The Huron Expositor, 1981-06-24, Page 14at Eve: Know About Abortion! No. Under the Criminal Code a father does not have the right to protect the life of •his Unborn child if the mother decides to have an abortion. Canadian law has consistently given rights to the unborn child.such as the right to inherit property under a will. and the Tight to compensation for Injuries while still 7. What rightti does the unborn child have in Canadian law? . . law protect es who do not to in the abor- reasons of Mal Code for such medical vincial Huinan Rights Code, which tire, this recourse has not proven ^ As a, Physician and Degreed gynaecologist I witnessed at first hand the horrors of abortiton that since 196a have been legalized in Canada. Recdgnizing that there are o'ow no medical indications for abortion, it became in- reasingly obvious to me that we are all being deceived by a huge lie, and the numbers of abortions are escalat- ing yearly for purely social convenience. Society seems to be becoming inured to the tragedy of abortion around us in most cities on most days of the year, and in my opinion this devaluation o pre-born Human Life. will inevitably lead to other evil such as the elimination of the mentally and physical y handi- capped and Euthanasia. Brian Frazer M.B. B.Ch.. L.M.C.C., C.O.G. • a (Clip an 1) VOICE F‘ Box 987, Abortion is truly a matter of do something-to help. Return Right-to-Life supporter. today! per couple. Name: Address: Phone: R LIFE n harm e aneath andyou can is coupon and become a $3.00 per person. $5.00 r 611R HURON ExposiTon t JUNE 244 1081 P14 • . ••, • Abortion is tI'e 14114ng of a human, being. It stops a Pregnancy and ends the life of an innocent member (if thehuman 2. Does a permissive law reduce the number of illegal abortions? No. A British study. "Illegal Abortions and the Abortion Act of 1967", (British Journal of Criminology 1976) concluded illegal abortions did not decrease after the widening of the British abortion law. Other studies done in Japan. Hungary. Switzerland. Poland. U.S.S.R. and Scandinavia (countries which permit legal abortions) indicate NQ decrease in criminal abortions. In fact as legal abort- ions have escalated in Yugoslavia. for example, illegal abortions have also increased. 3. Does abortion reduce child abuse? • • . No, According to an exhaustive 7 year study of 764 battered child- ren, by Dr. E. Lenowski, at the University of Southern California. 90% of those battered children were wanted by their parents at the tithe of conception. It was other than "unwantedness" (such as unrealistic expectations for the child and inadequate par- enting skills), which accounted for the battering. Abortion is "bat- tering" in the womb. -the earliest and most violent form of child abuse. 4. Is rape a reason for abortion?... Rape is a crime of violence; so is abortion. For physiological rea- sons. pregnancy resulting from rape is extremely rare. However. , • , i„ • in the rare everAt .cnakapreguahci shouldocPur, society' should of, fer laving,aring support for the . two ,victirris. mother and Having suffered the trauma of rape the mother shoUld not be further traumatized by an. abortion . To use abortiOn' as an after- the-fact solution is comp6unding the problem and punishing the innocent child for the' rime of the father. sr 5. Are abortions ever necessary for medical reasons? . . . Even pro-abortionist doctors agree that pregnancy rarely threatens the life of the mother. If a pregnant woman suffers a fatal disease, abortions will not stop the disease process. Mothers have borne. healthy babies after kidney transplants and major heart surgery. Pregnancy is medically safer today than ever before. PREGNANCY. IS A NORMAL BODILY- PROCESS - NOT A DISEASE. 6. Do pro-life people impose their morality on others? . . . It is not a question of imposing morality on others, ,but rather a question of defending the rights of those who cannot dc) so for them- selves. Abortion is a civil rights issue. involving the unborn child's right to life: The slogan, "Freedom of Choice" is not applicable to the abortion issue. FREEDOM OF CHOICE STOPS WHERE THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS BEGIN. 7. What about test -tube babies and early abortions? . . . Fetilized embryos are used for genetic research, and for human ex- fie 146i. broys an<t: selected ,the lab•gcloii tatiOn into a` wornAh.,s won Defective and utiwarged .ex {m bryos ate discarded anti left,to. Mit Is the willful deatruction and abuse of early fetal life. England Dr. P. StePtc•e, whofinariced his e.xperiments through a lucrative abortion practice, admitted he rejected 200 fertilized ova (human beings) during 'his research for . the first Test Tube baby. 8. What about the medical conse- quences of abortion? . . . The British commissioned Wynn Report indicated the possible IMMEDIATE COMPLICATIONS of abortion to the mother are: Hemorrhage. infection and perforation of the uterus. The possible LATER COMPLICATIONS. usually ignored by hospital statistics and by abortion counsellorS, include an increase in tubal pregnancy, sterility and incompetent cervix, causing miscarriages in subse- quent pregnancies and deep-seated depression. The LONG TERM CONSEQUENCES to offspring are premature births, leading to an increased incidence of brain damage, cerebral palsy. mental re- tardation. learning disabilities. repiraloryproblems. etc. 