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The Wingham Times, 1899-10-27, Page 2
Alt Tor!:;',; 1„>,k ;:lrct+•riti•F, Famed has oftarly'd a res lieu }st c ey .c:+o', ell its rlfiltlt•1 ♦ ., ,.t .,,... ,, e•;tr S?cl 3.t> soh. ' + It ) it iy +' t' n 1%)(A'nt Party' VI The resi(lt'zats of East'WasY;.taosil have Adm. ,' • 7 (- t <t fir Fele:am-al r; aattleen 1learned with n'egrt't tit Mr. .joint Ag- new llc•w has disposed of his. lamastead (11.(i The i!'r . .,• b"-1;' SLslt, :` '(F(th .�..iC1:n t`.it l lei'; family will tai es up residence b=rt, produced nest 1.200 songs• ill an adjoiUiug teem, possibly Wiuj. - ... _ ee.a- -.. ; :law. there to cuj(ty° the rest so worthily Won by an, ('::•'rti)ns of; many yeers. Mr. Ag.0 w is tt nativ(+ of Ireland. ttud sauce to ("::hada at the ege of foltxteezi. r 'iftcr a f(w ye(1is::relit ill filo ?ett�rb r •tr CARVERS(list., ho carat' bo the lakes to Gotha ite(h mast: his v;:ty to t :3 a, Blinn 'vf 1 •11 l.e s leloro the road cru, arc. that Mr. .g1 ew • in. lain and 14?as. iolrg our (ldr'st r,t't- pit.nheetts. What this on. cf the 1'reeteit• clay . bat to tee fa them rive Arleen Creek, to AN EAST WAWANOSH PIONEER. , , rich uni from .. the west 13elf ( f settled. d. That w indeed we have h ML Ian S cad vi chop Iris \V Agnew aux' tl:u,; tides to d, itt truth ratan 3s the e va re, has hut r* faille icl and mothers o • 110Ardz ATTACKED WITS MONEY T1.QUI3I•E IN AN AGGRAVATED FORM.. ills DigesLion Decant() impaired. and Nis Case Was Looked lipna as klopoless-- Dr..15 ik11a.lnst:Pink p1lis sterna Rim Whelk Otlier led i- i! ailed. et;rrph• Wellonit. (Int, 't Vat (it Port 1'v:e)ilt- 1' tt,), leue;ru. than cls, who has resided some tweety-seven Fras cam to Canada one of the veterans i1 wrnn', having been Illinois' regiment,. 13a onia of tlto vast ;; and cheerful tea - ate of Dr. Williams' Pt'.)ple. To a r,rior t- +ry coved him he said: my to the groat nitwit ink Pills. A few ' .etim . to. one of the (luny Iambic?. I was Lille pains across the ther situp or lie down ease. I consulted a tae medicine which time, but instea(? of -et wing worse. My tlpaire(1 and I suffer. - pains in the stomach. ong the spino and eys; sparks wo re my oyes, headaches, eine adVei but to uo at, stn +?l'U211 till' Alnoa;r the ion there aro `fr S,z:arael Rioh in that vicinity yeaie. fraen 111in01:4, and of .xs 'iicatt. c • a ui nicer o2 the 1`31:t lee"Dards is F1rnity who bear v -a • !. ��, z their courage ci rey awl determination, tlmatly to the "'vs/ ively enre°Qt i.'y 2 2-lese this cUltntty (i - .L {;!:e'a1 (lE bt. till 'l:c Find€ phis < r . )r Fa ,Cale Pitse years 1M,111•41 ern t e grin evaeres l tt c'as- ,, ,,er who recently ii ! 'hc; elm rel eve Distrt ' from Dyspepsia" appeared from 1 33, an(1 it became. a "1 vary l,la'i1,y to Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating, A per, well -clear.. cl auz cultivated houtesteac3,. or Dr. Williams' fact remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- Iaz the x33. antineenine Sons and (laug lt- y(ars ago E fc11 Pass, I3adTaste in the Mouth, Coated Tongua ers lnacl gat-lie/a ! Ftreuulcl the family t :ee worst Poems of Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They mid there. is no + a vacaut chair. Of the Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable, five sons, four e rising members of the tortured; with t v back. I conal:: n $101c^.p1 `` an Small .DCO©a medical p uf�5S`,n., awl the 'fifth, folia, doctor, hoo IS ELAN' La' t1•traing for the same noble dcair, (le ee callus,, while t e second daughter is on 'aud i;. the staff c•f the' urses' Treeing School I tool; 41,3 time at Pliiltldel hi, The family dii of digestion I was p y consists of : dill cstiou Uccamo Mrs. B. Pcareu cf the 9th concession,• eci from additioua East Wawa/1W , ; Dr. Thos. Agnew, far- i Would feel cold . merly of Loiscicoro, but now studying. the region of the iu European he itais; Dr. R. Aguew,of , r, Clinton; Miss annt,1 Aguew, of t'ho would apporeutly havefiaot fxerluboe Nurses Trainin School, Philadelphia, began using a me Pa.; Dr. W. Ag ew, of Columbus, O13ao ; euro kidney trouble; Dr. James A. i:ow, of New Ceriisle,'left me poorer in po Ohio; Mr. John 'eguew, who is 'attend - 'worse in health. lug the Clinton • ollogiate Institute, and have Misses Mary an. 1t2illie at hom@.. Kr' until my neighbors and Mrs. "Ague have long been cou- Li my clay I havo unnetted with Cal ; Presbyterian church and with their e ble family will be much missed iu e religious aud social life of Bast Waist osh. aKbh.Y+C,I a•{-' a'i,.ce• Substitution ire fiaucl'af the day. See you ge Carter's, ems,. , S ar er's, Insist and 4mand Carter's Litt Liver Pills. SPRAINEBACK! Sprains, Strains d Injuries of the Backoften cans KidneYTroubie. DAPS KIDNEY ILLS THE CURE, 'There Is th proof:— Mrs. S. Hornin Glasgow Street, Guelph, Ont., says• "Doan's Kidney Pills are grand. I h. e not been i11 ,since taking their, which .as over a year ago last winter, and can e v9•them ray warmest praise ; for they n :.cored meto health after as years of sufi_ring. Twenty-five years ,, ago I :praise., my ack severely, and ever since my lcid:t s h ve been in a very bad state. The doctor told, me that my left n it w kidney especially a ! in a ver bad con- dition A. terrible b ingpain _vas always, present, and I suff terribly from lum- bago and pain in mall of my back, together with oth fol and distressing symptoms, commo kidney complaints. I could not sleep, an suffered much from salt rheum. "17,1:en I first corn Kidney Pills I had li 1 but I thought I n c proved the best exp I had only taken two lett my back entirely or five in all, made "After 25" years' disease I arm now he and will be pleased have said,. should, a encedtaking Doan's leer no faith in them, Id try them; and it riment I ever made. boxes when the pain Three boxes more, complete cure. suffering from kidney :'thy and strong again, o substantiate what I one wish to enquire.'' LsXa.-Liver IIls are the most perfect remedy know for the cure of Con- stipation, Dyspepsia Biliousness and Sick I3eadeche. TIrey work without a gripe or pain, do not sic t en or weaken or leave any bad after effec )es. Didn Dare Eat What dyspep Sag digestant will pit their will manufacttt ferments. For twenty `Blood Bitters h o (curing severe ca indigestion that powerless to rea Mr. James G. !Clogs Co., N.B. of suffered with •; ztpepsie. for years and Med everything I eared of, but gotuno • tetitfuntit I took . Hock. Blood. Bitters. "1 only used thr bottles and now I AM Veil, and can ea meat, which t dared n • touch before without Ing in great distress, always recommend 1 . I3. as . being the best r .' edy for alt stomach dim • dors and Yee fatally need Inc." t Toulon) A BLANICF,T. PAIN TOO SEVEitE HAVE EVEN THE TOUCH HI— so ATIO CURE GOT HOURS. ROS. xiiEVMATISat TO TIME'S TRAINED HAND AMEItIO AN RFIEUS.- Sf OUT or BED IN 24 "Sometime ago was attacked with very severe rheu ma "o pains. My joints swelled and stiffeue . I had to be dent- ed in bed on a blank 't. I had best doc- tors and best nurses, but could not get relief. Death would ve been welcome. A friend called and r commended South American Rheumati Cure. I procured it and in twenty-fot hours after taking it there was a woude ul change. I was ablet ut ofinto a chair toe bed without assistance. I have continued id I thou ed to vail; it I grew yinflesh knew nue. rgone rnany hard- ships and a great doll of pain, having been through the AI1rican war; but in all this I never cape ieuced the dread that I now have whet I recall this sick- ness; not