The Huron Expositor, 1981-05-27, Page 15there tU greet /Ma. NV Jaek • , , stoll4t pillar 40$4114Pil)*- answer (104tion$, T.* is a 001f•CIO b. It„Peter i not 4.F004 00. .:' oily "1"4.f that .the arto Pearly JP5t two likely. to Sign autographs and entrance to Village'1*y 'when Yoti e. n tree $0the golfers meeting St. Peter at Wednesday was a practice getters'. 'heaven, no one can, imartar. 4.0 ygi4,,cang the say WOO* 'MP 0049- ,0-Ofk 14_,°t .441Z kilometers from here. There thereat-4004414 -W more lar golfing stories concern situation. the Pearly Gates and being day and for many golf fans- admitted to e golfer's hea- this is the best time to see yen. Whether there is a the pros.' The crowds are Some of the most pops:- sional heroes in a playing Thanks to oneof my caddy friends I was able to get a pass from Tom Purtzer which admitted me not only to the grounds but to the Club- house, where I did some exploring and comparison tWel. Nicklaus' trophies ate. on (lisptay, and eyes where you feet his fire": - sence from pictures on the walk m his books, '44IP in the prollep. . Port o tournament's first .„ . • Pi! 0*,40•Vit HEAVE! — Mike Ball puts all his strength into this throw in the junior boys' Softball throw event at Seaforth Public School's Field Day on Tuesday. (Photo by Rimmer) GOING FOR A SOFT LANDING participated in the junior girls' high Several of her friends cheer her an. • Poem for young players — Kim Fritz, a grade six student, jump event in Tuesday's Field Day. (Photo by Rimmer) This is a peom donated by a parent. He stands at the plate with heart pounding fast. The bases are loaded, the die bat been cast. Mom and Dad cannot help him, he stands all alone a hit at this moment would send the-team home. The bail meets the plate, he swings and misses. There's a groan from the crowd, with some boos and some kisses. • A thoughtless voice cries: "Strike out the bum." Tears fill his eyes the games no longer, fun. So open your heart and give him a break. For it's moments like,this. a' man you can make. Keep this in mind when you hear someone forget. He's just a' little bey and not -a man yet. Thursday, July 9 - Bluevale _at Walton; Friday. July 17 - Walton at Belmore. The squirts played a game with Wintrhop Thursday, May 21. Walton losing to Winthrop 8-0. There is to be a. game Monday, May 25 in ivionkton; weather permit- ting. Kids see Blizzard Seaforth Minor Sports Association organized a" bus trip to see the Blizzards' soccer game last Sunday in Torodto. 48 kids and 12 adults saw the game. The organizers thanked- - Bruce Shaw, principal of S.D.H.S. for his help and also Gord Phillips of Gowld's Gulf fore volunteering his services as driyer. Milton Dietz and Les Seiler will be providing the team's uniforms for this season. The official league-'season starts next week. 10.---LARNOLD4:-5•TINNISSEN— LIFE-, and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deduciahle Regisiered Retirement Saving, Plaits and Annuities Income Axeraging Annuities .Ask for our new He Premium 12,R.S. P.' • 'L-::REPRESI•NTING- - Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada for 21 years. Tel.527.0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH June 3 is Census Day, and it's a day that really _ Census information is vital to the growth of agriculture. it helps us build markets here and abroad. It lets us plan new programs for the? improvement of Canadian farming. It even shows -farmers how their farmp compare with others in the area. It's not difficult, Every farmer will receive a , Census of Agriculture and a Census of Populatiobr questionnaire to fill in brt June 3. These will be picked up shortly after, Census Day. If you do not receive your questionnaires by June 1. or if you haYe any problems completing them• just call the Operator. and Ask for Onith 0-1981. It's between you a important to Canada's future that, by law. you . Must participate. This same. law guarantees that the information you supply is kept, completely ' confidential Census employees, and only census employees — have access to it It's your future. Remember, the Census of Agriculture helps U.s,paint the future Of farming in Canada And we need your help to make the picture perfect 1981 Census Recensement of Canada du Canada de 1981 Nothing ertirnby here: in bread making. as in baseball. there is nothing like a good batter in the hour of knead! (from "Canadian Homestead Cookbook" by eanne Scar- gall.) F6 atter or worse: Have the oven ready to receive the cake as soon as Lis mixed:" The oven can wait for the cake, but the cake can never wait, for the oven. (from "Canadian Homestead Cook- book" by Jeanne Scargali) The light of Canada: The Shield landscape can give you, the feeling of time not passing. like in an afternoon when ,you see a lake so clearly and imagine voirs from thousands of years ago. You can feel likelhis only in special places, Northerh Ontario, Labrador, watching the cliffs rise out of the • liFean. The inhuman light of Canada Wet' frightening: its comforting. (from "The More Loving One" by Kelly) WILL STILL REPAIR Auto repair still available by appointment only call 5274660 CLOSING For Equipment Replacement Will be closed Mon., June 1, 1981 until following weekend. THE HUR8N EXPOSITOR, MAY V, 1W A15 • • On the pro tour A special visit you , personally. but his pre- „ :e Ittitiatts He may not greet . ._ .as speskers .. Protection through educat-. 