HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-06-03, Page 9THE ON:, WO • 0 FIRST SECRETARY AND TREASURER — Mrs. W.E. Turnbull of, Brussels and Mrs. Torrance Dundas'of Walton who were the first, secretar), and treasurer of the Walton Women's Institute sliced the cake for the Institute's celebration of its 25th anniversary on Thursday night. (Photo by Ranney) i5 may , Dundas, Esther Watson and Alberta Stevens. In the back row are Maxine Marks, Mildred Traviss, Mary Humphries, Marjory Humphries and Leona McDonald. (Photo by Hannay) 4,t0W1.. YOU'LL SAVE MONEY BY GETTING OFF OIL BECAUSE ' THE PRICE OF OIL IS — ESCALATING, AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO. • Heating with oil is a habit C-ariadiansaequired-whemoil— was plentiful and cheap. Today sources of oil are unreliable' and increasingly more expensive, so we just have to kick the habit. The habit won't be hard to break because Canada has an abundance of energy alterna, tives that are plentiful and are ultirriately, cheaper than oil. The Canada Oil Substitu-, , tion Program (COSI)), is a major part of the federal govern- ment's National Energy Program. COSP is designed to help reduce the use of oil for home heating in every pro- vince to no more than 10 per cent' of total household energy use by 1990. ^ COSP is a 10-year program that offers grants of up to 5800 covering half the cost of equip:tient and labour for changing your space or hot water heating system from oil to natural gas, electricity, propane or renewable energy sources such as wood and solar. The COSP grant is taxable. The oil substitution of ,a centrally heated building unit that contains two or more Can qualify for COSP grants ranging from $1;000 tO-S5,500: PLAN AHEAD 'FOR BEST SAVINGS lb start planning Ythir move off oil, the federal Depart- ment of Energy, Mines and Resources can help you: • assess your home's energy efficiency by means of a free__ compuTefized-Eiiiialie questionnaire;- • insulate your home under the Canadian Home Insulation Program (CHIP) which pro- vides taxable grants of up to S500. '- Insulation is not a require- ment of COSP, but it makes sense to'have a well insulated . home before you change your heating system: The better, your insulation the smaller-sized heating system you'll need when you switch off oil. HOW TO APPLY FOR YOUR GRANT Those of ready to get off oil, orhave switched from oil since' October 28,1980, ask for grant information from: !your nearest natural.gas or electric utility; • the federal Department-of- Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR) office, about conver- sion to wood or solar heat.or another renewable energy source. EMR is locatedat: 2242 Lakeshore Boulevard W. ibronto, Ontario M8V 1A5. Call: (416) 252-5866 or toll-free: 1-800-268-2207 CanadW togetolioNheat This coupon gives you direct access to the • free EnerSave questionnaire and information about CHIP and-COSP grants. romisiOnamermaftwasammismommaimmummilimiii Please send 0 An EnerSave questionnaire 0 information about CHIP grants available. for homes built before 1961 0 COSP information for conversion off oil to 0 propane 0 wood (1 solar (For gas or electric conversion information, contact your neatest utility company) Linguage preference 0 English 0 Frcrich CanadW .1. eneno Motes and Enerte Mines al Resources Canada Ressources Canada flail camel Nam*. intainanial . • • - • 1 Wm.* — City /Town. Pratinar Potts, cod* rimitownc I I I I I I I Check off your interests and mail today to: BrierStive, Box 3500, Station C, OTTAWA KW 4G1 n COSPISPAIITIWTHEMIKENEMPROBRIIII "r",-7,1117i1•17X, • • • ST. I 44. the. t'-* iderit t tit . Wilt° 'omen's601,1t91. ther 0,,,ok`14101060 *06..4 ..14101tliff tefebeg tffietomfo*y. hail On Ttgl,0400ra190t10 the bask rOvv:,fitorn left aee'Mrs W Humphries (197749) Mrs. Ken McDonald (1962.;65), Mrs. 0000 vvateo9 (1971473), Mrs. Hernial-001e (1979.81), Mrs, Keith Rock (1981), Mrs. Jan Van Vliet (061-69). In the front Tow. New baby in minister's family in. Londesboro • or q.. ft :. . - .Alvin' 00000 ,ap , MO.'M tl. 14,75).; ,Ai*entwitervA00,14410144-*1:;: fly*** 'Mee,. Rachel, fithog, it .0), Mrs, '00n Aohilies,, (107840 end :Mta,, -14(iY Williamson -496• ?).' The Inititutels first' president • (1,856.:48): Nee the " - , i*e Mrs. Margaret Humphries. : . " (PhOloby Ronrieo, Congratulations to-Rev. and Mrs. Scott on the birth of La son. Kenneth Ward. Tues- day May 26th in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. A brother for Debbie and Angela. Sympathy it extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston on the 'death of her mother Mrs. ,Audrey Corey at St. John s N.B. on May 27th, age 56. Funeral was in Exeter, May 31st. