The Wingham Times, 1899-11-03, Page 3• Health PromiNed by .gild Nothing Vague or n- defini ;) About Eosu.1ts. • 9'lur: is'wil-art: itt:('tlore about the kiwi of ',lama lwalt 1" that is promised by Faire•, t ' levy (lona enol and that is Ito r'.r()r;;ly v,tat bet, f r by letters that conte tae n. our best ,tae .le. k'nive's Celery ( owl ulLUllamou:; other biessiugs gives finer at. cl stria:g.•r nervus, perfect Circ :iwi, coml.lite ingestion, clear aempataion, sweeter breath and more venally be slily {.tactic zw. 'Meso bless- lgaare ale ay:st masa by Paine'sCelery Compuuuel ;ii opt (;alter remedies fail. s It is realist' veil criminal to neglect dal y saes, 14 141 and unmistakable ayn:ptunts or clang ardor Cliscases, when ist is well lcuovn that a few bottles of Pain's Wel y Coludouu;l will complete- ly baalell every trcub:o nail „ivo a ooa- difi"tl of health that guarantees along and anrpy life. Lean y a:.trn (.r woman whose nervous strcl.;. tit 15 evert:lewd or wboSO life is a busy t ne tiid fn.11, of mental worries, will soon feel, the inviaanating and vitaliziug elievt:( nil (mo or Iwo bottles et nature's health-i3iver, and see bis or her health im- prove atter the first &so of this greatest 'of all sea. A Vino Legal iToint.. A la - ueal n:nu d Listowel has e rather mineuttl case iu echo't, at present. A. man livi2 g is Galt owed aim azo ac• - count cad he entert:d a snit to recoveir. The matter rt as placed in a btenif,"',: bands ,nal the papet•s wore served upon *mother man of the stone nanle, how- ever, as the original debtor. The Irian who was served, n1 doubt depending upon his i' uozouce, slid not cuter a de- fence awl made no ob„cotiou 4:111 after jud{:merit" was given • and the bailiff eeizecl bis goods iu e::ecution, Tae question has not boon settled yet,. bat it seems that no matter how gpod. a de- fence a nsau has it will not avail hire. anyeli unless bo takes proper legal steps by disputing tho•. claim: A- some- what case eaeared in Listowel some years ago. Jud„'mout was given , against a party in List owel fcr a debt due another Ilan by the samonnitie. The party served-, lam -wing he did not owe - , the m Hey, did eat pat in a defence and :* had to lay the debt in satisfaction of juc'gmcut. Tho caro was appealed but the. J't•r'.go held that ignorance of the. law Glia not 'excuse and that iu the • ab- . • sauce ( f defence ho had no power to. stay excretion cf �jtelgraen,. - • Don't Tear Down -131111d Up. Tho old fashioned theory of temieg down (Vacaso was entirely changed by the advent of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food, which cures by creating new rich blood aria 'nerve tissue. Through the ".medium of the circulation and the nerv- ous system they sirongtheu azid iuvigor- .. atte every organ in the kerma bcdy. 1 i THERE'S ONLY • ONE "BEST" Perhaps your grocer has sold you • .Corn Meal and told you that it was Gold Dust - Corn Meal: Perhaps ' • you've thought it no • Metter than any other. Some grocers have been known to sell inferior brands under • the naive of "Gold Dust and ' that is just Where the trouble begins. . . The trouble ENDS when you attempt. to make your grocer prove his .statements true be., cause "There's only One hest "—only~ one Corn Meal that is absolutely free freta dirt,.. that has each grain eveoly cut,. that is the calor of vire gin gold'. " Iicsit3'r' and you will get it. Tho Tillson Oo,>y Limited. Tilscnburg, Ont. WE MALE Sewer and Culvert Pipes An t.•x; i from 4 In. to ^! to. IOW e tn.ket elt•u,. mid Sika PHPin • ., 4a Brevity, the Noel of wit. Tho fo'lowiu olippiag Diva a ffw very good samples of that brevity, whirl., according to the p )st, is the soul of wit : The+«o was recently gotta; the 'murals. of the profs. nays the Eveniug Standard, a story of an editor who was constantly impressint; upon leis reporters the neces- t,•ity of coudeusini,s the news in their tel - c,. vnus, It so chanced ono day that a boiler explosion took place; in „the pro- vitae, and a reporter, atter having been a(Imouitihe(1 in the proal way about the condensing of. news, was soot (LAM to. investigate. Ile il.vesti sated a i' d bo coudensoil, for in c uo.00urse the follow- ing tole rate ct.me:—"Serious damage, boiler empty, engineer full, fgtnily sev- en, funeral Saturday, no