The Wingham Times, 1899-10-20, Page 4tyirtii all0alsil^
Cures Coughs, Colds, Sore°
throat and all Bronchial
troubles. It. 'is the - best,
that's all. ,
For sale only at
Notice of changes must be left at this
°ince not later than Saturday
noon. The copy for changes
must be left not later than Tues.
day evening, Casual advertise.
• meets accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week,
ke iivam abets
1i',RIDAY. OCT. 20, 1890.
The various committees in charge
of the Laurer Demonstration to be
held in Wingham to -day (Friday,)
have about completed their labors.
The proceedings will be carried out
along the lines mentioned last week.
Sir Wilfrid and party will arrive in
Wingham on Thursday, when no
public reception will be held. On
Friday a grand ;procession will be
formed and march will he made on
_several of the streets of town., The
speaking will commence at 2 o'clock
art the skating rink. The rink has
been provided with proper seats,
Platform, ete. A special train will
be run on the G. T. R. from Palmer-
ston to Wingbam, arriving here at
about 12 o'clock and will return at
' 7.30 p; m. A very large turnout is
looked for.
The following from' the London
News is good sound logic which it
Would be well for certain newspapers
TUE. WINWI:A.�1. '°11NI.. S,QCTU.B.3EIt 20, 11899.
when a French Canadian ,became
Premier of Oanad,a, and there are
people who believe that that same 1
French Canadian Premier has Netu-
ally done more to cement. the bonds
of empire than some of•his ;note
tvoutbly predecessors, The Tory
party in Ontario need never hope to
attain "the future's portals with the
past's blood rusted key." It is an -
patriotic. for Conservative papers to
spread the lwpression---a false int•
preslPon -- -abroad that Canada's
premier, or any influential sectiola
of his following, is disloyal, and it is
bad politics, for a great party to fan
the dames of race hatred in one pro.
vine° for the sake of doubtful party
gain in ' that = province in view of
assured party loss in another pro
vince° The Tory party will do well
to cut all that disloyalty rot out.
So long as the French-Canadian
voted the Conservative ticket he was
the finest young fellow in sight, and
the bolder of a tnechanic'a lein on
the privelege of tiring the last shot
in. defence of British connection on.
this continent. —Toronto Telegram,
CANADA has decided to send a
thousand soldiers to South Africa,
not that Great Britain needs them,
hut chiefly because of the moral
effect on the world of showing that,
should a time of still greater strain
end stress for the Empire arrive, she
may rely on her sons in every
quarter of the habitable earth.
WREN the Canadian Partiaarent
in August passed a resolution of
sympathy with the outlanders. the
idea of sending Canadian' troops to
South Africa was not in question.
Mr. McNeill, Conservative member
for North Bruce, and' an ardent
Imperialist, raid on that occasion :-
"It there is no material assistance
offered (Great Britain) today, we
know that it is because it is felt that it
is not necessary to render assistance
to aone-hundred-ton hammer to crack
hazel-nut."—Loi.don Advertiser.
*,tvo atoms Mersete
riast Buffalo, N. Y., October 17.—
Cattle—There was half a dozeu loads
over, and there were a few sales in
dingle loads and bundles which sold
an the basia of yesterday'a close;
strictly choiee butchers are still held
steady, and .,n the common kinds
the feeling is dull. There was no
change in the position of the calf
market, there being no quotable lots
on sale. Sheep and lambs --The of-
ferings were 6 loads; the trade was
dull end very few bunches , sold;
prices were about the same as the
close yesterday:choice to extra lambs,
$5 to $5.25; good to choice, $4.75 to
$ti; sheep, choice to extra,84`to $&25.
Hogs—The offerings were four toads;
the basis utas- $4.40 to $4.50; and
the general trade dull;, heavy were
quotable at $4.45 to• $4.50; Yorkers
and pigs $4.40 to $4,45; grassers, $4.-
80 to x+4.40; roughs $3.50. to 83.75;
stags, $3 to $4.
