HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-05-27, Page 61
1 ..r. T"t HURON 4XPD;itTOR, MAY 97, 1901
b Tn hei.a U -t ly day -s
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041910 ends
` r persons. ! enjoyed this gain- had with him hiS Treader dog11 of thine. Audrey Westlake
1>IiI1! Townshend y Bring very much especially a golden Labrador retriever to Q lrympte Trenton and
by BX MABEL TVRNVULL a special ruling for admission George Andmon, Goder- Audrey
• Ire+' A.A. Norse. St. co the Ministry, cn:' dense tch, came to visit Ruby• ex
Peter's Lutheran Brodhagen dosed when he bought a Anoerson and remaino..' for rite cordial greetings from called -Wulf'. I as a
the church service with her. toady f'rtends' and meeting stroke his head and he pupil of Grade S or 6 in the
took our WednesdayService farm.but when his "tic' said •new.ones who assembled in rewarded me by licking my old school with Mabel Turn
and spoke of his early days "W hither thouth goest I l
when he was called 4o the go." wil
it a again opened a to the Our versatile activist the Hospital Board room hand with, his long tongue. bull. Paul Hildebrand with
g' which was well filled. This The children flocked around Bessie Smale.
People are such creative creatures. >�c even a flowered pattern a few might sport Ministry He was married lhftnistry. There were diffi- Thelma Bode assisted. at the was a wetl planned project him and were enjoying his Mr, and Mrs. Austen
can't do touch about rain. (Scientists are the +leas plasu. kook And had a family to support culties ahead; as one grows piano for some of the hymns.
wtstlttg on controlling the weather. but so A bus+ homemaker might ha+c two .,r but a door opened Which rider responsibilities is Ina and carried out successfully. presence. On T.V. 'Mr. KinQsarL Clinton with Mary
far, we're stuck with what we get.)three kids huddled under a bright , anop> A made it possible for him.,to go crease. but he found a way to previous "Note" 1 The large crowd of interested caid told how his perfpr- Birthda greetings to hilt
6144tars.imme up with a handy gadget to telltale rip on the edge kuuld reseal a scene and train for the ministry mentioned t would write peoples spoke well for our mance was almost human y g g
train for. a minister. We looko Elligsteit 77, May ,21st.
make rainy day-. bearable -the umbrella. of one of the kid's ming. to push the when he visited a m'inister's forward to his secvtt
-M-Ives with about the Community Ftasgi- Community hospital. In, a TV and said he vKas his "eyes-"
1 were robab v content um sella tato the gas befarr it .vas +iuysd tal gatheting for disatjled intertiiew G.prdtrn 'M�cKpozie A, special .;thanks to
1+lar-y All at . iCilkacf=htltt were
At time, people p. i,, b home who told him, was
r n Silk utri sella ella� can,,bs arcidxratt rune. rtralzrla - ilii adntinistra4ar esglalpcE.. GgitSstaiff stili Gw.ett sift'%or shked'af? sa�ddne alu
wit�t:ab biaclt o brew fi b t.'tttinr R
„. + F rs t foest :4#ls. gatheiwrcg„' s R rttattlrig tt► . tsfp fhb ink
dei .
n o bu ..tntad.r man becatlstala �fi4aas sr.cttt io ,;n 4 urrr
. _ t - .e tl: 17b . , . hLe 1t ut!Sl eel Ot oklrF Mi.As
!,. r t ttll:d to nit' i�tit ftp lith Lei �da ibis #'or 'hie.
t�+ ?iii i!eR. ►re( cratxld. Vie, lx card tc F,et,trc out sit 't 4-e esttt. t >etttt'xt r.4coir
. , In # tin
astt.ied. Miert .tile hospital purtlh� lt4e atfit tt4Qit at► cladya'tQsitpSan, .he °yG71S
hti l#d'l< ,;y, u it Fotlld reflect ... fcfrget , Vhzre liter a tM ati tbi utrlbrel xt raft
.. U40:.,
k t iflth . ri lie• r s r t ti sit u Id hist . try uti njr :t€hl ltstticlt .+triseFtcct. hi�#ed. a refit geigi?9ifr.l,
art ttfestkle. they alt on t# flllt. thv lzairr. .., . 19#1.. nt,ar .la . les to ,thy ilrltdwc ylc. 1 stat b ftartlt fel. he +,4 lie l� +
i !nc�.4at s Pempolltt3',• ! `' s . $'u, tt;l�k'..lk. the true so of the tiiirtlt�..•
+ i addif ons 1`olc tliC fitt�rte.; ilio.,, : Sharron. f . S:A .
r int .rutnv for h d �u .erxtlttctn 4 tac.11,d anriircrsar3 .of the,, Dori?thrna�. Libra;.etc n) otitd r .p
1t tcuii .ilei a ktau pn sA Tftu oat i u, as .. ; if ... 1. t axatlatble. at ...tt4 attnR
holveit, this '.ill•' hF
F Art oii , L otary A Av aids r stdee t wf rite - 8 ` at ,tear Hiitop Pa a fcirtYaer men?
sf lir. a .to .-pal cif a xo;t1..tre �S Len uttai�rp.11a.tttstblt rY#r itctu t,.h , •m?lkct en a ti,... t V
W.I.a P ff1<ithc x(hrarte.s: to Wc1lt a r t p of hes of a staff here called at lnt ss at thou+,tfxttnesS .
