HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-05-20, Page 27Bl ART LAWSON, ASSOC'. AG. REP. ' ROTHMEL. ASSOC. AG. REP. \ wont), ,`CI 401ing Ltt ink Is in Ilk Blst It .ii t.i lit ILI, Ilk', ting it , dist. iiss tilt' prob II 111, of gt.iting 11111, 'arming. (hit II, ilk it main probk.ins tilt high Lost 01 Lind. Mont people 51111111) 1.111.1 .111111A1 sort moots 1•111141.‘ stigp...stctritt slit pout) rshotilti buy Lind stiggusi c1.1 th;t1 V% .is as Nati (low risk as got ernini•iii hoods. Ile noted that most of his highly st. eesslul 4:1*%; also large net's 4)1„ the message was buy Lind and just "hang FiTiatioil will rook :rttrs-r-i ti. Nott agrees V% 1111 hvt-42 are Belt st11114. 111%k -511115 .11 till \JIM 101 IF.. ..411%., I 111111.111 11011d ,, • ‘1111•12 1111.' t',I11, 11111 1 It. • till, t4 rIk. 01 I.1(1% 411 11.1, ‘k Is, A \t 11 11 %.%21'11:111 1..4.4k 1,11011• 1 011t1 111O41 tulitts 1,1 I„ • ttitilorin 1.111 1 .1 k k • 41 III 1111111) 111 1.111.0. Is 1110111c to 0111 ,111t1 In ..'stuck ma th, i s 1 II, IA ,' 4‘..11 or 54) :.•111.1 11.0. nil I. 11111:111114 -tO0 lost 11fE:gi ell rates. tough 11 t I al I hot, 1141111AS 11.1t.4. 1 doted till buying pressuit 1,11 1,111(1. whothe guy i, nisi- "hang_ ing is• gitting iit:r5 II you're a potential tarnl bu t c r. keep In 111111(1 ‘0111 rutomement tot opt rating capital. The Lill] isn't ;nut It -04441.-4.f you •-t".1 ,t)'4:11) 11 a.uld maintain ‘0111. 111,1,.11111 cry uccel.k ti. 1 4)11 ...In Tt R.R.S• MITCHELL L • 448.9.176' * SPRAYED IN PLACE URETHANE FOAM • BLOWN INSULATIONS NEW: FLAT ROOFING & REPAIRS -Insulation Plus a New Roof FREE ESTIMATES Agricultural & Industrial Bldgs. • New & Older Homes • 40 FT. BASKET TRUCK SERVICE OR . RENT BY HOUR OR DAY iptoClub Members From Our - WINDSOR, KINGSVILLE, LEAMINGTON, CHATNHAM, SARNIA, CLINTON, ORANGEVILLE AND , OWEN SOUND. OFFICE AREAS Between May 19 and May 30 THE WION EXPOSLTOR MAX '2O 1.98,111111' Boar scores hi Ne*HambOr 4, Robert Robinson R.R. 4 Walton had one of the two highest indexing boarsamong the large group of 114 boarh which completed test re , cendy ai the R.O.P. Swine test station, New Hamburg. This top test station w az, a shire' 110;4'. Wid4i..,,aehieved sfatiOn. ki (h..1;!‘ 4311 arid combined low backfai thick- ness of 12.8 mm 1.50 inches) fast gain on test of .94 Kg (2.0? Ibs) per day-and excel- lent feed conversion at 2.22. Tied with the Robinson Hampshire was a Yorkshire tyrant the berd'of Jinf Tay lot. vv.$044.00k, 4s0 with a sta.., *Oil index of All four breeds were re- presented in the ten highest indexing boars in the May group. These top ten includ- ed. in addititih to the aboYe two boars. Landrace front Martin Van Bilsen. Glencoe and John De Gorier. Stay mei-. Duroc from W. Wei11%.VT, Dresden and • erupt: Ned. 0.•oritOley!,; YprItshtres front Robert Irwin. Vankleek Avon Head Farms. Shakes- peare and Relldtion Farms, lona Station and a Hamp- shire from 141p11 Henderson. Atwood. A total of 2, boars. all with indexes of 100 ..or higher (above the grour .11 'rage on os craft performince): were approtied for physical and strut tdral soundness. lost Delegations and requests for donations were the Order oftite dirt when Morris Township held its regular council meeting last Monday . Among those attending were Emma Bird who had a problem with dogs attacking her sheep. The II sheep had been attacked In dogs in April. Livestock es aluator Glen Casemore estimated Mrs. Bird's loss at - $h30'. a figure which the township would have paid. but which Mrs. Bird found too low She has appealed to the livestock brtinch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and council will abide by their decision for 'Compensation. Harold .Bolger and 'Ralph Tfayiss of Walton also visited council to petition the township for new cement sidewalks on the Morris rom,tisiiip side, comparable in quality to the ones on The Grey Township side.'thev• said they felt, this was, necessary because the sidewalks were in deplorable condition. Council said they have to get the-approval of the county engineer for the sidewalks and has c to apply to the M.T.C. for subsidy on 5(1 per eent.,"of the cost. Council later accepted, the petition fur sidewalks in Walton and, decided to have the county engineer contact • MTC. Carman Craig. council's representative on the B.lvth and District Community Centre Boardalso attended the meetingto give council a report on the arena. Previously'. the Board had hen worried about the arena profits because' of liquor control board regulations. Mr. 