flowers." This is an cxaznplo of that brevity which. Po- lonius would probably have called the soul of wit. Such also was the tele- gram ole= g •am which Clever:>l HaVelcck-Wilson is said to'hrvo sent to the War Office. It coutaiucd ono word, "Peccavi," and that being interpreted, .siguiitod "x have siuued," which being ftlrthbr interpret- ed, meant I have .Stride, and tlmt meant that the provitico of Siudo was conquer- ed. Similar was a telegram which was supposo:l to kava boon sent, and which arnieltamed the conquest of Oudo. It coutaitied the word "Yovi," the inter- -'pretatiou thereof being "I have vowed." After these two telegrams had been made public it wt:s discovered that Drake bad sort a elespaten (not a tele- gram) aunonncing to Queen Elizabeth the Leating of the Spanish Armada,. Like the above two examples it contain- ed but oue word, that word being Can- tharides, which is the Medical terns for "the Spauish fly." But taking all things into account, it is probable that this despatch would never. have 1,eev seat, or rather would Hover have been supposed to have ,been sent,, had not the Indian telegrams paved the way for the idea. A considerable amount of concen- rativo power is shown in. the following little story:— Little Willie from bis mirror Licked the -mercury all off, Thinning in his childish error 1 It would ours his whooping cough. At the funeral Willie's mother Smartly said to Mrs. Brown, 'Twas a chilly clay for Willie When the mercury wont down: I(r,; ,,tl�l.)ti 1411'�ii`,' S,,,� ' (k<,;�Io' ; » _atariiw_teet, TAKING THE REINS. I "*--'y MI 13, 2:04I,. bee .won $21,04.2.50 this 11, your. Tommy Britton hasn't lost a beat is:uva , Cleveland, It is said that Lecco, 2;00yk, bas been f' priced at -$11,0U0. Little Louise lilac, 2:00%,. is new .a _ res qualified "two teaser." I)ireetuul. I elly, 2:0814, will hardly be •-▪ ' started again this year. ; Rubber can 2:10 just about as easy ars any male now trot. nb for the money. - The' bay mare May Bell, by St. 13e1's ; l3oy, who won the 2:35 trot at Deur:lie. Ills., in it:1014,•is totally blind, The green pacing filly Wiunie Wilkes, by Itoy Wilkes, 2:001/•, recently paced a quarter at Alameda, cal„ in 8114 sea ouds. It is now said that Sunol, 2:0814e will be sold with the other horses of the late Robert Bonner, Maud .S, 2;08%, alone las- ing reserved. The sensational 2 -year -ole} trotter Mr - on Sidney, trial 2:1714, by Oakland Una. on, 2:001/.i; is 'out of 1)ie Vernon, 2:221,a by Jay Bird, A. Raul a Sons of St. Marys, Pa,. have bought the gray gelding Paul I'ry. 2:11%, by Nantucket, of Louisville par- ties, and he is now in "Euapsack" Me- Carthy's stable, Precision, 2:1014,, by Allerton, .is the star place money winner of the grand circuit. Shehas been three times second and three tithes third anti has only won one heat to date.. - Phoebe Wilkes, 2:OS1a, had held the honor as the fastest 1lliehigan bred trot- ter for bait a dozen years, bat now the banner on .the outer wail reads Peter the Great 14). 2:0714.. Up to 1800 but seven trotting stallions had ever beaten 2:08, Already this sen- • son five have done so—Bingen, 2;001/4: Crt'sccus. 2:071,6; Peter the Great t4). 2:0714; Jupe, 2:071•, -and Fred ' Kohl, : 2:07%Horse Review. PERT PERSONE+S. Mrs. Langtry puts her age at 30. Marked down front 50 in order to attras t a bargain hunter of2S.—St. Louis Globe- Dentoernt., . r ' Perhaps Mr. Kipling can regain his t hold nn the Indiana folks by inserting a little - i3ousiar Malted in hI' stories.— Washington Post. M. i3ertillon is not, the tirst sad exam- ple of n man who went in for nu adwer• tisenu'nt and tatua out with nothing Lot contusions.—Washington Star. William Deno 1:Iowelle "duos uot'he- ieye that be was. born with litetniy Cal eat." • Lots or people do not believe that he amitt item' atty.—( bleego Times- Herald. General Ooxey is said to have made.a pile of money in aka. minim;. It is safe to say the general will lot the other fel- low •dn the walking hereafter.—Iionston Post. • • Bathhouse .!elle is having trouble >with his constitneuey in Chicago. These stn• rips shout his green dress snit have evi- dontly enn5e41. hits to, ho• 'regarded its ta- haugh ty,tristoernt.-1Vashington Stat', Colonel hsterhnzy seems very inticb in danger or•passing into history 1(s st s('nnn- drel. Ifna l)eyjurer and anything else you please. 