HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-03, Page 5•
l� in
14.&DI. a
New and Novel Dress Goods in plaids and checks, Black
Goods a specialty, Mantles and Mantle Cloths up -to date.
Jfu1' Jackets, Capes, Ruff's, Collarettes, Muffs, Gauntlets,
etc, etc,, all new this season, and an elegant variety. Call
and inspect,
Our New Fall Stook of the Hest English Worsteds and
Overcoatings is now complete, and before ordering your fall
suits and overcoats it. will pay you to inspect our stock
which is second to none in town for being natty and
' up•to•dato.
Our Ready -Made Clothing Dept
Is now upstairs and this extra room gives new life and
beauty to the 1,arges`t Stock of Clothing in Wingbam.. We
have put in this fall over $2000 of new clothing .and can
give you good up-to-date suits from 84 to $1,5, and Over-
coats, Ulsters, Pea Jackets &c at reasonable prices,
Having purchased the business from ,las. Duffield, the public will find
us in the ,CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing'and hon-
est values a share of the patronage. The present stock: will be offered at
in the store
(next C. N. Griffin's, Grocery
and is prepared to make your
Fall Suits or Overcoats in the
most approued and up-to-date
Special attention given also
to Ladies' jackets with New
York latest styles, •
Oct. 27, VW,
5 �1 Y niio Arm' A m et rot the lalaflk,eimitrks Flip, tee
i vicinity of Llntowel liras held on idey
silica" ON DUTY ° I . BUN. ItIt' tN WAS
DISEASE ANI) FOIt('I;I) TO Ii1:LiNtllila«If
TI1S WORT—IIP•, nes e oW Ii1:4OTI:1t=
ins Ieseat I.
Prom 'Nap News, A.1e•;:andria, Ont,
The life of a Salvation Aruay worker
is very far from being a sinecure. Their
duties aro not only arduous, but they
aro called upou by the regulations of .the
Arany to conduct, out-of-door meetings'
at all seasons and he all kinds of weather,
This beteg the case, it is little wonder
that the health of these self-sacrificing
workersfrequently gives way. Capt,.
Ben. Bryan, whose home ie at Maxville,
entaneoRl:. a Oat., is well lniown through his former
Special revival services have been connection with the Army, having been
held in the Methodist church here. stationed at such important points as
Mr. Edwards has greatly improved Montreal, Toronto, Wiegston, Guelph
the appearance of hie barn. and Brookville, in Canada and at Belie -
Mr. Robt, Lane has received another nectady, Troy and other points in the
car load of cattle. He intends disposing United States. While ou duty he was
of there at an early crate. attacked by a eo called incurable disease,
We are sorry to relate the news of the but having been restored to health
sad death of Mrs. D. N. MacDonald's through the use of Dr. Willi ' Pink
mother, Mrs. Radcliffe. She left here Pills, a representative of the • dria
some two mouths ago on a trip west- News thouglif it worth while . procure
ward to visit r her son at Brandon. from bis own lips a statem of his ill -
last for the+ purpoet,, of regulatin1'rices,
caused by the advauce in the price of
Wtn. ,spears, Listowel, purehesed a
turkey last week that weighed over e30
The Arm . of 'Sallows & Alexander,
furniture dealers and tuldertalters, has
boom dissolved. Mr. E, M. Alei:auder
has sold his interests to Mr. Geo. Dip -
plea The new Rem will be ]mown as
tallows & Dipplo. Mr. Alexander pur-
poses living retired for a time.
Mr. J. W, Meyers has returned home,.
after spending the summer in the Klon-
dike. Ho is looking well and is well
satisfied with his trip. Ile spent most
of the time in Dawson and talks of re-
turning there in tato spring.
Elms District L. 0. L. will celebrate
the anniversary of Gunpowder Plot by
attending divine service in Christ
Church, Listowel, on Sunday, Nov, 5th,
at 3 p. iu. Rev, A. P. Moore, -rector,
Will preach the sermon.
