HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-07-01, Page 18Tender
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MONDAY, SUL% 13, 1982
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Tenders clearly marked as to Conteuta will he
'received bY the underaigned until 5:00 lOcal
1 Tender Wanted 21 Tender Wanted
Mr. and Mrs-. Robert S. Doig of Egmondville and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Caldwell of Kippen are pleased to announce
the forthcoming marriage of their children, Barbara Anne
and Jamie Kyle on Saturday July 18. 1981 at Egtnendville
United. Church at 3:00 p.m. Open reception to follow.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian J: Olsthoorn of Mitchell are pleased to
announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Mary
Jean to Mr. Boni' Vanos, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Vanos
Sr., 11118 Forest. The wedding will take place Saturday, July
18, 1981 at 2:30 at St. Brigid's Church, liennicott, Ontario.
( Photo by Mary Layton)
Happy 30th Birthday
Sib Miller
from your
younger brother Joy
HONOURED GUEST AT REUNION-20 former students met
in Hensall Saturday to pay tribute to Miss C.I. Douglas, who
had been their teacher at Hensati Continuation School, S.S.
#10, Hay, and in Sunday School as well. Miss Douglas, who will
be 88 in September and is now a resident of Chateau Gardens
Nursing Home n London, "has been an inspiration to us all,"
said former pupil Minnie Noakes, who hosted the gathering.
"We hold her in the highest esteem." The group, back row,
left to right, are: Mary Finlayson, Kay Williams, Annie
Morenz, Myrtle Stokes, Gladys Cudmore, Helen Ferrigno,
Gladys Evans, Doris Dilling, Marion Walker and Margaret
Hayter. Sitting, left to right: Helen Gould, ,Minnie Noakes,
Miss Douglas, Mildred Kyle, Olive Cooper and Ruth Hay.
Kneeling, left to right: Verna Hay, Agnes Appleton, Edna Mae
Sangster and Laurabelle Reichert. (Expositor Photo)
Impressed by Canada
Scottish relatives visit Hensall
sets which the students
should appreciate over the
This year's Grade Eight
Class had eleven students
and they were all presented
with graduation diplomas by
Dou .g Pearson and Eric
Mansfield. Special thanks
should , go to Jane Hnatyk
who helped the students
decorate the dining room for
this special occasion and to
the other staff members who
helped at the banquet. Mary
Jacobe, Phylis Deichert,
Margaret Horner, and •Joyce
Preszcator. On behalf of the
Staff, Mr. Raeburn express-
ed to the graduates best
wishes for the future.
Mr. Ernie •Davis under-
went surgery in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London last week.
His many friends wish him a
speedy recovery.
and area news
New residents are..
eicomed to Varna
Brumfield UCW
plans picnic I
Stanley Unit of the U.C.W. man were in Welland last
met "On Wednesday at the Wednesday attending the
home of Mrs. Pearl Evre. funeral of his cousin Mr. H.
Mrs. Eyre read an article
on the lay ministry and
development of the work in
Haiti where Rev. Ken Darby
is paster. He travels by land
rover a gift of the United
Church of Canada.. The roll
call was answered by ten
members. Mrs. Isabel Scott
, secretary' read the minutes
of the May meeting. Mrs.
Cliff ' Henderson gave the:
treasurers report and Mrs.
W. Baird the card report.
The next meeting will be in
the forM Hof a picnic with Mrs.
W. Caldwell and Mrs. W.--
Baird in charge on July 22nd.
The meeting closed with
prayer and Mrs. Eyre served
Miss M. Swan and Mrs.
Alice Ham attended the
graduation ceremony at the
University of Toronto of John
H.-'Ham sow of Mr:--and
Wesley Ham, Huntsville.
They also visited in Hunts-
ville for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Adkin Mee Karen Rushcall
of Victoria. B.C. are spend-
ing their honeymoen in Ont-
ario visiting with her grand-
parents Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross
Scott and other relatives. On
their return they will be
living at Kamloops, British
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wight-
ment•-party in -Wallaceburg
June 13.
Well over J200 people
attended the pork barbecue
Wednesday in Varna.
Sunday School students
were honoured at a special
service Sunday when dip-
lomas and seals were pre-
sented to those who have
completed 32 -Sundays of
study. Other students re-
ceived awards last Christ-
Kindergarten teachers
Shirley Hill and Joan Beier-
ling presented a 1st year
diploma to Raymond Beier-
ling, a 2nd year seal to Mark
Webster, 3rd year to Brian
Hill and 4th year to Mary
Ellen 'Webster.
• Promoted to the primary
dass were Brian Hill, Mary
Ellen Webster, Krista Mc-
Ash, Cheryl Stephenson,
Craig and Patricia Meash
and Tanya Postill.