even. the hoar when I was cap - tared and dragged w .hiu two miles of Libby prison. My tensified by tale stotr, oould not eat and double from pain, in f self a wreck One flay R. A. Abbey, general merchant, ad 7.sed ni.e to try Dr, Williams' Piplr Pills, _lid as he highly recommended them el'purchased three boxes, aud before theatwere used I could feel improvement. =I kept on taking thein until I used twe ve boxes aud am now so well and s>long that I can do two days' work in -a and weigh 22(i pounds. My ,cure e e'Ty one in the c v ;easing it, and althea h 88 years of age, I thought my ease ho do not feel within 20 years of it. I gun- gratified that I cons' compensates only p medicine has done f r me,•ancl I believe blower ensilage older, which was doing, I would have been load if I had not taken Dr. Williams';' :ilk Pills. agood job. Tevi33usiloswere tieing filled �_ The experience o years has proved at alternating iu reals. By-. this slow that there is abseil/ - y no disease due to a vitiated candid of the blood or shattered nerves, 't at. Dr. Willi:mist Pink Pills 'will not omptly cure, and those who are s mg from such troubles would avoid much • misery and save money by pro ptly resorting .to this treatlneut. Get the genuine Pink Pills every tinneand d not be persuaded For over to take an imitation or some other ;per, Old. and Well- remedy from a dealer; who for the sake . 'Winslow's Soothink'. of the extra profit to hiunself, may say for over flftyycars b is "just as good." • Dr. Williams' Pinsk perfecr t sazccessn In ti Pills cure when of IT IS WEL eriags were. 111 - ch trouble. I vas bent almost yet I deemed my - my natural self again, free from pain. I trust you will use the testimony as yon think best forsufferingbumanity's sake." Samueaight, Sparta, Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. „ A`SQFT SNAP. A BOOK -BEEPER WANTED—A. Yot1N(1 MAN APPLIES Fort TTIE 3013. An advertisement in a newspaper, calling for "a first -plass book-keeper at $3 a week, drew forth the following answer, the only one attracted by the munificent salary. "I am a young man, 37 years of age, having had a business experience of 23 years, being connected with the United States embassy at Madagascar, and feel confident if you, will give me atrial I can prove my worth to you. I am not only an expert b k -keeper, proficient stenographer ant ewriter, excelleut operator and ern • e college graduate,. but have several of er accomplishments which might make a desirable. I am an experienced sn -shoveler, a first- class peanut roast@ have some know- '� M' to ledge of removing superfine/is hair and ics need is not arti- clipping poppy doffs' ears, have a medal shall not ring to- ed chiropodist, and can also cook, take n trousers, open but something that for reoiting'Curf *mach right so it . night,' am ft sl its own digestive _ practical farmer care of horses, c ars now Burdock oysters and repair umbrellas, Being been permanently possessed of great physical beauty, I soful, but would be lending to the yotle office that de- r &Rf,ETsoN 00,, tinted 1x1 that a Satsuma suburb which has just been confirnleI3 d ' y d ,RANTIi'ol;,D goat would. As to by a. decision of the Illinois supreme ' 1 was robbing the ceera the sponge•eake >Sn t E e Light r s of dyspepsia and would not only be her remedies were ornamental as w sacred precincts of eirstead, Ct filiAta, liglltful artistic eh says : vase or stuffed billy salary, I would fee widow and swip from the orphan i vantage of your Int ing the too fabulou and I would be cut>iely willing to give you my services for less, and by accept- ing $1.3"r -per week would give you an: opportunity of Ii only increasing your donation to the a wish, pay your butch- er and keep up y r tr insurance, but also to found (*.home