Toronto, Ont., October 17—To-day
the ruu was larger than usual, 67
loads, representing 1,000 cattle, 1,600
sheep and lambs and 1,170 hogs,
Very few sales were effeeted, the 1
advance in freight rates • a..d the!
scarcity of vessel space caused buyers
to exercise caution in purchasing.
Export cattle -Prices dropped about
75c per cwt. all round, $8.75 to
$4,25 per cwt, being bid for good
stock, and $3..50 to 83:75 .per cwt. •
for .lighter cattle. Butchers' cattle,
demand very weak ; good butchers'
cattle sold at $3.25 to $3.50 per, cwt„
and in some instances for less ; mixed
lots sold at • $2.75 to $3.25 per cwt.
Stockers and feeders—This branch
was a trifle steadier than the others,
but was as well inclined to weaken ;
stockers sold at $2,25 to $3.25 per.
cwt. ; heavy feeders et $3.25 to
$3, 75 per cwt„ and light feeders at
$3 to $3.25 per cwt, Sheep and
lambs—Export sheep were in fair
demand at $3.25 to 83.40 per cwt. ;
lambs dropped 25c per cwt., to $3.50.
to $3.75 ; the market was not active.
Hogs show signs of a further weak,;,
prices $4.37:'", per cwt. for choice
medium fat, and $3 for heavy and
light stock ; market was weak all
Miss N. J. Isbi.ster, dangliter of
Minutes of council meeting held as teacher of S. No: 9, Grey town -
Oct. 16, 1899. Members of' council shiP, fnr 1 00, at an advance of
all present. The reeve in the chair. ,salary.
read, approved and signed. Reports: LISTOWEL.
The reeve reported the job of gray -
The retirement a Mr. Benjamin
elling ori 6th fine completed tied re-
, Rothwell from the position of prin-
commended payment.
Mr. Mosgrove reported that he bad cipal of the Listewel public school,
let a job of gravelling on Morris after a, service of140 yeare, was felt
boundary to J,ohn McCracken at 30 bY the citizens Of that town to be
AIABB:kl`1' Iil'1N(1tiTB.
tvingbain, October lath, 185,,1.
orreeted by Y, Deane, Produce Dealer.
Flour Aar 100 Lbs.. . 1 85 to 2 00
Ifalt Wheat ,..•., 0 05 to 0 05
Spring Wheat .............. 0 Ott to 0 0�
Oats, New. 0 24 to 0 25
Iiwrloy'. , ... ...... ,. 0 88 to 0 85
Ilene 0 55 to 0 58
08 to 00'0 W,
05 to 0 00
40 to 0 50
17 to 0 18
Eggs per dozen ..... , -.,. 0 14 to 0 15
\Need per enrtl , , . , e , . , 1 50 to 1 7e
Ila; per ton .... 5 00 to 6 00
Potatoes, per bushel, . , .. 0 25 to 0 25
Tallow, per lb 0 S to 0 4
Dried Applos, por lb,.,. , 0 4 to,0, 5 ;Ilii
`wool..,....,, 00 to 00
Dressed boas,. 5 00 to 6 00;h
Chickens., s.,.0. 0 25 to 0 85•
Ducks, per pelt ............0
Duster.. ......, ,,,,, 0
71147,„="1110:114:37=3:12.7:0777".917 err•t�te�efa;d
� v�4i�YM:liir3.I:31:
ni i U PPR TOR T��6���� �"Qii�
It ,will pay you to come in and see our goods
;,i; and get c�tir prices. We arc this week patting into ;
stock a beautiful lot of,. �.�!e
el l
EGGS ---
I am. prepared to pay the highest
cash price for all good butter and ail„
eggs delivered at my warehouse 3!^11
peat• the G. T. 1i.
Itev. Elliott S. Rowe, of Toronto, L.
has been called 'to the pastorate of
the Metropolitan Methodist Church, I.
Vancouver, B. C., and has .accepted.
The Canadian Pacific Imperial
Limited has been withdrawn. Its
'place is to be taken by the .Pacifle &
Atlantic Express, which requires a
day more on its journay try Vancouv-
er than the Imperial Limited.
