HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-20, Page 6„e• orlf4tIfl./**11/ terilDAY., (Itir • Drell Our eau (*tie e.erni,er, Oila4 • , ottorw3,•-oet, 14th, Anything more :minting ee ale surd titan the attidude of Ofipositien papers toward .1 -no Government in refereeee to tho proposed Trlies'eael -eontlegete:, would be difileett imegiee, Ifteause the. Government did ner ioose1t head and . indulge in byeterieiti vaporings tipoii Git trade's loyati,),' to the empireir, le charged ▪ • :with lathe ( umeet it- imperial obligatiens, but Sir Wiei id Leerier anti his colleegues prer,pe,t to adopt tho digniticti* will elates. .manlike Kora:dare of quietly notify ing the flume authorities that they were pvepared ro render ally assist Itnee in men told money that might be required of them. The Govern- ' merit waS well aware that there was no necessity for loud protestations of loyalty ; deeds out wordwere re• quired, atid the needed action was taken in a businesslike, hut tffectual manner. The Monti eal Star bad gone. to a lot. of unnecessary trouble to ask the opinion el 1a'or and other dignitaries throughout the Dominion, and then publishes these opinions—which are of course favor- able te all necessary notion being taken—as though they condemned the course the Governmentjs pursu• ing, wnereas in truth they are a *troop; intiorsation ot that policy. It is eu wledge that trie Dominion is pi eeerett on the shortest notice to supplsv the: rcqawed wen and money tett thees over, and the feet that the Imperial Uvernment has been - placed in possessiou of that kuow• ledge, that !ia p.i ecluned the necest,ity of any undue excitement it tte thattt TFIE SOCILANGES CAN AL, The Soulanges (anal,' the last remaining and most important sec- ti.on of the feurteen cum " waterway flow Vote Williatu sea, is ceinpleted and offieially open for traffic, and the capacity fur transpor- tation thruogli Oanaditt it waters has been inereased about L'O,U00,000 tone per eeitson. whiCil is ankh1 eepei ts a441PA. thet finest artificial wa.terl,vass worlds 1_0111-4 find carry . "••• • V;Lt. 1.a: Lee. Lake St. hatiois to Lai• -.0 St. Louis, past §Qeet. .o eitnest ceutinuo.ts lerehle. It is on the north shore »of the St. Lam ence and parallels the Bettaltatauls °anal on the south batik has been operation lee litany years. it is about 100 feet wide at the bottom and over 7,000,000 eubie yards of clay and lock have been excavated from its bed. In the level of the river between the two lakes is 824; feet LILA this is over come by four Rieke, tbrett ef which are grouped at the Caseoades ur eastern end with a rite ef '23.L. feet each. The work throu;;Iibut is cf 'the most modern ;and substantial description, the lock appliatie,es being those eniployed in tee Claim's Manchester Ship Canal. 111.e total cost has bem 0,250,000 and the work has been in course of tt,nstr ac tien • since 1802: By far the 'bulk '.f the work however has been d.re,..1n hiSt three years of' that after the present Minister»of :Railways Lind Canals assumed eon DR. CAUTHIER ENDORSES "The etateneene that • Mr . major ottioe DR. MBE'S Kidney Liver PMs Dr. 3, T. A. Gauthier, or Valleylield, Que., 'writes I, the undersigeed, certify that the ,contents of this letter, in regard to the cure of Mr. Isadore Major, by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, is correct," Here is is.fr. Major's letter: "After so years 'of suffering from backache and kidney disease owe my life to Dr. A. W. Chase, I had tried an endless variety of remedies to no avail, said on the recommendation of a friend began the use Of Dr. Chase's Kiciney.Liver Pills, Two pills that night and two next morning rave great relief, and 1 eontinued their use until now 1 am completely cured.. My friends t ore surprised and pleased to see me well aRin, • for I spent hundreds•of dollars In vain trying 'Us get cured. Before