HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-27, Page 6ifs
, OUR OTTAWA LETTF,R a the inisseeetifel eompo• titian of Cam -
0`... uggam 111105
%lieu ermauery tub autter with the best
From our own earresaoneent, Deeexat butter .awl other eilt-edged pma
Iduets of the foreign daily, in flea Eritish
market. etatistica of! shipmerats to.
•tassel Britain s}ow that, tio for dais sea -
sena UI $1,-ipnieutt3 from. Montreal leave -
been .893,917 pixeltages compared with
189,014 at 1808', or all increase of ever
Ottawa, October er
FRIDAY, OCTOBER e7, 1899. correepeudeuce is 10t alwan
sea,. '• - - 1.es ., looked 11'47( 11 the most enterialethe
material for popular reediug„ bet ee
ceptiou niay cortaiuly be made in fame
Tatiani aro fifteen members of tlie of a letter W1i011 iimt beeP. peunett
Mominion Government mei only three b i t Si Ch rlos Tapper
y sae= o a a
aro a'renelaspeakine.—reir1V1f1 Lau- The am,tieu /meleeh81eexittea t
aicr, I-ron. J.I. Tarte and fear Hem"' urging, that the volunteers
Otroare Aresertterie (ise to Jolla *must
this flemediera Do,
. 100 per cent., while from New York they
. have been 1C11.593 packages in 1899i QOM-
ixtreel with OD,000 u leee, an increaseof
ebout 70, per emit. The shipments of
cheese to Great Britain also .show au in -
lavabo whkh. in encouraging considering
compotiticin o butter -making anti the
long perioa of dry weather. Tho total
number oe Loxes shipped this season
from Moutreal, New York andFortlend,
as 1,780,171 ea col:apnea with 1,70%087
18e8, oztea iec,rease o 41,184. This
great improvement in dairying.e.e.-ports la
of course largely dee to the improve
position in which .Cautidien fainters.
stand toelay With YEtStly greator hmosv-
ledge -of the regniremeuts of the British
minket,. mitl greatly improved facilities
for =octal?, them; au improvemout duo
to the euergetic policy of thaDepart-
mout o Agrie.ulturo„ which not only has
acne so etraela for bettering the position
of the farmer here, but has (dee lost no
opportunity of advertising Cauadoee
S(YL3Y53S in the Old Conutry. Encouraged
by this success of their efforts on belude
of the batter and cheese industries
Special attention is slow being ;etym.i to
poultry, atua 'chicken fattening stations
are being esteblished • at very =any
points all over theecountry. Already •
experimetted 'shipments therefrom have
beau made, and the remelt is litehly
gratifying and creditable to those having
the matter ie. hand.
When so much ,atteutiou is being given
by Opposition organs to public finances,
it is surprising that so little attention
bas been geven to the fact that the pub-
lic debt last mouth was reduced by a
million and a 9. -seater dollars: Sueb, was
the fact, however, though it has been
nutaccountably overlooked by a number
of enterprising papers. The Department -
al returns for themonth moreover, shove
the progressive increase whiole has be- Who is your druggist? This is an inn
come a permanent oliaraoteristio of these portant question for every family.
returns in the past three years. • When people speak of
clruggist, it as at once suggestive of ac-
curacy and satisfaction in. everything
that yotteray from bine
• We desire your trade in the dispensing
s_—___ •
We, the nudersigue(1, do hereby. agree of medicines, and our. thugs are always
to refund the money on a twenty-five the purest, strongest end best.
cent bottle of Dr. Wills, English pine, We men interestyou inahuudredlittle
if, after using three fourths of contents ways when you need
of bottle . they -clo not relthve Constipa- Toilet. Ai:ticks and Peeparetions.
eloly, the latter iseiug a Protestant. And. aaaa eremite to the Transvaal be
mat as a "Canada= condi:gent," fay
ear -awed and 'raid by the Dtaninion, &se.
It should be barna maid that thee
letter was written after the despatela
fe•om the Imperial War Office bad boon
published, setting forth the Queeiee
regedatious under -which the proffered
Canadian help would be accepted. Sir
Wilfrid Late:tees; reply so melody meets
the requiSealleuts of the case that ven-
t:re to reproduce it here without abbre-
viatica or addition. It is tie follows:—
October 14th.
