HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-20, Page 1VOL, XXVII,"'-NO. 1435,
.., ON. .
We have stili lots of Dry Goods
and Groceries to dispose of, and the
stoeft is pretty well assorted as y et ;
don't pass over this great opportunity
to buy goods as cheap as we are
Belling them ; don't forket, that if we
have anything you want, yon can
have it at cost, and in ,many lines
below cost. We have pet in the
knife again and have'cut the prices
of about half our stook away below
cost ; we want to get rid of Dry
Goods and Groceries as soon As pos-
sible, and, if selling cheap will do it,
we shall gain our object. Dent miss
this chance, bat "Call,and:let us quote
iprices and you wilt.1,ay to buy.
We wish to itopress upon the
public the fact• that we are in the
'Clothing (to ordeir and read
Boots and Shoes and Gents' Furnish-
ing business
urnishing.business TO STAY, find, inthew
lines we show a larder and better
Stook than Can be found .elsewhere,
and at
right prices. " Our Tailoring
Department is booming and giving
,great satisfaction.. Don't forget to
,give u8 a chance to make that Fall
Suit or Overcoat Lott are wanting.
M A welcome an
From .$ . '5
All the: newest shapes and
patterns and the best values
obtair,aae at
• W4wr ,—A good emery boy wanted at
once to learn the printing busiueas, Apply
at the Trans office.
,worn To THE Pi me --Mr ,John 1�err
has had the Cash C rier Seen= pieced
in hia store. Mt•
front rank in the wa
Roar GnuanAaWr,
this issue will be f
sketch of the life of
of Etuevale. The
the Tame by a frien
Oun NEw Sneevw
ber made good proyy
Ikthie walks durinsl
Lute true, —til accounts and notes du e Woo»x Weemee.
.Jas Duffield meet be paid within t
weehe. We're dead is earnest now; / ;.
call, You, will tins me est the ofd shore
Jae. DDEFIELw, Wingharn.
err is elwaye in the Deem Pam:tee—M. • W tl b tt on has
Hen tenon, of the 131
the fifth anniversary
Tuesday evening
they line to celebra
o •e s this kind is the Noe
of imp:. e+nents, i received a supply of ear bunting licenses Ladies t For ti it
In another page of i for the present seam -, which begins en
0 f
can be
a or by
�ant an interesting the first of Novernbe next. Th price 0
r liobt Greenaway, the !teepee se two do are and the
bole was arittel? for obtained on porsors,l appiie
"and is well worth snail thrust/1i Mr Bdbtrts
Hoare Peale -Pm
of the Sem •elf Wa
spent the naet• tin
and the West, in t
fr. and Mrs T. M: ; .,R��.,, •, , .
vale road celebrated %4: . .
marrt ,
their linme + ay .IF ] 11 H /t VE
many more sets of Z J 6 1!^1/ ��•
of slicer fri , s. "pp* �" /�•�
up•t• d = .: nes go to A A TASTF � A
asr. r C AI ,Walker,
er & Cies, tubo has
e menthe in Manitoba
•[, a interests of the Wing
' PunwniAee» A ..-nor nTY,- Tr M 1•I 'AleIn -`'ham 1urnitlre fac r returned home on
doo, ono of Wire:bet .'s foremort' businvsa Tuesday evening. Walker is always
bite.—Contractor Bar- men, has purchased rrorn Mr Bent Will- suceeesfil in sect ing large orders when
cess or. the weneather
nestllo. •son, his desirable pt—petty on Josephine away on these trees'.