using Dr. Chase's Kid- inty-Liver Pills my back ached so 1 could not r put on my shots and couldn't lift so Ibs. My shoulders were sore, I had headaches and abed t mite in the mouth. nese troubles are now g entirely gone and what 1 day 1 -am ready to ", ve. I /save told my friends of my wonder-. " I cure, and man( kavebeen greatly benefited "4"40,71r* • 111 E INUILth 0(1E6, OCTOBER k),.iL trot, and to his euergetie action i due the fact that the great meter takin4 is now eompleted, The Wier, upon the eost of transportation mill be to cut the rates ill two, aud fliMet tIiegreat balk of the carry in trade f on the wheat fields.and mines of the C8114(118.11 Northwest and the Western States, from ijuitet States railways to Canadian waters, AN ELEVATOle • s .A. Iiistorleal Woke.,..4. ., OUM Often ill it. It nil i.'• rfitel I idS. a joke bv eeepty tee knot,lee about some , small, but itilluilis, t. Mit in nistory I.- ^ , • • • •tes LH • tit, S.11.11.13A.T11 A,,, I will guarantee 4 1, , , • that iny fi.-it nee cure that everybody is siteposed to know. i 'win cure tio per emit g or en forais of kidney P'or example, there t.i. a * little toWn • omaulaint and la ill New York ealled Rome, with a ; many Instancos. the most serious forms of Bright's disease. If and when the great historian. Free' 1 the cameo is emu plleated rend A tOUT" Ourtee l'1111 of urine. We will analyze it and advise you ftea what to ao. MPNION. 101+111 Meant ':' Well, there is a story i At an asaseata, else. a vial. Outdo to Ilealth t lint. ()nee the Oa uls besieged Bette l ant3 zneiVeNcriee ftr...1305 Aroll st., Phila. and atteMpted bv night to climb over the . wall, They . had almost -I -,..„.. succeeded, when some:geese began sou, whict drove the Gauls baelt.i.... _ ...... Boone fn Mesas. tGstinawk and awakened . the purl. , . And so you see what Mr. Freeman i . _ .. Meant whert he Asked, "Do they eeer 1 "While this le called the "horseless call that paper the goose ?" ! age," the Chieago Ti limo says the • . trade in horses in that city was . A CEASELtSS TQR-MZNT. !lever so good as at pi ()sent, More , than '. . horses wet e soh ;a the stockyettle market. during the las Hezematie Gnawing and Irritation Have a Short Stay After One Ap- Ye" ."."''' 'I" iii" "t '15 PC 4 cent; te ee the sales for 1895, 'am pdeation of Dr Agnew's Ointnwnt N,I01 The Commission to investigate the question of the inspeetion elevnt. ors mid the ewes:traction of fiat grain wareliouses.along the line of railway in Manitoba and the Northwest hue, been appeinted, the Counniseion being- Judge Sulkier, of St. Cattier ines, and Messrs. F. Siretie 1‘1; P. P., Wm. Lothian and Clime Castle,. three prominent and representative farmers ef the meet. The Commie- , sion will at once commence it e en. 'entry, visiting various points in the territory affected and taking eve dense of those interested in the matter. Better men could not have been selected, for in the Judge as ehairman the 'Commission will have the services of an experienced and impartial jurist, while the ageicultnr. al members of the court not only have a practical personal knowledge of the situation but enjoy the. fullest confidence ,of the community in whose interests the enquiry has been ordered. With the assistance of their report the Government will be enabled to prepare such legislation •as will remove an k grievances the farmers may DC NV, hese, and at the same time prore equitable to the transportation companies,- is.MT LIKELT'. An ie teresting report. comes from the P.slaritinie Provinces to the effect that Mr. Foster, ex-4Iinister -of Finance and aspirant to • the ..Con• servative leadership in the House Of CoemOns, has been offered the party nomination, in the constituency of Sunbury and Queen's, now repte-• sented by Hon. A. G. Blair, Minister of Railways The arrange- ment is in a.very embryonic stage at