"Dem. Sir Charles Tuppereal have
the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
your letter of this day. It is quite true
that yourtelegram addressed to me from
Yarmouth on the 5th of this mouth never
reholiecl me until. yesterday, when after
inquiries anade, 011 my request, at the
telegraph office heads city, it was found
that it had never reached Halifax.
However, I had been made familiar
with it, along with tho whole of the
people of Canaitt, to whom you .had
taken the precaution of communicating
oI am sorry to hear from youlhat the
action whish the Government has taken
to litWO one thataand Canadian voluns
teers sent to the Transvaal see=s to you
insufficient, imismuch, as 'a large share
of the expenses and the pay of the mon
is to be borne by the mother county.'
"I have tbe authority of his Excelleney
the Governor-Goneral to enclose to yam
a copy of a despatch from. the Colonial'
Oface, which will cause you, 1 SID, sure,
to reconsider your opinion, You will
see by reading this despatch that the
Government bad faithfully accepted the
request, and adheree. to the plan of
campaign prepared by the Secretary of
State for War and the Conamander-in-
Chief. 1 question whether in a 'natter
of this land it would be advisable to be
'more loyal than the Queen', or wiser
than. the Secretary of State for War and
ethe Commander -hi -Chief. 1 question
further whether our volunteers would
really require to be placed cu a better
footing in the field thee their brother
volunteers from the other British col-
onies, and for my- part, I 'venture to
believe that inequality of treatment
between colonial troops all engaged in
the same noble work would be very
questionable wisdom."
Yours respectfully,
"Wilfrid Laurier."
It MILO be admitted that Sir Wilfrid
is a little rough on his "Honorable
friend," the Opposition leader, but few
will be inclifiea to deny that he showed
a true appreciation of the situation Indio netteotees TREATMENT FOR THE SAN aOSE
remark he made from the platform on SCALE A SUCCESS.
Monday evening at Bewmanville that,
"in all these ravings and shrieldngs there
is something which is, after all, refresh-
ing and comical."
The most lamentable feature in the
controversy has been the deliberate and
but theely-veiled attempt on the part of
certain. Opposition speakers and papers
to create an anti-Prenob sentiment, npon
the pretext that our fellow subjects in
Lower Canada of French origin are at
heart disloyal to the Croern and British
institutions. To every Cauarliree who
has really given attention to the affairs
of this c,ountry, the attempt neet prove
futile for the latimh-Canadiarte, from
Sir Wilfrid Laurier down, have hown
themselves true to the empire on in
innuentble occasions, het the would-be
or aoetti fall'oreat. nuticluefainikers know that large pro-
portion of efflux*: give only superficial
ate lave fele the evil effects of
dame:d kieliwys is he assurance that attentiou to current events, and ate too
Dr. W. Cameos NaleersLiver Pills ready to accept their °pintoes ready
are ME with enormous male Ana: ma reale. ',retire Of free
ea ate lase /TOO&
and a stoma in this elastrict. 13ack-,
etch( e and achant kidneys tiro fest %cam- enan aenest difference of opinion does
I Iiiwt of the peer where Dr. A. - not haply disloyalty. Some of
one see y -Laver Pille are known. leading and most highly esteemed, na.en.
• policy of tho Imperial Govermnent in
yet they talk of lerenela Dominatkin.
Treernee Eaton has oresteel to ineb.
ealeethirti of ief10,000 if Trinity :Methodist
elaurele Toronto, age'ees to • raise that
aunt towards the eath Century Fund. In
'eseleation be offers $1,000 yacht° the
sioiry•lanleilnentiou tuule—Exehango.
tqwpect the good Lora svould better
appreciate Timothy's; Philautropie an-
emias were be to divide hie, proffered
Leat) among the poor (lake in. bis big
sweat shop on Youesest. There are too
matey men of Timothy Eaton's ealibre at
this world who give to the &arch cc.
vasionally to ease their seaseienee and
square themselves with publie opinion.
adoes•over, it is a great advertieiug bit,
li Timothy ?—Atwood Bee.
