HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-05-20, Page 26"- ACCOUNTANTS ATKINSON, INNES, LEACH & NEILL Chartered Accountants Accounting, Auditing, Tax Planning 4nd Tax • , Biturst •-10.4otitialoOt 5t, • S77-1431SE&FOB.T.ff • •• 9 ,Moin St. S; Seaforth .Home _Business. .Farm .Auto .Life . Sickness & Accident . Investments ELECTRIC KNIGHT ELECTRIC 24 Hour Syr% ice industrial, residential and farm installolions 246:0 4iBuirk e PAINTING DECORATING * Interior, Exterior • Paper hanging * Airless Spraying • Textured Ceilings Call Tom Burke 345-2756 Mike Uniac 348.9568 Free Estimates References Available r—C4TH Kentucky Style Chicken Ever). Ttiesday.Spie41 NuAelt .Pait flUnte•rnatio,Pipa 527-0443 SUR vgyaw Doug W. Dalrymple ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 476 Main Street, South Box 449, Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO ' 235 DECORATING Graves Wallpaper & Paint mezai4 F"turing PAINTS OP1P44-4 IIMPtor4R4 Welt vorItigt5 0L5 C-FUNERAL Wr h-it -1,tibeyi. Funeral Home ROSS VV. RUBEN' DIRECTOR 87 Goderich St., Seaforth Phone 527-1390 CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and courteous service • & STEREO 'WOW FLORIST HildebrandI %. Flowers pa, / /15,7 IS Mein St. Seaforth Office 527-0555 Res. 527-1784 Complete Fionl .Servke with • a .personsi teach.). Grey will repair drains Tile drainage -motions took up ,..much of Grey Township council's time when it met in regular council session last Monday. One of the Motions passed was that Grey Township is' willing to repair drains if a written request k received. The firm of GarnbsY and Mannerow was hired to do the work on the Clark drain and the Shiels drain. Council passed a bylaw under the tile drainage act in the amount of 545.000. ' • Council decided to send a proposed maintenance budget in' the amount of $50.000 to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food as well as proposed drainage superin- tendent's budget. A grant of $300 was given to the Brussels Agricultural Society. Council passed a motion that the firm of B.M. Ross' and Associates be instructed to advertise for ;Water Well 'DRILLING W.D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell 527-1737 Duni 527-0828 Am. 627-6775 `q,AFoRTH IEV, EN ER') tenders for culverts at Lot '. Concession Roads 3 and 4. and the clerk be authorized to, attend the AMTC meeting June 21-24. Council acknowledged tile drain applica- tion from eight people and that the clerk be instructed to send declarations in regard to the amount. applied for under • the tile drainage act. Building permits were issued for Earl Grisdale- new roof: Stewart. Humphries- new soffit and faciaboard; Calvin J. Semple- renovations to existing house-interior and exterior; Jan Van Vliet- addition to existing barn: demolition- David Rapson. barn; demolition-. Mary Nichol- dwelling: ' Neil Hemingway- implement storage. horie barn and storage area; Terry Williams- imple- ment storage she,d; demolition- Herman Plas property. ady for May Planting Largest Stelectian of BEDDING PLANTS in the area BeWese ADVERTISE! in it'lluren (fxpositor exciting and a sure way to increase your sales Cali THE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED 527-0240 • Nursery Stock 1. • Flowering Shrubs • Potted Roses • Hedging Plants "Beiore you buy that shrub or tree... Be Sure to check the guarantee" L -7/1 17. 4_7 Rale c.11 CZel DAVID STECKLF AND FAMILY R R 2 Zurich 011D t Newt( ler 1 owers W 014,, n 565.2122 C Fl aluala OpAri Mor, Fr; 9 9 clot Q 5 1. May Only Sun 1 5 ELECTRICAL Geo. A. Sills & Sons HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING • HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone 52 -- I 62(). Scatorth (--CARPENTRY-Th • House GORD'S GULF Licensed Mechanic Ser vice to all maket of cars HOUSE CALLS AVAILABLE 527-0333 If no answer call Brussels 887-6336, Collect . _ CARE —,\ Mufflers guaranteed as long as you ' own the car SEAFORTH MOTORS, LTD. 527-1010 Christian' R. Kiar Limited Ontario Land Surveyor 41 West Street Godcrich, Oni, Zenith 4-2250 (no charge to calling party ask operator for Z-4-2250) CHIMNEY SWEEP) Chimney Need