HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-27, Page 11 9 't. 'VOL, XX.YI.I,---NO. 1436, THE GREA , CLEARING SALE STILL GOES ON . . We have still lots of Dry Goods "and Groceries to dispose of, and the steep is pretty well assorted as yet ; don't pass over tills great opportunity to buygoods as Cheap as we are selling them ; don't forget, that if We have anything you want, you can. have it at .cost, . and in many lilies below cost. We have put in the knife again and have cut theprices of about half our stock away below cost we want to get rid of Dry Goods and Groceriek as soon as pos- Bible,, and, if selling cfi+s�►p will do it, we shall gain our uijeet.\Don't miss this Chance,, but call and Ie us quote prices and you will stayio bi#yt'` • We wish to impress''°upon 'AA public the fact that we are -in th13' Clothing (to order and rfady-made,) Boots and Shoes and Gents' Furnish- ing business TO STAY, and itiithese lines we show 'alarger and' better stock than can be found elsewhere, and at right prices. Our Tailoring Department is booming and giving great SatlSfaAt al Don't t fo r et to givt us a ciian r to.ntal a -that Tull Suit or Overcoat you are wanting. HOIVIUM d SON WE SI+1LL CfTEA•P. OHOIOJ:r NXNN" YY NEW RAISINS CLEANED CURRANTS • and 4,11.14 line of select Groceries at • 4 INCIHAM WINGTIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1899, WANTssn. 1i. goon smart boy \ u ted at once to learn the printizng business. Apply at the T35II•.s office. SU(C1 4RFUL (.?.tri' ; ^ 14ii. Lawrence Fife'y kale esu fawn stack awl iull�lc:- meats; in Tin111;crr on Thanksgiving day was quite largo' attended and feir prices were realize? for every -taw of. - bred. Cattle want "sAckptiou:lly AAL One mile'' cow nor? -as hig12 a.s t?f1.G0. Mr. J. Currie was ti i aueti:anc'er. Mr. Fyfe•wiU shortlyr ve into town an:1 occapy labs roceutly Iurohasetl property on Leopold street. A GnNnital: f. -1.1r. ;On. Gray has moved intothe use lately vacated. Ly Mr, Win. Arnzot and Mrs. Ycunt; Still occupy the hou 3 vacated by. Mr. Gray; Mr. Win. Ne a has mored into his lino now reeiclonee at the comer. of John and William streets; Axr, R. C. Kittsou will move t. the house vacated by Afz•. Neil, and Ai :. dal= Adair rr311 move into the hour vaont(i by Mr, ell7 A UHAON l Irattson, The China. house. Winattain. NEry i1.DV]LR7'ISSF,,MEYTS.. T. Wilson—Spool 1. G. E. Bing—Spc ni .fno. $err --The coplc+'s.Popular Store. D. MeLauchlit anada's Grc.stest School. Advertiser Pt Co. -Western Advert ser. Geo. Skallor OP.—Lots of Money. N. A. inai'cIt rson—ins. • W.R. Bold Auction Salo. Doha A. OazbAlt—'Killen you Want. Ta,1t2, Gordo Waeicly Budget. Mrs, Tam1 Spooiai. G. Ii oltonzi To Lot and. Spools!. E. 0. Clarke owed« GENERAL LOCAL NEWS, See Halsey Park's advertisement; Dr. Butler, of London, will bo .at tlio Queen's ,Hotel, Wingl.aln, ou. the first Wednesday. of each month from 11.30 a. n u till 8 o'clock p. m., for orlsultation in diseases of the eye, "o and throat. • A B •'zxxLss C E. r. �'. S. : Je r. u5 xzA orae, who has Con cted a dental 1}nfii- ness in this town r several,, y s, has sola his•practico o Dr. Ross. - r. loss. has been a resit nt of Wiu haul for a few months iia , and has' made maty friends who wish him , raeooss '. u,•i less n ur.,. his b 5 1 v° P x2r epics' les uxtRuese.--Weha^� e received a copy f the rules and regula- tions respec ' Fazzners' Institutes, which must be complied with in order the overnment grant, and a to receive t r4L-1 er-le �i 111.