HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-05-20, Page 20booting
Family style
The Cub Pack desper
ately needs tents for their
Huron-District Camp in Ben-
miller, May 29. Call Jim or
Meryl Thomas at 482-9467 by
Maya 25th.
Parents should not take
their kids to camp before
6:00 Friday evening and then
pick them up at 3:00 on
Mothers of the boys are
asked to come to the meeting
May 25 for details.
On May 12, Shelly Stone
received her golden hand,
which is the last requirement
before she flies up to Guides.,
Vanastra Brownies are
busy with . enrollment and
getting ready for their fly-up
to Guides, as well as for the
• owe
Cub pack needs tents
FATHER AND DAUGHTERTEAM - It looks like a bad accident scene,
but, actually what happened was Vicki Harris literally let her father• Bob,
downat Adult Reiter Skating Thursday. (Photo by Rimmer)
hears Burghardt
NUTCHOS Reg. 4.49 Spec. .29
MODEL 6330
79 • 95
6 TO 12 ONLY
20-% off
20/20+, TOP QUALITY 1114' e
BONUS 3-PAK Only. 1'
Variety Gifts
Open 7 days a week 9 A.M. till 1.1 P.M.
20% r 4. WATCHES.
sery school mar
Victoria Day
et09,y0 ntic19.4#.
ey...o4decrafts:'940 gictur.
eAPf ork g1l all tbk0114
OStAttiO W1th9 hit holiday
irttanr''Meadt ":11*4. his
3,..i**, 14.
#9 woks i%co, -"Tr11,4-. •
sPOTtatime**3 talked ahnin
As children were taken to
Godetitir .0.irport to see the
various. planes and even got
to sit on aLear jet. They then
drove down to the Goderich
Harbour to view all the
In a couple of weeks, they
will be learning about the
Winners of t.'!". rcvlar
Tuesday night bingo held at
the Vanastra Recreation
CentreTuesday night were:
first%share-the-wealth, Bren-
da Dews of Vanastra. $86:
na. and share-the-wealth.
Marjorie Dale of Seaforth.
$87; third share-the-wealth,
G. Round of Granton. ,Ontar-
io $91; the jackpot winner of
S200 wishes to remain anony-
The judo club will meet
now on Tuesday evenings.
Ken McLlveen is instructor.
He has his first degree Black
Belt from A.J.A.• He has
Bass of 12 students but
would like more. Those in-
terested can call 482-7007.
Don't forget! Today is
annual spring trash pick-up
for anything not. usually
collected on regular garbage
Now that the weather is
warming up. children will
spend more time near the
water. Parents should point
out the dangers of swimming
in an unsupervised area or in
waters that are unfamiliar.
On May 28, 'the Energy
Conservation tour will be at
Vanastra Public School.
On June 2 personnel from
Huron County Health , Unit
and-the Huron County board
of eduCation will be on hand"
to conduct pre-kindergarten
The Vanastra Recreation
Centre will hold a Fitness
Ontario Leadership Course
(F:O.L.C.) May 23 and 24
and againjune 13 and 14.
Interested parties should call
Cindy at the Recreation
Kid's activity night is held -
every Thursday evening from
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. You can_use
the -exercise room to. ' get
those muscles in shape, play
volleyball of basketball,
swim in the pool and relax in
the sauna.
This is my first attempt_at
writing for the Vanastra
Voice. I hope all who read
this section will, give me all
the help, support and under-
standing I need. Just pick up
your phone and call me at the
above number if yonlifilave
any, suggestions or informat-
ion which I can use. I'm
depending on you to make
this column for you.
The year is just about over
for the Vanastra Nursery
School. The children will be
getting excited with Graduat-
ion Day May 26. A barbeqiy
will follow.
On May 28 leaders and
parents will be taking the
youngsters to Storybook Gar-
dens in London.
The Orate Club, at the
Vanastra Recreation Centre,
is half way through Its
10-week course. There are 14
to 15 students. studying the
basic self-defense of the
- martial arts.
. On May 19 the Vanastra
and District Lioness Club
presented a cheque for $500
tithe Special Nursery for the
Handicapped held at the
Vanastra Recreation Centre.
The donation will go towards
sponsoring a Clinton child.
May 21 is a combined
businesi and dinner meeting
this month for the Lioness
The Vanastra and District?
Lions Club had its executive
meeting May 13. The busi-
ness meeting will be May 20
at Vanastra Recreation Cent-
On May 16 the Lions had a
work party to get their float
ready for the parade May 23
at Clinton Kloinpen reest.
The 2nd Annual Ball Tour-
nament dates are June 26, 27
and 28.
Lion Glen Mel achlin re-
ports the tickets for the
Freezer and Food Plan, in
..42alungtiOn with, the P1441
11471.awl co0;1.‘044,1
selling .'cog
WEDDING Opaymtsar
Mic. and Mrs.
• Vanastra chelfinattV thyei
3,* Wedding Anniversary
May th. b was • held at
**her PardOis :with 250
Bues15 'Attending ftein C.4n-
ada. the United States and
Great Britian.
