HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-05-27, Page 21Blue chip investment: Cub Cadet Tractor Models - 8 HP up - Synco Balanced - Hydro or Gear - Mowers 36" up 11.06-1 The Tree Trunk Main Si., Seaforth A complete line of New and Used Antiques and Collectables •Oky•Soll•tratte•Swap Tato jig Thorn Piptito • MMUS** • 527,1940 Nome 104-tf 'WORMS FOR SALE, sensi- ble price. 75c a dozen. Phone 527-1994. Ask for John. 11:07x1 24 iech Westinghouse elec- tric stove in excellent condi- tion, $50.00. Mrs, Van Rooijen. 527-1239: 114x1 CAMP-OUT Trailers, Hwy 8 west, Stratford, 393-5938. Your headquarters for hard- top tent trailers, travel trail- ers-from lightweights right up to park models, truck campers and caps., Dealer for Prowler. Golden Falcon. Trillium, Lionel. SiVs, Rentals. Parts, Service. .11-03-9 ONE used 5 hp. Arieni riding lawn mower, excellent condition', 345-2891. 11-06-2 Cub Cadet' Lawn and Garden Tractors start as low as ilk $18994° wow Airs 11.07-1' LL,L-L-LL&. `,0 41 'U's ' 4 µFlu, „.4 ':~, Buy Now Bargain on a Roper Garden Tractor 8 HP TRACTOR wilVlower $1250.00 11 HP Tractor W/ Mower $1315.00 14 HP Tractor W/42" Mower $2535.00 Roper Tiller $294.00 We service what we sell 11-07-1 V ZZLI...7.:}ZZo 1(21.1-.1t1= 12 Wanted to Buy BASEBALL. hockey pro- grammes, books, magazines. guides, photos. autographs, autographed sticks,-b*1Is. aid souvenirs. pennants, etc. Ex- cellent prices paid. Write: 2449 Marlette Ave:, H4B 2E7. 12-7x1 WANTED-Used pig feeders. Phone 527-1856. 12-07x1 SMALL utility trailer. 52741428- 12-07-1 LADIES Roller Skates., size 7, good condition. 527-0686. 12-07x1 MAJOR corporate client will purchase apartment build- ings or townhouse groups over 25 suites. Unlimited cash, available. Contact Whitehall Realty' Limited, 100 Adelaide.4. West. Suite 1201, Toronto. Alin... M.511 1S3, (416) 8631.079$, 12-7x1 13. *anted 4 Classified Rates Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers.- street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-15 words $2.50 10c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes. 8c per word, minimum $2.00 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION-32.38 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS-32.10 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 11/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS-15 wards. $2.50; 10c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES. Engagements. Death Notices, 15 words $2.50, each additional word 10c. IN MEIVIOR1AMS-$3.00 plus 15e per line of verse COMING EVENTS-16 words $2.t0 each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS-30 words $3.00 each additional word 5c. . 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon Tuesday ' Deadline for classified ads Is 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone 527-0240 HAM and Turkey Supper, Tuesday, June 2. 1981, 5.7 LOST or strayed, male Sia- p.m. Duff's United Church. mese cat from home of M.M. Walton. Adults $4.00. child- Nash. Phone 527-1882 or Large Garage Sale. MAY 30TH AT 9 a.m. at 18 Helen Street GARY OSBORN consisting of tape deck. bicycles; roller skates 4oys size 8), milk cans, baby crib, chairs. lampag clbthing, and many other misc. items. Rain or shine. ' 4-07.1 ROTOTILLER. like new, 4 cycle Briggs and Stratton, chain driven, reverse gear, extention tines. Call 482-7551 after 6 p.m. or 482-.7045. 11-7-1 TWIN blade 8 h.p. Sprint riding mower in good shape, 30 inch cut. 527-1841. 11-07-2 fill1r4E-ERASE laver carpets! Guarantees removal of dog, cat. human urine stains, odors from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A:, Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario.,, N5Y 4X8. 11-7x1 DRY It! Save, it! Drying fresh summer •food in an Equi- Flow Dehydrator is the most nutritious and economical way of preserving.. Write now for information on home drying. House By The_ chool Ltd., Box 286, Vineland, Ont.; LOR 2CO. Dealer in- quiries invited. 