HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-05-27, Page 12Christiari R. Kiar Limited Ontario Land Surveyor 41 West Street Goderich, Ont. Zenith 4-2250 (no charge to calling party akk operator for Z-4.22501 ,71 Al THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 21, 1981 Column by Herb Shoveller DECORATING GARY BANNON Painting, Decorating. Paperhanging Drywall taping Interior and t ‘tcrior FREE ESTIMATES -Phone 527.1582 Worth+ C4TH ,,-- ACCOUNTANTS ATKINSON. MINES, LEACH & NEILL Chartered Accountants Accounting, Auditing, Tax Planning and Tai Returns 20 Gouinlock St, .2711,31 sP4FoRTh ELEcTRtc. KNIGHT ataRic Kentucky Style Chicken Every Tuesday' Special Snack link IlunitingultPlazit. • : • .. • 24 Hour Seri ice Industrial, residential and farm installations Hensall. Ontario DECORATING Wtriapovept-eS Paint c44$41"Feawta::: oftwA11"°4"14611.1:. kr% lei.tert*. F.14NERAL, 62-2319 The frustrations of INKMANCE offilitraAcT9R, PRIM OP RA CENTR Thomas J. Devereaux 25 Goderich St. W. Seaforth, Ontario Phone Bus, 527-1242 Res,. 527-1942 ROSS W. RIB6 DIRECTOR life's ambition to "AV certain .$9lf. .4:10 manufacturers ,. 51.4iPilm4illoss-. His hAbit 1S.' OS*, hill 'it .1i' 44,eauty .to . ,likholA ,Ati. goiters lulOw: ,teef3off...44$ are mur*OckYcjill reptle4 of balls or .other go y,0444. it.etnOittio *,the .• r04114. -They 0,, usually i§svIAghe*Wf of ilig.00.4.„ hi5,(gliotiv 0,4 amazing calm 00. IOWA • , .. strides Oer • to one of these markers itAttrneS. a serous Oiler's, stance. ' and Off on it. This, is after flubbing.-his, own tee shot. lie-gas through 'a couple of drNers each year. but van empathize when. he says it `akes turn feel better. - NO TEMPER My favourite. though is my older brother. As often happens in families. sibling& can be as similar as night ,.and day. Well. he just has no temper. With amazing lack of concern. he -simply smile-when a golf ball or tennis ball makes a fool of him. But it finally happened. After a successful front nine one day. we'd just headed out for a second round. During the first nine, we'd talked about how consistency is the key to a good golf game, and that one gains consistency. at least in part. by keeping his composure. "Like that water hazard here," he says. on the 10th hole, while - continuing- with his level-headed philosophy. "you can't worry about that. You just pretgud it's not there. You thinking about it and you're cooked." Ahhh, it was so nice, after his 25 yard drive into the mud at the shore of the, pond. to see him go streaking after it in full -,"ht. club held over his head like an Apache warrior, and 7ilen proceed to pound the poor ball deep into the mud. It happens to the best. I suspect all golfers at some time or other have either felt the urge or acted upon it. I suspect too, that mastery over that little White ball is such a satisfying accomplish. ment that many golfers seem obsessed in the summer. -I've heard those who say chasing a ball around a field seems the dumbest thing since the Edsel, but until you've hit one, screamed at one, sunk one or birdied one, you really can't understand. You- may see me there, I'm the one talking to himself. And it won't be my club around the tree, but I'll know why it's there. 87 Goderlch St., Seaforth Seafarth .Horn-e' .Business .Farm .Auto .Life Sickness & Accident . Investments Phone 527-1390 Dal)0V:'# r1ry!i17p1 ONTARIO,LAND 5fillvEyOR , 476 Main Street, South Box 449, Exeter, Oat. NOM ISO 21S-2.50i CEMETERY MONUMENTS -T.V. & STEREO •-•.