Happy birthday greetinas
go out to Lorraine Ducharniu
May 12; Brian Thomas May
21: Ron Plumsteel, May 23;
Trevor Plumsteel May 24 and
Darryl Dixon May 26
Plans are nearly com-
pleted for the Howick 125th
Anniversary. Entertainment
& Program Chairman. Cam-
eron Edgar. Wroxeter
1335-3245) has planned ,
busy 5 days starting' Wed-
nesday- Sept. 2. A variety
concert will be held at the
Howtck Central School_ w±ith
the crowning of a 'Queen and
Princess.- Free 'registration
will take place , at the local
Town Halls each day. The
senior, citizens would like , to
borrow early momentos and
'phOtos- Howick Township
for display at the halls and at
the Howick Central School-
Sat.''Sept. 5 81.
Reunion Chairman Paul
Statia and committee. Wrox-
eter 335-3133 has tackled the
heavy -job of contacting all
former residents of How ick
Township. Thursday night
Sept 3 81 a Lions Lash 'bingo
will be held at the Ht-ny ick
Community Centre.
Fridav: Sept. 4 a dance ..ill
Mr. K. Seeger from the
Huron County Health Unit
visited our school for a talk
on rabies on May 5, 1981.
We began the assembly with
a few songs from the Grade 4
Bass directed by Mrs. Su-
Mr. Seeger began with a
slide show telling how the
virus, rabies, travels and the
symptoms that appear in
animals and in humans ,
After the slide show also on'
how to treat the virus w had
a question period whe Mr.
Seeger answered any quest-
iord about rabies. As we
have know any animal that
has rabies will usually die
and sometimes even people
die. This assembly was very
informative to all the pupils
and even the teachers.
School will begin again on
September 8 wth 29 new
pupils in the kindergarten
class at Hullett Central
School. Most of the new
pupils born in 1976 were at
the school on Thursday.
April 30 to get their hearing,
vision ere. tested and for
their parents to fill out an
application. The Health Unit
tanked, after these tests too.
Jim Ryan's sister, %1 .rilyn
Angel returned to her home
on the East Coast Monday
• The- Pergitgen4.' went V.
1:190e;111iY. near .Wiartort.- for
the...,.8!teelkend tp, vi*l'itnn't
.p*eittt who, have, tot
)400. ttrtwOoti-44,..
• 4in.t,
*eat the wt ekes at ..the
tad 4itkiesteact Aga!' 04-
field. •
'Ken.14itglen and family
camped at their trailer 'in
WildWooad park.
Jeff and Linda Dixon had
weekend visitors on both
sides of the family. arie
Dixon and Mr. and Mrs.
Orville K -1Iane.
Beverley Vaie had son
be held at Howick Commun-
ity Centre. music supplied by
the Chapperals. 9-1 o'clock.
510.00 per couple. lunch
included. A teen dance will
also, be held at Belniorc ,
Cormoui,:!-:, Centre. music by
the Crippled Duck.
Saturday. Sept. 5 is the
really big day. School re-
union will be held in the
morning at Howick Central
At 12:00 o'clock a
gigantic parade will 'start at
the Fordwich Fair grounds
and wind its way to the new
Howick Community. Centre.
Many bands, cars and other
attractions have been booked
for the parade inclhding the
only steam powered calliope
Canada. Parade chairman
John Browri.1 Giirrie.
335.3200 has S1200.00 set
aside for prize money. along
with many trophies and
plaques feir the 16 categories
in the parade. Parade entry
forms ma% he obtained at the
Each parent received a
schedule of what time the
child was to return to have it
sereening.test on June 15, to
determine any weaknesses.
The test will be performed by
student teachers from the
Huron Board Office.,
The new pupils have been
divided into two classes
according to alphabetical or-
der of their last name. They
will .43e at 'school in the
afternoon of the last 2 weeks
of May visiting, Mrs. Wal-
ter's class and seeing how
things really operate. They
will ride home on the bus
that night. Good luck .to the
new ,students.
Every Thursday fOr the
past 4 weeks the Grades 4
and 5 have gone to Vanastra
Centre's pool for 1 hour
swimming lessons. The
daises go at two different
times on that day. The
classes are divided into three
groups according to their
swimming skills-non swim-
mer, shallow end swimmer.
and deep end swimmers.
Classes win last for unother 4
weeks fol. a total of 8 weeks
altogether. Each student en-
joys the swimming lessons
Greg home from Tnronto
over the long weekend-
014BNB,- . .
The other 444011teir,..
4t3.9. at •
YagaStr4Agtelta0Pn Centre.
Ago are -$4;00. each
fs*-Lly•Ut three
tiadges..yeresiVen 'exit *44
first aid -
Heattle?Brow.itttid6e, 'Terri -
'vans. .004. Teresa Raithby;
laundrets - Teresa Raithby;
Collectors - Terri Eiaps,.
