HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-27, Page 8(lJX ,.1d.�yd,11li . . 711,x.. Dress Goods AND 3 T•iTINGS.. All new wcave6 represented. Extensive Assortment, Stock now 'cit highest point. Tweed Suiting, Homespun,, `'"reh.es, Broadcloth, Camel's Flair Weaves s in plain, plaid and striped designs, Pop- liss.' Cashmere, Crepons and Brocade. RE/UV-MADE CLOTHING i`•,r:.st,. i,; Elie spice of life. There is sufficient variety of Ready-to-wear Ciuthiegr at this store to suit all tastes. CARPETS A00 LACE QUoTAI dS The stock never contained so fine a collection of Carpets - in Brussels, Tapestry, Wools and Unions in all the newest :shades. FURS AND MANTLES This is' the best of all our best stocks. The stock is overflowing with choice goods, just the h ind for those wanting the correct styl-s at ' Bilo'±ndoo's PERSONALS. UAW WAWAXOtild. Mr. J. E. Andersen, of Toronto, viait- ed tit Mr. Walker's Thanksgiving clay. Mr. lio. liilcirecl and Mr, Sautders visite at Mr. Jae. Reids. Thazlksg'iviug "er1Sle. Albert Rizitoul's} horses rill away olio clay last week which was caused by Morrison goiu;,r up on the tongue be- nison escaped USS incl wl'al en -ween the horses. uzziujured, but the 1 were badly broken. Rev.. Mr, Oaten commenced a series of revival meetiugs�^1�iu Brick; church last • Suuday. Services to commence etieh eveni.rtg at 8 o'clock. 1 The collectors roll for 1899 calls for i86, 73.3.97, whereas last year it was $5,- 460.54, The increase is due to a little higher Comity rate coupled v:ith an ha creased expenditure by two school .see= tions wvhzcll arcs making eons•rde al'Ie pr ovenlents won their pr.ip a , ly. Tho amount to be raised for Comity 1•tirposcs is ;;51;464.16, last year it was $1;14.3.90. A, Rintoul'sauction sale of farm stock etc., ou Tuesday of this week was lar; e- ly attended. All the stock went well, milking cows selliug as high as $46: Mr. Geo. Dalgarno, of the 10th line of W • .no. h, mond into a 4x village last sir. E. Sackrider, ur reue:•al station agent, leaves his- week for North Bay, where he h, a coptccl a position on. the C.P.R. The boys on the 4th lino of Morris gave a fowl supper at Mr. B. Nieholsori's i ou Wednesday evening. About 75' guests were present and the evening was enjoy- ably spent iu eausio Etnd dancing until the wee fella' hour. • arise Oainpbell, o)c Pico River; is the ge,est of Miss A. Meil.lejohu. .A. number of Hallett friends spent a very pleasant evening last week at le. J. • Aghew's-. -- Mrs. Bone left last week for" St. Jacobs on au extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. Richmond. Mr. A. Taylor was At Home to • a number of his friends ou Tuesday even- ing of last week.• Miss Lily Scaudrett is visiting friends near Loudon. Miss Johnston returned to Clinton, on Tuesday after - two weeks visit with friends here. Mr. Geo. Cunningham and R. Scott returned from Manitoba last week. Miss Marshall, of Walkerton, Was the guest of Miss. Hall a few days last week. BLI'T11. A,miversary services will be held iu the Blyth Methodist 'church on Sunday and Monday, Nov. 12th and 19th. Rev. •A, W. Tongs, of Plattsville, will be the preacher. A tea -meeting will be held on Monday evening. The Orangemen of Blyth and vicinity will attend divine service in the Metho- dist church ou Sunday evening, Nov. 5, when a suitable sermonwill be preached by Rev. Win. Peal, ,ll. A political meeting iii the interests of Dr. Macdonald, M. P., was held in In- dustry hall ou Wednesday evening of last week. There was a good• attend- ance. Speeches were made by R. Holmes, M. P., A. Hislop, M. P. P,, and