HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-20, Page 80". ()Lona ress Goods AND SUITINGS. • • . All new weaves represented. Extensive Assortment. Stock now at highest point. Tweed Suiting, Homespun, Chevicts, Frei.es, Broadcloth, Camel's Hair Weaves in plain, plaid andstriped designs, Pop- lisso, Cashmere, Crepons and Brocade% READY-MADE CLOTHING • Variety -is the spice of life, There is sufficient variety of Ready-to-wear Clothing at this store to suit all tastes. 4 CARPETS AND LACE CURTAINS The stock never contained so fine a collectioa of Carpets in Brussels, Tapestry, Wools and Unions in all the newest shades. FURS AND MANTLES This is the :best of all our best stocks. The stock is overflowing with choice goods, just the kind for those wanting the correct styles at •• 9 HIC.Lild.00 s • —01.00 for the Truss until January 1st, 1901, to new subscribers. • —Inspector Tr.'. of West Huron, says that in the first littlf of the present year tire were nearly thirty changes of teach - ars in his inspectorate. —The farm in Howiok, offered for sale touter mortgage at the Brunswick House On Saturday last, was sold to Mr Wm Ferguson, jr. The farm contains 100 acres and brought 00,100: Peter Deane, auctioneer, weilded the hammer. t., What the Boor War is About. The following from the New York Tribune tells what the Boer, war is about :-- "What are the Bosh fighting for? They •say for their independence. But fa it not for their independence of•treaty obligations and internation- al law. Almost the last ward spoken by Great Britain in this unhappy quarrel was a solemn renunciation, and denial of all intent to'infringe upon the domestic autonomy or the Transvaal, and the declaration .of willingness to stand upon the conven- tions of 1881 and 1884. 'That is the offer which the Boers have refused. They are fighting for, an abrogation of a solemn agreemAt, and for the right to conduet their government in respect to alien settlers without re- gard to the commonly accepted prin- ciples• of justice among civilized races. They are fightingto deny to the Outlanders the proteetion of the• courts and the rights of citizenship. They are lighting to keep the Amer& can and British settlers in the• Transvpl, forever subject to that 'Very 'taxation withotarepresentatiote against which out forefathers revolted 1776. They ignore the fact that domestia grant. ed in 1.881, not to the Doppers, not to the burghers, not '0 the Boers,but to the 'inhabitants' of the Transvaal, and they insiat upon arrogating to a minority the powers and' privileges whieh Jnstly, belong to all, and upon " treating she majority, composed of Blitish and Amertrian settlers, as— in their Presidentle -own phrase— 'whim nigger's.' It is to maintain that ..ledepepdence, upon such tin. Joe, sr' pritbvtrie grotind that the app.. 101 WO • ,1-ruerain4 s.ftelt *Uwe tot a•SMiro that the British ,rtutrent hes set itself, even to oxt.ntof aaeopnag war, VV•41 -e do not supposeany rational man seriously believes in the `Naboth's vineyard' talk that has recently been current, to wit, that Great ,13ritatn simply covets the Transvaal land and gold, and has made up her mind to seize them. That was a good enough campaign cry for per fervid Anglophobe orators ; but it WAS too contrary to known facts and too repugnant to common sense to stand as a serious indictment. Neither is there reason to believe Great Britain ILE WINUI ;IA Ai TIMES, OCTOBER 201, 1899 Five Foot soidiers, Theminituura height in themihado's army is a fraction of au inch over 5 feet, that in the Italian array 5feet 1 inch. As the height of individuals in Japan does not of ten •03teeed 5 feet 4 invites for males, it follows that there is wonder. ful uniformity observable in the phy- sique of the Japanese trope, and this fact operates beneficially in long marehee, very few falling out of the ranks: What one eau do all can do. The emperor is himself much above the eV- erage stature, and the empress is it.