bia, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Hor- Mrs. Joseph Lane on the. and family and Julia. Walsh
LEONHARDT Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilbee, Rose, Miss Carol Rose and ton,' Clinton, Mrs. Verna Hay weekend. spent. a day at the Marty; s
345.241.9 Todd, Amy and Timmy of Douglas Stewart of Stratford, and Mrs. 'Mabel Gillfillian. Sister Jean Moylan from . Shrine in Midland, Ont.
enjoyed a fish fry on Sunday Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Filmer Windsor is spending some Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
The carnations on the altar Sebringville, Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chappel and Mr. and Mrs holidays with her mother Ryan visited on Sunday with
of St. Peter's„ Lutheran Ron Bode, Listowel, Mr. and Milton Bode. Howard and John Drake, Staffa. Mrs. Mary Movlan. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kelly in
Church Brodhagen, on Sun- Mrs. Alvin Beuermann and Eric. Lorne Fell is in Leth- The St. Columban Soccer Stratford.
day morning were in memory
of Mr. and Mrs. August 0
Bauer, placed there by the
family. Winthrop service hears Terry Fox poem
The potted plants, on the
console of'the organ and in
the chancel, were in memory Correspondent Dodds after which she gave a diction was given by .lane Greta Hoegy were Mr. and IDR D >t• '
of Johnny Bauer, -who died MRS. MARG HULLEY short poem in memory of Schade. The Young People ..•.•.Mrs.'Ewart Barnes, Brandon li
suddenly;six years ago, plat- » 527-1856- Terry Fox, the brave young then sang an anthem called Manitoba and Mr. and Mrs. MAJOR
ed there by his brothers and The Young Peoples of man who attempted to run -Lord we pray" with pianist Carl Barnes .from Melitta.
W. h U 't d ' Chur h across Canada to raise money L • D 4,4 M
The two potted plants were
int pop ni e c
-conducted the church service for cancer, the disease that
.11. o s
anttoba also Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Smith. London, and
Ll D.,
from the 'funeral of Victor
the last Sunday in June in the
had struck him down.
After the ser -OCC lhi• an-
George and Ormah Smith,
absence of Rev. Vanslyke.
The congregation repeated
nual Sunday School Picnic
Marjorie Papple the organist
the Lords Prayer and the
otos held. Before the rncal,
Douglas Hoegy is vara-
had the organ prelude.
ihior- -sang. three anthems
„$acnes were }al:r,.Mtcl b, lLrt.
_ien-i-n.g in 4ennrark svitlt-his.
Call to Worship was given
during which the offering
children whioh inrludrd the
brother Lvle Hoegy.
by Sandra Hunt. The script-
was taken up by Lynn Dodds
wheelbarrow race, sack hop
ore reading was taken" by
and Marion Hunt. t
ping races, randy and peanut
Penny Taylor, a former ERVICE
Lisa McClure "The Greatest
Announcements were gid•-
throws and more.
school chum of Debbie Hui
k -
is Love," Ist Corinthians 13
en by Debl'fie 14411ey'•' and
F,en the adults took pan
ley and it friend Linda Thom.
Debbie also thanked the
in the activities. There was a
pson of Whitby spent tike I '
The kindergarten choir
Sunday School teachers for
water balloon throw which
weekend with Debbie Hulley
delighted the congregation
'their cooperation and Mar.
was enjoyed by everyone
and. met other school chums NEW AND
with their singing. A child-
jorie Papple, for playing the
who participated,. The three
, du•rinR the weekend.
yen's story was read by Bob
legged -race was enjoyed'
' 272
Axtmann followed by the
A poem was read by Lisa
also. Other games and more
Ke,) Walker. London visit
children's hymn "Jesus
Campbell called "Life's
races were held. The da,
ed w•tih Bob and Mary Hulleyclosed
The Can re pion
rid family also Larry and
- - - -- -- Loves Me. The church les- Ktches . g g• ended with a potluck dinner.BAND Son for, -the morning on then sang:Lox�rDivin , All PERSONALS Alice Gardiner: Lisa, Lari JoeBEAT THE
"Love" was eiven by Lvnne Loves Excelling. The bene- Visitors ,with Laverne and and Steven, Cromarty.
Twit" .'l
w �+
' 1'4 Professional Colour Portraits
2.8x15x7s, 10 -Wallets
No additional charge for groups Additional portraits and special effects portraiture, if available may be ourch;ased at reasonable prices ,n addition to the package
Poses our selection Minors must be accompanied by a parent Satisfaction quaranteed or money refunded
Days Thursday Friday Saturday
Dates 9th 10th 11th
43 Main St. �..
Seaforth Photographer's Hours 10- Spm 10� 6pm. 10-4 : 3dpm