HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-05-20, Page 1r---Inside this week
warm weekends
Finally, last weekend gave us
an indication summer is al.•
most here (in spite of the cold
nights) and Ideal tetidents
took advantage of the three
sunny days. including this
long ball hitter. See pictures.
Pg 7
The Brdeefield firemen made
sure there were clean cars
and full stomachs Saturday
nutrning when they hoSied• a
pancake breakfast at their
firehall. See pictures pg...16
New Columnist
This week the 'Expositor wel-
comes a new Vanastra col-
umnis6 She's Rhonda Bjerg,
and if her first submission is
any indication (prolific is too
light a„ description). Vanastra
residents will be well-
informed about events in
their area. See column. pg. 15
Through the work of local
historical groups and other
concerned citizens we've be-
come aware of what a unique
and fascinating Main St.
Seaforth, has. Now, a sketch
of the street is featured On
the corer of Historic Street-
scapes of Huron County by
Nick Hill of Goderich,
review. sketches. pg B3
WHERE'S SHE GOING? — She, complete with Teddy, 'Is a shopper
dresSed Just right to go downtown and hunt. for bargains Friday night at
Seaforth's Midnight Madness sale. CKNX RadIo's mobile unit will be
here and local merchants promise a super night of entertainment with
draws, discounts and hoOrly in-store Specials. (ExpositOr Photo)
Mrid Year..
Whole Pio. 5906
SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1981 — 28 Pages, First Section Pages t 1A to 20A
$16.00 A Year In Advance
Single Copy 40 Cents
SEAFORTH'S DR. J. — Steen Marcussen looks like he's about to deliver
a slam,dunk a la Julius Erving at ,the basketball courts at SDHS. Brian
Dupdis looks on, and does a little lump of, his own. More springtime
photos on Page A9 of the Expositor. (Photo by Hook)
Tuckersmith Township council gave
final approval Tuesday to a sub development
agreement with Albert Price of Egmondville.
It involves seven lots in the hamlet.
In his report to council Road Superinten-
dent Allan Nicholson expressed concern with
ratepayers dumping stones on township road
allowances without his 'permission. The
problem is serious, he said, because so many
farmers are doing it and in such , large
quantities--even *rector) bucket loads of
stones picked from their fields.
Three tile drainage loan applications for a
total of $56,100 were approved.
Council approved renewal of the applica-
tion for his salvage licence by William Brown
of Egmondville 'for another year-June I,
1981 to May 31. 1982.
Council endorsed the resolution from the
Township of Georgian Bay requesting an
environmental assessment for the proposed
generating stations of 'Orillia' Water, Light
and Power Corporation "to be built within
their municipality.
Council agreed to a request from the
Country Singles asking for cost sharing for a
foodlcover to be installed over a table when
buffet-style food is served at the Vanastra
Recreation Centre. Council agreed to pay
half the cost of the plexiglass cover. the cost
of which is not known at this time. The
Country Singles hold' regular.dances at the
Council turned down a request from the
Kinburn Foresters for a- donation for the
construction of a community hall to replace.
the one destroyed, by fire.
Council was informed by Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital that 217 patients from the
township,,,,.were patients in the hospital
during 1980.
Robert Marshall. recreation co-ordinator
at the, Vanastra Recreation Centre submitted
his resignation effective May 29.
Councillor James ['apple will attend a
drainage course at the University of Toronto
from June 15-18. He is the drainage
inspector for the council.
The regular meeting closed about 11:30
p.m. when council went into committee-of-
' the-whole.
have been an OPC hearing early this month
to study the conduct and perforttance of
duties of Mr. Cairns as chief. The hearing
was averted when he stepped down.
Although Mr. Johnston said the internal
difficulties at the department have probably
"always been there", the suspension of Mr.
Cairns in early Jan.. 1980, brought the
situation into public focus.
The chief was relieved of his duties while
awaiting a hearing on drinking-related
charges under the Police Act. The charges
resulted from three complaints, a written
one from a citizen and two from within the
Mr. Cairns received a reprimand and after
a two-month layoff returned to head the
department. Constable Dave Dale was
actingkchief in his absence.
The difficulties were not restricted to the
courtroom, and' when all other town employ-
ees reached an agreement on a contract with
the town in March 1980. the police had yet to
At the same time', another symptom of
problems in the department came to light
-Mien the first of three constables to leave
the force in a year departed. John Burgess
left in March, 1980, and he was followed by
Peter Van Meekeren in November and Neal
Newman last month. Mr. Newman had only
been with the force for three and a half
Mr. Johnston agreed the change in
manpower in the department was evidence
of a problem.
"Yes. probably. when you look at the
turnover on the force. At the municipal level,
you hire men with little experience. send
them to' school, then they resign and go
somewhere else. But it is a high turnover."
• The , wheels were set in motion for Mr.
Cathie resignation when council requested
an informal investigation of the force and of
relations between, the police and committee
last October.
go pad til*
• plidnight..
As the hour of Midnight Madness,draws
nearer, Seaforth merchants are finishing last
minute details to make this event a, big
success. Jerrylietherington, a co-ordinator,'
said that is promises to be "one of the best
promotions that we've put on in a long
The stores will be open until midnight
Friday to cater to all the bargain, hunters in
the area. The local merchants have many
discounts and sales prepared for shoppers...
The theme for the event' is pyjamas. All
shoppers and merchants' arc encouraged to
wear their cutest pj s for the night's
festivities. Shoppers will receive special
treatment if wearing bedtime apparel.
Draws are planned every half hour for
various prizes donated by the merchants.