'I' -here always was something misty about his. name.—Philadelphia In- quirer. Opera lovers will learn with dismay Hutt Maurice Graus has been made a knight of the French Legion of Ironer. When Sir 1lanriee next makes his alp- pearance in the •operatic horizon with his "stars," the public tt•i11 probably have to climb the stepladder of plicea to behold them in their glory. ORCHAR• D'AND GARDEN. This is the TimeforMak- ing old Things New. Diamond Dyes are the true and Un'- failinT Agents. IuNovember thousands of women, will be coloring dresses, skirts,, jackets, coats, vests, pants, shawls, wool yarns and carpet rags. Tho dyeing operation is au important one and demands great care. Tho •prin- cipal point is to secure .the right dyeta- colors that.are pure, bright sed fast to washing and sunlight. The Diamond Dyes—the only guaran- teed dyes on earth possess blithe grand qualities that make perfect and true' colors. Diamond Dyes have such a universal sale that lu.scrnpulotis dealers make efforts to ' imitate them. If you would be successful in dyeing, avoid all crudeimitations. Promptly refuse all dyes recommended by dealers to be just as good as Diamond Dyes. The Diamond Dyes are the best in the world, and all dealers are aware of the. fact. IT IS WELL TO liNOW. It is well to kaww where to go for pure and fresh drugs and family medicines. Our constant aim is to please our patrons in two essential points _ quality and value. We solioit your trade; assuring you 'of our best efforts to meet your wants.- Our ants:Our present stock .of Toilet Goods is unsurpassed=everything that style and modern taste can suggest, and at prices that must meet your views. Customers supplied with just what they ask for. Are you a user of Paine's. Celery Com- pound? Our stock of this popular medi- cine is fresh, and only the genuine sold. A. L. Haent.ToN, Druggist,, Wingham, Ont. Cheese anal natter. The Executive , Committee of the Western Ontario Cheese and Butter Makers' Assooiatiou have selected the following gentlemen to speak at the convention at Ingersoll ou. January 81st and Fobraary 1st nest McLar- en, M. P., of Stratford; Harold raglo, Attercliffe station, president of the Dairymen's Associatiou; Mark Slirague of Ameliasburg, inspector of creameries; G. G. Pudlow, instructor of cheese making dairy sohooI, Iiingstolt; A, ,T. Bell, of Tavistock; Fred Deas, of St. Marys; James A. Gray, Listowel; Robt. Johnson, Bright; E. Agtu, Bewntan- ovilie; Jas. Morrison, Archie Snaith, Chas. Latton, (leo. 31:cDoneld, instruct. OiS of the Daitynteni's Ass.:ciation,to- gather with the directors and officers. of the Cheese anci l3utter Makers' .Associa- tion. . n101011Eit JOIN : A latirtEl) I'OT IN IIi:11 Astr(SAND A I;OI)x WrritOV1' A 1'AIV•-•-1101111';4 A (IAM OF 'SiOTffisl),(ti1:1•:I) 02' act:tSII.'N Clm(4 rlvets 1:Y Wt. AO/I W'., OINT5t1.N1', ,after baby wa:t bola t mitered treat o .neat front piles. Nothing gave me any be -lbw relief or bx,m,llt until'I had tied 1.) / Agat"w's Ointment. ()is' n.p- plicr,t'a of it see late alntn t int~ .4 veli( • • 1 i Immersing the plants- in water is 'a good remedy for red 'spiders. The ground should be thoroughly pre - parted before a new orchard ds set out. The best strawberry plants for setting ! out are new pihnts of cue year's growth. Saltpeter is n gtltek fertilizer. For lan- guishing :loser hells use a pound to n square rod. a Many' nrehards 'hare their vitality in - jived by late and deep culture Give the .hiss Mary Ovington, Jasper, Ont., new wood time to .nature. • • - Q,. Pens tu( bast evheu ri n nerl etfl the : "My mother get Err arm sprain - 1 1 a l acre,. and =Wag sae tried helped tree in thefrttithonse. Pull them as soon : A bottle of Ha,ganrd's Yellow Oil, as matured and ripen' well before. oITertag I t otigh, cured the arm in a few days. them for sale. Under' no condition should fallen fruit be alluvied to remain under the trees and decny. It breeds too mangy iitseet pests and diseases: Gather it up and feed it to the stock.' When an apple ur pear is matured. n readily parte from tbe,tree when lifted to' n horizontal' position. •The stem of the fruit will Break nwuy from the twig to which it is attached, leaving a clean, well defined