* as tall as the ,Princess of Wales. Both are sought to meddle with the domestic of SP= Wild. affairs of the Transvaal beyond her right under the conventions of 1881 and 1884, seeing that from first to last she has based he.. wlit,le case upon those conventions No but the British object is what was stated the other day with admirable lucidity by Loud Roseberry— than whom England contains no truer Liberal and no one who is less a jingo— as that of 'rescuing our fellow cuuntry- men in the Transvaal from intoier. able conditions .of subjection and injustice, and of securing eqinti rights rot the white races in S .nte Africa..' So Great Britain will...enter this war on the ground of protecting her own subjects whererer they nay be. A nation that does not on that is unworthy to exist. If the Transvaal 0 hid fat filled its obligatioes under the conventions this difficulty would •not have ariseo. Toen the Out lenders would have had repre sentation in that Government, and would have been able to take care of themselves and secure their own rights ; they would have beeonia citizens of the Transvaal, and tho„ British Government would have left them to work out their own salvation. But by denying them citizenship and representation and the power of self help, the Trnnsvaal has compelled them to look to Great Britain 'for aid andredress, and has justified Great Britain in intervening in their be- half." •egrtimo.u. NOTES. Rev Mr Rell), who has been for over three years pastor of .the Congregational church at Listow I, 1 has 1Inded in his t , resiguatiou atm has accepted the pastorate of the Edgar charehes, a country charge near Barrie. At the meeting of the Presbytery of To- ronto it was announced that the congrega- tions within its bounds are expected to contribute $150,000 towards the century fund, and arrangements were made to bein oolleoti • Sale Register. . - Tuesday, Oot 24th—Unreserved auction SR le of farm stock and implements -at lot 30, con 13, East War/B.1'08h. . Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. See advt in another column, A. Rintoul, proprietor. . John Currie, auctioneer. Monday, Oct 23rd-- -Unreserved auction sale of 50 head of cattle, also sone horses - and sheep, at lot 29, concestiion 1. Cul -rose. Sale at 1 o'clock. 3 Purvis, auctioneer, Crowe, proprietor. ARE you LOSING IPLES111 Then some&ing is wrong. To the young it always unarm trouble. It is a warning to any one, _unless they are already too fat. Scott'? Einuision cheeks this waste and bring4 •up your weight again. Ills Good Ere. It Is a Curio= fact that the loss of any one Of the five senses Is atoned for to a considerable extent by a pronounced in- crease in the efficiency Of the other senses. The result is sometimes aston- ishing. • A: man Who had lost the sight of both eyes trained his hearing until he could tell by the sound of his footsteps on the sidewalks, tie he made his way about town, whether be was In the middle of the walk or at one „side, whether he wag' -walking past a brick or a franie house, or n fence, or Open ground, He ktew•in what part et tffe town he' Was, not only by his meniory or salsa of general direction,' but by the difference In the "trines" of „his footsteps, and he walked about fregty. rielddm tanning Into anything or anybody.' • Some one in hje presenee once called in cities On his total blindness. "Which eye do yon think L eon see with?" he asked the skeptie. . "The left one, of course," wtfs the. re. ply. elm see that the right one is bhind." In reply, the blind man, merely opened his penknife lied tapped the left eye with the little blade. It was it glass eye.