Mr, John Edgecombe, late of the Ban -
nor staff, now of Toronto, and. Micas I
While there she was taken seriously ill ness and recovery. Ile f.. nd Mr, Bryan
GREATLY, REDUCED PRICES. with appendicitis to which she succumb- at work, a healthy, ob
ed ou Saturday, Oct. 21st, 'Mrs. Mac- pearauco giving no
Tlousefarnishings, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil Donald left a week ago for Brandon. cent sufferings.
always in stock. Special attention will be given to cur
Having had large experience incities, wa.excel in •
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel
Siding, Roofing and Metal Ceilings:;
Call on us. We shall be pleased to make your acquaintance feeling
sure we shall gain your confidence.
V i!/ Cai0 Vregz, C301,4
Opposite Post Office, Says:
Fresh Beef and Pork.
Lamb Bologna
Pickled Pork Headcheese
Breakfast Bacon Sausage
Smoked Hann Pressed Beef
Side Pork Tripe ,
Cern Beef Pressed Tongue
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c.,
always on hand.
Our prices are right. Orders.
called for and meat delivered to any
part of the town.
Your patronage solicited:
Baying moved to town to the resi-
dence lately oceupied by Geo P Wells,
corner Centre and Alfred streets, near
the GTR, I am prepared to pay the
highest cash •prices for all kinds of Rags,
Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair. Wool
Pickitige, Iron and Metal of all kinds,
delivered at • my residence, or if word be
left, I ,will call for same.
Fig .
Farmers,' hy'pay 5% arid 6 per cent.
interest bn yiir,•loans when money may
be had at 5leer cent, Payments made
to suit bortoWer. Charges low.
Agency (,lptario Mutual Life Assur-
anoe Corhpe ty.. •
Atofhbel�jriday afternoon and all day
Saturday, ,;
macdonald Block, Wiitgbam.
Speatal Pried' 1113111
week in.
No. 1 at $3,20.
Tao.:: at $3.40,
No. S at $8.75.
With all the latest improve-
Call on us for your felt
wants in Cow,Ties, Lanterns,'
Axes, &o. Lowest ?rices and _
brae grace geode,
We are sole agents for the -
Genuine Lehigh Valley Coal.
Costs .pe more than other
' grades. Prornpt delivery.
Fisher, of the salve plaeo wore Mfttrtcd
on Wednesday of last week.
The drat regular meeting of tho Lis- Middle Pt. 11 Vonnie Butledae 263,
towel Choral Society was held iu the ro- Holdall Rutledge 260, Liszie Knee: x: 243,
offal hall of the Morris, Field, Rogers Tommy Jermyn 140.
Co., ou Tuesday night of last week and Jr. Pt: U. —Mildred Jewittt 283, Roy
was well attended. , The prospects aro Tur vey 265, Sarah Agar x262, Norman
favorable for a very pleasant and sue- South 2501, Fred. Agar 160:.
cessful season's work. Tho society sr: L—Hazel Stamper 285, Nelson
meets every Tuesday night, Agar 275, Stanley Rutledge 210.
Jr. I. -Willie Agar 260, Tessa Jermyn
'Discovered by n Woman-. 175.
Another great discovery lute been made, D. L. ST1uortN, Teacher
and that too, by a lady in this country.. The kfullawing gives the standing of
"Disease fastened its clutches upon her' P
the pupils of S. S. No, 1, Morris, for the
and for seven years she withstood its p
severest tests, but her vital organs were month of October:— 5th class—Lena
undermined and tleatt.seemed imminent. Smith, Elsie Clark, Maggie McDouald,
For three months she coughed. incessant- Rosie Clark, Nellie Kelly. 4th class—
ly, and could not sleep. She finally clic-
eoverecl a way to recovery, by parches- Herbert Armstrong, Bessie Taylor, a/m7
ing of us a bottle of Dr.l iug's 1\ew Dis- Scott, Emma Clark. Sr. Ord class—Leo
covert' for Consumption, and was so Kelly, Ellie Pierce, Fred Armstrong, P.
t man, his ap- much reheved on tal;ziig first' doss, that McDonald, Ed, Armstrong, J. Gibson.
cations of his re- she slept all night; andwith two bottles,
has been absolutely cured. Her name Jr, 3rd Class -J, Phelan, Laura Phelan,
is Mrs. Luther Lutz.' Thus writes W. Rosie O'Connor, Henry Pierce.. 2nct
The remains of the deceased were inter- The story of his illness and subsequent 0. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. class—Amy R,oclgerson, Basil Wallace,
red in Dungannon cemeteryShe was cine be: the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Druggist at Gertie Gibson, Stanley Clark, Colin. Mo-
an exceptionally fine old lady, who won i Pills reads like a Miracle, and is given 50 teed.ents gild $1.00Every rot! le guaran-
Donald, Hannah Cocker>;r e, Norman
is •pure and cold and
costs........ ... . ...