sear. THE. ROYAL BOX. D -•a 4 J Y. • aasaal The Costlicst Cough Cure is Chan e of Clirnatc, and it's a cure that's not often possible and not always sure. There's a better idea about Boughs and cures: Why not fit the lungs to the climate instead of fitting the climate to the lungs? It is the power to, do this that makes. as 4H 0* T ;E .IEST CO! G CWE M 1 in the land. It is a sure cure for colds and coughs; a specific for Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough; it prevents Pneumonia, cures La Grippe; and it so strengthens the lungs and heals the torn tissues that many cases of disease marked by all the signs of Incipient Consumption have been absolutely cured by its use. «We tried almost everything for asthma without success. At last we used your Cherry Pectoral and the relief was immediate." S. A. ELLIS, Keene, N. IL " When I had almost despaired of ever finding a cure for chronic bronchitis, I derived most excellent results from. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I can testify as to its efficacy." R. G. PROCTOR, M. D., Oakland City, Ind. "There were sixteen children in my father's family and there are seven in my own. We have never, since I can remember, been without Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and have never had acase of cold or a cough that this remedy did not cure." • Roza. WM. E. MASON, Chicago, EL "t My wife was sick in bed for ten months and was attended'by six different doctors. All of them said that she had consumption, and some of them said she could notlive a month. I bought one bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It seemed to help her, so I secured one dozen bottles. Before these were all used, she was completely cured and to -day is strong and well." Y. W. EWING, Camden Point, Mo. •"For more than a year my wife suffered with lung trouble. She had a severe cough, great soreness of the chest, and experienced difficulty in breathing. A three months' tre, t- ment wi Ayer's Cherry Pectoral effected a complete cure. We regarded it as remarkable, as the other remedies she had tried had failed to even give relief," C. H. BURRIS, Marine Mils, Minn. Best Medical Advice, all diseases. Free. Address, Medical Dept., J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Sprained. Alin. T:1C tO I name of the sultan of Suln•la • I•iadzi \loh:tinln011Wuniniui Hiram. Haig llntute..t'a mother wag an ,trot= duchess of Austria. while his wife, Queen hlttt•gherit,t, lea$ the gratzddaugtiter of Ding .10hu of Saxony. . Etoperor lViiliittu • has sent to the Croton ('since of (Treece his portrait. in• se, fled with the well known sentence from ilnhn'r. "Only one ,shall be ruler, only one king." • reeding ror Eggs. It is difficult to give a general formula that will suit all conditions, still we be- lieve in the morning gnash, winter and summer, It is composed of one-half ground corn and oats, ono -fourth bran, and oue-fourth boiled vegetables or soaked beef scraps, or cut clover hay steamed; mixed with bo ]ing water at night, covered up and left VI steam caul fed warm in winter. In stttmuor, cold water is better.. Whether t,) feed this leash every day or every oth;r day (al- terxatiiig' with wheat, t r wheat and crackea cern mixed in �itltca can be decided by experiment. Moat in some form, either raw or cocked, should be ie;l two or three times a week, and green food every clay, winter and sum. The Grand Duke \1lchaet, the Russian mer, if fowls .are ccz:ll ncd• in yards. heir attire rot) th,is beenuppotitted colonel Craton. cut bone is an excellent feat, in eider of the Ninety-third (Irkutsk) c t, hci separately of MIX.) with the t regiment of infantry, u eom}uand which frits 11011) 1'Iy iris tate brother. The sultan of Turkey is most inquisi' tive as to twhnt is 51111 and written Main hits abroad. Every day tt'ttnsl t tions aro laid before him from the news- papers of the world, and these are oto-e- ly' perrzsed. _ TION AND BOER, England's last Words to Kruger ire be- ginning to harts n snspieious "farewell tour" flavor,—Des Moines Leader. Joe Chntnberlttin might counter on Ootn Paul with the Scripture quotation. "Topknot, come down,"—Memphis. Com- mercit(l Appeal. iWanted:—Farmers' sons or other in- dustrious persons of fair education to ' whom $40.00 