HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-20, Page 7a'-ty4 r• - 'Ir X RERl.1 ND OREA . 1 ran smell the ac :'nted snowilal(elr Softly falling at my Net; liver the hoes that At/ the bailey rront the cherry blossoms sweet. T but shut my eyes to NO them, orchard, meadow, brot,k awl well; X tan hear the rattle riming; Down the lane with tinkling bell. See the clouds go swiftly Failiuy, Summer zephyrs fragrant blow, Where the sunset and the river Meet find flute. in golden r;hnr. There ore lames intrusted pebbles Whore the robin dips bis tvingd In the brook whose rippling t:luste Of my boyhood aver sings. Happy bay whose careless whistle Echoes through the vanished years; Now a dreamer in the gloaming,, Looking through a mist of tears. That the light and this the shadow, Days like passing riei019 seem, Sill I whir}tet• its the twilight That the real an,l tills the bream. --Donahoe's Maga pine, TRUE EL,OGet)ENCC. titr,y meet Claort an Oratorical Wen.. tierfoot %'moon tbia Oast, • "Talkin about oratory," said aroneho Bob, ..you ougiit to have been out to Crimson aril:; last fall, so as to hoar some of the real thing," "lire have some pretty luminous spool'- : miens in congress," ventured the man who felt it incumbent on him to show a tittle `local i'xide, "Not a circumstance. I've read some of • thele kind of speeches. I've heart; .i'en too. A. rolls) Colne' from the oast an started in to tell Crhnlsou Gulch what it flrter do. Some of the boys allowed things was gettin rather slack, no they i frays anything fur a change. So they took - ' his advicean blazed away au organized .a city council." • "I see, You. !told au election." • "Nary. We didn't want any bloodshed. "eve jea' passed the word around that the - C city council was goin to ire held an made it an open game. E vor'ybotly was there,. except Nevada 13111, an he didn't dare show: up because he was under suspicion of sittin in poker game with a private' stock of blue chips which he had hon;;ht unbeknownst from a store in San Auto- ,nio. It wasn't long until, under the in- . structions of the tenderfoot, we had the l city council in good shape. _Only officers a' was allowed to wear their weapons slur - nn thef proCeedin's, an nobody was barred ; from the debate. - The first business we _ took up was the case of Nerndd Bill. We ' reckoned that it. wouldn't be no more than decent local 'ride to prevent the importation of any poker drips except by, the. duly recognized authorities fur .saidimportation. Rattlesnake Pete said the 'only way to make the law Nadia was to, pervide that anybody breakin it shotiid be shot at least onee. The tenderfoot got ° r'iled. in it minute. Ile jumped to his ' feet au got off the most long winded talk About coatstitutionality an the rights of citizenship en whereas an theretoro'thnt• I ever heard. Ile .tali>cd',ltsu'tl. au len shows ct he had read books. But you or- r.. ter have' teat•d Three: I,'irlger Sam's brie reply, It 3es' showed how quick a - matt who has the gift of genuine , elo- quence eau end an argtmllent.. Crimson 'Gulch"hasn't•got through talkin about it . • ,yet. Three Finger Sam (Pawed himself up to his `Cull height an ll rated his linger . at the tenderfoot, 'I don't desire to use no harsher words than is necessary.' says - be, 'lark pd like to iritpw what you mean,, you low down, lop eAr jack -ra.Flbit, by • Conlin into this town an tryin. to toll ne• ,.Whether n. rt tato? needs shootin pr. not. Stave4 we got to wait for some lantern ' ,jawe ..eeyore to come wanderin in .oft the prniri , antellOs. what's good fur its? : Beware'. says Three :Finger Sano. still p'intin Inger an ' grpwin mere elo-. aauent erew minute. 