the fine weather iSi'last street at resent oc tied by C•'znduotor
1 P Cx0>♦a. xo Panto-ea.D Pringle, who
Quirk, '1 his is one f the best roperties lots been a reside ,t of I'Virgbam for the
in Wingharn and wi1 snake a ere, desir- past year, and pr ssvioos to that a resident
able hatne for Mr M igloo We ender- of the' town for any years, leaves on
t•tand the [ r,oe pa was slight slyer Wednesday nett f r Itis borne in Petrolia,
week, The streets ort wliioh the walks
have been couplet ;I aro Frances, Shuter,
• Alfred, Edward, a d Patrick: Work has
beep commenced c- the wallt on Josephine
street from the G T R, crossing to the 3,000. n
. Werieet .—A� girl to run a R sewing Foment ilssrounx's
machine; also two boys to learn cabinet Henderson, a former
reeking. Apply to - vale road, died at Str
Waxen a Ceeeu. stay of last week,
Henee WxLL LEA».' -A MoD Allan, who well•known by many
funeral was held on F
has been procuring f. lit in various parts
:Thee Chirsa $ou6e. • Wingtiani..of the Dorninion for he Poria Exhibition alien and was utter*fisc
of nein near, is auteetrity for the state= and Mrs Wn
went that, the count; of Huron is going to :dater of ti
be•the banner count' , so far as the exhibit demon,
of apples is oonoer ed, This ,will be will h,tveLbe syrnpat
something to the of Sit o,
should be a good afire
Qtrnton New Era.
DIED IN D eraozr:
ion, of Norw,ioh, s
•Eelvie of this to
New advertgerneyte from the following people
will be fouifd is Mipther column of this ls3ue:-
W, J. Gfeor-Tho fi•rowher Ttnie,
W, J. Greer—Speciale.
'T. A. Mille-Speolal 13'rgaine.
Soho Hanna-lirerks the ttoeord.
John Hanna -Special.
J, 0rnWe-Auotton Sale.
J. E, Daviel -To init or Not to'rit.
• • v(rnLobvtr] 'P'o L• A•rJRIl i{�.
Wefcprae•'the people's choice,
Welcome with heart and voice,
Welcome Laurier..
Far let the shout prooiairn,
Joy for an hoeorsd name,
Weloome Laurer. •
Let the loud trumpets blare,
drumrollfill the air,
d ,.
�!, t .
Welcome Lankier-•
Bent thoughts of race and creed, -
• Blenhood'e the country's need,
• Welcome Laurier.
Wfnsham extends to thee, to subscribe to t .great paper, The tinned tardiness was
e bereaved
be eonpty, and
went for Lt.- Tete neat liver
of Toronto, ,1r liver
t]Zrs, Emma LawrAverage Man," in
ter of Mrs, Jan Ala-• Churols on Tuesday
wl. • - TheTheaudience was
u, and: ho was wel
known in town, dii suddenly at the home have been, owing,
agreeable weatt,er:
of •ber sister, alrati'farii, in Detr ' . De- speaker, were very
ceased, took sick fa Friday g. sad those present. 11
died on Saturday afternoon, tie• leaves copied the chair:
two young cbikdre and brothe s
and sisters of the lecture will
to mourn her lose . Mrs. 11ioEelxie • left on
11r Pringle has b
11n ee e •A.dsm .'•enterprising oitize�
esident, 01 the Blue- residence here, buil
thallau, ort Wednesw J. a ties 'purobesed
re Henderson was P'etrolia, and we w
four readers. The prosperity in their
iday last at Strath- . Bs Beenx.--Fhvt
by Mr A, Murphy
on. sr, brother and
tiro Mr Cbae Hen
relatives and friends
y of the community.
Itev Morgan Wood;
hia lecture, "The
the Congregational
tveiling of this week.
E as Large es it°migbt
toiebt, to the die -
The remarks from the
=eh appreciated by
Robs Currie, er,oc-
more extended report
,pear in our next issue.
