HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-03, Page 6J NGSHAAM TIMES, NOVEM sones lv11, , uu(10an' to FRIDAY, Nt)V EAT.I ER tl, 1800. ii'lt (i'1TA.1\'A LETTER. Wort our uwtt Ourrt'sperli at, Ottawa, October 28. War news generally, and the prepar- ath+•a of the Canadian etnttingent iu par- tieed r, has occupied tet: prlbUe mind thio week ' to the practical exoir ion of sail other matters. Not ARCO the dark days of March, 1882, wizen the midnight alarm ':rats sounded for our militia to take up armsagainst the rebellioushalf- swede of the Northwest, has such iu- terse interest and ekeitemeztt been aroesetl tit matters military. The popu- lar attention to -day is even more aroused that it wits then, for there is scarcely villageor hamlet from sea to sea that Tale not a son or at least an acquaintance on the muster roll, The si iootlnzess and rapidity with which the machinery of mobilization has worked, the completeness of all the arrangements and the general efficiency displayed by the Militia Department, has won the admiration. of the coturtry, an telluil'athm which is only Second to that felt at the promptness and enthusi- asm with which. the boys have respond- ed the call of ATMS. Almost without exception, the (Moray recruiting of- si.cers have had to overcome, has been to choose the comparative 'few required from the many, who were anxious to serve; while a)noug civilians, all classes tai the community etre viewing with each .other in their effoh•ts to render every possib o attention, great or small that will make the boys realize the extent to which their patriotism is appreciated by the people, and the interest that will be takes, in thou every movement from. the moment of enlistment tilt they are brought safely home again. THE mum -Buhr Toon. The weotiug5 being held by Sir Wil- frid Laurier and his colleagues ixz West- ern Ontario are pertalang of the char- acter afa triumphal procession, for everywhere they aro beim received 'with enthusiastic and exuberant demon- strations of confidence and approval. Leading questions of the day are being fully and frankly discussed by the Min- isters, matters that have occupied the eittentio:l of the House and of the coun- try, upon some- of which there have doubtless been differences of opinion in the Liberal reeks, as there always must he in a body of men who do their own thinking. These matters have been thoroughly explained and the policy of the Gover-nment, thereon, frankly sub- mitted to the scrutiny of the elector with the result that popular endorsation has been accorded, and confidence in the strength and integrity of the Adminis- traticau more firmly established then ever. Take for example the question of rail- way subsidies, to the granting of which the Patron wing of the party Inas not always given the most unqualified ap- proval. Speaking at 7n.:eardine, in a stroughold of Parolee thought and activity, the Premier spoke as follows: —"I have read the platform of' the Patrons and I havo foetid that they -were opposed to railway subsidies.. 'Gentlemen, I say here and new what I think on the paint. Our friends, the Patrons—the advanced Liberals, as they proclaim themselves—were ALTOGETHER WRONG. _ 'They were in the wrong when they tcoudenLued railway subsidies absolutely. _ let them condemn the abuse of the late I Gowernzueut of the policy, of granting railway subsidies, to railways that do not need then,. To that extent I agree with them. But there are occasions 'virhere it is the duty of a Government in this cautery to give railway aid. Some- times I have seen the ggament advanc- ed in Patron literature than in the 1uLut States they give no aid at all to railways; that all tete railways there wore contracted by private energy and private capital, This is true, and when the line crimes, as it -trill conte some iia.,, that ss e shall havo reached the 'pcsi i si !low