HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-27, Page 4THS MOAN TIMES, OCTOBER 27, 1599,
If you want your
to thrive
ill, wor:well az:dlook well, feed them
If your horde is out of cauditiozz feed
L you are fattenitsg calves, cattle or
logs, feed them
df you are-keepiugrows for milk,. but-
ter, or cheese, feed then.•,,
Li feeding •'Elerbageuzn anis:oda get
about one fifth more notuishmont out of
tate food --fatten one fifth sooner, and
'weigh one fifth more thau others the
•aaizt'e si as
"When you 'want Berbagetun come to
Notice of changes Burst bo loft at this
office uot later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
uot later than Tuesday evening,.
Casual aclvertiseenents accepted np
to noon. Thursday of each week.
Mkt a iugl anri gimes
bribery had been proven in several eases. ticient, ext least. If the Liberal party
141 votes 'were reported for bribery.
1101i. A. S. Hardy has feed appointed leader they would be a noble army. Sir Danger, Weide e -aa.
Surrogate clerk and clerk. of the Process Wulfricl is g, .'eatOtit when he gets into Ins f lour per 100 lbs... 1 80. to 3 O!)
'i ilugham, October lath, 3.899.
would live up to the liberality of their Alm :voted, by T'ttt it Sleclazs, Produ.ce
at Osgood° Hall and was sworn lit Tues- speech. He is then reasonable, eloquent, FaiulWlwat .... , . • . • .. , 0 (, to 0 65
day. The office of Surrogate clerk was - ma{ uetie and /nose than all ---sincere, , Oats, new, , .. 0 :3 i to 0 tde
formerly held by the late bion. T. W. He Is an nelvocaato who pleads Iris ease Baxley . . ... . ............ 0 l)1 to 0 L15
Anglin, and that of clerk of, Proem by - well. To be in earliest is said to ba an Peas .... 0 60 to 0 53
the late Alai;, hittedon:•ll, indication of gexlius. Nothing. is so in.e 'wheys, drawn , ... 0 08 to 0 09
Tail formal swearing iib of the Ross 1lrossive as the words of a man tvlto—'el t uoks, per pair .......,. 0 40 to 0 o 0 00
miacistay tock ,place on. Sataxdaay mora.. , , .
you feel, fools what 310 says, to be true.
Butter , , . , , ...... 0 17 to 0 111
n1 last. The following is the list :-- f course I shall uot discuss laza politics. Eggs l,ca e.c, , 0 10 to 0 10
Premier and P,:ovineial Treasurer, Hon, �'y poor brain was never built to under; " W oyo�4 Pa er razing .......
. • .. • ., , • 1 50 to 1 75
1 G C M Potatoes per Uusltel ... , . . 0 25 to 0 25
Tallow l.or lb ... , 0 03 to 0 04
Dried A pies per lb ......0 04 to 0 05
Wool 0 00 to 0 00
Dressed Begs .. , , , , , .. 5 00 to 0 00
Chiekons ' • 0 25 to '0 85
Goo W. Ross; AtiarzlOy-Ge;;eral, x3ort, tan( xeatest ouzzztazt easm0 e_
J.1Vi M. Gibson; Minister of 3aclncatiou, Least pozzlii.ozx Nxttltiple, not to locution
Hon. Richard 1larecau•t; Connmissioner yid you shake Lauds with Laurier.?
of Crown Lauds, Eon. E. J. Davis; Pro I slid, and T twwu you not to sigh for a
viucial Seca taffy, Hou, J. R. Straiton, grasp of the band of a celebrity. It is a
Minister of T'tiblic Works, Bola V. R snare and a delusion. I walked foolish -
Latchford; Mizzisters without portfolio, ly and admiringly up to the :alarmingHoes. J. T. Clarxaw oriel Wm. Iiaxty. Sir Wilfrid,. )told out ray baud -vhi % he
Hon. J. R. Stratton and Hon. F. R. scarcely mere than touolled vnith his
Latchford are the two new members in fine, large, shapely nand. I said, "Howthe Mu , do you do," trying to hold myself well
Tru Hen. A. ; . Hardy, Preeriiex of in check, he looked at mo, took me in, in.