- , 1. •a u�aei'''i r, which are of ir';•2rest now that the sea- son for lustitu 3 meetings is coming o11. Copies can be ad. by addressing . F. W. Hodson, super utendent of Farmers' In- stitutes, Toro to. 33 OF OUR: STUUFUTS • a Poc E PT Lr have accepted (rood' situations. W e L i d y e tl e got on trach of eighteen eitutstions I3 understand 1 for graduates in fcurteeo days. We [2J relieved of th _'� r u several as mai lis' i u a e oil i o ere ed Y p 11aY It- ladle ni plications for office help le one day. 1ti art cies of i Six American busitless ,0011,g9s Ere guilt' of Po iel. and two Canadian schools. have re- Cu di,ceotly applied to us for our grade- e] in a,. civilized. ates to teach m .their echoole. .t to heir' el Surely this is positive evidence many tY that our 'oolleao excels iny Lf r ways...It gives training for !militates life. Students e Write for at anytime. admitted our. handsome prospectus. Ad- .. dress W. J. ELW,rOf, Prineipal, Central 'Business College,. G. -On Friday last, the beral demonstration, we at several people were fr pocket books; also that lost, or had stolen, several arinsn apparel. A. person et-pleidusa is net fit to live route and we would like them being eau flit and given the full extent of the 1, > Music filrzii!#lied fOr and private parties. Apply to 8t a asseniblys, n15 moderate. A, WxLsc», Dinsiey House. Ilt,-itozr $LA u s Assoot&'rxoN.-- A large conveutie of • blacksmiths of r the county of Ht on and surnottudillg country met at 0 ion on Thursday of last week to no icier the situation in which they Are aced. The advance of. prices of stock in. all ` their different branches has sed a settees blow to Stayatford, Ont. r the trade and t y find it impossible to aim r r 6%• rs. tc r ..51 lige at present "ees. They have form-. od theins elves ate an association. 'with lin executive, Which, will handle all matters iu thei interest. *.Che to11ow• ingwere t•�h�eof cot's :elected. :-•President, T. L, Jobb,• JO'ingbam;. Secretary, J. Stewart, Seai_t'th; Treasurer, O. John- ll:trrlase Moonset; Issued lsy Ei attdrt ritriLnsorr, No, 23 'Victoria (street, wingittun, Ont.. No wltiles'ses remelted. •--�-x et- • Tames and WEEKLY GLOBE till January 1901,0 new lbsoribers. 1 ston, Clinton. Wank zut'Sr. C. T. '[7. ---On the oc- casioni of the sit of Sir Wilfrid Lathier to this town 0 20th' Otto a petition ask- ing for.prohib _ion. was presented to the Pronnior. Th: following ladies eortiposs €d the delegt on; Mrs. (ttev.) S. W. Goffln, Presid ut Huron County W. C. T. XL; Miss d ate Fisher, Vico-pres., Huron Cain' W. C. T. 13'.. ; htis. A1e:t, Iles, Corr:se, Huron County W. C. T. i7., Mrs, P iliin, Mrs. Mr.) Tz elumcly, Mrs. Ritchie Ret'. Jahn Ww Gofllzn, Congregation 11 iuisteir was also present. Mrs. Gnfi'n e s d theaddressand died-we- ed iscn se- edthe temp? nee question With .Sir Wilfrid Lauri . Ifo informed the dei. esgation that a Rehouse along these lim's were laid bet • 'o hien, that he would pre. sent same to a govezuznent, and also aatd that he ld give fief reply to the address that • fterncronn at the rink. it Wilfrid mid 1 *Waits •v©dse r7eprosrue- ere r},l„r,is ed thew whose haat 11f:..tttuEr;. IN IE urs.7Anothet. of Winghttin's•popul dung anon has got_ and done it. This 1 e -it is Mr, A.1+,. Znrbrigg, photogra o„ who Was mar- ried to Miss Mary B. Steia:.acher, at the home o her pan nts hi Ellice town- ship ship on Wednesda of last -week. Mr. 'anti Mrs. Zurbrigg ve taken up their residence in Air. o.alrius' cottage On Diagonal. road. o TIMES jobs with their many frien int tris}ging them years of happy; pr sperous wedded life. Fs It Sar..•:.•.