HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-20, Page 5r"
i o Ladies' Fur Mantles sold since last week.
4 Men's Fur Coats. .14. Ruffs (assorted).
Ladies 'and gentlemen, the above facts show you
plainly how the fur trade of this season is progressing
with us, and they also convince you that we must have
a stock worthy of•examination.
We gave -a repeat order Tuesday for $34.0 worth
'of Furs.
Kindly call and you will be shown ' our goods
cheerfully vhether you buy or not.
SHQE DEPT. --A good stock of Men's and Boys'
Whole Stock Shoes and Long Boots. Also•a full stock
of Felt Boots
SPECIAL ---A reg. $2 Gaiter with pointed toe,
for $1.25 lop pairs Men's Perfect Rubbers, all sizes,
for 5oc pair ; Women's Rubbers 35c pair,
25c Bottle Shoe Polish for 15c.
• Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
us in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and hon•
est values a share of the patronage. . The present stock will be offered at
gousefornishings, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal. Oil
always in stock. Special attention will be given to cut' •
1441: k`t
Having had large experience in cities, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Heating,
Sanitary plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel
Siding,'Boofing and Metal Ceilings.
Call on us. We shall be pleased to make• your acquaintance, feeling
surge we shall gain,your confidence. ++
ice► ®o 1. c `a
Opposite Post Office, Says:
Fresh Beef
Pickled Pork
3reakfast Bacon ..
Smoked Ham
Side Pork
Corn Beef
Spice Roll, Lard, howl &c.,
always on hand.
Oar priees are right. Orders
called for and pleat delivered to any
part of the town. -
Tour patronage. solicited.
and Pork.
Pressed Beef
Pressed Tongue
Having moved to town to the reef-
• deuce lately occupied by Geo P Wells,
corner Centre and Alfred streets, near
the GTR, I am prepared to pay the
highest cash prices for all kinds of Rags,
Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Wool
"P,ickings, bon and Metal of all kinds,
delivered at my residence, or if word be
left,I will call for same.
Farmers, 'why pay 53 and ( per cent.
interest on your loans when money may
be bad at 5 per cent. Payments made
to suit borrower. Charger; low.
Agonny Ontario Mutual Life Assur-
ance • Company.
At office Friday afternoon and all day
Macdonald Blook, Wingbam.
'i%' .," (.i i .1. MMEO, ecTO,13ER 20, t.b1)9,
Special Prices this
week in
No. 1 at 53.20.
No, 2 at t$3,40. t ;
_ _—
'Prom the News, Ateztendria, Out.
No: 3 at Q3,75, •
With all the latest improve-
: meets,
Call on us for your fall
22111tala PAIN
• Ake OTHEa kaDICINlrs FAILED lilt
#'Iain: PILLS--IW5U'1 DnSE COt T•
ED INTHE IiATTi,e A[i fl ST ,i+,•tIN.
There 14 no there popular hotel
!clerk ie.1';-t:tern .Ontario than Mr,
• i fetor 11el)ouell, of the• Grand°Union
wants in Cow Ties, Lanterns.. I Ilot''I, 211r`xandr:a, At the present
Axes, &e, Lowest prices and 1 thud Mt. lie1)uneil, is In the enjoy.
high gracie.goods. : went of l,w•fect health, and a strong-
We are sole ag"ntu for the ' ' er sleeting him for the first time
Genuine Lehigh Veliey Coal... icould not f,ual;iue that a man with
Costs no more than other : t''e healthy' glow and energetic roan=
grades. Prompt tlelivory• :' her ut' S1 r, McDuneli could aver have
a,felt a symptom of disease, There is
4 ® a story, however, in conncetiot± with
• , ' t1 the splendid degree of health attain -
r• ecl by .hon that is 'worth telling. It
is• it well 'known fact that a few years
ago he was the victim of the most
excruciating pains of rheumatism, -
Ilnowing these feats a News reporter'
called on Mr. lileDoneli for the pur-
pose of eliciting fuller - particulars.:
Without hesitation he attributed his
present sound state of health to the
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People. "I am" sale he 3s
years of age..but three years ago I
did not expect to live this long..' At
that time I was connected with the
Oomwercittl here and as part,of my
duty was to drive the busses to and
Mr. 0. Smith's factory, from tiie 0. A. R, station, I was ex -
Mr. and Mrs, John Brethauer posed to all kinds of weather and
secured 21 prizes at the Brussels ,all subjected to the sudden extremes of
show, and 25 at the Gorrie•show.'
Mr, John Robinson, 'of Blue°vale,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Rathburn, of
Duluth, are visiting with the latter's
father, Mr. John Knutson.
Mrs.. Smith, of •Hamilton, was
visiting with her brother-in-law, Mr.
Q: Smith. .