Dr. Macdonald. Mr. N. H. Young occupied the chsir. Oar citizens received a severe shock on Monday afternoon when the news spread that Robt. Forsyth, an old and esteemed citizen of Blyth, ha;l been suddenly called to his eternal home. Deceased was enjoying his usual good health and about 2p. m. was walling in his garden when the sudden sum not S came. He fell to the ground, dying al- most 1most immediately. Medical aid was sent for, but he was beyond all human skill, heart failure was the cause of his death. He was in the 80th year of his age. Mr, A. Knox was in Clinton on Tues- day. • Mr, Clare Iraustoue, of Hamilton, was home for Thanksgiving. Mr. James Carr, of Clinton, was home for the. Thanksgiving holidays. Mise Smith, of Ingersoll, was the guest of Miss Dainlage over Sunday. Mr, A. Burkholder, of Aurora, spent Thanksgiving with his family in town. Mr. D. Pringle and wife and fRmily left this week for their new home in Petrolia. Miss Annie Anderso;l, of:Blair, Neb., is the guest of her cousin, Miss Millie Robinson. Fergus Beemer spent Sunday at the home of his parents in Wingham.—Har- tiston Tribune. Mrs. Win. Drew, of 'Kincardine, was 'visiting with friends in town a few days during the week. Mrs. S. MVlerrifzeld and two sons are away ma three weeks' visit with friends near Mt. Forrest. Mrs. Millard and two children of Hamilton, were visiting with her mother for Thanksgiving. Mr. W. Nicholls, of London, visited with his brother, Mr. A. J. Nicholls, a few days during the week. Mrs. and Miss Purdom, of Loudon, were the :guests of Miss Bella Elliott a few days during the week. 1Sire. Pilgrim and two children, of Brantford, were guests at the home of Mr. R. Herdsman this week. Mr. Boyd and Miss Alice Boyd, of Mitchell were guests at the Borne Of ItaS sun, flit& and oulvetrt, WOO; (Shaw & Mother, Glitch aut1 culvert, eaO.00;•11. Boseatu , cleaning out flitch, *18.76; P. C!sultelon, repairing culvert, $0.00; Selectors of Jurors oath $4.00 Angus 1►fe til'nli"ele part payment Ire Goan drain,. 46.00; Wxxl. Rutledge, cliggiug award draiu, $8.87; W.. J. Duff, tile, $5•- 13; T, Miller, cleauiug hall and painting seatts,. $7,00; T. Miller, rel n r'iug culvert, $1.65; T, Clark, damage to crop while repairing hall, $2.60; le. Grigg, contract at Lot 1,1st con. line, $118,00; Alas:Clark, repairing culvert on rade lbw, *3,00; T. Smith, gravelling on East lxm-udary, , $7.50; J. Pelger, i>arp acting. on East ll000 1ary,• x:00; Bunter & I4ioNoil, bal- tluce for contract of Lill, *8.00. 1- Cede—Shaw—The council then ea jotu'uod to meet again ou the 20th o N oveinberneat. Wet. Celine, Clerk: Mr. Shadctco aucl trio hisses Sholdico of this township,. will MUM to W altoul shortly, at which place Mr. aholclice late purchased a hol;se and Iot, Mr, Armstrong, son of Hobert Ala etroug, of this township, left this woe for York, North Dakota., 7LONDEiiIWOnQ. The tea meeting held in the Methodist elxureb on the evening of Thanksgiving gg day was a decided saccess in every way. Tonna. Tato no after, es all Mixtures, pills and imi ti ns are din roue, • Prioe, No, 1; .$1 er. Children Cry far CASTOR BORN. �'A�7 trlriGr.c. —1n 1S'irKlunu, en t1Sty�l�F dila, t wife orf Alfred Wite hell; n t+uil. vltuilc.—I' �a st '['lThwano.�h, 0.• 21, r' 21, he wife of David Currie;e &tighter. I Tiaozr,acir,--Iu Onlra e . on Oct. 17th, the wit* of Peter 14, liroetsch, a daughter. 