HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-06-10, Page 7The Catholic Women's League of St. James Church Seaforth met in the school gym on, Tuesday evening, following,mass with Mrs. H. Hoste in the chair, Mrs; Ken Vincent led the league prayer, followed by reOingPentecOst in the 54.03010. FinatplanS:Wete discussed for Ahe tea.,1nvitatipns,w#re'... $glotr,:.10.-.1f;tfie.q .:of • 'the 001#014 in;'.8eAtOrthie: slit.' tend the tea And 'halre,.$41e*,1 Tune 17th from 2 do •4 was antict4aMt that on WU day July.13th CW1,- 9( Holy Naine Parish St. Marys are planning *pilgri- mage day at the shrine, and invite all to attend especially on ' account of the 125th anniversary of the diocese of London. The league will serve It luncheon it the lay` dean meeting on June nth and. on June 25th will entertain and honour the grade 8 graduates. An interesting rbpon On the cm:menace) held in Chat-- ham was given by M D. Rourke and :Mt; Racy. *44 imet4s, .Tab 444, 0012,1lerltiOn fartiiiy; The he *pee Jattleittelnlrolle c9.91)014,4n wives It failowitis !be:. trii.tin Han" He*. 40.4004 'ilte chief gavo a very infOrmative talk and demonstration on fire prevention. EverY home' should have a fire extin- guisher, smoke and heat detectors. A small invest- ment, could save expensive homes, Mr. Hak said. _ • • APPLIANCE REPAIR it ' 7 N. Large or small, we'll fix them aU... Our repair experts Mal have your appliaftee I tip top shape fast. Cal out to. day. - PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" — VARNA -711 6 BENNEWIES—RILEY Michelle Kimberly Riley. daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. LloYd Riley of Staffa and Murray Ralph Bennewies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennewies. Seaforth were married May 1 at First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Rev. T.A.A. Duke officiated. Carol Carter was organist. The maid of honour was Tracey Riley. Staffa, with bridesmaids Wendy Brick nail of ,Mitchell, Marilyn Riley of Exeter. The best man was Doug Dale of Seaforth and the ushers were Rob Irwin, London and Allan Riley of Exeter. A reception was held at the Legion. After a honeymoon in Niagara Falls the couple will reside at 166 Goderich. St. Seaforth. /2 • EFFECTIVE JUNE 1,19814 THE RATE OF RETURN ON ALL CANADA SAVINGS BONDS. HAS BEEN -INCREASED 10 161A% PER ANNUM FOR THE 5 MONTH PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 31,1981. • The rate of return fOr each subsequent year until the Bonds mature continues to be 101/2%; This rate will be reviewed at the time the terms'of the new 1981/82 Series are announced this Fall. (Cur out and otroch to your. Bonds) NOTE: The` 1980/81 Series of Canada Savings Bonds was withdrawn from sole effective May 29, 1981. Terms of the new 1031/82 Series will be announced this Fall. Canada Bondholders who. redeem these Bonds prior to maturity will nor be entitled to the cosh bonus but only ro the original return payable,. as printed on the Bond certificates Bond- holders may continue td cash interest coupons each year L and be entitled to the cash bonus. ' .. MIN IIIIIIIII 1111111111111 111111111 11111111 1111111,111111 an nin no CANADA SAVINGSDONDSRATEINCREMEDTO1614%_ I I EFFECTIVE JUNE 1,1981 TO OCTODERM,19811. I - I SERIES DATED BEFORE 1977 I , Series dcited before1917 hove a beinus payable or maturity. Holders of these Series will receive the higher rate of return through an increase in the, value of this bonus payment tTohriorr: bonus amount per $100 Bond of each Series is Os Series r . ., •• .•. T _ _._. Maturity Dore Cash Bonus or Maturity 1968/69 Nov. 1, 1982 ' 1970/71 Nov. 1, 1981 1972/73, -Nov. 1, 1984 1973/74 Nov. 1, 1985 1974/75 Nov. 1, 1983 1975/76 Nov. 1, 1984 1976/77 Nov 1, 1985 With this increase, the, onnual return on all unmotured Canada Savings Bands for the year which began ' November 1, 1980 is 13.85% — interest at the rare of 111/2% for the first 5 months, 133/x% for the next 2 mcinths and 161/4% for the remaining 5 months. $17.48, $10.37 $24.33 $29.69 $ 9.87 $13.30 $17.77 . Fortbese Series-therinnual rate of 13.85% wilhopply for the year which began November 1, 1980 instead of the rote printed on the Bond certificates. Each $1. 