HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-06-17, Page 24K Groceries Ai.% Groceries DELMONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE 48 oz. 1.09 GENERAL MILLS /- CHEERIOS 1.89 575 G. Coconut, Maple Spice, VanillaPPERIDGE FARM LAYER 13 °L CAKES 1.09 K Bakery Dietrich's COUNTRY STYLE . ROLLS° 12 's Banana, Chocolate, German Chocolate, Devil's Food PEPPERIDGE FARM LAYER CAKES •__ .69 1.19 ,...Granny BUTTER 1.09 TARTS 13 oz. ROYALE BATHROPM TISSUE • - 411611; Pkg. UNSWEETENED ORANGE - GRAPEFRUIT, BLENDED TREESWEET JUICES 48 oz. 1.19 MACARONI Et CHEESE KRAFT DINNER 225 G DEL MONTE PUDDING CUPS 4x5 oz. 1.09 2.181, 239. 2 Prod. U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Prod. U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Vine Ripened , Large TOMATOES' CELERY STALKS 2/1.00 lbs. Prod. U.S%A. Can. No. 1 EW POTATOES , 10 lbs. Prod. U.S.A. Can. No. .1 CORNON THE COB 'a Prod. U.S.A. Can. NAVEL ORANGES Prod. U.S.A. Can. No. 1' Large She CANTELOUPES 2.69 6/ .99 1.09 doz. 18's .88 each QUENCH DRINK COMMIS 4 x 92 G 1.59 MRS. LURES JAMS RASPBEFiliY or STRAWBERRY 24 oz. 1.45 Boneless Top 70P ROUN D STE AK Small Link Store Packed Schneiders Hite Ribbon BOLOG NA le* TSchneideUrit iBlyttieGP ER SUMMER SAUSAGE MINI DELI Dili MEATS fl .89,„ 1.49 1.49, 1.49. 1.29 lb. (By the piece) i. 2.49. 25e G. 01.49lb. SAUSAGE At the Meat Counter SALADS Cole Slaw, Macaroni & Potato BonelessSchneiders i STEAKS Schneiders SIDE BACON- ENDS 500 g. Schneiders LARGE RING BOLOGNA THE HURON EXPOSITOR JUNE 17, 1901 os ital grateful f r PUC s eed tIOANNE RIMMER • A thank-you letter from the hoOP.Ital, and two certifi: eItten of Merit for safety ,1144110410. the Public Utili- ;kle commission (PUC) Viggilte0337 - FOO:ving 4 recent power ut,tt at the `hospital was able `Ie teStOre services • very apitat ,adrnirkistrator Our. 14440ti7ie wrote a letter, c.Aninission, thanking Itti. speed. Any hospital 'ItPCtiehe depend en electri- city, and it would have been 'ettStly for the hospital to be without power for a lengthy peribd of time. A safety certificate was received from the American Water Works Association. for PUC's outstanding safety record in 1980. Another certe ficate arrived from the Ele- ctrical Utilities Safety Assoc'. ation of Ontario for four years (1977-80) with no cone pensable accidents in the operation of electric utility. The commission discussed Ontario Hydro's Oil Substitu- tion program. and all devel- opments since the last meet• ing. PUC manager Tom Phil- lips reported the Ontario Municipal Electric Associa- tion advised they will witbold participation in the program until more information is available aged a Contract is signed with Ontario Hydro. The ecompiision discuSsed bow the PrOtratO .wind.d be implemented: if' it partici pates. Mr. Phillips c:ontruent, eit ^that Ontario .flydro 04,414 aSsistarice., in 0/1tnenting the.pOgrarm but otiognan. Optdon Puirmati remarked that the commis.- stun dcies not have enough men to participate, net de they have the proper qualifi- cations. The PUC will have, information for anyone inter- ested in the off-oil program Ontario Hydro sent a letter to the utility, asking support for construction of their se cond transmission line. A second plant is under con• struction and a second corri- dor is needed to transmit the extra power. for the power to be used. The second plant is Bruce Generating Station "B". so the power will originate there but Ontario Hydro's letter did• not say where the line will end The proposed corn dor M. part of six expansion plans bein considered by Hydro. and will pass lust west of Seaforth. Ontario Hydro has wanted a second, contrdfar ince The eiteamt. rooSt direct oyote the vorridor is ac.,ross•prinie farm load. 4nd, farnter a cid. protesting 'the loss of hod. reported-. the letter. -Cnitastn tf!alr9 tsketl 0.b.untis:Sion by ..send a. letter in, support of the corridor. Mayor John 'Stowe mon, said. • If they will he making it. we might al well be using it.•• so the commis sion decided to draft a letter of support. A brief letter was received from Jim Crocker. Tow n clerk, confirming approval of the water works budget The Ontario Municipal Water Association has sum gested establishing a safety association in response to concern from utilities. Each utility is asked to complete a questionnaire so the association can accomo- date specific requirements. The utilities have asked for .Water working safety, pro- grams which could provide information Mr Phillips re ported that the PUC would return the: questionnaire. bit are at present eoyered with the electric safety associa tion New digital metre sesterns haiv beepritiStalled by 00W-t - ip,- Hydret. replaeing prior- outs at two ,stitfl4kations. This sistem. •elitninateS the need. for the -utility to do .1tne' Patine Hydro V,' fiandles it ThiS- sySteni is