As fit Once Was..
Whet the human foot was
first introduced to shoes it was
exactly as nature had ,riade it,
a trong-symmetrical-I1audsome.
it leas been revolutionized
from what it was to titl foot of
to -day by sixteen centuries of
distorting tiglltucsa and freakish styles.
" Slater Shoes " are =de to fit
fret; ars they are to -clay, comfort first,
but good appearance never forgotten.
Twelve shapes, six widths, ell
sizes leathers and colors.
Goodyear \vetted, name and price
t tattled on t'te oLS,
.� -o and $ 5. t-,o,
for la'Bniy by HO
the high esteem and respect of all who tin his own words as follows:—"While
Cololough. Lena Smith obtained 100.
knew her. We deeply sympathize with stationed at Desoronto, in July, 1897,
I BLUEVAT E. per cent. in Bxitish history and. 90 per
those who mourn the the loss of a kind and was attacked with what the doctora'cal- Miss Mary , Mollwain, of Winghaut, cwt- in physiology, and Maggie Mc-
dearly beloved. mother. led "Chronic Spinal Meniugetis," The is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Holmes`, Lonald 90 per cent. in British history.
Mrs. Carlisle, of Hensall, was "visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Found,
Mr.' W. H. Ardoll has returned home
from Manitoba. ' •
Mr. W. J. Greer has sold his stock of
boots and shoes. to Mr. 0. Diebel, of
Hanover. • •
Messrs. Found. Bres. received a car regained some of my former strength and
load of coal last week. I returned to my work. The second at
On Wednesday, Oct. 18th, a very tack occurred wheal I was stationed at
pretty wedding took place at the rest Schenectady, N. In, iu October; 1808,
deuce of Alex. Ross, of Gerrie, formerly and was more severe than the fust.
of Grey township, in which his daught- The symptoms of thesecoudattack were
er, Miss Mary, was united in marxiage very similar to those which preceded
to James Ross, of Harriston. Rev. A. the first, the only apparent difference
B. Dobson, of Fordwich, was the being that they were more severe and
officiating clergyman. As, the party the after effects were of longer duration.
entered the parlor the wedding march Owing to the precarious state of my
was gracefully rendered by Miss Noss, health, I was compelled to resign my
sister of the bride. After the ceremony position after the second attach and re-
performed the wedding •guests,num- tine. to my home at Mayville. While
boring about forty; sat down to it sump -there a fn trend 'advised me to try I3r-
tnotis repast, prepared for the `occasion. Williams' Flak Pills, and I began using
The evening; was pleasantly spent in them in. March, 1509. I have used only
niusio and social Chart, after, which the a c".ozon boxes and am once more enjoy-
oontipauy left, for...their. several 'homes, ing perfect: i feel that I am perfectly
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Ross many years well and can cheerfully say that i at -
of happiness and prosperity. tribute my present state of health to the
Miss Etta Cummer has returned home effects produced by Dr. Williams' Pink
after spending a Month with Toronto I'lls• .Mas• Bryan has allsonsedthe pills
friends. and has benefited very much thereby."
Mrs. Jamos•Per1dns, of Lisle, is spend -
hag a couple of weeks with her many Iiowecx.
symptoms • were somewhat similar to A number of the young people went Moro regular attendance from some of
those proceeding a pleuratic attack, bat to hos the Guy Bres. at Wingham on the pupils is" asked. D. ALnzLT0N,
wero accompanied by spasms -which, +• • y inght last. Teacher.
when the pain became too severe, render- George Martin, of Wan eu, Ohio,aa
ed me unsconsoieus. The length of these visited at R, N, Duff',u Friday last. G lesions eETavt�
uuconsciors spells increased. as the Mr. Lockhart, of Kit College, Tor- Comes from 'Dr. D. B. Cargiie, of .