'Craig seemed to think noit that thingS were going Of work out better, ..than when a„Jegnest for a,graot was made just before -the end ,of the year. He said the ice rental went up last year from $23 to $27 and that last year they had put in a new ice t scraper. For the coming sear. the ice plain root has to he fixed. something he thought would cost approximately 52.0(10. He also said that the Industrial Hockey .league wanted two foot high pleviglass on the boards around the ice surface. Last year, the arena was given a grant of 55400 from Morris Tow nship. but council decided to wait until later be ore. deculing what to do about a grant this year. Council had •a deputation from' Bill Greig .of the Bluevale Recreation Committee who told council they needed lights for the ball diamond in Bluevale. He said they had looked at the grant situation and Wintario is starting again this year,, but priority. cases come first and there was nothing to szo, the lights for the Bluevale hall diamond would he a- priority. case. He said ii. will be December before they decide which are priority- cases and 1983 before they provide any money. He figured they should be able to put the lights in for $9300 and noted that they already had Sh000. Council &circled to give the Bluevale Recreation CoMmittee $500 for ball park lights.. Council 'decided to send a letter to the Winghant.and District Hospital Board stating that they wished to keep a Morris representative on the board, because they were happy with their representation. There is a motion before the board now to limit representation. A request from the Foresters for a. donation toward the rebuilding of the Kin.burn hallo which was destroyed by fire. was tabled for the present. Council gave a grant of 3,15 -to :the Hui int einoity--4,1-oad--.. Superintendent's. Association and a grant of $25 to the Salvation Army. ,, Robinson's Hampshire boar Farm management topic.s Is land as safe as savings bonds? 11,11.11'...I ;Init. I LI I 11 t' 1,111.2. .01)11.11 It 4.l 1,1 111,11 !III, I. 1111.1.1.11,14 11111 IL '.1 I• •0111 I.11111 I1111,1 11114 111.11 1.1•1 ItSSIr114 *1 quit \ Risk t; to lit.... 11114.11 .t.ti hind ... I-. .I. 11.1'. .011 !mon. tolls and .oti tot.... 11 11111., •cv 1 0111 1 4.1s 01 list 1,11.11,1•1/4.11,1A„,,),911-3.1V'INSIttr --- mg, mot. risk II ,1111 I. \ lit Lind 1),, \ .112mlist n111.uinns II ,11,411,1 , RA ‘1,.:( 1 .1sk ,It In 111. 1,p11111`.11. w1111g 111%.15 110 ‘1101%t 1%111 .10 11111.11 111u1 1.144a 1111‘ 11 cn 111%011,1 1111'1 1111115 411111'1 Ila.. 1. 110%101 111'4)111 10 l!llv la11tl. Ilk' %ash 1.111‘‘ . 1 met mat or share cro_o• agreements may 11e the 3,1 ohly a it eroato tai' most farmers. lit it land Kst• is essential .t laming opera. non the .Dung farmer i`itay `Ii , lust 1T,ITiT to dose ilp-Iivetand Kist sir'. L. a whin . •.' % 11151 1011 1.11gt this aft.. .11,1 ILO" t to ,I1 II • ,a 1. %AIL 1.)4k 111.1 J1,1 % ,1.51. 11'li sl. 1111 1.11.11 1,, • .1116 1115111'.111%.1:1 Nill " ditto '11111"1 "4 •11 "(IWO" • :%,.1 1'1 Iv% it' • 101 111(11 4:1 01 lh1 ,1111., lests1 1111 Iii. t I,., II the' twat, mishit) Costs II.,id sou to I. Imam. mg against It.tywrumcnis tool ins du.. ILI ow high, cost 21141 and .1rd inortg;.tgcs. 34-POINT pre-summer VEHICLE INSPECTION by qualified mechanics not a "Safety Check "1 For Your Appointment Call 255-1212 in Windsor Or For All Other Areas Call Toll Free 1-800-265-5681 Service STARTING AT 6 o'clock we will lower the price every half hour until sold. Auction Ends at 12 o'clock • A big six-liter six, this Ford touring car did not last long on`-the market due to plane- tar)/ transmission problems. A good business is hike a vintage car. It's powered by the name behind it...with their high standards backed by a guarantee. It's our belief that you shouldn't have to ' "remember" when businesses ran on quality and service. That's why we make ours a personal concern...and We'll put ourselves and our reputation on the line to bring you the best possible products. We guarantee it! "Your Satisfaction is Prey. Sales Tax and tic. Extra our First Concern" •SAI.r.S•SFRVICE•LEASIINGeDAILY RENTALS 220 Multi Streets South, SEAFORTH S'27 1010