Tate preseuce of Sir Charice Tupper
wl Mr. W. F. Maclean; X. P., on the
same platform is one of data little ironies
eef, polities. The two men are •diametric-
ally opposed in everything but the desire
Air office. Mr. Maclean drama& his
:newt:paper, the Toronto Wcrld, daily de-
. munces•the railway corporations and
. calls for the appointment of a railway
cononessiou. Sir Merles Tapper is. the
frier:clef the corporations, and. expresses
the hope that he will never live to see a
railway commission. Mr. Maclean is or
• -was, a strong advocate of Cauadian in-
tiepeialmice. Sir Charles Tupper is an
ancient Imperial leederationist, on the
aouslitien that Great Britain will seine
clay tax herself to give the colonies a
exreference inhermarket Mr, Maclean,
through the World, calls for the nation-
alization of the eailways, telephones, tel.-
tug:alas and cables, Sir Charles would
colleen= tail as rank sicialism. Mr.
litfaclean has been. one of the cross-cmr-
reuts his party, and has dpeuly chafed
and tuned at Sir Charles Tupper's lead-
ership. Now he says Conservatives are
ee.nited. behind the veteran: It looks as
if Maclean had swallowed himself.
a—Loathes Adeertiser.
•• STommitt. nemmuotes—DIGB$TION men
Winn. the syetem is all run down
stature needs help to bring it back to a,
good healthy- lioruna conclitious Whoth-
• 'ter' epriegtime, suerreerteree, autumn
or winter, South American Nervine is e
weaver in restoring wasted nerve force;
xn, toning up the digestive organs; (lis-
p:elle:I; the Impurities from the blood
'esrhich are accountable for so muchedis-
ease rad suffering. H. H. Darrock, of
Mount Forest, Ontario, says he was all
rats down, weak, languid, had no ap-
petite, nerves sbattered; he took South
Amer:can Nervine, and to use his own
actuate "1 Sill U. again; my appetite
is -big and hearty. 1 think it the best
enerlieine in the world to make a new
man out of a broken down one.' Sold
'by A. L. Hamiltem .
Au Old Num
Douala McIntyre, who was borax in
Scotland 101 years ago, died at the
Yfraein House of Refuge on Thursday of
last week. He formerly lived in Bay -
Sea and Ills was the second name miter-
ed upon. the roll at tho opening of the
notate Nov., 1805. He always enjoy-
4ed good health up to a short time before
his death. Nem of tho relatives claim -
leg the remains they were put out of
eight in that vorner of the -farm known
ass ties Potters` Theohleet inmate
ea the House at ereseut is ninety-four
'vette.. I! age.
term of cold
Ir yen need. in
1MIS Areli
NOP701X guarantees
that Ma Rheumatism
Curs uni ours uearly
all eases of rheuma-
tiara in, it ew hours;
that .1410 Dyspepsia Cure
wUt eureindigeattoa awl
stesestee trembles;
that his Rldney Coe
WM cure 00 Per gent.
eV sill casco of kidneT
trouble; that bis ca.
tarrb Clare cum
catarrh no matter' bow
long fItapdingl that Ms
Ileadeelle Cure will euro
411$' kiwi or headacha 11%
n IOW InInatein that
ma col Caro will
epsorly break up any
pia on through the enure Het of
druggists, 2.5 emits a vial,
snItice write Prof, Alurgen.
it ts obsoluteletree.
WOULD 1 WIrat 3 XsZ A(4-AiN.
• 10.
I'd like to be ei, boy , without a
woo or care; a•"i
With frecides scattered 'e'er my face,
and hay seed in my hair,
Fd like to rise at four oadook, and do
a hundred charms;
And out the wood, and feed the hogs,
and slam the stable doors;
Aud heril the' eleeep, and watch the
bees, and take the stook to
And teach the °hickory; how to swim.,
• so that they 'would not sink;
Antl milk abont a dozen cows, and
bring in wood to burn;
Aral stand .out in the eau aR day, and
clumei, and. churn, and eleura;
And wear nay uncle's east -o1 f clothes,
and walk two =Gee to school;
And got a licking every day for break-
ing some phi rule;
And then go home again at night, aucl
do the chores 'once more;
Mid milk the (tows, and feedthe hogs,
mid duelat auclgeeSe galore;
And thou crawl wearily- upstairs to
seek my litttle bed,
And hear old Thiele Sammy say, "That
boy don't earn his bread,"
I'd fike to be a boy again, a boy has so
• much fun;
His life is just one roend of math from
rise to set of sun;
I guess there's nothiug pleasanter than
closing stable doors,
And lending oowa and chasing bees,
and doing evening ehores.