mouths in the Kingston C, emeral Hospital
disease advanced. After spending four mite, preached in the Presbyterian Washita. I. T. He writes: "Four bot
church last Sabbath. ties of Electric Bitters has curers arse.
and on. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused
Mrsthe Salvation farm, Toronto, I . Thylme is spending a short time her great set -taring for years. Terrible
with her daughter, Mrs. W. Wray at sores would breakout on her head and
Stratford. face, and the best doctors could give no
m help ;but her care is complete aura her
Re nal services are beim conducted health is excellent," This shows what
en j Methodist church by Mr. Mote, thousands have proved,—that Electric
Bitters is the best blood puriffer known.
It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tet-
ter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and runningsores. It stimulates liver, ladueye and
bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion'
builds up the strength. Only 40 cents.
Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Drat egist,,
every bottle guaranteed.
relatives and friends in and around hu, William Neill, of the 15th conoes-
Gorxie. siou, has leased his farm fora ,11111..r
Word has been received announcing 0
the death of Mrs. John Clegg, of Tor-
onto, a former Gorrieite.
Mr.. Arthur Cunnmer, who Ilan been at•the home of Mr. James Sanderson, of
spending the past six inonths.in Carman, Northwich, on Wednesday last, when his
an., returned home on Saturday. - eldest daughter, ss Jennie S. Saucier -
Owing to Mr, W. J. Greer moving to son, and Mr. Geo. McKee, of Gerrie,
Wiugham, gr. `William Mose has been were united in marriage. The ceremony
appointed librarian of the public library, 'vas. performed by Rev: Mr. Hoskiug, of
Fordwicin,assisted by Rove Mr. Garbutt,
W. H. Webb, shipbuilder and philan- of Gerrie. The groom. was supported by
thropist, known as "tire father of Mr. W. F. Babb, of London, and the
American shipbuilding," and the pos- bridesmaid was Miss J. Cook, of Ford-
' sossor of $20,000,000, is dead in New wich.
r•ork, aged 83, • Ono of those pleasing events which
and is going to Wisconsin to
with his sou, Rev. J. Neill.
very pretty wedding walssoleamizea
V'1\Ir. Stewar
New Hamburg,
principal of
ft her .Saturday last for
d began his duties as
e public school at that
• Be Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18
mouths from Rectal Fistula, he wotllcl
die nuless a costly operation was per-
formed; 'but he cured himself with five
boxes of Buckien's Arnica Salvo, the
serest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the World. 55 cents • a box.
Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Druggist.
A little after six o'clock Saturday
evening, William Rhyaras, of the Dam of
Buchanan & Rhynas, builders, ou his
way to inspect some -work at the harbor,
%11 over the dock and was drowned.
Some vessel hands heard the splash and
gave the alarm, and grappling hooks
were procured and the body recovered
in a little over half an hour, but although
Dr. Whitely was promptly upon the
.pot "all efforts to resuscitate the body
were fruitless. Mr. Rhymes was a pro-
minent member of the Masonic fratern-
ity and one of the best lmowu builders
in the county alid a highly respected
citizen. He leaves a wife and four
Allan Cochrane, 4th line; Simon For-
syth, Dave Smith and Jnno. McCutcheou,
6tl.line, are back from the West after
an enjoyable sojourn of a few mouths.
George Eek1nier, the well know).
- always causes a flutter in the social sir- Jamostown blacksmith., is about fully
• n
cher of any commtuntty, took place recovered from an indisposition occasion -
Keep in mind that Scott: the village of Nowbrid;o onn Wednesday 4t by a twist from ahorse while shoeing
Emulsion contains the Ix tubers Mrs. Henry
ypU- evening, Oct. lStln, Riau gave her daughter, Mies Rachael, Mise Jennie Elliott, of T'b'ossalon, Al•
phosphites. to 1* iie wedded wifo (ref Mr. Andrew
McNally, of Blyth. About fiftyi..'.vitcd
These alone make it 'of
guests had assembled to witness the in -
great value for all affections teresting coreinotiy, stud at four o'clock
of the nervous system. the litippy ccrttplo wore soonedy •jrit,ed
It also contains glycerine in bonds of holy matrimony 1-y Rev. R.
