HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-11-03, Page 2II. T. 1bi tinge. t flue -h^ K,. The Citele-
tltiti• B le +•f. (led. on 14 .m7:1 ?v morning
last. 11" tial. till%rt, t' •^(lf tint (anions
liyl' l 4 •;t! t°1 y )U1 Vie
!five . , " end wif1,ely I:It ewe: for his 1hi it-
iiij{i1: 1 4."ice t i;alil(l('lity.
4 ix.:u•'.i�
&'osi<tiae:y cured by these
That exorer.cve I etre *3m Dyspepsia,
Indi e.t. ,a r.zel Tao Hearty bating_ A per-
fect rcole•iy fcr Dizziness, T;a•» ea, Drowsi-
ness, Ea 1 Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER.. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small PM Small Dose.
the fraud of t o clay.
See you get C rter's,
Ask for Cartel
Insist and der.
Carter's Little
Liver Pills.
The three great vital factors
of this body of curs are the _a
heart, the nerves and the blood. j
It is because of the triple CT
power possessed by Milburn's P
_ weak, irregular bating hearts
strong and stead, toning u
run down, shatt ed! nervous
systems and sullying those
elements necessary to make
thin, watery blo$d rich and
red, that so an wonderful
cures have been eredited to
this remedy.
Here is the ca^ '. of Mrs. R.
J. Arrrald, Woo.. oek, N.B.,
who stays:
"I -6-es, trouer'. d for some
time r,..._ He's a prostration
and gene_'al -. as • ' ess, feeling
irritable, de:,;lita d and sleep-
less neap; all th - time. My
entire :: _;ern •; came run
down. =, s soon s I began
taking Milburn': Heart and
Nerve Pills.. I alized that
they had a cal soothing
influence upon e ' nerves.
Every dose seeme .::to help the
euro. Theyresto.:dmysleep,
strengthened my erves and
gave tone foray en , re system.
1 think them won rful. r
ERYS1Sy { ; r
This dangerous B s od Disease
always cured • Burdock
Blood Bi ers,
rot .U.fter J:xthl'
Mrs. P'. 'atters, Melt ton, Oat., !milt'
tide etatein('ut. After entttrit'; for it
Ncare, with pni,l Heel di.tr :>s after a min;;
I started to nee Iete et.i t.19IL . 'three
lr..ttie s lai(l&b a e0 lspiette Etutc'.
Il owie le.
t )ti
Wee7nceday, tet. 1 {t<i, at fuer p. r
, ln., a vereee'rettF°wedding 'MIS celebrratedl,
,lift tie -6 r :(1{nee of M. and Me's.C.1:
.Paseetett,s, t.ul eon., Howieh, when their
esthuad*I;+ ti.zu ;ltter, !hiss Ray, was 1'
United in. az' ri:ittre to Jo elle D. Oster,
a prettier i l ;,;rtl'niking yoiu g artist of
s the telt coza., eii.y. 'Wld9ia the sweet
suedes of t1v weddiu g march, dvanti-
tally y rL'•' E by 'raise Ida Ja -fres,
oneat of ill. b:. -i . w r' h het pill -eel, I
the w , ;1(:n;, petty t s&enebl ei on the 1
lawn, pee tel.(1.• ' b;; a tweet lit:1.' Maid
of Honor,:Zee Z.I tt".•.r .I.t ^ at et, n.'i-e of
i the trete, ueZeirte flee y :re of a;edeem-
0cl iu a a Mallet . (/i' 'S t ^ erg': ire, P
�: =e th in h`li -, :^ 'ire r:.;tet el:. p let, awl 1,14, fe "les we fit
„slaying :t b i.t.ti!ed. beech•..,: of lei lel Gl t : ills m fol boar
k 7t.s.s al el (.ran:;<: i:hissana,, The kride I :11 ce 1138'11# ddvauc
. wore aeuoet bewitohieg co -hili^-('' of " ti•1:tle rf the 111
, whit: trawl l !este teratee : ith white; et the expense of
i satin assI seal lac ^, t 1.ar t,i rare r?:21 t a irtal ct•1r1rity
T (11131 "re 11l"re raw'
L•:ce, white ratio ..1.1.18. x-. with. a le -red- �ic.- ,
-.i sr orange 11. p,tl.t1t11tS or
'Atli,• Strnngc anti CZSeelzereti Career
of a liviilialtt n44 Versatile i•tt;t
Who Left 31(1111. Small Imtteltor. 1:)
t�•ltshingta)il hits produced a distinctive
type of lelnfers. They might be divided
Tette classes. There is the shambling.