'Phis winter.40w,may have ion is fast becoming a motto noticed a man in the centre of for a number of public eget'. the ice at community arenas cies, the Huron County with a small, gadget in, his „Health Unit being among the' hands.-He was therepresen- first. In an effort to keep the tative ' from. the health. , unit public awareof the Health measuring carbon monoxide Unit's role and -offer essis- .0115.1 111.tingen_diOxide.....levels... .-------Ifftel —1-11-1116-figVar-Pliblre=66 the ice, Both are gases health the unit offers sem- produced by the ice making. inars and .speakers for meet- equipment. High levels df ings. The topics range from the ever-dangerous problem of rabies to food handling cour- ses. ' Klaus Sieger. a public health inspector with the calmly has been doing the school Circuit, showing a. newly acquired slide show to elementary school children on the dangers of rabies, how it is transmitted and the problems contact with a ra- bid animal can cause. This week Mr. Seeger will be offering a food handling course to the Kinbttes group in Goderich to which the public has been graciously invited by the Kinetics. "There are five different cassette slide shows avail- able for showing" Mr. Seeg- er said, "as well as demon- stration plates to show what bacteria look like, • Bacterial cultures are ' .grown. -brdemoristration plat- Cs (petri dishes) to show what bacteria (germs) in our environment look like. Ex- amples would include culture teats from money, hands, or material from sneezes. With organ- izations catering to the public it become necessary to warn of the hazards of improper food handling. The films and desnonttritiona offer groups like service clubs as well as restaittant and nursing home 'gaffe the opportunity of ' teaching their people the pr4er care and handling-of - &oda te better protect the 0 , publics The' Health Unit also will cheek Mired-wave ovens for leeks free of charge. seeMis felt everywhere, • Matirfield Village Goif Club is located in Dublin, by Ohio just outside the city of Coluntbus. A little over six hours of freeway driving will take you° to this paradise. designed and built by Nick- laus; and home of the Me- morial Tournament. Last week I had the pleasure of spending three gorgeous excellent golf because the days observing golf there. players are experimenting The weather, the scenery, with different clubs from the intense competition, and different positions. the number of golfing fans After following players for resulted in a supercharged several holes it's nice to visit atmosphere difficult to ex- the putting greens and prac- press. tice areas. tvluirfield has a On Tuesday. the Pro Am well designed practice area was underway when I ar- and the players take full rived, with such well known advantage of the facilities. I amateurs as former U.S. watched Nicklaus practice president Gerald Ford, and hitting bunker shots, chips; entertainers Glen Campbell and putts mid• listened while and Bob Hope participating. he commented on each shot The Pro Am is fun to watch for the small crowd nearby. and fantastic scores result Later, a clinic was held and even though some of the golf • there was a fine exhibition of is not exactly aesthetically golf shots put on by Gary pleasing. Each pro who par- Player, Jerry Pate, Fuzzy ticipates has four amateurs Zoeller and others, , with him to make up a five GOLF HISTORY man team. Each player plays When the Clinic was a ball but only the, best score finished I visited the Mentor- on each hole is counted. ial Gardens where greats Since handicaps areused for from golf's history are hon- amateurs, this Best Ball ored. This peaceful area tells Tournament can give win- the stories of, the golfing • nets scores well under greats who have been honor- par. Pro Ams are an essential ed at past Memorial Tour- part of Major • tournaments naments. This year's induct- since they provide an oppor-' ee was Harry Vardon, and 1 tunity for the tournament read his story from the shiny sponsors • to become . ac- new brass plaques mounted quainted with • their profes- in the garden. carbon monoxi e wilt pro- long jump and triple jump. duce nausea and eadaches. His distances, were lower, In the summer the health' than expected because of a officer in,charge of education swollen ankle front soccer also handles swimming