HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-06-17, Page 11New Column by Herb Sho4eller AV person witty i$ guilty. In the, second. the guilt belongs to every, per4oa s7rht, Per nits, capital Ottnishtnent to, happen in society, And it dOesui MAW if. ifs by the noose. by. the chair or, if Mr", Laivence were. to have his way. by pill BekineS the. MP's convolntet4 there is aniathq antaiingitent whieh'wo tnarlicil by Me eMtunotts;de:hate. The Majority 'of Sitthig 'PCs want A rciern ,tor capito •punisliment, and iast, WOWS motion WO to establish a six-*.tith study committee into the issue. The motion Was defeated handily. beca se the Liberal majority,' supported by the NAP and even Conservative leader Joe Clark are against it. But. stra ly, if the PCs had somehow won the motion to set up the committee, it still wouldn't have been organized, at least not for a while. Instead, weed be heading to the polls for an election because. by parliamentary procedure, passing of the motion would have been a vote of non-confidence. The PCs were in a can't win situation. and they put themselves there Ii was clear they had no hop's., of winning the motion. And. if through some strange twist they had managed to slip a by. they then would have endeared themselves to those millions of Canadians itching for an election. Thanks, but no. thanks **op** MISSED A CHANCE Where were 1(76 and Joe? Thai what I want to know. • NOW that the majorleagues are looking at empty parks in :the middle of the Season'. the ex-Y,ankee and the ekcatchec innst bc lOoking for games to cosier.. They blew an excellent chance !on the weekend, right here in y Segerth... . That l'ag. ise,A 'stio,old "have !Nen at Qptitnig Park utoay afterm7orr for the t,wo, eliaMpionship,gameS in the 104i 00,ftb41) 10144 tOu0.4Ment- Yon *ant' tOtttalli ahotit • 'heart 5., gpthgames weiejl't 0004 until the bottom of the Seventh' intuit% 41,hen -0/401„ Winoin4 ream pushed across the clinching run. Real storybook staff, and someone forgot to tell Tony and Joe. I'd imagine by now they're polling out, hair (well. at least K.ubek could be. Joe would be hard-pressed to find some to pull) at the' missed opportunity And just to prove anything can happen. the overall winners were the group best known as the Mighty Q. and there's not enough mustard in the world to cover that assembled bunch of hot dogs. right Tony? The Legion News Branch at 9 a.m. to go to various cemeteries: our Pres- ident would like to see a good turnout Sunday morning. The Salvation Army Drive is still underway. Comrade Clair Campbell would like to see this drive completed. so SEAFORTH _ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 156 "PORK. ROAST" Roast: 6-9' Dance: 9-1 Music by: Hank 'Bedard Show SAT., JUNE 27 $5.00 per person Limited Number of Tickets available from: Jack Muir -Jack Eisler - Don Jefferson - Gary Osboine — Proceeds to Building Fund — • 1981 Playschool Registration tieglater at the Seatorth Recreation Office ' June 15 to June 26 Program begins July 6 Fees: Per child $15. Family $45. for-Boya Girls Agee. ato 7 years a couple of years ago. Clair Wall. our District Service Officer, will beit the Branch on July-44. Anyone wishing an appointment please contact Cleave Combs before June 29. Charlie Ge,ddes reported our last Share-the-wealth draw was $166.83, which was won by Jim Finlayson. With the holidays coming up soon there will not be too much in the line of entertain- ment, but try and drop in to ,the branch to say hello to your next door neighbours.. We need you not only as members but members who participate. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. Blyth ticket sales up ston said. "Our sales have increased steadily every year, but I think our new system- 4 reserved scats at the time of sale has encour- aged our patrons to get their tickets early.'" Matinees and weekend Performances arc setting par- ticularly quickly. "Patrons will have best choice of seats if they book now and choose - mid-week dates" Mr. Roul- ston advised. Subscription vouchers, good for , four ad- missions to any performance WWII bowlers host tourney The Seaforth Lawn Bowl- ing , Cl ub had their first men's tournament of the season June 13. Eighteen Seaforth members entered. The tournament was short- ened to two games because of rain. Ladies served their usual good lunch which was enjoyed by' the men. Winning team was DaVe Colcough. Cliff Ashton, Lorne Dale of Clinton. Second winner was from Stratford. the