eater and more economical than the other. but• the cornisSion "discussed the disadvantages of not hosing a print-oat (o ,todge when peaks of power usage occur. Mr. Phillips said he is planning to visit the sub- stations to examine the metres. A joint meeting with town council tomorrow. June 18. was announced. It will he an information meeting to dis- cuss general work. CURB PROBLEM In a dispute with MacLar- en engineers, the commis- sion would not accept re- sponsibility for damaging curb and gutter in Silver Phillips had said that the utility might be involved with the remaining 2b feet. since they had done some tunnel- ling under the curb.' The, commission rejected .a, state- ' their work had been done in Meat M4CLaren in a 19" before the, 4:00 Mcent letter said the Piker 11.41 hgen inswilod ,epe Was nisponSible for the FrOiry the chiefs ,deik 2b feet. Mayor Sinnamon felt that if the PUC accepted responsibility for that portion they were accepting partial responSibility, for the entire eollapse. Me. Phillips will ceMinuo inquiries. Wyor ettpendhoms. such, as,thc new remote cuntOt for the pumps were approved by the commission. Although it had keen approved before in the budget. Mr. Phillips felt it necessary to keep the commission informed before the ,rrnincy is spent. Ong PtIC employee'Llanny - Nash 'will be going -to the.: linesman training centre shortly. The commission dis- cussed ways of contacting employees on call. and decid- ed to investigate different methods available. Lie Nits. w:t*rpl4E wlyfti TIT, death ',osenr,Yed in ..0shou General hospital on 'Friduy.4 ,rune § -dttanwsu 'prgOtic, wife : of 'William taliStleStnith of ikyttit, and the• late ttaMisli Muorti.'414 was. a heart attack during the winter while vacationing in Florida. She .is survived by her husband. a datighter. MrS. W. (Patricia) Dennis of'Whit- by, a grandson Brett. a sister Mrs. P. (Margaret) Gallacher of Scotland and a brother James of England. Rested at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel. Whitby, until 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 9 for Mass of Christian Burial at St. Bernadette's Church, Ajax at 10:30 a.m. Interment followed in St. John's Roman Catholic Cem- etery. Whitby. Creek subdivision . total of 88 feet of curb and gutter collapsed in the slibtil% INikitl ission said they could not be esponsible for b2 feet of t [nage since Last Monday at eight o'clock ,in the morning, I walked into the Seaforth Public Stationtind took over from Cpl. Ray Primeau as the new chief constable for the town of Seaforth. My first week has been filled with many hours of meeting some very fine people on the streets of Seaforth. The men on the department have been very helpful in getting me famil- iarized with all the areas which may be of peculiar interest to the police depart- ment. It did not take 'me long to town where many individuals are living bombs. they are killers. they drive and they dnnk. This past weekend was no , exception to what has be- come an all to familiar trend in our society, death by motor vehicle. 1 am sure we would have anarchy in this country if these killings were committed by means other than by motor vehicles. Let us wake up to the fact that it is not the car that kills but the person behind the wheel. This past weekend we have attempted to curb the habits of so many people who moving bare and drug den. 'The Police Department' laid seven charges under the Liquor Licence Act, four of which were for "driving a motor vehicle with Liquor Readily Available" with a' fine of 563.00 each. The other three charges were for drinking under the age at a fine of $53.00. The sad part is the attitude of some people, they seem to merely add the fine on to the cost of_the liquor or beer. It is time we took the bottle from behind the wheel, and replace it with a sober, careful, defensive driver. ,n her 67th year, realize Seaforth also is a user theif aUtOinnhile, iis Two chirges, under. the Mrs.. $rattn had sufferod , Narcotic Contrdl Act were laid by Constable C. Akey and another person was arrested on a bench warrant. This person was wanted by Goderich O.P.P and the Clinton Police Force. Once again it is thr ough this most modern communisation sys- tem located in Goderich that an arrest was 'made. In the coming weeks I will attempt to meet many more people and please don't be afraid to stop in and say hello. Hal Claus Chief of Police • CitRearlITEL ROTH FOOD MARKET SEAFORTH STORE HOURS: MON.-TUES.-WED. 9 6 P.M. THURS. & FRI. 9 - 9 P.M. SATURDAY - 9 - 6 P.M. EVERY WEDNESDAY IS SENIOR CITIZENS DAY! 5% DISCOUNT ON ORDER OR FREE DELIVERY. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO. LIMIT QUANTITIES " Prices effective until SaturdayOune 20, 1981. cull Slice ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN Bo nes TIP & RUMP ROAST E BIT BETTER