pool injury "He should have beat- courses for staff at public en the first place winner if he pools. But, the public is also had been jumping well," Invited to phone in any said Mr. Proctor questions about private Faye Carnochan was swimming facilities. Hurepes health unit has made it a point to make themselves available to the public. A speaker may be contacted by calling the health unit at least two weeks prior to the spepking en- gagement. • greens Corotanne Doig Seaforth District High School's track and field team performed well in the 14 events it entered at the WOSSA meet. Five atheltes plaCed in the ;top' five in their events and now are entitled to go to the OFSSA Regionals in Kit- chener next weekend. If they are among the top five there, they will go to the OF SSA championships. Doug Procter, one of the team's coaches, was • very pleased with the results of Wednesday and Thursday's meetings held in London. ",For a school this small, it's quite an accomplishment to be in 14 'WOSSA events." Mary Thompson placed fifth In junior girls' discuss and second in the shotput. Her toss in the shotput, 9.94 wasa personal best in competition this year. Mary was pleased with her performance and with the team. "There was pod cempetitionat _the_ meet- ifiey ran it well," she said. Mark UnderWood placed second in the senior boys' goodbye to all the caddies copy. walk a few holes following Canada's Dan Henderson, who did very well at the Memorial. Later. [positioned myself at the par 3, 12th hole just i time to see Mike SIM lieve hole in one. Be- e, the crowd went wild. • Muirfield has been desig ed to accommodate crowds with the hills creating natural amphitheatres, so everyone had a good view. The day went by, too quickly and soon I was saying With promises to see them at the Canadian Open. It was a quick visit to the Pro Shop for souvenirs, then back on the road to Canada. revitalized by a visit to heaven. our MenthOra en; joyeti a, good: Over 30 mien participated in tylere4 ni ht which putt Cam Jr,bole and John ,irtts on the Waier' .4,4r4-. nig1tt seems '0',44get tte.44, each 761004Y,• We. still need mote entries fothe Men's match play. ' order to have 4 good cor9Pez diktat for the pea Eaton-Brad Smith Trophy. Our junior fourth in the 3,000 metre junior girls race. Mr. Procter was please because she "had the best times of this year. She did well because there are some excellent runners." Ed Nielsen was fourth in the boys junior discus and compete for the Sill's Tro- CO-ORDINATION PLUS! — The plus is that phy. Tracy Fortune is actually walking while carrying The Ladies' Night Monday the extra equipment. She is participating in SFS was a great success. The Field Day's primary event s. ., weatherman co-operated and with Ironwood and Eieter boys should Sign up too, to cheese party in the club- house and some light hearted entertainment capped off the evening. Two ladies man- aged to win prizes for shoot- ing within one shot of their age. The Midsummer Madness Mixed 2-Ball for members is coming up fast so be sure to sign up for it in the pro shop. The Ontario' Golf News, a newspaper for golfers. is available-free iwthe-pro-shop so come out and pick up your The Second Milverton International Softball Classic is set for June 12. 13 and 14 with plenty of good softball action for area fans. Twelve intermediate mens' teams and twelve senior vvomens' teams will be battling for first place at each of the following diamonds:. 2 Milverton Ball 'Parks, (Legion diamond Arena diamond); Rostock. Newton and Millbank. The teams are divided into four divisions, 2 mens' and 2 Seaforth (Photo by Rimmer) Thursday. May 28-Atwood at Walton; Monday, June 1-Walton at Atwood; Thurs- day, June 4-Monkton at walton; Thursday, June 11- Winthrop at Walton; Mon- day. , June 15-Walton at Belgrave; Thursday, June 18-Blyth at Walton; Thurs- day. June 25-Wmexeter at Waltop; Friday, June 26- Walton at Blyth; Friday, June 26-Walton at Blythi Friday ' July 3 - Walton at Brussels; weekend. the Milverton Lions entitled will be by "Royce Riehl.''. . . anteed 5 genies in division each division going to the finals. A total of 62 games r will be played over the .. the Milverton Arena. Music play with the top 2 teams in armi.ng counts womens'. Each team is guar- , Saturday night, June 12, a social evening, sponsored by - ,II , "Batting 500" will be held at of .... Weekend passes are avail- Following the games on , able for-the -tournament. • clubs visiting we have over 40 ladies on the course. round-Thursday, Pdeeided to Afterwards a wine and quirt sked Five SDHS athletes q ualify for OFSSA Dennis Nielsen fourth in senior high jump and shot put., All things considered, "the team has had a success- ful year," said Mr.-Procter. "We all get along well- It's mostly for fun added Mary. Ball Classic set Gerd's Gul • On rabies, floo,d Health Unit th r' .•