Primary otass,, teachers are
Lynda Postill and Dianne
Krista McAsh and Susan-
Kirton received 5th year
seals. Promoted to junior
were Paul Hill and Jason
Pat Taylor and Brian
Chessell were the Junior
dass teachers. Lee Norman
received his 2nd year seal,
Scott Parton his 4th, Darryn
McAsh his 7th and Nancy
Webster heir 8th, Promoted
to senior class were Jim Hil , ati
Scott Kirton, Robyn Norm ,
Scott Mesh and Myra Postil .
Senior teachers were Joyce
Dowson and Pat • Norman.
Lori Consitt earned her 11th
year seal, Julie-Webster her
10th and Jeanette Keys and
Aqui Taylor their 6th year
Superintendents Jim Kir-
ton and Joe Laurie an-
Rev. E. Stephens of All-
bright Gardens Beamsville a
former minister at Brucefield
in hospital at Niagara Falls
having undergone surgery.
Shop the
Want Ads
Call 527-0240
A • • • ",7'7777jr7,,r'77:-7 :07
Manor has birth*,
anniversary parties
24 Card of Thanks
We would like to thank our
family, friends and relatives
for the lovely cards and gifts
received on our 25th anniver-
sary. Special thanks to all
who came on Sunday and to
these who helped make it a
special day for us. —Ray and
Mary Consitt.
1 would like to thank my
neighbours, friends, rela-
tives and family who sent
cards, flowers and gifts while
1 was a patient at University
Hospital in 'London. Also
thank you to the nurses on
the 7th Floor, Dr. Berrnett
and Rev. Vanslyke — Andy
McNichol. 24-12x1
Thank you to my friends who
attended my retirement tea
and to those who were un-
able to be there but sent their
greetings. I would like to
express' my appreciation for
the party, thriTovely gifts and
good wishes. Sincerely —
Elza Reinfelds. 24-12x1
I wish to thank everyone who
remembered me with cards,
flowers and visited while- I
was a patient in the hospital
and since returning home.
Special thanks to Dr. Walker,
Dr. Clancey, the nurses on
the 4th floor, St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. Thanks to ,
Rev. MacDonald, the visita-
tion committee. To our
neighbours, relatives and
friends who brought food to
our hothe, "thank you". I
have appreciated everything.
—Mrs. Ken McLean.
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to all
who were so kind ancli,
thoughtful during the sud-
den and tragic loss of my
dear wife, Diane. A special
thanks to the pallbearers and
flowerbearers..Also to the
Seaforth Hospital ambulance
attendants, Mr. and Mrs,
Watts of '11.5. '13ox Funeral
Home, Gary Betties, Rev.
Dr. Hazelwood,• Father
Caruana and Rev. Roberts.
Thanks also to those who
helped at the time of the
accident and to all who
visited me at University
Hospital, London and, since
-returning home. To the doc-
tors and nurses in Emergen-
cy at Seaforth Hospital and to
the doctors and nurses on the
ninth floor of University
Hospital. To the staff of
Stratford General Hospital,
with a special thank you to
the staff of Two West. To my
co-workers at Logan Farm
Equipment Ltd. and to those
Who helped at my home.
Many thanks for the flowers.
mass cards and donations to
charitable organizations and
for all the kind messages of
sympathy. A very special
thanks to all of Diane's
funny and my own family for
their love and support at this
most difficult time. I am most
grateful to everyone.
Those we hold most dear
Never truly leave us
They live on
in the kindnesses they
the comfort they shared
and the love they brought
into our lives.
Matt Haney
24 Card of Thanks
The families of John and
Nellie Jansen, and Lloyd and
Gladys Haney wish to ex-
press their heartfelt thanks
and appreciation to so many
kind and loving' people who
helped us through the tragic
loss of our dearly loved
Diane. A special thanks to
the pallbearers and flower-
bearers. Our grateful thanks
to Rev. Dr, Hazelwood for his
comforting message. Father
Careens, Rev. Roberts, Mr. -
and Mrs. Watts and staff of
R.S. Box Funeral. Home,
Minna Scott and Seaforth
ambulance attendants. Also
thanks for. all the beautiful
floral arrangements, mass
cards, memorial donations.
charitable donations, for the
food brought to our homes.
to the . Men to helped out on
the fann, and the many many
kind messages of sympathy.
To the Stratford General
Hospital nursing staff, to the
ladies bf 'Egtnondville .United
Church for the lovely lunch
and the members of the ball
team who assisted and to the
men who helped at the
church. Your deep concern
and thoughtfulness will
never be forgotten.
