HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-06-17, Page 9F. WALTON LONDES and ama news Londesboro UCW entertain Explorers and moms 140114i. "111,44. 2 ' ws mei _ A £41.7 IL ont'' • et2 •=4. 0.02 FORESTERS' containers to barbecue last attended the BARBECUE — Several people brought various the take-out line at the Foresters' chicken Thursday night., Approximately 1150 people annual chicken dinner. The new hall, which replaced the one burnt in a fire earlier this year, was ready for the barbecue, and several people commented that they were very Impressed with it. (Photo by Rimmer) Ontario introduced the • Probationary Driver Licensing System June 1st, 1981, as a new highway safety measure. It's designed to help reduce the high percentage of traffic violations and accidents by new drivers,, Statistics show that in Ontario, new drivers, regardless of age, have accidents and break the traffic laws far more than experienced drivers. The Probationary System is designed to make these drivers more aware of the traf- fic laws for everyone's safety. So, new drivers who ignore the laws, or drive carelessly during the two-year probation- ary period, will have their driver's licence suspended for 30 days when six demerit points have been accuthulated. A clean driving record is something to be proud of... but it's up to you. — Ministry of Transportation and Communications Ontario James Snow, Minister William Davis,Premier Bob Perry from Bluevale- Whitechurch charge was guest speaker. Greeters were Jack Lee and. Harry Snell; ushers were Lori Bromley, Lisa Bosman, Deanna Lyon and Janet Wilts. Mt. Perry welcomed all -end-announced next Sunday is proinotion Sunday. and the, vote concerning hours of; church service. (Do we continue at 11 a.m. or resume to 10 a.m.?). , The children story was c Let our lights shine, like the andle." Junior 'teachers were June' Fothergill and Cathy McDougall. BERBAN UNIT Berean Unit met June 9 at 2 p.m. Leader Helen Lawson welcomed all by reading a poem "Lovely things." Hattie Wood was at the piano and prayer by Helen Lawson. The final judg meat was reade by Mary Longman. The minutes were read by secretary Dora Shobbrook and treasurers report by Laura Lyon. On hand is 56.45 with the expenses of $10 for a gift. Roll call answered "Have you 'visited another church recentirif so name it," by 10 members. Margret Good is in eharge of cleaning brass for. July. There was some discussion for July 14th meeting , on whether to have a picnic or ,a tour orYarns" of Toles 44 Ustowel, A reading the 'second by Margaret Good was enjoyed. Edythe ,.,,..,.,vs-.. THE HURON EXPOSITOR JUNE 11 1 Duff's 'United plans serviceifc.yr Morris'. 125 Correspondence MRS. ALLAN McCALL 887-6677 Walton Unit met at the' manse on Wednesday eve- ning. Mrs. Bill Coutts open ed. the devotions with "Bteotheott tne. Breath of Oocr. Mrs. Nelson Beid' read ife,seripttice.itte theme being does Snot gloat Mrs Coups. *ily;0. Key. Swan emitrihntecl, 'Its(*) .441r0.0.1" ie by Mrs H,'rraviss at the piano, Viola Kirkby gave a very full description of the London Presbyterial Conference she had attended recently as a delegate at Chatham, Rev. Swan had attended the same conference• and played a skit 4n Lazareth 'te had taken on his tape recorder. also a.. message given by a minister on Stewardship. Pauline Gulut ten pre- sided for the business open- ing with a poem. "Green is for 61,11polig.- Minutes of last Menth's' Meeting were read- by Mrs, Rowpsd Hackwell. There were 4;$ Members. and 3 4upss present-Treasurer report was given by, Dorothy $holdiee. Tht* being eOPPet• month,,leaders ttorq TIMM* and anlected .,• and give.their reports. Walton Unit are in charge • of flowers for the month of July and first Sunday in August. a special service to mark the 12Sth anniversary of Morris Township. with soloist Marg Whitmore, or- ganist of Northside United Church. Seaforth. The presi- dent read the Alert letter. „ 7 Thanks was extended to Rev. Swan for having the unit at the manse, This is the last meeting till September. Hostesses Mrs. Ron Ben- nett, Mrs. Nelson Reid. Mrs. Ernie Stevens and Rev. Swa n.- served; lunch when a social t,ime was. ettioYett H op illirthtlay was sling. "'to -E04 wet, basipg. a birthday 11101 44.. • ". • cr-tuttcONEvit$. A sing. sohg led by Mrs. Neil McGavin' accompanied by Mrs: R.ay Huether at the organ preceded the Sunday morning service at 'Duff's United Church. Ushers were Ken McDonald. Doug Fraser and Howard Hackwell. -Mrs. Stewart Humphries was at the door. For international year of thohandicappeclOis day .was set aside as AccesS Sunday to make people aware of the importance of a building for the, handicapped. ' Mrs„ Herh Traviss and her daughter - Mrs. Ken tai.ti Moffett from -Ottelfih von- trittuted a duet. • This opt thing" agemnkionied by Mrs, 'R. Hnether,at the piano. !Charles S*411 sfiulte M. the children on Patience. his , sermon was 1110 Work of ReaSon." Mention %.v.as Made of those in hospital:, Jean Broadfoot and Florence MeGavin in Seaforth: Jack Gordon and Orvilla McCutcheon are in Wingham Hospital. Next Sunday is the Sunday School Awards Day. also featuring the Brussels school choir. AREA PERSONALS Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ponomarenko