Oittaria, has retired from office as
Premier and Attorney -General and as a
ham, ask.te1 his little grandchild in the
management rf his pony while the pro.
cession was forming, leaclivg it by the
head. When the nmotilrg was over Mr,
Cochrane went to the front to have a
`hand Shake with the P: copier, the little
ono all absorbing glance and put me • boy was s a: his vide, Sir Wilfrid recog-
of the Le("ifilative Assembly;
down—1 Iazow—in the memoranda of mod 1,i,n, shook glands with him and
Inc znemozy, izz just so. many 'Swords, as a complimented him as so sturdy a young
and his resignation haus been accepted by rather stupid, ' oornmou-plow parson. Liberal should bo ccmplimouted.
His hlonor the Lieutenant -Governor, No, l;e claosu't oven do that touch. 1
The Hon, Geo. W. Ross hes been sworn pause acid gaze at lint, but with Inc
Brave Nen Fall,
?;1 as Premier andhAsass,zmedthe duties
other $13)0, large, shapely hand he gent- Victims to stou;aclt, liver and kicdney
of his oflico. he Goverimzeut will be -1 h with "Pass ss on troubles a'' well as women, and all fool
Pass en," L this the polished French- the blood, baelkacL•e, nervousness head-
man? No: It is the showman. who .ache, and tired, l.st:.ess,• e•atrl down feel
y pushes x110 onward;
re -organized; says tufa Globe, "the - the result in lass of appetite, pots rzzs ra.
Premier has retired., and Mr. Ross has
become fifth First Minister of the •P • -
__ mce,sinoe Confederation, and the fourth
mast dispose •af'his crowd es. quickly as lits. But there's no need to feellike that.
since the formation. "Electric .i;
for time is money, My vanity is crush- thiug.for a man when he is all run down,
Adxninstration by has been a ko ill Dec., ed. There is no . pleasure in it. -How- and don't care whether he lives or dies.
• • 1871. Mr. hardy has been a member of ever, you must put the best face on it, It olid more to eivo me now strength and
ABOUT OURSET; VES. ,the Legislature, for over 20 years amenu-good appetitct thazzanythiug I could take,
With this issue of the Terms we have ber of the Governzuent;for over twenty- 'possible. So you pretend to someone ,T eau naw eat anytbieiY and ]ve a new
inch pleasure in. presenting our readers two years; and Premier since Sir Oliver that. you are delighted, rash up to that. Tease on life." 0;11q 50 cents, at Colin
with an enlarged paper and a now dress Mowat's tvithcb awl in July, 1896, . Mr. someone who has not/ shaken hands with A. Campbell's I:rug; Store. Every bot -
of body type.The columns have been Ross, who became 1V-blisterf Education tear and say, "Do shake hands with me tlo guaranteed,
before +ho magnetic influence of Sir
possible. Tao hasix't time to particularize Listen to J. W. Gardiner, Ideaille; Tnd'
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1899.1 Bel� a sari: F lectx c Pittei a, are dust the
lengthened score two and a half inches, iu November, 1888, had a distinguished �cui3.tlassaclrx;
and besides the new body type, other Faruia3��teutaey career at Ottawa before Wilfrid has ,entirely evaporated from A hone ou the 10th concession eves
m love'
new material has beeu added, which eutermg the Provincial arena. Ile was y iMade saaxrcw.eul ou T_.Itntday aoruing of
*will enable us to turn out a brighter and first elected to the Commons in 1872, S"aut" 'this desire to °lalke• hands this week, when the grim reaper called
better paper. nand sat there until 283.8,"
with well known people, i knew a girl -
better Ann Elizabeth, beloved wife of
once -whose uncle had shaken hands 1tTi Wm. %T 1n.?arshall in lief 27th year.
Since we had the honor of assenting with Bill Nye: 'She shook hands with
aeantrol of the T1lsrss, some two and at T A JJ 1 IN BVI IGHA?�, me just' as soon;as she could after steak- Deceased lead been oath ,g for upwards of
a year,bnt a two sk before death took abed
half years ago, We have sought to serve 1
the interests of our patrons, and in. read- fug haaud witlx$oz uncle and then 1 },lin, wbioh. turned out to be galloping
p (cal�Tmu D rxozs $Ala 5).. •Went home and shook hands with ail our con, ,
zng matter we have aimed to please a continue as they had begun there would folks. One of mybrothers got awfully xeii, a 1ptire1• Aait, iUtlndaandtto cliild-
variety of tastes, and our constantly in- not be a vestige of rotectlou left' at the ren, aged 7 and 5 years ere left to mourn
to p funny immediately afterwards. Just qu the loss cf alas ung wife andkiad mother.