—Deteetive Thoema Plyun.
tion and Headache.. We also warrant Where cloyonbuyPaine's Celery Com -
that four bottles will perman.ently cure Perim'? We seiner:go clnentities ef this
the most obstinate cases of Constipation. great, popular medieme every week.
Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- Comae A. CAMPBELL, Druggist,
lish Pills are used. • Winghane Ont.
A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Drugedst, -
Welshman Ont. . ,
. The Government lies decided to' hold
.0. A. Otunpbell, Chendet teed Draie-
gist, Winghtun, Oat, e an investleation in the loss of the Scots -
A. L. B:amilton, Chemist and Drug- men -
gist, Winghara, Ont• . .
"Rob Peter to pay Paatl." That is
what they do who take fitinntlanth for
HE SAVED HIS ORCHARD. weak nerves. Yonclat Sarsepnrille gives.
' tries nerve streugth.
Bush fine taxi again ragbag in the
township of r erelitiut..senthof Ingersoll,
atilt:10.3=03 dame go 'has already boon
teeee, out a doe :25 (nese a box, et all itt the mkl caautry have mitieized the
Stonthl tcher goode
anibiesuove terms, but no one has • hermit; e e ea:e
rat r at arhit1lL,ecea . , been foolish enough to abject to their
holding the rieWe thay do. In the sup -
in lits study of diseases of tbe. nerves, Dr.
A. VI'. Chase found that itt nearly every case
the t.ar,o of ttotiolo stns improper notuish-
mem About m1,24:ith tt all the blond in the
human body is found irr the brain, and unless
this blood is rich and pure the nerves cannot
obtain proper ncurishment, and become worn
oat end exhausted,
lior lotus depression, IIPNLIIS betel:Vibe,
7/1PrimifiliVAMMA.105.1of nietpand vital force,
=of energy, are symptoms of weak, watery
and evhanated nerves.
it was as rt. food for blood and nerves that
renieeteet of presenting an unbroken
front tea 'common enemy no section of
the •comentinity itt Careada will fail to do
•, ilea-.
The practically nnunimotts support
'elicit the people of the Milted States is
ars (Wars; 43,I (.*.riaet Britain Li her South
:Ark an pulley is ors of 'tire most mate+
factory end •grataying incidents t)f tilt;
situation, mad thrri cats Lir 110 question
that it Lee steel (ay, if not entirely,
1. taught about by the attitude of the (en-
tire toe:arils the' rep:aline18 the lettere(
own resentefozoien eoniplhatione. The
• poliey of the eleuadian Co:arum:a to-
weas7.s the Status hes nein anted tome
the 'Pane prineitec.4 of frienillinerer and
eomiliettion, eui! fie rr 15 no Tretiou
A. W. eblipleg Tor erre !Prod wag. permrol, that thitt pf 'liCy 4" l'ern Of the greatent
to ruteeete • seatistazre to tbe *spiry, RSA has hid
Mr. James Cleatleneing, near Ron -
dean. Kent, whose orchard Waled have
been reduced to ashes owing to the clis,
covery of San Jose scale in it, but for
the suspension of the act pending the
commisioner's report, claims to have
taken the first prize on apples at Ridge -
town against warmers at the London,
Strathroy and Chatham fairs. Without
selling any fruit for export to the British
maeltet, be say* that the revenue from.
his crop this year will be greater then
what the whole otchateb would have
brought him if it had been htirned dawn
and he had been compensated at the
elites paid in such -eases. He la itt favor
of the govetnmentee educating the poo
p% in the right methods of eprayieg
with the whale oil soap wildlife. The
pablio runnel paid for burned trees,
which is netting the owner less than
quarter of their value would, if it had
been properly used in spraying trees,
have kilted the insect and saved the
trees to the evnier and the province.