--TXvo horse fillies all eauzin;; t quality. Apply to Oc,ronnat WIL1anI and three Di:.t'.CII of 3o:+, 0 odd, gocxt reached town last 1174o, Ur, Joseph Clout Lt' wec'Idiu � g t,l> Il(leullillg of t event took place Duluth on Weds Mr. Clenciezn2ine his relatives in. -holo about two at Duluth was 't and cued shortly aft which was near D. A. But- ,STOOK SA estate, whose farri boundary line, Or. c village of Molesr°:.iei extensive auction sal ung 8d head cif sp nilch cows audheifes: take place on. Thurso Parties who attend t purchases will 'meet fug the stock for a fe not prepared to take them on clay of sale. tative had the pleas at the stock one day can say that it is all o_ ur or. au} d people in this dayt. Mud had a good day's hunting, _stock would do well Mr. ohn Gilles and party were hunt- See aclvt iu this issu iugiu"11,a s,.-an1p: ut in Culross. They A Parr.."' WED° ran acrI ss` a vi 1 eat and M. Gillespie ding took place at t ,soon ln: . qui' work of tho animal. Campbell, Catheriu It was a''�lar^ one, and was quite day afternoon, ache q an attraction, a= every one was anxious Miss Annie E., jo took plied et the lad zus of M. Jahn Eng - lend on Wecbtes tz<<svenilig of last week, when his dau,hto Miss Helmuth Mete-, rvaas unit int nr �ria,rd( to )!x.' limy Saint. he uewltnarried couple have taken up housokec fug in the home re- cently purdtasetl 7 Dfr. Saint ('at Ed- ward street. May they have a happy welded life is the ish of their friends. NEW AfAaxw*wu the Advance, has piles put in his And has also nddec way of new type az Bro. Ball 1155 made in the Advance s7 and his new mat -'rig frim to tura out There is plenty of two good newspap Hall and the Adva �r-11ir. T. Ilan, -of 5(1 a new power office this week, considerable in the other machinery. r{ally improvemeuts ce he took control, Will further enable first-class paper. ow. in Winglatm for s, and we wish Bro. 05 every success. Tireeneeervexce was very quiet b S; aces of buses.;es sp tad too AY. -- Thanksgiving SVin;ghaul, as all the were domed, Many dvantage of the boli - $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE,. NDaN:.ryy TMB • •. elk of tho death of r' 7.;," -,110"1"-->X rung, sols of Mrs, �• town, which Fact -FAA I F� YOU HAVE at his home hear e •slay of last week. cl been on a visit to ughauz and left for 'eks ago, and when . keit: with paralysis reael ' s home, th. --The J. Belden ; situated on the miles west of the Weisel holding an of stock, connpris- 1g calves 511(1 20 ,etc. The a!a1° will y, November 2w1. e sale and make privelege of leav- clays, if they aro same away with Mr, S, .. Tants represen- ` Burehiil 4ppea a .ear of hos. of talon; a look to Toronto ou Wec sctay. to see it. A d cat iu these parts is a with Mr. Wm. 1 Pon Sats.—Four first-class show- very rare thins these clays. Wawanosh. The easeseases in good repair, for sale. Apply to HunoN Co ry W. .C. T. U.--Tlie. which was solemn Jas: , at the Star Restaurant. following is Stet of these .ieers elected nesse(' by'somo Se Amman' AT HA>iunseoN.• e•The follow- at at nual co �veiition of the Huron The bride was bee dress of cream be with cream sa Annie Sanderson, of the groom; act Mr. John P. C bride, was woo Nab, of Luckuor churoh,tied the ni which a surnptu served. The br ceeclingly value aa adinzring fr happy young c keeping in the; Tho Tn s jo' e t;teziding cob gr iiig from thauar weok, refer to a s Deemer, of this to the affable clerk •il was considerably 1 was on the expros� the C. P. R., and =a swiftly turf g the corner at Thomas 1. to catch a train he with a, coma -Lerch) aLercia man's big trunks top- pled off the truiees on top. The young man got a bad fal and though no bones were broken his i juries were severe. , DnA:II OF A ; 'Iol!>;na.