hold by the 'Mated States vire soil. cl) the sane. flat rer ernbe,r this, wt- have a territory jest as large era the United Stateel but we have only tax millions of people to -slay, while they leave seventy-seven miilious. Well, a •population of 77,00%000 eau do more thee. a population (''f (1,000,000. When we have as l v ge e. pop -elation as the - United States will all thce wealth which 77,000,000 can 'a00nm-date it will be (possible for private capital, private euerg*y, to do what we cermet do at the present time. Remember too, that while we have a population of only 0,000,000 and as. large a territory as that of the U .ited States, that population is scattered over the cannery. There ere remote (districts where eolonizatioa is goiug on, where Toting and vigorous Wren are ,Waving tin to carve their. way out cf the forest and out of the prairie. These men, Insist re assisted in order to get a railway, APT ILLUSTRATION. ' "Let are put a question to you," cen- time(' the Premier. "Here in the county of Bruce you. have two or three railways at least, every- one of which has been subsidized by Government' aid, every one of which has received public money in order to bring it up to the standard in. which, it is at the present time. If these railways bad not been assisted as they have been, yea would riot have any railways at all, and instead of being able to take your produce to market as you are now doing, you would have to do what you did forty years ago,. eart it to mallet a distance of 30, 40 or perhaps 60 miles. lam aware you are itor-e favored, than other parts of the country and have reached a cortaur staw?ard of population, but recollect t3re!t there aro to -day natty districts iu Ontario, in Quebec, in the Maxillae Provisoes, at;cl in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, which are not in as favorable a position as you are to -day, which are young and hapless communi- ties, and which havo to carttheir pro, duce to market, as you had to do forty years ago. They ask us to come and give them assistance so that they may be able to bring themselvesto the same standard of civilization that you halve here in this county of Brace. I appeal to you men of Bruce, ought not the Government to come to their rescue and raise them to the same standard which you enjoy at the present time. "There roust be solidarity amongst us all," added Sir Wilfrid; . "we are all Conadianse admit of no distinctions of race, cr of color of creed or geo- graphy. Wo are all the same whether we live in the country, whether we live in the back townships or whether we live in the front; we are all the same and we must Aid each other, and thank Heaven, I say with some pride to -dray the country is rich enough to be able to give that assistance, to aid the struggl- ing young men who are doing their beef to make homes for themselves in the prairies, and in the forest." NOTES. The statement of revenue and expen- diture of the Dominion for the three months ending September 30th last,. shows au aggregate trade increase over the same period of Iast year of nearly x;11,000,000. There was an increase of both imports and exports, exports iu- creased' by $7,4C0,000 and imports by $8,600,000. There. was an increase in the revenue of $589,020. In the Septem- ber quarter of 1808 the imports exceeded the exports, but in the quarter just closed, the exports are nearly $3,000,000 the greater. For the month of Septem- ber the increase in imports is 42,923,000 - and of exports 42,4 i 9,000 an increase of trade for the month of 45,400,000. The rearrangement of portfolios in the Provincial Government of Ontario has been completed, and Mr. Ross and his ,;misters have bee), formerly sworn iii by- their old colleague and leader, the Liart.