Cleaning? Ca4I VERN'S CHIMNEY ' SWEEP SERVICE Complete Line ZENITH TELEVISION AND STEREO SALES SERVICE Seoforth .Electronics 17 Spading St., 527-1150 MONUMENTS Cemetery Monuments I • , • Inscriptions Markey-% Show room Display ,,WHITNEI•RIBEI rJ El NERAI HOMI. 8' 69derich St.. W e st Agent for Wingham Memorials Seaforth 52'-1390 (—CLASSIFIED,--s two *Mr PS J IMPROVEMENTS MacLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS ett — THE HURON. .EXPOSITOR, M./4Y 20, 1981 Su:rvey- transportation for disabled During this Internation- Persons. a group of concern. gether, with the hopes of transportation for such peo- ple who ma) be unable to establishing some tv.pc board buses. et.. or 'ox tit, access to a %etude e group has met onl% once. but hase a gricstion- name for, groups insol%ed, with transporting the ph% sic- all% disabled. a., ell as indi% aduals ho ma% he bothered with .this problem' in the area of fiarron quio, %ou ase intertisted'ip, fitting out .4 avestautmatre' tar' 4twfldukg. Santit.,Ffeuirpr,.0r .Bob0 M.ir 441 4-.(PV .V a/la/dia.:Rea:1;e: .0.81(1 'Ventre. learn more . • al Year of the Disabled ed citizens have cxrme LO- STUDENT CENTRE — Mary Nichol and Joni Thompson have been hired by the Canada Employment Centre for students as student placement officers. Mary will work out of the Exeter office and Joni will work out of the Goderich office. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan). Farm, residential, industrial and commercial wiring • 527-0984 • Seaforth APPLIANCES.-• Appliance and Refrigeration • REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 'Kincardine airport to be improved BY MURRAY ELSTON, 11/1.-P,P. [HURON-BRUCE! Kincardine Airport has been designated as one of those facilities which is qual- ified for special government subsidies, which until now were available only in North- ern Ontario. The amount of the subsidies have not yet been determined, and will depend On the amount of, government-approved work at the Kincardine Airport. It has been announced that, in addition to my position as Critic of the Solicitor General's Office. 1 will also be a member of the Standing Committee on the', Administration Of Justice. This' special area of respon- Please turn to page 8 John Sayers is with Dun- woody ,.•& Co.. Chartered Accountants. Toronto. • DECORATING GARY- BANNON Painting. Decorating, Paperhanging Dr)aall taping Interior nd Esi crior FREE ;ESTIMATES Phone S27,15.$1 Seaford', OM. fli:1:1,ilaPFLACtscHi 4'1 5EF fil.ROPRACTIC CENTRE Thomas J. Devereaux 25 Goderich St. W. Seaforth, Ontario Phone Bus. 527-1242 Res. 527-1942 fyion F' ci r 2 30 -6 00 rues Tea a ta..1 2 30-8 30 a ,ai 9 1 r— SHARPENING —Th Ali types of saws, knives and scissors sharpened Specializing in Carbide saws and tools " STAY SHARP , SALES AND SERVICE Gordon Blanchard RR4, Walton 527-1806 USE EXPOSITOR WANT -'ADS Phone 527-0240 Renovations • Additions • Siditig • Any HOme Improvements BOB REGELE 527-071.5 • FUNERAL HOME R.S. 'Box FUNERAL HOME Funeral Director K,J. Cardno 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 627-0885 APPLIANCES APPLIANCE 8.7" REFRIGERATION $ERV10E Authorized factory warranty Service and repairs to KELVINATOR & INGLIS APPLIANCES Service and repairs to all makes Seoforth 527-0674 SEWING SEWING MACHINE SUPERM AR K 1.1 Over 100 machines or. chscila‘ Service to all makes Sales - White. Etna. Husqvarna lots of used machines froth 539 95 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. 149 Downie St. (2 doors south of Hudson) Additions, Sheds, Framing, Any Home Improvements FREE ESTIMATES. 527-0731 f--• MUFFLERS Surveyor —•\ ADVERTISING Boost your income BUY ,THIS SPACE TO-DAY 527-0240 •Wi FEENEY CONSTRUCTION lir) • Custom builders • ,,Contracting • Complete building service • New homes • Renovations y • Farm .buildings 345-2405, Dublin if • By John G. Sayers, CA Just when your children are costing you the most -- when they are teenagers -- you lose the family allow- ance (when your child turns 18) and in addition when that first big job arrives you may lose your child as a dependent on your tax, return. You will lose the depend: ent deduction if your teen-. ager.gets a summer job and earns enough to wipe it out. For the 1980 tax year, that takes place at the $2,990 level of net income, and the loss could cost you about $300 a year. Dollar Sense offers geneial financial advice by members of The Institute of ' Chartered Accountants of Ontario. If so, perhaps it's time your teenager learned to pull his or her own weight,• financially, by: 1. Paying for room and !lotted. (Take it from the very first payday so the child,doesnZt, cieyelop style that dependa on. The money.) 