present, the, proposal having come from -an unofficial and semi private gathering of, the, faithful but the suggestion is evidently put out as a, feeler', in the hope' that the Minister of Finance' may be induced to lead -a rorlorn hope. Mr. Foster's record hew4fer foes not encourage the idea that he id prepared to take any desperate &ulnae. He was first lett fee King' 3 County in 1882, ited held the Seat Vali the- itte; :election, bnt in the fight of 1891 Col. Domvflle his Old and soinewhat 'bitter opponent gave him so. close a run that he was scared out of the constitueney and sought refuge in York County, where with 'a solid Conservative majority of over 1,500 hefelt pretty sure of a seat. While Mr. Blair's constituency of Sunbury and Queen's is far from' being "A Grit Wee" it is evidently too well satisfied with its present member to entertain the idea of making a change, and Mr. Foster is too. practi; cal a politiciae to quit a reagnniltbie certainty in York County, for a none too sure hope in Sunbury and Queen's-, . Els remarks therefore, that, "personally tothing. would girt me greater pleastire than to meet your present representative in a land to -hand contest before his own electors," Mist be taken with a grain of salt. . Tim ALASKA )301:1NDATtl. The :announcement from Lon1on that the satisfactory settlement of Alaska boundary dispute with the 'United States is on the eve of gnat settlement will be gladly, received on every hand. The despatch states that, n'thete is good prospeet of a tentative settlement within a fort. night, although a definite arrange- ment apparently unmet be reached until the Joint 00111111188101.1 ratifles the pending reedits vivendi. rt is understood that if • Sir Louis Davies expredies satisfaction on be- half of Canada regarding the pres. eat propositions, the whole question will be practically settled. ,M1 reports alleging to give details of the settlement are pronounced by the authorities here, premature and without adequate basis.," A latter report adds ---."It now seems that be Alaskan centroversy will pro. bably be tattled even earlier than Was sUggested yesterday. There is eliable authority for the statement hat the finishing touches will be iven at Washington within the ext few days."- by using these pil s.' 1)r. Chase's Kidney -Laver Pills are the great. Children Cry for test kidney curs the world has -ever known. tf:Iine pill dose, age, a box at alt dealer, or irtdmanson, Bates &Co., Toronto. little paper called the Rome Sentinel, man was in this cotintry he asked t eDnee iynybody ever salt that paper IIICgotereir' How many of our boys and girls know what the itis - 1 • THODIST--- Rev. 1‘. Hat+, pas it it t4i.ttA attg Of.Servieee at 11 a in laid p 113. P see YTE Ne- leer. 1). rrle pantie rit.r vio,334 at 11 a In Mid p m. Vi1itAlPit.T.,, St. l'atirel- Rec. Win. Lowe, reetor. Sorr lees 1 1 it 111 fled 7 p -1s14.%51,1o111:1*- • ntIDAY 111011N1NO TINICS7.$ MOC., tiors'EPHIPM STRET* itAPTIST- iter, Feed, peeine Servicee at 11 n }Mil 7 p (1)N11112GAr.1:111,1"NA nos., J. Guilin, pastor. Services at It n lit 13114 , 7 p ae. 0111thATIAN A11.44•8 0 It tram end Le .1.1.; in et. WIWI I Sat' i tWei at 3 p at and 8 p 10, SA f.."Ve..TION A f pt . el eTeeed am! u 11 eutitranati. etwoNtt, tit 11. fel ne.3 in and ti In wart) of the above tattratti I•tierchee 1330blait I) School is beta nt eda o‘. *** during the prteent year It taeXpttifed —It Helps Tierneditte ly And Cures Quickly. the -• number or sales will . 