creasing subscription list—as many as end of ten years. In considering 1110 this subject I know a good story. An „ __
is new names in one day—zoo rms ns tariff changes, the fact must not b shman'atpprcaehed the carriage of end The bereaved 1 ave Sao sympathy of tho
in the belief that our efforts in this overlooked that the Goyerntneut hadof the Georges and wished to shake community- in their afllietiou,. _._..
c'iitcctien have been appreciated by the eliminated the'most abominable feature, hands. The Flog granted his request, -
public. specific duties. • (Loud :cheers.) 'TI1o, whereupon the Irishman exclaimed,
o We take this opportunity' of thanking favorable . impression created . by' Six "Begorra, I'll never wash that hand,
our advertisers, who have so liberally Wilfrid Laurier, in London, and the again.•" I'm •not so young and cense- -
Ilatrouuzed our columns, and Nape that prefereuti d thrill, had contributed in a gnentlq not so seutiallental as I used to
the success which has resulted from great degree to the presperity-whioi), be: or I'd tie myglove up with blue .rib -
their Timms advertisements will induce new prevailed in Canada»
them to talk more than ever through
----- , Sir Wilfrid Laurier is a fixte man, a
our wide channels of comnettnication. • Lev;twu rou. TUB FIRST .Tmix: °, • fine tall figure h0 pre eut1s and T believe
bon. and put it away in zt boa~.
We are grateful to cur correspondents We aro waitingfor him to come ;out -.:.that the respectable size of a. man has•a
s— eA i„ .e arrayed :about. ;n
news, and trust .that they have not how they should carry thenisevvs,•', and ` bretherl. Ile also looks his year.
'wearied of their labors. Laurier—are slightly -fidgety; „these. pro I shotyld judge by his carriage,.al?s'man-
man -
We have also added considerably minent Reformers in. e}large of affairs or, and speech, that he ?a; not too dog -
our job printing plant, and we arenow look anxious, and Dr. Macdonald ':goes godly "sot" Ql1 "gittiu' thaw,;' but that
in position, to turn out neat and • arils- from the house tothe carriages and he haus an easy, forceful way of accone-
1de printing at as low a price as can be back,' as if he had a very pick patient on. phhmg What he, sets out to dc. • The -
obtained in any city. his hands. "Dan" MoGrillicuc dystrides 'gyst g .rah, 1 should say,. is. a poor
We again thank our friends for past in to put Laurier "onto" ,soenethu:g place tq. spear in, and it is likely (hal
favors and respectfully solicit a further shag and witty and the ,good Grit Laurier was not beard. et his best, on
share of their confidence and support fanners, standbys, asLaurier wraps then, accotuit of the sound not carrying well
come cautiously out of the door, after in. ilio ring=..
EDITORIAL NOTES, "w'isperxn' "g with their:leader, as miieh. In these few jerk ,r paragraphs. I have
for their interesting weekly budgets of The ]gorse f 1 g tnli gQoct defog , to ;cid tveth 31is f6u owe
fix. L. J. Breithaupt, through his
is to say, "Yes, he telled me something }rued to express n,y personal impressions
solicitors, eat filed an appeal at that he'll no tell onybedy:elsee" The of Laurier. Before hast . b"riday
nolic fore Holl Tuesday,aafiled
the decisiou atf standbys have been 1111 to the fountain opinion of him was always governed by.
sgoos Meredith and Osler, setting u of head, to the soproe, So to speak, and what "Kit" or some bodyelse said, of
beholding their mouths, as they •coerce hum; Seeing , and hearing laiTis myself
the election in, North Waterloo. out, we exclaim to ourselves, "Ali! the uprooted litany illusions and planted
" a rrs for the bye -elections in South thin lips that doth ;a . secret kecp.'T some new ones, and now having set my.
Renfrew and West Peterboro, rendered Who knows but they know when. the own• ideas nicely i1i:.order .in my owit
. necesesaly by the elevation of Mr. Latah• elections will: come csff 1' brain, T am sureI sheil•.appreoiate him
and Mr. Stratton, to seats in the Ontario • Til the meantime,' the'tempet`ature .off ranch moree fully neat time. As said
government have beenissued. Nomina- the doctor's patient must , be getting g.toro Sir Wilfrid Laurier as a fine man
tion will beonNov.'1 audpolling (if,auy) higher, he (not the doctor) Is surely --all .but his hand shake,,.adt itis all
ou the 14th. tossing about and delirious, He (the righb too. , 11 he gave a Browning baud -
Bois. Peter Mitchell was found, dead - doctor) goes in again. Will he bring shake; to ever ' gruel, girl who wished
in his room at the 'Windsor hotel in the Premier this time? .A. wait. We ut, be vyould bq at his owns funeral to
Montreal on Wednesday morning. On , auiticipate what ho, will fie like; he szt3- metros-. Only, the papers need not tell
the formation of the first Dotnuuion posited at the Jubillee, all but the Queen us that he greets the mob as if they were
favorite . at Lon
C•lri e
overnment in 1811, he became Minister and Roberts, A abort laules.
