HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-06-17, Page 16GLIDDEN XXTERIOR OIL STAIN 1999 • GALLON GLIDDEN SPRED HOUSE PAINT $ 1 69 9 GALLON C -Dear Betty: • . Took your drjv i.ov and dropped in;at-tj.k.,,(0 ..(0-eetifer,i47,Dublin It was Iantasoc to. tout -so s-ocic-s.Vobpme. anal the prices' 171 0rN, in a real, un it because I went a little .haywire on snending..1 lest .couldn't resat all that heauttfot furniture ,and these', aCc•e”Orie 3y the oo llriever,gvest-Who trap late. there Itrather, yes keather. she saifl,she and some friends often sorne.00 liven it Olden s.nevtiftcfliNf go til 1:,,eott-ters.,' • . . • ;. • Writ' dQn't we. meet t;bler-e'CtrI SAttltkkii.e. want trpre Gangs .before j-une`iVtii when thedarn sales taw hitt us- again We CDuld theiv.gd toihe good old Clothes Cleset . oclert'f..ti I've looked -everywhere fora. dresS for thessedding next week and • as usual -I alisays end tip at the Clothes Closet By now should be part owner .toSt.carkt resist their heaufiful clothes v.e.heardthey trOoohave i-ustiorners from London and Stratford. and l believe It saved so much monev since the., guys insisted we stop phoning each tither and start writing that we could probably make an evening of it and have another great meal at the Hotel Bedford in Coderich Remember the last 0134' had to diet tor three days k+tost rush tame is-crying See you Saturday nlis is an advertisement L Mary Jane J .11•0141 'Mee 'Aristocord' Chair 12.95 • 24 000 Picas With Hood ea,. " Double Burner 17E15 Propane Shove 4./ 40Va aga • '14,-V r ysab„t., as -1,0.rs1e •• ma . 4,00 toorri, •m". •..artr. Watering Can 1.98 Plastic ▪ a". itate n c, • '• t pa tors artaC P•109rj4 one once Punta -,,,trurilon *41. sorm 0.^ Sr.,.' 44. 540 41 a 1 0 4.* 9.V I: *0 " 40.stasatert or•101, 14:1. •• • tam na rst.,* • ,•- •0•11...... • 4 0,14. 01 10. J •. 444 Mr 5 4415 Chain Oriv• 344P TIII-11 Chitin Drive Tillor 245T 8'00 51,590.'4t9c.. wt" 1 9tor' .crenct.e.r. "pro 1 6 ot.n. 9 dam ,n41 artust 4'137 •.0 ply.41.q tr, 4 *roc 'A Nan WS Ise Garden insect Oust ...90100111 a tortstarl "antge Ot onnton n464ts rrogatat.. rothpui 0,St0orl 175 408 Pose Dual c4censily to•ntesteo and r000rnntnnd00 to cl...ase antl.nt*Ctrontroo,r040% Potato And ' Taman Dual I4t1D 4 oi nnectme contra I., o Nolo WI, aryl 040/00* ?pit .....:::,•••• •• ganiSeaforth Farmer's Co.op .h/r -- _527-0770 1 CO-OP 20 3.5 Hp Clipper Mower ••rt • 4 reart.lsrl •rta1,,,w, •Itt -tartrits•l.04.1.-r - 1499. •art/ta Irs101 , 0 , • 0 '.ann .1 1 5 U S. Gallon Galvanised Knapsack Sprayer 00.° tr0 aY env r•seettcraa net, '.4* -• '011 .411,drte.011 p.n.s., "0 *,*.%. na ,SP SP,Ily • 90 , .71 89" 44.16 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE17, 1981 F. Garden" and Peter Cook led the congregation to prayer as he sang "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." During the award service Sunday School Superinten- dent Mrs. Lorne Qackstetter presented seals and din,ha,, 10.a .these. yktio }land met 'the school's goal, for perfect attendance.. Those receiving :s aid .were:1st year bAtb Tboinp$.0.n. PAnti f4trito,*.-.4Ohn,Rnienboott, qittie;Stiiiit,.1404ne Victsrtla. isbatcka Ryan Kyle, Ayan•$„titirt, R ehe11e Elder, Terry-Lynn • Jamie • Brack. Leanne Consist. Kim-. beriY • Alen Scotchmer, Tana Geiger and Benjamin. Geig- er; 2nd year perfect atten- "'dance - Jpdie McGee, Jamie McGee. bench McGee. Mark Brock. Gordon Hamil- ton. Tim Brock and Dianne Hamilton; 3rd year perfect attendance - Shawn Wurrn, and Thomas Scotchmer; 4th year perfect attendance -. Rick Topp, Linday Shirray and Peter Cook; 5th year perfect attendance - Robert Gackstetter, Joelle Beaver. Dianne Stebbins, Wayne Sc. otchmer, Pam Gackstet- ter and Travis Beaver; 6th year :perfect attendance- Bill Stebbins; seven years' per- fect attendance, Brian Topp and Steven Gerstenkorn);• eight years' perfect atten- - dance - Tim 'Mann. John God's Garden" was the theme for the annual sward and promotional ser- vice in the United Church Sunday Flaming. ` The .church Sanctuary •was made over into a garden-like titnio , p*k* wit, trees, hushes,: crtng shrubs, woo a and erns.The wAkti::1*;4 on ,Good's. alitxt !1-$14* appropriate hytr *14 ,V140'.