110 0:11 larger. Th 3 prim:, I On, lin e C'. W. Howard, Pealea island. Cry`°441. l'Ind 'fur." "IlY g("41 h''r8eS writes.' "Enclosed flail ;35 cents. for the prt't'll i; pi ICC is double the amount which send me a box of Dr. that W416 required in 1895 aud 18130. Agnew's Ointment. I have been afflict- The „verve law ease in 'pee on all Of ' !I"( n , WINGH A. rd.. • atieordinglv. Tramatuty advertisements -amst be. :4 Capital. ..'1...11/4.11.20 that week 11, n. Eizzorr; t:p 44'4)00,01)0 grencontract advert/some:Up 1111{4•,bo In the mace by Wednesday noon, in order to- »pnea* • retett...1 -.trout Att 1. . ° pewitleoe-• it RA .1;1: ee,reette. • otog WINGHA HOSPITAL. AND PtifiLifillfile wraiLLA.51,()Yr.A.Itio, Sillaioriptlortprice,V. r nee, tet eaves:0e ADVIIItTiSiXt1 BATES L44» . 1 1 Yr.'. i if ino. i fin., eoll:ILn 1 800 liti-1-413-ait-Firiiii"-4r.00 Quarter 'l titi, 041 19 00 7 co 200 mat e to oe ea is ow 't 00 a 00 3 00 9 VO 1.13Utti find Other eatoset fot viliutoonn, $t;i;Zi-iiipt" 11)1 fitt4 insurtion.and 3c. per line foranefidtillstquaat, in ;,111.0n. No, timed ti'. nnopnri,11 wale. Lolt,14 notion 10'. pti /the for first iOngithAl• 5..p V line for oath sable:pleat uiserticr Atirertiocuarnta of Loot, Veinal, Strayed', t,'ituatiars awl Business Chanots Wanted, not eueeeding 8 111)0 naliparell, $1 for • kat ineatit, and 60e. for each siduatpumt month, 1101;33ga awl Variant for Sal% not exceeding 8 line. al for first ..mouth, 50e, per subsequent moatb barter advertise/waits in aauporti.m. These terms wilt be strictly adhered to : apee,lal rocs far Luger adrertisweentii. :or or teaser iti.rieds Jon. ' 110 ten, ,'"n 11111.$0,1. 11 1,, n, r, La.. A. IL ed for a long time whit t ezema. Matl it g*Pa.flos .t' horses is estimated at be; tweeu -10 and 50 per cent. The va rk ion Pica I •app lin twee sectninee ly have not lessened the demand for bas done me so much good 1 want to try another box. The first application gay.R me more relief than an \ thing ever tried. It's going to cure me outright." Ile A.L ' k. to 3:;,,,tord 41, tO ralt."7r :;Yint1 11.,..,13n,ttto zdso d .0; ,Att rorft Profit Dew...In .1.11d t1.' L'otted Statu re bnrlit 1. DoposE, .s8 upwertie 1.033 ..f) ad ititerest for the I reatorent of LiltiBA 8ES op ataysismand, SURGICAL C,ALES of 1,11 kiwis. For particulare. address horees, ti e nee keel decrease in de; , W. R V oN e min est n charged, Mortgages, tewn r; 1,dices 18913, ceued by ,12:rtle:raotandoCeinpany funds to loan at lowest rata To Keep Out Tuberenioa7s. nE.d41 10 and term prdper* bought end sold t I LTCITOR„ Eta.. free from tuberculosis a few genera dealers 1110 582102 temporary elttek en: IVI(‘ny I..ottzt . keeping the bei d ef dairy cows enly teteporaie . According -to horse sottie. 01rVICE-:-Bearer Block tromaati. • . rules at least should be observed. -hit; of tiftQuarket may be expected • First, know that the herd is free from as the meal', of tiny general use of , le t. ete ‚»1 ' ”F' 4 J. A. MoItToN Dit. J. P. 13RNICEDY, Medical Superiatendent, Winghtint.001. the Inc:, ole eleetrie, car being the,disease. " 'Then. do not brieg a the automobile: The useof improved new cow late ta herd uelese she -has methode.of t tante ortatitm may take been first testedby 'tuberculin, If the -lenity ut' the people for a time, milk is. taken to a crealnery and skim: but in „the end horsemen think they milk brought back„che not permit it will return te Abell. old fa vorite to be used till it has been pasteutezed. This will not only .make it safe to ' oman'e 'Trou▪ bles feed to calves, but if it is fed to pigs .A re 111 13 reptilt, of an exhausted will also, prevent the 'disease being nerrous slant ‘4aeh can ben y re - spread in tleardirection, Which means 002041 tilts 04+) i if Dr. A Chase's itS`getting a foothold on the farm. Do 'Nei ve Food, \N 1.3 rustle nervous and not under any eircurestancee permit irr,table 'h" tv"ti"g (114''"6" w"i'h strangeeattle to run in this pastures or • occupy the stables. Above all, do not permit a consumptive person to take care of the cows. NIMPA13E There is Nothing in the World to Compare in Curative Value with Dr. Von Stan's Pine, - apple Tablets for Dys- pepsia.. drain Ib' o) e ii a..hud now life, new vigtar new erit•Igv in Dr. A W Ohase's Norve Pond. i lat +1 ...t It, 'e gi I. at est blouti and nerve 1.)4,1,11. t., . • -Wtt•itlri ;2; 'four% klorsol.' --- A colt si„eted thorouelily brolt: en the wiloer 1'0 l'f‘ l!e is wO years horse, Prefi praetke what NEw pi :41,41* and with noother„ - ES has lea: Led, et tell et: to furnish the - • office, Wingianni Doetor • of Dental Surgery of rho Perms,r1vania.. Metal College ited Licentiate of the Ito College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Mee 3over Peak, exercise''Yciti l‘t rt. 11E, in good t.onde 'ell. If put to It'Olicft should he only 1.f the lightest char: • acter, tied especial erre shruid be taken tit iiist 1201 to gall thesboulders Vegetable.papsin is the most valuable• aonstituent in the pineapple. Barring where the eelltir presses. All the the digestivejuicesof tbeleman system, work ti I 3N1)- ea I. -pia colt will do no other article or product leis the power ; z w st u0 d i tirV costs about as much to digest all kauds of food, except veget. able pepsin: . One's general health would 414 be amazingly improved if he could eat a tahseity'icsaiwne°1 Lt7ac'tnfte dgoievsennotot 'AT Tr3g AONA Ti A cl'E S • BARRISTER., Manny advance d on dlortmures nt t,to rohtwilb Ont. prirtiono of paving 144 1)10 end ni aby oor, and aceoutJto etaie..ted. 11013T. Paoli% floss Dove, Moak Witortour,, Ont ARLY GLOSI N.0 CA.lpfliON, LTA a Fat L. DICKENSCN, • BARRIST11.1.1t, BTO. sonionoit To. a.ifirx matzo' TO Wee -Waver WhIghatn BARRISTER, SO,LIbITOR, CONVEYANCER, &et Milne -Corner Ittadlton and Sb. Andrew streets - opposite Colborne lietel. Df' re placing 'your order oensaron, Old n eecaelon: - for Spring Clothing c;.3.11 and AHTUUR ISMIN, D L D S, EiThrtifl. pineapple a day, but hardly one person injure bine. for I 899. We csn afford to sell New Coeds cht;.per old stock that cost one -halt more than new and better I, goods of the latest styles will t t COS (1-k, jonx BITODIDI IWC make clothvg that fit. GENERAL 1V81111ANCE AGM'S ktahlElne.!.3.,__Lo. D. s., DENTIST, 1A8 ITIP of fintario, and ss,» graduate of the lc, C, D. S. e pttpurect to do ail manner of Dental work at reasonable otiose. Deaver Sleek opposite the Brunswick House, wingham. • • trouble and Un41180 .of getting theat in a thousand could do so because of the.' PIMA/Mr; when out of season. Begyatire Ity):e O.) ir areful re- WEBSTER &,» CO •1 Dr. Von Starlit Pineapple Tablets have medy to here in tinv Mows It is good D DEANS, ,nt.. wises -am, Queen's Bloek. all the virtues of the ripe fruit -they are for man or lioaat Etelleves pain, rad aces largely Made up of tbe precious pineapple vrellitnz. eller; tell irottlff tioneu vet, Cuts, - - - LICENSDD AUCTIOIVEDIt FO!. eourr. $3 your twartiot eXpross office non wo win send 21118 watch talon for y011 omonfoo. 11 40 an openfnee, gold.platcd, duct prod ease. bandeonudy engravd, fitted with American Monet Tiolvelled • atern W13411434130 MOVOIllent 4.)1` once sno. Hien geed num place, email In aa- pearatwo to a $25.00 watch, and is just the thing for trading purneses. Ir. on Careful &inn fnationYoli *330 cOtegaced this watch is worth femora than we aalr, pay the expreek agent 3.15 and exprent amens and it is r your* War rt, Watch Co., W. 4. flrotionto, cant GRAND TRTINIt RAirarer. natrAnT Altunz' Toronto and twit 6 49 a. m. 3 08 p. m' • 80p m 10 99 p m. Palmerston mixed 8 55 a pa 8 05 g m. toncionand South 6 58 a m 11 16 a, ars 5 80 p 00 p ra• Eincardite 11 10 a ni 6 40 a 8 8(1 p m 8 80 p 10 29 p to 8 80 a zni acid. They cure dyspepsia and all bums, beaisas.sprains AMY juints,qui»sy. stomach troubles. • Box of 60 Tabletii S5 sore throat, it loopy man etc. cents, Sold by A. L. liamilten. Price t)eie. • Conquering the Burdo*. It is expeeeei thet the Methodist ehurehes of INmilein win contribute " It takes a burdock two years to I $23,000 (4. 