i.. nl:L'n duan itnlle4•ile. with the Oahu for
s:li:i1(aus pen lin;; Lefarre congress. flus
:• a small class mei is kept) down !ty the
tet•t'(lr it e(n,�l••n ne•nt of "claimants" to
the g et•t'ratnent ins le its}•lural across the
Potomac. '!'here 1 the professional of•
Si •n set'.* r Ile ha lived in 1Sashd„tern
tee, t. Li }•e't:h. b* has little trouble in
•..1( n,.. 11111•ll'St 1Ll' s from politicians
from both parties
e genteel loafer ;tn.I
is circles at the i :p1 -
but it is astonish,
they belt
llug new vietitns to
and clothing mid to
( of cash.
class pot only have
• a life of indolence
eir friends, but have.
: their achieve:vents
s than many of the
11 4101 officers. Such
CIiekulan, or, as he
prince of Amerinatl
s a native of Mary-
! 3(31 and tvaS bel in the year 1813.
IlI••klua( was not li� right name, be sar-
111: family [wide fileient to keep his
1,1.•ntity forever uni•-own. When he left
h1- home in early 1'e he assumed the
name Robert t 8.Ili- amen, and the rapid
manner in which 1 skated into society
to Washington soe won for him the
name a of tleatt " t is said that the
}ming man had het . guilty of frequent
breaches of law gov. ling polite society.
and when nearing s majority be was
given his share of atrimony and sent
front home. His pr•ents were well off
111 worldly goods au • had indulged- the
young fellow in altos -t every Whim. pro-
viding the means of ',hanging the entire
tenor of his after 1-'.e, When he left
home and friends. a Prodigal wanderer.
he locates] in 1\'nshi _gton. where it did
not take him more th-=n two years to suc-
cessfully squander s }me 512,000 which
lead been given him.
Ills advent in Wa ington was in the
"good old drys" of le republic. when
Washington was- the my metropolis of
representative Arista racy. and the
statesman and sports an and beauty of
chivalry held high a nival during the
brief sessional terms.
After Beau's introdu ion he proceeded
to travel all the gaits atr,d associated with
the representative andlsporting classes.
uii •to l lsiv society: he
Ile was admitted d eve t e
dressed in the most approved mode. and
as a gentleman of elegant Ieisure and
fashion 11e ranks first. With social ambi-
tions and the rare course his money was
scum gone. and he became a bankrupt.
111. hod determined upon a life of easy
idleness. and was ro11$tunt to his purpose.
adopting a sort of vagabondish bohemian
life. I'os3e,esing :1 rein:u•leable memory
of facets stud nrunrs. he kuru all the pub-
lic men of his tune and would greet thein
familiarly. calling flier. 1)7 name. Many
public, lien tolerated l.1. because they
enjoyed his jokes and - 1be3 and often in-
troduced hint to their ricnds from other
s(utes. His annual re' ,,..c amounted to
considerable 411(11. 1(111 for sev(rnl years
tele. but people
Pr -totalling."
(posit t
!88!11 and
Back number.
r:^' :l every state 4
i, 1+)' 1:.1:•11 class is t
.1..8.1 11: at. 1:l !lush*
1 :,:• is blacklists
tug. 1r4W Ling tlitd •
some b lei it jilt! - 1 a, wre.t.h of o. z...,e n luau • was Beau
I:}Vied. himself. "tile
hams •rs."
1:: alt Hickman u
bloc eeas;ith•:r1
Miss. Lana Oster,
I was (Tressed iu w
blue b=ait and coli
➢1+ers. 3 rtauy were
iuiratian when t
1 bridesmaid were s
deed dla»clsome r
!fair daughters of
ably supported be
er of the bride.
fumed by Rev.