-Aft. Tames Chambers one of he pioneers of Oxford County and 1.maloeof Mr. H. Chambers, of the Txnx fit ,died at his home in Ingersoll, on Mon g afternoon., in labs Ali li, t e I}eC(. . y ax good health midi when he was down soddenly ill with day afternoon ani Aston Review of last a of C. P.R. Agent n:—Forgus Boomer, Taylor's Drug Store, iltau Monday. He Beast: on the way to _ •' tial I WAS iii. ' , a.a liar ..day' Morning last :own. - He was taken Wel, trouble an Fri - gradually Peak ut til the end' oamo as dove stated. He was well 'mown as a horse buyer and was one of the first to =nip horses to Manitoba. Zia wiurvory hig�y respected by a ho 'knew hini. Dote LosT.—Or Friday 1 , at the elating rink, a sl to for .g with long shaggy hair,. dar o t ack, was lost. Alcyone giving. or tion to Mrs. Tani- lyn an to the do s whereabouts .will be 'suitably rewarde ci u You Com —To be a good cook --oven a great molt -does not require long and arduou study. Cooling a• very few dishes 1 xfectly ,rade Savarin famous for all ti*a. The housekeepor who luerely. sttuc-es Marion Harland's chapter on "The sea of Eggs," int the latest volume on. Cooking Flints" will Ziff the blue rib u. This it but one of the four volume given to each new subscriber who nds one dollar for The Weekly Globe, Bich has been for over GG years, and is bow, Canada's loading faaanily uervspap r, front now till Janu- ary lat, 19014 aid Marion Ilarland's latest book, "B. s of Common Sense," in fot(r voltun n Postage prepaid. The Trnre; .arid Wee ly Globe till Ja=Bary 1, 1901, for. $1.35, iieluding Marion H 'acid's works; foe $1•,GO. , • wu tan. -=Oise ter weekly; also Apples and T3'ow1. butter.. If you home -Spun Skirt raitge of Dregs Go m'° not strpassod. Drw012'rIr LEAs nuitttal • edlivelati Leagues of the Methodist chttrc October Nth, the •elected•fgr the e 13utchart, Teosve l:. Kerr, Denseel: Awdo, Wlnngham: Vitzeil, 'Thiene 'bins ltitltch, G Mrs. Browh, Wit Dr. M. 3T. Gil Goderich Diettiet 1 pworth Leagu° Blyth on Tuesday,' following' new o Ron. President, rich;President, rich; 1st Vice, ?if ten; 2nd •Vice, tot Vioc, htia+s Ja 4th Vi -v+, tont Choice ' .11 ,liltt- any q, zty' .ted ' e ay cztsh for ha of a Plaid or yo need it. Ottr ods, Jacketss,and Furs G. E. Melo: tf Ortrxc*sas.—At tho u of , the Epworth gham District of the held in Teeswater, on ollowing officers were ling year: -Pros,, A. er; 1st'V'ice-1"re§,,W, and Vico-Pres., Geo. 8rd Vice -Pres.,° Miss e; 4th Vice•Pres., ie; Gth Vice=Pres., eehliroh; See.-Tr'eas., s, Tceswater. The Sunday School and mention was held in f last week. ' The erg were elected.— v. J. Wilson, Gode- v. S. J”. ,Alin, GOde- . H, Holland, Olin - and King, 81yth; eXirk, Lendeaboro; tieednia County • W. C; T. U., recently held in Cliutoiz:Pree :lent, Mis. Goffi,r, Wing- hars; Vico-Preeidout, Miss Fisher, Pais. ley; Rco.-Seta; Mrs. McGillicuddy, Goderieh; Cor .See.,Mrs.A-Ross, Wing - ham ; Treater/ea, Mrs. McLean, Sea - forth. Mrs. Gcn and Miss Fisher were appointed del. ;rtes to' the Provincial Convention. `he next county ouven- bon will be hel%iu Wingha' ' October, 1900. Au ExTENDk- Vxsin Miss L. Sper- ling, slaughter -f Mr. 31'. G. Sperling of town, return° `'.home this week from a four months' t. While away she -visited with. frz • is in Winnipeg, Fargo, Valley. City, 3 capolis, St.. Paul, La T ,'r n I_Detroit.2713 ' Creme CL (WI in Miinneapolir, A , Sperliiz received a complimentary eket to attend a reeep- tion tendered esident MoRiuley, the waviest of the r peptic= -was the return of the Thirteent Minnesot Volunteers from the seat 1 war. ' s Sperling said that she ' _neve.. beforo had the privelegdi of -see' g such a sight, as when she seen the 10 soldiers in the march with their