HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-05-27, Page 5I. MITCHELL - SEAFORTH CABLE T.V.'S LIVE TELEVISION COVERAGE of "MIDNIGHT MADNESS". on Channel 9 May 22 M WAS AI SUCCESS, -7:— We appreciated the co-operation we received from the Merchants and- Shoppers who were interviewed. SPECIAL THANKS to the Superior Store, Roth's Foodmarket, Tree Trunk, Archie , s Sunoco, Rowcliffe Motors, Seaforth PUC, and Cameraman Brad Gowan for making the live telecast possible. A VERY SPECIAL THANKS FOR THE FANTASTIC INTERVIEWS BY "JOANNE RIMMER" WHO DONATED HER TIME FOR THE BENEFIT OF CABLE VIEWERS AT HOME. If you wish to see more of this type• of Programming in future call us 3452341 today Supplying Cable Reception to 4500 Viewers. v, Mitchell Seaforth Cable TV 345-2341 THE HURON t(POSITO __AY 27, 1St car Correspondent ti 101114 TEMIPLEMAN 345-2346 A talent sale followed the Nay Meeting of the Marian Ritchie evening auxiliary. held in the Cromarty Church boleeMent on Tuesday May 19, at 9 p.m. with Mrs. Robert Laing, presiding. Mrs. Alex Miller had the devotions, using the theme. BOW and Family. reading from Matthew chapter 6. verses S to 15. l'4404 members Initt three. abitara pm/v.040 tall Call s whit * verse on Home yr Vitally. Offering we's receiv- ed by Ws- Norman **Own end dedicated by Mrs. Wig, ;oft a liaPPY Horne' WO the article read by Mi 411%. Elliott f6rix .r * 1411; 1.100140*.` ii ha* an.Th , Township of Hibbqq- ATTENTION FARMERS WEED CONTROL & FIELD CROPS MEETINGS Logan Township Council will host a meeting in Logan .Township. Hall on Wednesday, June 10 Wednesday, June 17 WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR DUBLIN FLY-UP — The First Dublin Brownie Pack had four girls fly up to join the Girl Guides last Thursday night. Holding their owls are (left to The councils of the Townships of Fullarton, Hibbert and Login are sponsoring meetingS on weed control and crop production. The County Weed Insp ctor. Cyril Brown will-show. slides of new weeds that ing a problem in this area and methods of control. Art Lawson or Pat Lynch, Crop Specialists with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food will answer questions pertaining to crop production problems. PHONE 527-0240 • at 8:30 p.m. All farmers are welcome from any municipality Reeve Oliver McIntosh Reeve Roy Swart Reeve Carl Vock at 8:30 p.m. • Fullarton and Hibbert Councils will host a meeting in Township: Ha • on „.„ - SEAFORTH years from a variety of The -Advisory Committee Advisory Committees deal- recommended adoption of ing with major technical Linkage Program topics as - programs in Secondary the core content of county Schools. auto shop programs. thus Adam Steelier, Assistant shortening a student's ap- Superintendent and Chair- prenticeshiP time. ' man of tire •Bectrical/Eleet- Other recommendations tunics Advisory Committee, called for "phasing in" of -f"•• told the Board committee selected texts and maintain- members and teachers are ing a balance between theory currently preparing county and practical work. To keep core programs. Although. up-to-date in their know- they hope to have some of ledge. auto/farm mechanics the programs implemented teachers will be required to IirLy _September 1981, they, visit the automotive facilities lecinested an extension of at Fanshawe College at least reporting date until July 21, twice a year. Periodic visits 1981: ' will also be arranged for An • extensive report in- senior students. who will duding 20 recommendations benefit from the sophistica- • was received from the .Auto- ted equipment in the com- motive/Farm Mechanics Ad- munity college shops. %rimy Conunittee chaired by , Although Perth County Superintendent of Program, has a predorlinately agricul- Mr. Thompson. Other corn- MEM economy. only one mittee members included Farm Mechanics Program one trustee, one Technical exists at Northwestern See- Director from the Secondary imdary School in Stratford. School system, one rep:_ College and three represen, tatives of