Mr. Victor Patterson, of Owen
Sound, was visiting with Wroxeter
friends last week.
Air. 0; Stewart has returned home
and Lhas taken his former.; position in
heat turd cold. ,±Hong. in the early
spring I was sud'6ienlyattacked with
has purchased Mr. David Martin's the most terrible 'pains' in my limbs 1
dwelling on Sanderson street. • and body, , I sought relief in doctors
then in patent medicines, but all to -
Bisii arek's Iron 3forve no purpose; nothing seemed to afford
Was the -result of his splendid health. relief. roue two months• I was a.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy I helpless invalid, suffering constantly
are not found where Stomach, Liver.! the most excruciating. gains. My
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If hands and feet swelled and•: I was
you Want these qualities and the success
they bring. use Dr, King's New Life Positive the end was appro;l,chipg.;?
'Pills. They develop -every power of brain My heart was effected and indeed I
and body. Only 2 p..as Colin A. Camp- was Almost in despair, when fortun-
bell'sDrop; Store. ••; p4 - ately a friend of our family redone-
. mended the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
GORED. Pills I began_ using' them in. May,
tt, �a highly 1896'r and had taken three boxes be•
Mrs: Richet±d• Benne
respected resident of 13owlek town -
I noticed any change,'butirem
ship, was buried in the Corrie ceme• that tithe everytldose. wanted.'" The
tery on Sunday last. blood Eeeiiied Go thrill through my
Air, J. G. Edgar has gone to veins;and by the time I had finished
the fifth' box eve, y trace of the ells -
Must+. Hannah and Eliza Bartoc,
who spent tt -week under the1parental
root, have' returned to: Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. ilieDonalci and family
were vielting- withwithrelatives at St.
Helens last week.
A very pretty wedding took place
at the residence of Mr, and 'Mrs.
McKee on Tuesday evening, the
10th, it .being the" occasion of thele;
eldest daughter, Laura, being united
1n marriage to Mr. John Wylie, of,
Turn berry. A large circle of friends .
and relatives were present to witness!
the happy event. We extend Ibe
best wishes to the young couple for •
a hippy and prosperous life. I
No Right to Ug1inesa,
The woman who is lovely in Lacec form
and temper will always have friends, but
one who would be attractive must keep
her health." It she is weak, sickly and all•
run down, she will be nervous and irrit•
able. 1f she has constipation or kidney
trouble, her impure blood will cause
pimples, blotches, akin eruptions and a
wretched comptexion. ' Electric Bitters
is the best medicine ,in the world to re-
gulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to
purify the blood. It gives strong nerves,
bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich
complexion. It will make a good look-
ing, charn.ing woman of a run-down in-
valid. Only 50o, at Colin A. Campbell's
Drug Store.
err -or S
Windsor, where he will work in :. ease had vanished. Ever since then
flour mill.I have been working .hard' and fre-
Messrs. Alf and Perrey Carlisle, of quently overtime, buthave contlnu•
Hensel), visited with their sister, ed in excellent .health. 4i henever
Mrs. G. A. Found, last week. I feel the sligh est symptom cf tbe
Tuesday evening of last week the trouble I use the pills for a day or so
first of a reties of j nhtical meetings
by Dr, Maciienald,. M. P., was held
in the town hall in this village The
and soon feel es well as ever. I feel
that I .owe by health to Dr. Williams'
chair was occupied by the veteran; Pink Pills' and never lose an oppor-
Thos. Gibson,ea M. P. P.,of Wroxeter,, tunny of • recomrne was. . them to
who also mads a Brief` speech. The others suffering'as I ryas,
other speakers were Thos, Strachan, Dr, WilliamsPink Pills cure by
of Grey •,W. H, 'Cue, 'of the Brussels going to the east of the disease.
Post; and Dr. Macdonald. The latter They renew and build up the blood,
gave a splendid address ot about and strengthen_ the nerves, thtis
driving disease' from tbe system'.
two hours in which he reviewed the -
Work of the Laurier administration I A,te\'id imitations by -insisting that
in a clear ar,d'coneise manner. He t ever 3 box 3'11 purchase is encloses
also answered t evera l questions pro.
minded by persons in the adience.
The meeting close d wild cheers for
them thewill b d t
in tt wrapper bearing the full name
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People. If your dealer does not keep
THE NIILE Queen and the Dr. Brussels I
the a sent postpaid a
50 cents a box; or six boxes for 112,50
bandwas in attendance, rendering!b addressing. h Dr Williams'
OF THEt -; selections both before and after the
d beth+ en s eeches. •
Y. a ressi g t e i
bltdicine Co.,.Brockvlile,.�Ont, -
RY meeting an E p
Both speakers and•band were treated
to an elegant supper at the 'Brown
hoose. The .meeting was a good
is pure and cold and '
costs...... ........Es
The Stamp of Security
On every "Slater Shoe'', Et there by the
makers as a guarantee of wear, tX -• a"protec-
tion against extortionate profits. •
Many inen would reaciily flay more for a
r` Slater Shoe " were not the price stamped on
the ;,ole --= this stamp orqs tate actual market .
value of the shoe determined by the manufac-
• Made in twelve
foot -model shapes, all
sizes, widths, leathers,
coleys and styles, Revery pair Good-
year welted, P M
$3'So and $5.oO. e�.