We wish to thank the nurses
and staff of Seaforth Com-
munity hospital for their care
and kindness to a loving
mother, grandmother and
great-grandmother. Mrs.
Annie Leitch during her ill-
ness. Thanks to many friends
and neighbours and relatives
for „their hospital visits, flo-
wers • and gifts. We would
like to express our thanks to
all for their acts of kindness,
sympathy cards, floral tri-
butes and donations to the
'Cancer -Society: ean r- Re-
search FRncl, bast. : Heart
Fund and the Londesboro
United Church. Special
thanks to Dr. Brady: Rev.
Robt. Scott, Whitney-Ribey
Funeral Home and the ladies
of Londesboro United Church
who Served a lovely, lunch at
the house following the ser-
vice, All, was much appreci-
ated. —Elma Jewitt and
family. 24-12x1
25 In Memoriam
CARTER: In memory of our
dear parents, -dames, who
passed away eleven years
ago June 24th, 1970 and
Mary J. Jarman one year ago
July 3rd 1980.
No one heard the footsteps
Of the angels drawing near
Who took from us to heaven
The ones we loved so dear.
—'Lovingly remembered and
sadly missed by son Jack,
Florence and grandchildren.
MELADY: In loving memory
of Joseph Francis Melody
who passed away July 4.
You're not forgotten. hus-
band dear,
Nor ever shall you be
As long as life and memory
a I shall remember thee.
We cannot have the old days
When we were all together.
But the love you gave us
through the years,
Is ours to keep forever.
—Lovingly remembered by
his wife, Marie.
2S ill MemOriani
JOHNS: In memory of a dear
friend, Roy Johns. who was
taken from us one year ago.
July 6, 1980.
God please take this sues
sage. to to!, atioY e.
Tell him ,how much we miss.
hiux a nd give him all, our,.
A' A' friend y94 $%4T:u... 3 frw.4
We' ;It prayed•ii 7.0i4n't lxahe
to, PO thi ,
Ata, time ehfoldis from.
ye..ar, to.. year. - •
The inetneOp.S., 4.f" ).on are
kept so t4e4,F
Roy, We miss You, we-always
Ulfye •left a gap that can't '
be filled.
You were taken from us so
suddenly. '
That is how He wanted it to
We are thinking of you in our
every thought.
Missed you are. forgotten
you're not.
So pray for us. as we pray for
Somewhere, sometime, we'll
be with vou too,
—Sadly missed, but never
forgotten. by Carol and her
family. 25-12x1
2C Personal
26 Personal
Mr and Mrs Joesph van
Dolmen are pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming mar-
riage of their daughter Diane
Lee to Thomas James
Peckitt. The wedding. will
take place on Jul) 11 at St.
James Church. Seaforth,
t> I2s2
ill 'Ls •
TO Linda arkt. 1
Pord in ChAtharn ,Genera
Hospital WIcinesday June,
24:.a' daughter Macey Grand
daughter for Orville mid
Ruth Workman.' 2i7•12.1
SPEAKE:Norman and Mary
tnee Hagan) are pleased to
announce the birth of their
daughter Sydney Alexis, 6
lb 8'2oz. on Wednesday.
June rth. 1981 at St. Jos-
eph's Hospital. London. A
sister for Sean. Proud
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Speake, London
and Mr. Leo Hagan, Sea-
Remember It takes but a
moment to place an Ex-
positor Want Ad. Dial
S2 7-02-10.
26 Personal
Kippen people
in Holland
Mr, and Mrs. Adrian
Timmermans are visiting re-
latives in Holland.
Don. Bell of Halifax, Nov11
Scotia visited relatives here
last week.
Mr, and Mrs. 1 Steve Pine
and family of Brampton
visited with Grate McBride.
Mr. and Mrs William
MacKay of Stroniness. Scot•
land spent last week isiting
with the former's ,outiins in
London 'and Hensall. On
. Wednesday evening 22 relat-
ives were entertained with
dinner and a pleasant even•
ing at the home 'it Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Strettcrl Hensall.
Mr. MacKay is a ,ousin of
Norma Strettin Minnie
Noakes, Jim' Sangster. and
John Sangster, Hensall.
Mrs. Margaret' Ma.Farlane,
and Mrs. Marion Peebles,
London a're also cousins.
This is the first time the
Mackays have y isited Can-
ada and are very impressed
'with the vastness and beatv
of the country.
On Thursday Mr. and Mrs.
Stretton and daughters,
Susan and Barbara 'motored
to Niagara Falls. The' latter
were very impressed with the'
grandeur of the Falls, and
also visited the Shakespear.
can Theatre in Stratford.