Teresa Morrison and Kathy
Low; Fet Keepers - Allison
Jeacock; Public Speaking -
Shelly Bonte-Gelok; Health -
Tma Jeffery and Bakers f.
Teresa Raithby.
Mother and Daughter Ban-
quet Junel.
Rev. Peter Mantel gave his
sermon this week on "Living-
working by faith." John
Greydanus was organist.
May 31 is the last Sunday
School and they will have a
special program.
The Action Committee
meets May 25 at 8:00 p.m.
HCS hears about rabies
owick plans big
party. for 125th birthday
local banks. businesses or
froni John Brown.
Opening ceremonies will
be conduCted by overall
chairman Gordon /Caster
335,6263. assisted by Liberal
M.P. Murray Elston: A band
tattoo and•many sports activ-
ities including a tug-of-war.
will take _place outside.
• 1,-
vopT t*) Now? :grief the Otlitye-
.1400 V. 764.0;(0...toght lot
;e01**IcatTAO: had.. trouble.„,e404010
Otiktkitg'140017s 'ribv w14 ,ottoP*4 op . , . tor 'the.reouot the .hiqht?
FAMILY PUN - Four of the younger family
members are just as shaky as their pafOnts as
they participated in the Seaforth recreation
department's adult and family roller skating
night Thursday. There were people of all ages
at the arena. (Photo by Rimmer)
.414, 46,
Unit Two of Hensall Unit-
ed Church Women met May
111 with Hilda Payne in the
chair. Eleanor Mansfield
conducted the study with
a paper on the handicapped
and showed a film, "Play
Safe" assisted her hus-
band, Eric; Unit le er Joyce
Pepper conducted t e
A' bake sale is planned
for the arena. Jun 20. the
weekend of the iddler's
Invitations %%ere received
to visit with. Cannel Presby-
Carmel Presbyterian
Church celebrated their An-
niverkary r,., service Sunday
when 'Jack Burghardt 'of
London was guest speaker.
His sermon was "Tomorrow
Is Now".
The sanctuary was packod
to. hear Mr. Burghardt who
was welcomed and intro-
duced by Rev. Kenneth
Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Lobb of Holmesville /ere
guests and sang tuo duets,
UCW meets
The flowers
were most attractive in the
sanctuary, and Flowers from
the funeral of Mrs. Jack
Elloitt were placed in' oving
memory by her family.
Kenneth Parker is a pat-
ient in Stratford General
Hospital, where he is having
Canadian Bible Society
Sunday was observed at
Hensall United Church Sun-
day when Rev. D.L. Howlett
of London was the guest'
terian WMS June 1. and with
Brucefield UCW on June 2.
She asked fOr volunteer can-
vassers for the Flowers of
Hope canvass. The 'fall re-
gional will be held on Sep-
tember 20 at Kippen at 12
noon; a wedding reception at
the arena August 8 will be
catered to.
The devotion conduct-
ed' be Grace Drurnmond
dwelt on faith. Lunch was
served by JaWilette Turner
and Beatrice Richardson.
speaker. His message was
"The Book of Peace" and the
children were told a story in
the Children's tinl'e of
service. Mary Moffatt was
guest organist for thq -gervice
of music.
A meeting of the congre-
gation ofHensall, Unfted
Church has been called for
May 31 immediately follow-
ing the morning service for
the purpose of receiving
permission, and forming, a
•housing corporation for sen-
ior citizens' housing.
The Official Board meeting
of Hensall United Church has
been re-scheduled for June 3
with committee at 7:3,9 p.m.
and the official board at 8:30
The Hensall' Women's In-
stitute met at the United
Church May 13 and enter-
tained the 4-H girls and their
leaders to' a soup and
sandwich supper. A short
programme was presented at'
the beginning of the meeting.
Club #1 put on, their skit,,
"The Case of Uneven Hem"
and Club '#2 chose' Linda
Roberts to. explain the use
and care of a sewipg mach-
Gloria Martin of Crediton
sang three numbers.
Joyce Pepper", and Hilda
Payne presented a short skit,'
"The Upper Berth" and
Hazel Corbett gave two
readings "Those annoying
Three Ring Telephtfnes" and
"A letter from a Mountain
mother to her son."
Gifts were given to 4-H
leaders Dianne Gersten-
loom, Linda Gerstenkgrn,
Befva Fuss, and Carolyn
Knight. Nancy McNab and
Pat Noakes were not pre-
sent. Gifts were also given to
the girls who had attained ,
special levels; advanced' ho-
nours, Marilyn Pepper, and
provincial honours, Vicky
Mann, Donna Zwarin, Laurie
Pepper, and Janice Camp-
At the business session it
was decided to accept an
invitation to the picnic at Port
Blake June 18.
Voting delegates to the
District Annual. are Hazel
Corbett, Pearl Koehler and
Eileen Rannie.
Don't forget pot luck lunch
and crafts. It was decided not
to enter a fair' exhibit this
Rakes '170
Mowers '170
Balers '600
Mower Conditioners *600
Forage Harvesters '1110