HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-06-10, Page 10Sesame seed bun All Beef Burgers Topping & ' $ aaa III S o re aesseeillaillasewsloi II • • 527-0180 • I a I a a ge More to Offer introductory Special June 8 - 20 EAT IN OR TAKE OUT HOURS Sun. - Thurs. 11 a.m. - 12 midnight Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Conditioned - 527-0180 Seaforth • 1 •e,i tieIseii 111 NPR 11. so. • • • In 1M1 RP NO tOS me. 111•11 .00 IMP fiR 4R ) SEAFORTH ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 156 "PORK ROAST" Roast: 6-9 Dance: 9-1 Music by: Hank Bedard Show SAT., JUNE 27 $5.00 per person Limited Number of Tickets available from: Jack Muir - Jack Eisler - Don Jefferson - Gary Osborne —,Proceeds to Building Fund — HIGHWAY-8 - "DCalmq 345-2120 PlWeAlrirawiwal." JUNE 154•2 AMERICA'S LE&eNbAitv MA1E. EXOTIc.oreRtAINER 77/E PLAYS • NAT/NEE Es t/4144 mop•Sig; '''SOlier*e HAS TO et SEM TO et SELIEVEbr .—YA4MS7 -11( Nor JUST 'A MALE'•STRiPPER PrEASE•PANCIN6' 271/T AN AffSOLOTOZY Ocosifoomtpmr4o VN /RUE •Thilaffseilut .yam. comEDY Ntis/Clit e comic 4y eNdm6E tAprooNIN& imeNrl gerwowevA spool filiNDS.F7sr dui* ft', #9.20•APPLE 40NE.2510 26 ,274141CHAEL . IWO* moirsomfts picot41/10664014 tAeit, • Pr• • , 4,1i 04114 TIGERS WIN—Tbe 04th TigarS won the "A" league championship of the Exeter Men's bowling league. Back, left, Gary Black, Doug Hildebrand, Don Jackson and Art Finlayson. Front, Rick Woods, Eric Matzold and Bill Coleman. Missing was Murray Bennewies. (T-A Photo) AA THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 10, 1981 is in the news• Licensed by the L.L.13.0. The news gathering and distribution system to which most Ova are exposed always seems, to me. to be lacking. the,.exception of certain parts of a newspaper. and in Mktg AeCaSions in the broadcast media, what you get are ittPttbg facts. It's the reader's task to iudge the content of the: m ;Aerial. In the meantime, the main goals of the erare to maintain objectivity. to present material in ced manner and to be Accurate. Thought it may sound simple, those goals are not all that ,IV2tfi•41ttaki,Thot..jRP1114, 14.e,44s the reader must' be , rnOre analytical Whes•he sits tiotvo to, get ',• 4,IflON!* It V•iit;40410 'VOW* for him if he.ehfmses to felig on only' one Owe. be it tagno.. ,trIgviiiirm • or • ,.!,10.4paper‘biefin40:00,Matter ttaw hard YAW t0. 01,0 next ..*Otet .0)1APOqielYs e,thtggs a little differently,. And bliktit„.gettOt.tok sonic recent 04toppl,c it 00414 .bv:. 44.144 tlf*t . OOP 9u tqa,i1.cineso'l,-fottOr 4,".,mitIsc. if 194*ie..ilqthillithi,g..440tItc • ' • ,•' Pick'.cif the, *00X-1.10 one is „4,.,;40m._ in .my. books. it ,equeer$General Alexander Haig American-Secretary of State, A friend- recently gave me4 a magaaine (name withheld) containing a story aboutthe general's rise to this powerful post in the. Reagan- administration. I put off reading the article until teame across another piece on Mr. Haig in the Sunday New York Times magazine. With both in hand. I decided to read the stories back to back and when I'd finished I was seriously puzzled, whether the writers were talking about the same man. The New York Times item was more concerned with Mr. Haig's current affairs, and included discussions with other members of the Cabinet. It said the General was considered substantially to the 1 eft in the right wing administration. In effect, he was described as residing to the left of the right. The reas-on he assumes that position among his' colleagues is that he has opted to handle difficult situations in the past,by, diplomatic means, Cuban involvement in Angola was cited as one example. The • assessment surprised me slightly because other things I'd, read about the 'Secretary of State to that point hardly considered him a moderate. OPPOSITE The other piece was directly opposite. In effect. it portrayed the General as a fellow whose finger had to be held eff of the panic button by associates. The writer relied on Mr. Haig's 'previous track record with. other administrations-the secret bombing of Cambodia. ,CIA involvement in Chile-to make his case. So what are you left with? Is Mr. Haig the man who will „ultimately lead us to the holocaust. or will he save us from diSaster? I can't make up my mind at this point, but for some reason I trust the. Times more. so my impressions .of Al.might need some reworking. Closer to Home-Poor Lloyd Axworthy. It seems no matter how hard he tries, he somehow keeps alienating, those for whom his is minister-women. The latest blunder occurred last week when he was caught a little off guard. Junior officials in his ministry, the Globe and• Mail . reported, had just completed a study which, recommended against mandatory affirmative action programs for the employment of women. It creates another spark to light the .fire under women's groups. yet the Minister said he knew' nothing about the report. What's interesting here, though, is what it says about bureaucracy. -We moan and groan about its size, and in this instance, there .appears ample evidence for the claim. Somehow the information didn't get to the man in charge. But the bureaucracy has its benefits as well. It provides a handy smoke screen. if ptessed. you can hide behind it. ••••is . I'm rather fond of this one, ma LaSt week in the Commons Conservative member John Crosby attacked the federal government for having so few sitting members that day.. The usual claims of a