Palmerston, in th
hundred and fif
ceremony, sat d
repast, the many
the weight of tbL
conte e: utg all the
Cies of the season t
was done. 'a..i(i4t
and aitspici ms tai 1
bride, g=' ,os. leu
were :Host able t'e-1 t od to by the worthy
groom and others. ;t•",
The bridesmaid, P.
utter of the grorm,
muslin. with pele ,
ltd white satin slip -
e eapze $si.'ns of a(
lovely bride and
1 They were in-
resentatives of the
e. The groom was
iliver Jacgnos.lroth-
o ceremony was per-
lul es Hamilton, of
presence of some two
ests, who, after the
to a m( st solo; lions
bles gr.,aniug '.teats
many gold things.
e and rare delica-
which ample justice
shes congratulatory
health, ete., of the
attendants, -which
l:ID ti EY'.•i eLOGGtED.
DIABETE t,. D110Pitt i1C:) DLSI..E4 1NG .
BY THE T1 iELYOi.i.r0C'lIsA3
Tae 1 i. lsey are naive's fillers f.0 ex-
pelling l coat the htdyrdl The ilnptu .ties.
• .li the, kidneys tee out of :X,rte u.e
sneeze leetoreee:.repaeeee aLcl disease _:4•1-
10'ns as sure as rale. .Bright's dis:aeo,
diabetes, dropsy and d 'Creeseiee uli..:i-y
tr(ttles infest '!•arse-iitthn' of tee r:yt:.
It need not be so, for Saul Ame.icau
Eadecy mere is a power wer in 1:5Si shin all
tendency tea t.ie seatlog of deeees,.. It
• has cu•.'Cc1 cases that hava been long and
stUbbor:.l and that have baih.ed me deal
shill. Sold by A. L. wee) de'.,s.
Most people ar4 aware how
serious a disease Trysipelas is.
Can't rout it out Of the system
with ordinary remMies,
Like other dangerous blood
diseases, thoughB.B.B. can
cure it every time 4
Read what Rahe1 Patton,
Cape Chin, BruceCo., Ont.,.
"1 wish to state that I used Bur-
dock Blood Bitters for Erysipelas in
my face and general ran down, state
of my health. I tried malty rem-
edies but all failed to cure. I then
tried 13.11,13, Two bottles nearly
cured me and four be ttks completely
cured me."
. . e r. „x
•1, ti l
Better stop that
cough now with
a few doses of
Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine„
Syrup than let
it run an to end
®.rico Woot';3
perhaps in Bron Norway
chitis, Pneu- ' pins
r!onia or Con-
suinption. It's
awonderful lung
healing remedy
that cures the
worst kinds of
coughs and colds
when others fail.
Price 25c, & 5o
b yre3p•
All dealers.'
t,." Xt m Cure conctipa on, biliousness, sick.
headache andrdyrepsia. Edery
{perfect and to act
,.t.rg, weakening or
s. zge, at all drug -
r','Elt pill guatee
without: a::rany g
sitk413131g effe<
ia..&... gists.
t Your
st Office RSG
JjFree �r►
Peess ".PBR
...YEAR- 11�!
' Ill It contains all he latest vA1
n43ws by cable, d other- a/
wise; complete arket re-
from Liverp 1, Loudon, 111
!ft N'ew York, Chita , Buffalo, to
Toronto 'and else here; full
/A noted of sporting vents and
111 Western Ontari District ill
%�► 1143'"/31. News fro the Trans-
1�1 Vaal full and eA, The
lenge t, best and oat gNf;itti- 1
lar daily newaps.. r in West-
ortt Ont. On $2.00 per .. -
Cot'vttlal• ra &a.
,J 1 fo1'ee rsTl n5 !L 1kl'1131 Bud 4 3orloti,lrt 13Jm.'#'
kt' +tdQjr�' ian 41tr nptint+»1,. swot j13tia 0.
4PtJnisMtlt bl 't,(r tn21PJObk IDkt.
he lived in fairly gain
, is
became tint d of his ft,
and Ile beg•:* to gra
would now be called e
Possessing ;111 otiel•t •P Meitner of'story
telling. he found 1bi...11 sure tootles] of
ac1(tliri115 a reward. 1, • tlu're was i