3IARRLIZIli1?. atieeevre-Oianetatere- 4,t the home of the bride's parents.'Wingintra, ou Oct. 2'th, by the Ilov, A, M,is+Nab,•lfir. "Win. 11.1tinto,tl. of West Wareanoslr to Miss e F,,,, Duly daughter of Mr. Wolin Cam:obc 11,' WArfno 1.era'i.a At tlis' residence of the bricle'sparents,near '.tot e' ter ou Oct.l7th. by Rev. Sas Maicohns Mi'. V'. Ii. Waldo, of '1°'c swatc r , to 1lIi& i Pleanor a, eldest slaughter r'. Sr.l2obt Little. e: RAtx2'- hiscr.itn At the residence oe the A brides parents era oetobe'r lath, b ^ Rev. Wm. i"• Lowe, 110 .t Henry Sunt toes 1 aunah May A L"ngland both of Wiu0luuu. Zurtnitr0 -- 8 raiUAcicUt8 At the home of the h A bride's patents, Ellice township ou October lath Air, M E. �Gttrbrde-g.-of� iugirum, to Miss i Xtoy A. E, Stt+i.-vieher. I)3,1 l). MAusxAr',rr1n Turnherrv, ou Octobc r 28rd, Ann ilizeboth. wife of illy. W'no. If. rshall, aged 20 years ,11 months caul'° days. Foasxau . la Blyth. on October '2 rd, Hobert ! 'cn•syth in his triply yc sir. Raga-srr.—In 13owuk. on O 10, 'ulizebetlr Montgomery. wife of :Richard Bonnett, aged. 50 Cook's Cotton Soot Compound Ts successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe;eiteotual. Ladles ask your dru gist for Ceek's Cotter; Root Com - The ladies had provided, an abundance box vo, a,10 degrees stronger, $S per box. I+lo: of ',.good, things of which - all partook /or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two S eent s,• The Cook Company. Windsor. Ont. es.1 and 2 sold ana recommended by all responsible Drrrggista S>.t. Canada. No, 1 and Bio. 2 for sale br Colin A. Campbell Drtu gist most heartily, ` after which addresses were given 'by Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Varna; Rev. Mr. Oaten, Belgravo, and our pastor, Mr. Couplaud, Musio was furnished by the choir, :end a very en- joyable time was spent. The not pro- ceeds amounted to one hundred dollars. Rev. Jasper Wilson; of Goderich,. preached the anniversary sornions. In the morning to the church, in the after- noon to the Sttuday School and at eight to the League. Mux.. Wilson gave very instinctive addresses. 1 -le has a very fine voice and impressive delivery. Owing to the very unfavorable •state of the weather the attendance was small. The mission baud of 'Knox church agave an entortaimrieut on Tuescl<ay even- ing. The chief attraction was the Scot- tish views giveza by Rev. Mi. Coupland. Miss Etta Johnston, 4fb Wiughani., was in the village on Tuesday renewing acquaintauoes. Jas. McLeod made a • business trip to Wiugham on Tuesday. W. Crisp has taken a situation -with Gregg. & McDonald, of Seaforth, and will. start work Monday. The Libby glass blowers who pitched. °their tent here last week, have moved on. ;Seaforth.< ' • rThe a �h trustees :of S. S. No, .8 h,.lci a e , rrreeting in the school house on. Monday evening.. Mr. Winfred Coupland returned to leondou.. an Monday after spending Thank giving holidays witlh'his parents: 1,sMrs. McKenzie moved to•Belgrave on Tuesday, where she has purchased a lee se. We are pleased to know that she has recovered sufficient to bo able to be moved. Mrs. Thos.. Lawson is ill with with. typhoid fever. We hope to hear of her' speedy recovery.. emiratIs. The Council met according to adjourn= meat in the council room, Morris, on Oct. 16th, 1809,membersallpresent, the reeve in the chair, minutes of last meeting tend and confirmed. The collector's bud was presented And examined by the council. Code—Cardiff—Said bond was aceeiit- eel as satisfactory and the clerk instruct+ LYve Stock Markets. East Buffalo,. N. Y:, Oat. 25.