pf 1VIerine, which office he hold until tion, .'Paris, Washington and Chicago. 'Ar"NE Jisrle; E.
We shall . feast our eyes on him—this .
sou of, this chosen of the peopled Bore , sine•. LIGHTS Oil I.A't BIBIt neat.
he is. Removing his hat and bowing with B„y,Trims Correspondent.
grace to the ladies Whom he is leaving,. he Judging from the uuinber and wort i-
makes his way to the carriage, Disap. Hess of the temperauoe petitions present•
pointnnent f I felt to my very toes his ed to Sir "Wilfrid ho 'SVotalcl be apt to
lock .cf elegant i+edocerityf We follow consider Vilinghaaan a model temperate '
the procession. town. ' We saw a drunk man.
We take up our position ifi front of, The prooession was very much like the
the Presbyterian church. :When. Laurier London Jubilleo procession. The only
comes in. sight we raise with all our drawbacks being that the Quocn was
might the ;'hip, hip hurrah" and wave not present and that the horsemen were
furiously our handerchiefe4. Bore is the a little too mueli of the John Gilpin
Limier' of the Jubilee, ,grave, dignified, type. •
bowing to rigl;t afid left! lla, is no Mr. George Morrison sketched two
longer aa' graceful connodian; ho is 'a very geed likenesses of the Premier.
statesman. The cheers aro enthusi.o.stio They are very good indeed.
Osgcode Half at Toronto, on Wed-
nesday morning of last week, Judges
Osler end Meredith gave judgment in.
the North Waterloo election case, void-
ing the election of L. J. Breitleaupt, the
liberal member. The Judges held that
is a .necessity, and
we can now supply
you with one from
$4.50 up.
from peddlers or ad-
vertising fakes. I3et-
• ter far to buy from
We warrant neat')
"at : ,,•,
but net half enough so. Seine plsopio Iver. Den McGillieaddy, of the Gode-
wx oald not •tt r•zu rip if thrown. into a rich Signal, Una present. Sotne one in.
Chicago fire. speaking to Irian, familiarly* called him
Tho largo number of pesplo rand snob: Dan, then ho apologized. "Oh, that's
as lot of xvometti-- 'ho eame to ding- all right," remarked the editor, ''call
ham o:; Friday, tendered to Laurier, tho ' nue Dan if you like; that's what Muriel'
sincerest and best compliments he Could calls mo." Onu'lowing the vast crowd
receive. They Imo not all Bcfornars, Den came to the conclusion that the
either, not by any nteans, and coaling 14Iait incl Empire would estimate tho
t!r hoar th7ir rimier showed the proper humber at abbot 200.
ph -it of regard to those who rule by the lib! 'Wilfrid 1s almost a piaster of 1 ng -
v: ill of ilio people. The tom of the ad- lis:;. LTi 3 Ateents are misplaced at
brass f:o:a the 41fa.yor and touncil wnn tial(+i; tti•rri tAto i with accent on the
g'011 r .n:t a:srl rc.ipmi MI. ' Wir.;;lzanl ii scsenttdsyllables; Manitoba the same with
getting itlg a little bxtiw1r.•r. Time stay who:a en alccant also o is the last syllable, which Opp I3a1tt6iv3'a Livery • x ataaxcI would tot have been he . . ,;,; ,,, �� =tit Ipolitioa
If . it was only health, five
might let it cling.
But it is a cough, . One cold.
no sooner passes off before.
another 'comes. But it's the'
same old cough all the time.
And it's the samej old story,
..too. There is first the cold,
then , the cough, then peen-
•monia or consumption with the
long. sickness, and. life tremb-,
ling io the balance. g •
loosens the grasp oif yourcough... .