w' vniforra and bronze faces. There era ten, bands in the procestiion an t is said that fully one million people tended the reception. WANTED. s;.iort term plan. A young man to learn tailoring and cut- tnnlg. Apply to Webster & Co, (�lueen's Block, Wingham. McINnoo-R oss npniNcl-Yfihe follow- ing account of th Melndoo-Itoss wed- ding appeared in Sae Port Perry Sentinel of last week:—".L very quiet wedding took place he PorKserr'y on Wednesday morning, Oct. 18t at the residence of Mrs. s Aaron Roe-, When her second daughter, Miss Sa -ah P, Ross was wed- ded to lllattlzcty %i �Lui2ld+aa, Wiugham. The ceremony wa performed by Rev. D. C. Hossack, M A., L. L. B., of T'o- rento, brother -in- Lw ofthebride. Only the immediate re dives were present'{ The bride who was nuattended, wore a pretty tailor-nnad travelling dress with toque to>xzatoh arlcnrried n magnificent bogttet of white Ca,'stnthemunns. After the ceremony a c nasty "clejenuer" was served. The haply couple loft ou the 9 d'elockc train forloroilto, and after Nov. lst will be "at h Winghanl. Tlie resents were nu lnerous a21(1 handsome,il hiding a tster of ,pearls and diamond's, tl es;iftof the 10°01,1..1'. ae" to their friends at Tei` -, 94 4644 Nn It rib Any Spectacle is no more adapted to your face than any coat to your body. The fit of the frame is as important as the fit of the lenses. We make a specialty of both. D A TATO.. for the most beautiful • A ifeet flowers ever distilled call aad A ssk to see our ft - Vera Violetta, Pears d'Espagne ' Swiss. Heliotrope t - V Highland Heather V V English Violets V V Marchale Rose V MORROW'S DRUG STORE V .week, and we aWeekly Globe ti umber one stock, The i.„� z=is aa� ll tion in. need of January 1st, 1901 I,rr)1 ioseemeerro* attend the sale. • Robortsou il.ippeila ear load of ort particulars. 1embs to Buffalo Monday. G}. A very wed- The brick vole.. has been oommeuced home of Mr. John on Mx. S. Bennet s not, factory. treet, on usp, nadian rder his only slWeclaughteser, of Closerg FrieC.clsucii. ieetCaon MoOnday. d heart and hand ovoniug next. Riutoul, of West _The lengthy report of last Friday's edding ceremony, bi Liberal mewing he Winghain has d at l.30, was wit wded out oth r interesting matter. My invited guests. All member'kof the Public Library • gly attired in a are requested t return. all books not • ord cord, trimmed later than. the a1 t inst., for inspection. and pearls. Miss f Wroxeter,' cousin as bridesthaicl and bell, brother of the slain. Rev. A. Mae- , formerly of White- ptia1knotatf.80, after wedding ditrher'was e'$•presents were ex - 3 and numerous, snob. uds would give. The ple will take up house - home on John street. their many friends in lationis. Jas, M rear part of his . McKelvie belt latest 'Unproven). —The Cuhoe.' who hold their have a surplus paying all expe Keh•ie is having the ore aided with tin. Mr. is inhaving all the Its. Agricultural Society, fall fair in Teeswater, $85.00 this year, after es. quality in Rubbers, W. J. GItunn's. hthannual convention, ibbath School Assoeia- ened proceedings in this week. Mr. Robt. Farrell e plank. abut' 'fe11 to , i, Co tee .f aurte`sn e..t, es whiell reetilte:i. in For choice aull go to —The thirty-fo of the Provincial tion of Ontario Galt on Txesda; D. M. GOBDDN'—At Kincar( Comc' to us for the largest and guest steppes on a. d stock -of Ladles' -tai Cpats;. Oakes',Cap= the round, a erines, Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntits etc. € y guar- WEE2LLY BUDGET. • They are prime value and . aniteed. ' Our unparalleled race in. • Ladies' Cloth Jackets this _'as fully justify the large number. 