—Cattle —There were no offerings, but fair in- quiry airy for choicebutchers giving a steady feeling, Calves were in light sunnier, active demand, and guile strong;. choice to extra were quotable at $8.255 to $8,50; good to choice, $7.75 to $8.25. Sheep and lainbsL-The mavket was unusually steady, with 15 loads including four loads of Canada lambs; the basis was a shade higher on choice laanbs, and full strong on sheep; lambs, choice to. extra were quotable at $5 to *5.35; good to choice, $4.75 .to $5; common to fair, to $4.50. Sheep, choice to extra, $4 to $4.25; good to choice, $8.75 to *4; Cana- da lambs were quotable at $5 to $5.85; not all offerings were sold. Hogs—The trade was dull at 5r to 10e lower, On a total of 20 loads for the clay; in fact it was a 84.50 market on all. tradable grades .• of heavy, mixed, snediuni and Yorkers ana pigs; grassers, : *4.30 to $4.40; roughs, $3,75 t�$3.85; stags, $3.88, to $5.50; the close was about steady. Toronto, Oo`t•24.a-The run today was ed to have the roll plaoed bathe collectoit� eryce)?tionaily.small, about loads, re - hands on or before the 81st inst. pt''egeatiug 500 cattle, '1,289' hogs, 400 An account from Jas. A. Bell, civil;' 1ieep aril lambs, Ailed 10 calves. Export engineer re Garniss Drain was present• eattic, none on. market; a few lots might Mitchell, ed on motion of Jackson and Shaw said have sold as hi h as *4.60 for choice, butt Mr. Thos. Bell a few days this week tweeunt was laid over and the clerk hi- tho;dernand was not promising. Bntchet strtieteel to write . Bell in connection cattle—This brunch Aimed no improve. Miss 3 enure eekElliott, of e h home o war therewith. anent, and if anything was inclined to visiting this week at the home of her Leics', Messrs. Chas. alid. 'Thos. - Accomzts were ordered to be paid as weaken, caused no doubt, by the con - follows, wiz. M. Healy, digging Glitch, ,tinned wrnr weather; good to choice Dr. Macdonald, M. P., accompanied *8,50; Wm. Jacicson, building ?helm's, stock sold at $8. to $8.50 per cwt; bridge, $26.00; I). Fraser, digging flitch, medium mixed, *2.15 to *0.25 and corn - Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Dari. W. S. $4.00; M. Kelly, flitch and ouivert, *8.50; mon, *2.25 to *2.75. l sport iridis fairly Fielding to Kincardine, and made a R. Bondy, gravel, $5.(10;».1 arquharson, steady and sold tit ,*2.76 to *4.25 Rlir ± . c •.'u s'' t l :° :r ri ..r;w G tz Satin-naygravel, *3.00; John Barr, gravel, %,10; for heavy, LUhl..$8.25 40 $8.50 for light. aft( • • N. & N. Gerry, stove pipes and repairs, readers—This branch was not quite so "C 'orlon :Night mutt bray *11.34; Corporation Bast Wawanosh, dull, brit prides were low; heavy feeders gravel, 80 cents; 3'aseph Leech, gravel, soled atfal.25 to $8:15 per cwt.;. ligkt, $8 The ever and mightiest little thing' *•3.3 ; Ira "tcher, damage, $1.00;1 D. .2 1, and semi* b ls, .t30 its $8. Weever was rade is Dr. uinr's New Walker, gravel, $5,16; L. Metionald, Stock bullet -Light brills for Buffalo sold We I�flls. Leery ��riiit is a smear ooated leibede of health. that chan weaknesses 'gravel, .,.00;. C. Procter, putting in owe ' : .75 to cwt,. and light ti'toek ittr+enp;th, iii cess W 4+ energy, 'were, .26; Mel amen , grave 'fait at $2.00 • .2.60. Stockers were in a f re wry, $4.20; net .& fait demand zit .2.25 to $8.'26. Sheep don's bricige,$6.w and lanai• -Pre, a trifle Direr; ex- . 'Dot W. H. fort shts sold a.: ".211 to $0.40 per cwt; le at Lot 11, Cony., ,5, utell i' sheep, ;.lib to 0.25 per ma't;. nl: ,grafting, i4.. law* *'x;.76 to $4 a ill i o'Ftt. ", Met. Setating 'Met. of ColutaCC Gi 1 - al l' tlih TO LET 0 rooms over Gordon' an recently occupied as a t�i1 These rooms ere well dressmaking shop Or soft water and wood tf albraith's stores, shop and dwelling. cul for a dwelling, x cf's There island and shred attached.'Anplv to G. Mc1ONZXG+. AUCTION SALE CIV!!"