—Irouth's Coinpana Soto *OW& Whee isits Caine tar Boxby that the satiire's Son "(Mien below" had made ft Iarge ::1 :1flflono3' In 4 sr1112's some *r the.1 r t fr e A. ' Not. ro old' lady Sprowle,with whom the young man had always 'been a oriel° favorite. "I don't siee whet the minister meant,. eiyikebtt didn't favor 1tob'e having deal - Ito in ,the attack market.sbe said hdlg. motIy to one of her neighbors "1 can't, !eft why mnhey made in trading (tattle, It it's diete fair and square, i&t just as good ns money mode any other warip-ti Youth's Name 111011. "Criminal Typo" Nonsense. , few years age mast of us had con- siderable faith in Lornbroso's "orixn. inal type." We'looked at ear lobes and finger nails and thought we detected in them the "stigmata of degeneration." This illusiou was lost when it well found that, in fact, the criminal* was about as well formed as the jury or the judge.. The "criminal type" fell into obli ion. But the "criminal mind" reraained. The psychology of evildoers must have something in it radically different from that of "respeotable people. We forgot the force of the Rev, John Newton's saying when he saw it thief led to the •gallows, "There goes John Newton but for the graoe of Ged." Now, however, such authorities as Macke and Baor and Dallemagno have pronounced the whole edifice of "crim-• b3a1 psychology" a phantom and a de- lusion. Criminals are just like other people of their sex, age and condition in life. They are tempted, fall and are caught, especially the last, and that id the only difference.—Dr. Brinton in Selene°. Pood Por Reflection. It is said that the sales of looking glasses in the United States amount to about $8,000000 a year and that the industry gives employment to more than 2,000 persons, not including, of Genre°, those who use the mietorb.....Roston Transcript. Cooit's Cotton itoot Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask tOdorNiftia rafi'llfigigt trial Cold pound. Tyne imitations are dangerous. Priee, No.1,•I. per box, No. 2,10 degrees strongerMpebx. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and twO ate,mps. The Cook CompanyWindsor, Ont. Druirvisot s. 1 and 2 sold ana recommended by all responsible Druggists tit Canada. No. 1 and No. 2 for sale by Colin A. Campbell APPLES WANTED Afr . • •- Mahler Bros., proprietors of the Wing. ham Evaporator, will begin operations here as soon as the crop is ready. .They "II nav thahi et p ees or aIi kinds or apples, according to quality. Par -kers Culls and Winefalt4 included. Parties having Apples of any kind, large or small toantitiee, to sell, will find a ready market at the best prices going by coming to our factory. MAHLER BROS., .Proprecors. IuIIIIIuIIuIIIIII.III GoOD PHOTOS Stoves iv are what you get in V the down floor gallery, opposite V the Presbyterian Church. Try M. E. ui brigg next time you vi want your photo taken. Copying and enlarging receive special attention. M. E. ZURBRIQG VJ If you want a first-class stove at moderate V,/ ..-v prices buy a v tera•celiFtsen.-t;iPil..-"-Alt V V U MOVED AUCTION S • Fo. EV Stodk and Impieme ta. A Mr. A. 111 oul line instructed Ur. 1313 Currie, atietioseer, t ell by public auction • lot 35, non. 13, Jlant Wawa osh, en Tuesday,'be* 24th, tLe following ream e property, vie: 1 chestnut her 1' 3 ears old, 1 good milch cows inippused to be in .if, 1 freell *silting cow, 1 pair steers rising • 1 eat Id, 8 ,t a doing 2 years old, 2 betters rising two ,) a t, tagyun2orysc,a1r28 old, 2 Berkshire tiOn• seeing calves, 1 therm 1 thoroughbred York- shire beef, e pies sigh vt s old, 4 eues, 1 lumber mitten, 1 tier, hay rake, 1 scaler, 1 pulper, 1. aped dr , 1. IRA harroas, 1 gang plow. 1 tonere! mesa plow, and other arti tog numerous Bale to non tense at 1 o'clock s terythi to be sold without re prietor in ring up tat ming, Titan All sums of WOO and wide that a uut 12 months