Now that the destreetion has ceased, he
=grief; that in the end the agitation will
(10 good to the fruit industry in this
neighborhood, by making the ceenera of
orchards study their trees and take more
intelligent earo of therm
'Mille, it is doubtless eorrept that it.
costs leSe to treat a good tree with whale '
oil soap, orkerosene mixture, than to ,„1140,01309,100$9310610
• P7 tho owner a fair value for burning
it, yet it must not be forgotten that ta
the time the San logo settle was discover -
18 the province theser methods of
treatment were not perfected, indeed,
they had )ardly' mitered the experimen• t- I,
al stage, The governinent, and paseletet
Ierly Time Mr. Dryden, deserves every
credit for promptly adoptiug the best
°MISS Ir.illift7111,10 fitiaattrhOirittsi,1111v%tt.
If you aro suffering from the oonsuou-
enees of inuraro blood, — hiwo boils, •
pimples or set Irfula sores; if your form
does not ihgetkoryon suffer from eatarn
1 or rhountatisti, you are the ono who
setould fah-. If xgnisarlsapftrilla. It will
At your eta t. actly, make ewer Meld
pur.. and er van Aeon, erfrofalit,
eficernatieni, ,t, ceterrla ate ,
give you pc
• Throws all the Blame on the
Stomach—The Real Seat of
Trouble is the Intestines—
• The Permanent Cure Is DP.
Chase's Nidney•liver
it is an old idea long Since exploded that
digestion is confined to the stomach. No
modern scientist denies that by far the greater
part of digestion and the more diffieult part
takes place in the Sitteetines. 'This explains
why dyspepsia is never really cured by pre-
paratiohe which merely aid Stomach digestion
and act only on the stomach.
This fact also espial% why Dr. Chase's Rid -
bey -Liver 1'1113 have beet . so remarkably suc-
cessful as titre for the Worst forms of dyspcp.
sia and indigestion.
Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills act directly
ott the kidneys, liver and bowels, and give noir
tone and vigor to the intestines, and make
them able to perform their work of digesting
the substances on which the stomach has no
stomach treatment may do Well enough for
slight indigestion, but if yclu have chronic- in-
digestion or dyspepsia of a serious nature you
cart profit by the experience of scores of thou.
sands who have been nermanently cured I5y
using Dr.. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills. tier
pill« close, ese.. a bog, at all dealers, or
Ecirnanson, Dates Co., Toronto.
• eAses, MEN &WOMEN.
I Middy Agad & Old Mon
ratt brb sufforitur firm OnT Cestutillest.
We et the Ararat firstfni.
Hidatlin Morel Ire Wore!. conAult
ones. wo curs aii 'oatmeal, Ntirvonn
waste, Rerrrt bripv.s. tilariolv brains, lo.Y-
1334eurett. sod ?grace marrisre possible,
8 or We --Ons Meier.
1VICTRODIST—Rev. I. 110061 pas.
or, Services at a s m and 7 pea
PrthlSBYTERIAN—Itev. D. Berrie
paitor. Services at 11 a 03 aud7 p u.
4PIS0OPAL, St, Paul's—Rev, Wm.
Lowe, rector, Services at 11 a to ued 7
p us.
BAPTIST —Rov. W. Freed, Pastor,
Services at 11 am and 7 p
Goffin, pastor, Services at U. a in aed
7 p
CHRISTIAN woonous — Misses
Otitram ander-oak in canaround, Services
at 3 p waod8pnt,
and wife in eon:wand. Services at 11 14
in, p and 8 p
In ouch a the above earned churches
Sabbath Sobool 18 held at 180 ptn.
Capital, 41,404,520,
Vioe•Prosident—A, G.
Rest, $1,000,000
JOEIS Paocgon, Ono 11,0bOUI Wb1 OI000N5 tj Po
T, Won, 81. P, A. E. LIM (Toronto),
Savings Barik---Noure,lato 8., Saturdays, IC to
Deposits of 81 and upwards revolved and 'stereo
Special. Deposits also 111001bed at coronet
rates of it.srest.
Marts en Oreatliritain and the United Stool,
bought and sold
W. COB,130131,1), AGENT
B. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor.
Money to Loan WI Notes.
Notes • Discounted
/dopey advanced on Mortgages at 5 pet coutiviila
privilege of paying at the and of any year. Note
and accounts colleoted.
Beaver Dloolf Whardnaric.Ont
Before placing your order
for Spring Clothing call and
see our
for .1899. We can afford to
sell New Goods cheaper than
old stock that cost one -halt
more than new and better
goods of the latest styles will
cost to -day. .
Wz make clothes thatfit.