'Beware, you bow- legged burr ' . Don''t • you think you eon - come hero an verawe peoplepbeeanse'you. • wear- specs. ave .a care, or the fust "thing yo4l ttuow •ou'tl be trayelin out of this town with a: munch Of patriotic cit- .' itf- . ' zeas ou your trai eved.' one of w•horn . 'is dead anddous to toot n-,freckie 'off'n the back of your nee i' The tenderfoot• didn't have another w rel to say. an be • lett town .the next ram ; in.",. -Washing!. ten 'Sta . . "Deeds Are Fruit , • Words are but leaves." It is}of what we say. but whit Hood's Stirs perate does that tells the story, The any wonderful cures effected by this edi- etbeare the fruits by which it sboul ;be ,judged;. These prove it to be the great, unequalled remedy for dyspepsia, rhuma' tietn, scrofula. stilt rheum catarrh and' all other ailments due to impure or im- p ':erisligd blood. I{OdD'S PILLS are non•irritating,. w' •efetitive. Profattbly the Poldest eater bird in Listowel dted'lesb- rbeek, t was •owtlecl hs Mt°, it, 6..13a. ,rd and had r'eau he'd the, renter.• i ble age -fol* it crtnatr3'•or eeveptee t and a htltlf years. end, Clliltiretl, gym. 4.011v'ts WA'.•TTltD— Trott. "Tt•Ilt M P'S AND. Achievements of Admiral Dewe,;' • tiro Worked' ,greatest slava; nitro. By Murat Utt.lebead, the lite. Ione friend sad •admirer of the nation's idol'. nig. gest tthcl best book ' 'over 600 pastes, 6x10 1nebes ; nearly 160 ores Ii 1`ftetle i111tetrntfouo, .Only #1.60. Znorn one demsnd. 131v.rommie,Ions. - Outfit free' thieve of a 11fethne, weld gqeIek. The g°"""ISe Camptay, Srd door Caxton ►lld,r.,'Chtoage. '. .E CTI 61TAM. . TIMES; , 'CIT013.E 20, 1890, xio,l a u•' l 4:F ;f+l!1'aA,11f1'A' ',. • A 1-1.3..l'.VC11 O1 RIB LIF Biuevn.Ie makes a, pretty seem; when viewed from Ditrtent's hill on the 13luovulo road, A little village it seems to be, imif iloiases and half trees, lying before you, the river to' the left, at pond for a back ground, and woods to the right, with juat enough smoke staeits to give it character. It is at this point of view, jest where the road bencisalalat lives one of the most interesting, inhabitants of the, little burg --Mr. 11,,,ber: l;t'Oenaway•--one who has seen more sides of this large world of oars thian the 1'tttes usually grant a 13luevnUte, Robert Greenaway is - aft Ulster man, born neat' the little el,jy of Armagh, a day'sdrive front Belfast, just sixty years ago, Ile lived with his,pat'ents, Francis and .11izabeth Greenaway, until 1851, silting in that year on the Alice and Ann for Canada. He landed hi ..;tebtc and immediately took' boat for Dainilton; came; by rail thence to Londgn, and made the iemsinder of his journey, London to Goderieb, by stage -coach over roads of• cordnroy and laud. After spending the winter in Gode, rich, he went to Wellesleyin the spring of '52, remaining there for a season and then moving ou to Mary - bore, where he lived until '54. Int that year he moved to Gorrie, taking. up land in Ilewiek•. Between '5" and '54 he travelled througha con- siderable part of New York 'state - He went inthe fall of '54 to Teeutu- sey and King townships, near To- ronto. While he was here a call was made for volunteers for the Russian war in 755. Actuated by at wandeting mind as well as by a desire _ to serve under the flag, he volunteered, joining the 100th Battalion of Canadian Regulars.