Fur Sale Only by HOMUTH & SON.
Children should always'
'.ncrease in weight.- ' Not• to
:row, not to increase in flesh,
.elongs to old age.
Present ,and future health
demands that - this increase
in weight should be steady
and never failing.
'Teo delicate children,
Scott's Emulsion brings
richer blood and firmer '
flesh. Petter color comes
to the cheeks and stronger
.nuscles to the limbs. The •
;cin in weight is substantial;
.t comes to -stay.
got, and it.no, all druggist,
Kerr do IIOWNE, Ch.mbts, I'oronto.
The annual 'fall fair held en Mon-
day, and Tuesday of last week, was
a spletrflid %mess. The day was an
ideal one for an outdoor gathering
se that a very large crowd gathered
It was estimated that there were
about 4000 people present, bat the
number of tickets sold ought to be
the' best index and one of the direct
Ors said. Tuesday night that the
number of paid admtssiona ran over
6000, This ought to leave a good
balance in the hands of the manage•
meat and go a, long way towards
helping tri• pav for improvements
Slade upon the grounds this year,
'T'he track pleased the horsemen pnd
they are the persons ;nest Concerned
Some people tnay cavil by racing
groom. • +; In Canedge• cif,
plated the wedding teareb 'aa
bride entered the room escorted
her father. She wire pretty ge-
of white organdie t'euslin nestle White
silk, with the ettatarnriry veil and
orange blossoms and she earned
shower boquet of creast roses and
carnations. Theo hridec-ivaid was
dressed in a pretty er,atume of pink
and white muslin and carried tt
ehower botluct ot pink Loses and ear -
nations. After the ceremony a.
dejeuner was served, at which over
fifty guests were present, and at the
conclusion of wttieli static very apt
and congratulatory toasts were pro-
posed and responded to. Mr. and
Mrs. West lett on the 8 p. m. train
Mid showers of rico and eongratu- -
lations, for Niagara Falls and Buffalo.,
Mrs. West was made the recipient of
many valuable presents _ from her„
many friends and well-wishers."
Mr, W, II. Stewart has been ap-
pointed Principal of the New Ham-
burg Public School at an initial
salary of $550. Mr. Stewart Is a
gocd all-round man and a successful
teacher, His duties commeuee on
November lst, and we wish him
every, success. His brother, Robert
has returned to Queen's lieleeettit3;,. >
at Kingston. Ile is now u child":
year under graduate in Arts. .
His Life Was. Saved.•
Remember J. Crowe's sale of cat - 51J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
tle, eep and horses on Monday iienaibal, Mo.c lately had a wonderful
e , deliverance from a frightful death. -In
, fessrs. Scott and Johnston ex telling oY it he save: "I was taken with
' 'Typhoid Fever, that,ran into eneun1onia.
ecutors of the Hugh Chisholm estate Ivllungs became liarden'd, I was so• ,
sold the100a farm to Jos. Steffier eak I couldn't even tit up in -beds
for 4,500, he farm. is cheap at Nothina helped me, I expected to soon
that price Ind Mr. Steffier has got die of Coneun,ption, when I heard efDr,
a bargain. The house is a good one grey s New D1 cortin One bottle gave
great relief, 1 continued to use it, and- '
and the barn and other out buildings now am well and strong. I can't Fay -too
articularly good. much in its praise." This marvellous -
he grim rep.per entered the home'
worild for all Throat arid Lungs the surest and quickest cure
of Air: Peter Millan; of the 6th co Trouble. 50 cents and (61.0.1, at Colin A.
on -Friday morning, 6th inst., an ampbell's Drug. Score; every bottle
gathered home bis tdaugliter, Miss -guaranteed.
Mary, in her . twenty=ninth year,
Miss'Milla.n will be much* missed b3,t
those who knew her and the fatty
beve the sympathy of the neighbor-
hood in their loss.
but after all it Will hold the attention
of the crowd better than :anything
Britain Sends 70,CCO Troops.
London, Oct. 1.6. ---When the army
corps reaches South Africa the Brit-• -
- kb -troops there will number 'over
CLINTON, 70,000 men. Many v' eks' will
• elapse, however; before the large
Mr. J. T. Doherty, eldest son of force is at the. front, as vet t illy the
Mr. William Doherty, the leading troops butvast quantities e.f stores
tl,anufacturer of this place,. died must be conveyed acmes t ne sea and
suddenly Friday morning pf heart
failure. Mr. Doherty was one of the
bestknown. and most popular young
men of Clinton. He leaves a widow
and infant daughter. He had been.
in poor beal.h for some time before
,his death, which came,, however, as
a great shock to all who knew hien..