The draws begin at 6:30 p.m. The prize list
includes a curling iron, a $10 clothing gift
certificate, a $10 grocery voucher, 510
garden centre voucher. 5 litres of Quaker
State oil and a Frani' filter. a handmade tea
cosy and toaster 'cover. 3 tape' package of
mpex 90 tapes. a decorator mirror.
perfume. a meal voucher for two aad more.
You sign your sales slip in any store to
"The OPC said if we (committee) had a
fault, it was that we were too lenient on
John. we didn't step on him the way we
should have," explained Mr. Dinsmore. The
OPC comment led to council's request for an
investigation into chief Ca' s performance
as chief.
"In the chiefs job. y u have to be able to
wear both hats." headed, noting a chief
must be able to identi y both with his men
and the body of gove nment he is respon-
sible to. "I don't think John could wear both
hats." Councillor Dinsmore said.
While plans were under way for a hearing
into Mr. Cairns' work as chief, constable
Dave Dale was charged with five offences
under the Police Act. Four of the charges
were withdrawn and the officer received a
reprimand on the fifth at a hearing in
Seaforth. in April. ,
Councillor Johnston said he felt council
had dealt with the matter in a way it felt
appropriate, even though the problems
continued intermittently for 18 months.
He said perhaps something could have
been done during the trial of Mr. Cairns. in
early 1980, but added. "I think we tried to
handle it the best way we could. We wanted
to get to the root of the problem!'
"As far as I'm Concerned'John Cairns is a
good constable," noted Pr. Johnston. "I
Please turn to page 10
at home, and grandparents John and
Winnifred Glanville -of R.R4-, Walton, and
'Mike and Genevieve Doyle of Zurich..
The body rested at the R.S. Box Funeral
Home. 47-High St., Seaforth.where services
were held at. 2 p,m. Tuesday. Rev. James
Vanslyke officiated. Burial followed in the
Maidandbank Cemetery.
Tuckersmith ..gives. •
approval to Price
After 18 months of , internal. 'turmoil.
closed meetings and hearings and court
appearances involving members of its police
force, the town of Seaforth has an opportun-
ity to lay the controversy.to rest.
Town officials, aided by the Ontario Police
Commission (OPC) and other police chiefs.
will interview six applicants Wednesday who
are vying for the vacant seat at the head of
Seaforth's police department.
'Even with the appointment of the new
chief. however, .one town councillor thinks
there may be a• final episode in the drama.
"In my own gut reaction, we're going to
' have one more blow up." Robert Dinsmore.
chairman of last council's protection• to
persons arid property committee, and a
member of the current .one, said today.
-.Then that'll be it. It will be the one where
the new -chief sets the record straight."
"1 think there's still 'hard feelings on the
force. They'll pass one another on the street
and not say hello. One of them isn't going to
take being stepped on. and that's when it's
going to blow up.",
"Hopefully that won't happen. Hopefully
they'lltealize he's boss. That's why we need
a strong chief."
The chief vacancy arose when John
Cairns, who has been with the force since
1974. submitted his resignation in April and
'accepted a position 'as first. class constable
"rthink the main idea of a new chief is
better communication with the men and the
committee." added Mr. Dinsmore. "We felt
there was a lack of communication, some-
thing missing in between."
"We're looking for somebody who has a
junior command course, or intermediate,"
noted Irwin Johnston, the current chairman
of the committee in charge of police. ",yi%
may not get_ it la chief with command
training),. Some of the applicants have-it; but
it isn't the end-all."
- 'We're looking for someone with exper-
ience with men before, and who has been
responsible for men under him. Some of
them have OPP experience, and one has
quite a bit more than just OPP. He has been
in command of a detachment."
The, resignation of. Mr. Cairns as chief
climaxed the year and a half of controversy.
and immediately ended an issue which could
have been a sustained struggle. There would
Drawi planned
There will be a grand 'prize draw later in
the evening for several prizes, a dehumidi-
fier, an electric heater, a 150 voucher for
lawn equipment, a wheel barrow and a clock
radio. If the winner collects• the prizes while
dressed in pj s. an extra surprise will be
added. Besides these draws. there will be
some in-store draws and several specials. A
modified Ditch auction is planned by one car
dealer and an auction sale and a garage sale
go on on other areas of Main St.
Several s have been organized for
the Main Street area. which will be blocked
off between the Toronto Dominion Bank and
Bob and Betty's Variety. Seaforth Motors
and McLaughlin Chev Olds and Vincents
Farm Equipment will have displays set up.
Two bake sales have been planned and a
babysitting service. sponsored by the Sea-
forth Nursery School will be available.
The Lion's Club. Optimists and the Van
Egmond Foundation arc only arfew of the
other local groups which have planned
booths. CKNX mobile radio and Cable TV
will he on hand.
It appears that everything is ready to roll,
and. as Mr. Hetherington said. "we just
hope the weatherman co-operates!"
Maililop boy, 6,
dies in accident
tragic accident occurred in McKillop.
Township Saturday when John Leslie Glan-
ville, 6,was killed suddenly.
He was playing behind a truck about 12:30
p.m. when it was accidently backed against
the house, pinning him.
The boy is the son of Leslie and Catherine
John, ban in Stratford, was. a Grade 1 Pallbearers were Lloyd, Alex, Ken, Lorne
student at Walton Public School. The school • Roy and Art Glanville, all, uncles of the boy.
was closed Tuesday for his funeral. Flowerbearers were Steven Arnezder, ,Kim-
Besides his .parents he survived by two, berly 'Houston, Robert and Carol Ann
sisters,„ftoutea Lyon an Dotisibilliie..both Omani-