— GO I — GO HEAD OF. HORSES, Mr. P. S. Scott, ancti0 structions from the 3. publics auction= 1 •2 Thursday the entire herd a to the estate, cony se 10 cows sup a ATTLE. C. er, lase received in- lde n estate to sell by con. C. Howiek, on ov. 2nd, 1899, 'tile, horses, otc., belonging tains pp to be -in calf, 2 choice .jersey COWS now milking, will calf late in sprint: ;10 extra good heifers. all supposed to calf in spring 80: head of splendid spring calves, good qualitS', Durham grade; 10 grade Holstein spring calves; 2 good heavy draught horses, 1 heavy:draught mare in foal. 1 general purpose mare m foal, 1 good chestnut driving mare and several farmimplements. Sale to oomurence at 1 o'clock sharp. • Tl ams.—A1lstuns of $5.00 and under. cash; over that amountll months credit will be given on purchasers furnishing approved joint notes. 7 per cent. pet- annum off for cash on credit amotults. - • . F. S. SCOTT, . W. B. BELDEIQ, Auctioneer... Manager for Estate. APPLES SAT AT %•V7110T4 iL Ll . Mahler Bros., Woprietora of the Wing- batn Evaporator, will' • begin operations here as soon as the, crop, is ready. They will pay the highest market prices for all kinds or apples, according to quality: Packers Culls and Winefalis included.. Parties having apples of any kind, large or small quantities, to sell, will tind a ready market at the best prices going by corning, factory. MAHLER BROS., Propreetvrs: D into mental power. They I in building. up he health. on North meats per boa. Sold by O4 A. Stewart, r ., 48; -viral.. ', l*i: T. GOOD PHOTOS are what you get in the down floor gallery, opposite the Presbyterian 'Church. Try M. B. Zurbrigg, •next time'you wanti'your photo taken. Copying and enlarging receive A v. Ok .,,.r' .,. <<<<i‹< X4 '1 '+.Y. l t �# A Stoves -V47 ,Gi ec251 it If you want a first-class stove at . moderate prices buy a G -rand Jewel Cook Stove;, .. Scores of thenyl in use in this vicinity, and giving perfect satisfaction. Ask, your neighbor about the qualities of the Grand Jewel. Every stove guaranteed. V V X VI VA A �pp tw YO '•.:� C °` L I N 'A A SPECIAL ARGAIN INFALL . INTER GOODS. Having opened out a large and well assorted stock of Fall and Winter goods, I aril now prepared to give ;ay easterners and the public in general the greatest bargains that has ever been offered in the town of Winghann. Note a few of thein ; Dress Goods in all the newest' designs and shades. In Blister Goods, Luden Cloths, Tweed and Fancy Srultings at greatly reduced prices. Lateststyled in Ladies' Jackets xzi Flack and Colared, prices ranging, from $4.00 to $10.00. In For Goods we show the largest range in town. Ladies' Fur Capes and Jackets. in different lengths, guaranteed to wear. No . tender skin in these goods, but made to wear for years. Men's Fur Coats in Coon, Australian, Russian Dog, Bulgarian Lamb, Waumbats and Australian Wolf, ranging from $10 eaeh and up. Also the. latest styles in Men's Par Caps in'Per'aian Lamb, Seal, Beaver, ana French. Otterat special row prices. See our Cloth Caps in latest ,American styles from 25 cents to 50e: • Special value in Overcoats in Beaver, Melton and Frieze Goods. Men's ranging. from $4:00 up to $10,00, Youths' from $3.50 to 55,00. - See our line for small boys at .