- Governer. Hon. Mr. Hardy re- tires front active public life with the warmest good wishes of friends and opponents ,alike, for his restoration to complete health, and for inaity years in which to enjoy his well-earned rest. In the hands of Mr. Ross and his cabinet the afi'eirs of the Province will be Wise- ly and economically administered; that is if the record of the past may be se- ceptecl as a gaarairteo of the future. An interesting Cate. Mr. W. G. Phyall, proprietor Bodega Hotel,26 WelliegtonStreetBast,Toronto, creamed +FAK a {fid says: "While living in, Chicago 1 seas. 't,+l! !!S� 'rq ki 8�+ o o • iu a terrible shape with itching endo bleedien piles. 1 tried several of the bt'st pleksiciatts. mid was burnt and tortur- gOric d in variors ways by their treatments tan no avail, besideas spending a mint of money to no purpose. Since corning its ifi�, Burning; C}'nti;tciht, I used but our: boar and liawe Tortures cf . . . • Ecze a on the Scalp from tht Terrible t:) Torcnto T learned of Dr. Cha'se's Sante of the cures effected by Dr. Chase's Ointment are ;.more like tnit'ades than anything else. The ease recorded here Was one of the r, g' Worst evor 1) ,u. ntotic attend f ' t ;t to Toroth's s Inst 1„ ;,:rains, and wlien doctors gave up alt tripe cif recovery Dr, Chase's Ointment was .Emcee ul in i;rcducing a perfect cure. Mr.J n) S „ rt, r3'5 right Ave,, Toronto, tit, -„to.; ' My ' c y '1 om, ogee ten, was f<r liwie.y t?r).. yc.):ritactedwith abad fonn of Eu-.:tofthe. 1p,winch swnsveryunsii;htly sant t tori •til Lind; of rt medics and doctor's trc-it: :rt. Il:,lc:.al wsas in a terrible state. "46'c 1::. t to krrep aim from stied, nnra at entre tris is id w,nt?d leccrl. and the ;,hilts Would leme.ir.i with 3..;, my. For two mid it hilt' years tics bottled +Frith it in ra.n, bat at last frnmd st M Dr. Ch•r s CAntment. Abnat Aro -, The •rritiroal sem not leen t rouble:n-4tlh piles in any shape t.r fr`,nn Siltee. • 1C•Reeelug the I'ar,uer:m, Tilers fiebnhs to 1:e no efxcl to the schemes of: t=niatlltare swiurllere to pick up a living from the; farming colunhirn- ire'', says the Galt 13t•fcrmt:r, Time latest plat: reported is to tell on reform- er a.zcl Aral poverty caul rerlu••. t a f el'oats fc:r there hoses 'when i:3 Tartly 'Meer 1 r .i fleet cltxuatx=r.I IS Pertly stewed it.t"i'y i n tlr•1.. venter en')tltr-ee Ureter Ila <xxIIc:l oil alt? tIl„ atutttr OM t4. res. t, .ltl. 'When R.I.—ilia bays are lee eared the ertiste drive to the nearest villeige acrd Solt out. Aft:* lee at'lirer tea file 0418YIrig Time, The rolloxt of the Outnrio 3'aetory Iu. vectors is now in the platers" latalitls and will be given, to the public) mixt Week. Dir. Robert Barber, one of the inspectors says that this year there are fully 20 per cent, more men employed in Ontario factories than last year. The . alt iorut of goods turned out has berms - ed by even a larger percentage while the rate of wages has advaned all around from 10 and laver cent.. He saye that Ie hardly goes into a single factors with- out hearing solntl remark On the isereas- flit; busiuoss and the scarcity of labor. -.Another evidence of the xnanufaotnring industry, is the fact that applications for overtime permits havo beoa, melt more frequent than usual.. ON A,11RTUND'8 D.UCOUIDE ,;•DATION. ants. GAlxi'TON USES DU. AGNEW'S- ciitrl FOR TILE HEART AND RACEMES INSTANT LASTING I nreer•.- nmeeDLtTE RELIEF 13 'WI A.T TUE k(UFIERElt WANTS—AND GETS WittN DI;, AGNEW'S CUI Is FOP; THE tweet IS 'USED. "I was for a long time a great suffer- er from heart trouble. flied palpitation and smothering accompanied by groat spasms. I' got very little relief from remedies, and doctors failed to give rue real benefit. A. friend of mine had used Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart, and it had been a groat relief to her. Iprocut- ed a bottle and it hasproveda great bra) - sing to me, I think it agreatheart cure and heartily recomiaeed it toall like suf- ferers. Mrs, Gahhipton, 46 Bishop Street, Toronto." Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Tho Value of KIMIness. ginClness is an efleiont aid in ixioroas- ing milk yields and costs nothing.. 1Tb,e more a milker eau Beate the cow love him es she loves her calf, the more milk she will yield to hilt. Investigations show that it is probable that a consider- able p ;tion of the milk is secreted dur- ing the. )eration of milking, especially the •rich c which comes last. '.Abuse and excite t reduce the secretion. and not only 10 • the quantity. of milk given, but ofte lowers the percenta,'ae of butter fat. c , ess and pettiug make the cow con .'U ted and put her nervous system in sue a condition that the fullest yield is given. This •is not the only cause, but it is probably a chief cause, of the wide variation in better fat sometimes shown in creamery tests. Hurrying cows, running them with dogs, beating thein cr speaking roughly to them will reduce the yield of milk and per cent. of butter fat. A clma.nga of milkers will often lower the per cent, of butter fat until the cow becomes fond cf the new milker. ON&Y NATQAL CuaE For' all Disorder's of the Digestive, Funetions is Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets. Most medical men know the piueapple contains a quantity of vegetable pepsin. This product is invaluable, beecause it ex- erts a wonderful power in the digestion of all kinds of food. ' Science lavas now consolidated this grand esseuoe into tab- lets, and thus, withinreach of everyone, is a veritable panacea for all stomach i11q, Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are the most impertaut advance for the pre- vention•and eure of sickness iu the last thousand years. A gooddigestion is the basis of health, and, all may have it by the faithful use of these marvellous tab- lets, Box of 60 Tablets 86 cents, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Mr. Paterson, of Kinloss, died last week. He was over eighty years of age and was the father of the late Mrs. x'ohnie. After the death of his daught- er, he and his wife lived with their son - in kw in $incarditie for about a year. He was highly esteemed by his friends. Worms cannotremain when Dr. Low's Pleasantworineyrupis used. It is death to these parasites and by its Cathartic action promptly expels them; will not harm the most delicate child. Pince 25 cents. ' ' An e201aiig4 asks: "If a grass widower married a grass widow, weak' their children be grass -hoppers?" , If you have catarrh, rheumatism, •cr dyspepsia, s a take Hood's a s;aas's and cl be cured as thousands of others (have been. Gederich ratepayers, will on Nov. 16th, -vote on a bylaw to loan 455,0(0 for the establishmcut of a glass maim - factory there. The Two /tanner (oentfes. Tho Mitchell'tftccorcicr• says: It in fa gratifying condition to, finch Canadians proud of their country in no matter what section or district you. meet Put it is gor.td:hie X more than :1 mere /r:.` al• kation to feel that you have, among all the file sections of Ontario, Ono to feel proud of, With the Ono (Ixeeptirnl ter - haps, the County of liturnol there is no better farming district if1 the, province them this county of Petah. We have mors) well-to-do f irtuera; •„boater tt1r'd finana; better needed ec ed emirs; hater facet buildings; 'seri len rented funis in tl;;, eou'tty of Pr:r th Chao. iii any other comity of the trainee, he: tho county of litarcn'.. Of mate:. t,":.nr,Tit eo iu a e 1,10::1i ele01i1,1,1:1, tie y have 1,rok":ue,t.t c,n:, pile ei: tu'.vo me ttrati%tly stun;;, sate • our veinal l' ; .at bop, But the ni)rtl:- O I (sari 1 will guarantee that arty, ii;iduey Cure Brill euro e0 per cent, or all torous et Reiner you:plaint and le many instances the most serious forms of Bright's 41lseaso. If the disease is com- plicated send a tour - mince 'vita of urine. We Will sUIOyzo It and adylse y'ou rreo meat to do. ,l1UNYON. At ell drsgetate, 8110. a