Monday We:gTi n—(i't short term plan. A. young
Nerwieh. • • to Webster &. Co, Queen's Block, Wing -
THEY AxR BEA CIEs 1—The two prereinni ham.
pictures far Earr Ty Herald and Weekly A Glamor ttosxcc. .--The following is
-Star readera are ging .distributed to enb- : taken. froT% an exalt, ge..- 1. ctnce knew a
o led the orchestra in
is tints player was
e leader's scoldings
est. finally the
player that con- !eon, Mich.,
morning. attend the funekal at man to learn tailoring'
and cutting. Apply
•scribers. They a e beauties ! : ne is the. German musician w
battle of "Alma,' in colors, e other is a ama11 theater.
entitled "+"Pussy - A11 yearly• always late, curt yet
subscribers get b e, on receipt of a seemed to have eio
year's aubscriptio • no dollar). ' 1t pays cornetist told the tint
welcome Laurier. Family Herald an Weekly Star, of Mont- his position, sa he 'o
' s itself. Canada should was thereafter the firs
be proud of it... ' Ieader tilos referred t
""Heys, vos ist loos rni
have accepted steel situations. We Cu
i got on track of eighteen situations J
for graduates in fr.urteen days,. _We
have received as mita as ou ap-
for otli..e help in one day. 1!,
,j Six American business 9 g
and two Canadian schools have re -r
Cently applied to up for our gradu- r
ates to teach to their setloole. L
this is Pz
e `.
evidence Ti
that (Mr college ax.els in many n
ways, htgives 6,., lr
-T Z. Taal is iu a plea
See Halsey Park's. advertisement.
TINES CLEDBI,Er+ ATLs.—On page seven
Of this issue will foand a. list of papers
which will be club d with the TratEs, also
Dr. Butler,gf London, Will be at the - tbe •pride for sane Our resdders will
Queen's Hotel, Wing6aitn, on the first .,notion that we hav slightly increased creased the
Wednesday of each month from 11.80 a.m, price cf the Tram nd Weokly. Globe front
till 3 "o'elook• p. m.,for consultation in 01.25 to 41 85, '2 is•inarease is due to an
inorease of pries f em , the Globe people,.
PaorEnTY:, lreksa JIr, D. Pringle which was caused by peatage being im•
has sold hie three co ges the corner of
posed oft newsPa @ rs.
We tienta
Edward and Johdees to. Mies ValliE.
readers will bears th us in the facreaae,
Jolinston of this to n.. ' ' and we look for • large :increase in our.
Gut Bois.' MIN ,vos•-.Gey Bros.' Dain- subaoription list d ing tbe next few weeks.
strels will appear a the . Wingham opera New subscribers s uld make it a point to
house on Friday :everting, Qatober. 27tb. subscribe early as be balance of the year
Tbe-cotiipany th year have enanytltew is included free to ew subserxbers for any
people with them abd tyre carrying their of theweekly(pape:• in our list. Send
own sceneryfttr use fi'rstpart of.their en- alongyour names nd secure good, ebeap
e•otd lav rites wi11 likely reading matter.
Fort•ySeee,—Four littst•class show eases,
in good repair, 'for sale. Apply to Jas
MoKelvie, 'at the Star restaurant.
diseases of the eye; ear, nose and throat.
tertainment• T
training for business life. Students lr
admitted' at any time, 'Waite for
our' handeotne prospectus. Ad-
d reset
W. J. EIILIOTT, Principal,
Centrai.Busfriess College,
Stratfbrd, Oiit.
litarrlage• X.t@enbeb
issued lay. PROM ''ATER$01' , No 23, Vie--
fita, street, Wingham, Ont, No witnesses
clU usred.
be greeted,with foil Mousse r,
•Y$Aa )3port 0 CANADA.;—Iiia etatistioal
year book of 0 nude, foe' 1898, the tour-,teenth year di. sae, compiled under th
direction Of. Mr George Johnston, Darnin•
ion statistician tias,just been issued. It is
a'cotnpendiur Of'!nforntation bre suck
,matters as cat -lie !arranged in statietioat
form which re deteit invaluable for refer,
enoei arid 10 :'i}g Could not be obtained
without mat+ = volumes of blue books.