` ,1s a Member of this . regia#ent he set sail in , the Greenock from Que- bec, landing in k'Ieetwood, Lancia - shire, in October,, They proceeded thence to Chatham, where they re- tuained in barracks for the winter. The weather was - unusually cold, atcl the snowfall very excessive, which . rendered it very uneomfort- able for the soldiers, as they were provided with no underclothes and ~yore unlined troasers, During drill they used to stack their - arms and' run around them, like so many boys playing cant wheel or fox and -goose. The Chatham l.'a.rrackswas a large slate roofed brick building hav=ing aeeomodationfor about 10,040 soldiers, In the spring of '56 he joined what was known :las the De- pot Battalion, stationed at Canter, bury. The soldiers here were each required in tarsi to do orderly duty, a position that made a man half cook, and ;sal£; avashavaman• The orderly was given only half an hour to wash the dishes alloted to him, sand a portion . of the off and appear in his poli One very hot day', w le Mr. Green• away was ordet'ly, a hurried with his work and a e red in drill 'ust pp, J in the nick of me, very mach flushed in the fa The'sergeant went on his ro ds up and down the ranks•inspeet` g'the men. •"Greenaw y has been drinking," he reporte to the captain., . The ea ain shouted, "Greenaway, two pae to the rear, march." st ped b ie1j ," says that gentle• man tnself, "an' the eaptain comes ve been drinking,Greenaway,". se le. t, + "Nothing strohgeri' ner sottp,'•'� ez:I -- - `" t is needless to say that -this. eri "cal examination resulted in the repr anding of the sergeant. - Atan yerbury he served tinder Colon rt Armstrong and Adjutant 'W'ard,Swvong the soldiers. in train• ing there;;at that time . were the Cape Mou'kted Rifles of Gapes Colony., These were\ drilled both on horse, 'and foot anti: were ,1,000 strong: Their colors 4/ere red and bine; the 17th Lancers 1. 9 strong, `blue with' white facings; 7th and 8th BIael , Own; Horse; tit and ..,nd Xing's (3.grn , Red Coasts, mount on bay horses The ,services all: available I dia the soldiers being neede in .m , Depot Battalion was spatehed there early in '57, settings 1 from Grave - sena in ;i traup ship-tthe Confliet. The voyage was a. lof(g tie, lasting 6 Months and l `days, nd net land M was sighted after leavi . 'England *Until the entered the (tl f of Mame, and Palk Strait. Witter - anoeav sires Were ,execcited on top deck., They landed at 'Calcutta and pro- geeded at once inland .to Deimos,' a oor, sweep, n in drill., i distance of 600 miles, Their fuettuyi buttes wound, 1) elf t)i)rt+nit-ier, in• E'({t of locoulotion Was blow, they *being knee:, ani ft tntyo,let shalt in lice drawn by night; trips, in heavy, all- ann. wood wagons by native- oxen, The days were too hot for moan or beast a;corcllnsR tet of tin ttlt'r nt,t a „t eto appeal' in the Sun, much less to do an; work. The eouuti` . they.pain, tiltln site. hulit,rtll miles f!r'io 1•t ro sed through 'wastib}'1GtllCtit'al, least ll(i Ai Old pitis&'i'iS(11' of n great f.'O )h'er', beings the principal pruduct. Teo • lee says the gobbler itf.titi'd tale tiol % ;louse;; were very, email and built ,of n1 1118 alone.;' settlor' as turkey �trr F;otlrfr laud covered with Elephant, gra=ts.' egds 11 ("1"111"., rf 41°1°8 a,gr), r.nfi Ail night