$044:1**.Scher sett nolIAOtlitlinit,itn:000 in chosen- *Ad the;se610 open.. ed by thinking God for the trees and flowers with the cOnVetational singing "This Is My Father's World." The Choir sang the anthem by Eric Wild "There is A Time For Everything" and the congregation answered with a responsive reading on the promise of new life relating the rebirth of the trees and flowers and grass to the new life' found in Christ and the promise that is ours in the life and resurrection of Christ. Fol- lowing the reading of the Creation Story by Rod Parker and Donald Wareing. Mr. McDonald explained that the rainbow is a symbol of the promise and convenant . of God with his people.. During the service Wayne Scotchmer sang the very beautiful, "Come to the Watches -,BY BULOVA ACCUTRON CARAVELLE SEE OUR FRAM LARGE SELECTION OF L Pocket Watches FORVEN GENTS DIAMOND • Rings FROM $400 °° u p FOR MEN BY TILLEY Wallets $13.1!0 FROM a' TO. w " is 5.00 Anstett JEWELLERS LTD. SEAFORTH 527-1720 O'Brien. Rud Parker; and nine years' perfect atten- dance - Donald Wareing. SPECIAL AWARD A special award was pre- sented by Rev. McDonald to those having honour alien- dance at Sunday MOW not missing *WSW!- ' Ltsy's Rod Parker. iiikaheth Thompapn. Mantle' Stebbjrisv Ga4stmer. „Sehhins, Onintld Ware- ing+ Rikett'Gacksiteiter;D.r:. visti WOO stkokii.icur , taatte Come, Jamie *- Gee and Jodie MnOie. ROA-. nets up. wha missed tw.o Sundaya. and who also ,re- ceived an award were JOelle Beaver. Peter Cook. Travis Beaver and John Rosse- , boom. For the promotional ser- vice the children walked through the Garden as they were wished farewell by their teachers and were greeted into their new class by their new teacher. The Toddlers friim the Nursery Depart ment' Otto are ready to enter Sunday School also came through the gates with Mrs. McGee, their leader. to be received by the Nursery. Teachers. Much, appreciation goes to the Sunday School super- intendent and the staff for providing such a meaningful worship experience for the children and the large con- gregation that attended the service. The staff acknow- ledges with gratitude the assistance through supplies, for the garden scene from the Steckle Garden Centre of Zurich, Williams of Hensall and the Zurich Public School. as well as all those who supplied flowers and bushes. The Hensall Explorers had a very enjoyable camping eaplotation last weekend when they travelled with -their counsellor's Linda Ira- quair, Kathy Mann, Shirley McAllister, along with Rev. McDonald, 'to Point Farm Provincial â Park. Although tired, the girls and leaders came back with the great enthusiasms, Everyone is -wolfing-forward-to next year* experience. The Office board of the United' Church met Wed- nesday' evening with a good attendance. Among other business, final plans were announced for the Vacation Bible School to be held from. June 29 . to July 3 for the whole community. Also the anniversary of the church will be held NoVember 1 with the Rev. George Goth of London, a former minister of Metropolitan United Church, as the guest speaker 'fdr the evening Service. The board was also informed that the large parking lot was com- plete at the back of the church and that it was being --tited-SiiiicUy 'aid throughout the week quite extensively. Tuckersmith Unit 1 met Monday evening June 8. Hazel McNaughton and Ann Broedfoot led Devotions. Mrs. McNaughton read "the Natures Creed." Mrs. Broadfoot took as her topiL agriculture in Palestine Each member was asked to read a scripture verse which made reference to agricul- ture in. .Bible. times. Mi.,. Mcningbion led., etAttle,s r.M; ".144 :have a