There are Oh r subject's dealt with sttoh a
sltort,histaryf f'.Oapada,' an 'outline of the
constitution ' and.. government, ' treaties
affecting Can la,•and land regulations, be-
sides the tabl :that ale aigo useful..
l',E,t»ZNG A
our reader`s vl
rupture shotsi'
Y ,Egan, Iler
.* visit to Wingh
1 Imes and rlay,•(a,11 say at
Oct 25th. ,.
• •Wetness .afar
thivty years of
exelusiv ' tree.
11 , tar uary 1st,
new subscribers.,
React our clubbing rates on
e of this. issue. The
'wi interest you.
Renee, Com.TY''1
donvention of the P
O was held id the -6i
church at O1iat,n;.+
weep. ,&.bent 26 d
points in the taunty
their little bows of
convention commeni
with the Peeskdent,
l T V.2 -The annual
Iron County W C T
ario street Methodist
t Wednesday of Iasis.
agates from different
iefe in town wearing
bite ribbon. ribbon. The
ii about 9,80 a m
[Les .It M p'isher, of
Winghatn, in the cair. Art addeess of
welnome wee g - ors,
Iiolmesville,•which 'ns responded to by
;Mrs J Stewat,F, Sea ;rtb. Thb reports of
outs, Comate. --Those of oottnty anperinten ents of the various
fitsffei from any farm of d'epartiitents brougXt forth excellent papers
not feu tti consult with J from ldrs Eollend,'Goderieh, on a"Work
is.''Spscialiet, dotting his ' among sailors said •shermeo," Mrs Tl' MO.
;.Queen's Rotel, W.ednee• Giilliouddy, Gloderi h, on 0Press Work,"'
• evening) one day only, : AlrttEtla Acheson: Goderieh, on ""Saien.
etstle*iretn's social and gists Temperano0, etruottoa in Scbnols,"
-combined Viiith hia, M�re'Cglbortte, Go rich, on ""medal Con.
atoeert ul practice' in the,. teat,"• Mrs i3id leootnbe,''.Clinton, on
s et of this menacing ,'.Work emcee .mbermeh,"' and Mrs
SEafllibtat'tr shoal be *efficient guarantee to Cpniteir, 'Seafol'th�'s'' us "Literature." Mrs
• those who are feted that be le the most Gordon Wright, resident of the London
ken liv 'Mrs Elf
competent tt) • rust your eases ia-aa W €L ' V.was pre enb and made a Melt.
you Lire then irr r the care of a gentleman • bur of the Union. The noontide hour olx
ed byMrs •Wr3 ht • n l sed
who ie sincere is peaking fie. 'he thiole, prayer 1 g oa a u thu
believing as he'p Tends, toting as he pro• morning meeting Tire evening service
tosses, pertornmi g as he pratrtttttktt and ' wail interesting arid ittetteitibiwe ; the ohitf
j J'r1g. cry' he app e*r■ to be•�-that 'is what attraction being n inapttitig address en
Mr J 51 Lgan, atweys dace --and' it ;is. "What should be the pri,setit attitude of
therefore not tr be wondered at thin he It prohibitionists award the temperanoe
meeting'with ; ueh great ennoeltg••"••,ail of queetlOn" by Mr; Gordon Wright, who is a
which be undo btedly deserves, Sett "Ad" oonreoreted anal cleated leo., Thebes.
in. this issue., rtiiorir lvtira An Veit welt attended
u one of Wingham's V
, having, during his Vel
three dwelling houses.
a stock farm near
h himself and family
ew home,
should be thrown to
the doge, but there e certain "household
remedies" and "fir -aids to the injured"
that, should aiw be ready for use,
Marion Harland o loins just what they
are in the first f the four volumes
""Health Topics" sensed to each sub-
scriber who takes vantage of the club.
bing offer for.T000 f The Weekly Globe,
which has been to ver 55 years, and is
now, Canada's lea g family newspaper,
from now to Senn ist, 1'001, for one
dollar, and Mari et Hariand's latest book
"Bits of Compel: tense," four volumes.