\ Man Fr. 2 10 6 00 Tues Thus b 2 30-8 30 wee a $ar y ' • OF040)N.A*III g1144ctOti• P110 biess- tt t4e4g:mtlgoeessilks ilktor.Vd the to `1,05t$,P 11140, .0f4tpt ..geOttelthe k once Mild, ogct'**tts, than -04-o4t sift 4b,oyA.,ospigiv %O W*. of imAt.;,LodpagiltmAti3OooprOign,rcptpsent$ • rew•-as# §4PPOSVei' it IA, also foRPWO ,,tedthteed tnttilintliksmittt. But now I've Managed to iettiOie" the. utget. Almost • If guest ou.ean never completely get rid of a trait like ',, that, though, as 1 tound out when I made thy Qrst visit of :the season to the golf course last Week.. Believe me, perhaps more than any other sport. golf is the one where F. the player can least effort to lose his cool. And it wasn't even so much the kind of outburst I once so capably could perform. But the grumbling and moaning was there. arid so, on a couple occasions, was the trge to wrap an offending club around a tree. In earlier times. I would quite likeh have taken my frustrations out,pn an innocent tree. It's not something I'm proud of. but in looking back, some of my early golf episodes were hilarious. Beek. Wine,. where I'd return from school in the summer. there was this quiet little course at a superb riverside setting. It was a new club, and because of that few golfers visited back then, which was fine by me. I'm no great golfer. but when I set my personal par for a hole one shot about the course's par and stick to it, then I can usually break par (my own. that is). I don't hit the ball far, but it is almost always straight. Andl can usually concentrate long enough to ensure 'my ball gets to where it's going through the air, rather than hit alleveaming grass burner which claimes the lives of poor ants, worms and assorted other creatures of the earth in it's murderous path. Occasionally, though, that does happen. PRIDE SUFFERED When it does I never hurt or maim bystanders. My clubs and my pride are what suffered in the aftermath. As I just mentioned. 1 gelerally.hit my drives straight. but at this little course by the river, there was one hole " where that became virtually impossible. See, it went along beside the river. with the edge of the, fairway perhaps 10 yards away. What that meant was if you were a right-hand shot With a sliee, you brought your scuba equipment to the course with you. Inevitably, at the hole. I would rediscover the slice I'd thought I'd put to rest. Ants and worms ne -longer became my •cictims. !tweed. they were the - seagulls, ducks and other creatures of the water who picked the wrong time° for a dip. LITTLE SHEEP Anyway. given the right circumstances (little, sl eep, other problems the vieir -df "ink' ball in its perfect arc towards the middle of the river made this lad's blood steam. It finally happened one time too many. Clearly, at least to this 'momentarily-demented mind, the "logical". thing to do was 'launch the driver (whose fault it was, of course) to a watery grave as well, That was four years ago, and as a matter of self-punishment. the drier haslet been replaced. should have taken .the warning issued at the treacherous number 5 hole that daY. I should have grabbed my clubs, headed to number 6. and taken whatever score playing companions wanted to give me (if they could have calculated it through their hysterical laughter). 1 hadn't learned the lesson well enough. FAVOURITE CLUBS In spite of the river's ominous presence. I somehow managed finally to make my way to within an approach shot of the green. Your favourite club should never let you down. Mine is the nine-iron. and that was what was called for in this instance on that blackest day in the history of • golf. Something in this body didn't shift, swivel or turn when it was supposed to, and instead of a nice. lofty shot to die when it' hit the green. I hit a 'rope". baseball terminology for a line drive. I'm sure the ball had a spiteful Sneer on its face as it zipped over the green -in a line towards 'territory unknown. No problem, right. Just go over to your bag, grab another ball, and do it right: I did that. But ;before did, I ---....