a month would be an in- dueement. I could also engage a few ladies at their own homes. T. II, LINSCOTT, ' Brantford. Wanted Bright men and women who aro not too proud to work and would like to make some money during the next three monthshandling the wonderful "Light of Life." *3.00 a day sure; some make twice that. Experience or capital unnecessary. BILADLEY..GARRETSON 00 , Limited, Brantford. i:.ash. Our maanticr of fecdi:t•; for cap is give tl e match every other nnerniag in late • f:t'l ankh Nviuter. Cava :lc,nl 1 ;ao taken, at/of-ever, not to give a full meal, but tr 3kcicnt to satisfy' hanger, tuna thus ,astra:ei the hens to )mutt raauncl for ;'1'atovcr they mayflnd 511 the Sar(ls or alter of the crops. We : red ut.thing at ('..1. (lay but moil ft:otl, tacit try cabbage lea at; night, wheat, oahi t,al i cracked tarn, separately or imixx, i t, ;;`; t1s: r. The '1. ,v ',reeds 'Lein; gent' t lld les active ;tett tiro light, rated to ba carefully fed The English in 'tile Treeswael want on. at.l i i.ept scratching. ly the privileges of citizenship. They do not want to pay Dutch taxes or servo its Dutch sohliers.--St. Louis Post -Dispatch. British newspapers have a great eked' to soy nbont the unplonsant habits of the' Doers. Prominent manna these is the 1 habit of shonti y t srtraight every time the I trigger is pall . Philadelphia Bulletin. , Oc ni• Patel c : 1! etly Me talon Inc ata''t tits+ CAST OA IA Agents:—Our Christmas books are ready. From Fifty Cents up. Four books explained in one Prospectus. One is "Famous Men and Great Events of the Nineteenth Century." Great Battles, Great Men, Great Inventions and Discoveries, Progress of Nations, every great event of he 'century. If yon have a slow solid g book or en- gaged in other agency business you lose money to continue. Here is the best opportunity for making money you ever had. Big profit, easy time, now plan, get our offer sure. BRADLEY-GARRETSON 00., Limited, Brantford. A ^'eat ttt :—Dreyfus ; the Prisoner of Devil's Island. Fall story of the most remarkable Militnry Trial and scandal of the ale. Big Book, well illustrated, sells on sight. Snap for canvassers. BR A1)LEY•GARILETSON 00., Limited, Brantford. .Agents: "Light of Life." The New Testament explained turd the Lives of Apostles: two books hz one. Endcrso:l by all ci()rgynmen. Bonanza for ean- vessnrs. Agents taking orders from three-forrdxs male. It you want -a share zu Chi:s gold mine, hustle. LRXnLTiY-GArntETSON Co., Limited. Brantford, The u')w WI:tee() factory ttt l: taming - t on ( 110118 i his; week. 7toils:and 1'111121X$, Alai:. 1 lkn %ill lt2. Piny Station, . • (1,11., writes: I )batt* btoil it sttta•rer from bolas and 'amides rntl ray n,4 k and i:neve for nota;: yearn. After taking lw;• 11tH i les t,f 1',tttla•k R r'4 Bitten; they �tl rlis s itetar'et1 butt ha ri;latitet' it.terieted. • CULROSS. The Directors of the Culross 'Mutual Fire Ins. Co, met according to adjourn- ment iu Teeseeater oue day r m:,utly. Members all present. T. Allisoa, presi-. dent, in the chair. Minutes of last meeting wore ro a and ou motion of A. McKaguo, seconded by Wm. t;eicl, was adopted. Reich—MeKag to — That the applica- tions taken by the different an m.s be now laid before the Board for ex unina- tibn and approval—Carried. Scott—Donaldson—That the applica- tions taken 1;y the different ag rats are considered satisfactory for whi•th the President and S3crotary are alts vrizetl to prepare and issue policies—^.s io:1. McKagne—Doxzalclson—That tae fol- lowing elaizns and accounts be haid:— Thos. Brown, for house and contents, $850; John 1M' :Allister, for thvoe s ioep destroyed by lightning, $23; Jae. Mc- Rae, inspootion fees, *2. Meltague—Scott--That theSee 'e area- Treasurerbe instructed to dr;.:v .rem the Bank of Hamilton at Wirral,.. t:Ia the sun. of w400 for , aym(tnt of lo.;s ,, . 'y:l"- tied. Mcl a, tte--Reid--That this It: now adjourn. to meet again ea 0. , Saturday of O'tobor in the Te , t 1, Teeswater, a •3 p, m., or at t;: th;) Presi ;env --Carried. . 1;.r1;r•t$xr, Saa. 1. ocres Pi ,Are pl'e; aared from Na. .tire's mild laxative:. . .^t:'Id while gentle are r(;aiable and efficient. They Matzo the bier Cure Sick Headache, lir• iousbiess, Sour atomar and Constipation. everywhere, lsG tragiervditle,LIrt,* '=moi