000 Regular Interest Bond will now pay $138.54 interest on NOveMber '1, 1981. In addition to regular annual interest At the rare stored obove Compound Interest: Bonds will earn compOund interest at the rate of 11 21% for the 1977/7i5 and 1979/80 Series, 11 32% for the 1978/79 Series and .11 14% for the, 1980/81 Secies- these rotes are the new overage annuol yields from NoVember 1. 1980 to moturity of each Series. With this • increase each $100 Compound Interest Bond grows to the following value of maturity: SERIES DATED DA1ED 1977 TO 1980 INCLUSIVE Series 1977/78 1978/79 • 1979/80 1980/81 • Maturity bore Value at Maturity . Nov. 1, 1986 $245.01 Nov. 1, 1985 $209.39 Nov. 1, 1986 1)211, 92 Nov. 1, 1987 $209.50 • '4 4.14V-ka• ..„ THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 10, 1.941 Grads Mrs. McClure is honoured on birthday at Manor Seaforth Manor euchre club held their last euchre of the season and also celebrated the 81st birthday of Mrs. Robert McClure. Six tables of euchre Wer.c in play and at the Vlose:of the ,etteltte a, &Beiges ,hirtlitlalt Bluomtield..• futTM` the. ladies cake made byllorothy TolKil - Penny ,.Cazit. and Oertie Hail • sieni:f. was tkrc.41811A' in and 1171ti-,',n1;i,Elliritt" and „, moving. to .. Seaforth in " she later- Wean* a COATO ">ie resident ,of'. the $eifOrth prize. Residents were pleased to hear this. Two tables of euchre played on Monday afternoon and Albert St. Denis and Harold Walsh- wAn over gtmet and .1-PoPlkni. For a number of years she was a music teacher a organist in Walton- t Church. BETSY ANN DAVIDSON The death of Miss Betsy Ann (Bessie/ Davidson oc- curred in Seaforth Cornotim- ity Hospital on Thursda% June 4th in her 96th sear. Born and educated in McKillop Tssp. she was the daughter of the late Thus Davidson and Betsy Ann Love. Obituary member of Northside timed diurch She w as predeceased -..lzy tour sisters and three broth CT S. SUEVIS IIV are a slater in.lass Mrs. S.L. Davidson Portage - La- Prairie Man also seseral . , es and nephews. runeral services were held from fikp Whitries -Ribes Funeral Ho ne on Sat . June b. with f1tes . James ,‘I asslyke r officiating. • : ,, ' 0.140,4parmrs 0-iiiv,.. ' Roben -cote,. ftatFax bolk.Ni091.• wrti, uemin W #11; , 4 , :.....ani s. Wove, :-bitotore „.ti\no , acbr:'bett.., iW se Tor- —Ince..64114*04Nt'Wi11: n, ' ftiiiie Stevens: luternients in. a Brussels •cetneter v C makes pions for June tea 'Dr, arid .Mrs, 0414 Lacko, wisrtl. 46 t449t1nei, . the- grad 1,1414ni of•theit son Cyril.from the Faeuhy ofMedicitte Uni- versity Of ;Toronto as. Doctor of Medicine on' Thursday` June IT. Dr. Lack° gradual- ' ed frOm A.B. Lucas High. School in London and 1975 graduated from McGill Uni- versity in Montreal in bio- chemistry. He later studied medicine in Toronto. He will serve his internship at Sunnybrook Hospital in Tor- onto. BRYAN VINCENT son of Marlen and Jane Vincent of Seaforth graduated from the University of Guelph at the convocation ceremonies on. June 5th. Bryan received an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture. Agri- cultural Economics and Rural Development was the major with emphasis in Agricul- tural Business. He is a graduate of S.D.H.S. • GRAND • OPENING • 41 • • • • • • • VY.t e090.0. fttl.s. Happy B irth,; d.047. to gm l leChiw and air t.o-Russ Houghton ysllo was to 4,:elebrate his bill . that Week also. " Verna was taken by stir prige and received many nice gifts from friends and rela- tives who attended. Guests were Gertie Taylor. Mae Smith, Pearl McClinchey , Clinton; Lila Jackson and Babe McGregor, Kippen. Charles Ross thanked all those who have volunteered their time these past month's and made the euchre club so enjoyable for the residents. He hoped they would conic again in the fall. Mary Fin- layson also expressed her thanks to the volunteers. guests and residents who had participated. A luncheon was held at Seaforth Manor on Friday at 1 p.m. and volunteers who attended were Mary Carroll, Mae Smith and Mary Kunz. Residents attending 'Were. Wayne Hedges and Charles Ross. The June Meeting of Resi- dent' Council was held Mon- day. Mary Finlayson in- formed members that the —r display they had entered at Clinton Spring Fair had won first prize in the class for Nursing and Rest Homes. Also, two other items entered had won a first and a third The Seaforth Happy Citi- zens met in 'the Legion Hall on June 5th with a' large attendance With guests from .