cued'. will be t. chas a furnishing approved joint notes. per annum will be allow for cash a • 1UNTOUL, JOB N CURRIE, • Proprietor. . Auctioneer. Grand .Jewel. Cook Stove. Scores of them in' use in this vicinity, A and giving perfect satisfaction. Ask your neighbor AA eb.0 about the qualities of the Grand jewel. . Every stove guaranteed. (• A - mires of turnips, mention, . llst1:7130:1 YOUNG 8z PAULIN 1). O V111, ktic Or cent editei • SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FALL A. E. SNITF-1 13.4.1V alif _ WINORAM. General Banking Business trans- acted. Mouey Advanced to farmers and business men on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed, Moneys remitted kiy draft to all parts of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on rea- sonable terms. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door sou* of School House. Shop op- posite Mdodonaid block. CIDER AND JELLY M!LL ,••••••10 0 • • Take notice that the Wingharn Cider and Jelly 'Mill bas commenced oper- ations and will run Every Wednesday and Thursday until season is ended. BRING ..LONG YOUR APPLES and have them made ibto Sweet Sprup or Jelly. We intend boiling down the cider to apple butter, for which we will charge only 1 cent per gallon': If over exaeede 50 gallons, we will furnfah cus- tomers with a free kettle. Hastin gs,St Ritchie. CHATHAM, ONT. • 'CA DA'S GREATEST SCHOOL ND and BUSINESS TRA • Our pupils aro eeer ere soceepaed ana are found holding man Of the business public. • farre. n Sfariftt gailtor O r, SHORT- I]G. of the best positionn the grf (.5011V7a3Ta, cop rtto Ole G104 trtartr.. • b ardLachlan tt co., . Chatham, Ont. = Derif" Sirs il p- Xti resonst to.; r inqui or the1t. Ur: k.n.3olmstorr • bet...4 been employed as lay; riographer r the past three or tour ••7:rz yearti, .and throughout t tine has gi entire satisfaction,: atat bas proven- bisis elf -en *Ay competent.. in come tion wi th, -tiny, duties assigned to.him* He had zycentl betilf placed id harge the 'right ot; way and Ce0 nsa matters of: 0.140,rtherfs Pacific* CO • • YourStrtalr (M. :r Map 7:541,41 Dear,' Stb. %son. +=A • I-3 '1 A A AND WINTER GOODS. Having opened out a large and well ass Stock of Fall and Winter goods, I am now prepared to give my customers and the public in general the greatest bargains that has ever been offered in the town of Winghara. Note a few of them ; Dress Goods in all the newest designs and. shades. In ,Blister Goods, Luden Cloths, Tweed and. Fancy Suitings at greatly reduced prices. Latest styles in Ladies' Jackets in Black and Colored, prices ranging from $4.00 to $10.00. In Par Goods we show the largest range in town. Ladies' Far Capes and Jackets in diffetent lengths, guaranteed to wear. No tender skin in these goods,,but made io wear for years. Men's Fur Coats in Coon, Australian, Russian Dog, Bulgarian Lamb, Waumbats and Australian Wolf, ranging from $10 each and up. Aiscithe latest styles In Men's Far Caps in Persian Lamb,. Sal, Beaver, and French Otter at special low prices. See our Cloth Caps in latest, American styles from 25 cents to 50c. . Special valui3 in Overcoats in Beaver, Melton and Frieze Goods. Men's .ranging from $4.00 up to $10.00, Youths' from $3.50 to $5.00. See our line for small boys at $3.00. (Special). Also extra value' in Ladies' and Men's Waterproof Coats, assorted CO ors. These are the celebrated 'Mandleberg's Sewn Seems, No ripping or letting water through in these goods but warranted to give satisfaction. Priees from 84,00; and up. • Our stock of Ladies and Men's Underwear is • complete in all the, best makea known in the trade from Union goods to finest Scotch Lamb Fool: Alse extra large sizes in Men's always kept in stock. • . Special value in Children's Underwear all sizes: Our Carpet Depart - went is complete in Brussels, Tapestries, All -wool Unions and. Henips in all the latest designs and colorings, and will be cleared out at prices to,snit the purchaser. Also a complete stock ' of Linoleums and Oilcloths in all 'widths at 25e and .up. Every person in need. of a Carpet should see these. goods before purehaeing; Ordered Clothing a specialty. Pre 413i... Establibliqd i.5 f.. ClIER 30 YEARS OF SUCCESS 9.. 