11-7;1 ---EXOTIC-woodlitnported and domestic hard woods - soft woods - veneers, woodwork- ing tools .and equipment. 2483 Industrial St.. Burling- ton, Ont., L7P 1A6. (416) 335-8066. Closed Mondayi. 11-7x1 CONCRETE blocks for sale- Approximately 150 used 6 inch. concrete blocks, all clean, in good 'conditiOn: The Huron Expositor. 524240 Seaforth. 11-06x2 • FOR SALE-We -haVe for sale a Gestetner 300' duplicator which we no longer require. Purchased a few . years ago it is in good condition and can provide an opportunity for an individual or organization with routine printing' require- ment§ to save money. The Huron Expositor. 527-0240 Seaforth. 11.06x2 GREEN onions, geraniums and box plants. Apply 150 Market Street. Seaforth. Ont 11.07-1 SIMPLICITY Supertwin spin dry washer. Also Moffat 16 cubic foot freezer. Both in excellent working, condition. 523-4290. 11.07-1 3 piece bedroom suite with box spring and mattress, like new; 30 inch white electric , range in good condition. Priced reasonable. Phone 262-5510 11-1-2 SUPER 8 movie camera with I to 1.8 F zoom lens, pistol grip, complete-with carrying case and floOd light. Good working order, new batteries.. Offers. Phone 5274091 11-07-1 TRICYCLE for sale, 16 Inch. $20, Phone 887.6029.11.37x; 14 Properity for Sale Real Estate TH UM EXPOSIT R• 27# .1101 A2t 4 CQM if)g evcpts ., ts Stocker Sale 1000 Head at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. on Fri., May29th, 198l at 7:00 p.m. Consisting of Steers, Heifers and Calves Vletor-Hargreaves t5191-482-75.111Clintonl Barry Miller 15191 235-2717 'Exeter) or 229-6205 1Kirktoni Doug Carruthers 15191 237-3734 iDashwood) Greg Hargreaves 15191 262.2619 Monsen) 15191 262-2831 (Mensal AUCTIONEERS: Larry Gardiner and Richard Lobb 8-06-2 ROXBORO GARDEN-Box plants for sale. Petunias. marigolds. cabbages etc. 9-12 'plants in a box-.85c. boxes or more - 80e. 11-07-2 3 pairs of green flowered drapes, lined, 130 x 78. 86 x 78, 42 x 78. just dry cleaned. $40. Boys casual suit, size 14, 315.00 Phone 482-9206. 1L-7.1 OAWA.06 and 8.nrinent Side aAti, ; 4 4).-tu-, NOrth . Street, gginAhdville, Satur- day, May 30, 1.7.1 • *LONDE.SBORO Lions Annual Bike-a-thou, 20 km.. Satur- day, June 13. Registration 9 • 10 a.m. at Ball Park. Pro- ceeds going to Kinburn Foresters Building Fund. $250 in prizes. 1-7 -1 A Summer Serenade-an eve- ning of choral music to be presented by the Blyth Festi- val Singers on Tuesday. June 2nd at 8:15 p.m. in the Blyth Memorial Hall. Refresh- ments to follow. For tickets, phone 523-9300 vi 523-4331. (41 1-07-1 OPEN wedding reception for Michael Hicks and Mary Lammerant on Saturday. June 6th at 9 p.m. in Blyth. Everyone welcome. I -07 x1 NATURAL Family Planning Clinic, Billings Method, to achieve or avoid pregnancy. Short introductory slide pre- sentation, individual consul- tation. Couples welcome. 7 to 9 p.m. first Thursday of every month at Health Office. 105 Shipley Street, MITCHELL Nursing Home Garage Sale, Saturday, June 6, 1981, 9:30 - 3:30. 1-07 -2 GARAGE Sale. 80 Centre Street, Seaforth, commenc- ing 10:00 a.m.. May 30. 1981. 1-07 x1 STRAWBERRY and Ham Supper, Brucefield United Church, June 17. 1981. 5 - 8 p.m. Adults $5.50, 6-12 $2.50 tinder 6 free. 1-7-3 SEAFORTH Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Bar- beque. 6-9. dance 9-1. Legion Hall. Saturday, June 27,. Tickets $5.00 Per person. Building Fund. 1.07-2 GARAGE Sale and Bake Sale, Duff's Church. Walton. Saturday. May 30 starting at 10. I °I° 1 . _ Have your message read by 3.000' people. Free On Cable Cast 12 345-2341 Courtesy Mitchell-Seaforth Cable T.V. 1-04-tf THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre held at the HEALTH UNIT OFFICE, MEDICAL BUILDING, BRUSSELS on WED. JUNE 3, 1981 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: I. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 1-07...1 DUBLIN And District Lions Club Dance, June 6th at Dublin Community Centre. Age. of. Majority only. Or- chestra " tvlbonlighter• • . 1-05-3 '2 Lost, Strayed , Registered. Nurses Registered Nurses required in two nursing homes. Excellent wage and benefit package. Experienced in Geriatrics and Supervisory Skills. Shift work. Please apply to Mrs. Ann Het:in, Reg. N. Director of Care Seaforth Manor Nursing Hume ( 100 James Street „ .....c;nforth, Ontario And Mrs. Dotts_Jantzi„. Reg. N. Director of Care Queensway Nursing Home 100 Queen Street Herman, Ontario 4-06-2 Family and Children's Services of Huron County require Volunteer Drivers Adults with 'a good driving record are needed to provide transportation for parents and/or children in your area. A commitment of 2-3 hours per week is requested and will benefit families in your community. Mileage and other expenses paid. INFORMATION MEETING. - WEDNESDAY,MA-Y 27T11. AET -1-:30-PAL - -- SALVATION ARMY, 292-EDWARD STREET WINGHAM For more information, phone collect:- Mrs. Peggy Rivers CO-ORDINATOR OF VOLUNTEER SERVICES 524.7356 4-06-2 TURN SPARE TIME INTO DOLLARS $$$ This is an opportunity for an outgoing person with a car who wants to turn spare time into dollars. by introducing a popular local magazine, to the farming community. We want you to call on area farm residents at-your convenience. We offer a basic hourly rate, generous commission and mileage. PLEASE WRITE: The Rural Voice .P.O. Box 69 Seaforth-Dntario NOK IWO 4-07-1 Weldors and Fitters .tour skills are needed in Cambridge Due to exceptional growth. Canada leading , designer and 'fabricator of steam , 'generating equipment- is presently looking for ifhe following skilled people on our, afternoon (3:00 p.m. to 11;00 p.m.) and night (11;00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) shifts. ALL POSITION WELDERS: Stick' and welding techniques' are required (UT ' and RT Standards). Must be able to piss government tests on 2" and/or 6" pipe. EITTERt5tperfttrningititriCate tube and plate fitting adeiiibly operations. Must be able to read blueprints and tack weld, • Submerged Arc Welders • Radial Drill Operators . • Plate Layton PeTsons •WE OFFER: • Rates up to $9.40 per hour • Shift bonus 50c per hour ▪ Generous 100% Company paid benefits TO A.PPLYv Send us a resume outlining your background and qualifications. or drop in and fill out an application form at the Personnel office. Send resumes to: Personnel Officer BABCOCK & WILCOX CANADA LTD. 6 Jaffrey Street, Cambridge, Ontario N1R 3119.- 4-07-1 WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PRONE 5274240 - SE AFORTH Clerk Typist SUMMER • EMPLOYMENT Needed to start immed- iately. Typing speed of 50 W.P.M. minimum. Appli- cants must qualify for Ontario Youth- Employ- ment Program. - Contact: Robert Bell Industries Limited Seaforth, Ontario 527-0600 ORGANIST and choir leader required by Sept. 1st for Ontario Street United much, Clinton, Ontario. New Classic organ. Please send application by June 18th for either position or 'combination of both. State qualifidations and previous experience. Salary negoti- able.' George Turner, R.R. #4, Seaforth. Ont. Phone ' 482-7586. , 4-7-2 Seaforth Restaurant and Steak House Requires experienced Waitresses Full time or part time Available anytime for application 527-1020 4-07-tf LARGE weekly. newspaper requires advertising mana- ger. Good salary, car 'allow- ance, excellent company benefits. Please reply in writing•to File S.P. Box 45L Oaktfille, Ont.„-L6J 5A8. 4-7x1I 5' Bus. Opportunity 30 year plumbing, heating, air conditioning business. Building may be leased. Office, showroom, workshop. warehouse. $25.000.00 plus inventory. Write Box DDP, Record News, Smiths Falls,: Ont. 5-7x1 7 Situations Wanted MARRIED man, 30 years old seeking full time employ- ment Anything in general. 