*2.0O. (Special). Akso'extra value in Ladies' and Men's Waterproof Coats, assorted col- ors. These are the celebrated Mandleberg's Sewn Seems. No 'ripping of letting water through iti these goods- but warranted'to give satisfaction. Prices from K00 and up.. Our stock of Ladies and Men's Underwear is complete in all the best makes known, in the trade ,from Union goods to finest Scoteh'Lamb Wool. Also extra;large•s res in Men's atway's kept in stock. „ Special value in Children's Underwear :all sizes. Our Carpet Depart- ment is complete in Brussels, Tapestries, A.11 -wool Unions and Uemps in all the latest designs arca oolorin ,s,.and will be cleared out at prices to suit t .the. purchaser. Also a complete sock of Linoleums and Oilcloths in all Widths at 25c and up. Every person in need of a. Carpet should see these_ goods before purchasing. Ordered Clothing a specialty. CRATHAM, Alli, ONT. CAI�AIiA'S GREATEST SCHOOL. OF SHORT - AND and BUSINESS AIMING. GNES RESULTS as .the best evidence what it it can do for its pupils,. I Idle claims count for nothing. HERE IS YOU EVIDENCE e �I�t 4wif„='Null.,•.► pw Y.... '•a. 9.0. OM, W,.. Ti h 1'�tth hldnd , {n s Go. _ [. t� �,1 S � +t , ItL' ► e imANUFACTURERS and EXPORTERS OF. COOPERAGE STOCK, . special attention;. •Iyama. sehOwoom DIO/IRTMMIUT 1'111. E. ZU REV(WL. ,ittrrait.br, mecum,. a'�%NVTM.• w «.. • A. E. SMITH WiNfillAM. General Banking Business trans- acted. Money advanced to farmers and business men on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' Sate Notes Cashed Moneys retnitted by draft to all parts of Canada and the United States. Notes and acteouots colleoted on ren - seeable terms. WALKER GRNSI & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS,. WINGHAM . Night dells. at tattoo Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. 27 •er 29 [leaver Streets NCW. VOR.11X poi. pY„[C OAN" 3•# 100e tfM iifl.ne?AoAlati g,„ Ohatham.'Ont. revives me greet pleasure to be able'tb.add toy tontine)* tp�tlint"ofmany, others tam mho have attended your. college, and c 5:aenre you. that the time and money which wa., epent while in;attenee elhob there,has turned out .to be'tlig best inveetanent,tint i• Corin"' easeibiy.have made. .;:qe L,�,TO,thosc•who ere+c*ntemplatins a Ow'se' of inetraetion in a Easineeo Co11ege,r'I carynot+too.etrongtj! resets:end youre.. Your' eoaree•Qt.instruetiou sthorough. practical and up, to• date, end any.etudeht who r.asters.yourinethode, rril>: find' that,heA.Or.4h0,ert7,x be•..verr.•muCb at heenr•ihJlany,bgoineea•officee+ r 4180- take this opportunity of;ahk thing•you"for your tithe asitistenae• ita securing me my tires •gosittom, and later on. your ' 1la'ther'•aeeietanee to a pecond and better one. 1/1014 1.1$ y¢tr dontihued.enoCess; rl_ remain, Youretesty, Mr, l oun�g is One ofoffice handsl that lravo been sutiplied, to the above oonccarn...lte was i'oriner1yofctorrlo Ont.,'waseur+CloldMeduliutot'20or•'01,an(twnsi� aduLtedat14yituirofage. • 200 of onr Pupile secured good positions in seaenteen months, ,duet do you think of the record? We can send you. the list. We repos railway, fare to .students front a distance. {flood board ast 52,t0 per week for gentlemen and. $.22.•00 for haws, For (Jataloggtte of either Departmonti 1).• McLAO,{� LI�.V & CO., cthatharn, Drat. • CIDERMND JELLY Sght 15 Priceless Fake notice that flip! Wigghatil Cutler Get your sight tested. It costs nothing, And Jelly Mill has oornnaenoed, leper - diens fain will run WE �` eery Wednesday and Thursday j"'I'rT. tt>3til $eason 19 (Adel: 1 x rc ALONG t 5i b t3 R l �t1i38 Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably. it 1helve them trade into Swrhet Sprup Try els. y. W'e iaiead hating dower the f i� l �, , : gili sr, A 06 notes', toy *Meth we will r et . ` rSyflSstr �f�orileti ■ fi.Yfl,5ll a