.Sent free; poste e • repaid. The Trent
and Weekly Glo 'e '111 only cost you 41.35
until January 1 $, ,01, or $1.00 for the
Tam, `Globe n� Marion l3arland's
Oar , i 'Woodstock his
Mr Preeman a isn oo t t
Mr. Malcolm Lammnt was in Ripley for
a few days.
Mrs Findlay left 1 re this week for Fil-
earty of tete." eYa
"You, alwui net. to b
"Yell:? '•IIudt I vos
ayt iz, sit '
winch, f• 1'..it•r i'Ett
welding took place et
late Aaron Ross lit Por
one time one of Port P
on 1\ d teed
hese ruse, r s
weep, when his young
Sural Frances, was,un
Mr M 1I 11o[ndco, cue
much respected busine
The oerernrnv was per
lir FIoe$tek„of
immediate frieuda an
Mrs Afelndoo arrived
evening and will lav
wick House for a few
will then occupy the
11 Mc1edoo for the t
It 61 1ot1oo intend
California, Next
McTndoo will oecn
ce which be recta!
Willson. The me
will join the Tare
bride many year
Wedded life.
for the most beautiful A
flowers ever distilled caul nod p
oak tR eee our g.
Vera Violetta
Pean d'Espagne
Swiss Heliotrope
Highland Heather %f
English Violets V/
Marchale Rose V
Campbell's Headache 'Wafers guaran-
teed to pure headache,
—Yesterday wa4Tbanksgivi • ay.
For choice and quality in ubbers go to
J Gneen's.
—The Mayor, C! k and Assessor were
selecting jurors th' week.
—Tax Collector oberteor1 Was busy de-
livering his notion this week.
—The Tines clu bin g •rates , page /of
this issue.shoul4• terest y
at $i.00 cam: for
—Mr Chas Gi
apples from Rkp
usual this week
--lir Wm A
T E Bowels' re
- -Burchill a
of cattle and a
A'Iona .
Fresh Baltimore: oysters served in „any
style at Jas MaKelvie�s Star restauraiti.
Messrs R E /cKenzie and 'tV Clegg
each shipped .two care of grain for export
L. +i:. Black. Mantles
a , .ay.
espie shipped two cars of
y station this week,..
issued a day earlierthan
Thanksgiving holiday.
nour has moved into A'Cr
deuce on Diagonal street.
d Robertson sbipped a car
ar of bogs to Toronto on
rtain to enst him Arthur Fellrnan ± visiting with friends this week.
to early—in feet in Goderiob this w ek, —Our two but hers, Wm Diamond and
to arrive. The ' Mrs John Giilesp is visiting this week Thos Fields, have had telephones placed in,
his proutptness : with friends at Mil }fink. their shops this eek.
you P You vos
,” replied Hans.
pehind pefore."
ad to you first
',—A quiet home
to beam of the
Perry, who was at
y s lsadtng
ft ie
mooing c th
t danglzter, Miss
ed in marriage to
f the leading and
:pen of this town
rmed by the Re
, in the presence of
relatives. Mr and
r town on Thursday
rooms in the'Bruns
weeks, when they
oma of Mr and Mrs
rater. Air end Mrs
ending •the winter in
ring Mr and Itirs M H
the beautiful residen-
ly purchased from 14Ir
friends of Mr McIndoo
in wiahtug himself and
of happy and .prosperous
i' i
,A►jn Spectacle
is no more adapted to your
face than any coat to
your body.
The fit of the frame is as
important as the fit of
the iensesa
.make a specialty
'Airs (Dr) Horsey is visiting with her -Large quanf 1cs of coal and cement
parents, Dr and Air Macdonald,
have been receiv I' by the 'Wingham hard -
Miss F Hogg, of russels, teas visiting ware merchants _Ms week.
with Wingham Incide this wegk. Just arrived, a car of Portland Cement
Mrs John McDci gh is visiting with her v J CLEe'o & Co.
