HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-05-20, Page 5"Desperately" Association needs new members BY JOANNE BUCHANAN Thei Goderich and District Association for the Mentally Retarded is desperately in need of new members. "We've hit an all-time low," says Bonnie Graham, 'president of the association and principal of the Queen Elizabeth School. "We've been going downhill since 1974. There just seems to, be a lack of interest." The association, which takes in the Seaforth,' Clinton,. Blyth and Auburn areas as well as Goderich, , has a present membership of 22 people. And while these members are good workers, explains Mrs. Graham, there is only so much they can do. The association was formed in 1959, the same year that the Queen Elizabeth School for retarded children was opened in Victoria Public School. At that time the association had many members from the Whole area'. The association lookkafter the Kinimen workshop (ARC hidustrim) where 23 retarded adults do con- tract work and make crafts to sell. This workshop is funded 80 per cent by the Ministry. of Conununityand Social Serviees and per cent by the association. The association also looks after the Keays Street Group Home where nine retarded adults reside and learn life-skllls such as cooking, cleaning, shopping, _etc. Two of these, adults have now moved into their own apartment. The group home is also funded 80 per cent by the ministry with the rest of the funds coming from the residents' family benefits. The association, in conjunction with Tuckersmith Township, recently started a' pre-school nursery for mentally handicapped children at Vanastra. Seven children are already enrolled in the nursery which has been open since March. There is room for 10. So what would happen to these three services if the association ever had to fold? "I guess they would fold too," says Mrs: Graham. "But we're not going to let that happen." If the workshop and the group home folded, those people benefitting from them would have to return to their parents' homes or go back into institutions. "Once the kids are finished school (at Queen Elizabeth), where do they go? You pour money and energy into these kids and then what? If they don't have a workshop or group home to go to, it doesn't seem fair. They have a right to live outside of in- stitutiOns," says Mrs. Graham. 'She explains that the association is not trying to scare people into joining its.ranks by threatening to fold. It is simply trying to build its membership back up again. "We're saying look, we can't relax. There is a lot of work left to be done. But we're not through yet." Mrs. Graham says anybody from the area can join the association by purchasing a $2 membership card. You don't have to be the parent of a retarded child to join. You simply have to be willing to help in any way ' you can. The association meets once a month. It offers public education and inforthation. It gives mutual support to the parents of retarded children. It recruits volunteers to serve on various committees. And it raisesfunds. This fall; the association will be selling cardboard Christinas angels to raise money as opposed to Christmas cards which have been sold in, the pait. It will•also appeal to service clubs for donations. Mrs: Graham says a general /fleeting .,of the assocition is planned for June. There will be a guest speaker and memberships will be sold at that time. "Maybe we don't have much to offer besides blood, sweat and tears but we need help," says Mrs. Graham. If you are interested, please phone Gail Doak in ,Goderich at 529-8886, Barry Clogg, in Clinton at 482- 3048, Bill Thompson in Seaforth at 527-0108 or Don , Young in Auburn at 526-7569. ° The mentally handicapped children of this com- ' munity need you. A SELECTION OF BULOVA-CARAVELLE- SEIKO AND, ACCUTRON MENS AND LADIES CLEARING AT• 5/2 Price A SELECTION OF 14 K GOLD. EARRINGS CLEARING AT Y2 Price A SELECTION OF • , STERLING AND GOLD FILLED LOCKETS' CLEARING AT n sh r Ice 2 ONLY CHIME CLOCKS WOODEN 'CASES. 