? ?pb$: 9 •,hip C mfoo the
ing. a 1:11 cit, s.tdt''a.aillt:. said to. brie toad It:, k.. ont -ti t fgt .;cit a onteu c trio, of ' ' ate o+,, .cirri• d' Will mi.'s i ''t�elr
c4 ;t ► t►.t 4+,!er<`k c; , 1. g g too. rak"j and HvMn count clt:arblietl. t was anter- the home to visiC Jean ill. !i4' t
d a bt: akt?ut':tlte '.p plu ' �+. an.:aitc'r hv+a 'larcetr' qtr u+seijti tlx4 ' trial pirnL'PCI of the K%tchenec • P$rth, F#t cpn.a»d ly cih1) 011
;..!.,! +�i?u�, •.f• ark
viewed byj Alfie Dials slot t4iit~s 'Hmibp P was with weekly vissits as site called
passlttgby mal i by #op'kitig>at their tttnfa ilas tmbteft. t a< be Let f� &.;Eiaaeii to staled 1?t,blic librari• aro named in' caunties. ies, and. the R.egign•of Water- re utarly Sunday, with the
*trcau' tnigktt see a few, 04sy young dFisld'e Lvv}n ,p a .luset until the next rata .honor of its former chief t`ofombo. author :,i such too. f harinel 14- fo my firs# lies,, g
et4+rcytives striding, by under their trim ytaFm .cines experience and found it very 1 VlSiTOR3 church eaiend?r to all otic
librarian. popular' }Yorks a� (k1ionibu'> the deadline for entries is exciting. However after see- Mr. and Mrs. Garnet C. were interested..
black, grey or brown umYrreitas., It•% a safe inventors ,:ams Lip with +ether uses fur the Eminent Canadian autheii, Canadian Qtloiattuns, and October 1. 19&1 coli the ing
bet :that the umbrellas fold doyen small umbrella far remused from rainy days. Thos John Colombo. will be judg Colombo's Hoil-r++r,�d• has awards ceremony. at which it would the result. t decided 1 sin andzr, Viroqua, wiscon• Rata Mo Ian R.N. St. Col-
enou h to fit into a leather ease that to turn lust made it bagger. added wider singes and would never be a TV "Star." sin and family Mr. and Mrs. umban a former member of
& Ing entries in both the prose also published se+eral vol- is expected the judge will be Ienjoyed a chat with Edward Orin Midtlien and family the staff called at-Kilbarchan
tusks away in a briefcase. a few frills, and planted it on the beach and and poetry categories. umes of poetry, The Kit resent, will be held Friday, with her was -Kathleen one
A t#ghter fain might bring out for a stroll beside backyard gaols. p g p ty' p Kincaid. London, blind for Eauclair Wisconsin with M
an elderly couple using a distinguished look Years ago southern hisses used lac} The contest is sponsored chener native was 'lie origi- November 2._ at,the Kitchen- eight years, since he was a bel TurnbulliGarnet is for- year whose birthday was the
ing dark umbrella with a carved wooden parasols to protect their delicate skin from by participating public librar- not, judge of the contest. er Public Librarv. member of the R.C.M.P. He merly of Varna and an uncle very day they called.
handle -a family heirloom perhaps, At home the sun.
there could be a brass or wooden umbrella The umbrella fias had an interesting and
stand-anothor family heirloom, useful past ,and will probabiy ha+c an e+en
A couple ftom Scottish descent might more exciting future. Who knows" Micybe
dtocse an umbrella of a bold plaid design. one da% we will be able to fly ahkk,�Y the . .
The younger set' might aldose brighter chimney tops with our um'brcllas• lu.st like
colours of yellow, orange, blue or green or Mary Poppins.
Choir sings
Janet 7.apfe was Tatting advantage of the view this past w'etx and some
welcomed as the newest beautiful day Louis. Wild, of our Blind Residents were
member of the Huronview Irvin Trewartha, Clayton in attendance..
choir at the Sunday morning Steel, and Mary Van Camp Ontario; Association Of J
service. enjoyed a van ride to London. Homes Icor the Aged Region
The choir sang the Mark Sproat spent some time #3 held a meeting in Sheri -
anthem Springs of Living visiting his sister in Hensall dan Villa, Mississauga on
Writer assisted by Mrs. Elsie ilnd.-was picked up on the Thursday. The topic for
Hendersons at, the organ. return trip Activity and Program was
Sunday evening Dick Roor- "KA t' t'f S ecial Care
da held a hymn sing. The CNIB held their o tva ton o p „,
Monday was a holiday and monthly meetingat Huron. ,Residents.''•
Old Tyme Music was can-
celled for this past week.
Mrs. Dearing, Mrs. Delvin. Ready for May Planting
Mrs, •Sparling, Ethel Hill, ' largest Se.iection.of -� .
Mac Lovett enjoyed a wan BEDDING PLANTS
ride to Goderich on Tuesday .
afternoon: We took the op -in the area
potunity to view the scenery
on one of the'country-rideson . • Nursery Stock
the teturn trip home.
Slyth Senior Citizens Flowering Shrubs
tntertrtined at the. Birthday • Potted .Roses
party an. Wednesday after- 'b Hedging Plantstroch., Harts and Fern • Mc- 9 9
Dowell; Lloyd.. and Mary
Walden combined their 4- "Before you buy that shrub or tree...
R Lentstoprovide music foi the Be Sure. to check the •guarantee"
Residents-enloymant W1 a
McIlmy gave a reading. Jim, g e di ,r7q
Lawrie yang some old favour-
ites accompanied' by Ella .4 DAVID STECKLE AND FAMILY
Richmond at the piano. After'
birthday cards were present - W : - - •
ed to those residents whoseICK-7- Irv_. Canada
birthdays were held in May, oy Only Sun. 1-5
cupcakes and tea were
Y � A
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_ F COmnie'r Rental an
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B & D Utility 71/4" circular saw B & 03/so variable -speed drill
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burnout -protected motor rated, D99souble insulated for safety. 3 -
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