a titer in Mar1c m this week. —Mr R Allan, Goderieh, has porcbas-
r 141; B Zurbrig; is spending p, few as s ed $1r J Gibed 's bakery and confection=
this week with fri •ads in Brunner eryf mess at geraoll,
Thedt illi
herr i in
work continue
•Air Milt Hemet has returned homeg
11 •the eal:lock,
a the newsale at s
from a couple of w fila visit at T)etroit, t 1 They
Mr Roy Shue: of the TIMES staff, have now dritle over 450 feet.
s,; „t Tbankegivfn ; at his home iu Preston. —The 0 P R elegraph Ca have opened
r W Clark,. of 'te Bank of Hamilton,
an office in List wel. The line has been
spent Sunda al
hia .home in Mount extended from moisten to Listowel.
I crest. Y We guarantee •Dampo" to cure tired,
acro or aweatin feet or money refunded.
Miss Sbaie, of 't-'ratford, is visiting at Campbell's dru store.
the home of he brother, Mr Frank —After eeve allures the Shamrock and
Shore. Columbia saile • a race on Tuesday. The
Mr Ernest Wall nd, of Sarnia, spent • eat the Britisher by tea
$unsay in'town, a uest at the borne of E
lieKin an. gent Gordon would like to
s F H Roderu is *pending a few days party who took his umbrella
this week with h daughter, who resides from the G. . R. station on Tuesday af-
near Btytli. ternoon.
lllr Jas Ferg on, representing The Dr. Macdonald is now permanefxtllt
Noxon Co, of Inge soli, was in town a few at honie and eau be consulted by
days this week: his patrons.
Iniac Carrie 1 h is spending the .-The W C U will meet Tuesday
Thanksgiving holi ays with relatives and afternoon at 8 o' lock sharp, in the I 0 F'
friends in Guelph hall, Chisholm ok. A large attendance
•Mrs W 0 Mayo , and Babe ha ve return. is desired.
ed home from a o weeks' visit with —Mr E 0 Cla e has moved into his neve
Ed -
Mende in Detroit home on the e ner of Patrick and Ed -
Miss Edith Ole ke bas returned home ward streets, w ick he recently purchased
from Toronto; wli re elle had been visiting from T 11 nos
friends fora few eeks. -_ ..$russels h s laid down 80,044 feet of
lir J C `etfor manager of the Bank of granolithic W t this season, exclusive of
Tlamilton at Ch ley, Bpent part of bit rivate walks ' The contractors were paid
ho ' ys in tilling stn this week. 10 cense per f t, which amounts to 43,004.
/A r and Mrs F Sperling and , Mr and This was a b summer's work.
'Mrs W T S Horn th, of Wk bate, were
Blyth visitors on Sunday, myth 'Stand- Five build *wailer tots on tho corner aE
Patrick end rung streets, well fenoea
rd fence, for Bale. Apply
ox 107, Wingham, 81 •
Yankee boat
—G. T. R,'
hear from th
"rata dike %VM gasti%nge returned toll Lamont ,
home '00 ySatu -lay lest from Ohscago, Thi both yl
where 'the liner a couple of weeks with
■ nit running to
re es:ana fri ride, aoaah attached
r Mae She A loft town on:,Tuteday h onto e"
morning for Sal t Stn Marie. He has so. 10 � to Chang
Stifled a good eit'-tion at the above oe
anti will s fid 'winter there, ,bTocr tti
Iilr CVill Lam ell, who has epent the again rolled
ew month in Winnipeg. retorted commando
of both.... . �� pr,� t
U 5, '' tr DAVIS, IS, limnt
s on iffoatls night, Iia wilt again be of news se,
1SRtJGGt1S1` AND OP'l`lCIAN, ' found behind the counter in MI3 Mein.. wanted a Ise
doe s Mort, stance your
enger trains on the 0 P
onto have a flret•olaee
The coach goes through
that passengers Will not
at Orangeville as formerly:,
the long 'evenings have
round, we kindly ask our
to tend ns in good budget*
week. cif seppliee are
t card to the Tosses will
Mute to be supplied.
.1 ....i: it.,'