31 DAY KEY WIND REG 169.95 Sale $99.95 ALL OTHER IN STORE MERCHANDISE :NOT LISTED This is a genuine madness sale for you our customers and will take place in our 'SEAFORTII STORE ONLY front 6 p.m. to midnight Friday, May 22nd. ALL 10K & STERLING. BIRTHSTONE AND SIGNET RINGS ALL MANTLE AND WALL CLOCKS Midnight ,c. 10440'[`4rr SL. EPE $5 .441 • 2 for . Size.' 6 to 6X THE HURON EXPOSITOR. MAY 20, 1901 Staffa shower ho rb Ke lake LOVE—ANSTEIT Kim Anstett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anstett. Seaforth. and Gary Love. son of the Mr. and Mrs. Keith Love of R.R. I Zurich. were married in Kippen United Church by Rev. McMullen on May 16. 1981 at 4:00 p.m. The bride was given by her father. Maid of honour was Mary Devereaux of R.R. 4 Seaforth, Bridesmaids were Joan Devereaux, R.R. 4 Seaforth, Beth McNichol, R.R. 4 Walton. and Cindy and Judy Anstett. sisters of the bride. The bestman was Paul Pavkeje, of R.R. 2 Centralia. Ushers were Terry Elligsen, Brodhagen. Grant and Cord Love, and Joe Anstett. The organist was. Mrs. Gerald Moffatt, R.R. 3 Kippen and the soloist was Mrs. Ron Irving, Paisley. An open reception followed at Hensall Community Centre. The couple will, reside at R.R. 2 ' Hensall., Guests from Edmonton. Michigan, Toronto and - Burlington attended. (Photo by Phillips) Rosemary Armstrong. the coordinator of Huron Day Care centre was the guest _ speaker at the May meeting of the Seaforth W.1. held at the home of Mrs, Eldon Sc - Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345.2346 Attending the Perth South District Annual Tuesday, from Staffs Women's Insti- tute were Mrs. Dalton Smale, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Mrs. John Templeman. Friends, neighbours and relatives ) gathered, Tuesday evening in C.rOttrartY. 'Porch, honouring .bride-aleck• Bar- MRS. ED REGELE , 527-1106 Sympathy is extended to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Glanville? grandpar- ents, Mr. and ,,,Mrs. John Glanville and sisters Doris and Veronica in the sudden death of little John Glanville on Saturday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele were Mrs. Ralph Fischer and Mrs. Adeline Diegel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistner of Brodhagen and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Presz- Vat0F of Crediton. Sympathy is extended to Kerr. She showed slides and commented on - each, The slides showed the many acti- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hulley in the death of Gordon's sister Greta. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum #1 Walton and Mrs. Phylis Burch of Goder- ich visited at the home of Larry. Marsha and Randy Nevers. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Glan- ville of Melfort Sask flew home to attend the funeral of their nephew John Leslie Glanville. Mrs. Adeline Diegel of Shakespeare visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fischer for a few days last week. Vines that take place and the expressions on the faces of these who took part showed presented with mans lovely and useful gifts. Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Mrs. John Templeman set, guests of sthe Elm Grove Women's Institute. a! their pot luck dinner and Grand- mothers' meeting hewn the „COrrestiorid:nt 1VIRS .:1101VINS' LEONHARDT 3454414 The flowers'on,t he Altai in St. 'Peter's Lutheran Church Sunday morning were in memory of Mrs. 'tons (Christine) Siemon. She died 10 years ago. 1 hey were placed there by the family. Bill Vock was home for the weekend and- returned ' to The Dublin and District Athletic Association Bingo Winners for May 15 were: R. Govenlock, A. 'C hessel, R. Elliott, G. Holloway. C. Rose .($33.75), J. Purdy; K. Flood. Si Pauls hall May 13 Ruth Tetrie;cman has ac- cepted a postilion with Hollo- way Automotive Supply in Stratford. Staffs No. 1 4-H Home- makers club, participated to the Achievement Day for the Qu.een , ktosi'Mq for further therapy; Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J.F. K itb4 and Mr. and Mrs. Paul lc;rbes of Kitchener spent S piday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bode. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eickmeier, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ron S,fliuh and family. Richmond Hill. user the holiday weekend. Pastor Arthur 'fferst P. Lee and K. Porter. R. Govenlock. C. Rose. g. Pryde and A. Cronin ($3l-50). R. Elliott. G. Hodgens. K. Flood and E. Watson. L. Rohfritch. I. Jorgenson and answered the Roll Call on "How I would like to 'be remembered if I were a "shut in." _ Correspondence included several "Thank you's" from shut-ins/an invitation to join with the Hospital Auxiliary for a dinner meeting at. Seaforth Gol f Country Club on Tuesday June. 9th at 6:30. •p,m. Anyone wishing to at-c tend please call Joan Ches-. nay or DoiTithy !..H.4ys for tickets by June 2nd.. June meeting of the Seaforth. In- stitute has been rescheduled for Wed. June 3rd at the !IOW . Of ,MES.„ ,,MarY No!ar!',.. An informative "itenors of project. "What came first. the chicken or the egg?” held at Kirkton-Woodhani Community Centre. May 17. Leading the club, !Ors. Charles Douglas and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery. Staffs No. I set up wr-exhibit on the spending 4everar .days this week ax the kiMverSity of G uelph. Gait Beuerman C. Rose ($33.50). K. Porte and G. Pryde. M. Swan and K. Flood. The door prize was won by C. Elliott and the jackpot. $75 was won by J. Purdy. the 33nd annual Officer's Conference. held in Waterloo was given by delegate Mrs. Lorne L n. The theme of the con erence was "The great human heart common to us all.- ' \ • Dele- gates were reminded that this is "the year of the disabled" - let us do some- thing about it, she said, as one in seven in Canada are handiCapped. Remember/ It takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240: anatomy of the chicken, with commentary by Sharon Fill. assisted by Benne Drost. Weekend visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Temple. man, Carrah and Cain, were Carol Stewart and Dr. Jane Robinson. Hamilton. White Cushion root, MEN'S SOCKS .99 Sizes. 10 to -13 Boy's and Girls' T-SHIRTS TANK TOPS $1.79 up - Spitt41 Let's- Talk About News IF you like Fresh Meat di If youlike Fresh Fruit 014 If you like fresh Vegetables Then yiull Irks OUR NEWS It arrives Fresh. m• bara Kerslake with a raised- laneous shower. The evening was planned by Mrs. Carlyle Meikle and girls. and Mrs. Jim Miller and Betty Anne. Mrs. Jim Miller chaired the program which ,included a reading by Mrs. Larry Gardiner. a piano instrumen- tal by Geraldine Meikle and catlfic)ts: VoruNglefl:bY Reify Anne Miller,- 'Par. Wallace read an address 'Of 'good , Wishes .. and •flarbara w.as Mop ple saddened by sudden death "Mit Almon (fx ositor $eatorth WI hears about .the'enjoy"ment they received. This care is made possible by the time and money given by volunteers and organiza- tions and, there is a need for volunteers she said. Mrs.. Corrie Klaver introduced the speaker and Mrs. Grace Scott thanked her. 'Miss Janice Carter save an interesting •talk on "How Lucky I 41'1'7, an4Mrs. Grace SaOtt ga.VisApmn )skiiis'Otten. try an • 'eased woman in 'iv Horne in Ireland. President Mrs. Eldon Kerr opened the meeting with an article , on "Breakfast in bed ,• on Mother's Day." Members • Gail Beuermann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Beuer- mann has returned to her home for the summer months ' from Arizona State Univer- sity. Phoenix. Win prize s, jackpot at Dublin DAA bingo Huron centre Children's White ANKLE SOCKS 2 pr.for.99 Sizes 8 to 91/2 Girls' Summer PYJAMAS 5 1.98 uP 10 Friday Night' Specials 6- 7 . Cotton Terry Cloth 38" width Reg. 4.80 meter now 3.99'm. 7'- 8 p.m. - 10% off all children's wear 8 - 9 p.m. - 10% off towels, sheets and blankets 9 -,10 p.m. - Red tag handbag specials 10 - 11 p.m. - 20% off children's outer wear. 11 % 12 p.m. - 20 off ladies blouses, shirts, sweaters, lingerie SatUrday Only % Roadrunner Off Jeans WEEKEND, DRAW. ANY PURCHASE OVER $5.00 MAY BE ELIGIBLE wwitiEstackitp TWEED "111411KET. Open Monday thru. Saturday **474?0 • . 8:30 a. - 5:SO p.m. Seaforth