Satisfactory 'progress is being made
in winding up the Mowat estate, at
•Stratford, If a f"^ ;•�•»rice,'is realized
from the real esta- '3,epositors may
get from 25 to 3t" :--i: cent; if not,.
only 20 per cent., sbe paid:
in this Canada of ours to heed.
cents i,.�e a yard, t oturttut�r co pay for .tionof , and the matter was pl
Some of /he vaporings indulged in cost, Also that vel and rithe s og elling• fon the hands of a committee, whose
are silly in the extreme and the Morris boundary let to John Mc- labors culminated in the presentation
to Mr: Rothwell of an address and a
sinner of the lot. The News writes mended payment. gold watch and chain:
Mr.. Coupland reported that the
Montreal Star is perhaps„the worst Kinnon is completed and recom-
as follows :—
job job of ditching and removing culvert West 'York 'Conservatives met at.
The Hamilton Herald and Torontoon Culross boundary let to Donald Weston and nominated Mr. J. W.
Telegram are right when they eon -McCormick .is completed and reeom• St, John for the legislative assembly.
,tlemn the persistent attempts of Con mended payment. Also had along John Laidlaw, , - formerly a well-
dervative papers and politicians to with Mr. Jarvis, cout-culor, Culross, ,known merchant of Toronto, died
fasten the charges of disloyality let a job of a tile drain in I3r lmore on Sunday evening in bis 81st year,
Upon -Mr. Laurier, There was a to F. McLellan at $29,50, =contractor Mr. -Laidlaw had been a resident of
time, doubtless, when the disleyality to find everything. Culross -to pay Toronto for 61. years:
cry did good service to the Tory half cost, Turnberry and Howick to
party, It probably helped Sir John pay quarter of cost each. Also in -
Macdonald out of more than one, spected jobs of ,gravelling on 10th-
tight place, but Canadians are wiser concession line and 15th side road let
now. The world did not come to an to John McKinnon. Jobs completed
end or the British empire fall asunder and recommended 'payment. Also
let a job of gravelling on 8th con.
o line to John McKinnon at IA cents
per. rod 2 yards o£` gravel to rod,
township to nay for gravel. .•
Cruickshank—Mitcbell--That Mr.
do Copland let the , job of digging the
part of the Abram Drain thathas to'.
be done this year. Carried.
The following accounts were pas-
sed and orders on treasurer issued.
For gravel jos. Leech, $6.00; Joseph
i>Iiggins, $3.:50, for gravel and darn.
ages; Mrs. fladie, $6.72, for gravel;
Geo. Pocock, $2.70, for gravel; W. J.
iDeft$2.15, for tile;. John McKinnon,.
$38.80, for gravelling; Wm. Eagle-
son, 51,00, gravelling; D. Lewis, $5,
tile Drain; Chas. Henderson, $2:00,
Inspecting gravel; Donald Mc-
Korinick”, $10.00, ditching and re-
moving Culvert; R. W. Runeiman,
repairing :toad Machine, $2.00;
David Woods, repairing Culvert, $6;
Wm. McPherson, selecting Jurors,
83.00; John S. McTavish, tselecting
jurors, $3.00; John Bslrges, selecting
Jurors, $6.00.
Meeting adjourned to meet in
Maguire's Hall, Bluevale, November
$:A 0000
is a necessity, and
we can now. supply
you with one from
$4.50 up.
from peddlers or ad-
vertising fakes. Bet-
ter far to buy from
us, We warrant them
five years.
$' 20m 1899 at 10 o'clock a. 11f1,
Joltrt Donets, Clerk.
ONT.—In Culross, on' Oct. j?th, the
of Colin Lamont ; a son.
!eta�asfnN,--ln Culross, on Oct. 8th,
the wife of Robt. Whiteman a daughter,
Debar Else.—In Teeswater,. tin Oct.