The .congestipn of the throat
and lungs• is removed; all in-
flarnmation is subdued; the
parts ate put perfectly at rest,
and the cough drops away. It
'has no diseased'tissues, en
which to hang.,
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
draws out infl»tntnation of! the'
lufgsg '
*Mc* Crew
Itemo,nbor wo liana a b1'eaticaxbepar4
1nUnt, it yea have any complaint what.
ever and desire the best mcc goal novice
yea can possibly obtain, writ) 1116
doctor freely. You NII1 rcoe[vo a
tltomptr.talodre lus'x»a.6J tbAitnn
Lowell, mass.
1FC IW„ 0191•.
We build .aur pumps• to last for
years and have tbewn in price from
$2.50 up.
l3111ss Cylinders and Galvanized
Iron Piping
We have a full sU ek of the above
Call and get prices wen in deed
I of anything in our lice.
JO31ON 14.11:v1'o1V, '
IARkli�tlhl��ti � [#.y[ 9 e■ey !■��_ � 4$tl4�l+,, R'�Ig °ta j hese;tr�eprgl'�alill���i���01t1�R
,YijT. 1111.1111411 1ir.4 F 1:gii��/rM y1�YM �g1!�MM.auaR 49MY�'.' iNi M
e l
E l
1 11
ru mr
Even our opposition admit that this is the most 34
popular store in this district, We want to make it
rill ■
the most popular in Western Ontario. Our prices .;
are right. We use our customers well. We do a el
strictly cash business.
This week we are paying 18c a lb. for good 8'!e
Butter, and r6c a dvzen for fresh Eggs • $i,00 a Elite
bushel for Whitey Beans, well cleaned,. and 5c a lb.▪ ;i„:
for Dried Apples. ° :r
Kippered Herring, per tin, 100
Golden.I3addle, " 100
Good Red Saituon, " 10e
Pork and Beans, "
Derham Mustard,
15c bottle Catsup for
10e bottle Shoe Polish. for.
10e box " "
5e " 14 ,f
Se Hest Soda. Biscuits per lb.
8e 4 lbs Moiasses Snaps for
10e 3 lb Barrel of•Tea Snaps,
Our stock of Dress Goods is
up 'to date.
Ladies' Underwear in all -
wool and Union from 25e up.
Men's Underwear in - All -
Wool and Union a at_ from 80e
250 :t
Boys' and Girls' Underwear
in all sizes in Union and•fleece
11Ten's Overcoats at from
$4,50 to $10,00,
Young Men's Overcoats, very + V
nobby. "111
Boy's Overcoats, all sizes.
We have a large stock of Ready-made Clothing
ItIC f
for Boys and Men. Well made. Well Trimmed. NN
Nobby goods at low prices. -•rill.
School Supplies, • Stationery, Graniteware,
Lamps and Baskets. Lanterns from 5oc to 75c.
Tooth Picks only 5c a•package. • ;6"i1.:
Goods delivered 3 miles from store. Prompt Eta;1 :Ilipl:•
• r0i10:�
a-_ =F31-9,1R
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
sedate-R:iiE§5_��3�v E1€?-r]fi= arE E_ ga'5ge EV96 menEK,igd 9la,ao
ger Skaller & Co.,
Consoi, Stock Exchange Bldg.
60-0 ',hail way Ike , York.
LOTS OF MO • . ,
.can be Made through • . i•c tion with, deposit
100.00 (thigty dollars) u, . and (or 8% margin
upward) on the Stool � change.
The greatest •f0 nes have been made
through .sspecuiations• in Stoeice,' 'Wheat or
are interested to' know how specula-
-trend are conducted, notify us and We will send
you' infozmation and market letter free of
charge, ;• ,. .
tlaual commission char ged for, executing
orders., . .
-Government, munfeipttI and Iialiroad
bonds quotations furnished on application for
ptweh we, sale and exchange.
:iy V •
• .:,,,,. ' - T}
Ti -MES.
. .
.. _ 24
Brightest Weekly the West.,
Reliable Market ' • orts.
All the Home vs: • '
Latest gel eral able News.
Bright, s .r d continued stories.
A clean f y newspaper—twelve 'and.
sixte pages. •
Gi'eat.clubbing offer.
Daily Advertiser's
YEAR FOR $2,00
Either call on your local paper, or ail'
dress orders to
Advertiser Printing Co:,
London Ont.,
n_18 II'UWlflg o"
The demand for better goods is growing
and toZmeet it go to
Greer's for HIGH GRADE °
hieh are sold at the very lowest