long as they journeyed011 insisted on havn a•"settintr" of'his they c;u41d Miter the .ttidtan farniers nen. tw.t lo'o'tdt-1 'l+'i'h It nems singing to themselves as they work- Ofdtlek t'ar.r , (01 4vlliela t.e lite; f+lizllf ll ed, Their particular oi:cnpatiun at duty for f,nsr weeks with considerable that time being the irrigation of the wheat fields, - In each field severe large wells were d ug, - The co had jU eii(;ls of these an We': mads of eattllen erocks opera a windlass ad tarried by hi. All night long'IAJits t;ruel.s hLe,ardsplasit 1 60401 alt these contents inti?. gr which in tarry overlie Bled the fields.. Ouot;, shortly' al' the trip, all hen nightin pea. midst Of all hideous sh a 'thous* rapped and bamboos picked Tim O wood Company, Windsor, Oita. old On Wingha n by Colin tt. C:,turthell .Druggist.. were up (they had not yet heed supplied with arms). Every one hurried oat to sell his life dearly as possible to the Sepoys. The foe proved to be a peek of hyenas, • In the beauttfut city of "Beres, On. ' first indica- In Bemires, the sacred city of the' l .indoos,. t' tion o f' , Diarrheatt or situated their sacred temple, one of - ,,�+ Dy$eatary afew doses of DR. FOWLER'S .EXT. OF WIELD STRAW - sucee.e, Then lie insisted on trying again•un+l was furnished with more e eggs. W helj the enterprising gobler tori Nita batched out tuo second arced b°,* y hit wain ao i,lla'�tsal wreck, an4'llad ol{on. only a few feathers (01 his honer; and u!d he was too weak to walk, Ile wanted i' pourte,d to try, again belt was tied; op, trotsgbs, wwrxriw4 +w rosunc .r d and watt• ° Rare•After,, Wood's 'hoop1iodino, C tlle$''il d begun iv Great Fnnlfch•.rtemeely. Sold and recommended b 7 wet'e engaged at /r f druggists in Canada. Ong regi qt. M > mile n s o qq � me .oi a d3 a v reel. Alta ag catch' it the e e uaranteee2 v cele all i ' d'w .a.•, "Canada fear the Clana,afans." '01.qA0 THE. CANADIAN ROME IrfRPIAI C0Lfa A i�.fml',wl?L�)ax..T, THE DUVAL TREATMENT FOB BEAUTY rn,.sish, t,( len --iusiliex fc.r all im• p r1r. fin . ..1 lit Skit;, ,flute ltn,1 ' J'•'etb, ,t,:,l in for :r;,tto b tie- following t mu6'ilwt• : d:f tag, f " I 1 wl,u;¢tt+ f•:t f•t.11:"i 4 nit 1'lllili t''j.�i,l . .. monthlyfr,rlg:s1ine hell of inter., tut reading ;natter ami useful in- tut elution for 1 OA i7ADI .1sT woatf1N AND 1 C4A1tl,PD�.ti.�i IiQM1B t e tiseription 131'iae tint. Dollar t sr fltltf nl. Olt ;'ea Caln recetve it with this 1 paper fee' 000 }Nur at the same a: ! pt'iee by of+titling our „rdt'•rt lo :um },undsher of the TIMES let i. 1 '.'iti heal. Montt 11) Wets for sample, copy. }. run xt11 lit-° it, ARrlrose; Canadian glome Journal Co„ tc,Mfr,r) TORa(4Tc,, ONT. 1,i;..1%,(, tsl 1. tai; ulfjtatt 1,=. T.i1R wIi ate°? :r:e:?.1i,B.T6 00., Lt talo r4d,Nu$0- (. 1u .. 4ii°tarxto l cxar> 'nth 1117311,1M b,. s 5 ,w,1 1.Ir $4011:.1 t. n ❑ r,. Qanty u Lti ;, or lurtr ,pry is K e and t inlet Wt' (m,oatl„cta t eh.nr i'r•'t[ 11riys watoa torte, -W, Siren dnrea. Wr:tr:n. t »n t etnlilln perfamo. Full it, re• tent the n..i;ey, an4 tva rorrrtr t +; ear t,1i111,. 01 el,argea HOME SPfECIM.T «' CO. • 1'Z' T"•s';. r:. Fl.t,'1'Gtt41 IMto, ONT. sere was heard a oat forms of Sexutyl i erilcnEgs, alk effects Of nbul3e . °� y e ' vim` " ' '� � w�+3�'w�w '�". ✓ " tt uttered apparently orezeess, li1ental worrq, Excessive useo!To- ell . savage tongues. Car Ivo one naekstge-t ,sex, $6. Chscwrtt �tcase, rix 20411 cure. Pamphlets free to soy ttddrelss: bocce, Opium or Stimirlents, Mailed onrcoe3pt the greatest barbarian editices in'the world. - On being asked if he saw its interior, Mr. Greenaway replied : "There was two black. g'huards ar. the dhure ez wanted the to take off me boots,.so I didn't go in."