2. Paying the extra insur- ance involved -- or just paying for theigas -- if your chid driyee the family car. 3. Doing work around the' house that saves you either money or time -- washing the car (that could save you $300 a year), cutting the grass, washing the wind- ows, painting and :wall , papering, vacuuming, spring-cleaning' or' taking a younger child off your hands for the day. You dpn't need the money? 'Then take it any- way and sock it away to- ward your child's future, especially towed marriage. Make sure the money IS locked . away out of harm's (and your child's) way, per- haps in one of these ways: I. A high-interest savings account. Then at the end of the summer, take the Money and put it in a two- or three-year guarantied investment certificate (on the "locked away" princi- ple). 2.. A RHOSP (Registered Home Ownership Savings Plan). This is the ideal way to start saving for a home. Both your child (if your son or daughter is engaged to be married) and the pros- pective spouse can• invest DOttAll $E11SE Teach lessons teen's first pay up to $1,000 a year (lifetime maximum 510,000) that will never be taxed as long as the money is -eventually used to buy a home. 3. If you can ' afford it, savineffie family allowance payments in the child's name will' result in asset transferred between you and your child, Though you still must pay tax on the allowance, the interest it earns in your child's bank account will be considered the child's income -- the only such instance recog- nized by •Revenue Canada, Interest earned on any other money gift from you to your child would be view- ed your income, for tax purposes. How's MAJOR APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE 527-0636 • Seaforth DECORATING Exnert Interior & Exterior Decorators Wailcoverings Kern ,Pa.ints Window, Shades Armstrong' Carpets <mg, • NAP HILDEBRAND PAINT AND RARER Phone 527-1880 Renovations, CARPENTRY /--ELECTRICAL MURRAY HENDERSON CARPENTRY ELECTRIC 24' hour service CARPENTRY FLANAGAN CARPENTRY • Custom Suitt Houses,, • Additions, • Renovations, • Aluminum Siding, • Sheds. Peter Flanagan 527-1399 • • 'Concrete Forming and Finishing *Framing *Drywall *Roofing *Cabinet Making John Ryan 5278520 CARPENTRY & -Carpentry Stratford, 274-9660 • 1, FEED MILL 15 Main St., Seaiorth FLEMII4G . MURRAY FEED MILL Bulk Pelleted Feed, • Fast unloading elevator , • 2 pits open 24 hrs. a day CLINTON- 482-3438 • FARM SUPPLIES—N Feed Seed Fertilizer Farm Supplies Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 • —‘ "CUSTOM BUILDERS aft OPTICIAN David Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. S. Seaforth. OPTOMETRISTS AND 0101THALIVIOLOCISTS Preseriptions-FilledFromptly HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., 'Fr), 9:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9:04 a.m. - 12 p.m. Closed ail day Wed. COMPLETE OPTICAL. SERVICE 527.11343 Phone 527-0032, ' .Free.Estimates , For Siding • Aluminum and Vinjil, Aluminum Windows, Doors. AWnings, - 'Railings ' PIANO PIANO TUNING • Repairs • Rebuilding • Keys Recovered • Dampp.daasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell. ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL and • FARM WIRING IC Ill I Brodhagen Electric GARY DILL 345-2442 JOHN ELLIGSEN 345-2447 ROOFING LARRY * McGRATH CONSTRUCTION 7 years of business in Mitchell & 7 years prior experience *Roofing of all kinds *Chimney & Masonary Repairs.. 'Carpentry Work *Concrete Finishing *Exterior House Painting *Siding &•EavestroughIng FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT ANYTIME MITCHELL 348-9407 CALL