Tom Kedd team. Bill Neeley and team from Stratford were the third winner;-,John Patterson, Ed Andrews and Charles Murphy from Seaforth were the fourth winner. are available until June 30 Although advance sales indicate many sold-out houses, spur-of-the-moment patrons can take advantage of 20 rush seats for each performance which will go on a first7come, first-serve basis at -7 p.m. on the, day\ of the ' performance. Rush seats will be sold at the regular 'single ticket prices of $6 for adults, $5 for senior citizens and $4 for children and will be limited to four tickets per person. Attend leadership confeeente About 200 presidents and executive members of the Women Teachers' Associa- tions that' make up the 30.000 member Federation of Wom- en Teachers' Associations of Ontario met at the Airpdrt Holiday Inn- Toronto. June 5 and 6. The theme of the conference was "Prepare for Action.'" Topics discussed included Political Action. Public Rela- tions and Collective Bargain- ing. Attending from thisriounty were: Jean Turner and Grace Brine .. of Exeter Public School. Nancy Pepper of Ibbeitsiin and Marlene Thornton of Stephen Central School. • START JUNETETH NOTE siiiffiririmEs Fri. a Sit. 7 P.M. L 9 P.M. sun.-tiles. I P.M. , The comedy for everyone who's had it up to here... COMING SOON ROGER MOOREwJAMESBOND0075; FOR NO1 R \ 0\1 toi0 A r;i '4 r gip NI! fs E,' 4 ', a6744/64° '.,...",t.... NM, /11111111MIM11 101111- PARK Cif)nr*o Egmondville Mr. , Gordon Geddes of Edmonton Alta. spent the first week of his holidays with his parents Carol and Charlie Geddes. Mr. and Mrs. James Cam- eron of Sarnia spent a week with their daughter and son- -bylaw. Carol- and- Charlie Geddes. Stag for TOM PECKITT Saturday, June 27 DATE EVENT Thurs., June 18 Clinton B vs Mosquito Boys (Soccer) Thurs., June 18Manley vs Sluggers Fri., June 19 Roller Skating Fri., June 19 Oreditoli vs BantaM Boys (Baseball) Fri.:June 19 Winthrop ifs EgMci)(1.011e Sub:, JOria 21 LWOW NiB MiOgat BaYsOarslabtAq'' f9liartcri v$Aquirt* 51,111.4 04Y* (0114,310 a(t....-"44q# • r Q 16r °. 2tt31t l'syn;,.-June -21 Vitleolre. ve.'q0.0000 Suri. tvlainstNet i4s Teacher Mon., June 22 'Bayfield vs squirt Boys (Soccer) Lucan vs Jr. Girls (Soccer) Mitchell vs Midget Girls (Softball) Turf Club vs B.P. 22, • Firemen vs Travellers Adult &Parent • Rolierskating Regular • Roller Skating D. Emms vs Commercial Tues., June 23 Browns vs McNichol Tues., June 23 Scotts vs K. Smith Wed., JUne 24 ' Fullerton vs Pee Wee Boys (Softball) Wed., June 24 Slabtown vs Jr. Farmers Mon., June 22 Mon., June 22 Mon., June 22 Mon., June Tues., June 23 Tues., June 23 Tues., June'23 What's happening is a weekly column, space donated by The Huron Expositor. To list your event, call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. PLACE High School Opt. Park Arena Opt. Park PM. Park - ptt-ffor Opts Park Opt. Park Opt. Pail( High School High School Opt, Park Opt. Park • Tifbig 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30 - 10 P.M. 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m,. 7 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Arena - 8:30 p.m. Arena 8:30 -10:30 p.m. High School 7 p.m. Opt. Park 7 p.m. Opt. Park 9 p.m. Opt. Park 7 p.m. Opt. Park 9 p.m. ions are now being accepted for students for the fall term at the Seaforth-- Pre-School Learning Centre fl FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. IS AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED APPLICANTS. Applications are available at the school or contact: b Mrs. Maria Vogels R.R. 2 Dublin 345-2315 __BROWNIES DRIVE-IN THEATRE lee Beech St.. Clinton 4112-711$11 BOX OFFICE OPENS MU PM PLAYING TNIS WEEKEND FRIDAY. SATURDAY. SUNDAY. JUNE 111-20-21 SPECIAL ADMISSION: ere 774111 be a small chcirge for children. tairebitheymi,„;tions. THE :.8110emin LAST FLIGHT NOAH '_S ARK NOW OPEN NIGHTLY Except Monday Nights PLAYING TUESDAY, JUNE 23 TO SUNDAY, JUNE 2$ She thought. ICP was a sorority and a piihup was a bra., PRIVATE.: ..BENJAMIN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WARNING: S,1110 MOtithil May " Off."1" ADULY itinittAttitattit riq 5 • EA R 'T•H• LIONS CLUB .F0 BEEF BARBECUE & DANCE Saturday,. June io, 1981 at the Seaforth Community Centre Barbecue by: CAMPBELL & CARDIFF — 6:00 P.M. ze Dancing to:' SHANNON 9:00 p.m. to I a.m. ADULTS: $7.50 CHILDREN UNDER 12: $3.50 rs v 4 Proceeds for LIMPS Community Projects Licensed by the L.L.B.O. • yaig.06.1" • Tickets available from Bob and Betty's. Graves