527-1819. ' - 7-07-1 'WOULD like tO babysit child- Fen 1 year old and up in my own home. Call Shirley Laverty, 527.:1893. 7,07-2 LAYING and finishing con- crete floors for basenients, garages. drive sheds etc. Call George 482-3291. 7-04-t.f CEMENT WORK, Pointing and Repairing. stone. barn walls. To Lawrence, R.R. 2, Auburn. 29:7274. 7.0712 ROOFING. siding. eavesi. troughing. painting and car- pentry work. Call for free estimate. Ward Constructiegn Phone 527-1411. 7.06-3 8 Farit Stock 3 white-Weertit:'arer steers, average 600 lbs. ' James Landsborough. 527-1826. 84-1 "M gAT KING" heavy roaster cockerels, day old to 2 weeks. Available April. May and June. Call McKin- ley Hatchets/400465-8536. Order today and put meat on your table this fall, 8.99-12 30 Gilts, York and Landrace crossbreds, bred by Hamp- shire and York boars. Due soon.. Price $250.00. Red Vantyghem 527-1290. 8-07-1. 8 Hereford yearling steers. Young sows with pigs by their side. Apply Lot 31, Concession 1 Logan. 345-2464. 8-07 1' Two 3-month old Angus- calves. 8-07-1 9 Farm Machinery JOHN Deere 7700 combine with posi-torq, 30.5 32 tires, 13 foot cutting platform-,and pickup, 6x30 inch corn head, 1300 hours, A New Idea 215 bushel two beater spreader. like new. Contact Allan Siemon, .R11#5, Mitchell 345-2438. 9-7-1 FOUR row Mauer bean pull- er, excellent condition. $1250 Phone 887-6605. 9-07-1 420 International baler, 5 yrs. old, perfect shape. Apply to Joseph Dorsey, Dublin. Phone 345-2824. , • 9-07x1 1-David Brown 950 tractor with loader, 1 Case VAC row crop tractor. Both in good shape. Miscelleneous equip- ment 527-0988. 9-07-1 1980 Chev. pick up, 6 cyl, std.. trans, power steering. radio, rear bumper. heavy duty suspension. low mileage. Phone 482-3257. 10-06x2 1978 Ford' Fiesta. 2 door hatchback. 15,000 miles,, in brand new condition. 345-2189, _ 10-07.2 1979 Pontiac' Parisienne, 4 door. V8 automatic, p.s., p.b., radio, good condition. Clinton 482-3455. 10.7-2 11 Articles for Sale 11 Articles for Sale BOYS blue corduroy suit, size 14. Child's left handed ball glove. 527-0686. 11-07.1 LARGE window air condi- tioner, good workiog condi- tion. Reasonably priced. 527-1505. 11-7x1. 1969 40 h.p. Evinrude boat motor. Works well. $350.00. Ph. 271-6106 after 6.- 11-7-2_ GOOD used •furniture. 482-7922. ".. 13-044 •'hems 4044111/11 KIPPEN 2 acres, 11/2 storey frame home. nicely decorated. , •***** Shop and lot at Londesboro • on No. 4 highway, ideal for welding shop or similar busi- ness. Milk* LONDESBORO. 3/4 acre highway property with 3 bedroom brick bunga- low with carport. •••*** 400 acres, 330 workable, Seaforth area, good brick home, 'barns equipped for cattle. . *olio*** 150 acres, E. Wavvarnish, 110 workable. 2 floor brick home, 2 small barns: ****** 100 acres, Hullett Twp.. 85 workable. good buildings for beef and hogs. ****** LONDENOR0 1 1/2 storey home. aluminiim sided, new kitchen, under 330.000.00 ****** 14-05:1 PRIVATE SALE: Why buy a house' when you can buy a fiveplex close to Goderich? Live in one three bedroom unit and let the rent from 4 other two bedroom units pay the mortgage. Asking 347,500. For more informa- tion phone 527.1032. 14-06-2 More on next page 'c' r}' Thursday, '8110 is.t regular card $1.00. Re-: stricted 'to 16 en't*„og, over. 15 regular gar les of $T5,00. $5, least 'on phi. Mani; other p eci a Jackpot 5200.0() must go • eh week. 1-04-tf • BINGO c%ery Thursday eve ing at VANASTRA CE RE R.R.S. Cl on 1st regular card $1.00: 15 -regular games of SIS.00; 3 share-the-wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go. Admission restricted to lb years or over. .04-tf cross Holstein 3274300. 10 Used Cars_ An Expositor Classified 1973 Buick Le Sabre. $500 • • will-pay-you-dividends As is -you tried one? Dial 527-0240. , 10-06-tf 1.black Lab dog to give away to a good home. Phone 527-0714. 11-07x1 ONE natural gas BBQ. Call 527-0932. _ _ 11 taxi,