rise. Guide to health, end med cat advicy free. 1 M.,§ Arch et„ Phile. r :µr It is often cles'rable to mark plates azul other tlisl:cs. To eo so heat the t.ottoln of the disk and write yorr name oih it ss lii;e hot with c)rdiniry pelt and skit. -It will stay thele for a long time. Enralish S')as'iih Liniment • removes all hard, soft • o: calluusett Lumps and B1Vntirlr's, from horses. Blood tSpa;iu, Curbs, S,1'nts, Ring Zone, Sweet:ay, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and £wcllen . Throat, Coeglis, etc. Save*a0 by use of ono bottle. Waara'nto,l the most won- clerfuI Blemish Cure. ever known. Sold by 4‘..1... ilanhiltou. ' John F: etober, of Mullnur, has separ- ated from his wife nal as alinioney has given her the coed •of a 100-aorc farm, Ho will fl1so pay his mother -hi -levy .;'200 a year in lieu sxtppert. Iior Over Fifty )(oars. ^.n 0111 an•;1 Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow', Soothing Syrup has beennsed for over fifty years by millionsaf mothers for their obildren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child ,soft- ens the gimes, allays pain, all cu) ,s wind elle, and zs the best remedy t a diar- rhes . It is i:basant to the taste, Sold by driuggiuts in. every earl; of the world. Twenty -doe cents a bottl't. Its value is incalculable: -Be sure you ask for Mrs, Wins low's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. • 'A farmer near 4.t1 is has apples this. year, $olve of which measured front: twe:ve to fourteen inches iu circuanfer- euce. 'WWHO IS YOUR DRUGGIST ?' • Who ass your druggist? This lean im- por; ant question for every faumly. When people speak of a well-quatlieed dxiiggi.st, it is at ones suggestive of ac- curacy and satisfaction' in everything that you buy from him. We desire your trade in the dispensing of medicines, arxd our drugs are always the purest, strongest .and best. ' e can interest you in aka—oared little ways Whoa yen uec sl. Toilet Articles and Preparations 1-Vhsre cdo you buy Paine's Celery Com- pound? We soil large quantities- of this great popular meele ane every week. . Coale, A CAMPBELL, Druggist; Wait ;hlinti, Ont, J. L. mere 'ere ce a ron leacher, has become a Bre it'svrauee- ag of for the Ontario' Muter 1 •of r a tcrloo. Getting overheated. aced. catel'ing cold. often bring on. Crimps and C, lie of the worstkiud. A few Closes of 1 r. Fowler's Extract of Wier Slrawberly give relief frown the remnant' tluioltly etre the worst eases.' ammonia and water, claims, mud off au umbrella. HBA: WIS Emil PLUMP while using Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food. Therecotnes a critical time in the life of every wornan when the bud AA girlhood is unfolding into the full blown flouterofWomanhood, Mothers at this time should carefully guard their daughters' health, for this is a time when many a girl falls victim to insidious diseases which make life a misery. Loss of flesh, headaches, pains in back and side, nervousness, irritability, dull eyes and a" pale, sallow complexion, these are the symp- toms that warn you to use Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food. The blood is impoverished and the nerves require nutrition. Nature muni have assistance and there is no better way to help nature than by using Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food. It is a food for blood and nerves, and creates rich, red blood, solidtlerh and new nerve tissue, The color will return to the cheelc, the bright- ness to the eye, and increase its weight 'will tela Of solid advance in health. Dr, A. W. Chase's Nerve Voocl, sac. a box. At all dealers, or Edmanson, hates ec Co., ' 'orortto. V i{Ot75A1VDS OG XOIJntG tiiZit are 4l, A troublcrt With nervoa:rntss, despot -t 7 co dency, exhaustion, boas of ,uentory,e aching backs arid kiduegc, paluful urina-ff1- ttou bashfulness, sediment iu urine Josses CC at night, impotency, headaches. varleoceIc, CO pimples, ulcers, bone pains,• -•:Che results 0 of evil habits in youth or tater execssetl. 