or indigent fly -paper salesmatl and Cin( cat home." tIrt VVAna' 1'ilAb : MARKS Dr.SIONs COPYRIGHT* &Q kat t!tt anQ.twi 1pt(nn. Fria! r hunk') tarot whhether an errip(•ommentt+ey k ii,m,'sock on Paw* ,.nrannX rem tke- laver i'atui�lslnt. • "[?jr the past year I have smile' ed • morn or loss with liver complaint, lett by using three bottles of 1311rdack unload Bitters t was completely cured," W. P. Wood, Revelstoke Station, l3. C't • SUNFLOWERS IN THE CORN- FIELD IMPROVE TIM QUALITY AND FLAVOR OP fiFIT $ILAOT— TInp CROP AT ri.i>: ASYLUM. It was our privilege to spend a portion of au afternoon with Mr, William. M1r- d•sa., the manna' r of the London (Out.) asylum farm, { Soussil3g how a nnagzd ficout crop of .ern had been grown iha:o, Tito two colds, of sumo 2.i acres i)x all, are alloy d to be about the bust ia that district, vhich is saying a good deal, for Midell( e_, is considerable of a, corn county: T e corn ^cvi11 tv era;;e, all romid, about •elve feet is height. The crop is ro all cern, .as it has a liberal speiuklio, of sunflowers, which bfr, MSurdook fi s, intfour years' ez�;)ori- once, helps the '�ilago wouderfally, not only in quality, J. but is Savor as well. One fold was sewn for the silo, and for this Butler Def 3, and Mamuioth South- ern sweet vari les wore selected,' On thirteen acres t pouuds of sunitower seed was dist/ utocl by being mixed along with the orn, and all was sown together, in rou 3 feet 4 inches apart, about 40 pounds er acre. The remaiu- iug twelve acre we're planted to husk, with Butler, Snet Nose and Longfellow, but the coutiuu 1 drought for the last several weeks in :tiered liberal sobbing, so both fields aretheiug put into silos. The corn was "mated from May 17 to 20, on lnitd xnaur• ed and plowed. in fall, and either plow again in spring or cultivated with t e disk or sprang -tooth. cultivator. Nigh ' soil, was used on part of the land, and d uiazrare (fourteen loads per acre) on he remainder. Soon after the corn wa ,pl"toted the laud wan harrowed, to conserve moisture aud destroy germinating weed seeds. After the corn was well up the cultivator was started aaid kept going almost .centime. ously till the crop became too long to go through. It was' gone through once -with the hand he s, aud rape seed was sown at the time of last cultivation. The land is as ole. as ant ideal garden, not a weed beim' in sight. Mr. Mur- dock lays great ess on getting the cora in. early and ' tivating enough to keep every weed i der subjection. He would rather have .:oro cut down three times with frost spring. than once* the fall, s The core: was cor "enced to be put. ` was a surprise to the silo on Aug. 4, Patients of the. institutiou -were do g most of the work. inmuanty, as , a" The ending was eing done by hand eless. I feel so hooks, and the co was hauled on low er this testimony platforms hung b '.eel front and back r for what this traok wheels. I as being pat in lay a rmemPOW,1,,„mmyNunnunorucrnururenuunr xrm� A3iTegetablel'reperationfar.As- simiiatln; theToodAndReg uta - opt the Stomachs andBoweIs of Pi omotesDi estion,Cheerful- mess andResst.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral, SCAT NAIRCOTIC. , pe0101,:tfi a ltrZ.ZP,T2 fj ?unp.Arrn SeerZ'- ,eg .Brom . t d� atleSaTa Anwa Seery' .1�1g rprnuat• - 1.04:rrlonael y. Mins iced - t(nilledSugar • jS' jonuFiGn2?: ApctirectRetnedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stornach,Diarrhoca, Wornis,Corivulsions,Feverish- mess gndLoss or SitiDEP Tae Simile Signature cf NEW YORii. - taCACT COPYEoy WRAPPCR. era ac,g is • - t THAT THE A`s ''- PPER 01' EVERY BOTTLE OF 1 Castorla is pat up in one -sire bottles only. It is not sold in hulk. Don't ainov anyone ao sell you anything else on the elm or promise that it is "just as good” and ".will answer every pir. pone." /X5r • Seo that you got 0 -A -8 -T -14.4 -I -.pts is on ,g4:47.