^c .r.' They marched ;on to Allahabad � il('� willI'OI ' `" and still on northward to Jaunpltr 'cheek the advanoa of where ., he got this ,first smell of powder. This sitirniish beg'a,n in these dangerous ths- early - morning and lasted' until , about three is the afternoon,, when- eases. . . the Sepoys withclrew, The Indians It hAa-been ever 40 years proved themselves to be well did- • in use an I has no equal for pained soldiers ; there horsemen, well the rare of bowel complaints equipped and their artillery meg of young or old. There are good shots. - The regiment 'noiv Went 'under canvas for short time at Ca.vin:pore and then proceeded to Delhi, where. they.took part in'the famous seige of Delhi -the Beige that lasted nine long days and',nights. The city of Delhi was surro'unded..by a massive stone will; abdut, the; wall, likethe • moats of ` endail, England, lay' the dirty waters of river Jumler. Oat 'from the river encircling the city' were - .torts• known - as bell -tent's, capable o£ holding about 109 soldiers. These were occupied by the Sepoys. The gist and 88th Cacnaught Rangers and the 75th Ilighlanders voluuteered to blow`open the gates. Before•doing so it was necessary to .demolish the bell -tents and eros the ric'er. •a•p tittous undertaking. The 61st find 75tl`te ,took the lead and were nearly ark; irillea . in the on- slaught; nslaught; the. 88tkt and , the Rifle ;bangers of which ' r. -Greenaway -was a member follow after, charg- ed in thl,'oug•h the shah ed gates, and r.utard the Sepoy fore The city surrendered'that night, '10t the Sepoy tnutitsers . escaped over*,,, the wall toward ' Dueknow, living' to f kht another day. It was during, this .•'neige that • Mr. Greenaway received his first, a very disastrous wound; being shot in the knee by a copper bullet. The crash was-'lik' crack of awhip. It was not pai' I A detachment was left • ' Delhi for the preservation of, or' while' the reinainder, after. . ssiderable difficulty and; 'delay, ) rched back to Luel5now. Ph: , istory of the relief of that elty i' yell known. .1Vhen the ma ' y had been gen- erally fly quelled* ' 'e wounded were removed to : t oepital in the Rima- layas at .` >,'bbathn near Simla, ;Jere the„. ere, attended by Indian - servants, and as the climate was. salubrious and the weather delight; NI their, guarterS were very pleas: a tet The injury to -1 Mr.- Greenaaway's ,knee;x,ot, . being remedied he was tt''alllported in ,they Denbar to .Eng. land, ` 1�`e regiafined under medical treatment at Cbelies Military t?Ios: pita; for a time, afterward ' being ppensioned. ae returned to his old' home id Artniah in Jane '66, - .'phttt fall he was married and sot sail for Canada eating ills Christmas dinner in the midst of the Atlantic, - ;cow, iin the autumn • of, his life, he has. settled down in quiet Iiinevale wlttii • nothing to rewind him of his adventurous life sage ,his pension, a 444-4-4 RETIMED U4$i” ED 3 tME. many clangorous imitations On the Market, so it would be wise to Fee that tie full name, Dr. ietnils,"i. ttrild ;t/,,utherru, 19 on' every bottle y(ii buy. • Carefully washe, , pro .rrly ironed correctly finish ' nd fa Hy priced - that's