119 caOtt Vitalized '1`rehtment cures the worst s, Ernisolona del/aft-0001e 6 sapthe vigor a. t *vitality �1and.' weak m^n, Our •Il)ollariTreatMerititi will Cure !tomo if3 Stricture arid Cleve, . Nomatter howchronic,ietd to our Vital -if) ixctt Treatment. No °p .ration, no pain, i7 no detention froth bull ie:v:4. Alt drains) a.'4 seise. 'Our Dollsxr Tratiteac:it will �} Curs -You,. ii blood etc Sexual Dinenses cured forever. No return of the disease. Ne Mercut;r. NA Poison. Our !foliar Trefstmi•n*. will (,;UC* `Kinn. Wie Guarantee Corte., and carry 511 dim• HUMS women fur fiA,BBATki SEA K IO]I1S, Mti'1a1IO.DIST—Iiev, R. Llobbs, pas. or. Services at 11 A nu and. 7p M. l'IMSI YT'U11IAN---1 ev. D. Penile palter. Services Its 11 A in and 7 p m.. EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's—Rev. Wm. Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a in aed 7 P • m. BAPTIST --- Rev, W. Freed, pastor. Services tit 11 a m and 7 p na CONGREGATIONAL.— Rev. a. W. Coffin, pastor. Services At 11° a nt tied 7pin., CHRISTIAN WORKERS ItS -.,• Misses Outram and Loon in command, Services at3p mand 8pm, SALVr,,TION ARMY—fleet. YIerteod and wife in command. Cervices at 11 a,. m, 1 p nr sod 8 p nl, In (Nigh of the above twined churches c,abbeth Sohool is held at 2.30 p• m, BANK °di MILTON WINGHAM. Capital, $1,404,620, . Best, $1,000,000 President --Jona SruAai. . Vtce•Prosidont—A. t#. tientsAL.. DIRECTORS JOHN Panaroa, Minn, Roane, Wnt GIBsoN, si r, A. T. Wron, bio P, A, B. LEIS (Toronto). yashier—J. 'tunneu.GL. • 3AviAKa, Eanui--•hours, le to H• Saturdays, 10 to l Deposits of 81. and. upwards received and interest alorved. • Speofal Deposits also received at current rates of ic,arest, • Drafters, Great Britain and the United $tarot bought and sold W, GOR13OULI), Acuses DICKINSON, Solicitor.. Money to Loan On Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES money advanced on Mortgages at 5 pot eentwith privilege of paying at the end' of any year. Note and accounts collected. , Xt013T. MOINDDO. Seaver Block Winrhnm, Ont. EARLY CLOSING Before placing your order for Spring Clothing call and see our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods,cheaper than old stock that cost one -halt' more than new and better goods of the latest styles will cost to -day. • - We make clothes that fit. WEBSTER 8v Co., ' . , C�tleen s block. LOGS I tits :t m'5. �-Is. i't1plila)II::D--. laVllllY FRIDAY A10It,1+1'ld•Stx m^ -A5 enr;-- j TlM>*G QFp'1Gh , 4oslYl Hirt; G rRg'T W INGIi AIII', ON'1',91tIG. LOGS Highest cash prices '-paid for all - kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, Cedar Posts' and Shingle Bolts delivered in our yard. CUSTOM SAWING,; SHINGLE CUTTINCn �1 done at lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Calk and get prices be. fore disposing of your timber. McI,EAN S SON I 831 tOtr#N TIIE rsAn..1900 COUNTRY. GENTLEMAN The ONI.X Agricultural Newspaper and admittedly the Leading Agricultural Journal 01' TIM WORLD. •Every department ,itten by specialists, the, highest n'authorities Irt their respective lines. No other paper pretends to dmapeto with It In qualifientioul of editorial stuff, (lives the agricultural NEWS with a degree et fullness and completeness net even attempted by others. Beat lrevitiw3 of the Crops, Best Market Reports Aceo,u,te of Meetings, Best. 1' Everything, s . i:NDiSI'ENSAI1LE TO ALL COUNTRY itEStI ;ZITS WHO W1SII TO KEEP UP WITit TIt1. TXrtl , Single Subscription,8. Two Subscriptions, ket0, roar sue:)criptems, 80. .peprea lndureni' nts to raters of larger clubs. It,:i•Write for l'artil'idars on this Point glut, Agents Wa)ttui Hverytvhero. our Months" Trial Trip, 50 Cents. • �►P Iilttl;bl COPXE� sou griptiouerioo.