„ every Trappe The fao- ohm gignaturo of a r'lt ny man who Weare, is T D. Min;; Co.'s 1 a;' i'lllyl)c.:x l �, •.. makes itionov-••.-money .T.,.-4-.•• tii ti` jingle in Iris pocket, • . rch the world over and you I awl find nothing better than. Lasbe • .. e- Peoof Robbers, bxcatrse --, there is nothing bettor. L' Any progressive dealer can tell you all about Stub Proof, if not, write to Co., and they' will tell, you. r t be without �c because rd o ^� h u 'th l:rl, b , us they are the i Stub Pa c c t is STAMPED) Cel. the bottom of The J. D. ICING, CO, Limited, ;o. Montreal. Winnipeg. P -g' in: the J. D. Kin You can't aft See ha best. S et each shoe. $ Toro filling the silage '' eats up better and mattes sweeter fe'' Occasionally a man goes into tri+'. silo to level and p the corn, bur 't is not considered nec • . to keep a , , in all the time, as the eavy and gilt are well distri- buted an • i£ is own veig'ht settles, it, -- - 11'armers ANT() to. It is well to know and fresh drugs an Our constant aim. i medicines fail. ens the gums, allays TO KNOW. colic, and is the rheea. It is plea bydruggists in ev whereto go for pure Tenty-five cents a family medicines. to please our patrons' iu two essential points ,— quality and value. • We solicit your t de, assuring you of our best efforts to set youtr wants. Our present stock •of Toilet Goods is unstapassed--every king that style and modern. taste can suggest, and at prices that must meet your views. Customers supplied with •gust what they ask for. fty )err*. ried Remedy—Mrs yrup has been used nillionsof mothers e teething,�with thus the child,soft- air, all cures wind 1 remedy for diary to the taste. Sold , part:_ of the world. bottle. Its value is inloale fable. Be s e you ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. per day sure' es; special work; t; reliable firm, s;eltperienee un- Wanted.—$2 ,• gentlemen or la 'position perm ane With best referen necessary. ,Address: S Are you, a user of Paine's Celery Com- pound? .Our stock of thispapular medi- Ilea : nager, Toronto.. cine ie fresh, and only the genuine sold. A. L I:LstxwrON, Druggist, anted:—Ind serious men, t)! Winghaln, Ont. c194t1acter to travel and appoint Chicago's population is increased 1l;,• agents Salary and expenses paid. 000 by the annexation of Austin, rt tut,AVL Wanted:—Christian men and I was tet take ac.- wa en, o intro eeoflaff„ ni iceneo by accept- _CASTOR 1A the most marve oils book since the sum of s per week,publication of he Bible. A cont. o rrtfants ata(iliildrett. mentary en the ew Testament, to• getter with co piete lives of the The fan. ,+, ,it Apostles. • In p' nt of art the work wino etON .. a , is ogee ' . The ' est,ltlt st touclling; • lifelike itlnstra , bus ever designed Among the patriotic societies 'the far the new tj tAlxletzt, Setts lei Daughters of the Anlerietui evolution every house, an anybody can sell ' a free bed in the is the ingest and most iu,gneutial. It it. apita. or = perient a 11nbeCe t• Frei Zt ' t • id, Books on tine. ( AT/4.YihiII:.'f. iil:ADACllE MAY DE YOUR. Ext' SPOONEnt 4, --Die. POWDER WILL z' tIEtiCIII,AS IT • .Ain Mil. MEW'S CATARRHAL SITIVELX (31111; :tali. ttl•Jaued, , praises, Soro and Swollen at, Coukhs, ole. Save$tio liy rase .0A A. nttle. Warranter) the most won-. t t1 Plentirh Core ever known. Sold. Diner and S . Hamilton, ; bon in c>Ieligl the be ath 1 was organized in 1800 and now contains - sart�.. g 27,4132 members. Send for OU1f 1 English Spavin Liniment removes all territory, and hard,' soft or calloused Lumps and 11°W tomake Blemishes front horses. Blood Sm pavin, liDADLEY-GAU Curbs, S lilnts, lung Boli(:, Sweene "nava nsed Powder for Have frequently', n31d the relief has bee belipxn it to be t. catarrh that in. m Aguew's Catarrhal ono catarrhal headache tie tit every application by inllOtlt inst0Ueons. 