1. See Date at Bottom 43 T' ONLY CD cis The 00p'i n, Johnston, referred to above, was formerly of Palmerston, t., before he came to us Iteremly be re ved a Bartering appointment, and has now full charge a Leas TTIEltil AND RIGHT. OF WAY wit he above R y Co. 236 •EA3trit, Pctu.s secured positions in 17 menthe. Min send you the lis W pay the iailway fare of students from a distamo. Good boa Cali be se - curt• at. 2.00 for Indus; and •$2 50 for gentlemen, or Catalogue of either Departinent address RUPTURE CUR ?TUE PECIALIST IN THE DOMINION 32eWest RIchniotd Strtet P.O. Bo x 539, Toronto, DING, '1HE mof,Vr.81C.11.1.1,UL, 11111`,' A1OST VR0GRESsIVR, '11:11.t. MOST SVC CESSPUI,, AUTHORITY IN THE TlkEA.TMENT of RUPTURE WITH i; AN ,OPERATION 'boo/let of teeth will not fit eta mouth, nor one tindtti ot t 0 snit. etervieni of Iternia. Valve known cares ruined for tire by alwelog tho it ye* In the bawl.; of ideate i 11%014 rI mtvlott not tho athihttet vidteett. Ono' et tho fit.t prioo•pie,1 or invite minnow. Re who thilko4 o SI aity lit 4110 tiellattnttht must certainty he reaard .4 Its 0,...,4%4,11 more iiiii.' 111.1”11 and Ileum recliities for t • treattlient 40t itny, particular, trouble -- AND CEBTAtNT:it NIORM CAI itfh: -thin anyone having "nee •iroturitt tho. Ate,' VOL' 1 VAR:CM; tout 1) sloSKY with thimo who. de titioleteland your ailikition, but go td MAC When. I3T0•10111iititi1y and e. orient*, have hoot It,, ertter intA i. bo, and how to .treat ettelt mew nuceerefully, It we you not ha experience oneit/te In the putt. to lieitif .15 In:adopting Annie diorite? If yom D. McI.JAOHLIN 136 CO, Chatham% Otit.' ever intend to do Anything. n 21 11,8 he.% thric-" NUT W111414. MAY b ' Toll TAVE " 1.114 NO 'ONE .1,M. SPOND: DO not he drom eterre fsocking my aArlee, boomed, after hey Imes treated lartpy eawho., failed to were you, you have bacon discouraged. That is the very time yon shoal make oris moss Xitz4Prilrithen 3 take a ease, I exert my wl le mind; energies and skin to 'perfect score, bre* vo of Any !honey cormitreration. . and bring to boar on It a that acteriee, honeilty, knowledge and oitkerlenott 1iteootoptieh, knowtog that , l rerttonsotthoanert t elrtng tirirjinitrsewat ttitetiec. RtCA• 71..1...eryiote:oty,tneotot byolt. icon5*3111 Pr *dm* Mends a th it. --Send two cent fitatop fOr • 1•1.11•thl• circplar•with ful With nits. ADVicio is BBB, and U11861010 tnay profit very valuable ht Your hiformation, am realer:dent has proven a outman in ill oa se ss I ' 'n'aolwit Do you suff y tf rroo an it e Ira, AR I C O y S E VEINS? If to consul pooiiBanci have cared. ED. NI0110t.S0 Itegr eve, MU M iy ri4stor improving since under your Cara JOHN 00011R E.,'W nehatri The lustre nit I obtained from you for a patient has been vet enaotory, D. A..1' IR IN, bam, Out,. Your treat ent of My rupture be better than I had anticline . I fee proud that • we be • in our Fair Canada a professiocal gentleman who bar made a study et rupt and oaarelieve the boats race from a great amount of auffering. EtEN,EY PINCill, Ilarrieteville, Ont. 00DE cu, Eritli ah btobatige Rotel, Oct, 22-28. W/NiallAbit, Qacen's Rand, liVadnosday, (all day and Gleaning), Ono day i only. Oot. 26. them euccessfu Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. Your system WE 'FIT SPEOTAOLES Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably. Try us. • R. MUNSHA w OPTICIAN AND ./EIVELIOR. KINCARDINE, Itopli Rotolo Oot s 11a. •