-•.........gave-thehagaii-inneeent-two-hander-fronroverthe-hectd — that would have done a woodchopper proud. It wasn't till a hole or two later when I reached for my five iron that I realized the damage done. The wood chop. had snapped it almost in half and only a couple of twists each way remained before it was in two pieces. It's foolish, and wasteful, I know, In one sense thought. it was worth it. It • hasn't happened since, and I doubt it ever The leSson was learned. . Now, l restrict myself to silent verbal abuse tin not too pretty language) but the only sign of it to spectators might be occasionally moving lips. It's far better. more entertaining, to be a spectator.. An old acquaintance and golfing companion has made it his 527-1610 Sincere and courteous service • Interior, Exterior • Paper hanging • Airless Spraying • Textured Ceilings Call Tom Burke 345-2756 , Mike .Uniac 348-9568 Free Estimates References Available APPLIANCES '- CHIMNEY SWEEP Chimney Need Cleaning? Complete Line ' Geo. A. Sills REFRIGERATIONAIi & Sons SERVICE SALES & SERVICE p— MONUMENTS Cemetery Montiments ( It ZENITH TELEVISION AND STEREO Seaforth Electronics Authorized factory warranty Service and repairs to KELVINATOR & INGLIS APPLIANCES Service and repairs tom! ' makes Call - VERN'S CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICE Inscriptions.' Markers Showroom Display WHITNEY -RIDEI NERAI. HOW: Goderich West' Agent for Wingham Memorials Seaforth-5-27-1390--- HORNE'S 17 Sperling St., 527-1150 • HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING • HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone 52 - 1h20 • Seallirifi Seaforth 527-0674 MAJOR APPLIANCE SALES& SERVICE 527-0636 1- Seofo I \ rth A A 41/4 Budget is big news at Queen's Park r — SHARPENING ,-SEWING DECORATING S WING MACHINE 1 1" Expert lete0478-N, CLASSIFIE 1,41A1111 (-7— FLORIST I 4'7 Hildebrand - (‘-') iloyth;,, Flowers IS Main St. Seiforth OfBes-527.0555 r,p) , Rea; 5274784 1 .4 Cal nPlete Florio{' Servka. With a persousil touch. Exterior Decorators WaIicoverings Kern Paints b Window Shades Armstrong Carpets — HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPER • -Phone 527-1880 Stratford, 271-9660 15 Main St., Soafortii CARPENTRY f---'ELECTRICAL All types of saws., knives and scissors sharpened Specialiiing in Carbide saws and tools. STAY SHARP • SALES AND SERVICE Gordon Blanchard RR4; Vallee 527.1806 SUPERMARKIA Otier 100 machines or emote,. Service to all Makes Sales - White.I glna HuSevama lots of used machines from S39 95 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. 149 Down le St- i2 - eCors south of HudSon5) BY JACK RIDDELL MPP Of course, the Treasurer's new Budget was the big news at Queen's Park this week. Prior to presentation of his Budget, -the Treasurer. Mr. 'Frank Miller. who a year ago gave us a. no-tax-increase pre-election' economic blue- prinelhad promised that this would not be "a sunshine budget" - an understate- ment! As Liberal finance critic David Peterson pointed out, 'If they (the Tories) had presented this budget to the voters of Ontario (they) would 'have been roundly defeated.' With- some-. bitterness, Michael Cassidy, the NDP Leader commented: 'It's clear that the people who voted Conservative on • the 19th of March got what they deserved:.. We've had an in- • ..:crease iota Ices of-$300-ow he average family...while cor- porations didn't get a nickel of increased taxes.' Calling it the 'fairest...but not necessarily most popular' tax, Provincial Treasurer, Frank Miller. raised Ontar- io's personal income tax rates for the first time in Ontario's history'. The in- crease, effective July 1st, amounts to about 5% more this year and 9% next year. raising the provincial rate from 44% of the basic federal tax to 48% in 1982. He didn't increase corporate' taxes. ar- guing that these have al- ready been raised twice in the past four years. Since the personal tax hikes apply for only the last half of this year. the effective increase in tthe rate of 1981 taxpayer's is fi.otn 44% to 46% of the federal rate. The Treasurer main- IMPROVEMENTS'-1 MacLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS C-7FEED MiLL FLEMING FEED MILL • Bulk Pelleted Feed,, • Fast unloading elevator • 2 pits open 24 hrs. a day CLINTON 482-3438 Farm, residential, industrial and. cornmeroial wiring. USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 K . MURRAY ELECTRIC. 