industry. The committee studied the • Motor Vehicle Mechanic Training Profile, an outline of skills to be mastered by automotive apprentices pre- pared under the Linkage Program by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. This training profile specifies the skins and knowledge• weekend in Sarnia. _Mrs. Charles Geddes vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dungey to' celebrate their 28th wedding anniversary on Saturday May 23. Mr, and Mrs. Darwin Bannerman spent last week- end at the Rockton Lions Petth to Omphosi4 farm mechanics At its meeting on May 19, Perth County Board of Educ- ation heard the - first -of several reports it will be receiving over the next three BY ELAINE TOWNSHEND objectives that are, to be completed by secondary sehool students wiiiiing ,to -receive. credit towards—their apprenticeship •require-- ments. greater emphasis on Farm Mechanics topics. To ensure purchase of up-to-date equipment that is now being used "in the field." the Board was asked to consider retention of the Advisary Committee„or ap- pointment of a similar one to act as Consultant to the ad hoc Finance Committee. Trustee Herman asked .if_ the increased emphasis on right) Marjorie Visscher, Lee Arm Dow, Jennifer Fuller, Sherri Elliott. (Photo by Rimmer) auto/farm mechanics would their secondary school work. take time away "from other Trustee Bowman asked if classes. She was told the therekiias an implementation toptcn-m_the_ Linkage Pro---date. -He leas--told- prepar-- gram are, similar to these ation would begin in• Sept- already being taught in ember or earlier, but the new county schools and can be programs would probably not followed with little change. be part of the first semester The purpose of following the of the school year. 1981/82. Linkage Program is to give The Boar approved all the students more credits for ' recommentillions. Correspondent MR.S. ED REGELE 527-1106 Mr. Tom Hey 14tio spent - the winter in Florida •visited with his sister Mrs. Joy McCowan and also called' on Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele before leaving for his sum- mer home at Lion's Head. Mr. Clarence Dennis of Atwood visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ed Regele Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Kenneth Kistner of Kitchener, a former resident the 10th Con. McKillop Ex-McKilibp man dies anniversary Correspondent CAROLE GEDDES 47-0844, ' Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ryan and daughter Kelly and Mrs. Charles Geddes all spent last help celebrate Dungey 1111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111811181111011 SAVE STEPS! Shop the Want Ads first! - Call 627-0240 C! Iltrron '4;; ONposilnr vi e _coup Staucke from Hanover visit- __ gmon . _ d Mr. and Mrs. Vol- passed away at IS.ttchetter Hospital Thursday May 21st. He leaves to mourn his wife. Clara and daughter Marlene of California, a brother Jack Dither of Waterloo, 'sisters Mrs. Mary Thornton of Sea- forth Hospital. Vera Kistner, • and Mrs. Betty Schaeffer, both of Waterloo. The funer- al tools place Saturday morn- ring in Kitchener. Pearl and Harold /vIcCal- turn and Larry and Marsha Nevers visited ' on Sunday with Hert and Shirley Heisler of London, ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistner * Balanced rations for efficient, economical growth • Correct nutrient levels to achieve frame size and weight standards Correspondent MRS. H. LEONHARDt 345.2419 • A complete'Set of candel- abra Were dedicated in St. Peter's Lutheran church arodhagen, at the worship ,service on Sunday morning. They were donated in memory of the late Herman Hinz, by his wife Martha. ROA! and Donna, and OarY, and their families. ',They will be used for the first , time this week at the wed- on Friday Oa grandson. y Hinz, to Patti Flood. Potted chrysanthemums and a Hydrangea plant in the chancel in St. Peter's bah- elan church on Sunday morn- ing were from ihe• funeral of Mrs. Lorne Feeney which look place on Friday. Our sympathy