comfortable. majority leading to complacency and arrogance are the handy 'attack. words. That one came from the London Free Press. UNDERSTANDING Perhaps if Mr. CroSby had read the Globe that morning, he might .have been a little more understanding. While he. was attacking the Liberals parliament.. the provincial Conservative government was being challenged in the legislature for the same thing. On that day five of the'70 Conservative MPPs in Ontario showed up for Work. Five out of 70. That's 7.1 per cent attendance, and not New Column by Herb Shoveller many bosses would put up with that But we're the bosses. and we do put up with it; Now. certainly. we can't expect perfect attendance each day the Legislature sits. Maybe we Should be real tyrants„bow ever. and insist. Say. that an outlandish 10;4,0..20' per cent' he preset* It tray be toe' bard sW„allOw, but; it's tough' being, the Noberly• said it WO going to.bc easy. The 1-est,. thing to .t,'Onto out of ti all, ":hoviever.F was eartoop to. the Giph.) later kn. the • Vteek . l'4DP. leader Michael caskIdy athirkis ttic houSe.: 'An etripty. hotiSe it etceptlor .two .eil,tediato...Orte Was' -.kind.:•enettgli to offer Ai sit- opposite the tender while he spoke. ' The warm. summer. weather must have firmly settled in. in Ottawa and.Toronto. • I have several more. but with the exception of this one. they will be sased and p.erhaps'added to next week's selections. I don't find this one especially funny. On the second BEAUTIFYING THE TOWN—Several grade Students plant fie:/Vers . Grade .8 of Seaforth Public A group of students from BY WILMA OKE by the Seaforth Horticultural Society and planted . under The flowers were provided the supervision of Mary School planted a large bed of McLeod of R.R. 4 Seaforth marigolds at the entrance to and Robert J. Doig, of Sea- Seaforth , Community Centre. forth. Friday morning. • night after Halifax yolk-emen walked off thejob, a reporter was interviewing a woman on the street. Against a backdrop of racing „ars. flying bottles. and bfoken windows. the dearly hysterical son 4in was pleading. "Why don't the% Jo something? Why don't they do something?" IT'S LEGAL Such a sill) woman' The answer was made clear in a io interview with a striking policeman the next day. You ..the strike is legal, and 00 can argue with that. And when, it is legal. p.bil see. it rine,Wri4lAtter PeoPie are driven ;4! 4'4001 .reF-A • • ' E04.81i sarcasm iliole;'really to hlaine aro:difflenit ter point out.. You an blame thelp9lieenten:hitt they, are in a 1PP' g$009.Pi and tv nthe low ii9larie's 'Sante Of:the - Iewer.Faakingoiffi42m theY.have,a9,eed to seek batgahliflO levet-age. Nor sari N'tt‘ In the Slie!eattse. Its their job.-atter all. to eel whyretheY can for the sake of the taxpayer.. When you tally tt up. though. Wattle in this is shared by the cops. the city hut also the legal systeni. What that woman wanted was moral justification for what was being allowed to happen, But whii ever said law was a bearer of moral responsibility. And as for the rimers. does it suggest we arc all animals clamouring to , get out of our cages? Seatorth jadies,ball team runner up A Seaforth ladies ball team received the runner-up champion trophy when it travelled to Auburn to play in a tournament' on May 29 and 30. The coach was Bill Brown Sr.. who supplied the team sweaters, ''Brown's Re- pair." Manager was Steve Eckert. .The team players were Jean Dow, Norah Eckert, Connie Marion, Betty, Glan- ville, Linda Gridzak, Cheryl Kruse. Marg Henderson, Patti Anne Gridzak, Patricia Dill, Joan SteinbaCh and Brenda Finlayson. The - team -members -re- ceived their trophy at the Blyth Memorial Arena where a dance was held after the baseball tournament. A WELCOME CONTRIBUTION—Darrell Dietz (left),..president Of SDHS students' council presents two members of the Cancer .Society, 'Bud Walker (centre) and Claire Reith, with. a $1000 cheque on behalf of the students at the school. The moneylwas raised from a recent walk-a-thon. (Photo by Ellis) BEEF BARBECUE & DANCE Saturday, June 20-; 1901 at the Seaforth Community Cenfre Barbecue by: CAMPBELL &.CARDIFF — 6:00 P.M. Dancing to: SHANNON 4:00 p:m. to I (lit. ADULTS: $7.50 CHILDREN UNDER 12:'$3.50 Proceeds for LION'S Community Projects Tickets available from Bob and "Betty's. Graves Wallpaper and Paint. Hetherington, Shoes. Huron Expositor, Keating's Pharmacy. McLaughlin Chev Olds, Roth's Food Market. Rowcliffe Motors. Stewart Bros.. ToPnotch Feeds, Vincent Farm Equipment. Seaforth banks and Lions club, members. SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB SEAFORTICRECREATION COMMITTEE presents 1981 Farmers' Markets at Victoria Park Sat., June 27 Sat., July 25 - Sat, August 15 Sat., September 12 9'a.m. to 2 p.m. Free Admission! Kir people wanting a display table, please contact Seaforth Rec. Office 521.0882 at least one week prior to each date. eight students were up at Seaforth Memorial Arena last week, helping to plant flowers. Some pofent)iai members for the Horticultural Society are pictured here. (Photo by Oke) This Ad Sponsored Illy Agripress Canada Ltd. Big "On Drain Tile Rank of Montreal KYlo's Shelf Honsali Hotel FRIDAY - 7 p.m. Eliminations SATURDAY - 1 p.m. - Step Dancing Competition - Jamboree 7 p,m, - Piaydowns 11 p.m. - Dance to Wayne Riehi Len Love and the Country Versatile: Camp Sites Available In Park ONTARIO FIDDLERS CONTEST June 19.20 '81 MENEM COMMUNITY CENTRE •