9. Does a woman who gets preg- nant and gives up her baby for adoption suffer more than if she had an abortion? . • . There is no doubt that giving up a child for adoption can be difficult and painful. However, the greatest gift a mother gives her child is the gift of life, so the decision to let a child be a part of another fam- ily to live and be loved is a gift of love This knowledge can ease the pain. A mother who aborts her baby has no such comfort. How Abortion$ are Done Saline • • In this procedui e. done after 16 weeks, a long need-- le is inserted through the mother's abdomen into • the baby's sac and a .solution-of concentrated salt is injected. into the womb. The -baby breathes in the salt and is poisoned by it: The Outer layer -of the skin is also burned off. It takes the baby over an hour to slowly die. About a day later the mot- her delivers the dead baby. In many instances, instead of Salt. horinonal substances called prosta- glandins are injected into the amniotic fluid which surrounds the baby to produce early labour. To ensure that the baby won't be born alive a sub- stance poisonous to the baby (urea) is also inject- ed. Suction In this procedure a powerful suction tube is in- seted into the mother's womb. This tears apart the body of the developing baby. sucking the parts into a container. D &.0 AbOrtion lift tills procedure. with a sharp, loopshaped steel „knife the surgeon cuts the tiny body of the_deve- loping baby to pieces and cuts and slices the pla- Cents from the inside walls of the uterus. One of the jobs ofAhe operating nurse is to reassemble the parts to be sure the uterus, is empty; other- wige-fhe mother will bleed- or become infected. • Hysterotomy This is exactly like a Caearean Sectionand is per- formed when the baby 'nay be too developed for other methods. After tit baby is delivered the umbilical cord is cut ant it is left to die. At this age. while waiting to die. he babies move. breathe and some will even cry. • 0 Abortion- in Canada 1. Why is a law needed to protect 4. Who pays for abortions in the unboni? .Canada?. in the womb. (For example cotripnsa tion was pad for the damage done to unborn children in the 1960's by the drug thalidomte. which was taken by mothers early in pregnancy). Sadly: the most basic righOf all, the right to life, is not given to all, unborn children. The law is an educator: what becomes legal becomes permissible. Thus when a society permits abortion the lives of thousands of children are unprotected and May be destroyed. Unborn children. as members of the human family. need and must have protection of the law. 2. What is the present abortion law in Canada? In 1969 an amendment was added to the abortion section (251) of the Criminal Code. "to decriminalize" the crime of abortion in Canada. under certain restricted conditions: 1) if the life if health of the mother is endangered by the continuation of the pregnancy. 2) if the abortion is done by a medical practitioner. 3)11 the abor- tion is approved by a therapeutic abortion committee in afirapprOVed hospital. Since this amendinent the lives of almost, HALF MILLION Canadian babies have been willfully destroyed. This is a tofu of life many tlineiCgreater than the number of Canadian soldiers killed in action in both world wars (about 106.000). 3. What are the most common reasons-for performing abort- tions in Canada? . . Most abortion are performed for social or economic convenience- According to the government commissioned Badgely Report, many doctors admitted that a diagnosis of "mental health" is given to get around the law. Taxpayers do. Health insurance plans. cover the cost for abortions, although pro- vincial goverrunents are under no legal or moral requirement to do so. Thus, millions of dollars of taxpayers' money is spent every year in Canada . • • not to help dis- tressed pregnant women and their unborn children, but rather to destroy over SIXTY THOUSAND unborn Canadian children a year. 5.. How late in pregnancy can abortion be performed in Canada? . . . Under preSent law there ism) legal cut ot"f date for perfoinfing abortions in Canada. 6. Does a father have any rights under Canadian law? . . . 8. Does Canadi doctors and nu wish to particip tion procedure conscience? . . . There' is NO protection under the Federal C There LS however some recourse through the prohibits`discrirninatinn. Unfortunately. in effective. • 9. What about ba es who are aborted alive left to die? . . . since hospital staff are reluctant to initiate The Criminal Code at present DOES NOT s babies. However (under Section 202 of the negligence could be laid against the doe "This is diffietilt to prove, however, iiminal. Code) a charge of criminal 'Really provide protection for such to disclose evidence. The result is that aborted babies born alive are left to die no charges laid. Sponsored by Voice for Life, IliTingham Voice for• Life is a voluntary, non-denominational, cha- ritable and educational organization and is funded by membership and private donations. All donations toward the educational work of the or- ganiiation are most welcome. A receipt for income tax will be provided. Membership is available to everyone and does not re- quire active involvement.— — For further information, please write fo Voice for Life. Box 987, Winghatn, Ont. Used with perm ission of Toronto Right to Life