$1per year, tit aOyenta' ADVERTISING( RAT18 - 61.ace µl Iyr, i'6me._i amo.1 1 MA' oHnsalt Colu'� n.ri. 5G040 001)0 $40;fn 1`l. tin. ti5Q tNue ' Quarter 'I G0 00 1Z f0 7 bio 5 00' t , liesf aels1aunt other 1 .-...1 a :ih Ocrt)ilsunu I v+n. ut;1 r 1 eti 100 Leania)ia a uc, lige• for first h,surtion,n„ d 8o per line foreaehsubmit/tint insertion. NIi nsured by nonpareil scale. w,nal notices 100, per line for first nose+;siert, 5e, per line for each :intim not .nserth t , Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Strayed, t+ittrattons• and Business Chanr•cs wanted, not eieee,0nt; it lips nonpareil, 141 for drat month, andfine, tor Saab tuheemt. "loequusesnt and tsonarrhn0 for Sale, not eatuuedute 4 One., $h for first month, 50u, por snhsequent month' Larger advertisements in pi 550013m Specialgratesvall forelargerl advertisemadhered ents, or qr leagor periods, Adtert.aetnonts and Moat notices without (Teethe directions kill be inserted till forbid and Ohatgt accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be pati In ad eaten Changes fpr contract advertisements' nrce.t be In' the office by Wednesday noon, an order to appear• that week B. fi, 5LL IoIT, PencilligO* Alit) PilitaSBSL WINGHAM HOSPITAL, For the treatment of DISEASES (ep' aOMEN and . SURGICAL CASES of all kinds, For pmticrtiers address DR. J, P. KENNEDY, Medical Superintendent, tt ir.i ham, Ont; �)VANSTQNF:, . 1L . BARRISTER, SOLiCITOR, l.te., Private and Company funds to loon st • et rate Interest, No commission charged, blortaRes, town, and farm property boughtand e••kf OFFIOE-.Beaver Block {I`rxon4m. • J. A. MORTON B4RRISTER, Wnngham, • Ant. Er L. DiCIfiNSON, BARRISTER, ETC. soerczeon TU.. DLNai our nearxLT„N. n•k:,att Ta t LOAN. Office—Beyer Brunk, tvinghan, NI • G. CAMERON, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONYEvrthr,]•:R &e, Office—Corner Hamilton and St. annul. w strode opposite Colboruo Hotel. (1eDaaiell, • rrtTABIO,' - AliTHUR J. IRWIN, D D 5, L D 5, Doctor of Dental Surge) y of the 1.,.,s.Ivan* Dental ofDentnliSu geonsend Lof Ontario, tut}:`s)al nterolPost Odioc, Winghatn rS. JE11051E, L. D. S , DENTIST, 0.15 'WITH • him D. D. Ross, graduate r t r . C. D. 5. of Ontario, and is prepsu d to too t 11 manner of Dental wor k et seasonable 'sins. 1, , , u Block, opposite the. Brunswick House, a iuchlln.. , JOHN RITCIliin GENERAL INSURANCE. Act.st WINOSA)t kgDEANS , .. Ja. .. W INgttAM.. LICENSED A)JCTIONEER FON , o OP HURON.. • Sales attended In 'any part of the ,. Moderate. w JfiHN CURlblii, 1Vtsoitsti, LICENSED AUCTIONEEtt Sales of 'Farrar Stock and Fain, J:. ,, •moots, specialty, All orders hitt at the Toms miles inen'i-ins attonI• ed to, Terre reasonable. GRAND TRO1IX RAILWAY. Toronto and East Palmerston ntixed 1mndoaand South Kincardine DZ;P.inx< . Aftinag 6 49 a. rn. 8 05 if m, 3 60 p m 10 29 p m. 8 55 n Iii ,05 p,nr. 6 6e a m t 1 14) a d8e )t1sn I 1 0p tn.• 11 10 a rn tt dl) ,t mot 8 80 p m ,t art) p ra 10 2'd l) til h i0 a am •5 SWIM MEETING;. aaaa S• • _"Cama; Calodtiutrs, �o an meet; • r „ fho first nn.l' ;loin,. family to ovary ,tenth, l)t Odd P5fl, x Vi?itti btothron weleeto,*h.° J. ltfurray t;,,l f. II Elliott, Rnr,,.Sec JOB PRINTiNG, INOLUDINt3 Bioko, 1'nmphht, t•n:•.,•q, B1 Bends, Circulars, &a, ha. exeunt...* • rhe boat style of the art, at moderato prides, ta0,1 on short., notice, Apply,' or address II. 13. ELLIOT'I. T cue mike, .. nr„thamv, , OOOKCINDDiC. We are plumed to announce ,int an +t•,nits bF Magazines lett with us for !Mother IA ft •, „q tour prompt attention. Prices for land+•,:: 1. •, style will be given no annligation n the 'Picts.. fp,F,l alC ti' 1 .laveatsandTrado.Atarkt `a IV tnbtetnad rind atl'pritt t. msineesr conducted for M0))ltfl4 k N8 :ieeieinthr;itnmodiatdwictnirydithoPatant+C1G%e 1 cf t nd my fat ilitiesforsebutinylpttents aro unaurpee .end model, sketch orphotograph of invdi,tig,t e . rlrscr��tpthen mtndatmtam.nt •s'. toarolwnta as t. Am* n r, •