• trighest cash prices paid for all
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts anti Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard.
Queen's 13look.
—18 Pint f.18113:11—
--•43, TUB—
eneueriettoraprrooset Per yOILV,-11Intrtranee'
no. 1 1 wo
Ow: Column 0110 00 • $4U 09 • sen mi es 90
Quarter 't Sit 15 00 00 2 00-
Batt 40 00 : 20 12 00 4 00*
tmeLineh 5 00 81)0 2 00 300
besal a,uj nIlIercatinen
7 for Urst ansertfon.and So per Mc 'trench sabsequent
; Ite.ertion. measured by aio»parati scale,
weal n°0009100, per line for first ineertion,,
04. per line for each auhstqateitt moodier'
, Aer1ioornontofLoii, Pound, Strayed, Situations.
and Business Chances Wanted, not exceedint; 8 hies
• noatiarei75 81 for first menthe And 500. for each
• 91a.kmquont month,
Houses and Farms for Sale, not exesedlnx8 Rue.
ti for ill HD month, Me. per subsequent month'
Larger advertisements in proportion.
These terms Witi bo strictly adhered to
• Special rates for larger advertisements, ' or or.
longer periods.
• Adrertesements and local entices without spotiflo
directions will he inserted till forbid and ObnItted?
aecordimrlit.• Traesatery advertisements taus be
;paid in adrance
°flanges for contract advertisements nowt be in
the office by Wednesday mien, in order to appear,
that week
11. b,
Paorsiarcat exo Pirmistunt
adPdorerotsho treatment of DISEASES np wosiEN soot
• ,SURGICAL cAtES of all kindle, Por particulate
Redleal Superintendent, 14 la.shom, Onti.
Private and Company funds to loan at est rate-
. interest, No commission charged. Mortgages, tOWII
and farm propert) bought 404891i/
OFF/OE—Beaver Block Warman.
Wingbain, Ont,
OfliCe—Mayer Slunk. Wfintharo
Otlice--Corner Hamilton and St. Andryw etreatis
opposite Colborne Ifotei.
ARTHUR J. I1WXt, D D S, L 1) St
Doctor of Dental Surgery a the P(1'000011114
Dental College arid Lleentite ef the 15 t1 College
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office er Post
()Mee, Wereghtun
• bine A D. Ross, graduate of the , 0, D. H.
of Ontario* and is prepared to do all manner of
Dental work et reasonable latices. Bcover Block,
opposite the Brunswick House, Winghani.
On DEANS, Ja., WoreetAm,
Sales attended in any part of the Cto Chirp
Moderate, ;
(TORN CURRIB• Tlirtionsst, Osz,
Soles ot Farm Stock and Farm Implements
All orders left at the Tutus Mlles promptlysititeml
ed to. Torras reasonable. •
CUSTOM SAWING/ Toronto and Rust
Palmerston mixed
SHINGLE CUTTING. London and South
done at lowest prices and satisfaetion )thleatalue
guaranteed, Call and get prices be-
fore disposing of your timber.
AteLEAN 8v ,S011
1831 savlittifrilrs rims, 9
Tlig 100 Mu'r43' Ohio,' it IL
6 40 a. in. 3 05 p. ra
8 80 p m 10 p m
8 65 a nt 05 p nt
6 58 m 11 10 a m
3 30 p ;In 8 00 p m
11 10 a m 6 40 4 In
8 80 p nt 8$Optn
10 20.01: tri 80 a rd.
S. 0. S.---FitintrilnielilitIteltirr 4471.
oYerg montlren yn oho odd ronowo Halt Visitinhotg
The ONLY Agricultural Newspaper
and admittedly the
Leading Agricultural Journal
Every deperiment wooer' by specialists, the
lilgbust sighorities in their respectlie lines,
No ether paper pretemis to eompete mut It In
qualifications of wiltewial staff,
;nem the agricultural l'il;WS with 4 degree of
fullness and completeness WA UM, attempted by
Deo Malatya, of MO Crop&
Hest Market Reports,
Best Accounts of iitetintra,
best erything.
wife- WISH TO
SEEP up milt THE TVA23,
Single Subscription,
Two Subscriptione*
Pour Subscriptions, $.16.
Special ibillIPArb, nri to raisers of larger olds.
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