24 hour service tamed that the increase still leaves Ontario taxpayers third over-all behind first place Alberta and then Bri- tish Columbia 'in provincial tax rates. • The Treasure* will realize $232 million this year and $450 millioni n 1982 from the increase. • There is to be a gasoline tax hike of about four cents a gallon (almost one cent a litre)', effective 'May 19th, and this tax is now based on price rather than on volume. The new ad valorem tax base means that taxes rise every time the price goes up. This is a tax raising device well known. in • Britain and else- where as 'value added tax', which is applied as a percen- tage of the retail price of an item. rather than a fixed amount. David Peterson criticized the change to ad valorem calling-la-verrsnealry-mary--- oeuvre ...profiteering on,th e fact that the 'majority of consumers don't know who's getting what out of the oil dollar, and saying that On- tario may make more than Alberta on gasoline. An average motorist using 600 gallons a year will have to pay an additional $24. due to the higher tax. While government spend- ing is to increase about 12.2% there are, few new programs. Health spending will in- crease 13.4% to $5.6 billion. Aid to local governments increases "10.6% to $4.7 bil- lion. Theoitip will get bullet- proof vests, at a cost of S3.3 million; There is to be about S20 million more for day ."'care. Another $20 million will Please turn to page 13 Phdne 527-0032 Free Estimates For Siding - Aluminum and Vinyl, Aluminum Windows. Doors, Awnings MURRAY HENDERSON CARPENTRY Renovations, Additions, Sheds, Framing, • Any HOme improvements .FREE ESTIMATES • 52740731 , 527-0984 Seoforth • Railings FARM SUPPLIES-N PIANO CO•OP Feed Seed Fertilizer Farm Supplies Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils Seafarth Co-op 527-0770 CUSTOM BUILDERS • w ' FEENEY! .MUFFLERS APPLIANCES-Th Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE. Jim Broodfoot 482-70.32 "Th r—tARPENTRY 7- • House Renovations 6. Siding • Any, Home ImproyeMentS BOB REGELE 52143715 • Repairs • Rebuilding ,• Keys Recovered • Dampp-Osasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell. Mufflers guaranteed as long as you own the car SEA FORTH MOTORS LTD. 527-10I0 •. ROOFING, LARRY McGRATH CONSTRUCTION 1---CARPENTRY FUNERAL, HOME.----N, CARPENTRY CC7NSTRuCtioN LTD " • Custom builders • Contracting Carpentry FLANAGAN CARPENTRY R.S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Funeral Director K.J.Camino • Custom Built Houses, • Additions, • Renovations, .. .. AluMinum Siding, • Sheds. • Complete building service New homes Renovations' • farm buildings 345-2405, Dublin John Ryan Peter Flanagan 527-1399 527-1520 •1 Queen's Hotel Senior Citizens Wednesday, June 3 CAR. CARE ----Surveyor--ADVERTISING--\f . . . . OPTICIAN id >--ELIEdTRICAL CALL GORD'S GULF THIS WEEK: Dusty Wayne Show MATINEE PERFORMANCE EACH SATURDAY NEXT WEEK: Langstaff Ltd. Optician 07 Main St. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS AND OPHTBALMOOGISTS Prescriptions FillediPrompti Licensed Mechanic Brodhagen Electric GARY DILL 345.2442 JOHN ELLIGSEN 345-2447 Service to all makes of cars HOUSE CALLS ' AVAILABLE HOURS:, Mon.. Tueis., Thurs., Fri. 9:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9;60 a.m. • 12 p.m. Closed all day Wed. COMPLETE opricm. SERVICE 51.77103 Seaforth Boost your income BUY THIS SPACE TO—DAY con 527-0240 INDUSTRIAL. RESIDENTIAL and FARM WIRING 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 527-0885 If no antler call Brussels 1-6338 Collect TRANS CANADA HELL . DRIVERS Kay 31 2:00 P.M. MITCHELL FAIRGROUNDS SPONSORED BY THE MITCHELL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY *Concrete Forming and Finishing 'Framing *Drywall *Roofing •cabinet Making 7' yeirs of business in Mitchell & 7 years prior experience *Roofing of ail kinds •ChittutUy & Masonary Rfpairs *Carpentry Work *Concrete Finishing _ *Exterior House' aintlni; *Skiing Fivestrougli g FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT ITCAHNEYLTLIM348.9407 527-0333 "" f