Mr. MacKay is Captain of a
ship which is based in Scot-
On Monday. evening. June
The annual Heart Jam-
boree held in participating
nursing homes was observed
Jane n to 28.
Seaforth Manor residents
started off the week with a
birthday° celebration for Mr.
Wm. Miners, celebrating his
96th birthday on Monday.
On Wednesday- evening
the Settforth District High
School Band entertained with
drills and music' to an
attentive audience on the
front lawn. Residents were
thrilled by the bands stirring
music and many thanks to
Mr. Charles Kalbfleish, the
leader, for •his co-operation.
At the close of the concert,
refreshments were served to
all present.
Mayor John Sinnamon was
also present 'with a greeting
for all residents—Thursday
evening. Two movies were
shown "Viva Victoria" and
"A Source of Wonder"
which was a visit to the
Calgary Zoo.
A White Elephant Sale
was held Friday afternoon
with residents,. staff and
visitors participating. All
probeeedS1 will ho to the
Ontario Heart Foundation
and $157.66 was the amount
raised. Coffee and dough-
nuts were served to all who
attended. Winner of the
draw was Laureen Maloney.
Sunday afternoon Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McClure cele-
brated their 60th wedding
anniversary at the Minor
with more than 30 members
of their family present. Host-
esses for the tea were Mary
Rnlayson and „Joanne Ma-
loney. Mr. and 'Mrs. Mc-
(lure received many con-
gratulatory messages and
two beautiful flower arrange-
ments. All good wishes go
22. the Grade Eight Class of
Hensall P ublic School wsas
honoured with a banquet at
the Pine Ridge Chalet.
Parents, teachers and the
graduates' attended the cere•
ninny which featu red special
academic awards. Repre-
senting the Kinette Club of
Hensall and District. Mrs.
Carolyn Knight presented
the Kinette Scolarship
Award to Pam Cottrel and
David Skea who were the top
girl and boy students in
Grade Eight.
Pam Cottrell also received
a Mathematics Award pre-
sented on behalf of the
Raeburn family by Robert
Raeburn. the school princi-
pal. David Skea was award-
ed an English award present-
ed by Ross Dobson on behalf
of the K-40 Club of Hensall
and District.
Two other awards present-
' ed to the students were a
French award won by Rod
Parker and presented to him
by Eric Mansfield, the
French teacher, on behalf of
ihe Mansfield family. Repre-
senting the Independent
Order of aticifellows, Hensall
Lodge. Mr. Mansfield pre-
sented a Citizenship. Award
to Cheryl Webber. The
special awards 'were mint
1 , ,
out to them on this memor-
able occasion.
Church services were con-
ducted Wednesday afternoon
by Rev. James Broadfoot of ,
St. Thomas Anglican
Church. Assisting at the
piano for the hymns was
laurel Levis of Clinton.
-Visiting with Arthur Nich-
olson were Mrs.' Nicholson,
Mr. and Mfg: Harold Nichol
son and Mrs. Gary Nicholson
and great granddaughters
Lori and Connie Nicholson of
Port Albert.
Mr. Earl McSpadden visit-
ed with his • aunt, Mrs. M.
Kate Laverty, accompan-
ied by her niece Rita Duncan,
visited Saturday with the
former's brother, Peter
Laverty of Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. David Young
and family visited with
Jaynes Nolan.
Ruth Noll spent the week-
end at her home in Palmer-
Jean Wenger visited with
her father, Edwin Litt.
Mike Driver visited with
Ed Dunn.
Lorne Kirkpatrick, Jr. visit-
ed with his father Monday.
The Estate Auction Sale of
the late Mrs,'Elizaberh Fuss
which was held on Saturday
was largely attended.
The service in Cannel
Presbyterian was withdrawn
owing to anniversary service
at, Cromarty Presbyterian
Service will be held on
Sunday July 5th at 10:15
a. m.
• • burg, and moved here last
Saturday. Charles and Ber-
nice attended Bob's retire-
We'd like to welcome Bob
and Margaret Reid as perm-
anent residents in their new
home near Varna. They have
sold their house in Wallace-
nounced those achieving
near perfect attendance were
Julie and Nancy Webster,
Scott • and Susan Kirton,
Darryn and Krista McAsh,
and Mary Ellen and Mark
Webster. Some new teachers
are required for the fall
session. ,Rev. • Wilena
Brawn's sermon for the
c:hildren was "How to Live a
Christian Life."
The basket of flowers in
the sanctuary was from the
funeral of Melvin Elliott. We
offer our sincere sympathy to
Margaret and their family.
According to Rob Chester,
editor of the Zurich Citizens
News, there was correspond-
ence from Varna in the old
Zurich Herald in 1900.