L Hosleitnt;, A. very bountiful to, was
a most valltable, soothing.1rr(via(d idy the hostess, to which all
an d healing. a . ent. Then present did ample ;justice. At :ib ;it
' ' senu oaleek the young couple left for
there is the cod..11ver oil, ac- Palmerston, \vile::, they took elle oven-
knUwleclged ley all physicians iml train or Stratford, 'and also took in
Ur poor the Niagara Valle and other points
as the hest remedy
while on their tour. '.Pito 1 ride was not
blood and lass in Weight.
1 agents blended intp a creamy hits.;ed in the cannot the ie, 'mitt; ken
for many .years a month; r o tho choir
•ErnuIsioake a remark -,stud one of the principal w e in both
mile tisstl ild'er.
the Epworth Lest:;at+ and
rat dna +szs fsoho 1. ]luny wvn' this {so,
ass r vin te, Tattivtte, ,. fal peeeeete to her by ler f
only talo of Nowbrideea: meet ceteenucd
These three great remedial -young ladies, bat Wir, will bo ;nee tly
genie, was calling on old friends on the
1st and and cons. It is iS years since
Miss i 1iett left ilorris with her parents,
who formerly lived on lot 21, co.lcc*sion
2, WM' earned by G. W. Teevey. .
The followi•.•g report gives taro ;and -
in,, of S, u No. .for Outcb:,r mat re-
n& of r coi.t Promotion. Exams.
IV, tail 400.---:1l c o Pant 37e,
tune A;ae875,Mnr ha Dearer t r 2,.i), C1ha�.
( (..hiss ,v81, 'Voll:, Knee 190, Ruby
Forbes 135.
Sr. Ilia promoted to Jr. IV, total KO,
to 1`als 445.-4111,11, t ol+d ii Bail, Xarifa
Fraser u30, John t'•:anis.t -len remaining
t+r, l'I, promoted to- Jr. Ira tc.t.'l «O(. •* & y ft�l
to team $00--.Enmla Zemlya 499, Bait).
hnnbnry 430. .' aulie ( truism 3 5, Re-
Sabio;tll tnaillirlr;, nd
:undrt�tc- ter. Pt. If, toad
cis. 1.30, Harvey Knox•
( LEN 1A1ttO1V.
Mr. John McBurney has this /wet,
purchased a fine now Bell piano. Many
agents for difforo;ltpiauosgcrid cearessed
Mr. McBurney, but he decided to. pnr-
chaso the Bell, w1"iieh he considered the,
best. The sale was made through: arr-
T. H. Ross, of Winghani,
The Appetite of a Goat.
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver axe out of order. All
such should know that Dr. 'Matg's New -
Life Pills, the wonderful, stomach and
Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite,,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25 cents at Colin A.
Campbell's Drug Store.
The marrian„g° of W. Southam, roan -
ager of the • Ottawa Citizen, and Miss
Henrietta Cargill, second clau,hter of .
Henry Gargill. M. P., is announced. to.
take place on Nov. 7.
Mr. A. C. Wood, lately- of Leaming-
ton, formerly of Stratford, is to take
Charge of the St. Marys Journal as man-
ager for the proprietor, Mr. Eedy, of the
-St. Thomas Times.
• f "Great Haste is Not
Atwisays Good Speed."
c 'any people trust to luck
to pull them through, and are
often disappointed. Do not
ditty -dally in matters of
health. With it you can
acconzptisfi miracles. With-
out it you are rte good
I ee T the liver, kidneys, bowels and
blood heslthy by the use of Hood Sar-
sapnrilla, the faultless blood purifier.
ticumatlani--" t had acute rheeniaa-
tient Its my limb and foot. I eonirnenced
treatment with Bond's Sarsaparilla and
Hood's Pills end in a short time was
cured," Witt.ltn 1tt;xnrr, Brantford, Oast.
anScti irotPmulapure blcw-" I•w,asl. trou
would not heal. flood's Sarsaparilla was
recommended and after X had taken three
bottles I was well." I)a.rtsn, Rosnnaov,
Treaute5 Street, Toronto, Ont.