1 giving choice of e will show you trey. rSON 00., limited, BRANTb'otD. 44010 :.r:- . book "Breakfast, Aper," is a revela' fat cookery. It'; ;Clef 1?ati'l�tlf WEI% AND Oro **Ilti's ette WEAK, NERVOUSDISEASED MEN1 Thousands of ouny and Middle Aged Men are annually swept to a premature grave through early India tion and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional (flood Diseases have ruined lid wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have you any of the following vmptomat Nervous and Despodent; Tired in Morning No Ambi- tion• Memory Poor; ' Fly Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable,. Eyes Blur l.''mples on the :!ace Dreams a d Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking;; lilotchee; gore s ,Throat; flair Loose; mins in Bb y; Sunken Eyes; Lifotoss; Distrustful and Lank of Energy and Strength.: OurN4w,Mathod Treatles:a will build you up mentally, physically and sexnaUy. �r fi R �y Chug, Patterson. �R ad DRS KENNEDY W KE RGAN Rave West I.b' dolts "At 14 years of age I learned a bald habit which almost ruined fro. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I could sand no exertion. Head' and eyes became dull. Dreams and tains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firma, Elec.t is Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They, gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Drs.Iiennedy & Horgan. They sent me one month's treatment and it eared me. 1 Could feel myself gaining every, day, Tkelr New Method Treatment' cures when cured as oh. rn•.u; ti all else fails." They have curedmany 51 my friend:" Dr. Biot lion. CURES G�989�T�EDDR En? Elm. "Some 8 years ago 1' contracted a sericite Constitutional blood disease: 1 went to Ilot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed aio. After a while the. symptoms again appeared, Throat became tore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, less of hair, gland$ enlarged, etc. IL medical, friend advised Drs, 'Comedy & 1 ergan's.NOW Methorl'Troatm6nt. 110ared me, and !have hod no symptoms for fiw years. I run married and haplay. As tt doctor, f heartily recomend it to all Who have this terrible disease-- yphtlie," it will eradicate the poison from the -blood." Cuiuu ut tt..... Our New M drains and losses, pa systems and restorea tVe fetus raute e+.yrtyhhtig, vat weak Par REMEM rim no frisk. write bale yeti yaars of reg Question )RSJKE YEARS IN DETROIT. 150,000 CORED, "1 ,ant 88 years of age, and married. When gating I led a ay life, Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble or rhe. I became weak and nervous. Myktdnnys became ffoetod and 1 feared Bright's disease. Marrielift was nnsatie, ' eetoryandmyhome unhappy. I tried everything --all failed till took treatment from Drs. i;Connedy and l ertran, 'their new ()tied built mo up mentally, physically and sexually. I teal d act like a Mania every teepoot. Try thorn: cAr No Names Used Without Written Consent of Patibrtt. hod Treatment i °s°tr onitttiiehg nit ag iii joasoaof mail fies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous andsexual st vitality to the body. td Cure iitervOiits Vebittt r,- Patting ri!auitbar , Con(eie,•'trrtetare,Gte tt,tlttemturaf al,frteiiaxgC8, colli Alt 1t itlimor arid Isla neer b Iaeaseet. bre. Kama* & Kergan are the leading specialists 51 Amoriott. They gaarcuttee to cure or no pav, Their iaptt taloa and fifteen years cif batiness are at cake. - roti ern for an honest opinion, no matter who treated Yoe. It may t and suffering; Charges reasonable, Write lot a st and Hook »`.rete• consultation 14%0. NOY 86 KERGAN 148 Shelby St. s Detroit, Mich.