„.. . . • P. di. Visiting with Arthur Ni- cholson on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. David Hobson. Andrew and Sarah of Cam- bridge also Jack Nicholson and son Tom also of Cam- bridge. Ruth Null spent the week- end at her home in Palmer- ston. Edna Anderson Field Worker of the Social Works Dept. London Psychiatric Hospital London visited at Seaforth Manor on Friday. cooftuvr$4 15.y J. Manor. 114 se Wednesda); after., Miss noon and also Wednesday evening the Afternoon Unit of. Northside United Church will present a program at 7 camp this year, to help to Group of First Presbyterian Church started their June meeting with a pot luck supper. The hosts were the Smiths and the Lawsons. The President. Viola Law son, welcomed everyone, The offering was received; „ by Lorne Lawson. The group will donate $10. to the parents for each child from the church who attends Kintail summer camp expenses The Fireside Fellowship defray the expenses .. . . . fireside to help•with Davidson Was, . Viola Lawson introduced the speaker. ( unstable Eric Gorse. who's been in law enforcement for I; year% with Ontario Prokineial Po; lice 'and R.C.M P He spoke on senior eitiiens dealing with strangers and wass to protect themselkes against pur'Se snatchers He also demonstrated ho‘sn to mark valuable household items and clothing in ease of theft. He showed a film covering these , subjects.. He was thanked by Jim Keyes. 14,41% • • e • • 7-10 .21; • 0 CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Mitchell and Dublin. Mrs. Haist accompanied 0 Canada on the mouth organ. Hazel McNaughton welcomed • • • S • • • • • • • • .5 • On June 1 Northside Unit- ed CHurch Women had a pot luck supper followed by their meeting with President Marg Sallows making a few an- nouncements. The minutes were read by the. secretary Helen Thonipson arid the treasurer's report by 'Hine Gelding. The Afternoon Unit had the program, consisting of readings by Jessie Hillen and Edith Dunlop. Mrs. Golding read they, scripture Matthew 5: 1-15,1elen Wilbee led in prayer. Marjorie Phillips showed pictures of the Holy Land. She was thanked by Ethel Dennis. Mrs. Dunlop closed with prayer. WEDDING CAKES & TOPS FAVOURS CAR DECORS invitations Ingredients & Pans Cake Wraps 7, Decorating Supplies eavty t110't in4. 123 Wortley Rd . London 673.0150 I. • • • , Northside UON sees slides of Holy Land • • everyone. The nominating committee presented the slate of offi- cers as follows: Hon. Presi- dent-Lorne Dennis, Presi- dent-Hazel McNaughton; Vice. Pres.-Mary Riley; See- retary-Dorothy Townsend; Treasurer-Grace Pepper; Social-Grace Broadfoot. Anona Crozier. Minnie Walters; Entertainment- Greta Kerr. Mae Smith, Rachel, Riehl; Cards and visiting-Beatrice Storey, Ethel Haist. Margaret Smale; Auditors- Mr. and ▪ Mrs. Stanley. Millen. Hazel McNaughton read a poem "Little Things." Beatrice Storey was in charge of the euchre with prize winners: Ladies high, Mrs. McQuaid; Lone hands Jennie Hildebrand; Ladies low Edna McLellan; Mens high- Bill Kelly; Lone-hands Ed 'Byers; Low John Simp- son. Lunch was served with birthday cake for June and July birthdays. The bus for the Lions Safari leaves June 15 at 8:45 from Victoria Park. xPositor • Mrs McNaughton heads Happy Citizens ••••••41•••••04141•041-41410 4141 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 41 • 41_ • • 41 • • • • • • impipopp0000logp 45 ". BROADCLOTH 1.99 metre 45" Promo COTTON 1.99 metre 45•' Arnel LINING 1.99 metre 45" Printed RAYONS 1.99. M,e_tre 45" Polyester LINING 1.99 metre , (0" Triple Printed CHIFFONS 1.99 metre GINGHAM 1.99 metre 45" FLANNELETTE 1.99 metre , 60" SHEERS 1.99 metre All Visa FABRICS 8.98 metre