Oiie. pion*. ". ffizerfvKatiney ctiiitect • Res Kenneth Knight conducted the Sacrament of Holy Communion 10 Carmel Presbyter:um (.'hurch on Sun day The sermon was entitled "Christ Our Bread" The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy Taylor sang the business and was watt to We so many out. This being the last meeting until fall. she thanked the devotion leaders. Beatrice Stoll read the minutes and 12 members answered the roll call with a flower, fruit or vegetable mentioned in the Bible. Mrs. Berry gave the treasurer's report. Violet Ross reported' on sir. atld dowers And- expteSse4 o' 'Alice Stott and the. anthem "Near lo The Cross". The sery on Sun- day June 28th will he with- drawn so the ,,,ngregation may, attend Crorarty Attm- yersary when tic Re% W. Jarvis, former in'tnster will conduct the sers bate tienderson, both in the hospital. A letter of thanks was read from Clinton Hospital for the devotion they had received from the General U.C.W. Members are rOminded the project for July and August will be a donation of SLOP for each. month. The next meeting will be Sept. 14 at 81 p.m. wait 'stn atictinti at the .11y-,t, Mennber$ were 45.104 help ink various wnYA -Slitinthem suppers June Congraiutaxion4 to Nit 4. *woo L7440101'4 .R.Ac I'Brneefleld, on 'triplet sous horn Tuesday June J. bon ('Betty) Lee or Duch- ess. Alberta spent the past week with' her parents Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Ross. Mrs. Ross Scott who was a patient in University Hospi- tal. London has returned home, Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Mc- Gregor of Woodstock spent has the weekend with his mother Mrs. Gregor McGregor. Jack Gilmour of Toronto visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Seldom Ross. Pearl Eyre has returned from attending the funeral of her son-in-law, David Reid of master of ceremonies. After Saskatoon. Saskatchewan. the reading,of the honour roll The decoration service R. McMullen conducted the under the 1.0.0.F and Rebe- service assisted by Rev. kah,. the L.O.L. and the Brown of Varna, who gave Legion was held at Bairds the address. The cemetery cemetery Sunday afternoon was decorated with many with John Broadfoot as flowers. PrOmotioncif service Gorden is theme 1 PULSAR TIMEX $26 895 11P- PHILISHAVE ELECTRIC Shavers to the opening of Langford iumbeKs,newest Home Centre' at Bayfield Road, Clinton THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY DRIVEWAY SEALER $ St 88 law • 4 GALLON PAIL , ALUMINUM DOORS. o•oi OPENINi, SALE SPECIALS-IN OUR STORE SPECIAL GRAND OPENING SALE HOURS Thursday, June 10 - MOO A.M.,5:30 P.M. I Friday, June 19 - COO A.M.-9:00 P.M. Saturday, June 20 - 11:00 A.M..4:30 P.M. DASHWOOD.. PHAIXS.°12 DASHWOOD-OR MASON"_. DOORS AND WINDOWS -0 % OFF '1 9 95 • GALLON STANLEY GARAGE DOOR OPENERS -Spring and Summer Values: (plus many more in Store RAILWAY TIES STRAPPING 1:2•11 2 U S. Gallon Poly Sprayer 33r Ai ,urr dsdr 14,040 Ins0,;r 0.0 ; ynlny nna y .01 a , r ,nnetnrc lesroo.11Mal 4D.^13g. 9' .1' 2'4 O.S. Gallon Sprayer 29EIS • 9 «4'.6 r0 . 4 ,9: nr 0 la. oat. . 13'W G r^r '9 . .48 SIDING ALUMINUM $8 9 4.5SUNOLI HARDBOARD• 12" NO. All These....and Man LANGFORD LUMBER HOME,CENTRESA. (Formerly Food J. Mull* Ltd.) LUCAN 227,4416 230 BAYFIELD ROAD, CLINTON 482-3995 PARKHILL 294-6755 • QUALITY PRODUCTS • QUALIFIED SERVICE 1 • Specials) $ize Per lineal fool * Per Lineal Ebel ft 2x4 l" 34' _Me 1•6- 29' 35'_ 24" 51' 59' 70' ;9: -Va .-- , or - - . 24: 2,1841,0"' 69' I' " 1111111119111/1/ faitIVIININIOrr 6:iii 17 A .4 ,., 7_,SIRINGLES , `4!)- 210 lb. (stock. Only) 39 411 / A ` OUTDOOR I 0515 AR • WOOD coNS `QUCTION GRADE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE WAFER110898_, $41:5 115 • $729:-,4.e. ,4Ltief, DRYWALL ;.,;fiif.4'P;, $440.0T,1*.k:147!.' 4.1.3/8" • r, $465 WE'RE HAVING OVER SO DOOR PRIZES DONATED BY-OUR 9 SUPPLIERS AND LANGFORD LUMB ROLL DRAINAGE TIDE] COMPETITIVE PRICING