825,000 t -1 the century reach maturity, and if the warfare' fund, more than hctlf nf which will ; is begun with the first appearance of • likely be applied on decal church the plant it is Likely to be abandoned debts. before the victory is won—that is, ifi you undertake to spud out the young ; plants, enough will escape to lest! ' one to believe that that method is not effectual. If the plants are eut off' early In the second year of theft growth, just as the blossom stalk is ' nicely formed, the plant will send out lateral teed stalks that will Positively and permanently Mature seed. And because Of their cured by Dr. A. W: Chase's them, and they are left in their glory. Ointrnent, ep a s• e entirely until ptant correspondent, If plant is Ialone Isabies Tortured Ey flatting, itching eczema, find nom. tort and permanent cure in Dr. Chase's Ointtne t a re mai bi b cord ot cures unparalled 1441 the history ct • medicine, texerne, salt rhetut. tatters . scald be/Wield people's rash, and all itch. cAsTOR irg akin chseases. are obsoletely cured Me Iby Dr • Chase's Ointment. A. W. . fr i a so te cure for pilas, and has never been knovin to tail euer3 810worststrefsoridatheis.s disease which habsf)ls This statement may Bolan! rather strong to persons who do not know the superior merits of Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment, but it is per- fectly talc, and heartily endorsed by the grate- ful testimony of thousands of men and women • who have been cured by it afteryears of suffer. big, and after trying many preparatioffs and consulting the best doctora, Mr, H. Dull, Belleville, Ont., says: "I take pleasure in stating that after thirty year e of suffering with Itching Piles, Dr. Chase's Oint. Ment has 'completely cured Me, I tried every remedy that was Advertised, with little or no benefit, but as 1 Imo told different persons faceted es 1 was, Dr. Chase'S Ointment Outdo it perfect cure. 10r. Chase's Ointment has a record of cures Unparalleled in tbe history of Medicine. It is guaranteed to cure any case of piles. For sale by all dcaleto, Eamanson, Sato & Co., Toronto. OF IIHRON, 5 gut wlth 1134)80 01 Sales attended in any part of the CO. Charge - Moderato. JOHN01111DIE, Wrarelnim, OUT.), LICENSED AUCTIONEER. • Sales of Farm Steels and Porn .Implameote- spoolalty, All elders lett at tha TIMED taco pre:aptly Mimi* ed to. Terms teiteonablo. Caveats and TradetY5ark2 obtained, and at1 patent business conducted for MODERATif &attain the intriterliattraduinity of the Patentbfild, And lay facilities tor Seturing patent* arc unsurpassed Send modelo„ sketch orphotograph of Invention, witit description and statement as to advantages claimed, lar.bro theirsot Ortatle fht. annotation aa patentabilietr, and nty fee for prosecuting the application aria nod Sc oared for until She juttetti It atilt/mit otatventoaar Outnar»," too, tatting furl information sent free. Ali CemMtitilt eitlanal Considered as Strictly COtIndentlia7, FRANKLIN H. HOUGH r scream Ntrimoriamrsits. 316 ca. in ttl* bmitent Itiravy uoici or Chain Bracelet for petting only me Onzwo Ono Melon Doylies at ten dente owl]. Latest and prettied designs; 130 two dike. Write, and we win reed the Doylies, imetpaid; on them, realm the menet% Audit* et own torwer4 raw Bracelet, au ettsset raid. camel PareCoot Rol w i geoltailtoi font.' SOCIETY IdEETINOS.. 0 n _Clamp Caledonia, Witt Or Vs et the ilrat and third Monday ie» every mnth o, In the Odd Follows Mall. Irlaidart brethren wolettos J. Murray Chief. 11 B. nutett, 10e,.$* JOB PRiNTIN0, TUC/AMINO Illtielte, himpSilsts, Potters, 111, Reeds, Olrouiata, acci,, executed in no boat style of the artvat moderate prices, and en short. notice. Apply at addicts 11,3. Hilton. taso Onto*, 'Whatchaun BOOKBINDING. Wearo piAttecti to annoum that any Books Ott Magazines left with us for Blading, will hare owr promptattention. Prices tor Binding in any iltylit will be give* on 13061/fil.t.106 6 *f36 Timms °fast 3*— •