the, his yof yon lir:en when brought h' - Not tz t ,i,,g "in our wiishine reparations t+' injure t'he fibre the goods and :mu "a„ thing n ' thy about our wok r'••c urs, LONG Leavei i't ere ' al, dares 'eed,.Stere, 09008. &e, siDereeetecetko 446 rr13ousAi+tws OS' YOUNG' .'TET are( l troubled with tiereonsnes despon- dency, exl,austiou, toss of 'calory, acttrngbacks add kidneys. pniuf urina- tion bashfulness, sediment in nria- tosses i at•tri fit, impotency, headaches, vari+.cele, otm les ulcera bone pains, --The r.. -tilts f evt1 habits In vontia of later exeesse Our Vitalized d`reat)neutcures the wrests cases. F • Ea •tt�t&ions &%Vaart,cocele sap rise vigor and sitaltty • and produce weak men. Our Donal Tre&:tu,stat i Willi Curt 'You. , Stricture and Cheer~, Bid mitdit+ ckronir, yield out V [tit' ized•'i'atterreatine)ft. Bea o1�ratiolf•to tet) pain, ) rno detention from business. Alt drains cease. Otte Donate Try tittriabtnt twill l Csttr e -VO ,y, THE TIMES P! CLUBBIN G LIST • *The TIMES is in a positionto offer a particularly at- , tractive clubbing list this year. We offer riot only such - old favorites as The Weekly Globe and, Witness, but are in a position toffer a reasonable: rate for the Family Herald andWeekly Star. Our club with the ,Family Herald and Star includes the two greatpremium premium �lctures; "Battle r of Alma," and. "Pussy Willws." We also *tures; enabled to O ;sive Marion Harland's Works, "Bits of Common Sense," 4 to Globe subscribers at a - reasonable rate. Read the' fol.- lowing list : TI' till 'df omes 1 en 0 190 , $1.00 Times and Weekly Globe, - '1-35 - Tunes and Weekly Globe and Marion 'Harland's. Works, 1.6o __ Times and 'Weekly Witness, - Ur,Go Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, include • 0 • ing two Pictures, - Times and Western Advertiser, Tines and Weekly Free Press, - Times and Weekly Sun, • rimes and 'Weekly plait and Empire, Times and Daily Globe, • Times, 'and •Daily World, ' Times -and Daily News, Times and Daily Advertiser, Times and Country Gentleman, Tines and Farmers' Advocate, ' ,' I.go r findio n ' i1 the you do oat . pope; } t e above list to your liking; let us know', as we are in a positionto give low 0 clubbing rates with any newspaper or magazine. The t i0balance of -1899 is given free to new subscribers in,all cases of weekly papers. Cali at oi:, address , O (% .' E V AVER 'BX1001 , 75 • .1. 0 1.75 0, . 1:35 I,70 4.25 3.00 1.75 - 2.152.70. Blood'& Sexual OL oaeoS . mired forever. No return of•tho dlsea,ie. No Mercary.• No Poison. Our Inottor Treatment .'wrist Otte You. We Gynrautee Carob. We treat and ogre nit dip mit oars Cased' Of inert i d. women for n limeinition iota humiliation 1,,. *rite for gividlott lad for home Treat iati. DEADEARI�t}ITA�tI�Jt •:. 47 Mibhlpil(} Averuie, R U04FU110i•, DeIroit, Mikbr kaistee€0' ONE QIVES RELINE. 1N GIit A ik. an't S enci a Dis;IIar for o � . Me kine - un►Il you have tried • You can buy than in the paper S -cent cartcins, Ten Tabutes for Five :Cense slit! Moil i psi his itheat,t'J' to [t+tt'T the iniustist prdliesll dintilad fO a tort 3d* Yf you don't find this sort of Rjpani Thbuie At the Drtggist!s ,,. Send Vivo -teat to 'sift 1ttgat'tS t i tttat:ICal.t. Cat'trxta'rr,Ve",''t;4 Spruco St., Ile*'1otk,, mist they wilt be sent tet you by imftitj W to cartfaas will be Mailed tor ds menta, 'Thnc'hanecs Uro ttOt t• Site flirt itipans 't'abultee nth the very • fnedt flea you Hoo & .