Wallpaper and Paint. Hetherington Shoes, Huron Expositor. Keating's Pharmacy. McLaughlin Chev Olds. Roth's Food Market. ROwcliffe. Motors, Stewart Bros.. Topnetch Feeds, Vincent Farm Equipment. Seaftrth banks and Lions club members. , Ar THE HURON Expoorrort, JUNE' 11, 1901.0,- All. Capital punishment is murder too Capital punishment. It's an issue which, though it was abolished except for extreme cases in 1976. just won't go away. It came up again a week ago when the Conservatives used an opposition day in the Commons to re-open the debate. I will probably have a lot of people disagree with me over this column (polls say the majority of Canadians want a return of capital punishment). but we're alr. entitled to our own opinions, First Off. MP Allan Lawrence. who was soliciter general. during .the PC's brief stint in power two years ago, made''.. some continents which in my Mitid are hist remarkable. 'Before. the CPIMUOusS debate. he was .004 as saying he 17,:a mot a "114484e!, '40404 pilis,:or injections might - 6e a Tess .6arharie, way- to handleresecittions, AS if iv . 1 • • ITS* S.' • . '1 • • • 4r4t TcO041..4104 the tyM hatt,let the. comment slip PLIF,:,,M *ere lie*aF7 04 WOO* dnyAt soleF :.sailnOthe 4.atn.e.thi4; OstelteCiis 40(httpSgIftillYrit-Olk be that using, painless meanS to.talte a lite 'C471. SOIXtellOyi altmor perhaps minimize, the fact that you arestill taking a life. t deesn't change a thing. It doesn't' matter how'yoe take a life. The only issue is that you are taking a life. GLOSSING OYER • • Mr. ' taaffiice's .statement glosses concern here. Morally. it, surely doesn't matter how the premeditated act of taking a life is performed. There's one main difference between the 'murder on the street and murder by capital punishment. In the first case. it's one Gord Scott. P.R.O. Comrades, our President. Comrade Bill, has appointed me to this job. as Public Relations Officer. With every office there is a responsibility and the writing of this co- lumn is one of them. I would 'like at this time to thank Comrade Jack Eisler for his contribution to this column for the past year. You are a hard man to follow Jack. There are a few. dates coming up to remember: Decoration Sunday is June 21. Cars will be leaving the Do you Sing? Dance? Play an instrument? This Is your once in a lifetime. opportunity to' turn your talent into dollars or trophies. .\ Sea forth Lions Annual What's hop Signature of entrant or parent or guardian if under 161 Deadline' for contestant applications, Monday, JUNE 2,9,1981. The time available on contest nights may be limited, and it may be necessary to limit entries, so, get your application in early. All applications' will be acknowledged. ••••••••••••••:•••••••••.. Name -of selection to be performed if musical 11 please try and finish as soon as possible. Jim Watson, our Sports chairman, reports there will be a two-ball foursome at the golf course July 4. with a dance to follow at the Legion in the evening. Please sign your name to the list on the sports board early to give Jim time to order the food. If enciugti interest is shown by our men there will be a stag tournament in August on a date to be named. The tickets are, on sale for the Pork Barbeque to be held on June 22. Comrade Jack Muir would like to see a good turnout for this event. It is the last Party to be held until the summer is over, so drop into the branch. and pick up, your tickets early. Don't forget Thursday night (tonight) is the meeting night at 8:30 p.m. This will be the last meeting before the summer recess. There will be discussion on the first plans of the extension to the building that was introduced • Box office sales to the Blyth Summer Festival 1981 season have broken 'all records to date, Keith Roul- ston, administrator of the Festival, announced today. Sales of subscription vouch- ers are up more than 3 1/2 —times What they were last year at this date, and single ticket sales are keeping pace with the increase. "The advance sales indi- cate that the season is going to be even more popular than the record-breaking season' we had in 1980." Mr. Roul- It'll be a busy summer at Legion .vet o ARNIVAL July 10, 11 and 12 -J\ " r- 1 , • D, viiltitt)•L-41;.1,60' Fill in this application form and return today to: Irwin Johnson, Program Chairman, Lions Carni- val, P.O. 'Box 626, Seaforth, Ontario. Full-Name— . . AfGrong, on separate sheetl Address Age lif under 161 Phone Type of Talent, vocal, Instriimental, dance, etc