is'extended to Mr. Feeney and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred— Ritdolph of London, and Miss - Carol Rose of Stratford visit- ed With Mi. and Mrs: Carl Rase and family on Sunday. Mr. Paul Hoff and Mr. Roy Belfour spent the week Classified Ads pay dividcmds. at reading Coirespondent MRS. CECILIA RYAN Mr. and34M5;20. Donald Moy- - Ian attended the Rafferty- Beechinor Wedding at St. Basil's Catholic Church in Toronto On Saturday. Joan McDaid and Paul RE BrotOingen .visited-Satur- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele. ° St.,, Columban people cent Lane on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Les Ward and Shannon from Kitchener .1 visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan on the Week- , ::1490**94 fit510 SX41,9, 110 K*I: Miller si Wetness reminding ti OMPOO of the spring_ coo, %Tenet Aqbe,heid this yeeriit - ' *elf Hills The Treasurer repOited that the booth at the sale, on Saturday Mad been successful. The meeting was ciaiad by sing- Suction- 45.1a Old Estate Auction Sale. Home &, Contents 18 Goshen Street South, Zurich, Ontario Satarday May 30t1t., t100 p.m. Sharp Selling for Mrs. Nancy Koehler a life long resident of Hay Township, the following Antique, Collectable, Primitive and Nostalgia items at the residence: Round oak extension , table with leaves and six chairs, ornate oak sideboard, oak library riesk„ old oak rocker,- four washtands, small oak table, numerous pedestal plant stands; pair of hall trees, pedestal oil lamp, numerous framed pictures, fiam- edbeyel mirrors, various crockery pieces, brass floor lamps tilt top writing desk, hooked mats. matching bed and dresser with carved facers, wicker baskets, small . medicine cabinet, commode—,chair- ' --sma11--- -sidebceord,'"nrcel dresser, wardrobe, six slob seat chairs, walnut spooled bed, steamer trunk, chest'of drawers, single-beds, Singer treadle, drop leaf table old well cabinet, wool winder, old double drawer, kitchen table, wooden flax rake and forks, . coal/wood cook 'Stove, foot stool, 30 lb. butcher scale, iron butcher kettle, wooden butcher tub,.small display cabinet', sewing stand, maple breakfast set, love letter boxes, books,' Philco radio (works,) stereo set, old chesterfield and matching choirs, numerous kitchen items, appliances, T.V., copper ket- tle and boiler, granite pieces, old wall, type coffee grinder, carpets, mashers, rolling pins, carpet beater, old carpet sweeper,'old first vitt kit, lard stir, cabbage cutter, pig gam, 'cream can, quilting frames, parts for old child's sleigh, sad iron, meat grinder, sealers, linen, quilts, bedding; silverware, post cards, buttons, garden tools, glass and chino consisting of Depression, Germany, Canada Glass (Actress 8. Diagonal Bank pitchers, etc.),old souvenir cup of St. Marys School, coalport vase, sterling-silver relish holder with insert, fruit nappies, nice cream & sugars, plus many more items too numerous to men- tion. 'Cosh or cheque with I.O. lunch booth; not responsible for accidents. Porperty known as Lot '22, Knelles• Survey, village of ' Zurich, No. 18011, two storey Victorian brick, four bedrooms, dining room, living room, kitchen, 'three piece bath, ''full basement, forced air oil; updated panel, new roof, pine floors, lot size 66 x .132, barn 12 x 16, selling with reasonable reserve, 1046-down balance in thirty days, will be offered at 2:00 p.m., excellent investment property, viewing• by, appoint- ment. Don A i.1V2Cutifiraank :Or" ( 519) 236-4154/ Candelabra given to Eirodhagen Oa on a fishing trip to Picton ais the Indian Hymn. A and came home with a good talent sale followed realizing catch. over $70 for the. treasury. * More potential replacement heifers for more rapid genetic improvement of the herd * Lower feed costs by calving sooner. More efficient use of home-grown forages and grains. Sheep Farmers - worth investigating Coop, sheep rations • U CS UNifEb tb-OPt 111410•1 Seafeeth Farmers' Co-Op ry • • 41...t. • . •'...411a .g.- 11.111 it •4. • Chi& "