Voll\eunie Eruptions •
Are grand, bat Skin Eruptions rob
life of j4.y. • Buckleu's Amiga Salve.
cures them; also Old. Running and Fever
Sores. Ulcera, l3oils,Felons, Carus, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped 50 000 troopsin six days. It would
Hands, Chilblains. Best'°�.'ile cure on
Partb. Drives out Pains and Aches. be beyo[,d the power of any other
Only a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold European country, fair the troops
by CAM A. Campbell, Druggist. will carry with them everything
13LUEVALE. necessary for a lengthy campaign.,
The war is expected to last until
Mr. John Hardy and. Miss Hardy, April, and it is expected that it mill'
of. Cul ss, spent Sunday with Mrs. cost $200,000 000, The Govern-
utherford, ment will alt parliament to vote
e are pleased to know that immediately= a credit for 1850 000,000
i aster Chester Pug" `'s recovering, or $75,000,000,
though. very slowly, " i. his recent •
then over a hundred mi'es into a
:eountry which ' win be, generally
speaking, destitute of the necessaries
of life.
It is estimated tint 35,000 Boars
are now in• the -field, but little re-
liance can he placed on theta figures,
as there are said to be 24 G',0 now
within the borders of Natal, The •
Boars of the Transvnal and Orange
Free State prob..bly number 50,000.
Beginning next Friday, six trans-
ports will leave Southampton daily.
This means the despatch of over
The Proprietary Medicine Associa-
Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, of Wrox tion has decided upon an increase of
eter, gave a very instructive and 5 per cent in the prices of all patent
interesting sermon in the Presby medicines sold through the Dominion
terian church last Sunday afternoon. or Canada.
Mr. Lockhart, of Knox. College, will
--ch the next two Sundays: -' = — - -- • rs. D. Agar, of Morris, is i11 of "Every Well Man
inflammation at the home of her
sister, Mrs. G. Harvey. p�� lit Master Heber Thornfbn, of Wing•. Hath His ` Days
ham is spending a few days in the ,.
village, A doctors examination
Miss Olive Scott has nearly re- might show that - .kidneys,
covered from her rtcent illness. • liver and stomach are normal,
Mr. Joe Burgess, who is visiting but the doctor cannot analyze
here, is suffering from inflammation, the blood u on which these
The following taken from the
organs depend.
Hood's Sarsaparilla purities, vitalizes
and enriches tho blood. It cures you
when "a bit off" or when seriously
afflicted. it never disappoints.
Globe refers to the wedding of Rev.
W. J. West, M. •A., the pastor of the
Pre terian church here :—
very pretty wedding tools:
place at the residence ot Mr. J. K;1
Gordon, barrister and solicitor, :Of
Whitby, on the I illi - of October. .
when his yotibgesit daughter, miss
Victoria Pentland Gordon, was mar -
rigid• to Rev. W. J, West, M. A., of.
Bluevale. The ceremony was per•
f4hielt. by Rev.. Mr. Abraham, of
Whitby, assisted by Rev. W. 'r. 1
wAN'rltD•--St.vhfAL DUIOt±x AND IIt1NE3'r
• pbYt,onm to rrprom❑nt ua to Managers In the
and cines by nenntlis. lialary 5900 n year and e+r
Mt,enace, etralith' Tinua•itc e, no 1140,0, to lees cater
Poatti0npennahen6 ,hu• rot.rentor, any bank 1
Hall. of Belgrave, brother-in•law cf
the bride. The bridesmaid was Miss';
ri ,Linda Harris, of Toronto, and the
• any town. Yt to mainly allies tank eendueted n
home, Refere co. Enctcre melt -addressed atampe
ei,y.iope. Tat l>o',tslnta Cowen', Dept 8 Cht
groomstrlatl was Mr, 'W. S. West, of
Osgoode Hall, brother of the bride;
Rheutrlatlam—" z believe Hood's Sar-
saparilla has no equal for rheumatism. It
has done me more good than any other
medicine I have taken." Mas. Paraicrc
1sa.i.inr, Iirainpton, Ont,
Zed Cough -"Atter thy long illness,
Vas very twak and had a bad cough,
could not eat or sleep. Different remedies
did not help me blit $colt's Sarsaparilla
built me up and 1 am now able to attend to
my Work." MnirirrrS noes °shano, Ont.
,oatlartie ;tench
ad'* Pitts euro liverilti; the itot .lrrltatinlr an
to teiro tvith 1feuPr