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott of Valois. Montreal are spend- ing some time at the manse • with Bob, Shirley and family. The W.I. cultural meeting will be held Wednesday June 10 at 8 p.m. Speaker will be Jim Medd and roll call will be to name a favorite country and western song. U.C.W. general meeting is Monday June 8th when they will entertain Explorer girls and mothers. Berean Unit meeting will be June 9th. Roll call is "Have You Visited Another Church Recently, If So Name It." • CHARTER MEMBERS — Charter members who attended the 25th anniversary celebrations of the, Walton Women's Institute on Thursday night in 'the front row from left were: Annie Reid, Elva Bolger, Margaret Humphries, Olive 1 Walton WI marks 25th Correspondent MRS. ALLAN MCCALL 887-6677 Guests were present from the eleven branches of the Huron East District and for- mer members on Thursday evening, May 29 to help Walton Institute members . celebrate their 25th anniver- sary. The-community hall was decorated in the Insti- tute colours of puiple and yellow with streamers, bells and flowers. • Mrs. Torrance Dundas nd Mrs. Ernie Stevens re in charge of the g t book signed by wring the evening. Mrs. Bill Hum- phries was MC for the, pro- gram. Mrs. Ray Huether was pianist. President, Mrs. Keith Rock gave a warm welcome to, everyone. Walton Institute members contributed two numbers. Mrs. Ron Bennett gave a comical reading, "The great hair switch." The dialogue. ' "The anxious enquirer" was acted by Mrs. Nelson Marks and . followed by •music numbers by Mrs. Herb Traviss and Mrs. Emerson. Mitchell. FIRST MEETING The first meeting of the Walton W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Turn- bull, on Thursday May 3. 1956. An election of officers took place and Mrs. Stanley Bride, the District President installed.these officers: Pres. Mrs. Margaret Humphries. 1st vice-pres. Mrs. Frinit Walters; 2nd vice Mrs. W.J. Turnbull; Secretary- Mrs. W.E. Turnbull; Trees- urer- Mrs-Torrence Dundas, District Director- Mrs. Frank Kirkby; Branch Directors- Mrs. Jas. McDonald; Mrs. Jas. Coults; • Mrs. Pete McDonald. Pianist- Mrs. Herb Traviss; ass't pianist- Mrs. Jack' Bryans. Press Reporter- Mrs. Doug Ennis. Auditors- Mrs. W.H. Hum- phries. Mrs. Ted McCreath, The Walton , Institute be- longed to the East Huron District in which there were eleven branches. It was' de- cided to hold these meetings on the fourth Thursday of every month in the evening. Twenty4eight members paid their. fees at this meeting. Curator Mrs. Nelson Reid followed with memories of the past 25 years, these years very educational and inter- esting. There have been spekaers on health, wills, bees and honey. plants, art, cheese and dairy industry, home economics Films have been shown on nearly every part of the world. Those of events in the community ate interesting the everyone. MOttos and roll calls have given many hints and advice. sometimes arousing, Members have had the opportunity of _attending Annulil meeting of district and area, also officers con- ferences. . Members look forward to the annual meeting in April as it is usually a dinner meeting when they go some place for a meal. The identity of the 'Sunshine Sister at this time caused a little excite: ment and feeswere collected for the coming year. MONEY MAKING. Money making projects have been penny sales, dutch auctions. bake sales, cOnle book sales, birthday and anniversary calendars, plant sales, quilt exhibition, sale'of tickets on quilt and afghan, dessert euchre. card parties, fashion shows, a carnival and community concerts at Christmas Bus trips have proved educational and en- joyable to many people in the community, Car trips are becoming popular instead of bus trips. Children and teenagers re- ceive valuable training in homemaking clubs provided. Members are 'grateful to the ladies who acre willing to be ---teaten- -011116SE-ettibr aiid give of their time and .talents. Short courses for seniors included millinery, leather- craft, sewing with knits, bread and pie making, meat makes the meal, quilting, needlepoint, crewel work. dressmaking. etc. As early as 1956 a Tweeds- muit history committee was appointed but not very much' -wasarcomplished until 1964 when Mrs. W. Turnbull was appointed curator' with a committee of Mrs. N. Reid. Mrs. Gordon McGavin and Mrs. Doug Fnnis. A new Tweedstnuir History Book. wat purchased. then the reports were prepared for entry. Since, then one book has been completed, Four. copies of this book were Made and one copy is in the local library. one, in Huron County Library vault with Huron County Historical So- ciety books, one is available for 'individuals to read and one was sold. it went to Western University. London to be Micro filmed in 1980. A second book is well on the way from farm histories• and village homes. COMMUNITY HALL In 1476;the Wometi's Insti- tute took the ownership of the Community Hall. It was decided to continue calling it the community hail'. In°1975 a canvas was made of the community and enough, money was raised to put a new steel roof on the build- ing. Since then it has been painted on the outside, ceil- ing lowered% and new lights. stage refinished. basement panelled and new lights installed.. Although there has ban quite a de- crease in metnbirship the WI continues to be an 'active organization. It, is to be success. • PERSONALS Dr. J erard Beane. Ber- muda spent a recent week- end with Rev. Charles A. Swan at the manse:, he was on a week's study leave and read the scripture lesson at the Sunday morning service. and many other subjects. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mar- shall. Car unna were recent visitors in the village. SEVENTEENTH AND BOUNDARY MEETS Rev. Swan was,host for the 17th Boundary unit at the mahSe with IS members present. Melinda Johnston opened with a thought for the day. Kathyrn, :peen was pianist. Helen Craig read scriptures. A reading on one of the handicapped. Myron Angus was read by Melinda John- ston. Margaret Craig read a letter from family and 'child- rens services, telling of a meeting. Rev. Swtin showed slides on his homeland, Ber- muda, which were much enjoyed- by everyone. Helen. Craig expressed thanks to Rev. Swan for , giving ,an inside look at another part of the commonwealth. The business was in charge of Helen Craig, open- Mg this part with a poem. "No excuse, Sunday," A letter was. read from the Callender Nursing Home on Religion and aging: Karen Hoegy.gave the treasurer's report and Melinda Johnston the miscellaneous fund, The unit is to put the flowers in the church on Sundays. The resource center, is open every. third Wednesday of each month where material and books are availabe for meet- ings. Sunday June 7 is World Wide communion. The supper committee - re- ported that a dinner and luncheon would be served for the :Myth Festival. Tice next meeting will 'be copper month to be held at the home of Annie Will- iamson. Kargaret Craig,:and Ka~lileen'"J 'Williamson in charge of devotioni, The closing prayer. was given. by Melinda Johnston. AREA PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. Earl Watson • were recent supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether, Steven and John. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Web- ster, Clinton and Mrs. Marg- aret Woodruff, Niagara Falls visited on- Titetdify evening at the same home. Misses Ann Barons. Lon- don and Dena Wey, Guelph spent the weekednd with Mr. • and Mrs. Campbell Way. Sunday dinnerguests Mr. and MrS:""NeltOti Reid were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Blake, Kitchener; Mi. and Mrs. Jerry Sullivan, Water- loo; Mr; and Mrs. Doug, Fraser and 'Cheryl. R.R. B1 Hack- wa lly Walton. Paul . Humphries who works as e chef at the Jockey Club in Toronto spent the weekend' at the 'home of his parents Mr. and 'Mrs. Will- iam Humphries. ' Mrs. Bill Taylor, Lynne and Brad visited on Satur- day with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achilles. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Short- reed and family 'and Mrs. Jim Shortreed were Thurs- day evening supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shortreed in London. Op Sunday they attended the ,cangregational church picnic at Kintail following the campout Over night. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wat- son trailed home last Wed- nesday evening following a Week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. David Watson, Lloyd: minister, Alberta and a week With Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nelson, VanediWer Ft:C'. • A, • hoped it will be es active for another 25 years. Mrs. Reid closed with a suitable poem. "Building the Gap." The •program continued with a very interesting Dia- logue on "Buying Eggs." Those taking part were MRs. Harold Hudig, lady:of the house, Mrs. Gerald Wat- son, maid and Mrs. Harvey Craig as the egg man. Mrs. Jim Axtmann gave a reading "When Father papered the parlour." Marge Sutheran brought greetings for Betty Bride who • was unable to attend, these two ladies came toge- ther when the first meeting was formed. Ruth Harding. President of the District ago, brought greetings and con- gratulated Walton. Nine charter members Mrs. Ran Bennett; Mrs. Harold Bolger; M. Harvey Craig; Mrt. Torrence' Dundas; Mrs. Stewart Humphries; Mrs. Nelson Marks; • Mrs., Ken McDonald; Mrs. Ernie Ste- vens and Mrs. Herb Traviss attended also Mrs. Nelson "Reid: Mrs:-"Gerald-WiTtnif: Mrs. Earl Watson and Mrs. Bill Humphries who joined the next month 25 years ago. The Anniversary, Cake on the bead table. iced by Mrs: Lavern Godkin was cut by the first secretary Mrs. W: Turn- bull and first treasurer Mrs. T. Dundas. The In Memoriam service for" 21 deceased members *as- conducted by Mrs. H. Hudie and Mrs. „B. Hum- , phrieS with Mrs. R. Huether playing the hymn. "Abide with Me.- ... A ,smorgasbord was en- joyed. Presidents from all branches expressed their thanks. Brussels Majestic In- stitute, even sang Happy Birthday to Walton. Mrs. Rock replied, thanked every- one for coming to help make this 25th Anniversary such as .1