'epeat orders we have sent to mam turers so far, which keeps our stock' well assorted, bright and fresh. See our large display of Men's Pur Coats, Fur, Caps, Sleigh Rugs and Sleigh Robes. Yon can bay them cheaper now than when the suow begins to fly. Wanted immediately -Three car loads of good, bright dried apples for export, rice will U„ aid . for which the highest p, will p This is a good opportunity. D. M. Gonoux. MINOR LOCALS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. 1181j: is'$alla ve'en. for the last week of —65 days left i —Next Tuesda, Pine weathe. October. —Court Maitltr i, C. O. V. meet this (Friday) mien* Ladies! For nice, np•ta-date shoes go to GREDEN John Wilson, S., has had a new roofP ut on his o e, —The Huron M dieaal Assoeiati0n met in Clinton on We. uesday. —Messrs. 0. Gi ''espie and .A;-'nour & McAllister are at present buffy tiling out and shipping .Heir stock of pickled e•Zag6 —Grant Allen, the author, wha has been in ill -health 'or' some time past, is doad. He •vas"b? At at Wiztgston, Ont., in 1848. Mr. D. Stowe t intends having his farina surveyed town lots and will -dispose of it in uanntities to suit pur- chasers, Inst arrived, a ear of Portland. ,Ce- melit. J. alma & Co. -Mr. S. Beattie brother of Beattie Bros.', of town, 11a purchased the Mid: (laugh house at Ddu ham and has taken possession. ..We are please( to notice Mr. John H. Dttlunage on Or street tigain. Mr. Dtthuage is lookin _, very well, Int is quite weak yet. —The reduced railway rates for Thanksgiving, c:_ aced an %crew a of travel Math to and from the town, 11 is give a complete list vantage of the cheap -sustaining iujnr his death. —Mr. John Di proprietor of th ill with an attacl ley's many frier speedy recovery. impossible for us of thole erhe took rater+. —The.Gley .never toeleaa 1;iet, :=111111111V4 —Three Huron Canadian malting Transvaal. They A. B. Webb, Jones, of Gorier dsley, the well-known station hotel, is vent' of dropsy. Mr. Dim- as will wish him a. aoys axe 0(110U the et which left for the ire A. R. Wilson and of Clinton, and M.' L. Fresh Baltimore oysters served. in aaly style at Jas. McRelrie's Star Restaurr ant. P. C. Clarke, a to tailor, has moved into his new shop n ext to C. N. Griiliit's grocery stare. M . Clarke now hail a Best class shop ail? is in. a position;t0 do all kinds of•tailori g work iu the latest- styles. ateststyles. See his a-vertisetient in' m- other collum. Dr. Macdonald Is now pernialiently at home and can be consulted by his patrons. —"Keeping Cows for .Profit," • is the well chosen title of ho newest work an. practical &frying o come tinder our notice. We under .Mud that a largo issue of this little inblication in being grationsly eircttlatai with the compli- ments of The De - nal Separator Co., 74 Cortland St., N v York, which eon- cern offers to se' to every reader of Tim Tree upon .plication. i le -O 1S. Mr. Geo. Mase had charge of the' services on the 33 evale •circuit of the Methodist church Sunday last, in the absence of the past , Rev; D. Rogers. Rev. 'War. Lowe s to preach ITarv'est Thanksgiving eer'v'i n in Berrie pariah on Sunday next. Rev, J. 1. ftirkee tor of the United I3 Listowel f tr seven farewell sermon on will be sueceede(t by, back, who preaches 1 on Sunday next. Services were he and St. Flails chute morning. Red Mot Was the halt tilt who has been pas. thorn g- thern Church at ars, preached his Sunday last. l=ie ev. I. G. Grens'e. s opening sermons in the Methodist s ont' living t tflap, it (4. 1§. Sea nail Of Newtxrk. Mich., the fir. tilaad mink horrible Ul , Minn,'tre,1s will ap- helped ler 20 Rowe se tria5a (t) y...,dljrtlR , �,�...jd.� .iia' ;• 0111: '1"'