dur- ing this past week were Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Tkachuk of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tymoshenko of Strat- foid and Steven Tarraschuk, Australia. Mrs. Ray (Leona-) Nelson, Vancouver, B.C. spent last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson' brother Gerald and Mrs. Watson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mc- Donald arrived home Sunday from a two week holiday with relatives in Calgary. Alberta" and different places in B.C. Fun day FOR THE LOVE OF CHICKEN! Lhslie Dolirage,, left and Don Buchanon were two of the chefs at Thursday night's• chicken barbecue at the Foresters Hall in Kinburn. An estimated 1150 people attended, and Mr. Buchanon said the FOresters were pleased with the response. The proCeeda Will go. ' to the new hall which was built after the bid one was burned down earlier this year ' (Photo by Rimmer) Correspondent MRS. BERT SHOBBROOK 523-4250 The U.C.W. general meeting was', held on Monday, June 8th at 8 p.m. when a large n. umber of Explorer girls and their tethers were guests. President Edyth Beacom opened with a readng "Secret of abiding Joy" and welcomed all with Hattie Wood at piano, Minutes were read by secretary Joan Whyte. Cor- respondence was a thank you from Emerson Hesk, from Margaret Whyte; from the board of Stewards for the $800. donation and from the Explorers for a meal served. It was reported a bus will be going from Clinton to Alma College August 18th. The thenie to be "Here 1 am I.ord". Bus 55 register $3. Lunch S3. Contact Edythe and pay in July. All were in favor of buying a new fridge. EdYtti expressed appre- ciation to the social commit-, tee. They will cater to 2 dinners anclOrie linich Tor- the- Blyth Festival. They also want 10 recipes for the Cook book for the Festival. Edythe reported on exeeu- tive meeting at Kirkton from "Alert". Treasurer's report by Margaret Good. Ham and Turkey supper profit $1.850.55. Next meeting' will be in August. Teresa Overlie and Brenda Finch favored with a duet. June Fothergill gave an interesting report of West- minister weekend, Jennifer Sottiaux and Darlene Halley played theflute and Clarinet. Several UC members Olt on skit "Dr. Ken Help" with Marjorie Duizer as the doctor and Edythe Beacom as a run down rut - needing pep; Betty Hulley-Mrs. Rush- around-needs-spiritual-re- neival; Helen Lawson Fun- and-Fellowship-has-mental- paralysis. Joan Whyte was Mrs., Speakerites who has listening latigour; Audrey Thompson-self centeredness needs listening. A trio Lori Bromley, Lisa Bosman, Deanna Lyon, sang. Shirley Lyon showed a film on their Florida trip 2 years ago af. " John -F".. ICenned9 Beacom showed slides taken in Florida and locally which were very interestlds. Lunch was sewed by Edith Beacom, Mary Longman, Margaret Good and Helen Lawson. ' PERSONAL5 Bert Shobbrook was admit- ted to Clinton Public Hospital on June 11th with heart attack passing away June 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Orville New- by returned home on Tues- day 9th from 2 weeks fishing at Pembr oke. Mr. and Mfi:' Cliff' Skun- dercock visited on Saturday with son John, Linda and Lisa of Woodstock. On Monday June 8th the Blyth Ball • Team came, to Londesboro to challenge the Londesboro Ladies Ball Team. After an exciting and fast game of ball with the threat of rain, the Londesboro Lad- ies went down in defeat losing to Blyth 11-2. Con- gratulatlons Blyth for" a very good game of ball that leaves Londesboro 2 wins, 1 loss this season. Our nest games are June 22nd. Auburn vs Londesboro at the Blyth diamond and June 29 Londesboro vs. Summerhill at Londesboro. Vacation Bible School has been scheduled for July 20 to 24th, mornings only. Help with the various classes is needed. If you could spare five mornings to help out in any capacity, please contact 523-4296. space ship, Cyprus .garden, Fort Myers, Baseball gale and other places of interest. She was thanked and pre- sented with a gift by Audrey Thompson. „ Edyth thanked all.who had helped. Lunch was served and Joan Whyte on behalf of Explorer girls and Mothers thanked the U.C.W. Walton Public School pu- pils will have a fun day on Tuesday; if it rains it will be held Thursday. On Friday they go to Storybook Gardens, in 'London. Next Monday is the last day for the kinder- garten. The rest of the school is dismissed- on Tuesday at noon. Have a good summer holiday. For further information contact Mr. James Crocker Secretary-Treasurer Seaforth Planning Board Tel: 527-0160 Florida slides shown at meeting PUBLIC MEETING to discuss the DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN Town of Seaforth Monday, June 22, 1981 7:30 p.m. SEAFORTH TOWN HALL FOR NEW DRIVERS. A SAFER WAno STARE PEDESTRIAN tom, • > 1,roi41(2;;;;;;.”„; ztvAer . fir` • - /07 . ‘i/ 1 1 ,14 IA .47 _ MAXIMUM o7fttt;45e- 'EA DINER AND A VISIT — A major attraction of barbecues in this area, is tha•t you get goodiood and a chance to that with friends and neighbours. These ,folks took advantage of the opportunity.at the Kinburn Foresters barbecue Thursday. From left to right are Edith Wright, George Wright, Ken Flett, and John McEwing. - (Photo, by Rimmer) • "• '