7tlx, the wile of John 'Glalgleisb ; a
McItreoo—Ross—At the home of the
bride's tnotber, at= Port Perry,. nn Oct
'M8th, by Rev. Mr. `Hoseick, of Toronto,
r. M. H. Motnde°, general merchant,
of Wingbam, to Mies -Sarah Frances,
youngest daughter of the late Aara
Rosa, grain merchant. • of Port Parry
WIDST—,G ORDoN—On October lit , at .
the residence of the bride's father, by
Rey. John Abraham, assisted by Rev,
W. T. Hall, brother-in-law of the brid4,
Miss Victoria Pen tland,youngest daught-
er of Mr. J. K. Gordon, barrister and.
soli r. of Whitby, to Rev. W. J. West,
" , Presbyterian minieterat Bluevale.
ooi;a---HATOH—At the residence of
the tiride'e parents, Toronto, on Oat.
I0thr William Moore. formerly Wing
ham, to bliss Flossie Hatch.
"" 1111L .tN,--1ri -
Culross, on Ont. Gth,
Mary Millan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
P. Millanii0/004 28 years, 8 months and
22 aye.
'Snowfcas—Tn Oct.,15t1i,
the W`ff Mr. Alex. Showers, a daught-
oi'rArd—In Winghate on (lot„ 14th,
wife of Mr. Harry Hopper, a sett.
snaaso. —41:1 'W'iegbam,. on Ooto r
8tli, Margaret Anderson, repot of
the late Peter Anderson, aged 73 years,
1 month and 24 days.
IWhy, let your .neighbors
know it?
And why give them a
chance to guess you are even
five or ten years more?
Better give them good
reasons for guessing tho
other way. It is very easy;
for nothing tells of age so
quickly as gray hair.
- i• ts a youth -renewer.
It hides the age under a
luxuriant growth of hair the
color of youth. •
- It never ,fails to restore
' color to gray hair. It^will
' stop the hair from coming
out or
It Peels hair `bulbs.
Thinalshair becoithehesthick hair,
and short hair becon;eslong
• lit cleanses the scalp y. res
moves alt dandruff,, and
prevents its fortnation.
We have a book on the
Nair which we will gladly
send you.
1f you d6 not obt►in nit t e-bono•
❑ts you expected from the use of the
vfaor. *rite the` doctor about it.
Trobahiy there ii tomo difficulty
with your fienerai stem which
in iy bo ehally. removed. Andres0.
Dr. J. e. Ayer. Lowell, Mats.
,t f'?' L j !
Remember this is head-
quarters for
Made aI' White Duck, Blue 11
Denim and Cottonade. There
is . no-- better make than • the
"Arn'i and hammer Brand."
' See our Fleece -Lined (all -wool fleece) Under-
we,ar for,men. This is without doubt T,Jni Wi3
der -wear for health and comfort. We have the•best. ' eu6ti
. Did you see the New Skirt Supporter. We
ave them.' You cannot afford to be without one. sill
They are cheap.
.. IC -7E
e Macdonald Block, Wingham. �'
e��:.-��_�' _ _ ' era=A _ e.>aea__n�!! c _ a zk. ,I ; C..r..�l"' fibril
�ea�'_E_.s.'.-�Si`�, zE==_g"-_s�=��e=��e_=_a>=_a7=A=�_��'`a'ai=_�_��==='a��r��g;=�a���_�ei�•�E�==�i{�c=�s�y3
Orowffig 11[118
The demand for better goods is growing
and to rneet' it go -to .
Greer's for IM GRADE
'Which are $old at the very lowest
price for cash.
` See*our It bbers, .Trunks and Valises.
We build our pumps to last for
years and have them in price front
$2.50 up. •
.Brass Cylinders and Galvanized
Iron Piping.
We have a fail stock of the above.
Cell and get prices when in need
of anything in our line
Joini rELTON,
Opp. Beattie's Livery cc,�,+d►,+l�pi,, +ilvi �,la 1r ► tri dl ,�,�;,i �,'i ,t�
� 1R '1li..%;* . %i it t.'N,'r R'11h,'v!11.4.11,1b, 'iell'N o
Miss MacPhetscin
Wishes to thank. the Ladies of Wingham and vicinity
for their kind and liberal patronage of the past sea-
son, and for their kindness in attending her Mininery
Display on Tuesday and following days. She is
pow Billy prepared to 'have all orders filled in the most
fa shititlable; and speedy manner possible.